note description: "[ Editable: no Scroll bars: yes Cursor: yes Keyboard: yes Mouse: yes ]" legal: "See notice at end of class." status: "See notice at end of class." date: "$Date$" revision: "$Revision$" class SELECTABLE_TEXT_PANEL inherit KEYBOARD_SELECTABLE_TEXT_PANEL redefine user_initialization, recycle end REFACTORING_HELPER undefine default_create end feature {NONE} -- Initialization user_initialization -- Initialize variables and objects related to display. do create autoscroll.make_with_interval (0) autoscroll.actions.extend (agent scroll) -- Default `auto_scroll' to be true. auto_scroll := True create click_delay.make_with_interval (0) click_delay.actions.wipe_out click_delay.actions.extend (agent mouse_time_out_action) Precursor {KEYBOARD_SELECTABLE_TEXT_PANEL} ---------------------------- -- Vision2 initialisation -- ---------------------------- editor_drawing_area.pointer_button_press_actions.extend (agent on_mouse_button_down) editor_drawing_area.pointer_double_press_actions.extend (agent on_double_click) editor_drawing_area.pointer_button_release_actions.extend (agent on_mouse_button_up) editor_drawing_area.pointer_motion_actions.extend (agent on_mouse_move) editor_drawing_area.pointer_enter_actions.extend (agent on_mouse_enter) editor_drawing_area.pointer_leave_actions.extend (agent on_mouse_leave) end feature {NONE} -- Process Vision2 events on_mouse_button_down (abs_x_pos, abs_y_pos, button: INTEGER; unused1,unused2,unused3: DOUBLE; a_screen_x, a_screen_y: INTEGER) -- Process single click on mouse buttons. do if not text_displayed.is_empty then if abs_x_pos >= 0 and then abs_x_pos <= editor_drawing_area.width and then abs_y_pos > 0 and then abs_y_pos <= editor_drawing_area.height then on_click_in_text (abs_x_pos - left_margin_width, abs_y_pos, button, a_screen_x, a_screen_y) end end end on_double_click (abs_x_pos, y_pos, button: INTEGER; unused1,unused2,unused3: DOUBLE; a_screen_x, a_screen_y: INTEGER) -- Process double clicks on mouse buttons do if not text_displayed.is_empty then if button = 1 and then not shifted_key and then (click_count \\ 2) = 1 and then abs_x_pos + offset >= left_margin_width and then y_pos >= 0 and then y_pos <= editor_drawing_area.height then process_left_click (abs_x_pos - left_margin_width, y_pos - editor_viewport.y_offset, a_screen_x, a_screen_y) end end end on_mouse_move (abs_x_pos, abs_y_pos: INTEGER; unused1,unused2,unused3: DOUBLE; a_screen_x, a_screen_y:INTEGER) -- Process events related to mouse pointer moves. local l_line: INTEGER do if (not text_displayed.is_empty) and then click_count < 4 and then mouse_left_button_down then scroll_and_select (abs_x_pos - left_margin_width, abs_y_pos, a_screen_x, a_screen_y) end if mouse_entered then if attached token_at_screen (a_screen_x, a_screen_y) as l_token then if l_token /= last_token_entered then l_line := line_at_screen_position (a_screen_x, a_screen_y) if attached last_token_entered as l_last then on_mouse_token_leave (l_last, last_line_entered) l_last.on_mouse_leave invalidate_line (last_line_entered, True) end on_mouse_token_enter (l_token, l_line) l_token.on_mouse_enter if l_token /= last_token_entered then invalidate_line (l_line, True) end last_line_entered := l_line last_token_entered := l_token end else on_mouse_enter_blank_area -- Mouse moves out of any token if attached last_token_entered as l_last then on_mouse_token_leave (l_last, last_line_entered) l_last.on_mouse_leave invalidate_line (last_line_entered, True) last_line_entered := 0 last_token_entered := Void end end end end on_mouse_button_up (x_pos, y_pos, button: INTEGER; unused1,unused2,unused3: DOUBLE; unused4,unused5:INTEGER) -- Process release of mouse buttons. do if button = 1 then mouse_left_button_down := False if editor_drawing_area.has_capture then editor_drawing_area.disable_capture end elseif button = 3 then mouse_right_button_down := False end queue_mouse_up (button) end on_mouse_enter -- Process events related to mouse pointer enter. do mouse_entered := True ensure mouse_entered: mouse_entered end on_mouse_leave -- Process events related to mouse pointer leave. do mouse_entered := False if attached last_token_entered as l_last then on_mouse_token_leave (l_last, last_line_entered) l_last.on_mouse_leave invalidate_line (last_line_entered, True) last_line_entered := 0 last_token_entered := Void end ensure mouse_left: not mouse_entered end on_mouse_token_enter (a_token: EDITOR_TOKEN; a_line: INTEGER) -- Called when mouse pointer enter `a_token'. do end on_mouse_token_leave (a_token: EDITOR_TOKEN; a_line: INTEGER) -- Called when mouse pointer leave `a_token'. do end on_mouse_enter_blank_area -- Called when mouse pointer enter area with no token do end feature {NONE} -- Scroll Management scroll -- Scroll one step (i.e. 10 pixels horizontally and/or one line vertically) -- in the direction defined by `scroll_horizontal', `scroll_right', `scroll_vertical' -- and `scroll_up'. do if scroll_horizontal then if scroll_right then set_offset ((offset + 10).min (editor_width - editor_viewport.width).max (0)) else set_offset ((offset - 10).max (0)) end end if scroll_vertical then if scroll_up then set_first_line_displayed ((first_line_displayed - 1).max (1), False) else set_first_line_displayed ((first_line_displayed + 1).min (maximum_top_line_index), False) end else end if attached current_mouse_coordinates as l_coordinates then check -- array has indexes 1 to 4 valid_current_mouse_coordinates_lower: l_coordinates.lower = 1 valid_current_mouse_coordinates_upper: l_coordinates.upper = 4 end -- call on_mouse_move back to handle selection. on_mouse_move (l_coordinates [1], l_coordinates [2], 0, 0, 0, l_coordinates [3], l_coordinates [4]) end end feature {NONE} -- Handle mouse clicks on_click_in_text (x_pos, y_pos, button: INTEGER; a_screen_x, a_screen_y: INTEGER) -- Process click on the text. `x_pos' and `y_pos' are coordinates relative to the upper left -- left corner of the drawing area. require not_text_displayed_is_empty: not text_displayed.is_empty local l_number: INTEGER old_l_number: INTEGER do if button = 1 then mouse_right_button_down := False l_number := (y_pos // line_height) + 1 if (click_count \\ 2) /= 1 then if shifted_key then if not text_displayed.has_selection then -- No selection? We have to start one. text_displayed.set_selection_cursor (text_displayed.cursor) text_displayed.enable_selection old_l_number := text_displayed.attached_cursor.y_in_lines else if l_number < first_line_displayed then -- We are going up if text_displayed.selection_start > text_displayed.selection_end then old_l_number := text_displayed.selection_start.y_in_lines else old_l_number := text_displayed.selection_end.y_in_lines end else old_l_number := text_displayed.attached_cursor.y_in_lines end end end process_left_click (x_pos.max (1), y_pos - editor_viewport.y_offset, a_screen_x, a_screen_y) if shifted_key then -- Look if we have to perform a deselection. if text_displayed.attached_cursor.is_equal (text_displayed.attached_selection_cursor) then -- then or has_selection then -- The selection has to be forgotten. disable_selection else invalidate_block (old_l_number.min (l_number), l_number.max (old_l_number), True) end end end end end process_left_click (x_pos, y_pos: INTEGER; a_screen_x, a_screen_y: INTEGER) -- Process click with mouse left button. `x_pos' and `y_pos' are coordinates relative to the upper left -- left corner of the drawing area. require text_displayed /= Void x_valid: x_pos > 0 y_valid: y_pos > 0 has_cursor: text_displayed.has_cursor local old_l_number : INTEGER l_cursor: like cursor_type do l_cursor := text_displayed.attached_cursor old_l_number := l_cursor.y_in_lines mouse_left_button_down := True if not shifted_key then --and then text_displayed.has_selection then -- The selection has to be forgotten. disable_selection end if not editor_drawing_area.has_capture then if not editor_drawing_area.is_sensitive then editor_drawing_area.enable_sensitive end editor_drawing_area.set_focus editor_drawing_area.enable_capture end position_cursor (l_cursor, x_pos + font.width // 3, y_pos) former_pointed_line := l_cursor.y_in_lines former_pointed_char := l_cursor.x_in_characters former_y := y_pos former_mouse_y := a_screen_y invalidate_line (old_l_number, False) invalidate_line (l_cursor.y_in_lines, False) if not shifted_key then store_mouse_up := True click_delay.set_interval (0) click_delay.set_interval (300) click_count := click_count + 1 mouse_up_delayed := False if click_count /= 1 then if click_count = 2 then select_current_token (False) elseif editor_preferences.quadruple_click_enabled and then click_count > 3 then select_all else l_cursor.go_start_line text_displayed.set_selection_cursor (l_cursor) l_cursor.go_end_line text_displayed.enable_selection invalidate_block (text_displayed.selection_start.y_in_lines, text_displayed.selection_end.y_in_lines, True) end end end end select_current_token (is_for_word: BOOLEAN) -- Select the token where current cursor is, if `is_for_word', -- look for the previous token if current token is not a word. require not_empty: not is_empty local stop, l_cursor: like cursor_type do l_cursor := text_displayed.attached_cursor empty_word_selection := False if is_for_word and then (not l_cursor.token.is_text or else not is_word (l_cursor.token.wide_image)) then -- Current token does not represent a word, we try the previous one only, no loops until -- we find one that corresponds. This is the behavior that other editors have. l_cursor.go_left_word elseif l_cursor.token.is_new_line then -- When clicking past the end of the line, we do as if the previous token was chosen. l_cursor.go_left_word end stop := l_cursor.twin text_displayed.set_selection_cursor (l_cursor) text_displayed.attached_selection_cursor.go_start_word l_cursor.go_end_word text_displayed.enable_selection if l_cursor.is_equal (text_displayed.attached_selection_cursor) then l_cursor.go_right_char_no_down_line l_cursor.go_end_word if l_cursor.is_equal (text_displayed.attached_selection_cursor) then text_displayed.disable_selection empty_word_selection := True l_cursor := stop end end invalidate_line (l_cursor.y_in_lines, False) end is_word (s: STRING_32): BOOLEAN -- Is `s' a word? --|FIXME: Not implemented correctly for Unicode. require s_not_void: s /= Void local c: CHARACTER i, nb: INTEGER do fixme ("Not implemented correctly for Unicode.") nb := s.count if nb > 0 then from i := 1 Result := True until i > nb or not Result loop --|FIXME: This is not the correct way for Unicode. c := s.item (i).to_character_8 Result := c.is_alpha_numeric or c = '_' i := i + 1 end end end mouse_time_out_action -- Process mouse button up event if necessary. -- Called when `click_delay' is out. do click_delay.set_interval (0) -- Change the state of our flag. store_mouse_up := False if mouse_up_delayed then mouse_up_delayed := False mouse_up_action (1) end end queue_mouse_up (button: INTEGER) -- Delay or launch mouse left button up event processing -- according to `store_mouse_up'. do if store_mouse_up and button = 1 then mouse_up_delayed := True else mouse_up_action (button) end end mouse_up_action (button: INTEGER) -- Process mouse button `button' up event. local l_num, l_click_count: INTEGER l_cursor: like cursor_type do if button = 1 then l_click_count := click_count click_count := 0 if not text_displayed.is_empty then l_cursor := text_displayed.attached_cursor if l_cursor.token /= Void then l_num := l_cursor.y_in_lines l_cursor.set_from_character_pos (l_cursor.x_in_characters, l_num, text_displayed) invalidate_line (l_cursor.y_in_lines, False) if l_click_count < 4 then -- If the click count is greater than 3 don't move the cursor to the bottom of the screen check_cursor_position end end end end if autoscroll.interval /= 0 then autoscroll.set_interval(0) end end scroll_and_select (abs_x_pos, abs_y_pos: INTEGER; a_screen_x, a_screen_y: INTEGER) -- Compute valid coordinates if the mouse is out of the panel, use these values -- to position cursor, begin automatic scroll if necessary and update selection. -- Part of mouse pointer moves event processing. local x_pos, y_pos : INTEGER i : INTEGER bottom_pos : INTEGER x_computed : BOOLEAN stop_scrolling : BOOLEAN do bottom_pos := editor_y + viewable_height y_pos := (abs_y_pos - editor_viewport.y_offset).max (1) x_pos := abs_x_pos.max (1) scroll_horizontal := False scroll_vertical := False stop_scrolling := True current_mouse_coordinates := <> -- Let's check if the pointer is still in the editor area -- if not launch automatic scroll and correct `x_pos' and `y_pos' values. if auto_scroll then if a_screen_x <= editor_x + left_margin_width then -- cursor on the left of the text -- launch horizontal scroll if necessary if editor_viewport.width < editor_width then stop_scrolling := False scroll_horizontal := True scroll_right := False i := editor_x + left_margin_width - a_screen_x autoscroll.set_interval (2000 // (5 + i.min (95))) y_pos:= (former_y + a_screen_y - former_mouse_y).max (1) end x_pos := offset + 1 x_computed := True elseif a_screen_x >= editor_x + editor_viewport.width then -- cursor on the right of the text -- launch horizontal scroll if necessary if editor_viewport.width < editor_width then stop_scrolling := False scroll_horizontal := True scroll_right := True i := a_screen_x - editor_x - editor_viewport.width autoscroll.set_interval (2000 // (5 + i.min (95))) y_pos := (former_y + a_screen_y - former_mouse_y).max (1) end x_pos := offset + editor_viewport.width - left_margin_width x_computed := True end if a_screen_y <= editor_y then -- cursor above the text -- launch vertical scroll if necessary if number_of_lines > number_of_lines_displayed then scroll_vertical := True scroll_up := True stop_scrolling := False i := i.max(editor_y - a_screen_y) autoscroll.set_interval (2000 // (5 + i.min (95))) y_pos := 1 end if not x_computed then x_pos := former_x + a_screen_x - former_mouse_x end elseif a_screen_y >= bottom_pos then -- cursor below the text -- launch vertical scroll if necessary if number_of_lines > number_of_lines_displayed then stop_scrolling := False scroll_vertical := True scroll_up := False i := i.max (a_screen_y - editor_y - viewable_height) autoscroll.set_interval (2000 // (5 + i.min (95))) y_pos := viewable_height - 1 end if not x_computed then x_pos := former_x + a_screen_x - former_mouse_x end end end -- if no scroll needed, stop automatic scroll if stop_scrolling then if autoscroll.interval /= 0 then autoscroll.set_interval(0) end end former_y := y_pos former_x := x_pos former_mouse_y := a_screen_y former_mouse_x := a_screen_x if not scroll_only then perform_selection (x_pos, y_pos, a_screen_x, a_screen_y) end end perform_selection (x_pos, y_pos, a_screen_x, a_screen_y:INTEGER) -- Update selection as the mouse pointer has moved. -- Selection mode depends on how many times the user has clicked -- on the mouse button before moving the pointer. require has_cursor: text_displayed.has_cursor not_empty: not is_empty valid_x: x_pos > 0 valid_y: y_pos > 0 local l_number, i : INTEGER cur, l_cursor, selection_cursor : like cursor_type do l_cursor := text_displayed.attached_cursor selection_cursor := text_displayed.attached_selection_cursor -- Save cursor position. if not text_displayed.has_selection then -- There is no selection, so we start a selection. text_displayed.set_selection_cursor (text_displayed.attached_cursor.twin) text_displayed.enable_selection end -- Compute the line number pointed by the mouse cursor l_number := ((y_pos // line_height) + first_line_displayed) if click_count = 1 and then not mouse_left_button_down then text_displayed.disable_selection elseif click_count = 2 then -- movement after double click : word by word selection create cur.make_from_integer (1, text_displayed) position_cursor (cur, x_pos, y_pos) if empty_word_selection then if cur < selection_cursor then l_cursor.set_from_relative_pos (cur.line, cur.token, cur.pos_in_token, text_displayed) l_cursor.go_start_word if not text_displayed.has_selection then text_displayed.enable_selection end elseif cur > selection_cursor then l_cursor.set_from_relative_pos (cur.line, cur.token, cur.pos_in_token, text_displayed) l_cursor.go_end_word if not text_displayed.has_selection then text_displayed.enable_selection end else l_cursor.set_from_relative_pos(selection_cursor.line, selection_cursor.token, selection_cursor.pos_in_token, text_displayed) if text_displayed.has_selection then text_displayed.disable_selection end end elseif selection_cursor < l_cursor then if selection_cursor <= cur then l_cursor.set_from_relative_pos (cur.line, cur.token, cur.pos_in_token, text_displayed) if l_cursor.is_equal (selection_cursor) then l_cursor.go_right_char_no_down_line end l_cursor.go_end_word elseif selection_cursor > cur then selection_cursor.go_right_char_no_down_line selection_cursor.go_end_word l_cursor.set_from_relative_pos (cur.line, cur.token, cur.pos_in_token, text_displayed) l_cursor.go_start_word end elseif selection_cursor > l_cursor then if l_cursor > cur then l_cursor.set_from_relative_pos (cur.line, cur.token, cur.pos_in_token, text_displayed) l_cursor.go_start_word elseif l_cursor < cur then if cur > selection_cursor then i := selection_cursor.y_in_lines selection_cursor.go_left_char if i /= selection_cursor.y_in_lines then selection_cursor.go_right_char end selection_cursor.go_start_word l_cursor.set_from_relative_pos (cur.line, cur.token, cur.pos_in_token, text_displayed) if l_cursor.is_equal (selection_cursor) then l_cursor.go_right_char_no_down_line end l_cursor.go_end_word elseif cur < selection_cursor then l_cursor.set_from_relative_pos (cur.line, cur.token, cur.pos_in_token, text_displayed) l_cursor.go_right_char_no_down_line l_cursor.go_end_word if l_cursor.is_equal (selection_cursor) then selection_cursor.set_from_relative_pos (cur.line, cur.token, cur.pos_in_token, text_displayed) selection_cursor.go_start_word else l_cursor.set_from_relative_pos (cur.line, cur.token, cur.pos_in_token, text_displayed) l_cursor.go_start_word end end end end l_number := l_cursor.y_in_lines elseif click_count = 3 then -- movement after double click : line by line selection i := l_cursor.y_in_lines if selection_cursor <= l_cursor then position_cursor (l_cursor, x_pos, y_pos) if l_number >= selection_cursor.y_in_lines then selection_cursor.go_start_line l_cursor.go_end_line l_cursor.go_right_char invalidate_block (i.min (l_number), i.max (l_number), True) else selection_cursor.go_end_line selection_cursor.go_right_char l_cursor.go_start_line invalidate_block (l_number.min (i), i.max (l_number), True) end else position_cursor(l_cursor, x_pos, y_pos) if l_number >= selection_cursor.y_in_lines - 1 then selection_cursor.set_y_in_lines (selection_cursor.y_in_lines - 1) selection_cursor.go_start_line l_cursor.go_end_line l_cursor.go_right_char invalidate_block (i, l_number, True) else selection_cursor.go_start_line l_cursor.go_start_line invalidate_block (l_number.min (i), i.max (l_number), True) end end else position_cursor (l_cursor, x_pos, y_pos) end if text_displayed.selection_is_empty then -- Forget selection if nothing is selected. text_displayed.disable_selection end if l_number /= former_pointed_line then from i := l_number.min (former_pointed_line) until i = l_number.max (former_pointed_line) loop invalidate_line (i,True) i := i + 1 end invalidate_line (i,True) former_pointed_line := l_number elseif former_pointed_char /= l_cursor.x_in_characters then invalidate_line (l_number,True) former_pointed_char := l_cursor.x_in_characters end end feature {NONE} -- Private Characteristics of the window mouse_left_button_down: BOOLEAN -- Is the left button of the mouse down? mouse_right_button_down: BOOLEAN -- Is the right button of the mouse down? click_delay: EV_TIMEOUT -- Timer to delay mouse up events processing between double click and triple click. store_mouse_up: BOOLEAN -- Delay mouse up event processing? mouse_up_delayed: BOOLEAN -- Is there delayed mouse up event to be processed? click_count: INTEGER -- Number of consecutive clicks. former_pointed_char: INTEGER -- Number of the pointed character before cursor moved. former_pointed_line: INTEGER -- Number of the pointed line before cursor moved. former_x: INTEGER -- Position of mouse pointer in the area before it moved. former_mouse_x: INTEGER -- Position of mouse pointer in the screen before it moved. former_y: INTEGER -- Position of mouse pointer in the area before it moved. former_mouse_y: INTEGER -- Position of the mouse pointer in the screen before it moved. autoscroll: EV_TIMEOUT -- Timer to scroll the text automatically. scroll_vertical: BOOLEAN -- Do automatic scroll perform vertical scroll? scroll_up: BOOLEAN -- If `vertical_scroll', automatic scroll to top? scroll_horizontal: BOOLEAN -- Do automatic scroll perform horizontal scroll? scroll_right: BOOLEAN -- If `horizontal_scroll', automatic scroll to right? current_mouse_coordinates: detachable ARRAY [INTEGER] -- Coordinates of mouse pointer during automatic scrolling. empty_word_selection: BOOLEAN -- Did word by word selection begin with empty selection (end of line)? mouse_entered: BOOLEAN -- Mouse entered? last_token_entered: detachable EDITOR_TOKEN -- Last token entered last_line_entered: INTEGER -- Last line entered scroll_only: BOOLEAN -- Block selection modification? do end feature {NONE} -- Memory Management recycle -- Destroy `Current'. do Precursor {KEYBOARD_SELECTABLE_TEXT_PANEL} if not click_delay.is_destroyed then click_delay.destroy end create click_delay.make_with_interval (0) if not autoscroll.is_destroyed then autoscroll.destroy end create autoscroll.make_with_interval (0) end note copyright: "Copyright (c) 1984-2016, Eiffel Software and others" license: "Eiffel Forum License v2 (see" source: "[ Eiffel Software 5949 Hollister Ave., Goleta, CA 93117 USA Telephone 805-685-1006, Fax 805-685-6869 Website Customer support ]" end