note description: "[ cURL easy externals. For more informaton see: ]" status: "See notice at end of class." legal: "See notice at end of class." date: "$Date$" revision: "$Revision$" deferred class CURL_EASY_EXTERNALS_I feature -- Status report is_api_available: BOOLEAN -- Is cURL API available? deferred end feature -- Function pointer curl_easy_init_ptr: POINTER deferred end curl_easy_setopt_ptr: POINTER deferred end curl_easy_getinfo_ptr: POINTER deferred end curl_easy_cleanup_ptr: POINTER deferred end curl_easy_perform_ptr: POINTER deferred end feature -- Command init: POINTER -- Declared as curl_easy_init(). require is_api_available: is_api_available do Result := c_init (curl_easy_init_ptr) ensure exists: not Result.is_default_pointer end setopt_string (a_curl_handle: POINTER; a_opt: INTEGER; a_string: READABLE_STRING_GENERAL) -- Declared as curl_easy_setopt. require exists: not a_curl_handle.is_default_pointer valid: (create {CURL_OPT_CONSTANTS}).is_valid (a_opt) not_void: a_string /= Void local l_c_str: C_STRING do create l_c_str.make (a_string) c_setopt (curl_easy_setopt_ptr, a_curl_handle, a_opt, l_c_str.item) end setopt_form (a_curl_handle: POINTER; a_opt: INTEGER; a_form: CURL_FORM) -- Declared as curl_easy_setopt. require exists: not a_curl_handle.is_default_pointer valid: (create {CURL_OPT_CONSTANTS}).is_valid (a_opt) not_void: a_form /= Void and then a_form.is_exists do setopt_void_star (a_curl_handle, a_opt, a_form.item) end setopt_slist (a_curl_handle: POINTER; a_opt: INTEGER; a_curl_slist: POINTER) -- Declared as curl_easy_setopt. require exists: not a_curl_handle.is_default_pointer valid: a_opt = {CURL_OPT_CONSTANTS}.curlopt_httpheader or else a_opt = {CURL_OPT_CONSTANTS}.curlopt_mail_rcpt exists: a_curl_slist /= default_pointer do setopt_void_star (a_curl_handle, a_opt, a_curl_slist) end setopt_curl_string (a_curl_handle: POINTER; a_opt: INTEGER; a_curl_string: CURL_STRING) -- Declared as curl_easy_setopt. require exists: not a_curl_handle.is_default_pointer valid: (create {CURL_OPT_CONSTANTS}).is_valid (a_opt) not_void: a_curl_string /= Void do c_setopt_int (curl_easy_setopt_ptr, a_curl_handle, a_opt, a_curl_string.object_id) end setopt_integer (a_curl_handle: POINTER; a_opt: INTEGER; a_integer: INTEGER) -- Declared as curl_easy_setopt. require exists: not a_curl_handle.is_default_pointer valid: (create {CURL_OPT_CONSTANTS}).is_valid (a_opt) do c_setopt_int (curl_easy_setopt_ptr, a_curl_handle, a_opt, a_integer) end setopt_file (a_curl_handle: POINTER; a_opt: INTEGER; a_file: FILE) -- Declared as curl_easy_setopt. require exists: not a_curl_handle.is_default_pointer valid: a_opt = {CURL_OPT_CONSTANTS}.curlopt_readdata readable: a_file /= Void and then a_file.file_readable do setopt_void_star (a_curl_handle, a_opt, a_file.file_pointer) end setopt_mime (a_curl_handle: POINTER; a_opt: INTEGER; a_mime: POINTER) -- Declared as curl_easy_setopt. require exists: not a_curl_handle.is_default_pointer valid: a_opt = {CURL_OPT_CONSTANTS}.curlopt_mimepost exists: a_mime /= default_pointer do setopt_void_star (a_curl_handle, a_opt, a_mime) end perform (a_curl_handle: POINTER): INTEGER -- Declared as curl_easy_perform. -- Result is one value from {CURL_CODES} require exists: not a_curl_handle.is_default_pointer do Result := c_perform (curl_easy_perform_ptr, a_curl_handle) end cleanup (a_curl_handle: POINTER) -- Declared as curl_easy_cleanup. require exists: not a_curl_handle.is_default_pointer do c_cleanup (curl_easy_cleanup_ptr, a_curl_handle) end feature -- Query getinfo (a_curl_handle: POINTER; a_info: INTEGER; a_data: CELL [detachable ANY]): INTEGER -- `curl_getinfo --|* Request internal information from the curl session with this function. The --|* third argument MUST be a pointer to a long, a pointer to a char * or a --|* pointer to a double (as the documentation describes elsewhere). The data --|* pointed to will be filled in accordingly and can be relied upon only if the --|* function returns CURLE_OK. This function is intended to get used *AFTER* a --|* performed transfer, all results from this function are undefined until the --|* transfer is completed. require exists: not a_curl_handle.is_default_pointer valid: (create {CURL_INFO_CONSTANTS}).is_valid (a_info) local l_api: POINTER mp: detachable MANAGED_POINTER l: INTEGER cs: C_STRING d: REAL_64 do a_data.replace (Void) l_api := curl_easy_getinfo_ptr if a_info & {CURL_INFO_CONSTANTS}.curlinfo_long /= 0 then create mp.make ({PLATFORM}.integer_32_bytes) elseif a_info & {CURL_INFO_CONSTANTS}.curlinfo_string /= 0 then create mp.make ({PLATFORM}.pointer_bytes) elseif a_info & {CURL_INFO_CONSTANTS}.curlinfo_double /= 0 then create mp.make ({PLATFORM}.real_64_bytes) end if mp /= Void then Result := c_getinfo (l_api, a_curl_handle, a_info, mp.item) if Result = {CURL_CODES}.curle_ok then if a_info & {CURL_INFO_CONSTANTS}.curlinfo_long /= 0 then l := mp.read_integer_32 (0) a_data.put (l) elseif a_info & {CURL_INFO_CONSTANTS}.curlinfo_string /= 0 then create cs.make_shared_from_pointer (mp.read_pointer (0)) a_data.put (cs.string) elseif a_info & {CURL_INFO_CONSTANTS}.curlinfo_double /= 0 then d := mp.read_real_64 (0) a_data.put (d) end end end end feature -- Special setting set_curl_function (a_curl_function: CURL_FUNCTION) -- Set `curl_function' with `a_curl_function' do internal_curl_function := a_curl_function ensure set: a_curl_function /= Void implies curl_function = a_curl_function end curl_function: CURL_FUNCTION -- cURL functions in curl_easy_setopt. do if attached internal_curl_function as l_curl_function then Result := l_curl_function else create {CURL_DEFAULT_FUNCTION} Result.make internal_curl_function := Result end ensure not_void: Result /= Void end set_write_function (a_curl_handle: POINTER) -- Set cURL write function -- Set cURL write function with Eiffel default write function. -- So we can use CURL_STRING as parameter in {CURL_EASY_EXTERNALS}.setopt_curl_string when the option is {CURL_OPT_CONSTANTS}.curlopt_writedata require exists: not a_curl_handle.is_default_pointer do curl_function.c_set_write_function (curl_easy_setopt_ptr, a_curl_handle) end set_read_function (a_curl_handle: POINTER) -- Set cURL read function -- Set cURL read function with Eiffel default read function. -- So we can use a c file pointer as parameter in {CURL_EASY_EXTERNALS}.setopt_file_pointer when the option is {CURL_OPT_CONSTANTS}.curlopt_readdata require exists: not a_curl_handle.is_default_pointer do curl_function.c_set_read_function (curl_easy_setopt_ptr, a_curl_handle) end set_progress_function (a_curl_handle: POINTER) -- Set cURL progress function for upload/download progress. require exists: not a_curl_handle.is_default_pointer do curl_function.c_set_progress_function (curl_easy_setopt_ptr, a_curl_handle) end set_debug_function (a_curl_handle: POINTER) -- Set cURL debug function require exists: not a_curl_handle.is_default_pointer do curl_function.c_set_debug_function (curl_easy_setopt_ptr, a_curl_handle) end feature {NONE} -- Implementation internal_curl_function: detachable CURL_FUNCTION -- cURL functions. setopt_void_star (a_curl_handle: POINTER; a_opt: INTEGER; a_data:POINTER) -- Declared as curl_easy_setopt. require exists: not a_curl_handle.is_default_pointer valid: (create {CURL_OPT_CONSTANTS}).is_valid (a_opt) do c_setopt (curl_easy_setopt_ptr, a_curl_handle, a_opt, a_data) end feature {NONE} -- C externals c_init (a_api: POINTER): POINTER -- Declared curl_easy_init . require a_api_exists: not a_api.is_default_pointer external "C inline use " alias "[ #ifdef CURL_STATICLIB return (FUNCTION_CAST(CURL *, ()) $a_api)(); #else /* Using the proper calling convention for dynamic module */ return (FUNCTION_CAST(CURL *, ()) $a_api)(); #endif ]" end c_cleanup (a_api: POINTER; a_curl_handle: POINTER) -- Decalred as curl_easy_cleanup . require a_api_exists: not a_api.is_default_pointer exists: not a_curl_handle.is_default_pointer external "C inline use " alias "[ #ifdef CURL_STATICLIB (FUNCTION_CAST(void, (CURL *)) $a_api)((CURL *)$a_curl_handle); #else /* Using proper calling convention for dynamic module */ (FUNCTION_CAST(void, (CURL *)) $a_api)((CURL *)$a_curl_handle); #endif ]" end c_perform (a_api: POINTER; a_curl_handle: POINTER): INTEGER -- Declared as curl_easy_perform. require a_api_exists: not a_api.is_default_pointer exists: not a_curl_handle.is_default_pointer external "C inline use " alias "[ #ifdef CURL_STATICLIB return (FUNCTION_CAST(CURLcode, (CURL *)) $a_api) #else /* Using proper calling convention for dynamic module */ return (FUNCTION_CAST(CURLcode, (CURL *)) $a_api) #endif ((CURL *) $a_curl_handle); ]" end c_setopt_int (a_api: POINTER; a_curl_handle: POINTER; a_opt: INTEGER; a_data: INTEGER) -- Same as `c_setopt' except we can pass `a_data' as integer. require a_api_exists: not a_api.is_default_pointer exists: not a_curl_handle.is_default_pointer valid: (create {CURL_OPT_CONSTANTS}).is_valid (a_opt) external "C inline use " alias "[ #ifdef CURL_STATICLIB (FUNCTION_CAST(void, (CURL *, CURLoption, ...)) $a_api) #else /* Using proper calling convention for dynamic module */ (FUNCTION_CAST(void, (CURL *, CURLoption, ...)) $a_api) #endif ((CURL *) $a_curl_handle, (CURLoption)$a_opt, $a_data); ]" end c_setopt (a_api: POINTER; a_curl_handle: POINTER; a_opt: INTEGER; a_data: POINTER) -- C implementation of `setopt_void_star'. -- Declared as curl_easy_setopt . require a_api_exists: not a_api.is_default_pointer exists: not a_curl_handle.is_default_pointer valid: (create {CURL_OPT_CONSTANTS}).is_valid (a_opt) external "C inline use " alias "[ #ifdef CURL_STATICLIB (FUNCTION_CAST(void, (CURL *, CURLoption, ...)) $a_api) #else /* Using proper calling convention for dynamic module */ (FUNCTION_CAST(void, (CURL *, CURLoption, ...)) $a_api) #endif ((CURL *) $a_curl_handle, (CURLoption)$a_opt, $a_data); ]" end c_getinfo (a_api: POINTER; a_curl_handle: POINTER; a_opt: INTEGER; a_data: POINTER): INTEGER -- C implementation of `curl_easy_getinfo'. -- Declared as curl_easy_setopt . require a_api_exists: not a_api.is_default_pointer exists: not a_curl_handle.is_default_pointer valid: (create {CURL_OPT_CONSTANTS}).is_valid (a_opt) external "C inline use " alias "[ #ifdef CURL_STATICLIB return (FUNCTION_CAST(CURLcode, (CURL *, CURLINFO info, ...)) $a_api) #else /* Using proper calling convention for dynamic module */ return (FUNCTION_CAST(CURLcode, (CURL *, CURLINFO info, ...)) $a_api) #endif ((CURL *) $a_curl_handle, (CURLINFO)$a_opt, $a_data); ]" end note library: "cURL: Library of reusable components for Eiffel." copyright: "Copyright (c) 1984-2018, Eiffel Software and others" license: "Eiffel Forum License v2 (see" source: "[ Eiffel Software 5949 Hollister Ave., Goleta, CA 93117 USA Telephone 805-685-1006, Fax 805-685-6869 Website Customer support ]" end