note description: "Input Method Editor." legal: "See notice at end of class." status: "See notice at end of class." author: "" date: "$Date$" revision: "$Revision$" class WEL_INPUT_METHOD_EDITOR inherit ANY WEL_IME_CONSTANTS export {NONE} all end create make feature --Initialization make (a_input_context: POINTER; a_input_locale: POINTER) do input_context := a_input_context input_locale := a_input_locale create composition_string.make (a_input_context) end feature --Access input_locale: POINTER -- Handle to the input locale associated with this IME input_context: POINTER -- Handle to the input context maintained by the IME description: STRING_32 -- Retrieve the description of the current IME local buffer: POINTER nb: INTEGER l_string: WEL_STRING do nb := cwel_get_imm_description(input_locale, $buffer, 0) create l_string.make_empty (nb + 1) nb := cwel_get_imm_description(input_locale, l_string.item, nb) Result := l_string.string ensure result_not_void: Result /= Void end filename: STRING_32 -- The filename of the IME local buffer: POINTER nb: INTEGER l_string: WEL_STRING do nb := cwel_get_imm_ime_filename (input_locale, $buffer, 0) create l_string.make_empty (nb + 1) nb := cwel_get_imm_ime_filename (input_locale, l_string.item, nb) Result := l_string.string ensure result_not_void: Result /= Void end filename_by_locale (a_input_locale: POINTER): STRING_32 -- The filename of the IME associated with the 'input_loc' input locale local buffer: POINTER l_string: WEL_STRING nb: INTEGER do nb := cwel_get_imm_ime_filename(a_input_locale, $buffer, 0) create l_string.make_empty (nb + 1) nb := cwel_get_imm_ime_filename(a_input_locale, l_string.item, nb) Result := l_string.string ensure result_not_void: Result /= Void end conversion_mode: INTEGER -- Value representing combination of conversion mode values from WEL_IME_CONSTANTS sentence_mode: INTEGER -- Value representing combination of sentence mode values from WEL_IME_CONSTANTS feature --Status Setting open -- Open the IME do opened := cwel_set_open_status (input_context, True) ensure not_closed: opened = True end close -- Close the IME do opened := cwel_set_open_status (input_context, False) ensure not_open: opened = False end dialog_configure (a_parent: POINTER) -- Open the configuration dialog for the IME associated with 'a_parent' local a_bool: BOOLEAN do a_bool := cwel_imm_configure_ime (input_locale, a_parent, Ime_config_general, 0) end regword_configure (a_parent: POINTER) -- Displays the register word dialog box for the current IME associated with -- 'a_parent' local a_bool: BOOLEAN do a_bool := cwel_imm_configure_ime (input_locale, a_parent, Ime_config_register_word, 0) end dictionary_configure (a_parent: POINTER) -- Displays the dictionary dialog box for the current IME associated with -- 'a_parent' local a_bool: BOOLEAN do a_bool := cwel_imm_configure_ime (input_locale, a_parent, Ime_config_selectdictionary, 0) end set_conversion_status (a_conv_mode: INTEGER) -- Set the conversion status with 'a_conv_mode' require valid_conv_mode: local a_bool: BOOLEAN do a_bool := cwel_set_conversion_status (input_context, a_conv_mode, 0) if a_bool then conversion_mode := a_conv_mode end end set_sentence_status (a_sent_mode: INTEGER) -- Set the sentence status with 'a_sent_mode' local a_bool: BOOLEAN do a_bool := cwel_set_conversion_status (input_context, 0, a_sent_mode) if a_bool then sentence_mode := a_sent_mode end end move_composition_window (a_x, a_y: INTEGER) -- Move the composition window to x,y position require x_valid: a_x >= 0 y_valid: a_y >= 0 local moved: BOOLEAN pt: WEL_POINT cf: WEL_COMPOSITION_FORM do create pt.make (a_x, a_y) create cf.make cf.set_point (pt) moved := cwel_ime_move_composition_window (input_context, cf.item) end move_status_window (a_x, a_y: INTEGER) -- Move the status window to x,y position require x_valid: a_x >= 0 y_valid: a_y >= 0 local moved: BOOLEAN pt: WEL_POINT do create pt.make (a_x, a_y) moved := cwel_ime_move_status_window (input_context, pt.item) end feature --Status Report opened: BOOLEAN -- Is IME open or closed? composition_string: WEL_IME_COMPOSITION_STRING -- The composition string get_conversion_status -- Retrieve the conversion status into 'conversion_mode' and 'sentence_mode' local a_bool: BOOLEAN do a_bool := cwel_get_conversion_status (input_context, $conversion_mode, $sentence_mode) end get_property (a_prop_type: INTEGER): INTEGER -- The property and capabilities of the 'prop_type' as found in WEL_IME_CONSTANTS do Result := cwel_get_imm_property(input_locale, a_prop_type) end feature {NONE} -- Externals cwel_get_imm_description (key_layout: POINTER; dest: POINTER; buff_len: INTEGER): INTEGER -- Given a keyboard layout `hKl' return associated IME description string in `dest' external "dllwin imm32.dll signature (HKL, LPTSTR, UINT): UINT use " alias "ImmGetDescriptionW" end cwel_get_imm_ime_filename (key_layout, dest: POINTER; buff_len: INTEGER): INTEGER -- Given a keyboard layout `hKl' return associated IME description string in `dest' external "dllwin imm32.dll signature (HKL, LPTSTR, UINT): UINT use " alias "ImmGetIMEFileNameW" end cwel_get_imm_property (key_layout: POINTER; a_property: INTEGER): INTEGER -- Get the property and capabilities of the IME associated with the specified keyboard layout external "dllwin imm32.dll signature (HKL, DWORD): DWORD use " alias "ImmGetProperty" end cwel_set_open_status (a_input_locale: POINTER; open_flag: BOOLEAN): BOOLEAN -- Open or close the IME associated with the input context external "dllwin imm32.dll signature (HIMC, BOOL): BOOL use " alias "ImmSetOpenStatus" end cwel_imm_configure_ime (a_input_loc, a_window: POINTER; flag, mode: INTEGER): BOOLEAN -- external "dllwin imm32.dll signature (HKL, HWND, DWORD, LPVOID): BOOL use " alias "ImmConfigureIME" end cwel_get_conversion_status (a_input_context, a_conv_mode, a_sent_mode: POINTER): BOOLEAN -- Get the conversion and/or sentence mode status into 'conv_mode' and 'sent_mode' external "dllwin imm32.dll signature (HIMC, LPDWORD, LPDWORD): EIF_BOOLEAN use " alias "ImmGetConversionStatus" end cwel_set_conversion_status (a_input_cont: POINTER; a_conv_mode, a_sent_mode: INTEGER): BOOLEAN -- Set the conversion and/or sentence mode status from values of 'conv_mode' and 'sent_mode' external "dllwin imm32.dll signature (HIMC, DWORD, DWORD): BOOL use " alias "ImmSetConversionStatus" end cwel_ime_move_composition_window (a_input_context, a_comp_form: POINTER): BOOLEAN -- external "dllwin imm32.dll signature (HIMC, LPCOMPOSITIONFORM): BOOL use " alias "ImmSetCompositionWindow" end cwel_ime_move_status_window (a_input_context, a_point: POINTER): BOOLEAN -- external "dllwin imm32.dll signature (HIMC, LPPOINT): BOOL use " alias "ImmSetStatusWindowPos" end note copyright: "Copyright (c) 1984-2006, Eiffel Software and others" license: "Eiffel Forum License v2 (see" source: "[ Eiffel Software 356 Storke Road, Goleta, CA 93117 USA Telephone 805-685-1006, Fax 805-685-6869 Website Customer support ]" end -- class WEL_INPUT_METHOD_EDITOR