note legal: "See notice at end of class." status: "See notice at end of class." class GAME inherit GAME_CONSTANTS create make feature {NONE} -- Initialization make (no_cards: INTEGER) -- Create the columns, cells and the cards require maximum_number_of_cards: no_cards < 53 minimum_number_of_cards: no_cards > 0 local i: INTEGER do create columns.make_empty create the_card_numbers.make create xcells.make_filled (0, 1, Number_of_cells) create home_cells.make_filled (0, 1, Number_of_cells) number_of_cards := no_cards from i := 1 until i > Number_of_columns loop columns.force (create {COLUMN [INTEGER]}.make, i) i := i + 1 end from i := 1 until i > Number_of_cells loop home_cells.force (i - 1, i) i := i + 1 end from i := First_card until i > number_of_cards + Card_offset loop the_card_numbers.extend (i) i := i + 1 end create_the_cards end feature -- Status report legal_candidate: BOOLEAN -- Are the current settings for destination -- and source legal to make a move? do if go_to = go_from then Result := False else if go_from > Column_offset then if go_to > Column_offset then if go_to > Home_cell_offset then -- column to home if legal_from_xcell_or_column_to_home then state_change := 1 Result := True end else -- column to column if legal_from_xcell_or_column_to_column then state_change := 2 Result := True end end else if go_to <= Column_offset then -- column to xcell if legal_from_column_to_xcell then state_change := 3 Result := True end end end else if go_to > Column_offset and go_to <= Home_cell_offset then -- xcell to column if legal_from_xcell_or_column_to_column then state_change := 4 Result := True end end if go_to > Home_cell_offset then -- xcell to home if legal_from_xcell_or_column_to_home then state_change := 5 Result := True end end end end end goal_state: BOOLEAN -- Is the game in the goal_state? local i: INTEGER do from i := 1 Result := True until i > Number_of_columns or not Result loop Result := Result and column_empty (i) i := i + 1 end from i := 1 until i > Number_of_cells or not Result loop Result := Result and xcell_empty (i) i := i + 1 end end feature -- Access the_cards: ARRAY [CARD] -- The cards in the game columns: ARRAY [COLUMN [INTEGER]] -- The columns in the game state_change: INTEGER -- The change which is to be made if there -- is a `legal_candidate' card_in_xcell (a_card:CARD; a_xcell: INTEGER): BOOLEAN -- Is `a_card' in xcell `a_xcell'? do Result := xcells.entry (a_xcell) = a_card.card_number end top_of_column (a_card: CARD; a_column: INTEGER): BOOLEAN -- Is `a_card' top of column `a_column' require valid_column_less: a_column <= Number_of_columns valid_column_greater: a_column > 0 not_empty: not (columns @ a_column).is_empty do Result := (columns @ a_column).the_top = a_card.card_number end card_from_xcell (cell_number: INTEGER): INTEGER -- The card from xcell `cell_number' require valid_cell_less: cell_number <= Number_of_cells valid_cell_greater: cell_number > 0 do Result := xcells.entry (cell_number) end card_from_home_cell (cell_number: INTEGER): INTEGER -- The card from home_cell `cell_number' require valid_cell_less: cell_number <= Number_of_cells valid_cell_greater: cell_number > 0 do Result := home_cells.entry (cell_number) end card_from_top_of_column (column_number: INTEGER): INTEGER -- The card from top of column `column_number' require valid_column_less: column_number <= Number_of_columns valid_column_greater: column_number > 0 not_empty: not (columns @ column_number).is_empty do Result := (columns @ column_number).the_top end xcell_empty (cell_number: INTEGER): BOOLEAN -- Is the xcell corresponding to `cell_number' empty? require valid_cell_less: cell_number <= Number_of_cells valid_cell_greater: cell_number > 0 do Result := xcells.entry (cell_number) = 0 end home_cell_empty (cell_number: INTEGER): BOOLEAN -- Is the home_cell corresponding to `cell_number' empty? require valid_cell_less: cell_number <= Number_of_cells valid_cell_greater: cell_number > 0 do Result := home_cells.entry (cell_number) <= Card_offset end column_empty (column_number: INTEGER): BOOLEAN -- Is the column corresponding to `column_number' empty? require valid_column_less: column_number <= Number_of_columns valid_column_greater: column_number > 0 do Result := (columns @ column_number).is_empty end one_from_top_in_column (a_column: INTEGER): INTEGER -- The card number which is one from the top -- in the column corresponding to `a_column' require valid_column_less: a_column <= Number_of_columns valid_column_greater: a_column > 0 do Result := (columns @ a_column).one_from_top end column_from (column_number: INTEGER): LINKED_LIST [INTEGER] -- A linear representation of the column -- corresponding to `column_number' require valid_column_less: column_number <= Number_of_columns valid_column_greater: column_number > 0 do Result := (columns @ column_number).deep_twin ensure Result_not_void: Result /= Void end feature -- Element change set_go_from (move_from: INTEGER) -- Set the source of the movement to be made. do go_from := move_from ensure go_from_is_set: go_from = move_from end set_go_to (to: INTEGER) -- Set the destination of the movement to be made. do go_to := to end deal_game -- Deal the game local column_number: INTEGER do from the_card_numbers.start column_number := 1 until the_card_numbers.after loop add_to_column (column_number, the_card_numbers.item) column_number := column_number + 1 if column_number > Number_of_columns then column_number := 1 end the_card_numbers.forth end end shuffle_the_cards (game_number: INTEGER) -- Shuffle the cards in the game with `game_number' as seed. require game_number_greater_than_zero: game_number > 0 local randomizer: RANDOM i, j: INTEGER temp_cards: LINKED_LIST [INTEGER] do create temp_cards.make create randomizer.set_seed (game_number) from the_card_numbers.start until the_card_numbers.is_empty loop i := randomizer.next_random (game_number * 52) \\ the_card_numbers.count from j := 0 the_card_numbers.start until j >= i loop the_card_numbers.forth j := j + 1 end temp_cards.extend (the_card_numbers.item) the_card_numbers.remove end the_card_numbers := temp_cards end remove_top_from_column (column_number: INTEGER) -- Remove the top card number from column `column_number' do columns.entry (column_number).remove_top end change_state -- Changes the state require legal_argument: state_change /= 0 and state_change < 6 legal_candidate: legal_candidate local a_card_number: INTEGER a_xcell: INTEGER a_home_cell: INTEGER a_column: INTEGER a_column2: INTEGER do inspect state_change when 1 then -- Moving from a column to a home_cell a_column := column (go_from) a_home_cell := home_cell (go_to) a_card_number := card_from_top_of_column (a_column) remove_top_from_column (a_column) insert_in_home_cell (a_home_cell,a_card_number) state_change := 0 when 2 then -- Moving from a column to a column a_column := column (go_from) a_column2 := column (go_to) a_card_number := card_from_top_of_column (a_column) remove_top_from_column (a_column) add_to_column(a_column2, a_card_number) state_change := 0 when 3 then -- Moving from a column to a xcell a_column := column (go_from) a_xcell := xcell(go_to) a_card_number := card_from_top_of_column(a_column) remove_top_from_column (a_column) insert_in_xcell(a_xcell,a_card_number) state_change := 0 when 4 then -- Moving from a xcell to a column a_xcell := xcell(go_from) a_column := column (go_to) a_card_number := card_from_xcell(a_xcell) empty_xcell (a_xcell) add_to_column (a_column, a_card_number) state_change := 0 when 5 then -- Moving from a xcell to a home_cell a_xcell := xcell(go_from) a_home_cell := home_cell(go_to) a_card_number := card_from_xcell (a_xcell) empty_xcell(a_xcell) insert_in_home_cell (a_home_cell, a_card_number) state_change := 0 end ensure did_a_change: state_change = 0 end feature {NONE} -- Element change empty_xcell (cell_number: INTEGER) require valid_cell_less: cell_number <= Number_of_cells valid_cell_greater: cell_number > 0 do xcells.force (0, cell_number) end empty_home_cell (cell_number: INTEGER) require valid_cell_less: cell_number <= Number_of_cells valid_cell_greater: cell_number > 0 do home_cells.force (0, cell_number) end insert_in_xcell (cell_number: INTEGER; a_card_number: INTEGER) require valid_cell_less: cell_number <= Number_of_cells valid_cell_greater: cell_number > 0 card_number_greater_than: a_card_number > Card_offset card_number_less_than: a_card_number <= number_of_cards + Card_offset do xcells.force (a_card_number, cell_number) end insert_in_home_cell (cell_number: INTEGER; a_card_number: INTEGER) require valid_cell_less: cell_number <= Number_of_cells valid_cell_greater: cell_number > 0 card_number_greater_than: a_card_number > Card_offset card_number_less_than: a_card_number <= number_of_cards + Card_offset do home_cells.force (a_card_number, cell_number) end add_to_column (column_number: INTEGER; a_card_number: INTEGER) -- Add `a_card_number' to a column require valid_column_less: column_number <= Number_of_columns valid_column_greater: column_number > 0 do columns.entry (column_number).add (a_card_number) end feature {NONE} -- Implementation go_from: INTEGER -- Source of the movement go_to: INTEGER -- Destination of the movement xcells: ARRAY [INTEGER] -- The "xcells" in the game home_cells: ARRAY [INTEGER] -- The home_cells of the game number_of_cards: INTEGER -- Number of cards in the game the_card_numbers: LINKED_LIST [INTEGER] -- Card numbers present in the game. -- Used for dealing and shuffling the cards. card_from (i: INTEGER):INTEGER -- Retrieve card_number identified -- by source or destination. require position_greater_than: i > Xcell_offset position_less_or_equal_than: i <= Xcell_offset + home_cell_offset + Column_offset do if i > home_cell_offset then Result := card_from_home_cell (i - home_cell_offset) elseif i > Column_offset then if not (columns @ (i - Column_offset)).is_empty then Result := card_from_top_of_column (i - Column_offset) end else Result := card_from_xcell (i) end end column (i: INTEGER): INTEGER -- Compute column number identified -- by source or destination. require position_greater_than: i > Column_offset position_less_or_equal_than: i <= home_cell_offset do Result := i - column_offset end xcell (i: INTEGER): INTEGER -- Compute xcell number identified -- by source or destination. require position_greater_than: i > Xcell_offset position_less_or_equal_than: i <= Column_offset do Result := i - xcell_offset end home_cell (i: INTEGER): INTEGER -- Compute home_cell number identified -- by source or destination. require position_greater_than: i > home_cell_offset position_less_or_equal_than: i <= Column_offset + Xcell_offset + home_cell_offset do Result := i - home_cell_offset end create_the_cards -- Create the cards in the game. require less_or_equal_maximum_number_of_cards: number_of_cards <= Maximum_number_of_cards greater_or_equal_minimum_number_of_cards: number_of_cards >= 1 local i: INTEGER do create the_cards.make_empty the_cards.rebase (4) from i := 4 until i > number_of_cards + 3 loop the_cards.force (create {CARD}.make (i), i) i := i + 1 end end kind (a_card_number: INTEGER): INTEGER -- The kind of the card require card_number_greater_than: a_card_number > Card_offset card_number_less_than: a_card_number <= number_of_cards + Card_offset do Result := a_card_number // 4 end same_kind (a_card_number1, a_card_number2: INTEGER): BOOLEAN -- Are the cards idetified by `a_card_number1' -- and `a_card_number' of the same kind? require card_number1_less_than: a_card_number1 <= number_of_cards + Card_offset card_number2_less_than: a_card_number2 <= number_of_cards + Card_offset do Result := a_card_number1 \\ 4 = a_card_number2 \\ 4 end color_difference (a_card_number1, a_card_number2: INTEGER): BOOLEAN -- Is there color difference beween the cards identified -- with `a_card_number1' and `a_card_number2'? require card_number1_less_than: a_card_number1 <= number_of_cards + Card_offset card_number2_less_than: a_card_number2 <= number_of_cards + Card_offset do Result := (a_card_number1 + a_card_number2) \\ 2 /= 0 end difference (a_card_number1, a_card_number2: INTEGER): INTEGER -- What is the difference in value of -- `a_card_number2' and `a_card_number1' require card_number1_less_than: a_card_number1 <= number_of_cards + Card_offset card_number2_less_than: a_card_number2 <= number_of_cards + Card_offset do Result := a_card_number2 // 4 - a_card_number1 // 4 end legal_from_xcell_or_column_To_Home:BOOLEAN -- Is it legal to move from a xcell -- to a column with current source and -- destination? do Result := (difference (card_from (go_to), card_from (go_from)) = 1) and same_kind (card_from (go_from), card_from (go_to)) end legal_from_column_to_xcell: BOOLEAN -- Is it legal to move from a column -- to a xcell with current source and -- destination? do Result := card_from (go_to) = 0 end legal_from_xcell_or_column_to_column: BOOLEAN -- Is it legal to move from a column -- to a column with current source and -- destination? do Result := (difference (card_from (go_from), card_from (go_to)) = 1) and color_difference (card_from(go_from), card_from (go_to)) and card_from (go_from) /= 0 or (card_from (go_from) /= 0 and card_from (go_to) = 0) end note copyright: "Copyright (c) 1984-2018, Eiffel Software and others" license: "Eiffel Forum License v2 (see" source: "[ Eiffel Software 356 Storke Road, Goleta, CA 93117 USA Telephone 805-685-1006, Fax 805-685-6869 Website Customer support ]" end