note description: "Holds information abouy JNI environment. % %Potentially many JNI environments can exists at once,% % but more than one was never tested" legal: "See notice at end of class." status: "See notice at end of class." date: "$Date$" revision: "$Revision$" class JNI_ENVIRONMENT create {SHARED_JNI_ENVIRONMENT} make feature {NONE} -- Initialization make (vm: JAVA_VM) -- Create new JNI environment require vm_not_void: vm /= Void do jvm := vm create java_class_table.make (200) create java_object_table.make (200) end feature -- Disposal destroy_vm -- Destroy the JVM and reclaim its ressources -- It can only be used in the main thread when it is the -- last remaining thread do jvm.destroy_vm end feature -- Exception mechanism exception_occurred: BOOLEAN -- Returns the exception object that is currently in the process of being thrown, -- or null if no exception is currently being thrown do Result := c_exception_occurred (jvm.envp) /= default_pointer end exception_clear -- Clears any exception that is currently being thrown. -- If no exception is currently being thrown, this routine has no effect. do c_exception_clear(jvm.envp) end check_for_exceptions -- Check if a Java exception occurred, raise Java exception occurred local p, null: POINTER l_exception: EXCEPTIONS do p := c_exception_occurred (jvm.envp) if p /= null then c_exception_describe (jvm.envp) c_exception_clear (jvm.envp) create l_exception l_exception.raise ("Java Exception occurred") end end throw_java_exception (jthrowable: JAVA_OBJECT) -- throw the exception 'jthrowable' (must be a java.lang.Throwable object) require jthrowable_not_void: jthrowable /= Void do c_throw_java_exception (jvm.envp, jthrowable.java_object_id) end throw_custom_exception (jclass: JAVA_CLASS; msg: STRING) -- Constructs an exception object from the specified class 'jclass' -- with the message specified by 'msg' and causes that exception -- to be thrown. require jclass_not_void: jclass /= Void msg_not_void: msg /= Void local l_msg_to_c: C_STRING do create l_msg_to_c.make (msg) c_throw_custom_exception (jvm.envp, jclass.java_class_id, l_msg_to_c.item) end feature -- Thread Mechanism attach_current_thread -- Attach `jvm' to current thread. do jvm.attach_current_thread end detach_current_thread -- Detach `jvm' from current thread. do jvm.detach_current_thread end feature {JAVA_CLASS, JAVA_OBJECT, JAVA_ARGS, JAVA_ARRAY} java_object_table: HASH_TABLE [JAVA_OBJECT, POINTER] -- Table of Eiffel objects representing Java objects feature {NONE} -- Access jvm: JAVA_VM -- JVM that goes with the JNI enviroment java_class_table: HASH_TABLE [JAVA_CLASS, POINTER] -- Table of classes we have loaded - keyed by java_class_id feature -- Reflection find_class (name: STRING): detachable JAVA_CLASS -- Load in the Java class with the given name. -- Namespace if any are delimited by `/' require name_valid: name /= Void local clsp: POINTER l_name_to_c: C_STRING do create l_name_to_c.make (name) clsp := c_jni_find_class (jvm.envp, l_name_to_c.item); debug ("jni") check_for_exceptions end if clsp /= default_pointer then Result := find_class_by_pointer (clsp) end end find_class_by_pointer (classp: POINTER): JAVA_CLASS -- Get a Java class Eiffel proxy given pointer to the -- Java class. Create a new one if needed require classp_not_null: classp /= default_pointer local l_result: detachable JAVA_CLASS do l_result := java_class_table.item (classp) if l_result = Void then create l_result.make (classp) java_class_table.put (l_result, classp) end Result := l_result end find_class_pointer (name: STRING): POINTER -- Find class pointer only (used during creation in descendants). -- Namespace if any are delimited by `/' require name_not_void: name /= Void local l_name_to_c: C_STRING do create l_name_to_c.make (name) Result := c_jni_find_class (jvm.envp, l_name_to_c.item); debug ("jni") check_for_exceptions end end get_class (an_obj: POINTER): POINTER -- Get associated class of `an_obj'. require an_obj_not_null: an_obj /= default_pointer do Result := c_get_class (jvm.envp, an_obj) debug ("jni") check_for_exceptions end end get_method_id (cls: POINTER; mname: POINTER; sig: POINTER): POINTER -- Find feature `mname' in class `cls' with signature `sig'. do Result := c_get_method_id (jvm.envp, cls, mname, sig) debug ("jni") check_for_exceptions end end get_static_method_id (cls: POINTER; mname: POINTER; sig: POINTER): POINTER -- Find static feature `mname' in class `cls' with signature `sig'. do Result := c_get_static_method_id (jvm.envp, cls, mname, sig) debug ("jni") check_for_exceptions end end get_field_id (cls: POINTER; fname, sig: POINTER): POINTER -- Find attribute `mname' in class `cls' with signature `sig'. do Result := c_get_field_id (jvm.envp, cls, fname, sig) debug ("jni") check_for_exceptions end end get_static_field_id (cls: POINTER; fname, sig: POINTER): POINTER -- Find static attribute `mname' in class `cls' with signature `sig'. do Result := c_get_static_field_id (jvm.envp, cls, fname, sig) debug ("jni") check_for_exceptions end end feature -- Object creation new_object (cls: POINTER; constructor: POINTER; args: POINTER): POINTER -- Create a new instance of `cls' using feature `constructor' and -- arguments `args'. do Result := c_new_object (jvm.envp, cls, constructor, args) debug ("jni") check_for_exceptions end end new_string (v: detachable STRING): POINTER -- Create a new java string from `v'. local l_str: C_STRING do if v /= Void then create l_str.make (v) Result := c_new_string_utf (jvm.envp, l_str.item) debug ("jni") check_for_exceptions end end end new_boolean_array (a_size: INTEGER): POINTER -- Create a new array of boolean. require a_size_positive: a_size >= 0 do Result := c_new_boolean_array (jvm.envp, a_size) debug ("jni") check_for_exceptions end end new_char_array (a_size: INTEGER): POINTER -- Create a new array of char. require a_size_positive: a_size >= 0 do Result := c_new_char_array (jvm.envp, a_size) debug ("jni") check_for_exceptions end end new_int_array (a_size: INTEGER): POINTER -- Create a new array of int. require a_size_positive: a_size >= 0 do Result := c_new_int_array (jvm.envp, a_size) debug ("jni") check_for_exceptions end end new_long_array (a_size: INTEGER): POINTER -- Create a new array of long. require a_size_positive: a_size >= 0 do Result := c_new_long_array (jvm.envp, a_size) debug ("jni") check_for_exceptions end end new_double_array (a_size: INTEGER): POINTER -- Create a new array of double. require a_size_positive: a_size >= 0 do Result := c_new_double_array (jvm.envp, a_size) debug ("jni") check_for_exceptions end end new_float_array (a_size: INTEGER): POINTER -- Create a new array of float. require a_size_positive: a_size >= 0 do Result := c_new_float_array (jvm.envp, a_size) debug ("jni") check_for_exceptions end end new_short_array (a_size: INTEGER): POINTER -- Create a new array of short. require a_size_positive: a_size >= 0 do Result := c_new_short_array (jvm.envp, a_size) debug ("jni") check_for_exceptions end end new_byte_array (a_size: INTEGER): POINTER -- Create a new array of byte. require a_size_positive: a_size >= 0 do Result := c_new_byte_array (jvm.envp, a_size) debug ("jni") check_for_exceptions end end new_object_array (a_size: INTEGER; element_class: POINTER; init_elt: POINTER): POINTER -- Create a new array of reference of type `element_class'. require a_size_positive: a_size >= 0 element_class_not_null: element_class /= default_pointer do Result := c_new_object_array (jvm.envp, a_size, element_class, init_elt) debug ("jni") check_for_exceptions end end feature -- Calls call_void_method (oid: POINTER; mid: POINTER; args: POINTER) -- Call function `mid' with argument `args' on object `oid'. do c_call_void_method (jvm.envp, oid, mid, args) debug ("jni") check_for_exceptions end end call_boolean_method (oid: POINTER; mid: POINTER; args: POINTER): BOOLEAN -- Call function `mid' with argument `args' on object `oid'. do Result := c_call_boolean_method (jvm.envp, oid, mid, args) debug ("jni") check_for_exceptions end end call_byte_method (oid: POINTER; mid: POINTER; args: POINTER): INTEGER_8 -- Call function `mid' with argument `args' on object `oid'. do Result := c_call_byte_method (jvm.envp, oid, mid, args) debug ("jni") check_for_exceptions end end call_char_method (oid: POINTER; mid: POINTER; args: POINTER): CHARACTER -- Call function `mid' with argument `args' on object `oid'. do Result := c_call_char_method (jvm.envp, oid, mid, args) debug ("jni") check_for_exceptions end end call_short_method (oid: POINTER; mid: POINTER; args: POINTER): INTEGER_16 -- Call function `mid' with argument `args' on object `oid'. do Result := c_call_short_method (jvm.envp, oid, mid, args) debug ("jni") check_for_exceptions end end call_int_method (oid: POINTER; mid: POINTER; args: POINTER): INTEGER -- Call function `mid' with argument `args' on object `oid'. do Result := c_call_int_method (jvm.envp, oid, mid, args) debug ("jni") check_for_exceptions end end call_long_method (oid: POINTER; mid: POINTER; args: POINTER): INTEGER_64 -- Call function `mid' with argument `args' on object `oid'. do Result := c_call_long_method (jvm.envp, oid, mid, args) debug ("jni") check_for_exceptions end end call_float_method (oid: POINTER; mid: POINTER; args: POINTER): REAL -- Call function `mid' with argument `args' on object `oid'. do Result := c_call_float_method (jvm.envp, oid, mid, args) debug ("jni") check_for_exceptions end end call_double_method (oid: POINTER; mid: POINTER; args: POINTER): DOUBLE -- Call function `mid' with argument `args' on object `oid'. do Result := c_call_double_method (jvm.envp, oid, mid, args) debug ("jni") check_for_exceptions end end call_object_method (oid: POINTER; mid: POINTER; argsp: POINTER): POINTER -- Call function `mid' with argument `args' on object `oid'. do Result := c_call_object_method (jvm.envp, oid, mid, argsp) debug ("jni") check_for_exceptions end end call_string_method (oid: POINTER; mid: POINTER; args: POINTER): detachable STRING -- Call function `mid' with argument `args' on object `oid'. local p, null: POINTER do p := c_call_object_method (jvm.envp, oid, mid, args) debug ("jni") check_for_exceptions end if p /= null then Result := get_string (p) end end feature -- Static calls call_static_void_method (cls: POINTER; mid: POINTER; argp: POINTER) -- Call static feature `mid' defined in class `cls' with arguments `argp'. do c_call_static_void_method (jvm.envp, cls, mid, argp) debug ("jni") check_for_exceptions end end call_static_byte_method (cls: POINTER; mid: POINTER; argp: POINTER): INTEGER_8 -- Call static feature `mid' defined in class `cls' with arguments `argp'. do Result := c_call_static_byte_method (jvm.envp, cls, mid, argp) debug ("jni") check_for_exceptions end end call_static_boolean_method (cls: POINTER; mid: POINTER; argp: POINTER): BOOLEAN -- Call static feature `mid' defined in class `cls' with arguments `argp'. do Result := c_call_static_boolean_method (jvm.envp, cls, mid, argp) debug ("jni") check_for_exceptions end end call_static_char_method (cls: POINTER; mid: POINTER; argp: POINTER): CHARACTER -- Call static feature `mid' defined in class `cls' with arguments `argp'. do Result := c_call_static_char_method (jvm.envp, cls, mid, argp) debug ("jni") check_for_exceptions end end call_static_short_method (cls: POINTER; mid: POINTER; argp: POINTER): INTEGER_16 -- Call static feature `mid' defined in class `cls' with arguments `argp'. do Result := c_call_static_short_method (jvm.envp, cls, mid, argp) debug ("jni") check_for_exceptions end end call_static_int_method (cls: POINTER; mid: POINTER; argp: POINTER): INTEGER -- Call static feature `mid' defined in class `cls' with arguments `argp'. do Result := c_call_static_int_method (jvm.envp, cls, mid, argp) debug ("jni") check_for_exceptions end end call_static_long_method (cls: POINTER; mid: POINTER; argp: POINTER): INTEGER_64 -- Call static feature `mid' defined in class `cls' with arguments `argp'. do Result := c_call_static_long_method (jvm.envp, cls, mid, argp) debug ("jni") check_for_exceptions end end call_static_float_method (cls: POINTER; mid: POINTER; argp: POINTER): REAL -- Call static feature `mid' defined in class `cls' with arguments `argp'. do Result := c_call_static_float_method (jvm.envp, cls, mid, argp) debug ("jni") check_for_exceptions end end call_static_double_method (cls: POINTER; mid: POINTER; argp: POINTER): DOUBLE -- Call static feature `mid' defined in class `cls' with arguments `argp'. do Result := c_call_static_double_method (jvm.envp, cls, mid, argp) debug ("jni") check_for_exceptions end end call_static_object_method (cls: POINTER; mid: POINTER; argp: POINTER): POINTER -- Call static feature `mid' defined in class `cls' with arguments `argp'. do Result := c_call_static_object_method (jvm.envp, cls, mid, argp) debug ("jni") check_for_exceptions end end call_static_string_method (cls: POINTER; mid: POINTER; argsp: POINTER): detachable STRING require cls_not_null: cls /= default_pointer mid_not_null: mid /= default_pointer argsp_not_null: argsp /= default_pointer local l_str, null: POINTER do l_str := c_call_static_object_method (jvm.envp, cls, mid, argsp) debug ("jni") check_for_exceptions end if l_str /= null then Result := get_string (l_str) end end feature -- Field Access get_integer_field (oid: POINTER; fid: POINTER): INTEGER -- Value of attribute `fid' in object `oid'. do Result := c_get_integer_field (jvm.envp, oid, fid) debug ("jni") check_for_exceptions end end get_long_field (oid: POINTER; fid: POINTER): INTEGER_64 -- Value of attribute `fid' in object `oid'. do Result := c_get_long_field (jvm.envp, oid, fid) debug ("jni") check_for_exceptions end end get_boolean_field (oid: POINTER; fid: POINTER): BOOLEAN -- Value of attribute `fid' in object `oid'. do Result := c_get_boolean_field (jvm.envp, oid, fid) debug ("jni") check_for_exceptions end end get_char_field (oid: POINTER; fid: POINTER): CHARACTER -- Value of attribute `fid' in object `oid'. do Result := c_get_char_field (jvm.envp, oid, fid) debug ("jni") check_for_exceptions end end get_float_field (oid: POINTER; fid: POINTER): REAL -- Value of attribute `fid' in object `oid'. do Result := c_get_float_field (jvm.envp, oid, fid) debug ("jni") check_for_exceptions end end get_double_field (oid: POINTER; fid: POINTER): DOUBLE -- Value of attribute `fid' in object `oid'. do Result := c_get_double_field (jvm.envp, oid, fid) debug ("jni") check_for_exceptions end end get_byte_field (oid: POINTER; fid: POINTER): INTEGER_8 -- Value of attribute `fid' in object `oid'. do Result := c_get_byte_field (jvm.envp, oid, fid) debug ("jni") check_for_exceptions end end get_short_field (oid: POINTER; fid: POINTER): INTEGER_16 -- Value of attribute `fid' in object `oid'. do Result := c_get_short_field (jvm.envp, oid, fid) debug ("jni") check_for_exceptions end end get_object_field (oid: POINTER; fid: POINTER): POINTER -- Value of attribute `fid' in object `oid'. do Result := c_get_object_field (jvm.envp, oid, fid) debug ("jni") check_for_exceptions end end get_string_field (oid: POINTER; fid: POINTER): detachable STRING require oid_not_null: oid /= default_pointer fid_not_null: fid /= default_pointer local l_str, null: POINTER do l_str := c_get_object_field (jvm.envp, oid, fid) debug ("jni") check_for_exceptions end if l_str /= null then Result := get_string (l_str) end end feature -- Static Field access get_static_integer_field (cls: POINTER; fid: POINTER): INTEGER -- Value of attribute `fid' in static `cls'. do Result := c_get_static_integer_field (jvm.envp, cls, fid) debug ("jni") check_for_exceptions end end get_static_long_field (cls: POINTER; fid: POINTER): INTEGER_64 -- Value of attribute `fid' in static `cls'. do Result := c_get_static_long_field (jvm.envp, cls, fid) debug ("jni") check_for_exceptions end end get_static_boolean_field (cls: POINTER; fid: POINTER): BOOLEAN -- Value of attribute `fid' in static `cls'. do Result := c_get_static_boolean_field (jvm.envp, cls, fid) debug ("jni") check_for_exceptions end end get_static_char_field (cls: POINTER; fid: POINTER): CHARACTER -- Value of attribute `fid' in static `cls'. do Result := c_get_static_char_field (jvm.envp, cls, fid) debug ("jni") check_for_exceptions end end get_static_float_field (cls: POINTER; fid: POINTER): REAL -- Value of attribute `fid' in static `cls'. do Result := c_get_static_float_field (jvm.envp, cls, fid) debug ("jni") check_for_exceptions end end get_static_double_field (cls: POINTER; fid: POINTER): DOUBLE -- Value of attribute `fid' in static `cls'. do Result := c_get_static_double_field (jvm.envp, cls, fid) debug ("jni") check_for_exceptions end end get_static_byte_field (cls: POINTER; fid: POINTER): INTEGER_8 -- Value of attribute `fid' in static `cls'. do Result := c_get_static_byte_field (jvm.envp, cls, fid) debug ("jni") check_for_exceptions end end get_static_short_field (cls: POINTER; fid: POINTER): INTEGER_16 -- Value of attribute `fid' in static `cls'. do Result := c_get_static_short_field (jvm.envp, cls, fid) debug ("jni") check_for_exceptions end end get_static_object_field (cls: POINTER; fid: POINTER): POINTER -- Value of attribute `fid' in static `cls'. do Result := c_get_static_object_field (jvm.envp, cls, fid) debug ("jni") check_for_exceptions end end get_static_string_field (cls: POINTER; fid: POINTER): detachable STRING require cls_not_null: cls /= default_pointer fid_not_null: fid /= default_pointer local l_str, null: POINTER do l_str := c_get_static_object_field (jvm.envp, cls, fid) debug ("jni") check_for_exceptions end if l_str /= null then Result := get_string (l_str) end end feature -- Field setting set_integer_field (oid: POINTER; fid: POINTER; v: INTEGER) -- Set attribute `fid' with value `v' in object `oid'. do c_set_integer_field (jvm.envp, oid, fid, v) debug ("jni") check_for_exceptions end end set_long_field (oid: POINTER; fid: POINTER; v: INTEGER_64) -- Set attribute `fid' with value `v' in object `oid'. do c_set_long_field (jvm.envp, oid, fid, v) debug ("jni") check_for_exceptions end end set_object_field (oid: POINTER; fid: POINTER; v: POINTER) -- Set attribute `fid' with value `v' in object `oid'. do c_set_object_field (jvm.envp, oid, fid, v) debug ("jni") check_for_exceptions end end set_boolean_field (oid: POINTER; fid: POINTER; v: BOOLEAN) -- Set attribute `fid' with value `v' in object `oid'. do c_set_boolean_field (jvm.envp, oid, fid, v) debug ("jni") check_for_exceptions end end set_char_field (oid: POINTER; fid: POINTER; v: CHARACTER) -- Set attribute `fid' with value `v' in object `oid'. do c_set_char_field (jvm.envp, oid, fid, v) debug ("jni") check_for_exceptions end end set_float_field (oid: POINTER; fid: POINTER; v: REAL) -- Set attribute `fid' with value `v' in object `oid'. do c_set_float_field (jvm.envp, oid, fid, v) debug ("jni") check_for_exceptions end end set_double_field (oid: POINTER; fid: POINTER; v: DOUBLE) -- Set attribute `fid' with value `v' in object `oid'. do c_set_double_field (jvm.envp, oid, fid, v) debug ("jni") check_for_exceptions end end set_byte_field (oid: POINTER; fid: POINTER; v: INTEGER_8) -- Set attribute `fid' with value `v' in object `oid'. do c_set_byte_field (jvm.envp, oid, fid, v) debug ("jni") check_for_exceptions end end set_short_field (oid: POINTER; fid: POINTER; v: INTEGER_16) -- Set attribute `fid' with value `v' in object `oid'. do c_set_short_field (jvm.envp, oid, fid, v) debug ("jni") check_for_exceptions end end set_string_field (oid: POINTER; fid: POINTER; v: STRING) require oid_not_null: oid /= default_pointer fid_not_null: fid /= default_pointer v_not_void: v /= Void local p: POINTER l_str: C_STRING do create l_str.make (v) p := c_new_string_utf (jvm.envp, l_str.item) c_set_object_field (jvm.envp, oid, fid, p) ensure string_field_set: v ~ get_string_field (oid, fid) end feature -- Static field setting set_static_integer_field (cls: POINTER; fid: POINTER; v: INTEGER) -- Set attribute `fid' with value `v' in class `cls'. do c_set_static_integer_field (jvm.envp, cls, fid, v) debug ("jni") check_for_exceptions end end set_static_long_field (cls: POINTER; fid: POINTER; v: INTEGER_64) -- Set attribute `fid' with value `v' in class `cls'. do c_set_static_long_field (jvm.envp, cls, fid, v) debug ("jni") check_for_exceptions end end set_static_object_field (cls: POINTER; fid: POINTER; v: POINTER) -- Set attribute `fid' with value `v' in class `cls'. do c_set_static_object_field (jvm.envp, cls, fid, v) debug ("jni") check_for_exceptions end end set_static_boolean_field (cls: POINTER; fid: POINTER; v: BOOLEAN) -- Set attribute `fid' with value `v' in class `cls'. do c_set_static_boolean_field (jvm.envp, cls, fid, v) debug ("jni") check_for_exceptions end end set_static_char_field (cls: POINTER; fid: POINTER; v: CHARACTER) -- Set attribute `fid' with value `v' in class `cls'. do c_set_static_char_field (jvm.envp, cls, fid, v) debug ("jni") check_for_exceptions end end set_static_float_field (cls: POINTER; fid: POINTER; v: REAL) -- Set attribute `fid' with value `v' in class `cls'. do c_set_static_float_field (jvm.envp, cls, fid, v) debug ("jni") check_for_exceptions end end set_static_double_field (cls: POINTER; fid: POINTER; v: DOUBLE) -- Set attribute `fid' with value `v' in class `cls'. do c_set_static_double_field (jvm.envp, cls, fid, v) debug ("jni") check_for_exceptions end end set_static_byte_field (cls: POINTER; fid: POINTER; v: INTEGER_8) -- Set attribute `fid' with value `v' in class `cls'. do c_set_static_byte_field (jvm.envp, cls, fid, v) debug ("jni") check_for_exceptions end end set_static_short_field (cls: POINTER; fid: POINTER; v: INTEGER_16) -- Set attribute `fid' with value `v' in class `cls'. do c_set_static_short_field (jvm.envp, cls, fid, v) debug ("jni") check_for_exceptions end end set_static_string_field (cls: POINTER; fid: POINTER; value: STRING) require cls_not_null: cls /= default_pointer fid_not_null: fid /= default_pointer value_not_void: value /= Void local p: POINTER l_str: C_STRING do create l_str.make (value) p := c_new_string_utf (jvm.envp, l_str.item) c_set_static_object_field (jvm.envp, cls, fid, p) debug ("jni") check_for_exceptions end ensure static_string_field_set: value ~ get_static_string_field (cls, fid) end feature -- Array manipulation get_array_length (jarray: POINTER): INTEGER -- Number of elements in `jarray'. require jarray_not_null: jarray /= default_pointer do Result := c_get_array_length (jvm.envp, jarray) debug ("jni") check_for_exceptions end end get_object_array_element (jarray: POINTER; indx: INTEGER): POINTER -- Item at index `indx' in `jarray'. require jarray_not_null: jarray /= default_pointer do Result := c_get_object_array_element (jvm.envp, jarray, indx) debug ("jni") check_for_exceptions end end set_object_array_element (jarray: POINTER; indx: INTEGER; v: POINTER) -- Put `v' at index `indx' in `jarray'. require jarray_not_null: jarray /= default_pointer do c_set_object_array_element (jvm.envp, jarray, indx, v) debug ("jni") check_for_exceptions end end get_char_array_elements (jarray: POINTER; is_copy: POINTER): POINTER -- Acquire area of `jarray'. require jarray_not_null: jarray /= default_pointer do Result := c_get_char_array_elements (jvm.envp, jarray, is_copy) debug ("jni") check_for_exceptions end end release_char_array_elements (jarray: POINTER; elts: POINTER; mode: INTEGER) -- Release area of `jarray' pointed by `elts'. require jarray_not_null: jarray /= default_pointer elts_not_null: elts /= default_pointer do c_release_char_array_elements (jvm.envp, jarray, elts, mode) debug ("jni") check_for_exceptions end end get_int_array_elements (jarray: POINTER; is_copy: POINTER): POINTER -- Acquire area of `jarray'. require jarray_not_null: jarray /= default_pointer do Result := c_get_int_array_elements (jvm.envp, jarray, is_copy) debug ("jni") check_for_exceptions end end release_int_array_elements (jarray: POINTER; elts: POINTER; mode: INTEGER) -- Release area of `jarray' pointed by `elts'. require jarray_not_null: jarray /= default_pointer elts_not_null: elts /= default_pointer do c_release_int_array_elements (jvm.envp, jarray, elts, mode) debug ("jni") check_for_exceptions end end get_long_array_elements (jarray: POINTER; is_copy: POINTER): POINTER -- Acquire area of `jarray'. require jarray_not_null: jarray /= default_pointer do Result := c_get_long_array_elements (jvm.envp, jarray, is_copy) debug ("jni") check_for_exceptions end end release_long_array_elements (jarray: POINTER; elts: POINTER; mode: INTEGER) -- Release area of `jarray' pointed by `elts'. require jarray_not_null: jarray /= default_pointer elts_not_null: elts /= default_pointer do c_release_long_array_elements (jvm.envp, jarray, elts, mode) debug ("jni") check_for_exceptions end end get_boolean_array_elements (jarray: POINTER; is_copy: POINTER): POINTER -- Acquire area of `jarray'. require jarray_not_null: jarray /= default_pointer do Result := c_get_boolean_array_elements (jvm.envp, jarray, is_copy) debug ("jni") check_for_exceptions end end release_boolean_array_elements (jarray: POINTER; elts: POINTER; mode: INTEGER) -- Release area of `jarray' pointed by `elts'. require jarray_not_null: jarray /= default_pointer elts_not_null: elts /= default_pointer do c_release_boolean_array_elements (jvm.envp, jarray, elts, mode) debug ("jni") check_for_exceptions end end get_short_array_elements (jarray: POINTER; is_copy: POINTER): POINTER -- Acquire area of `jarray'. require jarray_not_null: jarray /= default_pointer do Result := c_get_short_array_elements (jvm.envp, jarray, is_copy) debug ("jni") check_for_exceptions end end release_short_array_elements (jarray: POINTER; elts: POINTER; mode: INTEGER) -- Release area of `jarray' pointed by `elts'. require jarray_not_null: jarray /= default_pointer elts_not_null: elts /= default_pointer do c_release_short_array_elements (jvm.envp, jarray, elts, mode) debug ("jni") check_for_exceptions end end get_byte_array_elements (jarray: POINTER; is_copy: POINTER): POINTER -- Acquire area of `jarray'. require jarray_not_null: jarray /= default_pointer do Result := c_get_byte_array_elements (jvm.envp, jarray, is_copy) debug ("jni") check_for_exceptions end end release_byte_array_elements (jarray: POINTER; elts: POINTER; mode: INTEGER) -- Release area of `jarray' pointed by `elts'. require jarray_not_null: jarray /= default_pointer elts_not_null: elts /= default_pointer do c_release_byte_array_elements (jvm.envp, jarray, elts, mode) debug ("jni") check_for_exceptions end end get_float_array_elements (jarray: POINTER; is_copy: POINTER): POINTER -- Acquire area of `jarray'. require jarray_not_null: jarray /= default_pointer do Result := c_get_float_array_elements (jvm.envp, jarray, is_copy) debug ("jni") check_for_exceptions end end release_float_array_elements (jarray: POINTER; elts: POINTER; mode: INTEGER) -- Release area of `jarray' pointed by `elts'. require jarray_not_null: jarray /= default_pointer elts_not_null: elts /= default_pointer do c_release_float_array_elements (jvm.envp, jarray, elts, mode) debug ("jni") check_for_exceptions end end get_double_array_elements (jarray: POINTER; is_copy: POINTER): POINTER -- Acquire area of `jarray'. require jarray_not_null: jarray /= default_pointer do Result := c_get_double_array_elements (jvm.envp, jarray, is_copy) debug ("jni") check_for_exceptions end end release_double_array_elements (jarray: POINTER; elts: POINTER; mode: INTEGER) -- Release area of `jarray' pointed by `elts'. require jarray_not_null: jarray /= default_pointer elts_not_null: elts /= default_pointer do c_release_double_array_elements (jvm.envp, jarray, elts, mode) debug ("jni") check_for_exceptions end end feature -- Convenience get_string (a_str: POINTER): STRING -- Create new instance of STRING using `a_str'. require a_str_not_null: a_str /= default_pointer local l_str: C_STRING l_str_ptr, null: POINTER do l_str_ptr := c_get_string_utf_chars (jvm.envp, a_str, null) create l_str.make_by_pointer (l_str_ptr) debug ("jni") check_for_exceptions end Result := l_str.string c_release_string_utf_chars (jvm.envp, a_str, l_str_ptr) debug ("jni") check_for_exceptions end end feature {NONE} -- String manipulation c_get_string_utf_chars (env: POINTER; js, is_copy: POINTER): POINTER external "C++ JNIEnv signature (jstring, jboolean *): EIF_POINTER use %"jni.h%"" alias "GetStringUTFChars" end c_release_string_utf_chars (env: POINTER; js, chars: POINTER) external "C++ JNIEnv signature (jstring, char *) use %"jni.h%"" alias "ReleaseStringUTFChars" end c_new_string_utf (env: POINTER; chars: POINTER): POINTER external "C++ JNIEnv signature (char *): EIF_POINTER use %"jni.h%"" alias "NewStringUTF" end feature {NONE} -- Exceptions checking c_exception_occurred (env: POINTER): POINTER external "C++ JNIEnv use %"jni.h%"" alias "ExceptionOccurred" end c_exception_describe (env: POINTER) external "C++ JNIEnv use %"jni.h%"" alias "ExceptionDescribe" end c_exception_clear (env: POINTER) external "C++ JNIEnv use %"jni.h%"" alias "ExceptionClear" end feature {NONE} -- object creation c_new_object (env: POINTER; cls: POINTER; constructor: POINTER; args: POINTER): POINTER external "C++ JNIEnv signature (jclass, jmethodID, jvalue *): EIF_POINTER use %"jni.h%"" alias "NewObjectA" end feature {NONE} -- dynamic method calls c_get_method_id (env: POINTER; cls: POINTER; mname: POINTER; sig: POINTER): POINTER external "C++ JNIEnv signature (jclass, char *, char *): EIF_POINTER use %"jni.h%"" alias "GetMethodID" end c_call_void_method (env: POINTER; oid: POINTER; mid: POINTER; args: POINTER) external "C++ JNIEnv signature (jobject, jmethodID, jvalue *) use %"jni.h%"" alias "CallVoidMethodA" end c_call_boolean_method (env: POINTER; oid: POINTER; mid: POINTER; args: POINTER): BOOLEAN external "C++ JNIEnv signature (jobject, jmethodID, jvalue *): EIF_BOOLEAN use %"jni.h%"" alias "CallBooleanMethodA" end c_call_byte_method (env: POINTER; oid: POINTER; mid: POINTER; args: POINTER): INTEGER_8 external "C++ JNIEnv signature (jobject, jmethodID, jvalue *): EIF_INTEGER_8 use %"jni.h%"" alias "CallByteMethodA" end c_call_char_method (env: POINTER; oid: POINTER; mid: POINTER; args: POINTER): CHARACTER external "C++ JNIEnv signature (jobject, jmethodID, jvalue *):EIF_CHARACTER use %"jni.h%"" alias "CallCharMethodA" end c_call_short_method (env: POINTER; oid: POINTER; mid: POINTER; args: POINTER): INTEGER_16 external "C++ JNIEnv signature (jobject, jmethodID, jvalue *): EIF_INTEGER_16 use %"jni.h%"" alias "CallShortMethodA" end c_call_int_method (env: POINTER; oid: POINTER; mid: POINTER; args: POINTER): INTEGER external "C++ JNIEnv signature (jobject, jmethodID, jvalue *): EIF_INTEGER use %"jni.h%"" alias "CallIntMethodA" end c_call_long_method (env: POINTER; oid: POINTER; mid: POINTER; args: POINTER): INTEGER_64 external "C++ JNIEnv signature (jobject, jmethodID, jvalue *): EIF_INTEGER_64 use %"jni.h%"" alias "CallLongMethodA" end c_call_float_method (env: POINTER; oid: POINTER; mid: POINTER; args: POINTER): REAL external "C++ JNIEnv signature (jobject, jmethodID, jvalue *): EIF_REAL use %"jni.h%"" alias "CallFloatMethodA" end c_call_double_method (env: POINTER; oid: POINTER; mid: POINTER; args: POINTER): DOUBLE external "C++ JNIEnv signature (jobject, jmethodID, jvalue *): EIF_DOUBLE use %"jni.h%"" alias "CallDoubleMethodA" end c_call_object_method (lenv: POINTER; oid: POINTER; mid: POINTER; argsp: POINTER): POINTER external "C++ JNIEnv signature (jobject, jmethodID, jvalue *): EIF_POINTER use %"jni.h%"" alias "CallObjectMethodA" end feature {NONE} -- dynamic attribute access c_get_field_id (env: POINTER; cls: POINTER; fname, sig: POINTER): POINTER external "C++ JNIEnv signature (jclass, char *, char *): EIF_POINTER use %"jni.h%"" alias "GetFieldID" end c_get_static_field_id (env: POINTER; cls: POINTER; fname, sig: POINTER): POINTER external "C++ JNIEnv signature (jclass, char *, char *): EIF_POINTER use %"jni.h%"" alias "GetStaticFieldID" end c_get_integer_field (env: POINTER; oid: POINTER; fid: POINTER): INTEGER external "C++ JNIEnv signature (jobject, jfieldID): EIF_INTEGER use %"jni.h%"" alias "GetIntField" end c_get_static_integer_field (env: POINTER; oid: POINTER; fid: POINTER): INTEGER external "C++ JNIEnv signature (jclass, jfieldID): EIF_INTEGER use %"jni.h%"" alias "GetStaticIntField" end c_get_long_field (env: POINTER; oid: POINTER; fid: POINTER): INTEGER_64 external "C++ JNIEnv signature (jobject, jfieldID): EIF_INTEGER_64 use %"jni.h%"" alias "GetLongField" end c_get_static_long_field (env: POINTER; oid: POINTER; fid: POINTER): INTEGER_64 external "C++ JNIEnv signature (jclass, jfieldID): EIF_INTEGER_64 use %"jni.h%"" alias "GetStaticLongField" end c_get_boolean_field (env: POINTER; oid: POINTER; fid: POINTER): BOOLEAN external "C++ JNIEnv signature (jobject, jfieldID): EIF_BOOLEAN use %"jni.h%"" alias "GetBooleanField" end c_get_static_boolean_field (env: POINTER; oid: POINTER; fid: POINTER): BOOLEAN external "C++ JNIEnv signature (jclass, jfieldID): EIF_BOOLEAN use %"jni.h%"" alias "GetStaticBooleanField" end c_get_char_field (env: POINTER; oid: POINTER; fid: POINTER): CHARACTER external "C++ JNIEnv signature (jobject, jfieldID): EIF_CHARACTER use %"jni.h%"" alias "GetCharField" end c_get_static_char_field (env: POINTER; oid: POINTER; fid: POINTER): CHARACTER external "C++ JNIEnv signature (jclass, jfieldID): EIF_CHARACTER use %"jni.h%"" alias "GetStaticCharField" end c_get_float_field (env: POINTER; oid: POINTER; fid: POINTER): REAL external "C++ JNIEnv signature (jobject, jfieldID): EIF_REAL use %"jni.h%"" alias "GetFloatField" end c_get_static_float_field (env: POINTER; oid: POINTER; fid: POINTER): REAL external "C++ JNIEnv signature (jclass, jfieldID): EIF_REAL use %"jni.h%"" alias "GetStaticFloatField" end c_get_double_field (env: POINTER; oid: POINTER; fid: POINTER): DOUBLE external "C++ JNIEnv signature (jobject, jfieldID): EIF_DOUBLE use %"jni.h%"" alias "GetDoubleField" end c_get_static_double_field (env: POINTER; oid: POINTER; fid: POINTER): DOUBLE external "C++ JNIEnv signature (jclass, jfieldID): EIF_DOUBLE use %"jni.h%"" alias "GetStaticDoubleField" end c_get_byte_field (env: POINTER; oid: POINTER; fid: POINTER): INTEGER_8 external "C++ JNIEnv signature (jobject, jfieldID): EIF_INTEGER_8 use %"jni.h%"" alias "GetByteField" end c_get_static_byte_field (env: POINTER; oid: POINTER; fid: POINTER): INTEGER_8 external "C++ JNIEnv signature (jclass, jfieldID): EIF_INTEGER_8 use %"jni.h%"" alias "GetStaticByteField" end c_get_short_field (env: POINTER; oid: POINTER; fid: POINTER): INTEGER_16 external "C++ JNIEnv signature (jobject, jfieldID): EIF_INTEGER_16 use %"jni.h%"" alias "GetShortField" end c_get_static_short_field (env: POINTER; oid: POINTER; fid: POINTER): INTEGER_16 external "C++ JNIEnv signature (jclass, jfieldID): EIF_INTEGER_16 use %"jni.h%"" alias "GetStaticShortField" end c_get_object_field (env: POINTER; oid: POINTER; fid: POINTER): POINTER external "C++ JNIEnv signature (jobject, jfieldID): EIF_POINTER use %"jni.h%"" alias "GetObjectField" end c_get_static_object_field (env: POINTER; oid: POINTER; fid: POINTER): POINTER external "C++ JNIEnv signature (jclass, jfieldID): EIF_POINTER use %"jni.h%"" alias "GetStaticObjectField" end feature {NONE} -- dynamic attribute setting c_set_integer_field ( env: POINTER; oid: POINTER; fid: POINTER; value: INTEGER) external "C++ JNIEnv signature (jobject, jfieldID, jint) use %"jni.h%"" alias "SetIntField" end c_set_static_integer_field (env: POINTER; oid: POINTER; fid: POINTER; value: INTEGER) external "C++ JNIEnv signature (jclass, jfieldID, jint) use %"jni.h%"" alias "SetStaticIntField" end c_set_long_field ( env: POINTER; oid: POINTER; fid: POINTER; value: INTEGER_64) external "C++ JNIEnv signature (jobject, jfieldID, jlong) use %"jni.h%"" alias "SetLongField" end c_set_static_long_field (env: POINTER; oid: POINTER; fid: POINTER; value: INTEGER_64) external "C++ JNIEnv signature (jclass, jfieldID, jlong) use %"jni.h%"" alias "SetStaticLongField" end c_set_object_field (env: POINTER; oid: POINTER; fid: POINTER; value: POINTER) external "C++ JNIEnv signature (jobject, jfieldID, jobject) use %"jni.h%"" alias "SetObjectField" end c_set_static_object_field (env: POINTER; oid: POINTER; fid: POINTER; value: POINTER) external "C++ JNIEnv signature (jclass, jfieldID, jobject) use %"jni.h%"" alias "SetStaticObjectField" end c_set_boolean_field (env: POINTER; oid: POINTER; fid: POINTER; value: BOOLEAN) external "C++ JNIEnv signature (jobject, jfieldID, jboolean) use %"jni.h%"" alias "SetBooleanField" end c_set_static_boolean_field (env: POINTER; oid: POINTER; fid: POINTER; value: BOOLEAN) external "C++ JNIEnv signature (jclass, jfieldID, jboolean) use %"jni.h%"" alias "SetStaticBooleanField" end c_set_char_field (env: POINTER; oid: POINTER; fid: POINTER; value: CHARACTER) external "C++ JNIEnv signature (jobject, jfieldID, jchar) use %"jni.h%"" alias "SetCharField" end c_set_static_char_field (env: POINTER; oid: POINTER; fid: POINTER; value: CHARACTER) external "C++ JNIEnv signature (jclass, jfieldID, jchar) use %"jni.h%"" alias "SetStaticCharField" end c_set_float_field (env: POINTER; oid: POINTER; fid: POINTER; value: REAL) external "C++ JNIEnv signature (jobject, jfieldID, jfloat) use %"jni.h%"" alias "SetFloatField" end c_set_static_float_field (env: POINTER; oid: POINTER; fid: POINTER; value: REAL) external "C++ JNIEnv signature (jclass, jfieldID, jfloat) use %"jni.h%"" alias "SetStaticFloatField" end c_set_double_field (env: POINTER; oid: POINTER; fid: POINTER; value: DOUBLE) external "C++ JNIEnv signature (jobject, jfieldID, jdouble) use %"jni.h%"" alias "SetDoubleField" end c_set_static_double_field (env: POINTER; oid: POINTER; fid: POINTER; value: DOUBLE) external "C++ JNIEnv signature (jclass, jfieldID, jdouble) use %"jni.h%"" alias "SetStaticDoubleField" end c_set_byte_field (env: POINTER; oid: POINTER; fid: POINTER; value: INTEGER_8) external "C++ JNIEnv signature (jobject, jfieldID, jbyte) use %"jni.h%"" alias "SetByteField" end c_set_static_byte_field (env: POINTER; oid: POINTER; fid: POINTER; value: INTEGER_8) external "C++ JNIEnv signature (jclass, jfieldID, jbyte) use %"jni.h%"" alias "SetStaticByteField" end c_set_short_field (env: POINTER; oid: POINTER; fid: POINTER; value: INTEGER_16) external "C++ JNIEnv signature (jobject, jfieldID, jshort) use %"jni.h%"" alias "SetShortField" end c_set_static_short_field (env: POINTER; oid: POINTER; fid: POINTER; value: INTEGER_16) external "C++ JNIEnv signature (jclass, jfieldID, jshort) use %"jni.h%"" alias "SetStaticShortField" end feature {NONE} -- static method calls c_get_static_method_id (lenv: POINTER; cls: POINTER; mname: POINTER; sig: POINTER): POINTER external "C++ JNIEnv signature (jclass, char *, char *): EIF_POINTER use %"jni.h%"" alias "GetStaticMethodID" end c_call_static_void_method (lenv: POINTER; cls: POINTER; mid: POINTER; argp: POINTER) external "C++ JNIEnv signature (jclass, jmethodID, jvalue *) use %"jni.h%"" alias "CallStaticVoidMethodA" end c_call_static_byte_method (lenv: POINTER; cls: POINTER; mid: POINTER; argp: POINTER): INTEGER_8 external "C++ JNIEnv signature (jclass, jmethodID, jvalue *): EIF_INTEGER_8 use %"jni.h%"" alias "CallStaticByteMethodA" end c_call_static_boolean_method (lenv: POINTER; cls: POINTER; mid: POINTER; argp: POINTER): BOOLEAN external "C++ JNIEnv signature (jclass, jmethodID, jvalue *): EIF_BOOLEAN use %"jni.h%"" alias "CallStaticBooleanMethodA" end c_call_static_char_method (lenv: POINTER; cls: POINTER; mid: POINTER; argp: POINTER): CHARACTER external "C++ JNIEnv signature (jclass, jmethodID, jvalue *): EIF_CHARACTER use %"jni.h%"" alias "CallStaticCharMethodA" end c_call_static_short_method (lenv: POINTER; cls: POINTER; mid: POINTER; argp: POINTER): INTEGER_16 external "C++ JNIEnv signature (jclass, jmethodID, jvalue *): EIF_INTEGER_16 use %"jni.h%"" alias "CallStaticShortMethodA" end c_call_static_int_method (lenv: POINTER; cls: POINTER; mid: POINTER; argp: POINTER): INTEGER external "C++ JNIEnv signature (jclass, jmethodID, jvalue *): EIF_INTEGER use %"jni.h%"" alias "CallStaticIntMethodA" end c_call_static_long_method (lenv: POINTER; cls: POINTER; mid: POINTER; argp: POINTER): INTEGER_64 external "C++ JNIEnv signature (jclass, jmethodID, jvalue *): EIF_INTEGER_64 use %"jni.h%"" alias "CallStaticLongMethodA" end c_call_static_float_method (lenv: POINTER; cls: POINTER; mid: POINTER; argp: POINTER): REAL external "C++ JNIEnv signature (jclass, jmethodID, jvalue *): EIF_REAL use %"jni.h%"" alias "CallStaticFloatMethodA" end c_call_static_double_method (lenv: POINTER; cls: POINTER; mid: POINTER; argp: POINTER): DOUBLE external "C++ JNIEnv signature (jclass, jmethodID, jvalue *): EIF_DOUBLE use %"jni.h%"" alias "CallStaticDoubleMethodA" end c_call_static_object_method (lenv: POINTER; cls: POINTER; mid: POINTER; argsp: POINTER): POINTER external "C++ JNIEnv signature (jclass, jmethodID, jvalue *): EIF_POINTER use %"jni.h%"" alias "CallStaticObjectMethodA" end feature {NONE} -- array operations c_get_array_length (lenv: POINTER; ljarray: POINTER): INTEGER external "C++ JNIEnv signature (jarray): EIF_INTEGER use %"jni.h%"" alias "GetArrayLength" end c_new_object_array (lenv: POINTER; lsize: INTEGER; element_jclass: POINTER; initial_element: POINTER): POINTER external "C++ JNIEnv signature (jsize, jclass, jobject): EIF_POINTER use %"jni.h%"" alias "NewObjectArray" end c_get_object_array_element (lenv: POINTER; ljarray: POINTER; indx: INTEGER): POINTER external "C++ JNIEnv signature (jobjectArray, jsize): EIF_POINTER use %"jni.h%"" alias "GetObjectArrayElement" end c_set_object_array_element (lenv: POINTER; ljarray: POINTER; indx: INTEGER; lvalue: POINTER) external "C++ JNIEnv signature (jobjectArray, jsize, jobject) use %"jni.h%"" alias "SetObjectArrayElement" end c_new_char_array (lenv: POINTER; lsize: INTEGER): POINTER external "C++ JNIEnv signature (jsize): EIF_POINTER use %"jni.h%"" alias "NewCharArray" end c_get_char_array_elements (lenv: POINTER; ljarray: POINTER; is_copy: POINTER): POINTER external "C++ JNIEnv signature (jcharArray, jboolean *): EIF_POINTER use %"jni.h%"" alias "GetCharArrayElements" end c_release_char_array_elements (lenv: POINTER; ljarray: POINTER; elts: POINTER; mode: INTEGER) external "C++ JNIEnv signature (jcharArray, jchar *, jint) use %"jni.h%"" alias "ReleaseCharArrayElements" end c_new_int_array (lenv: POINTER; lsize: INTEGER): POINTER external "C++ JNIEnv signature (jsize): EIF_POINTER use %"jni.h%"" alias "NewIntArray" end c_get_int_array_elements (lenv: POINTER; ljarray: POINTER; is_copy: POINTER): POINTER external "C++ JNIEnv signature (jintArray, jboolean *): EIF_POINTER use %"jni.h%"" alias "GetIntArrayElements" end c_release_int_array_elements (lenv: POINTER; ljarray: POINTER; elts: POINTER; mode: INTEGER) external "C++ JNIEnv signature (jintArray, jint *, jint) use %"jni.h%"" alias "ReleaseIntArrayElements" end c_new_long_array (lenv: POINTER; lsize: INTEGER): POINTER external "C++ JNIEnv signature (jsize): EIF_POINTER use %"jni.h%"" alias "NewLongArray" end c_get_long_array_elements (lenv: POINTER; ljarray: POINTER; is_copy: POINTER): POINTER external "C++ JNIEnv signature (jlongArray, jboolean *): EIF_POINTER use %"jni.h%"" alias "GetLongArrayElements" end c_release_long_array_elements (lenv: POINTER; ljarray: POINTER; elts: POINTER; mode: INTEGER) external "C++ JNIEnv signature (jlongArray, jlong *, jint) use %"jni.h%"" alias "ReleaseLongArrayElements" end c_new_boolean_array (lenv: POINTER; lsize: INTEGER): POINTER external "C++ JNIEnv signature (jsize): EIF_POINTER use %"jni.h%"" alias "NewBooleanArray" end c_get_boolean_array_elements (lenv: POINTER; ljarray: POINTER; is_copy: POINTER): POINTER external "C++ JNIEnv signature (jbooleanArray, jboolean *): EIF_POINTER use %"jni.h%"" alias "GetBooleanArrayElements" end c_release_boolean_array_elements (lenv: POINTER; ljarray: POINTER; elts: POINTER; mode: INTEGER) external "C++ JNIEnv signature (jbooleanArray, jboolean *, jint) use %"jni.h%"" alias "ReleaseBooleanArrayElements" end c_new_short_array (lenv: POINTER; lsize: INTEGER): POINTER external "C++ JNIEnv signature (jsize): EIF_POINTER use %"jni.h%"" alias "NewShortArray" end c_get_short_array_elements (lenv: POINTER; ljarray: POINTER; is_copy: POINTER): POINTER external "C++ JNIEnv signature (jshortArray, jboolean *): EIF_POINTER use %"jni.h%"" alias "GetShortArrayElements" end c_release_short_array_elements (lenv: POINTER; ljarray: POINTER; elts: POINTER; mode: INTEGER) external "C++ JNIEnv signature (jshortArray, jshort *, jint) use %"jni.h%"" alias "ReleaseShortArrayElements" end c_new_byte_array (lenv: POINTER; lsize: INTEGER): POINTER external "C++ JNIEnv signature (jsize): EIF_POINTER use %"jni.h%"" alias "NewByteArray" end c_get_byte_array_elements (lenv: POINTER; ljarray: POINTER; is_copy: POINTER): POINTER external "C++ JNIEnv signature (jbyteArray, jboolean *): EIF_POINTER use %"jni.h%"" alias "GetByteArrayElements" end c_release_byte_array_elements (lenv: POINTER; ljarray: POINTER; elts: POINTER; mode: INTEGER) external "C++ JNIEnv signature (jbyteArray, jbyte *, jint) use %"jni.h%"" alias "ReleaseByteArrayElements" end c_new_float_array (lenv: POINTER; lsize: INTEGER): POINTER external "C++ JNIEnv signature (jsize): EIF_POINTER use %"jni.h%"" alias "NewFloatArray" end c_get_float_array_elements (lenv: POINTER; ljarray: POINTER; is_copy: POINTER): POINTER external "C++ JNIEnv signature (jfloatArray, jboolean *): EIF_POINTER use %"jni.h%"" alias "GetFloatArrayElements" end c_release_float_array_elements (lenv: POINTER; ljarray: POINTER; elts: POINTER; mode: INTEGER) external "C++ JNIEnv signature (jfloatArray, jfloat *, jint) use %"jni.h%"" alias "ReleaseFloatArrayElements" end c_new_double_array (lenv: POINTER; lsize: INTEGER): POINTER external "C++ JNIEnv signature (jsize): EIF_POINTER use %"jni.h%"" alias "NewDoubleArray" end c_get_double_array_elements (lenv: POINTER; ljarray: POINTER; is_copy: POINTER): POINTER external "C++ JNIEnv signature (jdoubleArray, jboolean *): EIF_POINTER use %"jni.h%"" alias "GetDoubleArrayElements" end c_release_double_array_elements (lenv: POINTER; ljarray: POINTER; elts: POINTER; mode: INTEGER) external "C++ JNIEnv signature (jdoubleArray, jdouble *, jint) use %"jni.h%"" alias "ReleaseDoubleArrayElements" end feature -- Java exception mechanism c_throw_java_exception (lenv: POINTER; jthrowable: POINTER) external "C++ JNIEnv signature (jthrowable) use %"jni.h%"" alias "Throw" end c_throw_custom_exception (lenv: POINTER; jclass_id: POINTER; msg: POINTER) external "C++ JNIEnv signature (jclass, char *) use %"jni.h%"" alias "ThrowNew" end feature {NONE} -- class information c_get_class (lenv: POINTER; lobj: POINTER): POINTER external "C++ JNIEnv signature (jobject): EIF_POINTER use %"jni.h%"" alias "GetObjectClass" end c_jni_find_class (env: POINTER; name: POINTER): POINTER external "C++ JNIEnv signature (char *): EIF_POINTER use %"jni.h%"" alias "FindClass" end feature {NONE} -- Structure size sizeof_jboolean: INTEGER -- Size of `jboolean' structure. external "C macro use %"jni.h%"" alias "sizeof(jboolean)" end sizeof_jchar: INTEGER -- Size of `jchar' structure. external "C macro use %"jni.h%"" alias "sizeof(jchar)" end sizeof_jbyte: INTEGER -- Size of `jbyte' structure. external "C macro use %"jni.h%"" alias "sizeof(jbyte)" end sizeof_jshort: INTEGER -- Size of `jshort' structure. external "C macro use %"jni.h%"" alias "sizeof(jshort)" end sizeof_jint: INTEGER -- Size of `jint' structure. external "C macro use %"jni.h%"" alias "sizeof(jint)" end sizeof_jlong: INTEGER -- Size of `jlong' structure. external "C macro use %"jni.h%"" alias "sizeof(jlong)" end sizeof_jfloat: INTEGER -- Size of `jfloat' structure. external "C macro use %"jni.h%"" alias "sizeof(jfloat)" end sizeof_jdouble: INTEGER -- Size of `jdouble' structure. external "C macro use %"jni.h%"" alias "sizeof(jdouble)" end invariant jvm_not_void: jvm /= Void java_class_table_not_void: java_class_table /= Void java_object_table_not_void: java_object_table /= Void note copyright: "Copyright (c) 1984-2009, Eiffel Software and others" license: "Eiffel Forum License v2 (see" source: "[ Eiffel Software 5949 Hollister Ave., Goleta, CA 93117 USA Telephone 805-685-1006, Fax 805-685-6869 Website Customer support ]" end