note description: "[ Factory for creating SYSTEM_STRING instances. It uses the escape convention of UTF_CONVERTER to represent all possible wrong encoding on the SYSTEM_STRING side. ]" date: "$Date$" revision: "$Revision$" class SYSTEM_STRING_FACTORY feature -- Conversion from_string_to_system_string (a_str: READABLE_STRING_GENERAL): SYSTEM_STRING -- Convert `a_str' to an instance of SYSTEM_STRING. The input -- is escaped and will be decoded in the SYSTEM_STRING instance. require is_dotnet: {PLATFORM}.is_dotnet a_str_not_void: a_str /= Void local i, nb: INTEGER l_str: STRING_BUILDER c: NATURAL_32 l_dummy: detachable STRING_BUILDER l_encoded_value: READABLE_STRING_GENERAL l_decoded: BOOLEAN do -- Perform a UTF-32 conversion to UTF-16. -- The code below uses `to_character_8' but don't be fooled -- it is actually a System.Char type which has a 2-byte length. nb := a_str.count create l_str.make (nb) from i := 1 until i > nb loop c := a_str.code (i) if c = {UTF_CONVERTER}.escape_character.natural_32_code then -- We might be facing a character that was escaped. if i < nb then if a_str.item (i + 1) = {UTF_CONVERTER}.escape_character then -- The `escape_character' was escaped, it meant they really wanted an `escape_character'. i := i + 1 elseif a_str.item (i + 1) = 'u' then if i + 4 < nb then l_encoded_value := a_str.substring (i + 2, i + 5) if is_hexa_decimal (l_encoded_value) then c := to_natural_32 (l_encoded_value) l_decoded := True i := i + 5 else -- Not an hexadecimal value, it was not escaped. end else -- Not enough characters to make a 2-byte value, it was not escaped. end elseif i + 1 < nb then -- We have at least 2 characters to read, make sure they represent an hexadecimal -- value. l_encoded_value := a_str.substring (i + 1, i + 2) if is_hexa_decimal (l_encoded_value) then c := to_natural_32 (l_encoded_value) l_decoded := True i := i + 2 else -- Not an hexadecimal value, it was not escaped. end else -- Not enough to read to make it valid, it was not escaped. end else -- Nothing more to read, clearly it was not encoded. end end if not l_decoded then if c <= 0xFFFF then -- Codepoint from Basic Multilingual Plane: one 16-bit code unit. l_dummy := l_str.append_character (c.to_character_8) else -- Supplementary Planes: surrogate pair with lead and trail surrogates. l_dummy := l_str.append_character ((0xD7C0 + (c |>> 10)).to_character_8) l_dummy := l_str.append_character ((0xDC00 + (c & 0x3FF)).to_character_8) end else l_decoded := False -- Simply put decoded value directly in stream. l_dummy := l_str.append_character (c.to_character_8) end i := i + 1 end check attached l_str.to_string as l_string then Result := l_string end ensure from_string_to_system_string_not_void: Result /= Void end read_system_string_into (a_str: SYSTEM_STRING; a_result: STRING_GENERAL) -- Fill `a_result' with `a_str' content using the escaping mechanism for badly formed -- UTF-16 encodings. require is_dotnet: {PLATFORM}.is_dotnet a_str_not_void: a_str /= Void a_result_not_void: a_result /= Void a_result_valid: a_result.count >= a_str.length + escape_count (a_str) do if attached {STRING_8} a_result as l_str then read_system_string_into_area_8 (a_str, l_str.area) elseif attached {STRING_32} a_result as l_str then read_system_string_into_area_32 (a_str, l_str.area) else check False end end end read_system_string_into_area_8 (a_str: SYSTEM_STRING; a_area: SPECIAL [CHARACTER_8]) -- Fill `a_result' with `a_str' content. Note that most of the time values -- are truncated to fit `a_area'. require is_dotnet: {PLATFORM}.is_dotnet a_str_not_void: a_str /= Void a_area_not_void: a_area /= Void a_area_valid: a_area.count >= a_str.length local i, j, n: INTEGER c1, c2: NATURAL_32 do -- Convert UTF-16 encoded `a_str' into `a_area' which is UTF-32. Note that -- in this particular case, we simply ignore the escaping. from -- Allocate Result with the same number of bytes as `p'. n := a_str.length until i >= n loop c1 := a_str.chars (i).natural_32_code if c1 < 0xD800 or else c1 >= 0xE000 then -- Codepoint from Basic Multilingual Plane: one 16-bit code unit. a_area.put (c1.as_natural_8.to_character_8, j) else -- Supplementary Planes: surrogate pair with lead and trail surrogates. if i < n then c2 := a_str.chars (i + 1).natural_32_code a_area.put (((c1 |<< 10) + c2 - 0x35FDC00).as_natural_8.to_character_8, j) end i := i + 1 end j := j + 1 i := i + 1 end end read_system_string_into_area_32 (a_str: SYSTEM_STRING; a_area: SPECIAL [CHARACTER_32]) -- Fill `a_area' with `a_str' content using the escaping mechanism for badly formed -- UTF-16 encodings. require is_dotnet: {PLATFORM}.is_dotnet a_str_not_void: a_str /= Void a_area_not_void: a_area /= Void a_area_valid: a_area.count >= a_str.length + escape_count (a_str) local i, j, n: INTEGER c1, c2: NATURAL_32 do -- Convert UTF-16 encoded `a_str' into `a_area' which is UTF-32. from -- Allocate Result with the same number of bytes as `p'. n := a_str.length until i >= n loop c1 := a_str.chars (i).natural_32_code if c1 < 0xD800 or else c1 >= 0xE000 then -- Codepoint from Basic Multilingual Plane: one 16-bit code unit. a_area.put (c1.to_character_32, j) if c1.to_character_32 = {UTF_CONVERTER}.escape_character then a_area.put (c1.to_character_32, j + 1) j := j + 1 end else -- Supplementary Planes: surrogate pair with lead and trail surrogates. if i < n then c2 := a_str.chars (i + 1).natural_32_code a_area.put (((c1 |<< 10) + c2 - 0x35FDC00).to_character_32, j) end i := i + 1 end j := j + 1 i := i + 1 end end escape_count (a_str: SYSTEM_STRING): INTEGER -- Number of `escape_character' in `a_str'. require is_dotnet: {PLATFORM}.is_dotnet local i, n: INTEGER do from n := a_str.length until i = n loop if a_str.chars (i).to_character_32 = {UTF_CONVERTER}.escape_character then Result := Result + 1 end i := i + 1 end end feature {NONE} -- Implementation escape_code_into (a_string: STRING_32; a_code: NATURAL_16) -- Escape `a_code' as documented in the note clause of the class into `a_string'. -- If `a_code' fits into a NATURAL_8, it will be just the `escape_character' followed -- by the 2-digit hexadecimal representation, otherwise `escape_character' followed -- by the letter `u' followed by the 4-digit hexadecimal representation. do a_string.append_character ({UTF_CONVERTER}.escape_character) if a_code <= {NATURAL_8}.max_value then a_string.append_string_general (a_code.as_natural_8.to_hex_string) else a_string.append_character ('u') a_string.append_string_general (a_code.to_hex_string) end end is_hexa_decimal (a_string: READABLE_STRING_GENERAL): BOOLEAN -- Is `a_string' a valid hexadecimal sequence? local l_convertor: like ctoi_convertor do l_convertor := ctoi_convertor l_convertor.reset ({NUMERIC_INFORMATION}.type_natural_32) l_convertor.parse_string_with_type (a_string, {NUMERIC_INFORMATION}.type_natural_32) Result := l_convertor.is_integral_integer end to_natural_32 (a_hex_string: READABLE_STRING_GENERAL): NATURAL_32 -- Convert hexadecimal value `a_hex_string' to its corresponding NATURAL_32 value. require is_hexa: is_hexa_decimal (a_hex_string) local l_convertor: like ctoi_convertor do l_convertor := ctoi_convertor l_convertor.parse_string_with_type (a_hex_string, {NUMERIC_INFORMATION}.type_no_limitation) Result := l_convertor.parsed_natural_32 end ctoi_convertor: HEXADECIMAL_STRING_TO_INTEGER_CONVERTER -- Convertor used to convert string to integer or natural once create Result.make Result.set_leading_separators_acceptable (False) Result.set_trailing_separators_acceptable (False) ensure ctoi_convertor_not_void: Result /= Void end note library: "EiffelBase: Library of reusable components for Eiffel." copyright: "Copyright (c) 1984-2012, Eiffel Software and others" license: "Eiffel Forum License v2 (see" source: "[ Eiffel Software 5949 Hollister Ave., Goleta, CA 93117 USA Telephone 805-685-1006, Fax 805-685-6869 Website Customer support ]" end