note description: "Summary description for {NS_AFFINE_TRANSFORM}." author: "Daniel Furrer" date: "$Date$" revision: "$Revision$" -- TODO move to foundation (partially) class NS_AFFINE_TRANSFORM inherit NS_OBJECT create make create {NS_OBJECT} make_from_pointer, share_from_pointer feature {NONE} -- Creation make -- Creates and returns a new NSAffineTransform object initialized to the identity matrix. do share_from_pointer ({NS_AFFINE_TRANSFORM_API}.transform) end feature -- Access translate_by_xy (x, y: REAL) -- Applies the specified translation factors to the receiver's transformation matrix. do {NS_AFFINE_TRANSFORM_API}.translate_by_xy (item, x, y) end scale_by_xy (x, y: REAL) -- Applies scaling factors to each axis of the receiver's transformation matrix. do {NS_AFFINE_TRANSFORM_API}.scale_by_xy (item, x, y) end concat -- Appends the receiver's matrix to the current transformation matrix stored in the current graphics context, replacing the current transformation matrix with the result. do {NS_AFFINE_TRANSFORM_API}.concat (item) end end