note description: "[ Exception manager. The manager handles all common operations of exception mechanism and interaction with the ISE runtime. ]" legal: "See notice at end of class." status: "See notice at end of class." date: "$Date$" revision: "$Revision$" class ISE_EXCEPTION_MANAGER inherit EXCEPTION_MANAGER redefine last_exception, raise, ignore, catch, set_is_ignored, is_ignorable, is_raisable, is_ignored, is_caught, type_of_code, exception_from_code end feature -- Access last_exception: detachable EXCEPTION -- Last exception do Result := last_exception_cell.item end feature -- Raise raise (a_exception: EXCEPTION) -- Raise `a_exception'. -- Raising `a_exception' by this routine makes `a_exception' accessible by `last_exception' -- in rescue clause. Hence causes removal of original `last_exception'. local p_meaning, p_message: POINTER do if not a_exception.is_ignored then if in_rescue then a_exception.set_throwing_exception (last_exception) end set_last_exception (a_exception) -- Meaning is not yet used in the runtime. -- We passes NULL, until we implemented it. p_meaning := default_pointer if attached {C_STRING} a_exception.c_description as m then p_message := m.item else p_message := default_pointer end developer_raise (a_exception.code, p_meaning, p_message) end end feature -- Status setting ignore (a_exception: TYPE [detachable EXCEPTION]) -- Make sure that any exception of type `a_exception' will be -- ignored. This is not the default. local l_type: INTEGER do l_type := a_exception.type_id ignored_exceptions.force (l_type, l_type) end catch (a_exception: TYPE [detachable EXCEPTION]) -- Set type of `a_exception' `is_ignored'. do ignored_exceptions.remove (a_exception.type_id) end set_is_ignored (a_exception: TYPE [detachable EXCEPTION]; a_ignored: BOOLEAN) -- Set type of `a_exception' to be `a_ignored'. do if a_ignored then ignore (a_exception) else catch (a_exception) end end feature -- Status report is_ignorable (a_exception: TYPE [detachable EXCEPTION]): BOOLEAN -- If set, type of `a_exception' is ignorable. do Result := not unignorable_exceptions.has (a_exception.type_id) end is_raisable (a_exception: TYPE [detachable EXCEPTION]): BOOLEAN -- If set, type of `a_exception' is raisable. do Result := not unraisable_exceptions.has (a_exception.type_id) end is_ignored (a_exception: TYPE [detachable EXCEPTION]): BOOLEAN -- If set, type of `a_exception' is not raised. do Result := ignored_exceptions.has (a_exception.type_id) end is_caught (a_exception: TYPE [detachable EXCEPTION]): BOOLEAN -- If set, type of `a_exception' is raised. do Result := not ignored_exceptions.has (a_exception.type_id) end feature {EXCEPTIONS} -- Compatibility support type_of_code (a_code: INTEGER): detachable TYPE [EXCEPTION] -- Exception type of `a_code' do inspect a_code when {EXCEP_CONST}.void_call_target then Result := {VOID_TARGET} when {EXCEP_CONST}.No_more_memory then Result := {NO_MORE_MEMORY} when {EXCEP_CONST}.Precondition then Result := {PRECONDITION_VIOLATION} when {EXCEP_CONST}.Postcondition then Result := {POSTCONDITION_VIOLATION} when {EXCEP_CONST}.Floating_point_exception then Result := {FLOATING_POINT_FAILURE} when {EXCEP_CONST}.Class_invariant then Result := {INVARIANT_VIOLATION} when {EXCEP_CONST}.Check_instruction then Result := {CHECK_VIOLATION} when {EXCEP_CONST}.Routine_failure then Result := {ROUTINE_FAILURE} when {EXCEP_CONST}.Incorrect_inspect_value then Result := {BAD_INSPECT_VALUE} when {EXCEP_CONST}.Loop_variant then Result := {VARIANT_VIOLATION} when {EXCEP_CONST}.Loop_invariant then Result := {LOOP_INVARIANT_VIOLATION} when {EXCEP_CONST}.Signal_exception then Result := {OPERATING_SYSTEM_SIGNAL_FAILURE} when {EXCEP_CONST}.Eiffel_runtime_panic then Result := {EIFFEL_RUNTIME_PANIC} when {EXCEP_CONST}.Rescue_exception then -- Obselete Result := {RESCUE_FAILURE} when {EXCEP_CONST}.Out_of_memory then -- Merged with `No_more_memory' Result := {NO_MORE_MEMORY} when {EXCEP_CONST}.Resumption_failed then -- Obselete Result := {RESUMPTION_FAILURE} when {EXCEP_CONST}.Create_on_deferred then Result := {CREATE_ON_DEFERRED} when {EXCEP_CONST}.External_exception then Result := {EXTERNAL_FAILURE} when {EXCEP_CONST}.Void_assigned_to_expanded then Result := {VOID_ASSIGNED_TO_EXPANDED} when {EXCEP_CONST}.Exception_in_signal_handler then -- Obselete Result := {EXCEPTION_IN_SIGNAL_HANDLER_FAILURE} when {EXCEP_CONST}.Io_exception then Result := {IO_FAILURE} when {EXCEP_CONST}.Operating_system_exception then Result := {OPERATING_SYSTEM_FAILURE} when {EXCEP_CONST}.Retrieve_exception then Result := {MISMATCH_FAILURE} when {EXCEP_CONST}.Developer_exception then Result := {DEVELOPER_EXCEPTION} when {EXCEP_CONST}.Eiffel_runtime_fatal_error then -- Merged with `Eiffel_runtime_panic' Result := {EIFFEL_RUNTIME_PANIC} when {EXCEP_CONST}.Dollar_applied_to_melted_feature then Result := {ADDRESS_APPLIED_TO_MELTED_FEATURE} when {EXCEP_CONST}.Runtime_io_exception then -- Merged with `Io_exception' Result := {IO_FAILURE} when {EXCEP_CONST}.Com_exception then Result := {COM_FAILURE} when {EXCEP_CONST}.Runtime_check_exception then Result := {CHECK_VIOLATION} when {EXCEP_CONST}.old_exception then Result := {OLD_VIOLATION} when {EXCEP_CONST}.serialization_exception then Result := {SERIALIZATION_FAILURE} else Result := Void end end exception_from_code (a_code: INTEGER): detachable EXCEPTION -- Create exception object from `a_code' local l_rt_panic: EIFFEL_RUNTIME_PANIC l_io_failure: IO_FAILURE l_no_more_mem: NO_MORE_MEMORY do inspect a_code when {EXCEP_CONST}.void_call_target then create {VOID_TARGET}Result when {EXCEP_CONST}.No_more_memory then l_no_more_mem := no_memory_exception_object_cell.item l_no_more_mem.set_code ({EXCEP_CONST}.No_more_memory) Result := l_no_more_mem when {EXCEP_CONST}.Precondition then create {PRECONDITION_VIOLATION}Result when {EXCEP_CONST}.Postcondition then create {POSTCONDITION_VIOLATION}Result when {EXCEP_CONST}.Floating_point_exception then create {FLOATING_POINT_FAILURE}Result when {EXCEP_CONST}.Class_invariant then create {INVARIANT_VIOLATION}Result when {EXCEP_CONST}.Check_instruction then create {CHECK_VIOLATION}Result when {EXCEP_CONST}.Routine_failure then create {ROUTINE_FAILURE}Result when {EXCEP_CONST}.Incorrect_inspect_value then create {BAD_INSPECT_VALUE}Result when {EXCEP_CONST}.Loop_variant then create {VARIANT_VIOLATION}Result when {EXCEP_CONST}.Loop_invariant then create {LOOP_INVARIANT_VIOLATION}Result when {EXCEP_CONST}.Signal_exception then create {OPERATING_SYSTEM_SIGNAL_FAILURE}Result when {EXCEP_CONST}.Eiffel_runtime_panic then create l_rt_panic l_rt_panic.set_code ({EXCEP_CONST}.Eiffel_runtime_panic) Result := l_rt_panic when {EXCEP_CONST}.Rescue_exception then -- Obselete create {RESCUE_FAILURE}Result when {EXCEP_CONST}.Out_of_memory then -- Merged with `No_more_memory' l_no_more_mem := no_memory_exception_object_cell.item l_no_more_mem.set_code ({EXCEP_CONST}.Out_of_memory) Result := l_no_more_mem when {EXCEP_CONST}.Resumption_failed then -- Obselete create {RESUMPTION_FAILURE}Result when {EXCEP_CONST}.Create_on_deferred then create {CREATE_ON_DEFERRED}Result when {EXCEP_CONST}.External_exception then create {EXTERNAL_FAILURE}Result when {EXCEP_CONST}.Void_assigned_to_expanded then create {VOID_ASSIGNED_TO_EXPANDED}Result when {EXCEP_CONST}.Exception_in_signal_handler then -- Obselete create {EXCEPTION_IN_SIGNAL_HANDLER_FAILURE}Result when {EXCEP_CONST}.Io_exception then create l_io_failure l_io_failure.set_code ({EXCEP_CONST}.Io_exception) Result := l_io_failure when {EXCEP_CONST}.Operating_system_exception then create {OPERATING_SYSTEM_FAILURE}Result when {EXCEP_CONST}.Retrieve_exception then create {MISMATCH_FAILURE}Result when {EXCEP_CONST}.Developer_exception then create {DEVELOPER_EXCEPTION}Result when {EXCEP_CONST}.Eiffel_runtime_fatal_error then -- Merged with `Eiffel_runtime_panic' create l_rt_panic l_rt_panic.set_code ({EXCEP_CONST}.Eiffel_runtime_fatal_error) Result := l_rt_panic when {EXCEP_CONST}.Dollar_applied_to_melted_feature then create {ADDRESS_APPLIED_TO_MELTED_FEATURE}Result when {EXCEP_CONST}.Runtime_io_exception then -- Merged with `Io_exception' create l_io_failure l_io_failure.set_code ({EXCEP_CONST}.Runtime_io_exception) Result := l_io_failure when {EXCEP_CONST}.Com_exception then create {COM_FAILURE}Result when {EXCEP_CONST}.Runtime_check_exception then create {CHECK_VIOLATION}Result when {EXCEP_CONST}.old_exception then create {OLD_VIOLATION}Result when {EXCEP_CONST}.serialization_exception then create {SERIALIZATION_FAILURE}Result else end end feature {NONE} -- Access exception_data: detachable TUPLE [code: INTEGER; signal_code: INTEGER; error_code: INTEGER; tag, recipient, eclass: STRING; rf_routine, rf_class: STRING; trace: STRING; line_number: INTEGER; is_invariant_entry: BOOLEAN] -- Exception data -- Used to store temporary exception information, -- which is used to create exception object later. do Result := exception_data_cell.item ensure instance_free: class end feature {NONE} -- Element change set_last_exception (a_last_exception: detachable EXCEPTION) -- Set `last_exception' with `a_last_exception'. do last_exception_cell.put (a_last_exception) ensure instance_free: class last_exception_set: last_exception_cell.item = a_last_exception end set_exception_data (code: INTEGER; new_obj: BOOLEAN; signal_code: INTEGER; error_code: INTEGER; tag, recipient, eclass: STRING; rf_routine, rf_class: STRING; trace: STRING; line_number: INTEGER; is_invariant_entry: BOOLEAN) -- Set exception data. do exception_data_cell.put ([code, signal_code, error_code, tag, recipient, eclass, rf_routine, rf_class, trace, line_number, is_invariant_entry]) if new_obj then if attached {EXCEPTION} exception_from_data as e then set_last_exception (e) end else -- This exception was raised from Eiffel code. -- Now the callback from runtime simply fill the exception object with interesting information. check last_exception_attached: attached last_exception as l_exception then l_exception.set_exception_trace (trace) l_exception.set_recipient_name (recipient) l_exception.set_type_name (eclass) end end ensure instance_free: class end feature {NONE} -- Implementation, ignoring ignored_exceptions: HASH_TABLE [INTEGER, INTEGER] -- Ignored exceptions once create Result.make (0) ensure instance_free: class end unignorable_exceptions: HASH_TABLE [INTEGER, INTEGER] -- Unignorable exceptions local l_type: INTEGER once create Result.make (1) l_type := ({VOID_TARGET}).type_id Result.force (l_type, l_type) ensure instance_free: class end unraisable_exceptions: HASH_TABLE [INTEGER, INTEGER] -- Unraisable exceptions local l_type: INTEGER once create Result.make (2) l_type := ({ROUTINE_FAILURE}).type_id Result.force (l_type, l_type) l_type := ({OLD_VIOLATION}).type_id Result.force (l_type, l_type) ensure instance_free: class end feature {NONE} -- Cells exception_data_cell: CELL [detachable TUPLE [code: INTEGER; signal_code: INTEGER; error_code: INTEGER; tag, recipient, eclass: STRING; rf_routine, rf_class: STRING; trace: STRING; line_number: INTEGER; is_invariant_entry: BOOLEAN]] -- Cell to hold current exception data once create Result.put (Void) ensure instance_free: class end last_exception_cell: CELL [detachable EXCEPTION] -- Cell to hold last exception once create Result.put (Void) ensure instance_free: class end no_memory_exception_object_cell: CELL [NO_MORE_MEMORY] -- No more memory exception object. local l_nomem: NO_MORE_MEMORY once -- Reserve memory for no more memory exception object. create l_nomem l_nomem.set_exception_trace (create {STRING_8}.make (4096)) create Result.put (l_nomem) ensure instance_free: class end feature {NONE} -- Implementation is_code_ignored (a_code: INTEGER): BOOLEAN -- Is exception of `a_code' ignored? do if attached {TYPE [detachable EXCEPTION]} type_of_code (a_code) as l_type then Result := is_ignored (l_type) else Result := True end ensure instance_free: class end exception_from_data: detachable EXCEPTION -- Create an exception object `exception_data' local t: detachable EXCEPTION do if attached exception_data as l_data and then attached {EXCEPTION} exception_from_code (l_data.code) as e then if attached {ROUTINE_FAILURE} e as l_rf then t := last_exception if t /= Void then e.set_throwing_exception (t) end l_rf.set_routine_name (l_data.rf_routine) l_rf.set_class_name (l_data.rf_class) elseif attached {OLD_VIOLATION} e as l_ov then t := last_exception if t /= Void then e.set_throwing_exception (t) end else if attached {INVARIANT_VIOLATION} e as l_inva then l_inva.set_is_entry (l_data.is_invariant_entry) elseif attached {OPERATING_SYSTEM_SIGNAL_FAILURE} e as l_sig then l_sig.set_signal_code (l_data.signal_code) elseif attached {IO_FAILURE} e as l_io then l_io.set_error_code (l_data.error_code) elseif attached {OPERATING_SYSTEM_FAILURE} e as l_sys then l_sys.set_error_code (l_data.error_code) elseif attached {COM_FAILURE} e as l_com then l_com.set_hresult_code (l_data.signal_code) l_com.set_exception_information (l_data.tag) end if in_rescue then t := last_exception end if t = Void then t := e end e.set_throwing_exception (t) end e.set_exception_trace (l_data.trace) e.set_description (l_data.tag) e.set_recipient_name (l_data.recipient) e.set_type_name (l_data.eclass) Result := e end ensure instance_free: class end once_raise (a_exception: EXCEPTION) -- Called by runtime to raise saved exception for once routines. require a_exception_not_void: a_exception /= Void local p_meaning, p_message: POINTER do if not a_exception.is_ignored then if in_rescue then -- We replace the `cause'. a_exception.original.set_throwing_exception (last_exception) end set_last_exception (a_exception) -- Meaning is not yet used in the runtime. -- We passes NULL, until we implemented it. p_meaning := default_pointer if attached {C_STRING} a_exception.c_description as m then p_message := m.item else p_message := default_pointer end developer_raise (a_exception.code, p_meaning, p_message) end ensure instance_free: class end frozen init_exception_manager -- Call once routines to create objects beforehand, -- in case it goes into critical session (Stack overflow, no memory etc.) -- The creations doesn't fail. do ignored_exceptions.do_nothing unignorable_exceptions.do_nothing unraisable_exceptions.do_nothing exception_data_cell.do_nothing last_exception_cell.do_nothing -- Reserve memory for no more memory exception object. no_memory_exception_object_cell.do_nothing ensure instance_free: class end frozen free_preallocated_trace local e: detachable EXCEPTION do e := no_memory_exception_object_cell.item if e /= Void then e.set_description (Void) end ensure instance_free: class end developer_raise (a_code: INTEGER; a_meaning, a_message: POINTER) -- Raise an exception external "built_in static" ensure instance_free: class end frozen in_rescue: BOOLEAN -- Current execution is during rescue? external "C use %"eif_except.h%"" alias "eif_is_in_rescue" ensure instance_free: class end note library: "EiffelBase: Library of reusable components for Eiffel." copyright: "Copyright (c) 1984-2018, Eiffel Software and others" license: "Eiffel Forum License v2 (see" source: "[ Eiffel Software 5949 Hollister Ave., Goleta, CA 93117 USA Telephone 805-685-1006, Fax 805-685-6869 Website Customer support ]" end