note description: "Encapsulation of standard implementation of IStream interface." legal: "See notice at end of class." status: "See notice at end of class." date: "$Date$" revision: "$Revision$" class ECOM_STREAM inherit ECOM_QUERIABLE redefine dispose end ECOM_STAT_FLAGS ECOM_STREAM_SEEK ECOM_LOCK_TYPES EXCEPTION_MANAGER_FACTORY create make_from_other, make_from_pointer feature {NONE} -- Initialization make_from_pointer (cpp_obj: POINTER) -- Make from pointer do initializer := ccom_create_c_istream (cpp_obj) item := ccom_item (initializer) end feature -- Access end_of_stream: BOOLEAN -- Is current seek pointer at end of stream? -- Valid only after `read' ,`update_end_of_stream', `start', or `finish'. last_character: CHARACTER -- last read CHARACTER last_integer: INTEGER -- last read INTEGER last_real: REAL -- last read REAL last_boolean: BOOLEAN -- last read BOOLEAN last_string: STRING -- last read STRING description (stat_flag: INTEGER): ECOM_STATSTG -- STATSTG structure -- See class ECOM_STAT_FLAGS for `stat_flag' values. require valid_stat_flag: is_valid_stat_flag (stat_flag) local ptr: POINTER do ptr := ccom_stat (initializer, stat_flag) create Result.make (ptr) ensure Result /= Void end name: READABLE_STRING_32 -- Name do Result := description (Statflag_default).name end size: ECOM_ULARGE_INTEGER -- Size in bytes do Result := description (Statflag_noname).size end modification_time: WEL_FILE_TIME -- Modification time do Result := description (Statflag_noname).modification_time end creation_time: WEL_FILE_TIME -- Creation time do Result := description (Statflag_noname).creation_time end access_time: WEL_FILE_TIME -- Access time do Result := description (Statflag_noname).access_time end locks_supported: INTEGER -- Types of region locking supported by stream do Result := description (Statflag_noname).locks_supported end feature -- Basic Operations update_end_of_stream -- Update value of `end_of_stream'. do end_of_stream := ccom_end_of_stream_reached (initializer) = 1 end read (buffer: POINTER; bytes: INTEGER) -- Reads `bytes' number of bytes from stream -- into `buffer' starting at current seek pointer. require valid_buffer: buffer /= default_pointer valid_bytes: bytes >= 0 local tried: BOOLEAN do if not tried then ccom_read (initializer, buffer, bytes) end_of_stream := False end rescue if attached {COM_FAILURE} exception_manager.last_exception as com_failure then if com_failure.hresult_code = {ECOM_EXCEPTION_CODES}.E_end_of_stream then end_of_stream := True tried := True retry end end end read_character -- Read character from stream. local tried: BOOLEAN do if not tried then last_character := ccom_read_character (initializer) end_of_stream := False end rescue if attached {COM_FAILURE} exception_manager.last_exception as com_failure then if com_failure.hresult_code = {ECOM_EXCEPTION_CODES}.E_end_of_stream then end_of_stream := True tried := True retry end end end read_integer -- Read integer from stream. local tried: BOOLEAN do if not tried then last_integer := ccom_read_integer (initializer) end_of_stream := False end rescue if attached {COM_FAILURE} exception_manager.last_exception as com_failure then if com_failure.hresult_code = {ECOM_EXCEPTION_CODES}.E_end_of_stream then end_of_stream := True tried := True retry end end end read_real -- Read real from stream. local tried: BOOLEAN do if not tried then last_real := ccom_read_real (initializer) end_of_stream := False end rescue if attached {COM_FAILURE} exception_manager.last_exception as com_failure then if com_failure.hresult_code = {ECOM_EXCEPTION_CODES}.E_end_of_stream then end_of_stream := True tried := True retry end end end read_boolean -- Read boolean from stream. local tried: BOOLEAN do if not tried then last_boolean := ccom_read_boolean (initializer) end_of_stream := False end rescue if attached {COM_FAILURE} exception_manager.last_exception as com_failure then if com_failure.hresult_code = {ECOM_EXCEPTION_CODES}.E_end_of_stream then end_of_stream := True tried := True retry end end end read_string -- Read string from stream. local tried: BOOLEAN do if not tried then last_string := ccom_read_string (initializer) end_of_stream := False end rescue if attached {COM_FAILURE} exception_manager.last_exception as com_failure then if com_failure.hresult_code = {ECOM_EXCEPTION_CODES}.E_end_of_stream then end_of_stream := True tried := True retry end end end write (buffer: POINTER; bytes: INTEGER) -- Writes `bytes' number of bytes into stream -- starting at current seek pointer. require valid_buffer: buffer /= default_pointer do ccom_write (initializer, buffer, bytes) end write_character (character: CHARACTER) -- Write `character' into stream. do ccom_write_character (initializer, character) end write_integer (integer: INTEGER) -- Write `integer' into stream. do ccom_write_integer (initializer, integer) end write_real (real: REAL) -- Write `real' into stream. do ccom_write_real (initializer, real) end write_boolean (boolean: BOOLEAN) -- Write `boolean' into stream. do ccom_write_boolean (initializer, boolean) end write_string (string: READABLE_STRING_GENERAL) -- Write `string' into stream. require string /= Void local wel_string: WEL_STRING do create wel_string.make (string) ccom_write_string (initializer, wel_string.item) end seek (displacement: ECOM_LARGE_INTEGER; origin: INTEGER) -- Move seek pointer by `displacement' -- relative to `origin'. -- See class ECOM_STREAM_SEEK for `origin' values. require non_void_displacement: displacement /= Void valid_displacement: displacement.exists valid_seek_origin: is_valid_seek(origin) do ccom_seek (initializer, displacement.item, origin) end start -- Set seek pointer to beginning of stream. local large_integer: ECOM_LARGE_INTEGER do create large_integer.make_from_integer (0) seek (large_integer, Stream_seek_set) end_of_stream := False ensure not_end: not end_of_stream end finish -- Set seek pointer to end of stream. local large_integer: ECOM_LARGE_INTEGER do create large_integer.make_from_integer (0) seek (large_integer, Stream_seek_end) end_of_stream := True ensure at_end: end_of_stream end set_size (new_size: ECOM_ULARGE_INTEGER) -- Change size of stream to `new_size'. require valid_new_size: new_size /= Void and then new_size.exists; do ccom_set_size (initializer, new_size.item) ensure size = new_size end copy_to (destination: ECOM_STREAM; bytes: ECOM_ULARGE_INTEGER) -- Copy `bytes' number of bytes from current seek pointer -- in stream to current seek pointer in -- `destination'. require valid_destination: destination /= Void and then destination.exists valid_bytes_number: bytes /= Void and then bytes.exists do ccom_copy_to (initializer, destination.item, bytes.item) end lock_region (offset, count: ECOM_ULARGE_INTEGER; lock: INTEGER) -- Restricts access to range of bytes defined by -- `offset' and `count'. require valid_offset: offset /= Void and then offset.exists valid_count: count /= Void and then count.exists valid_lock: is_valid_lock (lock) do ccom_lock_region (initializer, offset.item, count.item, lock) end unlock_region (offset, count: ECOM_ULARGE_INTEGER; lock: INTEGER) -- Removes access restriction to range of bytes defined by -- `offset' and `count'. require valid_offset: offset /= Void and then offset.exists valid_count: count /= Void and then count.exists valid_lock: is_valid_lock (lock) do ccom_unlock_region (initializer, offset.item, count.item, lock) end clone_stream: ECOM_STREAM -- New stream referencing -- the same bytes as Current -- Seek pointer is also cloned do create Result.make_from_pointer(ccom_clone(initializer)) ensure clone_created: Result /= Void and then Result.exists end feature {NONE} -- Implementation delete_wrapper -- Close root compound file. do ccom_delete_c_stream (initializer) end dispose do Precursor {ECOM_QUERIABLE} end feature {NONE} -- Externals ccom_create_c_istream(a_pointer: POINTER): POINTER external "C++ [new E_IStream %"E_IStream.h%"](IStream *)" end ccom_delete_c_stream (cpp_obj: POINTER) external "C++ [delete E_IStream %"E_IStream.h%"]()" end ccom_end_of_stream_reached (cpp_obj: POINTER): INTEGER external "C++ [E_IStream %"E_IStream.h%"](): EIF_INTEGER" end ccom_read (cpp_obj: POINTER; buffer: POINTER; byte_num: INTEGER) external "C++ [E_IStream %"E_IStream.h%"] (void *, ULONG)" end ccom_read_character (cpp_obj: POINTER): CHARACTER external "C++ [E_IStream %"E_IStream.h%"] (): EIF_CHARACTER" end ccom_read_integer (cpp_obj: POINTER): INTEGER external "C++ [E_IStream %"E_IStream.h%"] (): EIF_INTEGER" end ccom_read_real (cpp_obj: POINTER): REAL external "C++ [E_IStream %"E_IStream.h%"] (): EIF_REAL" end ccom_read_boolean (cpp_obj: POINTER): BOOLEAN external "C++ [E_IStream %"E_IStream.h%"] (): EIF_BOOLEAN" end ccom_read_string (cpp_obj: POINTER): STRING external "C++ [E_IStream %"E_IStream.h%"] (): EIF_REFERENCE" end ccom_write (cpp_obj: POINTER; buffer: POINTER; byte_num: INTEGER) external "C++ [E_IStream %"E_IStream.h%"] (void *, ULONG)" end ccom_write_character (cpp_obj: POINTER; character: CHARACTER) external "C++ [E_IStream %"E_IStream.h%"] (EIF_CHARACTER)" end ccom_write_integer (cpp_obj: POINTER; integer: INTEGER) external "C++ [E_IStream %"E_IStream.h%"] (EIF_INTEGER)" end ccom_write_real (cpp_obj: POINTER; real: REAL) external "C++ [E_IStream %"E_IStream.h%"] (EIF_REAL)" end ccom_write_boolean (cpp_obj: POINTER; boolean: BOOLEAN) external "C++ [E_IStream %"E_IStream.h%"] (EIF_BOOLEAN)" end ccom_write_string (cpp_obj: POINTER; string: POINTER) external "C++ [E_IStream %"E_IStream.h%"] (EIF_POINTER)" end ccom_seek (cpp_obj: POINTER; displacement: POINTER; origin: INTEGER) external "C++ [E_IStream %"E_IStream.h%"] (EIF_POINTER, EIF_INTEGER)" end ccom_set_size (cpp_obj: POINTER; new_size: POINTER) external "C++ [E_IStream %"E_IStream.h%"] (EIF_POINTER)" end ccom_copy_to (cpp_obj: POINTER; destination: POINTER; cb: POINTER) external "C++ [E_IStream %"E_IStream.h%"] (IStream *, EIF_POINTER)" end ccom_lock_region (cpp_obj: POINTER; offset, cb: POINTER; lock_type: INTEGER) external "C++ [E_IStream %"E_IStream.h%"] (EIF_POINTER, EIF_POINTER, EIF_INTEGER)" end ccom_unlock_region (cpp_obj: POINTER; offset, cb: POINTER; lock_type: INTEGER) external "C++ [E_IStream %"E_IStream.h%"] (EIF_POINTER, EIF_POINTER, EIF_INTEGER)" end ccom_stat (cpp_obj: POINTER; flag: INTEGER): POINTER external "C++ [E_IStream %"E_IStream.h%"] (DWORD): EIF_POINTER" end ccom_clone (cpp_obj: POINTER): POINTER external "C++ [E_IStream %"E_IStream.h%"] (): EIF_POINTER" end ccom_item (cpp_obj: POINTER): POINTER external "C++ [E_IStream %"E_IStream.h%"] (): EIF_POINTER" end note copyright: "Copyright (c) 1984-2017, Eiffel Software and others" license: "Eiffel Forum License v2 (see" source: "[ Eiffel Software 5949 Hollister Ave., Goleta, CA 93117 USA Telephone 805-685-1006, Fax 805-685-6869 Website Customer support ]" end