note description: "A dialog hold SD_TOOL_BAR_ZONE when it floating." legal: "See notice at end of class." status: "See notice at end of class." date: "$Date$" revision: "$Revision$" class SD_FLOATING_TOOL_BAR_ZONE inherit SD_WINDOW rename show as show_allow_to_back, extend as extend_to_dialog, has as has_dialog, wipe_out as wipe_out_dialog export {NONE} all {ANY} destroy, screen_x, screen_y, has_recursive, is_destroyed, prune, set_position, set_size, prunable {ANY} lock_update, unlock_update, ev_application, shared_environment {SD_FLOATING_TOOL_BAR_ZONE_ASSISTANT, SD_TOOL_BAR} minimum_width, minimum_height, resize_actions {SD_TOOL_BAR_MANAGER, SD_TOOL_BAR_CONTENT} hide, is_displayed redefine create_implementation end SD_ACCESS undefine default_create, is_equal, copy end create make feature {NONE} -- Initlization make (a_docking_manager: SD_DOCKING_MANAGER) -- Creation method require a_docking_manager_not_void: a_docking_manager /= Void local l_pixmaps: EV_STOCK_PIXMAPS do create internal_shared internal_docking_manager := a_docking_manager create internal_title_bar.make create l_pixmaps create internal_padding_box create {EV_VERTICAL_BOX} internal_border_box default_create create assistant.make (Current) disable_user_resize init_border_box internal_padding_box.set_border_width (1) internal_padding_box.set_padding_width (1) internal_padding_box.set_pointer_style (l_pixmaps.standard_cursor) internal_border_box.extend (internal_padding_box) internal_title_bar.pointer_double_press_actions.extend (agent recover_docking_state) internal_title_bar.close_request_actions.extend (agent on_close_request) internal_title_bar.custom_actions.extend (agent on_customize) internal_padding_box.extend (internal_title_bar) internal_padding_box.disable_item_expand (internal_title_bar) last_group_count := 1 accelerators.append (internal_docking_manager.main_window.accelerators) ensure set: internal_docking_manager = a_docking_manager end create_implementation -- do Precursor create assistant.make (Current) end init_border_box -- Initialize `internal_border_box' do internal_border_box.set_border_width (internal_border_width) internal_border_box.set_background_color (internal_shared.tool_bar_title_bar_color) extend_to_dialog (internal_border_box) internal_border_box.pointer_motion_actions.extend (agent on_border_box_pointer_motion) internal_border_box.pointer_button_press_actions.extend (agent on_border_pointer_press) internal_border_box.pointer_button_release_actions.extend (agent on_border_pointer_release) end feature -- Command show -- Show `Current' do if internal_shared.allow_window_to_back then show_allow_to_back else show_relative_to_window (internal_docking_manager.main_window) end ensure shown: is_displayed end extend (a_tool_bar_zone: SD_TOOL_BAR_ZONE) -- Extend `a_tool_bar_zone' require a_tool_bar_zone_not_void: a_tool_bar_zone /= Void a_tool_bar_zone_horizontal: not a_tool_bar_zone.is_vertical a_tool_bar_zone_parent_void: attached {EV_WIDGET} a_tool_bar_zone.tool_bar as lt_widget implies lt_widget.parent = Void not_extended: not is_tool_bar_zone_set do zone := a_tool_bar_zone tool_bar := a_tool_bar_zone.tool_bar if attached {EV_WIDGET} a_tool_bar_zone.tool_bar as lt_widget_2 then internal_padding_box.extend (lt_widget_2) else check not_possible: False end end internal_content := a_tool_bar_zone.content internal_title_bar.set_content (content) if attached a_tool_bar_zone.agents as a then internal_title_bar.drawing_area.pointer_button_press_actions.extend (agent a.on_drag_area_pressed) internal_title_bar.drawing_area.pointer_button_release_actions.extend (agent a.on_drag_area_release) internal_title_bar.drawing_area.pointer_motion_actions.extend (agent a.on_drag_area_motion) end create group_divider.make_with_content (content) ensure set: content = a_tool_bar_zone.content set: zone = a_tool_bar_zone set: is_tool_bar_zone_set end regroup_after_customize -- Initlized group divider and regroup items require ready: is_tool_bar_zone_set local l_group_count: INTEGER l_height: INTEGER l_has_lock_window: BOOLEAN l_group_divider: like group_divider do if attached tool_bar as l_tool_bar then create l_group_divider.make_with_content (content) group_divider := l_group_divider -- `l_height' is the height of inner SD_TOOL_BAR, EXCEPT the heights: -- 1. floating zone title bar height (the height between the border and the tool bar buttons) -- 2. border height of floating tool bar zone (one if up side border, another is bottom side border) l_height := height - (l_tool_bar.screen_y - screen_y) - internal_border_box.border_width * 2 check positive: l_height > 0 end l_group_count := group_count_by_height (l_height) if attached (create {EV_ENVIRONMENT}).application as l_app then l_has_lock_window := l_app.locked_window /= Void else check False end -- Implied by current application is running end if not l_has_lock_window then lock_update end if l_group_count > 0 and then attached l_group_divider.best_grouping (l_group_count) as l_best_grouping then assistant.position_groups (l_best_grouping) else assistant.to_minmum_size end last_group_count := l_group_count if not l_has_lock_window then unlock_update end else check from_precondition_ready: False end end end feature -- Query zone: detachable SD_TOOL_BAR_ZONE -- Tool bar zone Current managed (if any). has (a_tool_bar_zone: EV_WIDGET): BOOLEAN -- Has a_tool_bar_zone? require not_void: a_tool_bar_zone /= Void do Result := internal_padding_box.has (a_tool_bar_zone) end content: SD_TOOL_BAR_CONTENT -- attached `internal_content' require ready: is_tool_bar_zone_set do Result := internal_content check from_precondition_ready: attached Result then end ensure not_void: Result /= Void end assistant: SD_FLOATING_TOOL_BAR_ZONE_ASSISTANT -- Assistant to position items tool_bar: detachable SD_GENERIC_TOOL_BAR -- SD_TOOL_BAR where contain SD_TOOL_BAR_ITEMs (if any). is_tool_bar_zone_set: BOOLEAN -- If `tool_bar', `zone' and `content' have been set? do Result := attached tool_bar and attached zone and attached internal_content end feature {NONE} -- Implementation of resize issues on_border_box_pointer_motion (a_x: INTEGER; a_y: INTEGER; a_x_tilt: DOUBLE; a_y_tilt: DOUBLE; a_pressure: DOUBLE; a_screen_x: INTEGER; a_screen_y: INTEGER) -- Handle border box pointer motion local l_temp_group_count: INTEGER l_temp_group_info: SD_TOOL_BAR_GROUP_INFO l_pointer_offset: INTEGER l_old_position: INTEGER do if not internal_border_box.has_capture then on_border_pointer_motion_no_capture (a_x, a_y) elseif content.items_visible.count > 0 then if attached group_divider as l_group_divider and attached tool_bar as l_tool_bar then inspect internal_pointer_direction when {SD_ENUMERATION}.left then l_old_position := screen_x + width l_pointer_offset := (screen_x + width) - a_screen_x if l_pointer_offset > 0 then if start_width < l_pointer_offset then l_temp_group_info := l_group_divider.best_grouping_by_width_to_right (l_pointer_offset) else l_temp_group_info := l_group_divider.best_grouping_by_width_to_left (l_pointer_offset) end l_temp_group_count := l_group_divider.last_group_index if l_temp_group_count /= last_group_count then lock_update assistant.position_groups (l_temp_group_info) last_group_count := l_group_divider.last_group_index set_x_position (l_old_position - width) unlock_update end end when {SD_ENUMERATION}.right then if a_screen_x - screen_x > 0 then if start_width < a_screen_x - screen_x then l_temp_group_info := l_group_divider.best_grouping_by_width_to_right (a_screen_x - screen_x) else l_temp_group_info := l_group_divider.best_grouping_by_width_to_left (a_screen_x - screen_x) end l_temp_group_count := l_group_divider.last_group_index if l_temp_group_count /= last_group_count then assistant.position_groups (l_temp_group_info) last_group_count := l_group_divider.last_group_index end end when {SD_ENUMERATION}.top then l_old_position := screen_y + height l_pointer_offset := screen_y + height - a_screen_y - (l_tool_bar.screen_y - screen_y) if l_pointer_offset > 0 then l_temp_group_count := group_count_by_height (l_pointer_offset) if l_temp_group_count /= last_group_count and l_temp_group_count > 1 and l_temp_group_count <= l_group_divider.max_row_count and then attached l_group_divider.best_grouping (l_temp_group_count) as l_best_grouping then lock_update assistant.position_groups (l_best_grouping) last_group_count := l_temp_group_count set_y_position (l_old_position - height) unlock_update end end when {SD_ENUMERATION}.bottom then l_pointer_offset := a_screen_y - l_tool_bar.screen_y if l_pointer_offset > 0 then l_temp_group_count := group_count_by_height (l_pointer_offset) if l_temp_group_count /= last_group_count and l_temp_group_count > 1 and l_temp_group_count <= l_group_divider.max_row_count and then attached l_group_divider.best_grouping (l_temp_group_count) as l_best_grouping then debug ("docking") print ("%N SD_FLOATING_TOOL_BAR_ZONE on_border_box_pointer_motion bottom dragging:") print ("%N l_temp_group_count: " + l_temp_group_count.out) print ("%N last_group_count: " + last_group_count.out) print ("%N max_row_count: " + l_group_divider.max_row_count.out) end assistant.position_groups (l_best_grouping) last_group_count := l_temp_group_count debug ("docking") print ("%N postion tool bar items") print ("%N group infos: " + l_best_grouping.out) end end end else -- It maybe just initialized Current end end end end group_count_by_height (a_pointer_height: INTEGER): INTEGER -- Group count base on `a_pointer_height' require valid: a_pointer_height > 0 ready: is_tool_bar_zone_set local l_total_height_without_subgroup: INTEGER l_temp_height: INTEGER l_item_count: INTEGER l_row_height: INTEGER n: INTEGER do if attached tool_bar as l_tool_bar and then attached zone as l_zone and then attached l_zone.content as l_content then n := l_content.groups_count (False) l_total_height_without_subgroup := n * l_tool_bar.row_height + (n - 1) * {SD_TOOL_BAR_SEPARATOR}.width if a_pointer_height <= l_total_height_without_subgroup then Result := a_pointer_height // (l_tool_bar.row_height + {SD_TOOL_BAR_SEPARATOR}.width) + 1 else l_temp_height := a_pointer_height - (n - 1) * {SD_TOOL_BAR_SEPARATOR}.width check valid: l_temp_height > 0 end l_row_height := l_tool_bar.row_height if l_row_height = 0 then -- If tool bar don't have items l_row_height := l_tool_bar.standard_height end Result := l_temp_height // l_row_height + 1 end l_item_count := content.item_count_except_sep (False) if Result > l_item_count then Result := l_item_count elseif Result = 0 then Result := 1 end debug ("docking") print ("%N SD_FLOATING_TOOL_BAR_ZONE group_count_by_height Result: " + Result.out) end else check from_precondition_ready: False end end ensure valid: 0 <= Result and Result <= content.item_count_except_sep (False) end last_group_count: INTEGER -- Group index for last pointer motion on_border_pointer_motion_no_capture (a_x, a_y: INTEGER) -- Handle pointer motion actions when not has capture require not_capture: not internal_border_box.has_capture local l_styles: EV_STOCK_PIXMAPS do create l_styles if 0 <= a_x and a_x <= internal_border_width then internal_pointer_direction := {SD_ENUMERATION}.left elseif (internal_border_box.width - internal_border_width) <= a_x and a_x <= internal_border_box.width then internal_pointer_direction := {SD_ENUMERATION}.right elseif 0 <= a_y and a_y <= internal_border_width then internal_pointer_direction := {SD_ENUMERATION}.top else internal_pointer_direction := {SD_ENUMERATION}.bottom end if internal_pointer_direction = {SD_ENUMERATION}.left or internal_pointer_direction = {SD_ENUMERATION}.right then internal_border_box.set_pointer_style (l_styles.sizewe_cursor) else internal_border_box.set_pointer_style (l_styles.sizens_cursor) end end on_border_pointer_press (a_x: INTEGER; a_y: INTEGER; a_button: INTEGER; a_x_tilt: DOUBLE; a_y_tilt: DOUBLE; a_pressure: DOUBLE; a_screen_x: INTEGER; a_screen_y: INTEGER) -- Handle pointer press actions do if a_button = {EV_POINTER_CONSTANTS}.left then internal_shared.setter.before_enable_capture internal_border_box.enable_capture start_width := width end end on_border_pointer_release (a_x: INTEGER; a_y: INTEGER; a_button: INTEGER; a_x_tilt: DOUBLE; a_y_tilt: DOUBLE; a_pressure: DOUBLE; a_screen_x: INTEGER; a_screen_y: INTEGER) -- Handle pointer release actions do if internal_border_box.has_capture then internal_border_box.disable_capture internal_shared.setter.after_disable_capture end end internal_pointer_direction: INTEGER -- Pointer direction, one value of SD_DOCKING_MANAGER dock_top, dock_bottom, dock_left, dock_right -- Used when user dragging Current border internal_content: detachable SD_TOOL_BAR_CONTENT -- Content which Current managed internal_zone: detachable SD_TOOL_BAR_ZONE -- Tool bar zone Current managed feature {SD_FLOATING_TOOL_BAR_ZONE_ASSISTANT, SD_TOOL_BAR_DRAGGING_AGENTS} -- Implementation recover_docking_state -- Recover to orignal docking state require ready: is_tool_bar_zone_set do if attached zone as l_zone then -- First we record floating states. -- SD_TOOL_BAR_GROUP_INFO is already recorded when grouping. l_zone.assistant.last_state.set_screen_x (screen_x) l_zone.assistant.last_state.set_screen_y (screen_y) l_zone.assistant.dock_last_state else check from_precondition_ready: False end end end start_width: INTEGER -- Window width when starting dragging group_divider: detachable SD_TOOL_BAR_GROUP_DIVIDER -- Divider to divide tool bar groups internal_title_bar: SD_TOOL_BAR_TITLE_BAR -- Title bar internal_border_box: EV_BOX -- Border box surround target tool bar internal_padding_box: EV_VERTICAL_BOX -- Box to show padding internal_border_width: INTEGER = 2 -- Border width internal_docking_manager: SD_DOCKING_MANAGER -- Docking manager manage Current internal_shared: SD_SHARED -- All singletons feature {NONE} -- Implementation on_close_request -- Handle close request actions do (Void) end on_customize -- Handle customize actions require ready: is_tool_bar_zone_set local l_dialog: SD_TOOL_BAR_HIDDEN_ITEM_DIALOG l_helper: SD_POSITION_HELPER l_rect: EV_RECTANGLE do if attached zone as l_zone then create l_dialog.make (create {ARRAYED_LIST [SD_TOOL_BAR_ITEM]}.make (1), l_zone) create l_helper.make l_rect := internal_title_bar.custom_rectangle l_helper.set_tool_bar_floating_dialog_position (l_dialog, l_rect.x, l_rect.y, l_rect.width, l_rect.height) else check from_precondition_ready: False end end end invariant internal_shared_not_void: internal_shared /= Void internal_title_bar_not_void: internal_title_bar /= Void note library: "SmartDocking: Library of reusable components for Eiffel." copyright: "Copyright (c) 1984-2017, Eiffel Software and others" license: "Eiffel Forum License v2 (see" source: "[ Eiffel Software 5949 Hollister Ave., Goleta, CA 93117 USA Telephone 805-685-1006, Fax 805-685-6869 Website Customer support ]" end