note description: "implementation of IStorage interface" legal: "See notice at end of class." status: "See notice at end of class." date: "$Date$" revision: "$Revision$" class ECOM_STORAGE inherit ECOM_QUERIABLE ECOM_STORAGE_ROUTINES ECOM_STGC ECOM_STGM ECOM_STGMOVE ECOM_STAT_FLAGS create make_new_doc_file, make_new_doc_file_path, make_temporary_doc_file, make_open_file, make_open_file_path, make_from_other, make_from_pointer feature {NONE} -- Initialization make_from_pointer (cpp_obj: POINTER) -- Make from pointer do initializer := ccom_create_c_storage_from_pointer (cpp_obj) item := ccom_item (initializer) end make_new_doc_file (filename: FILE_NAME; a_mode: INTEGER) -- Create new compound file with path `filename' -- and mode `a_mode' in file system. -- See class ECOM_STGM for `mode' values. require valid_filename: filename /= Void valid_mode: is_valid_stgm (a_mode) local l_string: WEL_STRING do initializer := ccom_create_c_storage; create l_string.make (filename) ccom_create_doc_file (initializer, l_string.item, a_mode) item := ccom_item (initializer) ensure compound_file_created: exists end make_new_doc_file_path (file_path: PATH; a_mode: INTEGER) -- Create new compound file with path `file_path' -- and mode `a_mode' in file system. -- See class ECOM_STGM for `mode' values. require valid_file_path: file_path /= Void valid_mode: is_valid_stgm (a_mode) local l_string: WEL_STRING do initializer := ccom_create_c_storage; create l_string.make ( ccom_create_doc_file (initializer, l_string.item, a_mode) item := ccom_item (initializer) ensure compound_file_created: exists end make_temporary_doc_file (a_mode: INTEGER) -- Create temporary compound file with mode `mode' -- See class ECOM_STGM for `a_mode' values. require valid_mode: is_valid_stgm (a_mode) do initializer := ccom_create_c_storage; ccom_create_doc_file (initializer, default_pointer, a_mode) item := ccom_item (initializer) ensure compound_file_created: exists end make_open_file (filename: FILE_NAME; a_mode: INTEGER) -- Open existing root compound file with path `filename' -- and mode `mode' in file system. -- excluding block pointed by `exclude' (can be default_pointer) -- See class ECOM_STGM for `a_mode' values. require valid_file: filename /= Void and then is_compound_file (filename) valid_mode: is_valid_stgm (a_mode) local l_string: WEL_STRING do initializer := ccom_create_c_storage; create l_string.make (filename) ccom_open_root_storage (initializer, l_string.item, a_mode) item := ccom_item (initializer) ensure compound_file_open: exists end make_open_file_path (file_path: PATH; a_mode: INTEGER) -- Open existing root compound file with path `file_path' -- and mode `mode' in file system. -- excluding block pointed by `exclude' (can be default_pointer) -- See class ECOM_STGM for `a_mode' values. require valid_file: file_path /= Void and then is_compound_file_path (file_path) valid_mode: is_valid_stgm (a_mode) local l_string: WEL_STRING do initializer := ccom_create_c_storage; create l_string.make ( ccom_open_root_storage (initializer, l_string.item, a_mode) item := ccom_item (initializer) ensure compound_file_open: exists end feature -- Access new_stream (a_name: READABLE_STRING_GENERAL; a_mode: INTEGER) : ECOM_STREAM -- Newly created stream with name `a_name' -- and mode `a_mode' nested within Current storage -- Opening the same stream more than once from the -- same storage is not supported. -- STGM_SHARE_EXCLUSIVE flag must be specified. require non_void_storage_name: a_name /= Void valid_storage_name: not a_name.is_empty valid_mode: is_valid_stgm (a_mode) local l_string: WEL_STRING do create l_string.make (a_name) create Result.make_from_pointer (ccom_create_stream (initializer, l_string.item, a_mode)) ensure non_void_stream: Result /= Void valid_stream: Result.exists end retrieved_stream (a_name: READABLE_STRING_GENERAL; a_mode: INTEGER): ECOM_STREAM -- Retrieved nested stream with name `a_name' -- and mode `a_mode' -- same storage is not supported. -- STGM_SHARE_EXCLUSIVE flag must be specified. require non_void_name: a_name /= Void valid_name: is_valid_name (a_name) valid_mode: is_valid_stgm (a_mode) local l_string: WEL_STRING do create l_string.make (a_name) create Result.make_from_pointer (ccom_open_stream (initializer, l_string.item, a_mode)) ensure non_void_stream: Result /= Void valid_stream: Result.exists end new_substorage (a_name: READABLE_STRING_GENERAL; a_mode: INTEGER): ECOM_STORAGE -- Newly created storage with name `a_name' -- and mode `a_mode' -- nested within Current storage require non_void_storage_name: a_name /= Void valid_storage_name: not a_name.is_empty valid_mode: is_valid_stgm (a_mode) local l_string: WEL_STRING do create l_string.make (a_name) create Result.make_from_pointer (ccom_create_storage (initializer, l_string.item, a_mode)) ensure non_void_storage: Result /= Void valid_storage: Result.exists end retrieved_substorage (a_name: READABLE_STRING_GENERAL; a_mode: INTEGER): ECOM_STORAGE -- Retrieved storage with name `a_name' and mode `a_mode' -- nested within Current storage -- Opening the same storage object more than once from the same -- parent storage is not supported. -- STGM_SHARE_EXCLUSIVE flag must be specified. require non_void_name: a_name /= Void valid_name: is_valid_name (a_name) valid_mode: is_valid_stgm (a_mode) local l_string: WEL_STRING do create l_string.make (a_name) create Result.make_from_pointer (ccom_open_storage (initializer, l_string.item, a_mode)) ensure non_void_storage: Result /= Void valid_storage: Result.exists end root_storage: ECOM_ROOT_STORAGE -- IRootStorage interface local ptr: POINTER do ptr := ccom_root_storage (initializer) if ptr /= default_pointer then create Result.make_from_pointer (ptr) end end elements: ECOM_ENUM_STATSTG -- Substorages and substreams enumerator do create Result.make (ccom_enum_elements (initializer)) ensure Result /= Void end is_valid_name (a_name: READABLE_STRING_GENERAL): BOOLEAN -- is object with name `a_name' -- part of Current storage require valid_name: a_name /= Void do Result := elements.is_valid_name (a_name) end name: READABLE_STRING_32 -- Name do Result := description (Statflag_default).name end is_same_name (a_name: READABLE_STRING_GENERAL): BOOLEAN -- is `a_name' equal to name of Current storage do Result := description (Statflag_default).is_same_name (a_name) end modification_time: WEL_FILE_TIME -- Modufication time do Result := description (Statflag_noname).modification_time end creation_time: WEL_FILE_TIME -- Creation time do Result := description (Statflag_noname).creation_time end access_time: WEL_FILE_TIME -- Access time do Result := description (Statflag_noname).access_time end mode: INTEGER -- Access mode do Result := description (Statflag_noname).mode end class_id: POINTER -- Class identifier do Result := description (Statflag_noname).clsid end element_creation_time (a_name: READABLE_STRING_GENERAL): WEL_FILE_TIME -- Creation time of element `a_name' require non_void_name: a_name /= Void valid_name: is_valid_name (a_name) do Result := elements.creation_time (a_name) ensure non_void_creation_time: Result /= Void end element_access_time (a_name: READABLE_STRING_GENERAL): WEL_FILE_TIME -- Access time of element `a_name' require non_void_name: a_name /= Void valid_name: is_valid_name (a_name) do Result := elements.access_time (a_name) ensure non_void_access_time: Result /= Void end element_modification_time (a_name: READABLE_STRING_GENERAL): WEL_FILE_TIME -- Modification time of element `a_name' require non_void_name: a_name /= Void valid_name: is_valid_name (a_name) do Result := elements.modification_time (a_name) ensure non_void_modification_time: Result /= Void end feature -- Basic Operations copy_all_to (dest_storage: ECOM_STORAGE) -- Copy entire contents to `dest_storage'. require non_void_destination: dest_storage /= Void valid_destination: dest_storage.exists do ccom_copy_to (initializer, 0, default_pointer, dest_storage.item) end commit (a_flags: INTEGER) -- Commit any changes. -- Notify parent storage. require valid_flags: is_valid_stgc (a_flags) do ccom_commit (initializer, a_flags) end revert -- Discard all changes made to storage object -- since the last commit do ccom_revert (initializer) end destroy_element (a_name: READABLE_STRING_GENERAL) -- Remove element with name `a_name' from storage. require non_void_name: a_name /= Void valid_name: is_valid_name (a_name) local l_string: WEL_STRING do create l_string.make (a_name) ccom_destroy_element (initializer, l_string.item) ensure element_removed: not is_valid_name (a_name) end rename_element (old_name: READABLE_STRING_GENERAL; new_name: READABLE_STRING_GENERAL) -- Rename element `old_name' into `new_name' require non_void_old_name: old_name /= Void valid_old_name: is_valid_name (old_name) non_void_new_name: new_name /= Void valid_new_name: is_valid_name (new_name) local l_string1, l_string2: WEL_STRING do create l_string1.make (old_name) create l_string2.make (new_name) ccom_rename_element (initializer, l_string1.item, l_string2.item) ensure not_valid_old_name: not is_valid_name (old_name) valid_new_name: is_valid_name (new_name) end feature -- Element Change move_element_to (a_element_name: READABLE_STRING_GENERAL; dest_storage: ECOM_STORAGE; new_name: READABLE_STRING_GENERAL; a_mode: INTEGER) -- Copy or move (depending on `mode') element `a_element_name' -- of root storage to `dest_storage'. -- Create new element in `dest_storage' with `new_name'. -- See class ECOM_STGM for `a_mode' values. -- Before calling this method, the element to be moved must -- be closed, and the destination storage must be open. require non_void_element_name: a_element_name /= Void valid_element_name: is_valid_name (a_element_name) non_void_dest_storage: dest_storage /= Void valid_dest_storage: dest_storage.exists non_void_new_name: new_name /= Void valid_new_name: not new_name.is_empty valid_mode: is_valid_stgmove (a_mode) local l_string1, l_string2: WEL_STRING do create l_string1.make (a_element_name) create l_string2.make (new_name) ccom_move_element_to (initializer, l_string1.item, dest_storage.item, l_string2.item, a_mode) ensure element_moved: dest_storage.is_valid_name (new_name) end set_element_creation_time (a_element_name: READABLE_STRING_GENERAL; a_creation_time: WEL_FILE_TIME) -- Set creation time of element `a_element_name' with `a_creation_time'. require non_void_element_name: a_element_name /= Void valid_element_name: is_valid_name (a_element_name) valid_creation_time: a_creation_time /= Void local l_string: WEL_STRING do create l_string.make (a_element_name) ccom_set_element_times (initializer, l_string.item, a_creation_time.item, default_pointer, default_pointer) ensure element_creation_time_set: element_creation_time (a_element_name).is_equal (a_creation_time) end set_element_access_time (a_element_name: READABLE_STRING_GENERAL; an_access_time: WEL_FILE_TIME) -- Set access time of element `a_element_name' with `an_access_time'. require non_void_element_name: a_element_name /= Void valid_element_name: is_valid_name (a_element_name) valid_access_time: an_access_time /= Void local l_string: WEL_STRING do create l_string.make (a_element_name) ccom_set_element_times (initializer, l_string.item, default_pointer, an_access_time.item, default_pointer) ensure element_access_time_set: element_access_time (a_element_name).is_equal (an_access_time) end set_element_modification_time (a_element_name: READABLE_STRING_GENERAL; a_modification_time: WEL_FILE_TIME) -- Set modification time of element `a_element_name' with `a_modification_time'. require non_void_element_name: a_element_name /= Void valid_element_name: is_valid_name (a_element_name) valid_modification_time: a_modification_time /= Void local l_string: WEL_STRING do create l_string.make (a_element_name) ccom_set_element_times (initializer, l_string.item, default_pointer, default_pointer, a_modification_time.item) ensure element_access_time_set: element_modification_time (a_element_name).is_equal (a_modification_time) end set_access_time (an_access_time: WEL_FILE_TIME) -- Set access time with `an_access_time'. require non_void_access_time: an_access_time /= Void do ccom_set_element_times (initializer, default_pointer, default_pointer, an_access_time.item, default_pointer) ensure access_time_set: access_time.is_equal (an_access_time) end set_modification_time (a_modification_time: WEL_FILE_TIME) -- Set modification time with `a_modification_time'. require non_void_modification_time: a_modification_time /= Void do ccom_set_element_times (initializer, default_pointer, default_pointer, default_pointer, a_modification_time.item) ensure modification_time_set: modification_time.is_equal (a_modification_time) end set_creation_time (a_creation_time: WEL_FILE_TIME) -- Set creation time with `creation_time'. require non_void_creation_time: a_creation_time /= Void do ccom_set_element_times (initializer, default_pointer, a_creation_time.item, default_pointer, default_pointer) ensure creation_time_set: creation_time.is_equal (a_creation_time) end set_class (a_class_id: POINTER) -- Associate storage with COM component with class id `a_class-id' require valid_clsid: a_class_id /= default_pointer; do ccom_set_class (initializer, a_class_id) end feature {NONE} -- Implementation delete_wrapper -- Delete structure. do ccom_delete_c_storage (initializer) end description (a_flag: INTEGER): ECOM_STATSTG -- STATSTG structure -- This structure contains statistical information. require valid_flag: is_valid_stat_flag (a_flag) do create Result.make (ccom_stat (initializer, a_flag)) ensure valid_description: Result /= Void end feature {NONE} -- Externals ccom_create_c_storage: POINTER external "C++ [new E_IStorage %"E_IStorage.h%"] ()" end ccom_create_c_storage_from_pointer (a_pointer: POINTER): POINTER external "C++ [new E_IStorage %"E_IStorage.h%"] (IStorage *)" end ccom_delete_c_storage (cpp_obj: POINTER) external "C++ [delete E_IStorage %"E_IStorage.h%"] ()" end ccom_create_doc_file (cpp_obj: POINTER; filename: POINTER; a_mode: INTEGER) external "C++ [E_IStorage %"E_IStorage.h%"] (WCHAR *, DWORD)" end ccom_open_root_storage (cpp_obj: POINTER; filename: POINTER; a_mode: INTEGER) external "C++ [E_IStorage %"E_IStorage.h%"] (WCHAR *, DWORD)" end ccom_initialize_storage (cpp_obj: POINTER; p_storage: POINTER) external "C++ [E_IStorage %"E_IStorage.h%"] (IStorage *)" end ccom_create_stream (cpp_obj: POINTER; filename: POINTER; a_mode: INTEGER): POINTER external "C++ [E_IStorage %"E_IStorage.h%"] (WCHAR *, DWORD): EIF_POINTER" end ccom_open_stream (cpp_obj: POINTER; filename: POINTER; a_mode: INTEGER): POINTER external "C++ [E_IStorage %"E_IStorage.h%"] (WCHAR *, DWORD): EIF_POINTER" end ccom_create_storage (cpp_obj: POINTER; filename: POINTER; a_mode: INTEGER): POINTER external "C++ [E_IStorage %"E_IStorage.h%"] (WCHAR *, DWORD): EIF_POINTER" end ccom_open_storage (cpp_obj: POINTER; filename: POINTER; a_mode: INTEGER): POINTER external "C++ [E_IStorage %"E_IStorage.h%"] (WCHAR *, DWORD): EIF_POINTER" end ccom_copy_to (cpp_obj: POINTER; number_exclude: INTEGER; p_exclude: POINTER; dest: POINTER) external "C++ [E_IStorage %"E_IStorage.h%"] (DWORD, IID *, IStorage *)" end ccom_move_element_to (cpp_obj: POINTER; a_name: POINTER; dest: POINTER; new_name: POINTER; flags: INTEGER) external "C++ [E_IStorage %"E_IStorage.h%"] (WCHAR *, IStorage *, LPWSTR, DWORD)" end ccom_commit (cpp_obj: POINTER; flags: INTEGER) external "C++ [E_IStorage %"E_IStorage.h%"] (DWORD)" end ccom_revert (cpp_obj: POINTER) external "C++ [E_IStorage %"E_IStorage.h%"] ()" end ccom_enum_elements (cpp_obj: POINTER): POINTER external "C++ [E_IStorage %"E_IStorage.h%"] (): EIF_POINTER" end ccom_destroy_element (cpp_obj: POINTER; a_name: POINTER) external "C++ [E_IStorage %"E_IStorage.h%"] (WCHAR *)" end ccom_rename_element (cpp_obj: POINTER; old_name: POINTER; new_name:POINTER) external "C++ [E_IStorage %"E_IStorage.h%"] (WCHAR *, WCHAR *)" end ccom_set_element_times (cpp_obj: POINTER; a_name: POINTER; ctime: POINTER; atime: POINTER; mtime: POINTER) external "C++ [E_IStorage %"E_IStorage.h%"] (WCHAR *, FILETIME *, FILETIME *, FILETIME *)" end ccom_set_class (cpp_obj: POINTER; a_clsid: POINTER) external "C++ [E_IStorage %"E_IStorage.h%"] (REFCLSID)" end ccom_stat (cpp_obj: POINTER; a_flag: INTEGER): POINTER external "C++ [E_IStorage %"E_IStorage.h%"] (DWORD): EIF_POINTER" end ccom_root_storage (cpp_obj: POINTER) : POINTER -- Pointer to IRootStorage interface external "C++ [E_IStorage %"E_IStorage.h%"] ():EIF_POINTER" end ccom_item (cpp_obj: POINTER): POINTER -- Item external "C++ [E_IStorage %"E_IStorage.h%"]():EIF_POINTER" end note copyright: "Copyright (c) 1984-2017, Eiffel Software and others" license: "Eiffel Forum License v2 (see" source: "[ Eiffel Software 5949 Hollister Ave., Goleta, CA 93117 USA Telephone 805-685-1006, Fax 805-685-6869 Website Customer support ]" end