note description: "An NS_EVENT object, or simply an event, contains information about an input action such as a mouse click or a key down." author: "Daniel Furrer " date: "$Date$" revision: "$Revision$" class NS_EVENT inherit NS_OBJECT create key_event, mouse_event, enter_exit_event, other_event, event_with_cg_event create {NS_OBJECT, OBJC_CALLBACK_MARSHAL} make_from_pointer, share_from_pointer feature {NONE} -- Creating Events key_event (a_type: INTEGER; a_location: NS_POINT; a_flags: INTEGER; a_time: REAL_64; a_w_num: INTEGER; a_context: NS_GRAPHICS_CONTEXT; a_keys: NS_STRING; a_ukeys: NS_STRING; a_flag: BOOLEAN; a_code: NATURAL_16) -- Returns a new `NSEvent' object describing a key event. do share_from_pointer ({NS_EVENT_API}.key_event_with_type_location_modifier_flags_timestamp_window_number_context_characters_characters_ignoring_modifiers_is_arepeat_key_code (a_type, a_location.item, a_flags, a_time, a_w_num, a_context.item, a_keys.item, a_ukeys.item, a_flag, a_code)) end mouse_event (a_type: INTEGER; a_location: NS_POINT; a_flags: INTEGER; a_time: REAL_64; a_w_num: INTEGER; a_context: NS_GRAPHICS_CONTEXT; a_e_num: INTEGER; a_c_num: INTEGER; a_pressure: REAL) -- Returns a new NSEvent object describing a mouse-down, -up, -moved, or -dragged event. do share_from_pointer ({NS_EVENT_API}.mouse_event_with_type_location_modifier_flags_timestamp_window_number_context_event_number_click_count_pressure (a_type, a_location.item, a_flags, a_time, a_w_num, a_context.item, a_e_num, a_c_num, a_pressure)) end enter_exit_event (a_type: INTEGER; a_location: NS_POINT; a_flags: INTEGER; a_time: REAL_64; a_w_num: INTEGER; a_context: NS_GRAPHICS_CONTEXT; a_e_num: INTEGER; a_t_num: INTEGER; a_data: POINTER) -- Returns a new `NSEvent' object describing a tracking-rectangle or cursor-update event. do share_from_pointer ({NS_EVENT_API}.enter_exit_event_with_type_location_modifier_flags_timestamp_window_number_context_event_number_tracking_number_user_data (a_type, a_location.item, a_flags, a_time, a_w_num, a_context.item, a_e_num, a_t_num, a_data.item)) end other_event (a_type: INTEGER; a_location: NS_POINT; a_flags: INTEGER; a_time: REAL_64; a_w_num: INTEGER; a_context: NS_GRAPHICS_CONTEXT; a_subtype: INTEGER_16; a_d1: INTEGER; a_d2: INTEGER) -- Returns a new NSEvent object describing a custom event. do share_from_pointer ({NS_EVENT_API}.other_event_with_type_location_modifier_flags_timestamp_window_number_context_subtype_data1_data2 (a_type, a_location.item, a_flags, a_time, a_w_num, a_context.item, a_subtype, a_d1, a_d2)) end -- Error generating eventWithEventRef:: Message signature for feature not set event_with_cg_event (a_cg_event: POINTER) -- Creates and returns an event object that is based on a Core Graphics type of event. do share_from_pointer ({NS_EVENT_API}.event_with_cg_event (a_cg_event)) end feature -- Getting General Event Information context: NS_GRAPHICS_CONTEXT -- Returns the display graphics context of the receiver. do create Result.share_from_pointer ({NS_EVENT_API}.context (item)) end location_in_window: NS_POINT -- Returns the receiver's location in the base coordinate system of the associated window. do create Result.make {NS_EVENT_API}.location_in_window (item, Result.item) -- This postcondition doesn't seem to hold -- ensure -- x_position_valid: 0 < Result.x -- y_position_valid: 0 < Result.y end modifier_flags: NATURAL -- Returns an integer bit field indicating the modifier keys in effect for the receiver. do Result := {NS_EVENT_API}.modifier_flags (item) end timestamp: REAL_64 -- Returns the time the receiver occurred in seconds since system startup. do Result := {NS_EVENT_API}.timestamp (item) end type: INTEGER -- Returns the type of the receiving event. do Result := {NS_EVENT_API}.type (item) end window: detachable NS_WINDOW -- Returns the window object associated with the receiver. -- This is Void if the event is periodic and, strangely, may even be Void ofr mouse events require type_not_periodic: type /= periodic local l_window: POINTER do l_window := {NS_EVENT_API}.window (item) if l_window /= default_pointer then if attached {NS_WINDOW} callback_marshal.get_eiffel_object (l_window) as res then Result := res else create Result.share_from_pointer (l_window) end end end window_number: INTEGER -- Returns the identifier for the window device associated with the receiver. do Result := {NS_EVENT_API}.window_number (item) end -- Error generating eventRef: Message signature for feature not set cg_event: POINTER -- Returns a Core Graphics event object corresponding to the receiver. do Result := {NS_EVENT_API}.cg_event (item) end feature -- Getting Key Event Information characters: NS_STRING -- Returns the characters associated with the receiving key-up or key-down event. do create Result.share_from_pointer ({NS_EVENT_API}.characters (item)) end characters_ignoring_modifiers: NS_STRING -- Returns the characters generated by the receiving key event as if no modifier key (except for Shift) applies. do create Result.share_from_pointer ({NS_EVENT_API}.characters_ignoring_modifiers (item)) end is_arepeat: BOOLEAN -- Returns `YES' if the receiving key event is a repeat caused by the user holding the key down, `NO' if the key event is new. do Result := {NS_EVENT_API}.is_arepeat (item) end key_code: NATURAL_16 -- Returns the virtual key code for the keyboard key associated with the receiving key event. do Result := {NS_EVENT_API}.key_code (item) end feature -- Getting Mouse Event Information mouse_location: NS_POINT -- Reports the current mouse position in screen coordinates. do create Result.make {NS_EVENT_API}.mouse_location (Result.item) end button_number: INTEGER -- Returns the button number for the mouse button that generated an `NSOtherMouse...' event. do Result := {NS_EVENT_API}.button_number (item) end click_count: INTEGER -- Returns the number of mouse clicks associated with the receiver, which represents a mouse-down or mouse-up event. do Result := {NS_EVENT_API}.click_count (item) end pressure: REAL -- Returns a value from 0.0 through 1.0 indicating the pressure applied to the input device (used for appropriate devices). do Result := {NS_EVENT_API}.pressure (item) end set_mouse_coalescing_enabled (a_flag: BOOLEAN) -- Controls whether mouse-movement event coalescing is enabled. do {NS_EVENT_API}.set_mouse_coalescing_enabled (a_flag) end is_mouse_coalescing_enabled: BOOLEAN -- Indicates whether mouse-movement event coalescing is enabled. do Result := {NS_EVENT_API}.is_mouse_coalescing_enabled end feature -- Getting Mouse-Tracking Event Information event_number: INTEGER -- Returns the counter value of the latest mouse or tracking-rectangle event object; every system-generated mouse and tracking-rectangle event increments this counter. do Result := {NS_EVENT_API}.event_number (item) end tracking_number: INTEGER -- Returns the identifier of a mouse-tracking event. do Result := {NS_EVENT_API}.tracking_number (item) end tracking_area: NS_TRACKING_AREA -- Returns the `NSTrackingArea' object that generated the event represented by the receiver. do create Result.share_from_pointer ({NS_EVENT_API}.tracking_area (item)) end user_data: POINTER -- Returns data associated with a mouse-tracking event, do Result := {NS_EVENT_API}.user_data (item) end feature -- Getting Custom Event Information data1: INTEGER -- Returns additional data associated with the receiver. do Result := {NS_EVENT_API}.data1 (item) end data2: INTEGER -- Returns additional data associated with the receiver. do Result := {NS_EVENT_API}.data2 (item) end subtype: INTEGER_16 -- Returns the subtype of the receiving event object. do Result := {NS_EVENT_API}.subtype (item) end feature -- Getting Scroll Wheel Event Information delta_x: REAL -- Returns the x-coordinate change for a scroll wheel, mouse-move, or mouse-drag event. do Result := {NS_EVENT_API}.delta_x (item) end delta_y: REAL -- Returns the y-coordinate change for a scroll wheel, mouse-move, or mouse-drag event. do Result := {NS_EVENT_API}.delta_y (item) end delta_z: REAL -- Returns the z-coordinate change for a scroll wheel, mouse-move, or mouse-drag event. do Result := {NS_EVENT_API}.delta_z (item) end feature -- Getting Tablet Proximity Information capability_mask: INTEGER -- Returns a mask whose set bits indicate the capabilities of the tablet device that generated the event represented by the receiver. do Result := {NS_EVENT_API}.capability_mask (item) end device_id: INTEGER -- Returns a special identifier that is used to match tablet-pointer events with the tablet-proximity event represented by the receiver. do Result := {NS_EVENT_API}.device_id (item) end is_entering_proximity: BOOLEAN -- Returns `YES' to indicate that a pointing device is entering the proximity of its tablet and `NO' when it is leaving it. do Result := {NS_EVENT_API}.is_entering_proximity (item) end pointing_device_id: INTEGER -- Returns the index of the pointing device currently in proximity with the tablet. do Result := {NS_EVENT_API}.pointing_device_id (item) end pointing_device_serial_number: INTEGER -- Returns the vendor-assigned serial number of a pointing device of a certain type. do Result := {NS_EVENT_API}.pointing_device_serial_number (item) end pointing_device_type: INTEGER -- Returns a NSPointingDeviceType constant indicating the kind of pointing device associated with the receiver. do Result := {NS_EVENT_API}.pointing_device_type (item) end system_tablet_id: INTEGER -- Returns the index of the tablet device connected to the system. do Result := {NS_EVENT_API}.system_tablet_id (item) end tablet_id: INTEGER -- Returns the USB model identifier of the tablet device associated with the receiver. do Result := {NS_EVENT_API}.tablet_id (item) end unique_id: NATURAL_64 -- Returns the unique identifier of the pointing device that generated the event represented by the receiver. do Result := {NS_EVENT_API}.unique_id (item) end vendor_id: INTEGER -- Returns the vendor identifier of the tablet associated with the receiver. do Result := {NS_EVENT_API}.vendor_id (item) end vendor_pointing_device_type: INTEGER -- Returns a coded bit field whose set bits indicate the type of pointing device (within a vendor selection) associated with the receiver. do Result := {NS_EVENT_API}.vendor_pointing_device_type (item) end feature -- Getting Tablet Pointing Information absolute_x: INTEGER -- Reports the absolute x coordinate of a pointing device on its tablet at full tablet resolution. do Result := {NS_EVENT_API}.absolute_x (item) end absolute_y: INTEGER -- Reports the absolute y coordinate of a pointing device on its tablet at full tablet resolution. do Result := {NS_EVENT_API}.absolute_y (item) end absolute_z: INTEGER -- Reports the absolute z coordinate of pointing device on its tablet at full tablet resolution. do Result := {NS_EVENT_API}.absolute_z (item) end button_mask: INTEGER -- Returns a bit mask identifying the buttons pressed when the tablet event represented by the receiver was generated. do Result := {NS_EVENT_API}.button_mask (item) end rotation: REAL -- Returns the rotation in degrees of the tablet pointing device associated with the receiver. do Result := {NS_EVENT_API}.rotation (item) end tangential_pressure: REAL -- Reports the tangential pressure on the device that generated the event represented by the receiver. do Result := {NS_EVENT_API}.tangential_pressure (item) end tilt: NS_POINT -- Reports the scaled tilt values of the pointing device that generated the event represented by the receiver. do create Result.make {NS_EVENT_API}.tilt (item, Result.item) end vendor_defined: NS_OBJECT -- Returns an array of three vendor-defined `NSNumber' objects associated with the pointing-type event represented by the receiver. do create Result.share_from_pointer ({NS_EVENT_API}.vendor_defined (item)) end feature -- Requesting and Stopping Periodic Events start_periodic_events_after_delay_with_period (a_delay: REAL_64; a_period: REAL_64) -- Begins generating periodic events for the current thread. do {NS_EVENT_API}.start_periodic_events_after_delay_with_period (a_delay, a_period) end stop_periodic_events -- Stops generating periodic events for the current thread and discards any periodic events remaining in the queue. do {NS_EVENT_API}.stop_periodic_events end feature -- Contract Support feature -- NSEventType Constants frozen left_mouse_down: INTEGER -- NSLeftMouseDown external "C macro use " alias "NSLeftMouseDown" end frozen left_mouse_up: INTEGER -- NSLeftMouseUp external "C macro use " alias "NSLeftMouseUp" end frozen right_mouse_down: INTEGER -- NSRightMouseDown external "C macro use " alias "NSRightMouseDown" end frozen right_mouse_up: INTEGER -- NSRightMouseUp external "C macro use " alias "NSRightMouseUp" end frozen other_mouse_down: INTEGER -- NSOtherMouseDown external "C macro use " alias "NSOtherMouseDown" end frozen other_mouse_up: INTEGER -- NSOtherMouseUp external "C macro use " alias "NSOtherMouseUp" end frozen mouse_moved: INTEGER -- NSMouseMoved external "C macro use " alias "NSMouseMoved" end frozen mouse_entered: INTEGER -- NSMouseEntered external "C macro use " alias "NSMouseEntered" end frozen mouse_exited: INTEGER -- NSMouseExited external "C macro use " alias "NSMouseExited" end frozen periodic: INTEGER -- NSPeriodic external "C macro use " alias "NSPeriodic" end feature -- Modifier flag constants frozen alpha_shift_key_mask: NATURAL_32 -- Set if Caps Lock key is pressed. external "C macro use " alias "NSAlphaShiftKeyMask" end frozen shift_key_mask: NATURAL_32 -- Set if Shift key is pressed. external "C macro use " alias "NSShiftKeyMask" end frozen control_key_mask: NATURAL_32 -- Set if Control key is pressed. external "C macro use " alias "NSControlKeyMask" end frozen alternate_key_mask: NATURAL_32 -- Set if Option or Alternate key is pressed. external "C macro use " alias "NSAlternateKeyMask" end frozen command_key_mask: NATURAL_32 -- Set if Command key is pressed. external "C macro use " alias "NSCommandKeyMask" end frozen numeric_pad_key_mask: NATURAL_32 -- Set if any key in the numeric keypad is pressed. The numeric keypad is generally on the right side of the keyboard. This is also set if any of the arrow keys are pressed (NSUpArrowFunctionKey, NSDownArrowFunctionKey, NSLeftArrowFunctionKey, and NSRightArrowFunctionKey). external "C macro use " alias "NSNumericPadKeyMask" end frozen help_key_mask: NATURAL_32 -- Set if the Help key is pressed. external "C macro use " alias "NSHelpKeyMask" end frozen function_key_mask: NATURAL_32 -- Set if any function key is pressed. The function keys include the F keys at the top of most keyboards (F1, F2, and so on) and the navigation keys in the center of most keyboards (Help, Forward Delete, Home, End, Page Up, Page Down, and the arrow keys). external "C macro use " alias "NSFunctionKeyMask" end frozen device_independent_modifier_flags_mask: NATURAL_32 -- Set if any function key is pressed. The function keys include the F keys at the top of most keyboards (F1, F2, and so on) and the navigation keys in the center of most keyboards (Help, Forward Delete, Home, End, Page Up, Page Down, and the arrow keys). external "C macro use " alias "NSDeviceIndependentModifierFlagsMask" end note copyright: "Copyright (c) 1984-2014, Eiffel Software and others" license: "Eiffel Forum License v2 (see" source: "[ Eiffel Software 5949 Hollister Ave., Goleta, CA 93117 USA Telephone 805-685-1006, Fax 805-685-6869 Website Customer support ]" end