note description: "[ Access to internal object properties. This class may be used as ancestor by classes needing its facilities. ]" legal: "See notice at end of class." status: "See notice at end of class." date: "$Date$" revision: "$Revision$" class DOTNET_REFLECTOR inherit REFLECTOR_HELPER REFLECTOR_CONSTANTS REFACTORING_HELPER feature -- Conformance is_instance_of (object: ANY; type_id: INTEGER): BOOLEAN -- Is `object' an instance of type `type_id'? require object_not_void: object /= Void type_id_nonnegative: type_id >= 0 do Result := type_conforms_to (dynamic_type (object), type_id) end type_conforms_to (type1, type2: INTEGER): BOOLEAN -- Does `type1' conform to `type2'? require type1_nonnegative: type1 >= 0 type2_nonnegative: type2 >= 0 local l_system_type1, l_system_type2: detachable SYSTEM_TYPE do if type1 = type2 then Result := True else fixme ("Take into account generics") if attached id_to_eiffel_type.item (type1) as l_rt_class_type then l_system_type1 := l_rt_class_type.dotnet_type end if attached id_to_eiffel_type.item (type2) as l_rt_class_type then l_system_type2 := l_rt_class_type.dotnet_type end if l_system_type1 /= Void and l_system_type2 /= Void then Result := l_system_type2.is_assignable_from (l_system_type1) end end ensure instance_free: class end field_conforms_to (a_source_type, a_field_type: INTEGER): BOOLEAN -- Does `a_source_type' conform to `a_field_type'? --| Different from `type_conforms_to' since possible attachment mark of `a_field_type' --| is discarded. require a_source_type_non_negative: a_source_type >= 0 a_field_type_non_negative: a_field_type >= 0 do -- Currently .NET does not support attachment, this is why we are simlpy -- calling `type_conforms_to'. fixme ("Take into account attachment marks") Result := type_conforms_to (a_source_type, a_field_type) end feature -- Creation dynamic_type_from_string (class_type: READABLE_STRING_GENERAL): INTEGER -- Dynamic type corresponding to `class_type'. -- If no dynamic type available, returns -1. require class_type_not_void: class_type /= Void class_type_not_empty: not class_type.is_empty is_valid_type_string: is_valid_type_string (class_type) local l_table: like internal_dynamic_type_string_table do l_table := internal_dynamic_type_string_table (class_type) if l_table.found then Result := l_table.found_item elseif attached {RT_CLASS_TYPE} eiffel_type_from_string (class_type) as l_type then Result := dynamic_type_from_rt_class_type (l_type) l_table.put (Result, class_type) else Result := -1 end ensure dynamic_type_from_string_valid: Result = -1 or Result = none_type or Result >= 0 end new_instance_of (type_id: INTEGER): ANY -- New instance of dynamic `type_id'. -- Note: returned object is not initialized and may -- hence violate its invariant. require type_id_nonnegative: type_id >= 0 not_special_type: not is_special_type (type_id) do check attached {ISE_RUNTIME}.create_type (pure_implementation_type (type_id)) as l_result then Result := l_result end if attached {TUPLE} Result as l_tuple and then attached tuple_native_array_field_info as l_info then -- Create `native_array' field from TUPLE, otherwise we would violate -- TUPLE invariant. Note that the `native_array' has one more element than -- the number of generic parameters (see TUPLE.default_create). l_info.set_value (l_tuple, create {NATIVE_ARRAY [detachable SYSTEM_OBJECT]}.make (generic_count (l_tuple) + 1)) end ensure not_special_type: not is_special (Result) dynamic_type_set: dynamic_type (Result) = type_id end new_special_any_instance (type_id, count: INTEGER): SPECIAL [detachable ANY] -- New instance of dynamic `type_id' that represents -- a SPECIAL with `count' element. To create a SPECIAL of -- basic type, use `TO_SPECIAL'. require count_valid: count >= 0 type_id_nonnegative: type_id >= 0 special_type: is_special_any_type (type_id) local l_assert: BOOLEAN do l_assert := {ISE_RUNTIME}.check_assert (False) check attached {SPECIAL [detachable ANY]} {ISE_RUNTIME}.create_type (pure_implementation_type (type_id)) as l_result then Result := l_result Result.make_empty (count) end {ISE_RUNTIME}.check_assert (l_assert).do_nothing ensure special_type: is_special (Result) dynamic_type_set: dynamic_type (Result) = type_id count_set: Result.count = 0 capacity_set: Result.capacity = count end type_of (object: detachable ANY): detachable TYPE [detachable ANY] -- Type object for `object'. do if object /= Void then Result := type_of_type (dynamic_type (object)) else check expected_type: attached {TYPE [detachable ANY]} new_instance_of (dynamic_type_from_string ("TYPE [NONE]")) as t then Result := t end end ensure result_not_void: Result /= Void end type_of_type (type_id: INTEGER): TYPE [detachable ANY] -- Return type for type id `type_id'. require type_id_nonnegative: type_id >= 0 local l_type_name: STRING do create l_type_name.make (30) l_type_name.append ("TYPE [") l_type_name.append (type_name_of_type (type_id)) l_type_name.append_character (']') check attached {detachable like type_of_type} new_instance_of (dynamic_type_from_string (l_type_name)) as l_result then Result := l_result end ensure result_not_void: Result /= Void end feature -- Status report is_special_any_type (type_id: INTEGER): BOOLEAN -- Is type represented by `type_id' represent -- a SPECIAL [XX] where XX is a reference type. require type_id_nonnegative: type_id >= 0 local l_dotnet_type: detachable SYSTEM_TYPE do -- Unlike `is_special_type' we need to take the interface type, -- as the ({SPECIAL [ANY]}).to_cil will yield the interface type, not -- the implementation type. if attached {RT_GENERIC_TYPE} id_to_eiffel_type.item (type_id) as l_gen_type and then l_gen_type.count = 1 then l_dotnet_type := l_gen_type.dotnet_type Result := l_dotnet_type /= Void and then l_dotnet_type.equals (({SPECIAL [ANY]}).to_cil) end end is_special_expanded_type (type_id: INTEGER): BOOLEAN -- Is type represented by `type_id' represent -- a SPECIAL [XX] where XX is a user defined expanded type. require type_id_nonnegative: type_id >= 0 is_special_type: is_special_type (type_id) do if attached {RT_GENERIC_TYPE} pure_implementation_type (type_id) as l_gen_type then Result := attached l_gen_type.generics as l_generics and then attached {RT_CLASS_TYPE} l_generics.item (0) as l_type and then not l_type.is_basic and then attached l_type.dotnet_type as l_dotnet_type and then l_dotnet_type.is_value_type end end is_special_type (type_id: INTEGER): BOOLEAN -- Is type represented by `type_id' represent -- a SPECIAL [XX] where XX is a reference type -- or a basic type. require type_id_nonnegative: type_id >= 0 local l_class_name: detachable SYSTEM_STRING do fixme ("It might return True if another class is called SPECIAL") if attached {RT_GENERIC_TYPE} pure_implementation_type (type_id) as l_gen_type and then l_gen_type.count = 1 then l_class_name := l_gen_type.class_name Result := l_class_name /= Void and then l_class_name.equals (special_class_name) end end is_special (object: ANY): BOOLEAN -- Is `object' a special object? -- It only recognized a special object -- initialized within a TO_SPECIAL object. require object_not_void: object /= Void do Result := is_special_type (dynamic_type (object)) end is_expanded_type (type_id: INTEGER): BOOLEAN -- Is type represented by `type_id' represent an expanded type? require type_id_nonnegative: type_id >= 0 do Result := attached Id_to_eiffel_implementation_type.item (type_id) as l_type and then attached l_type.dotnet_type as l_dotnet_type and then l_dotnet_type.is_value_type end is_tuple_type (type_id: INTEGER): BOOLEAN -- Is type represented by `type_id' represent a TUPLE? require type_id_nonnegative: type_id >= 0 do Result := attached {RT_TUPLE_TYPE} pure_implementation_type (type_id) as l_tuple_type end is_tuple (object: ANY): BOOLEAN -- Is `object' a TUPLE object? require object_not_void: object /= Void do Result := attached {TUPLE} object as l_tuple end is_marked (obj: ANY): BOOLEAN -- Is `obj' marked? require object_not_void: obj /= Void do Result := {ISE_RUNTIME}.is_object_marked (obj) end is_attached_type (a_type_id: INTEGER): BOOLEAN -- Is `a_type_id' an attached type? require a_type_non_negative: a_type_id >= 0 do -- Currently .NET does not support attachment. fixme ("Take into account attachment marks") Result := False end is_field_transient_of_type (i: INTEGER; a_type_id: INTEGER): BOOLEAN -- Is `i'-th field of `object' a transient attribute? -- I.e. an attribute that does not need to be stored? require a_type_non_negative: a_type_id >= 0 index_large_enough: i >= 1 index_small_enought: i <= field_count_of_type (a_type_id) local l_transients: ARRAYED_LIST [BOOLEAN] l_members: like get_members l_is_transient: BOOLEAN k, nb: INTEGER l_attributes: detachable NATIVE_ARRAY [detachable SYSTEM_OBJECT] l_field: FIELD_INFO l_provider: ICUSTOM_ATTRIBUTE_PROVIDER do if attached id_to_fields_transient.item (a_type_id) as l_result then Result := l_result.i_th (i) else from l_members := get_members (a_type_id) k := 1 nb := l_members.count create l_transients.make (nb) until k > nb loop l_field := l_members.i_th (k) l_provider := l_field l_attributes := l_provider.get_custom_attributes_type ({NON_SERIALIZED_ATTRIBUTE}, False) if l_attributes /= Void and then l_attributes.count > 0 then check valid_number_of_custom_attributes: l_attributes.count = 1 end l_is_transient := attached {NON_SERIALIZED_ATTRIBUTE} l_attributes.item (0) else l_is_transient := False end l_transients.extend (l_is_transient) k := k + 1 end id_to_fields_transient.put (l_transients, a_type_id) Result := l_transients.i_th (i) end end is_field_expanded_of_type (i: INTEGER; a_type_id: INTEGER): BOOLEAN -- Is `i'-th field of type `a_type_id' a user-defined expanded attribute? require a_type_non_negative: a_type_id >= 0 index_large_enough: i >= 1 index_small_enough: i <= field_count_of_type (a_type_id) do Result := field_type_of_type (i, a_type_id) = expanded_type end feature -- Access class_name (object: ANY): STRING -- Name of the class associated with `object' require object_not_void: object /= Void do Result := object.generator end class_name_of_type (type_id: INTEGER): STRING -- Name of class associated with dynamic type `type_id'. require type_id_nonnegative: type_id >= 0 do if attached id_to_eiffel_type.item (type_id) as l_rt_class_type and then attached l_rt_class_type.class_name as l_name then Result := l_name else Result := "Unknown base class" end end type_name (object: ANY): STRING -- Name of `object''s generating type (type of which `object' -- is a direct instance). -- Consider using `type_name_32`. require object_not_void: object /= Void do Result := end type_name_32 (object: ANY): STRING_32 -- Name of `object''s generating type (type of which `object' -- is a direct instance). require object_not_void: object /= Void do Result := object.generating_type.name_32 end type_name_of_type (type_id: INTEGER): STRING -- Name of `type_id''s generating type (type of which `type_id' -- is a direct instance). require type_id_nonnegative: type_id >= 0 do if attached pure_implementation_type (type_id) as l_rt_class_type and then attached l_rt_class_type.type_name as l_name then Result := l_name else Result := "Unknown Type" end end type_name_32_of_type (type_id: INTEGER): STRING_32 -- Name of `type_id''s generating type (type of which `type_id' -- is a direct instance). require type_id_nonnegative: type_id >= 0 do if attached pure_implementation_type (type_id) as l_rt_class_type and then attached l_rt_class_type.type_name as l_name then Result := l_name else Result := {STRING_32} "Unknown Type" end end dynamic_type (object: ANY): INTEGER -- Dynamic type of `object' require object_not_void: object /= Void local l_class_type: detachable RT_CLASS_TYPE l_object: SYSTEM_OBJECT l_type: detachable SYSTEM_TYPE do if attached {RT_GENERIC_TYPE} {ISE_RUNTIME}.generic_type (object) as l_gen_type then -- Convert `l_gen_type' so that all referenced types are using the associated -- interface type if any. As run-time generates data for implementation not for -- interfaces. l_class_type := internal_pure_interface_type (l_gen_type) check l_class_type_not_void: l_class_type /= Void end else -- Case of a non-generic Eiffel class or of a .NET class -- Let's retrieve the associated type and its interface type if any. create l_class_type.make l_object := object l_type := l_object.get_type check l_type /= Void then l_class_type.set_type (interface_type (l_type).type_handle) end end Result := dynamic_type_from_rt_class_type (l_class_type) ensure dynamic_type_nonnegative: Result >= 0 end attached_type (type_id: INTEGER): INTEGER -- Attached version of `type_id'. require type_id_nonnegative: type_id >= 0 do -- Currently .NET does not support attachment. fixme ("Take into account attachment marks") Result := type_id ensure unchanged_if_attached: is_attached_type (type_id) implies type_id = Result end detachable_type (type_id: INTEGER): INTEGER -- Detachable version of `type_id'. require type_id_nonnegative: type_id >= 0 do -- Currently .NET does not support attachment. fixme ("Take into account attachment marks") Result := type_id ensure unchanged_if_detachable: not is_attached_type (type_id) implies type_id = Result end generic_count (obj: ANY): INTEGER -- Number of generic parameter in `obj'. require obj_not_void: obj /= Void do Result := {ISE_RUNTIME}.generic_parameter_count (obj) end generic_count_of_type (type_id: INTEGER): INTEGER -- Number of generic parameter in `type_id'. require type_id_nonnegative: type_id >= 0 do if attached {RT_GENERIC_TYPE} id_to_eiffel_type.item (type_id) as l_gen_type then Result := l_gen_type.count end end generic_dynamic_type (object: ANY; i: INTEGER): INTEGER -- Dynamic type of generic parameter of `object' at -- position `i'. require object_not_void: object /= Void object_generic: generic_count (object) > 0 i_valid: i > 0 and i <= generic_count (object) local l_class_type: detachable RT_CLASS_TYPE do Result := -1 l_class_type := {ISE_RUNTIME}.type_of_generic (object, i) if l_class_type /= Void then l_class_type := internal_pure_interface_type (l_class_type) if l_class_type /= Void then Result := dynamic_type_from_rt_class_type (l_class_type) end end ensure dynamic_type_nonnegative: Result >= 0 end generic_dynamic_type_of_type (type_id, i: INTEGER): INTEGER -- Dynamic type of generic parameter of `type_id' at position `i'. require type_id_nonnegative: type_id >= 0 type_id_generic: generic_count_of_type (type_id) > 0 i_valid: i > 0 and i <= generic_count_of_type (type_id) do if attached {RT_GENERIC_TYPE} id_to_eiffel_type.item (type_id) as l_gen_type and then attached l_gen_type.generics as l_generics and then attached {RT_CLASS_TYPE} l_generics.item (i - 1) as l_class_type then Result := dynamic_type_from_rt_class_type (l_class_type) else Result := -1 end ensure dynamic_type_nonnegative: Result >= 0 end storable_version_of_type (a_type_id: INTEGER): detachable IMMUTABLE_STRING_8 -- Storable version if any specified. require a_type_id_nonnegative: a_type_id >= 0 local l_cas: detachable NATIVE_ARRAY [detachable SYSTEM_OBJECT] l_result: detachable IMMUTABLE_STRING_8 do if attached id_to_storable_version.item (a_type_id) as l_version_string then if l_version_string.is_empty then Result := Void else Result := l_version_string end else if attached pure_implementation_type (a_type_id) as l_rt_class_type and then attached {SYSTEM_TYPE}.get_type_from_handle (l_rt_class_type.type) as l_current_type then -- Get storable version. l_cas := l_current_type.get_custom_attributes_type ({EIFFEL_VERSION_ATTRIBUTE}, False) if l_cas /= Void and then l_cas.count > 0 and then attached {EIFFEL_VERSION_ATTRIBUTE} l_cas.item (0) as l_version and then attached l_version.version as l_version_string then l_result := l_version_string Result := l_result else l_result := internal_empty_string end else l_result := internal_empty_string end -- We do not store `Voids' in `id_to_storable_version' to have an efficient caching. id_to_storable_version.put (l_result, a_type_id) end end field_count_of_type (type_id: INTEGER): INTEGER -- Number of logical fields in dynamic type `type_id'. require type_id_nonnegative: type_id >= 0 do Result := get_members (type_id).count end persistent_field_count_of_type (a_type_id: INTEGER): INTEGER -- Number of logical fields in dynamic type `type_id' that are not transient. require a_type_non_negative: a_type_id >= 0 local i, nb: INTEGER do Result := persistent_field_counts.item (a_type_id) if Result = -1 then from i := 1 nb := field_count_of_type (a_type_id) Result := 0 until i > nb loop if not is_field_transient_of_type (i, a_type_id) then Result := Result + 1 end i := i + 1 end persistent_field_counts.put (Result, a_type_id) end ensure count_positive: Result >= 0 end field_name_of_type (i: INTEGER; type_id: INTEGER): STRING -- Name of `i'-th field of dynamic type `type_id'. require type_id_nonnegative: type_id >= 0 index_large_enough: i >= 1 index_small_enought: i <= field_count_of_type (type_id) local l_names: ARRAYED_LIST [STRING] l_members: like get_members l_name: detachable SYSTEM_STRING k, nb: INTEGER l_attributes: detachable NATIVE_ARRAY [detachable SYSTEM_OBJECT] l_field: FIELD_INFO l_provider: ICUSTOM_ATTRIBUTE_PROVIDER do if attached id_to_fields_name.item (type_id) as l_result then Result := l_result.i_th (i) else from l_members := get_members (type_id) k := 1 nb := l_members.count create l_names.make (nb) until k > nb loop l_field := l_members.i_th (k) l_provider := l_field l_attributes := l_provider.get_custom_attributes_type ({EIFFEL_NAME_ATTRIBUTE}, False) if l_attributes /= Void and then l_attributes.count > 0 then check valid_number_of_custom_attributes: l_attributes.count = 1 end if attached {EIFFEL_NAME_ATTRIBUTE} l_attributes.item (0) as l_eiffel_name then l_name := else l_name := end else l_name := end if l_name /= Void then l_names.extend (l_name) else l_names.extend ("Invalid field name") end k := k + 1 end id_to_fields_name.put (l_names, type_id) Result := l_names.i_th (i) end ensure field_name_of_type_not_void: Result /= Void end field_type_of_type (i: INTEGER; type_id: INTEGER): INTEGER -- Abstract type of `i'-th field of dynamic type `type_id' require type_id_nonnegative: type_id >= 0 index_large_enough: i >= 1 index_small_enough: i <= field_count_of_type (type_id) local l_type: detachable SYSTEM_TYPE l_native_array: detachable NATIVE_ARRAY [INTEGER] l_members: like get_members l_abstract_type: INTEGER k, nb: INTEGER do l_native_array := id_to_fields_abstract_type.item (type_id) if l_native_array = Void then from l_members := get_members (type_id) k := 1 nb := l_members.count create l_native_array.make (nb) until k > nb loop l_type := l_members.i_th (k).field_type if l_type /= Void then if not l_type.is_value_type and not l_type.is_enum then l_abstract_type := Reference_type else if abstract_types.contains (l_type) then check expected_type: attached {INTEGER} abstract_types.item (l_type) as t then l_abstract_type := t end else l_abstract_type := Expanded_type end end else -- It should not happen, so we put a value that would -- cause some failure. l_abstract_type := -1 end l_native_array.put (k - 1, l_abstract_type) k := k + 1 end id_to_fields_abstract_type.put (l_native_array, type_id) end Result := l_native_array.item (i - 1) ensure field_type_nonnegative: Result >= 0 end field_static_type_of_type (i: INTEGER; type_id: INTEGER): INTEGER -- Static type of declared `i'-th field of dynamic type `type_id' require type_id_nonnegative: type_id >= 0 index_large_enough: i >= 1 index_small_enough: i <= field_count_of_type (type_id) local l_class_type: detachable RT_CLASS_TYPE l_current_rt_gen_type: detachable RT_GENERIC_TYPE l_type: detachable SYSTEM_TYPE l_dtypes: detachable NATIVE_ARRAY [INTEGER] l_attributes: detachable NATIVE_ARRAY [detachable SYSTEM_OBJECT] k, nb, l_dtype: INTEGER l_members: like get_members l_field: FIELD_INFO l_provider: ICUSTOM_ATTRIBUTE_PROVIDER do l_dtypes := id_to_fields_static_type.item (type_id) if l_dtypes = Void then check attached pure_implementation_type (type_id) as l_current_rt_type and then attached {ISE_RUNTIME}.create_type (l_current_rt_type) as l_object and then attached {SYSTEM_TYPE}.get_type_from_handle (l_current_rt_type.type) as l_current_type then -- Get RT_GENERIC_TYPE from `l_current_rt_type' if it -- is an instance of `RT_GENERIC_TYPE', otherwise we get -- Void which is ok to, it simply means the call to `evaluated_type' -- below will not require a generic type as it should include -- no formals. if attached {RT_GENERIC_TYPE} l_current_rt_type as t then l_current_rt_gen_type := t end from l_members := get_members (type_id) k := 1 nb := l_members.count create l_dtypes.make (nb) until k > nb loop -- Default initialization to -1 l_dtype := -1 l_field := l_members.i_th (k) l_provider := l_field l_attributes := l_provider.get_custom_attributes_type ({TYPE_FEATURE_ATTRIBUTE}, False) if l_attributes /= Void and then l_attributes.count = 1 and then attached {TYPE_FEATURE_ATTRIBUTE} l_attributes.item (0) as l_type_feature_name then if attached l_current_type.get_method (l_type_feature_name.feature_name) as l_meth then -- Invoke method that is going to give us a RT_TYPE instance representing the -- static type of the field for the base class of `type_id'. if attached {RT_TYPE} l_meth.invoke_object_object_array (l_object, Void) as l_rt_type then -- Evaluate given type into context of `l_current_rt_gen_type' to resolve -- formals to actual generic parameters. Of course if `l_current_rt_gen_type' -- is Void, it means that `l_rt_type' does not contain any formals. if attached {RT_CLASS_TYPE} l_rt_type.evaluated_type (l_current_rt_gen_type) as t then -- Get the associated dynamic type. l_class_type := internal_pure_interface_type (t) if l_class_type /= Void then l_dtype := dynamic_type_from_rt_class_type (l_class_type) end end end end else -- Case of a non-generic attribute or non-formal one. l_type := l_field.field_type if l_type /= Void then l_type := interface_type (l_type) if l_type.is_value_type then -- Case of an expanded type. l_dtype := dynamic_type_from_rt_class_type (associated_runtime_type (l_type)) else -- Normal case, we handle a non-generic class type. create l_class_type.make l_attributes := l_field.get_custom_attributes_type ({RT_INTERFACE_TYPE_ATTRIBUTE}, False) if l_attributes /= Void and then l_attributes.count > 0 and then attached {RT_INTERFACE_TYPE_ATTRIBUTE} l_attributes.item (0) as l_type_attr then l_type := l_type_attr.class_type end if l_type /= Void then l_class_type.set_type (l_type.type_handle) l_dtype := dynamic_type_from_rt_class_type (l_class_type) end end end end l_dtypes.put (k - 1, l_dtype) k := k + 1 end end id_to_fields_static_type.put (l_dtypes, type_id) end Result := l_dtypes.item (i - 1) ensure field_type_nonnegative: Result >= 0 end feature {NONE} -- Cached data internal_dynamic_type_string_table: STRING_TABLE [INTEGER] -- Table of dynamic type indexed by type name once create Result.make (100) ensure internal_dynamic_type_string_table_not_void: Result /= Void end feature {TYPE, REFLECTOR, REFLECTED_OBJECT} -- Implementation private_type_field_name: SYSTEM_STRING = "$$____type" -- .NET name for fields that stores generic types if any. invalid_type_name_ending: SYSTEM_STRING = "\&" -- Invalid type name ending special_class_name: SYSTEM_STRING = "SPECIAL" -- SPECIAL class name next_dynamic_type_id: CELL [INTEGER] -- ID for dynamic type (each generic derivation get a new ID) once create Result.put (max_predefined_type + 1) ensure next_dynamic_type_id_not_void: Result /= Void end pure_implementation_type (type_id: INTEGER): detachable RT_CLASS_TYPE -- Given `type_id' which might include some reference to interface type, -- returns the corresponding implementation type. require type_id_nonnegative: type_id >= 0 do Result := id_to_eiffel_implementation_type.item (type_id) if not attached Result then Result := id_to_eiffel_type.item (type_id) Result := internal_pure_implementation_type (Result) if attached Result then id_to_eiffel_implementation_type.put (Result, type_id) end end end internal_pure_implementation_type (a_class_type: detachable RT_CLASS_TYPE): detachable RT_CLASS_TYPE -- Given `a_class_type' which might include some reference to interface type, -- returns the corresponding implementation type. local i, nb: INTEGER l_generics: detachable NATIVE_ARRAY [detachable RT_TYPE] l_stop, l_has_none: BOOLEAN l_type: detachable SYSTEM_TYPE do if a_class_type = Void then -- No specified type, return Void. elseif attached {RT_GENERIC_TYPE} a_class_type as l_gen_type then check attached l_gen_type.generics as l_other_generics then from i := 0 nb := l_other_generics.count create l_generics.make (nb) until i = nb or l_stop loop if attached {RT_CLASS_TYPE} l_other_generics.item (i) as l_class_type and then attached {RT_CLASS_TYPE} internal_pure_implementation_type (l_class_type) as l_int_class_type then l_generics.put (i, l_int_class_type) else l_stop := True end i := i + 1 end if not l_stop then l_type := l_gen_type.dotnet_type if l_type /= Void then if l_gen_type.is_tuple then create {RT_TUPLE_TYPE} Result.make ( implementation_type (l_type).type_handle, l_generics) else create {RT_GENERIC_TYPE} Result.make ( implementation_type (l_type).type_handle, l_generics) end end end end else if attached {RT_BASIC_TYPE} a_class_type as l_basic_type then create {RT_BASIC_TYPE} Result.make elseif attached {RT_NONE_TYPE} a_class_type as l_none_type then create {RT_NONE_TYPE} Result.make l_has_none := False else create Result.make end if not l_has_none then l_type := a_class_type.dotnet_type if l_type /= Void then Result.set_type (implementation_type (l_type).type_handle) end end end end internal_pure_interface_type (a_class_type: RT_CLASS_TYPE): detachable RT_CLASS_TYPE -- Given `a_class_type' which might include some reference to implementation type, -- returns the corresponding interface type. require a_class_type_not_void: a_class_type /= Void local i, nb: INTEGER l_generics: detachable NATIVE_ARRAY [detachable RT_TYPE] l_stop, l_has_none: BOOLEAN l_type: detachable SYSTEM_TYPE do if attached {RT_GENERIC_TYPE} a_class_type as l_gen_type then check attached l_gen_type.generics as l_other_generics then from i := 0 nb := l_other_generics.count create l_generics.make (nb) until i = nb or l_stop loop if attached {RT_CLASS_TYPE} l_other_generics.item (i) as l_class_type and then attached {RT_CLASS_TYPE} internal_pure_interface_type (l_class_type) as l_int_class_type then l_generics.put (i, l_int_class_type) else l_stop := True end i := i + 1 end if not l_stop then l_type := l_gen_type.dotnet_type if l_type /= Void then if l_gen_type.is_tuple then create {RT_TUPLE_TYPE} Result.make ( interface_type (l_type).type_handle, l_generics) else create {RT_GENERIC_TYPE} Result.make ( interface_type (l_type).type_handle, l_generics) end end end end else if attached {RT_BASIC_TYPE} a_class_type as l_basic_type then create {RT_BASIC_TYPE} Result.make elseif attached {RT_NONE_TYPE} a_class_type as l_none_type then create {RT_NONE_TYPE} Result.make l_has_none := True else create Result.make end if not l_has_none then l_type := a_class_type.dotnet_type if l_type /= Void then Result.set_type (interface_type (l_type).type_handle) end end end end interface_type (a_type: SYSTEM_TYPE): SYSTEM_TYPE -- Interface type of Eiffel type `a_type' if it exists, otherwise `a_type'. require a_type_not_void: a_type /= Void do if attached {SYSTEM_TYPE} implementation_to_interface.item (a_type) as l_result then Result := l_result else check attached {ISE_RUNTIME}.interface_type (a_type) as l_type then implementation_to_interface.set_item (a_type, l_type) Result := l_type end end ensure interface_type_not_void: Result /= Void end implementation_type (a_type: SYSTEM_TYPE): SYSTEM_TYPE -- Implementation type of Eiffel type `a_type' if it exists, otherwise `a_type'. require a_type_not_void: a_type /= Void do load_assemblies if attached {SYSTEM_TYPE} interface_to_implementation.item (a_type) as t then Result := t else -- No associated implementation, it must be itself Result := a_type end ensure interface_type_not_void: Result /= Void end dynamic_type_from_rt_class_type (a_class_type: detachable RT_CLASS_TYPE): INTEGER -- Dynamic type of `a_class_type'. local l_obj: detachable SYSTEM_OBJECT do if a_class_type = Void then Result := -1 else l_obj := eiffel_type_to_id.item (a_class_type) if l_obj /= Void then if attached {INTEGER} l_obj as i then Result := i end else if a_class_type.is_none then Result := none_type else Result := next_dynamic_type_id.item next_dynamic_type_id.put (Result + 1) end eiffel_type_to_id.set_item (a_class_type, Result) resize_arrays (Result) id_to_eiffel_type.put (a_class_type, Result) end end ensure dynamic_type_from_rt_class_type: Result = -1 or Result = none_type or Result >= 0 end eiffel_type_from_string (class_type: READABLE_STRING_GENERAL): detachable RT_CLASS_TYPE -- Eiffel .NET type corresponding to `class_type'. -- If no dynamic type available, returns Void. require class_type_not_void: class_type /= Void local l_type: detachable RT_CLASS_TYPE l_parameters: like parameters_decomposition l_type_name: STRING_32 l_start_pos, l_end_pos, i: INTEGER l_types: NATIVE_ARRAY [detachable RT_TYPE] l_found: BOOLEAN l_class_type_name: STRING_32 nb: INTEGER l_mark: CHARACTER_32 l_is_expanded, l_is_reference: BOOLEAN do -- Load data from all assemblies in case it is not yet done. load_assemblies -- Clean `class_type'. create l_class_type_name.make_from_string_general (class_type) l_class_type_name.left_adjust l_class_type_name.right_adjust -- Search for a non generic class type. -- We only check the mark if there is at least 3 characters. fixme ("We currently ignore attachment marks when retrieving") nb := l_class_type_name.count if nb > 1 then l_mark := l_class_type_name.item (1) if l_mark = '!' or l_mark = '?' then l_class_type_name.remove_head (1) l_class_type_name.left_adjust elseif nb >= 10 and l_class_type_name.substring_index ("attached", 1) = 1 then -- Remove `attached' and the white character after it. l_class_type_name.remove_head (9) l_class_type_name.left_adjust elseif nb >= 12 and l_class_type_name.substring_index ("detachable", 1) = 1 then -- Remove `attached' and the white character after it. l_class_type_name.remove_head (11) l_class_type_name.left_adjust elseif nb >= 10 and l_class_type_name.substring_index ("expanded", 1) = 1 then -- Remove `expanded' and the white character after it. l_class_type_name.remove_head (9) l_class_type_name.left_adjust l_is_expanded := True elseif nb >= 11 and l_class_type_name.substring_index ("reference", 1) = 1 then -- Remove `expanded' and the white character after it. l_class_type_name.remove_head (10) l_class_type_name.left_adjust l_is_reference := True end end (mapped_type (l_class_type_name)) if eiffel_meta_type_mapping.found and then attached {ARRAYED_LIST [RT_CLASS_TYPE]} eiffel_meta_type_mapping.found_item as l_found_list then -- It is a non-generic Eiffel type which was recorded in `load_assemblies' -- Or possibly a basic type with its various associated referenced types. -- Nevertheless the check fails for CHARACTER_32 because it is mapped to a NATURAL_32, this -- is why it is commented out for the meantime. if l_found_list.count > 1 and then not attached {RT_BASIC_TYPE} l_found_list.first then -- If a list contains more than one item, we chose the item with the same expanded status. -- Unfortunately, this only works for type such as `expanded X' where X is not declared expanded, -- or `reference X' where X is declared expanded. -- If `X' has no qualification, we have to pick the type whose implementation has no mark (either -- expanded or reference). if l_is_expanded then from l_found_list.start until l_found_list.after or else Result /= Void loop if attached l_found_list.item.dotnet_type as l_dotnet_type and then l_dotnet_type.is_value_type then Result := l_found_list.item end l_found_list.forth end elseif l_is_reference then from l_found_list.start until l_found_list.after or else Result /= Void loop if attached l_found_list.item.dotnet_type as l_dotnet_type and then not l_dotnet_type.is_value_type then Result := l_found_list.item end l_found_list.forth end end if Result = Void then -- Case where we just got X without without knowing if the class -- was originally declared expanded or not. from l_found_list.start until l_found_list.after or else Result /= Void loop l_type := internal_pure_implementation_type (l_found_list.item) if l_type /= Void and then not l_type.has_expanded_mark and then not l_type.has_reference_mark then -- We found our type. Result := l_found_list.item end l_found_list.forth end end else Result := l_found_list.first end else -- Let's see if it is a partially well-formed Eiffel generic class: -- 1 - it must have at least one `[' preceded by some characters (l_start_pos > 1) -- 2 - last character should be ']' (l_end_pos = l_class_type_name.count) -- 2 - it cannot be "[]" (l_start_pos < l_end_pos) -- 3 - Number of `[' is equal to number of ']' l_start_pos := l_class_type_name.index_of ('[', 1) l_end_pos := l_class_type_name.count if l_class_type_name.item (l_end_pos) /= ']' then l_end_pos := 0 end if l_start_pos > 1 and l_end_pos = l_class_type_name.count and l_start_pos < l_end_pos and l_class_type_name.occurrences ('[') = l_class_type_name.occurrences (']') then -- It seems to be a generic class, let's try to find its base type. l_type_name := l_class_type_name.substring (1, l_start_pos - 1) l_type_name.left_adjust l_type_name.right_adjust (mapped_type (l_type_name)) if eiffel_meta_type_mapping.found then -- Extract generic parameters and ensures that it matches the number of generic -- parameter expected by the type `l_type_name'. l_parameters := parameters_decomposition (l_class_type_name.substring (l_start_pos + 1, l_end_pos - 1)) if l_parameters /= Void and then attached eiffel_meta_type_mapping.found_item as l_list and then attached {RT_GENERIC_TYPE} l_list.first as l_gen_type then check valid_count: not l_gen_type.is_tuple implies l_parameters.count = l_gen_type.count end create l_types.make (l_parameters.count) from l_parameters.start l_found := True until l_parameters.after or not l_found loop l_type := eiffel_type_from_string (l_parameters.item) if l_type /= Void then l_types.put (i, l_type) else l_found := False end i := i + 1 l_parameters.forth end if l_found then if l_gen_type.is_tuple then create {RT_TUPLE_TYPE} Result.make (l_gen_type.type, l_types) else from l_found := False l_list.start until l_list.after or else l_found loop l_type := l_list.item l_found := same_generics (l_type, l_types) l_list.forth end if l_found and then l_type /= Void then create {RT_GENERIC_TYPE} Result.make (l_type.type, l_types) end end end end end end end end same_generics (a_type: RT_TYPE; a_types: NATIVE_ARRAY [detachable RT_TYPE]): BOOLEAN -- Is `a_types' compatible with `a_type'? require a_type_not_void: a_type /= Void a_types_not_void: a_types /= Void local i, nb: INTEGER l_type: detachable SYSTEM_TYPE do if attached {RT_GENERIC_TYPE} a_type as l_gen_type and then attached l_gen_type.generics as l_generics then nb := l_generics.count if nb = a_types.count then from Result := True until i = nb or else not Result loop if attached {RT_CLASS_TYPE} a_types.item (i) as l_class_type then l_type := l_class_type.dotnet_type if l_type /= Void and then l_type.is_value_type then Result := attached {RT_TYPE} l_generics.item (i) as l_other_type and then l_other_type.equals (associated_runtime_type (l_type)) else -- It should be a formal Result := attached {RT_FORMAL_TYPE} l_generics.item (i) as l_formal end else Result := False end i := i + 1 end end end end load_assemblies -- Analyzes current loaded assembly in current AppDomain. Assemblies -- loaded after are loaded by hooking `load_eiffel_types_from_assembly' -- to the `add_assembly_load' event. local i, nb: INTEGER once if attached {APP_DOMAIN}.current_domain as l_domain then l_domain.add_assembly_load (create {ASSEMBLY_LOAD_EVENT_HANDLER}.make (Current, $assembly_load_event)) if attached l_domain.get_assemblies as l_assemblies then from nb := l_assemblies.count until i = nb loop load_eiffel_types_from_assembly (l_assemblies.item (i)) i := i + 1 end end end end assembly_load_event (sender: SYSTEM_OBJECT; args: ASSEMBLY_LOAD_EVENT_ARGS) -- Action executed when a new assembly is loaded. do if args /= Void then check has_loaded_assembly: args.loaded_assembly /= Void end load_eiffel_types_from_assembly (args.loaded_assembly) end end assembly_names: HASHTABLE -- Prevent same assembly to be loaded more than once by `load_eiffel_types_from_assembly' once create Result.make (10) ensure assembly_names_not_void: Result /= Void end load_eiffel_types_from_assembly (an_assembly: detachable ASSEMBLY) -- Load all Eiffel types from `an_assembly'. local l_types: detachable NATIVE_ARRAY [detachable SYSTEM_TYPE] i, nb: INTEGER retried: BOOLEAN l_assembly_name: detachable ASSEMBLY_NAME do if not retried and then an_assembly /= Void then l_assembly_name := an_assembly.get_name if l_assembly_name /= Void and then not assembly_names.contains (l_assembly_name) then l_types := an_assembly.get_types -- Add only when types have been extracted. On some assemblies -- types cannot be extracted. assembly_names.add (l_assembly_name, l_assembly_name) if l_types /= Void then from nb := l_types.count until i = nb loop if attached l_types.item (i) as l_type then load_eiffel_type_from_assembly (l_type) end i := i + 1 end end end end rescue -- It could fail in `an_assembly.get_types' and we don't want to -- prevent the assembly to load by failing here. retried := True retry end load_eiffel_type_from_assembly (a_type: SYSTEM_TYPE) -- Load `a_type' if possible. require a_type_not_void: a_type /= Void local l_cas: detachable NATIVE_ARRAY [detachable SYSTEM_OBJECT] j, l_count: INTEGER retried: BOOLEAN l_class_type: detachable RT_CLASS_TYPE l_gen_type: RT_GENERIC_TYPE l_rt_array: NATIVE_ARRAY [detachable RT_TYPE] l_any_type, l_interface_type: detachable SYSTEM_TYPE l_formal_type: RT_FORMAL_TYPE l_list: ARRAYED_LIST [RT_CLASS_TYPE] l_provider: ICUSTOM_ATTRIBUTE_PROVIDER l_attribute_type_name: STRING_32 l_attr_name: detachable SYSTEM_STRING l_eiffel_type_info: SYSTEM_TYPE do if not retried then l_provider := a_type -- To avoid exceptions, we do not load types that have a & in them. if attached as l_type_name and then not l_type_name.ends_with (invalid_type_name_ending) then l_cas := l_provider.get_custom_attributes_type ({EIFFEL_NAME_ATTRIBUTE}, False) end l_eiffel_type_info := {EIFFEL_TYPE_INFO} if l_cas /= Void and then l_cas.count > 0 and then attached {EIFFEL_NAME_ATTRIBUTE} l_cas.item (0) as l_name_attr then if l_name_attr.is_generic and attached l_name_attr.generics as l_array then l_count := l_array.count create l_rt_array.make (l_count) from l_any_type := {ANY} j := 0 until j = l_count loop check attached l_array.item (j) as l_param_type then -- Special case here. If we load another Eiffel assembly which -- contains its own version of ANY, then the comparison will fail. -- Since the code was generated so that it is either ANY or a value type, -- then if it is not a value type, then we need to do as if it was our ANY. if l_param_type.equals (l_any_type) or else not l_param_type.is_value_type then -- It is a formal create l_formal_type.make l_formal_type.set_position (j) l_rt_array.put (j, l_formal_type) else -- It is an expanded type check l_param_type_is_value_type: l_param_type.is_value_type end l_rt_array.put (j, associated_runtime_type (interface_type (l_param_type))) end end j := j + 1 end if l_count = 0 then -- It should be a TUPLE type. check tuple_name: ~ ("TUPLE").to_cil end create {RT_TUPLE_TYPE} l_gen_type.make else create l_gen_type.make end l_interface_type := interface_type (a_type) l_gen_type.set_type (l_interface_type.type_handle) l_gen_type.set_generics (l_rt_array) l_class_type := l_gen_type else create l_class_type.make l_interface_type := interface_type (a_type) l_class_type.set_type (l_interface_type.type_handle) end l_attr_name := else -- Only add .NET types to the pictures. if not l_eiffel_type_info.is_assignable_from (a_type) then create l_class_type.make l_interface_type := interface_type (a_type) l_class_type.set_type (l_interface_type.type_handle) l_attr_name := a_type.full_name; end end if l_interface_type /= Void and l_class_type /= Void then -- Update `interface_to_implementation' interface_to_implementation.add (l_interface_type, a_type) -- Update `eiffel_meta_type_mapping' if we can get the name if l_attr_name /= Void then create l_attribute_type_name.make_from_cil (l_attr_name) (mapped_type (l_attribute_type_name)) if eiffel_meta_type_mapping.found and then attached {ARRAYED_LIST [RT_CLASS_TYPE]} eiffel_meta_type_mapping.found_item as l_found_item then l_found_item.extend (l_class_type) else create l_list.make (1) l_list.extend (l_class_type) eiffel_meta_type_mapping.force (l_list, l_attribute_type_name) end end end end rescue -- It could fail in for many reasons if the TYPE is invalid, but we still want to continue -- processing of other types, so we silently ignore the problem' retried := True retry end associated_runtime_type (a_type: SYSTEM_TYPE): RT_CLASS_TYPE -- Associated Eiffel runtime type for an expanded `a_type'. require a_type_not_void: a_type /= Void a_type_is_expanded: a_type.is_value_type do if abstract_types.contains (a_type) then create {RT_BASIC_TYPE} Result.make elseif a_type.equals_type ({RT_NONE_TYPE}) then create {RT_NONE_TYPE} Result.make else create Result.make end Result.set_type (a_type.type_handle) ensure associated_runtime_type_not_void: Result /= Void end eiffel_type_to_id: HASHTABLE -- Mapping between live Eiffel types and their dynamic type id. -- Key: RT_CLASS_TYPE -- Value: dynamic type once create Result.make (internal_chunk_size) ensure eiffel_type_to_id_not_void: Result /= Void end eiffel_meta_type_mapping: STRING_TABLE [ARRAYED_LIST [RT_CLASS_TYPE]] -- Mapping between Eiffel class names and .NET pseudo-types. -- It only contains the pseudo derivation, that is to say for -- a generic class A [G], where the following generic derivation -- exists in the system A [INTEGER_16], A [STRING], A [ANY], it only -- contains A [INTEGER_16] and A [REFERENCE_TYPE]. local l_basic_type: RT_BASIC_TYPE l_list: ARRAYED_LIST [RT_CLASS_TYPE] once create Result.make (internal_chunk_size) -- Add basic type create l_list.make (1) create l_basic_type.make l_basic_type.set_type (({NATURAL_8}).to_cil.type_handle) l_list.extend (l_basic_type) Result.put (l_list, "NATURAL_8") create l_list.make (1) create l_basic_type.make l_basic_type.set_type (({NATURAL_16}).to_cil.type_handle) l_list.extend (l_basic_type) Result.put (l_list, "NATURAL_16") create l_list.make (1) create l_basic_type.make l_basic_type.set_type (({NATURAL_32}).to_cil.type_handle) l_list.extend (l_basic_type) Result.put (l_list, "NATURAL_32") create l_list.make (1) create l_basic_type.make l_basic_type.set_type (({NATURAL_64}).to_cil.type_handle) l_list.extend (l_basic_type) Result.put (l_list, "NATURAL_64") create l_list.make (1) create l_basic_type.make l_basic_type.set_type (({INTEGER_8}).to_cil.type_handle) l_list.extend (l_basic_type) Result.put (l_list, "INTEGER_8") create l_list.make (1) create l_basic_type.make l_basic_type.set_type (({INTEGER_16}).to_cil.type_handle) l_list.extend (l_basic_type) Result.put (l_list, "INTEGER_16") create l_list.make (1) create l_basic_type.make l_basic_type.set_type (({INTEGER}).to_cil.type_handle) l_list.extend (l_basic_type) Result.put (l_list, "INTEGER_32") create l_list.make (1) create l_basic_type.make l_basic_type.set_type (({INTEGER_64}).to_cil.type_handle) l_list.extend (l_basic_type) Result.put (l_list, "INTEGER_64") create l_list.make (1) create l_basic_type.make l_basic_type.set_type (({POINTER}).to_cil.type_handle) l_list.extend (l_basic_type) Result.put (l_list, "POINTER") create l_list.make (1) create l_basic_type.make l_basic_type.set_type (({CHARACTER_8}).to_cil.type_handle) l_list.extend (l_basic_type) Result.put (l_list, "CHARACTER_8") create l_list.make (1) create l_basic_type.make l_basic_type.set_type (({CHARACTER_32}).to_cil.type_handle) l_list.extend (l_basic_type) Result.put (l_list, "CHARACTER_32") create l_list.make (1) create l_basic_type.make l_basic_type.set_type (({REAL_32}).to_cil.type_handle) l_list.extend (l_basic_type) Result.put (l_list, "REAL_32") create l_list.make (1) create l_basic_type.make l_basic_type.set_type (({REAL_64}).to_cil.type_handle) l_list.extend (l_basic_type) Result.put (l_list, "REAL_64") create l_list.make (1) create l_basic_type.make l_basic_type.set_type (({BOOLEAN}).to_cil.type_handle) l_list.extend (l_basic_type) Result.put (l_list, "BOOLEAN") create l_list.make (1) l_list.extend (create {RT_NONE_TYPE}.make) Result.put (l_list, "NONE") ensure eiffel_meta_type_mapping_not_void: Result /= Void end interface_to_implementation: HASHTABLE -- Mapping from interface to associated implementation. once create Result.make (internal_chunk_size) ensure interface_to_implementation_not_void: Result /= Void end implementation_to_interface: HASHTABLE -- Mapping from implementation to associated interface. once create Result.make (internal_chunk_size) ensure implementation_to_interface_not_void: Result /= Void end abstract_types: HASHTABLE -- List of all known basic types. -- Key: type -- Value: ID once create Result.make_from_capacity (10) Result.set_item (({POINTER}).to_cil, Pointer_type) Result.set_item (({CHARACTER_8}).to_cil, character_8_type) Result.set_item (({BOOLEAN}).to_cil, Boolean_type) Result.set_item (({REAL_32}).to_cil, real_32_type) Result.set_item (({REAL_64}).to_cil, real_64_type) Result.set_item (({NATURAL_8}).to_cil, natural_8_type) Result.set_item (({NATURAL_16}).to_cil, natural_16_type) Result.set_item (({NATURAL_32}).to_cil, natural_32_type) Result.set_item (({NATURAL_64}).to_cil, natural_64_type) Result.set_item (({INTEGER_8}).to_cil, Integer_8_type) Result.set_item (({INTEGER_16}).to_cil, Integer_16_type) Result.set_item (({INTEGER}).to_cil, Integer_32_type) Result.set_item (({INTEGER_64}).to_cil, Integer_64_type) ensure abstract_types_not_void: Result /= Void end get_members (type_id: INTEGER): ARRAYED_LIST [FIELD_INFO] -- Retrieve all members of type `type_id'. -- We need permission to retrieve non-public members. -- Only fields are returned. require type_id_non_negative: type_id >= 0 local allm: detachable NATIVE_ARRAY [detachable MEMBER_INFO] i, j, nb: INTEGER l_cv_f_name: detachable SYSTEM_STRING l_type: detachable SYSTEM_TYPE do if attached id_to_fields.item (type_id) as l_result then Result := l_result else if is_tuple_type (type_id) or is_special_type (type_id) then -- To match classic behavior, SPECIAL and TUPLE are seen as if they -- had no attributes. create Result.make (0) else if attached id_to_eiffel_type.item (type_id) as l_rt_class_type then l_type := l_rt_class_type.dotnet_type if l_type /= Void then l_type := implementation_type (l_type) allm := l_type.get_members_binding_flags ({BINDING_FLAGS}.instance | {BINDING_FLAGS}.public | {BINDING_FLAGS}.non_public) if allm /= Void then -- Let count the number of attributes to minimize the memory footprint. -- We include the `private_type_field_name'. from nb := 0 j := allm.count create Result.make (nb) until i = j loop if attached {FIELD_INFO} allm.item (i) as l_field_info then nb := nb + 1 end i := i + 1 end -- Fill `Result' with attributes. from create Result.make (nb) i := 0 j := allm.count until i = j loop if attached {FIELD_INFO} allm.item (i) as l_field_info then l_cv_f_name := if l_cv_f_name /= Void and then not l_cv_f_name.is_equal (private_type_field_name) then Result.extend (l_field_info) end end i := i + 1 end else create Result.make (0) end else create Result.make (0) end else create Result.make (0) end end id_to_fields.put (Result, type_id) end end resize_arrays (max_type_id: INTEGER) -- Resize all arrays indexed by type_id so that they can accommodate -- `max_type_id'. local l_new_count: INTEGER do l_new_count := array_upper_cell.item if max_type_id > l_new_count then l_new_count := (max_type_id).max (l_new_count * 2) array_upper_cell.put (l_new_count) id_to_eiffel_type.conservative_resize_with_default (Void, 0, l_new_count) id_to_eiffel_implementation_type.conservative_resize_with_default (Void, 0, l_new_count) id_to_storable_version.conservative_resize_with_default (Void, 0, l_new_count) id_to_fields.conservative_resize_with_default (Void, 0, l_new_count) id_to_fields_static_type.conservative_resize_with_default (Void, 0, l_new_count) id_to_fields_abstract_type.conservative_resize_with_default (Void, 0, l_new_count) id_to_fields_name.conservative_resize_with_default (Void, 0, l_new_count) id_to_fields_transient.conservative_resize_with_default (Void, 0, l_new_count) persistent_field_counts.conservative_resize_with_default (-1, 0, l_new_count) end end id_to_eiffel_type: ARRAY [detachable RT_CLASS_TYPE] -- Mapping between dynamic type id and Eiffel types. once create Result.make_filled (Void, min_predefined_type, array_upper_cell.item) ensure id_to_eiffel_type_not_void: Result /= Void instance_free: class end id_to_eiffel_implementation_type: ARRAY [detachable RT_CLASS_TYPE] -- Mapping between dynamic type id and Eiffel implementation types. once create Result.make_filled (Void, min_predefined_type, array_upper_cell.item) ensure id_to_eiffel_type_not_void: Result /= Void end id_to_storable_version: ARRAY [detachable IMMUTABLE_STRING_8] -- Buffer for `storable_version_of_type' lookups index by type_id. once create Result.make_filled (Void, min_predefined_type, array_upper_cell.item) ensure id_to_storable_version_not_void: Result /= Void end id_to_fields: ARRAY [detachable ARRAYED_LIST [FIELD_INFO]] -- Buffer for `get_members' lookups index by type_id. once create Result.make_filled (Void, min_predefined_type, array_upper_cell.item) ensure id_to_fields_not_void: Result /= Void end id_to_fields_abstract_type: ARRAY [detachable NATIVE_ARRAY [INTEGER]] -- Buffer for `field_type_of_type' lookups index by type_id. once create Result.make_filled (Void, min_predefined_type, array_upper_cell.item) ensure id_to_fields_abstract_type_not_void: Result /= Void end id_to_fields_static_type: ARRAY [detachable NATIVE_ARRAY [INTEGER]] -- Buffer for `field_static_type_of_type' lookups index by type_id. once create Result.make_filled (Void, min_predefined_type, array_upper_cell.item) ensure id_to_fields_static_type_not_void: Result /= Void end id_to_fields_name: ARRAY [detachable ARRAYED_LIST [STRING]] -- Buffer for `field_name_of_type' lookups index by type_id. once create Result.make_filled (Void, min_predefined_type, array_upper_cell.item) ensure id_to_fields_name_not_void: Result /= Void end id_to_fields_transient: ARRAY [detachable ARRAYED_LIST [BOOLEAN]] -- Buffer for `is_field_transient_of_type' lookups index by type_id. once create Result.make_filled (Void, min_predefined_type, array_upper_cell.item) ensure id_to_fields_name_not_void: Result /= Void end persistent_field_counts: ARRAY [INTEGER] -- Buffer for persistent count once create Result.make_filled (-1, min_predefined_type, array_upper_cell.item) ensure persistent_field_counts_not_void: Result /= Void end marked_objects: HASHTABLE -- Contains all objects marked. once create Result.make (internal_chunk_size, create {RT_REFERENCE_COMPARER}.make) end internal_chunk_size: INTEGER = 50; -- Default initial size for tables. array_upper_cell: CELL [INTEGER] -- Store upper index for all arrays indexed by type id. once create Result.put (internal_chunk_size) ensure array_upper_cell: Result /= Void instance_free: class end internal_empty_string: IMMUTABLE_STRING_8 -- Constant to represent an empty string once create Result.make (0) ensure internal_empty_string_not_void: Result /= Void internal_empty_string_empty: Result.is_empty end tuple_native_array_field_info: detachable FIELD_INFO -- Info about `native_array' of TUPLE. local allm: detachable NATIVE_ARRAY [detachable MEMBER_INFO] i, nb: INTEGER l_cv_f_name: detachable SYSTEM_STRING l_type: detachable SYSTEM_TYPE once if attached id_to_eiffel_type.item (dynamic_type (create {TUPLE})) as l_rt_type then l_type := l_rt_type.dotnet_type if l_type /= Void then l_type := implementation_type (l_type) allm := l_type.get_members_binding_flags ({BINDING_FLAGS}.instance | {BINDING_FLAGS}.public | {BINDING_FLAGS}.non_public) if allm /= Void then from nb := allm.count until i = nb loop if attached {FIELD_INFO} allm.item (i) as r then Result := r l_cv_f_name := if l_cv_f_name /= Void and then not l_cv_f_name.is_equal (private_type_field_name) then i := nb - 1 -- Jump out of loop end end i := i + 1 end end end end end note library: "EiffelBase: Library of reusable components for Eiffel." copyright: "Copyright (c) 1984-2019, Eiffel Software and others" license: "Eiffel Forum License v2 (see" source: "[ Eiffel Software 5949 Hollister Ave., Goleta, CA 93117 USA Telephone 805-685-1006, Fax 805-685-6869 Website Customer support ]" end