note description: "Exception manager." legal: "See notice at end of class." status: "See notice at end of class." date: "$Date$" revision: "$Revision$" class ISE_EXCEPTION_MANAGER inherit RT_EXCEPTION_MANAGER EXCEPTION_MANAGER redefine last_exception, raise, ignore, catch, set_is_ignored, is_ignorable, is_raisable, is_ignored, is_caught, type_of_code, exception_from_code end feature -- Access last_exception: detachable EXCEPTION -- Last exception do if attached {like last_exception} {ISE_RUNTIME}.last_exception as e then Result := e end end feature -- Raise raise (a_exception: EXCEPTION) -- Raise `a_exception'. -- Raising `a_exception' by this routine makes `a_exception' accessible by `last_exception' -- in rescue clause. Hence causes removal of original `last_exception'. do if not a_exception.is_ignored then {ISE_RUNTIME}.raise (a_exception) end end feature -- Status setting ignore (a_exception: TYPE [EXCEPTION]) -- Make sure that any exception of code `code' will be -- ignored. This is not the default. local l_type: INTEGER do l_type := a_exception.type_id ignored_exceptions.force (l_type, l_type) end catch (a_exception: TYPE [EXCEPTION]) -- Set type of `a_exception' `is_ignored'. do ignored_exceptions.remove (a_exception.type_id) end set_is_ignored (a_exception: TYPE [EXCEPTION]; a_ignored: BOOLEAN) -- Set type of `a_exception' to be `a_ignored'. do if a_ignored then ignore (a_exception) else catch (a_exception) end end feature -- Status report is_ignorable (a_exception: TYPE [EXCEPTION]): BOOLEAN -- If set, type of `a_exception' is ignorable. do Result := not unignorable_exceptions.has (a_exception.type_id) end is_raisable (a_exception: TYPE [EXCEPTION]): BOOLEAN -- If set, type of `a_exception' is raisable. do Result := not unraisable_exceptions.has (a_exception.type_id) end is_ignored (a_exception: TYPE [EXCEPTION]): BOOLEAN -- If set, type of `a_exception' is not raised. do Result := ignored_exceptions.has (a_exception.type_id) end is_caught (a_exception: TYPE [EXCEPTION]): BOOLEAN -- If set, type of `a_exception' is raised. do Result := not ignored_exceptions.has (a_exception.type_id) end feature {EXCEPTIONS} -- Backward compatibility support type_of_code (a_code: INTEGER): detachable TYPE [EXCEPTION] -- Exception type of `a_code' do inspect a_code when {EXCEP_CONST}.void_call_target then Result := {VOID_TARGET} when {EXCEP_CONST}.No_more_memory then Result := {NO_MORE_MEMORY} when {EXCEP_CONST}.Precondition then Result := {PRECONDITION_VIOLATION} when {EXCEP_CONST}.Postcondition then Result := {POSTCONDITION_VIOLATION} when {EXCEP_CONST}.Floating_point_exception then Result := {FLOATING_POINT_FAILURE} when {EXCEP_CONST}.Class_invariant then Result := {INVARIANT_VIOLATION} when {EXCEP_CONST}.Check_instruction then Result := {CHECK_VIOLATION} when {EXCEP_CONST}.Routine_failure then Result := {ROUTINE_FAILURE} when {EXCEP_CONST}.Incorrect_inspect_value then Result := {BAD_INSPECT_VALUE} when {EXCEP_CONST}.Loop_variant then Result := {VARIANT_VIOLATION} when {EXCEP_CONST}.Loop_invariant then Result := {LOOP_INVARIANT_VIOLATION} when {EXCEP_CONST}.Signal_exception then Result := {OPERATING_SYSTEM_SIGNAL_FAILURE} when {EXCEP_CONST}.Eiffel_runtime_panic then Result := {EIFFEL_RUNTIME_PANIC} when {EXCEP_CONST}.Rescue_exception then -- Obselete Result := {RESCUE_FAILURE} when {EXCEP_CONST}.Out_of_memory then -- Merged with `No_more_memory' Result := {NO_MORE_MEMORY} when {EXCEP_CONST}.Resumption_failed then -- Obselete Result := {RESUMPTION_FAILURE} when {EXCEP_CONST}.Create_on_deferred then Result := {CREATE_ON_DEFERRED} when {EXCEP_CONST}.External_exception then Result := {EXTERNAL_FAILURE} when {EXCEP_CONST}.Void_assigned_to_expanded then Result := {VOID_ASSIGNED_TO_EXPANDED} when {EXCEP_CONST}.Exception_in_signal_handler then -- Obselete Result := {EXCEPTION_IN_SIGNAL_HANDLER_FAILURE} when {EXCEP_CONST}.Io_exception then Result := {IO_FAILURE} when {EXCEP_CONST}.Operating_system_exception then Result := {OPERATING_SYSTEM_FAILURE} when {EXCEP_CONST}.Retrieve_exception then Result := {MISMATCH_FAILURE} when {EXCEP_CONST}.Developer_exception then Result := {DEVELOPER_EXCEPTION} when {EXCEP_CONST}.Eiffel_runtime_fatal_error then -- Merged with `Eiffel_runtime_panic' Result := {EIFFEL_RUNTIME_PANIC} when {EXCEP_CONST}.Dollar_applied_to_melted_feature then Result := {ADDRESS_APPLIED_TO_MELTED_FEATURE} when {EXCEP_CONST}.Runtime_io_exception then -- Merged with `Io_exception' Result := {IO_FAILURE} when {EXCEP_CONST}.Com_exception then Result := {COM_FAILURE} when {EXCEP_CONST}.Runtime_check_exception then Result := {CHECK_VIOLATION} when {EXCEP_CONST}.old_exception then Result := {OLD_VIOLATION} when {EXCEP_CONST}.serialization_exception then Result := {SERIALIZATION_FAILURE} else Result := Void end end exception_from_code (a_code: INTEGER): detachable EXCEPTION -- Create exception object from `a_code' local l_rt_panic: EIFFEL_RUNTIME_PANIC l_io_failure: IO_FAILURE l_no_more_mem: NO_MORE_MEMORY do inspect a_code when {EXCEP_CONST}.void_call_target then create {VOID_TARGET}Result when {EXCEP_CONST}.No_more_memory then create l_no_more_mem l_no_more_mem.set_code ({EXCEP_CONST}.No_more_memory) Result := l_no_more_mem when {EXCEP_CONST}.Precondition then create {PRECONDITION_VIOLATION}Result when {EXCEP_CONST}.Postcondition then create {POSTCONDITION_VIOLATION}Result when {EXCEP_CONST}.Floating_point_exception then create {FLOATING_POINT_FAILURE}Result when {EXCEP_CONST}.Class_invariant then create {INVARIANT_VIOLATION}Result when {EXCEP_CONST}.Check_instruction then create {CHECK_VIOLATION}Result when {EXCEP_CONST}.Routine_failure then create {ROUTINE_FAILURE}Result when {EXCEP_CONST}.Incorrect_inspect_value then create {BAD_INSPECT_VALUE}Result when {EXCEP_CONST}.Loop_variant then create {VARIANT_VIOLATION}Result when {EXCEP_CONST}.Loop_invariant then create {LOOP_INVARIANT_VIOLATION}Result when {EXCEP_CONST}.Signal_exception then create {OPERATING_SYSTEM_SIGNAL_FAILURE}Result when {EXCEP_CONST}.Eiffel_runtime_panic then create l_rt_panic l_rt_panic.set_code ({EXCEP_CONST}.Eiffel_runtime_panic) Result := l_rt_panic when {EXCEP_CONST}.Rescue_exception then -- Obselete create {RESCUE_FAILURE}Result when {EXCEP_CONST}.Out_of_memory then -- Merged with `No_more_memory' create l_no_more_mem l_no_more_mem.set_code ({EXCEP_CONST}.Out_of_memory) Result := l_no_more_mem when {EXCEP_CONST}.Resumption_failed then -- Obselete create {RESUMPTION_FAILURE}Result when {EXCEP_CONST}.Create_on_deferred then create {CREATE_ON_DEFERRED}Result when {EXCEP_CONST}.External_exception then create {EXTERNAL_FAILURE}Result when {EXCEP_CONST}.Void_assigned_to_expanded then create {VOID_ASSIGNED_TO_EXPANDED}Result when {EXCEP_CONST}.Exception_in_signal_handler then -- Obselete create {EXCEPTION_IN_SIGNAL_HANDLER_FAILURE}Result when {EXCEP_CONST}.Io_exception then create l_io_failure l_io_failure.set_code ({EXCEP_CONST}.Io_exception) Result := l_io_failure when {EXCEP_CONST}.Operating_system_exception then create {OPERATING_SYSTEM_FAILURE}Result when {EXCEP_CONST}.Retrieve_exception then create {MISMATCH_FAILURE}Result when {EXCEP_CONST}.Developer_exception then create {DEVELOPER_EXCEPTION}Result when {EXCEP_CONST}.Eiffel_runtime_fatal_error then -- Merged with `Eiffel_runtime_panic' create l_rt_panic l_rt_panic.set_code ({EXCEP_CONST}.Eiffel_runtime_fatal_error) Result := l_rt_panic when {EXCEP_CONST}.Dollar_applied_to_melted_feature then create {ADDRESS_APPLIED_TO_MELTED_FEATURE}Result when {EXCEP_CONST}.Runtime_io_exception then -- Merged with `Io_exception' create l_io_failure l_io_failure.set_code ({EXCEP_CONST}.Runtime_io_exception) Result := l_io_failure when {EXCEP_CONST}.Com_exception then create {COM_FAILURE}Result when {EXCEP_CONST}.Runtime_check_exception then create {CHECK_VIOLATION}Result when {EXCEP_CONST}.old_exception then create {OLD_VIOLATION}Result when {EXCEP_CONST}.serialization_exception then create {SERIALIZATION_FAILURE}Result else end end feature {NONE} -- Element change compute_last_exception (a_last_exception: NATIVE_EXCEPTION): detachable EXCEPTION -- Set `last_exception' with `a_last_exception'. do if a_last_exception /= Void then Result := constructed_exception_chain (a_last_exception) end end feature {NONE} -- Implementation, ignoring ignored_exceptions: HASH_TABLE [INTEGER, INTEGER] -- Ignored exceptions once create Result.make (0) ensure instance_free: class end unignorable_exceptions: HASH_TABLE [INTEGER, INTEGER] -- Unignorable exceptions local l_type: INTEGER once create Result.make (1) l_type := ({VOID_TARGET}).type_id Result.force (l_type, l_type) ensure instance_free: class end unraisable_exceptions: HASH_TABLE [INTEGER, INTEGER] -- Unraisable exceptions local l_type: INTEGER once create Result.make (2) l_type := ({ROUTINE_FAILURE}).type_id Result.force (l_type, l_type) l_type := ({OLD_VIOLATION}).type_id Result.force (l_type, l_type) ensure instance_free: class end feature {NONE} -- Implementation, exception chain constructed_exception_chain (a_last_exception: NATIVE_EXCEPTION): EXCEPTION -- Construct exception chain require a_last_exception_not_viod: a_last_exception /= Void local l_rs: like recipient_and_type_name l_to_skip: INTEGER do if attached {ROUTINE_FAILURE} a_last_exception as l_rf then l_to_skip := 2 else -- Skip a frame for precondition violation and invariant violation on entry -- To get the caller. if attached {PRECONDITION_VIOLATION} a_last_exception as l_pre or {ISE_RUNTIME}.in_precondition then l_to_skip := 2 -- The number is decided because for a normal Eiffel call, there are two frames. end end l_rs := recipient_and_type_name (create {STACK_TRACE}.make (a_last_exception), l_to_skip) Result := wrapped_exception (a_last_exception) Result.set_recipient_name (l_rs.recipient) Result.set_type_name (l_rs.type) Result.set_line_number (l_rs.line_number) if {ISE_RUNTIME}.exception_from_rescue then Result.original.set_throwing_exception (last_exception) end ensure constructed_exception_chain_not_void: Result /= Void end wrapped_exception (a_exception: NATIVE_EXCEPTION): EXCEPTION -- Wrapped .NET exception require a_exception_not_void: a_exception /= Void do if attached {EXCEPTION} a_exception as e then -- An Eiffel exception. Result := e else -- A pure .NET exception if attached {NULL_REFERENCE_EXCEPTION} a_exception as l_nullref then -- Replace NullReferenceException with VOID_TARGET create {VOID_TARGET} Result.make_dotnet_exception (a_exception) elseif attached {UNAUTHORIZED_ACCESS_EXCEPTION} a_exception or else attached {SECURITY_EXCEPTION} a_exception or else attached {IO_EXCEPTION} a_exception then create {IO_FAILURE} Result.make_dotnet_exception (a_exception) else create {OPERATING_SYSTEM_SIGNAL_FAILURE} Result.make_dotnet_exception (a_exception) end Result.set_description ("") end end recipient_and_type_name (a_st: STACK_TRACE; a_skip: INTEGER): TUPLE [recipient, type: detachable STRING; line_number: INTEGER] -- Compute recipient name, type name and possible line number via `a_st'. -- `a_skip' is number of first caught frames to though away. require a_st_not_void: a_st /= Void local l_routine_name, l_class: detachable STRING l_stack_trace: STACK_TRACE l_frame_count, i: INTEGER l_skipped, l_to_skip: INTEGER l_line_number: INTEGER l_found: BOOLEAN l_type: detachable SYSTEM_TYPE do l_stack_trace := a_st l_frame_count := l_stack_trace.frame_count l_to_skip := a_skip from i := 0 until i >= l_frame_count or else l_found loop if attached l_stack_trace.get_frame (i) as l_frame and then attached l_frame.get_method as l_method and then is_filtered_routine (l_method) then if l_skipped >= l_to_skip then create l_routine_name.make_from_cil ( if l_routine_name.count > 2 and then l_routine_name.item (1).is_equal ('$') and then l_routine_name.item (2).is_equal ('$') then l_routine_name := l_routine_name.substring (3, l_routine_name.count) end l_type := l_method.declaring_type check l_type /= Void then create l_class.make_from_cil ( end l_line_number := l_frame.get_file_line_number l_found := True else l_skipped := l_skipped + 1 end end i := i + 1 end Result := [l_routine_name, l_class, l_line_number] ensure result_not_void: Result /= Void end is_filtered_routine (a_method: METHOD_BASE): BOOLEAN -- Is `a_name' filtered? -- Implementations, routines out of Eiffel classes and some routines in the manager are filtered. require a_method_not_void: a_method /= Void do if attached a_method.declaring_type as l_type and then attached l_type.get_custom_attributes ({EIFFEL_NAME_ATTRIBUTE}, False) as l_attributes and then l_attributes.count = 1 and then attached {EIFFEL_NAME_ATTRIBUTE} l_attributes.item (0) as l_attr and then not filtered_class.has (create {STRING}.make_from_cil( then Result := not filtered_routines.has (create {STRING}.make_from_cil ( end end filtered_class: HASH_TABLE [INTEGER, STRING] -- Filterred routines once create Result.make (2) Result.put (0, "IseExceptionManager") Result.put (0, "ISE_EXCEPTION_MANAGER") end filtered_routines: HASH_TABLE [INTEGER, STRING] -- Filterred routines once create Result.make (15) Result.put (0, "Main") Result.put (0, "raise") Result.put (0, "$$raise") Result.put (0, "internal_raise") Result.put (0, "$$internal_raise") Result.put (0, "internal_raise_old") Result.put (0, "$$internal_raise_old") Result.put (0, "raise_code") Result.put (0, "$$raise_code") Result.put (0, "_invariant") Result.put (0, "$$_invariant") Result.put (0, "throw_last_exception") Result.put (0, "$$throw_last_exception") Result.put (0, "check_invariant") Result.put (0, "create_and_call_root_object") end feature {NONE} -- Internal raise, Implementation of RT_EXCEPTION_MANAGER internal_raise (e_code: INTEGER; msg: SYSTEM_STRING) -- Internal raise exception of code `e_code' local l_saved_assertion, l_assertion_set: BOOLEAN l_assertion_tag: STRING_32 do if is_assertion_violation (e_code) then -- Disable assertion check in assertions. l_assertion_set := True l_saved_assertion := {ISE_RUNTIME}.check_assert (False) end check attached exception_from_code (e_code) as l_exception then if attached {INVARIANT_VIOLATION} l_exception as i then i.set_is_entry ({ISE_RUNTIME}.invariant_entry) end if msg /= Void then create l_assertion_tag.make_from_cil (msg) l_exception.set_description (l_assertion_tag) else create l_assertion_tag.make_empty end if not l_exception.is_ignored then -- Restore assertion level just before throwing the exception. if l_assertion_set then l_saved_assertion := {ISE_RUNTIME}.check_assert (l_saved_assertion) end {ISE_RUNTIME}.raise (l_exception) end -- The exception is ingored. Restore assertion level. if l_assertion_set then l_saved_assertion := {ISE_RUNTIME}.check_assert (l_saved_assertion) end end end internal_raise_old (a_exception: NATIVE_EXCEPTION) -- Raise OLD_VIOLATION with original of `a_exception' local l_exception: OLD_VIOLATION do create l_exception if not l_exception.is_ignored then l_exception.set_throwing_exception (constructed_exception_chain (a_exception)) {ISE_RUNTIME}.raise (l_exception) end end throw_last_exception (a_exception: detachable NATIVE_EXCEPTION; a_for_once: BOOLEAN) -- Rethrow the exception at the end of rescue clause. --| This feature is called by {ISE_RUNTIME}.rethrow, which passes --| `_last_exception' as an argument. In setter of `_last_exception', --| `_last_exception' is always computed by Eiffel code --| `compute_last_exception' which returns EXCEPTION. local l_failure: ROUTINE_FAILURE l_stack_trace: STACK_TRACE l_rs: like recipient_and_type_name do -- The exception should be always EXCEPTION. check ensured_by_run_time: attached {EXCEPTION} a_exception as l_exception then if not a_for_once then create l_failure l_failure.set_throwing_exception (l_exception) create l_stack_trace.make l_rs := recipient_and_type_name (l_stack_trace, 0) l_failure.set_routine_name (l_rs.recipient) l_failure.set_class_name (l_rs.type) -- Substitute `last_exception' for the use at the beginning of a `rescue', -- where we setup possible `cause'. {ISE_RUNTIME}.restore_last_exception (l_failure) {ISE_RUNTIME}.raise (l_failure) else {ISE_RUNTIME}.raise (l_exception) end end end is_assertion_violation (a_code: INTEGER): BOOLEAN -- Is `a_code' exception of assertion violation? do Result := a_code = {EXCEP_CONST}.precondition or else a_code = {EXCEP_CONST}.postcondition or else a_code = {EXCEP_CONST}.check_instruction or else a_code = {EXCEP_CONST}.class_invariant or else a_code = {EXCEP_CONST}.loop_invariant or else a_code = {EXCEP_CONST}.loop_variant end feature {NONE} -- Exception codes, Implementation of RT_EXCEPTION_MANAGER Void_call_target:INTEGER do Result := {EXCEP_CONST}.Void_call_target end No_more_memory:INTEGER do Result := {EXCEP_CONST}.No_more_memory end Precondition:INTEGER do Result := {EXCEP_CONST}.Precondition end Postcondition:INTEGER do Result := {EXCEP_CONST}.Postcondition end Floating_point_exception:INTEGER do Result := {EXCEP_CONST}.Floating_point_exception end Class_invariant:INTEGER do Result := {EXCEP_CONST}.Class_invariant end Check_instruction:INTEGER do Result := {EXCEP_CONST}.Check_instruction end Routine_failure:INTEGER do Result := {EXCEP_CONST}.Routine_failure end Incorrect_inspect_value:INTEGER do Result := {EXCEP_CONST}.Incorrect_inspect_value end Loop_variant:INTEGER do Result := {EXCEP_CONST}.Loop_variant end Loop_invariant:INTEGER do Result := {EXCEP_CONST}.Loop_invariant end Signal_exception:INTEGER do Result := {EXCEP_CONST}.Signal_exception end Rescue_exception:INTEGER do Result := {EXCEP_CONST}.Rescue_exception end External_exception:INTEGER do Result := {EXCEP_CONST}.External_exception end Void_assigned_to_expanded:INTEGER do Result := {EXCEP_CONST}.Void_assigned_to_expanded end Io_exception:INTEGER do Result := {EXCEP_CONST}.Io_exception end Operating_system_exception:INTEGER do Result := {EXCEP_CONST}.Operating_system_exception end Retrieve_exception:INTEGER do Result := {EXCEP_CONST}.Retrieve_exception end Developer_exception:INTEGER do Result := {EXCEP_CONST}.Developer_exception end Runtime_io_exception:INTEGER do Result := {EXCEP_CONST}.Runtime_io_exception end Com_exception:INTEGER do Result := {EXCEP_CONST}.Com_exception end Runtime_check_exception:INTEGER do Result := {EXCEP_CONST}.Runtime_check_exception end old_exception:INTEGER do Result := {EXCEP_CONST}.old_exception end serialization_exception:INTEGER do Result := {EXCEP_CONST}.serialization_exception end note library: "EiffelBase: Library of reusable components for Eiffel." copyright: "Copyright (c) 1984-2018, Eiffel Software and others" license: "Eiffel Forum License v2 (see" source: "[ Eiffel Software 5949 Hollister Ave., Goleta, CA 93117 USA Telephone 805-685-1006, Fax 805-685-6869 Website Customer support ]" end