note description: "[ Editable: no Scroll bars: yes Cursor: no Keyboard: no Mouse: no ]" legal: "See notice at end of class." status: "See notice at end of class." date: "$Date$" revision: "$Revision$" class TEXT_PANEL inherit TEXT_PANEL_IMP rename file_name as const_file_name, initialized_cell as constants_initialized_cell redefine default_create end TEXT_OBSERVER undefine copy, is_equal, default_create redefine on_text_loaded, on_text_block_loaded, on_text_fully_loaded end EV_FONT_CONSTANTS export {NONE} all undefine copy, is_equal, default_create end DOCUMENT_TYPE_MANAGER undefine copy, is_equal, default_create end SHARED_EDITOR_DATA undefine copy, is_equal, default_create end EV_SHARED_APPLICATION export {NONE} all undefine default_create end SYSTEM_ENCODINGS export {NONE} all undefine default_create end ENCODING_DETECTOR rename detected_encoding as default_encoding export {NONE} all undefine default_create end feature -- Initialization default_create -- Default creation do create widget -- Initialize with unexecutable agent. update_scroll_agent := agent do check False end end refresh_line_number_agent := agent do check False end end initialize is_initialized := True end feature {NONE} -- Initialization user_initialization -- called by `initialize'. -- Any custom user initialization that -- could not be performed in `initialize', -- (due to regeneration of implementation class) -- can be added here. local l_margin: like margin do -- Create the buffered line. create buffered_line.make_with_size (buffered_drawable_width, line_height) -- First display the first line... first_line_displayed := 1 initialize_editor_context text_displayed := new_text_displayed register_observers panel_manager.add_panel (Current) set_current_document_class (default_document_class) editor_width := buffered_drawable_width main_vbox.set_background_color (editor_preferences.normal_background_color) inner_hbox.set_background_color (editor_preferences.normal_background_color) -- Create the margin and associate it with `margin_container'. create l_margin.make_with_panel (Current) margin := l_margin -- Enable line number functionality in margin. l_margin.enable_line_numbers if attached {EV_HORIZONTAL_BOX} margin_container.parent as l_parent then l_parent.prune (margin_container) margin_container := l_margin.margin_viewport l_parent.put_front (margin_container) l_parent.disable_item_expand (margin_container) else check parent_set: False end end editor_drawing_area.set_minimum_size (buffered_drawable_width, buffered_drawable_height) -- Viewport Events editor_drawing_area.expose_actions.extend (agent on_repaint) editor_drawing_area.resize_actions.extend (agent on_size) editor_drawing_area.dpi_changed_actions.extend (agent on_dpi_change) editor_drawing_area.mouse_wheel_actions.extend (agent on_mouse_wheel) editor_drawing_area.focus_in_actions.extend (agent on_focus) editor_viewport.resize_actions.extend (agent on_viewport_size) editor_viewport.dpi_changed_actions.extend (agent on_dpi_change_viewport_size) -- Scrollbar Events vertical_scrollbar.change_actions.extend (agent on_vertical_scroll) horizontal_scrollbar.change_actions.extend (agent on_horizontal_scroll) scroll_cell.set_minimum_size (vertical_scrollbar.width, vertical_scrollbar.width) update_scroll_agent := agent update_scrollbars_display last_vertical_scroll_bar_value := 1 display_scrollbars := True -- Set up the screen. buffered_line.set_background_color (editor_preferences.normal_background_color) -- Ensure line numbers are displayed refresh_line_number_agent := agent refresh_line_number_display editor_preferences.show_line_numbers_preference.change_actions.extend (refresh_line_number_agent) refresh_line_number_display end initialize_editor_context -- Here initialize editor contextual settings. For example, set location of cursor -- pixmaps. do end feature -- Access is_initialized: BOOLEAN -- Is current text panel properly initialized? I.e. ready for use. new_text_displayed: like text_displayed -- New instance of `text_displayed' for Current. do create Result.make Result.set_first_read_block_size (number_of_lines_in_block) Result.set_userset_data (userset_data) ensure new_text_not_void: Result /= Void end register_observers -- Register observers for `text_displayed' do text_displayed.add_lines_observer (Current) text_displayed.add_edition_observer (Current) end text: STRING -- Image of the text being displayed. obsolete "Use `wide_text' instead, or wide characters are truncated. [2017-05-31]" do Result := wide_text.as_string_8 end wide_text: STRING_32 -- Image of text in `Current'. do if text_displayed.is_empty then Result := "" else Result := text_displayed.wide_text end end text_displayed: TEXT -- Text currently displayed on the screen. file_name: detachable FILE_NAME -- Name of the currently opened file, if any. obsolete "Use `file_path' instead as content could be truncated for Unicode paths. [2017-05-31]" do if attached file_path as l_path then create Result.make_from_string ( end end file_path: detachable PATH -- Name of the currently opened file, if any. size_of_file_when_loaded: INTEGER -- Number of bytes in current file when it was loaded. date_of_file_when_loaded: INTEGER -- Date of current file when it was loaded. margin: detachable MARGIN_WIDGET note option: stable attribute end -- Margin. first_line_displayed: INTEGER -- First line currently displayed on the screen. flip_count: INTEGER -- How many times has the `editor_viewport' been flipped? is_checking_modifications: BOOLEAN -- Are document modifications being checked? cursors: detachable EDITOR_CURSORS note option: stable attribute end -- Editor cursors icons: detachable EDITOR_ICONS note option: stable attribute end -- Editor icons encoding: detachable ENCODING -- Returns user encoding if `user_encoding' is set by `set_encoding'. -- Otherwise returns encodinge valuated when text was loaded. do if attached user_encoding as l_enc then Result := l_enc else Result := detected_encoding end end display_scrollbars: BOOLEAN assign set_display_scrollbars -- Should scrollbars be display automatically? feature -- Status Setting set_cursors (a_cursors: like cursors) -- Sets `cursors' with `a_cursors' require a_cursors_not_void: a_cursors /= Void do cursors := a_cursors ensure cursors_set: cursors = a_cursors end set_icons (a_icons: like icons) -- Sets `icons' with `a_icons' require a_icons_not_void: a_icons /= Void do icons := a_icons ensure icons_set: icons = a_icons end set_text (a_text: like text_displayed; a_filename: STRING) -- Set `text_displayed' to `text'. If text is associated to a file store then -- `a_filename' should be that file. require text_not_void: a_text /= Void do -- Here we make sure observers of `text_displayed' also observers the new text. a_text.edition_observer_list.append (text_displayed.edition_observer_list) a_text.selection_observer_list.append (text_displayed.selection_observer_list) a_text.lines_observer_list.append (text_displayed.lines_observer_list) a_text.cursor_observer_list.append (text_displayed.cursor_observer_list) text_displayed := a_text create file_path.make_from_string (a_filename) end set_encoding (a_encoding: like user_encoding) -- Set `encoding' with `a_encoding' do user_encoding := a_encoding ensure encoding_set: user_encoding = a_encoding end display_line_with_context (l_number: INTEGER) -- display line number `l_number' in the editor -- center display on this line if it is not yet displayed -- scroll otherwise. require line_number_is_valid: 0 < l_number and then l_number <= number_of_lines text_loaded: text_is_fully_loaded local fld: INTEGER do if text_displayed.number_of_lines > number_of_lines_displayed then if first_line_displayed <= l_number - 2 and then l_number + 3 < (first_line_displayed + number_of_lines_displayed) then if number_of_lines_displayed <= 4 then fld := l_number - (number_of_lines_displayed // 2) set_first_line_displayed (fld.max (1).min (maximum_top_line_index), True) end else fld := l_number - (number_of_lines_displayed // 2) set_first_line_displayed (fld.max (1).min (maximum_top_line_index), True) end end end setup_editor (first_line_to_display: INTEGER) -- Update `Current' to display at line `first_line_to_display' on current text. local l_line: INTEGER do if vertical_scrollbar.value_range.has (first_line_to_display) then l_line := first_line_to_display else l_line := 1 end first_line_displayed := l_line -- Setup the scroll bars. vertical_scrollbar.enable_sensitive update_vertical_scrollbar update_horizontal_scrollbar update_width set_editor_width (editor_width) update_horizontal_scrollbar refresh_now if attached margin as l_margin then l_margin.setup_margin else check margin_always_attached: False end end end on_focus -- Editor received focus local do editor_drawing_area.focus_in_actions.block if not is_checking_modifications and file_loaded then check_document_modifications_and_reload end editor_drawing_area.focus_in_actions.resume end set_left_margin_width (a_width: like left_margin_width) -- Set `left_margin_width' with `a_width'. -- Set with zero to use preference value. do internal_left_margin_width := a_width end set_fonts (a_fonts: like userset_fonts) -- Set `userset_font' with `a_font'. do userset_data.fonts := a_fonts buffered_line.set_size (buffered_line.width, line_height) update_line_and_token_info end set_line_height (a_height: like line_height) -- Set `userset_font_height' do userset_data.line_height := a_height buffered_line.set_size (buffered_line.width, line_height) end set_font_offset (a_offset: INTEGER) -- Set `font_offset' do userset_data.font_offset := a_offset end set_display_scrollbars (a_display: BOOLEAN) -- Set `display_scrollbars' with `a_display'. -- Show or hide the scrollbars accordingly. do display_scrollbars := a_display if a_display then update_horizontal_scrollbar update_vertical_scrollbar else horizontal_scrollbar.hide vertical_scrollbar.hide scroll_cell.hide end end feature -- Query file_loaded: BOOLEAN -- Has a file been loaded into the text panel? do Result := attached file_path as l_name and then not l_name.is_empty end editor_x: INTEGER -- editor_viewport absolute position. do Result := editor_viewport.screen_x end editor_y: INTEGER -- editor_viewport absolute position. do Result := editor_viewport.screen_y end has_focus: BOOLEAN -- Does the text panel have focus? do Result := editor_drawing_area.has_focus end has_margin: BOOLEAN -- Should margin be displayed? do Result := margin /= Void and then margin.is_show_requested end is_empty: BOOLEAN -- Is the text panel blank? do Result := text_displayed.is_empty end text_is_fully_loaded: BOOLEAN -- Is current text still being loaded? do Result := text_displayed.reading_text_finished end line_numbers_visible: BOOLEAN -- Are line numbers currently visible do Result := editor_preferences.show_line_numbers end view_invisible_symbols: BOOLEAN -- Are the spaces, the tabulations and the end_of_line characters visible? is_unix_file: BOOLEAN -- Is current file a Unix file? (i.e. is "%N" line separator?) do Result := not is_windows_file end is_windows_file: BOOLEAN -- Is current file a Windows file? (i.e. is "%R%N" line separator?) do Result := text_displayed.is_windows_eol_style end is_in_editor_panel (a_screen_x, a_screen_y: INTEGER): BOOLEAN -- Is point at absolute coordinates (`a_screen_x', `a_screeny') in the editor? do Result := a_screen_x > editor_x and then a_screen_x < editor_x + editor_drawing_area.width and then a_screen_y > editor_y and then a_screen_y < editor_y + editor_drawing_area.height end number_of_lines: INTEGER do Result := text_displayed.number_of_lines end number_of_lines_displayed: INTEGER -- Number of lines currently displayed on the screen. do Result := viewable_height // line_height end number_of_lines_displayed_from_text: INTEGER -- Number of lines currently displayed on the screen, excluding the white space visible below the actual text. do Result := number_of_lines_displayed if (first_line_displayed + Result) > text_displayed.number_of_lines then Result := text_displayed.number_of_lines - first_line_displayed + 1 end end left_margin_width: INTEGER -- Width of left margin do if internal_left_margin_width = 0 then Result := editor_preferences.left_margin_width if Result < 1 then Result := default_left_margin_width end else Result := internal_left_margin_width end end changed: BOOLEAN -- Has the content of the editor changed since it was -- loaded or saved? do Result := attached text_displayed as td and then td.is_modified end line_numbers_enabled: BOOLEAN -- Is it permitted to show line numbers in Current? do Result := margin /= Void and then margin.line_numbers_enabled end is_offset_valid: BOOLEAN -- If viewport offset vaild? do Result := editor_viewport.y_offset >= 0 end has_icons: BOOLEAN -- Has `icons' set? do Result := icons /= Void end feature -- Pick and Drop drop_actions: EV_PND_ACTION_SEQUENCE -- Actions performed when user drops a stone on the text_area. do Result := editor_drawing_area.drop_actions end feature -- File Properties date_when_checked: INTEGER -- Date of the open file when checked for the latest time file_date_already_checked: BOOLEAN -- Has the date of the file already been checked? file_is_up_to_date: BOOLEAN -- Is the open file up to date? local retried: BOOLEAN do if not retried then if file_loaded and file_exists then Result := date_of_file_when_loaded = file_date_ticks and size_of_file_when_loaded = file_size end file_date_already_checked := True else -- If a failure occur, we are not up to date. Result := False end rescue retried := True retry end set_reference_window (a_window: like reference_window) -- Set reference window do internal_reference_window := a_window end feature -- Status setting refresh_line_number_display, refresh_margin -- Refresh margin display in `Current'. do if has_margin then else margin_container.hide end refresh_now ensure widget_displayed: has_margin = margin_container.is_show_requested end enable_line_numbers -- Enable line numbers do if margin /= Void then margin.enable_line_numbers end refresh_margin ensure line_numbers_enabled: line_numbers_enabled end disable_line_numbers -- Disable line numbers do if margin /= Void then margin.disable_line_numbers end refresh_margin ensure line_numbers_disabled: not line_numbers_enabled end toggle_view_invisible_symbols -- Toggle `view_invisible_symbols'. do view_invisible_symbols := not view_invisible_symbols refresh_now ensure view_invisible_symbols_set: view_invisible_symbols = not old view_invisible_symbols end set_focus -- Give the focus to the editor area. do if is_initialized and then not editor_drawing_area.is_destroyed and then editor_drawing_area.is_displayed and then editor_drawing_area.is_sensitive then if attached reference_window as l_window then if l_window.has_focus then editor_drawing_area.set_focus end else editor_drawing_area.set_focus end else internal_focus_requested := True end end feature -- Basic Operations refresh -- Update display. do in_scroll := True update_line_and_token_info editor_drawing_area.redraw if attached margin as l_margin then l_margin.refresh else check margin_always_attached: False end end end refresh_now -- Update display without waiting for next idle do refresh if attached margin as m and then m.is_show_requested then m.margin_area.flush end editor_drawing_area.flush in_scroll := False end clear_window -- Wipe out the text area. do reset update_vertical_scrollbar update_horizontal_scrollbar refresh_now end reset -- Reinitialize `Current' so that it can receive a new content. do -- First abort our previous actions. if attached text_displayed as td then td.reset_text end editor_width := 100 set_offset (0) first_line_displayed := 1 vertical_scrollbar.set_value (1) end redraw_current_screen -- Redraw the current screen. Do not scroll or move the cursor, just redraw. do set_first_line_displayed (first_line_displayed, True) end load_file (a_filename: STRING_32) -- Load contents of `a_filename'. obsolete "Use `load_file_path' instead. [2017-05-31]" require a_filename_not_void: a_filename /= Void do load_file_path (create {PATH}.make_from_string (a_filename)) end load_file_path (a_filename: PATH) -- Load contents of `a_filename' require filename_not_void: a_filename /= Void local l_file: RAW_FILE l_doc_type: STRING_32 l_date: like date_of_file_when_loaded l_size: like size_of_file_when_loaded s: STRING_32 do editor_drawing_area.disable_sensitive -- Check the document type of the file to load. s := l_doc_type := s.substring (s.last_index_of ('.', s.count) + 1, s.count) if l_doc_type /= Void and then known_document_type (l_doc_type) then set_current_document_class (get_class_from_type (l_doc_type)) else set_current_document_class (default_document_class) end create l_file.make_with_path (a_filename) if l_file.exists then l_file.open_read -- Record date when opening the file since if the file -- has changed after the close operation we won't read it again. l_date := l_size := l_file.count if l_file.is_empty then load_text ("") else l_file.read_stream (l_file.count) load_text (l_file.last_string) end l_file.close else load_text ({STRING_32} "File: " + + "%Ndoes not exist.") end create file_path.make_from_string ( date_of_file_when_loaded := l_date size_of_file_when_loaded := l_size end load_text (a_text: READABLE_STRING_GENERAL) -- Display `a_text'. -- `a_text' is not necessarily in UTF-32, it can be specified by `set_encoding'. local l_line: INTEGER l_text: STRING do -- Reset the editor state reset l_text := evaluate_encoding_and_convert_to_utf8 (a_text) text_displayed.set_is_windows_eol_style (l_text.substring_index ("%R%N", 1) > 0) file_loading_setup -- Read and parse the file. text_displayed.set_first_read_block_size (number_of_lines_in_block) text_displayed.load_string (l_text) -- Setup the editor to load first page and display proper first line. if first_line_displayed > 0 and then first_line_displayed <= number_of_lines then l_line := first_line_displayed else l_line := 1 end setup_editor (l_line) end on_font_changed -- Recompute token information for for loaded text. local l_line_index: INTEGER l_text_displayed: like text_displayed n: INTEGER do -- Recompute token information for for loaded text. from l_text_displayed := text_displayed n := l_text_displayed.number_of_lines l_line_index := 1 until l_line_index > n loop l_text_displayed.update_line (l_line_index) l_line_index := l_line_index + 1 end buffered_line.set_size (buffered_line.width, line_height) update_horizontal_scrollbar update_vertical_scrollbar if attached margin as l_margin then l_margin.on_font_changed else check margin_always_attached: False end end redraw_current_screen end check_document_modifications_and_reload -- Check document modifications and reload as necessary. require not_is_checking_modifications: not is_checking_modifications file_loaded: file_loaded local dialog: EV_INFORMATION_DIALOG button_labels: ARRAY [STRING] actions: ARRAY [PROCEDURE] do is_checking_modifications := True if not file_exists then reload elseif not file_is_up_to_date then if changed or not editor_preferences.automatic_update then -- File has not changed in panel and is not up to date. However, user does want auto-update so prompt for reload. create dialog.make_with_text ("This file has been modified by another editor.") create button_labels.make_from_array (<<"Reload", "Continue anyway">>) button_labels.rebase (1) create actions.make_from_array (<>) actions.rebase (1) dialog.set_buttons_and_actions (button_labels, actions) dialog.set_default_push_button (dialog.button (button_labels @ 1)) dialog.set_default_cancel_button (dialog.button (button_labels @ 2)) dialog.set_title ("External edition") if attached reference_window as l_window then dialog.show_modal_to_window (l_window) else check False end -- Bug end elseif editor_preferences.automatic_update and not changed then reload end end is_checking_modifications := False ensure is_checking_modifications_is_false: not is_checking_modifications end flush -- Load texts immediately do if attached text_displayed as t then t.flush end end feature -- Graphical interface pointer_style: detachable EV_POINTER_STYLE -- Pointer style over the text. do Result := editor_drawing_area.pointer_style end font: EV_FONT -- Font used to display the text local l_fonts: detachable SPECIAL [EV_FONT] do l_fonts := userset_data.fonts if l_fonts /= Void then Result := l_fonts [{EDITOR_TOKEN_TEXT}.editor_font_id] else Result := editor_preferences.font end end userset_fonts: detachable SPECIAL [EV_FONT] -- Font set via `set_font' do Result := userset_data.fonts end line_height: INTEGER -- Height of lines in pixels local l_user_data: like userset_data do l_user_data := userset_data if l_user_data.line_height > 0 then Result := l_user_data.line_height else Result := editor_preferences.line_height end end reference_window: detachable EV_WINDOW -- Window which error dialogs will be shown relative to. Void if not set using `set_reference_window'. do Result := internal_reference_window end show_warning_message (a_message: READABLE_STRING_GENERAL) -- Show `a_message' in a dialog window -- |Use {READABLE_STRING_GENERAL}, following Vision2 interface. local wd: EV_WARNING_DIALOG do create wd.make_with_text (a_message) wd.pointer_button_release_actions.extend (agent (x, y, button: INTEGER_32; x_tilt, y_tilt, pressure: REAL_64; screen_x, screen_y: INTEGER_32; d: EV_WARNING_DIALOG) do d.destroy end (?, ?, ?, ?, ?, ?, ?, ?, wd)) wd.key_press_actions.extend (agent (k: EV_KEY; d: EV_WARNING_DIALOG) do d.destroy end (?, wd)) if attached reference_window as l_window then wd.show_modal_to_window (l_window) end end feature {MARGIN_WIDGET} -- Private properties of the text window offset: INTEGER -- Horizontal offset of the display. do Result := editor_viewport.x_offset end number_of_lines_in_block: INTEGER -- Default number of lines read when loading a text in editor. do Result := (4 * number_of_lines_displayed).max (1) ensure number_of_lines_computed_non_negative: Result >= 1 end editor_width: INTEGER -- Width of the text. (i.e. minimum width of the panel -- for which no scroll bar is needed) maximum_top_line_index: INTEGER -- Number of the last possible line that can be displayed -- at the top of the editor window. do Result := (text_displayed.number_of_lines - (number_of_lines_displayed // 2)).max (1) end show_vertical_scrollbar: BOOLEAN -- Is it necessary to show the vertical scroll bar? do Result := text_displayed.number_of_lines > number_of_lines_displayed // 2 end horizontal_scrollbar_needs_updating: BOOLEAN -- Is it necessary to update horizontal -- scroll bar display? vertical_scrollbar_needs_updating: BOOLEAN -- Is it necessary to update vertical -- scroll bar display? feature -- Status Setting set_editor_width (a_width: INTEGER) -- If `a_width' is greater than `editor_width', assign `a_width' to `editor_width' -- update display if necessary. do if editor_width < a_width then editor_width := a_width editor_drawing_area.redraw_rectangle (0, editor_viewport.y_offset, viewable_width, viewable_height) update_horizontal_scrollbar end end set_first_line_displayed (fld: INTEGER; refresh_if_necessary: BOOLEAN) -- Assign `fld' to `first_line_displayed'. require fld_large_enough: fld > 0 fld_small_enough: fld <= text_displayed.number_of_lines.max (1) fld_in_range: vertical_scrollbar.value_range.has (fld) do first_line_displayed := fld vertical_scrollbar.set_value (fld) end set_offset (an_offset: INTEGER) -- Assign `an_offset' to `offset' and update scrollbar if necessary. do editor_viewport.set_x_offset (an_offset) if horizontal_scrollbar.is_show_requested then horizontal_scrollbar.set_value (offset.min (horizontal_scrollbar.value_range.upper)) end end feature {NONE} -- Scroll bars Management update_horizontal_scrollbar -- Update horizontal scrollbar value range and show it or -- hide it if it is not needed. local w: INTEGER do if display_scrollbars then w := editor_viewport.width if editor_width > w and w > 0 and then not is_empty then horizontal_scrollbar.value_range.resize_exactly (0, editor_width - w) horizontal_scrollbar.set_leap (w) if horizontal_scrollbar.is_show_requested then if not platform_is_windows then horizontal_scrollbar_needs_updating := False end else horizontal_scrollbar_needs_updating := True ev_application.add_idle_action (update_scroll_agent) end elseif horizontal_scrollbar.is_show_requested then horizontal_scrollbar.value_range.resize_exactly (0, 1) horizontal_scrollbar.set_leap (1) horizontal_scrollbar.hide horizontal_scrollbar_needs_updating := True set_offset (0) ev_application.add_idle_action (update_scroll_agent) elseif horizontal_scrollbar_needs_updating and then not platform_is_windows then horizontal_scrollbar_needs_updating := False else horizontal_scrollbar_needs_updating := True end update_scroll_cell else horizontal_scrollbar.hide scroll_cell.hide end end update_vertical_scrollbar -- Update vertical scrollbar value range. -- Show it or hide it depending on what is appropriate. do if not in_resize then in_resize := True if display_scrollbars then if show_vertical_scrollbar then vertical_scrollbar.value_range.resize_exactly (1, maximum_top_line_index) if first_line_displayed > maximum_top_line_index then vertical_scrollbar.set_value (maximum_top_line_index) else vertical_scrollbar.set_value (first_line_displayed) end vertical_scrollbar.set_leap (number_of_lines_displayed.max (1)) if scroll_vbox.is_show_requested then if not platform_is_windows then vertical_scrollbar_needs_updating := False end else vertical_scrollbar_needs_updating := True ev_application.add_idle_action (update_scroll_agent) end elseif scroll_vbox.is_show_requested then scroll_vbox.hide vertical_scrollbar_needs_updating := True ev_application.add_idle_action (update_scroll_agent) elseif vertical_scrollbar_needs_updating and then not platform_is_windows then vertical_scrollbar_needs_updating := False else vertical_scrollbar_needs_updating := True end update_scroll_cell else vertical_scrollbar.hide scroll_cell.hide end in_resize := False end end update_scroll_cell -- Hide or show scroll bar depending on what is appropriate. do if vertical_scrollbar.is_show_requested and then horizontal_scrollbar.is_show_requested then else scroll_cell.hide end end update_scrollbars_display -- Ensure scrollbars are correctly hidden. do if horizontal_scrollbar_needs_updating then horizontal_scrollbar_needs_updating := False if platform_is_windows then if horizontal_scrollbar.is_show_requested then else horizontal_scrollbar.hide scroll_cell.hide end else if horizontal_scrollbar.is_show_requested then horizontal_scrollbar.hide scroll_cell.hide else horizontal_scrollbar.hide scroll_cell.hide end end end if vertical_scrollbar_needs_updating then vertical_scrollbar_needs_updating := False if platform_is_windows then if scroll_vbox.is_show_requested then else scroll_vbox.hide end else if scroll_vbox.is_show_requested then scroll_vbox.hide else scroll_vbox.hide end end end if attached shared_environment.application then ev_application.remove_idle_action (update_scroll_agent) end end update_width -- Update `editor_width' local i: INTEGER l_text_displayed: like text_displayed n: INTEGER do from l_text_displayed := text_displayed n := number_of_lines i := 1 until i = n loop if attached l_text_displayed.line (i) as l_line then editor_width := editor_width.max (l_line.width) else check False end -- Bug end i := i + 1 end end on_vertical_scroll (vscroll_pos: INTEGER) -- Process vertical scroll event. `vertical_scrollbar.value' has changed. local l_bottom_line_y, l_diff, view_y_offset, l_line_height, l_buff_height: INTEGER do in_scroll := True l_diff := vscroll_pos - last_vertical_scroll_bar_value first_line_displayed := (vscroll_pos.min (text_displayed.number_of_lines)).max (1) view_y_offset := editor_viewport.y_offset l_line_height := line_height l_buff_height := buffered_drawable_height if l_diff < 0 then -- Scroll up if view_y_offset + (l_diff * l_line_height) < 0 then -- The newly anticipated y_offset (taking into account where we are moving to) is -- above the drawing area, so flip to the bottom editor_viewport.set_y_offset (l_buff_height - viewable_height - ((l_buff_height - viewable_height) \\ l_line_height)) flip_count := flip_count - 1 if attached margin as l_margin then l_margin.synch_with_panel else check margin_always_attached: False end end refresh_now else editor_viewport.set_y_offset (view_y_offset + (l_diff * l_line_height)) check not_negative: editor_viewport.y_offset >= 0 end if attached margin as l_margin then l_margin.synch_with_panel else check margin_always_attached: False end end end elseif l_diff > 0 then -- Scroll down l_bottom_line_y := viewable_height + view_y_offset + (l_diff * l_line_height) if l_bottom_line_y > l_buff_height then editor_viewport.set_y_offset (0) flip_count := flip_count + 1 if attached margin as l_margin then l_margin.synch_with_panel else check margin_always_attached: False end end refresh_now else editor_viewport.set_y_offset (view_y_offset + (l_diff * l_line_height)) if attached margin as l_margin then l_margin.synch_with_panel else check margin_always_attached: False end end end end last_vertical_scroll_bar_value := vscroll_pos check not_too_high: editor_viewport.y_offset >= 0 not_too_low: (editor_viewport.y_offset + viewable_height) <= buffered_drawable_height end end on_horizontal_scroll (scroll_pos: INTEGER) -- Process horizontal scroll event. `horizontal_scrollbar.value' has changed. do in_scroll := True set_offset (scroll_pos) buffered_line.set_size ((viewable_width + offset).max (buffered_line.width), line_height) end on_mouse_wheel (delta: INTEGER) -- Mouse wheel has been moved `delta' units, adjust `Current' accordingly. local l_offset: INTEGER do if delta > 0 then l_offset := (1).max ( first_line_displayed - scrolling_quantum * delta) else l_offset := (maximum_top_line_index).min ( first_line_displayed - scrolling_quantum * delta) end if vertical_scrollbar.value_range.has (l_offset) then set_first_line_displayed (l_offset, True) end end scrolling_quantum: INTEGER -- Number of lines to scroll per mouse wheel scroll increment. do if editor_preferences.mouse_wheel_scroll_full_page then Result := number_of_lines_displayed - common_line_count else Result := editor_preferences.mouse_wheel_scroll_size end end in_scroll: BOOLEAN -- Are we in a scroll operation? feature {NONE} -- Display functions on_repaint (x, y, a_width, a_height: INTEGER) -- Repaint the part of the panel between in the viewable area between -- (`x', `y') and (`x' + `a_width', `y' + `a_height'). --| Actually, rectangle defined by (0, y) -> (editor_drawing_area.width, y + height) is redrawn. do on_paint := True if a_width /= 0 and a_height /= 0 then update_area (x, y, a_width, y + a_height, x, not in_scroll) end on_paint := False end on_size (a_x, a_y: INTEGER; a_width, a_height: INTEGER) -- Refresh the panel after it has been resized (and moved) to new coordinates (`a_x', `a_y') and -- new size (`a_width', `a_height'). --| Note: This feature is called during the creation of the window do update_vertical_scrollbar update_horizontal_scrollbar end on_dpi_change (a_dpi, a_x, a_y: INTEGER; a_width, a_height: INTEGER) -- Refresh the panel after it has been resized (and moved) to new coordinates (`a_x', `a_y') and -- new size (`a_width', `a_height'). --| Note: This feature is called during the creation of the window do on_size (a_x, a_y, a_width, a_height) end on_viewport_size (a_x, a_y: INTEGER; a_width, a_height: INTEGER) -- Viewport was resized. local l_int_v: INTEGER do if is_initialized then -- Do not ever make the buffered line smaller, only larger. if (a_width + offset) > buffered_line.width then buffered_line.set_size (a_width + offset, line_height) end update_vertical_scrollbar update_horizontal_scrollbar update_viewport_after_resize last_viewport_height := a_height l_int_v := vertical_scrollbar.value set_first_line_displayed (first_line_displayed.min (maximum_top_line_index), False) if l_int_v = vertical_scrollbar.value then -- Even though the scrollbar value has not changed, its size has -- changed and we need to update the viewport offset. -- Not doing so would mess up scrolling if you are at the end of the -- text and make the editor bigger, then content will be messed up when -- you scroll up with the mousewheel. on_vertical_scroll (first_line_displayed.min (maximum_top_line_index)) end end end on_dpi_change_viewport_size (a_dpi, a_x, a_y: INTEGER; a_width, a_height: INTEGER) -- Viewport was resized. do on_viewport_size (a_x, a_y, a_width, a_height) end last_viewport_height: INTEGER update_viewport_after_resize -- do if editor_viewport.y_offset + viewable_height > buffered_drawable_height then -- The viewport needs to be moved up because it is too low down to display editor_viewport.set_y_offset (editor_viewport.y_offset - (editor_viewport.height - last_viewport_height)) if attached margin as l_margin then l_margin.margin_viewport.set_y_offset (editor_viewport.y_offset) else check margin_always_attached: False end end end end update_area (x_pos, top, a_width, bottom: INTEGER; x: INTEGER; buffered: BOOLEAN) -- Update drawing area between `top' and `bottom' and `x' and `a_width'. If `buffered' then draw to `buffered_line' -- before drawing to screen, otherwise draw straight to screen. require range_valid: bottom >= top on_paint: on_paint local first_line_to_draw, last_line_to_draw, y_offset, view_y_offset: INTEGER do view_y_offset := editor_viewport.y_offset -- Draw all lines first_line_to_draw := (first_line_displayed + (top - view_y_offset) // line_height).max (1) last_line_to_draw := (first_line_displayed + (bottom - view_y_offset) // line_height).min (text_displayed.number_of_lines) check not_too_many_lines: bottom = top implies first_line_to_draw = last_line_to_draw lines_valid: first_line_to_draw <= last_line_to_draw or last_line_to_draw = text_displayed.number_of_lines end if text_displayed.number_of_lines > 0 then if first_line_to_draw > last_line_to_draw then update_lines (last_line_to_draw, last_line_to_draw, x_pos, a_width, buffered) else update_lines (first_line_to_draw, last_line_to_draw, x_pos, a_width, buffered) end end if last_line_to_draw = text_displayed.number_of_lines or text_displayed.number_of_lines = 0 then -- The file is too small for the screen, so we fill in the last portion of the screen. y_offset := editor_viewport.y_offset + (((last_line_to_draw + 1) - first_line_displayed) * line_height) if (editor_viewport.y_offset + viewable_height) > y_offset then editor_drawing_area.set_background_color (editor_preferences.normal_background_color) debug ("editor") draw_flash (x_pos, y_offset, viewable_width, (editor_viewport.y_offset + viewable_height) - y_offset, False) end editor_drawing_area.clear_rectangle (x_pos, y_offset, viewable_width, (editor_viewport.y_offset + viewable_height) - y_offset) end end in_scroll := False end update_lines (first, last, start_pos, end_pos: INTEGER; buffered: BOOLEAN) -- Draw the lines `first' to `'last' between `start_pos' and `end_pos'. require lines_valid: first <= last first_line_valid: first >= 1 and first <= number_of_lines last_line_valid: last >= 1 on_paint: on_paint local curr_line, y_offset: INTEGER l_text: TEXT l_editor_viewport: like editor_viewport do updating_line := True l_text := text_displayed if not l_text.is_empty then l_text.go_i_th (first) if buffered then buffered_line.set_background_color (editor_preferences.normal_background_color) end from l_editor_viewport := editor_viewport curr_line := first until curr_line > last or else l_text.after loop y_offset := l_editor_viewport.y_offset + ((curr_line - first_line_displayed) * line_height) if buffered then -- draw_line_to_buffered_line (curr_line, l_text.current_line) -- draw_buffered_line_to_screen (0, y_offset) else if attached l_text.current_line as l_line then draw_line_to_screen (start_pos, end_pos, y_offset, l_line) else check False end -- Not possible according to not `after'. end end curr_line := curr_line + 1 l_text.forth end end updating_line := False end invalidate_block (first, last: INTEGER; flush_screen: BOOLEAN) -- Update the lines from `first' to `last'. If `buffered' then draw to `buffered_line' -- before drawing to screen, otherwise draw straight to screen. require lines_valid: first <= last first_line_valid: first >= 1 last_line_valie: last >= 1 local y_pos, l_line_height: INTEGER do l_line_height := line_height y_pos := (first - first_line_displayed) * l_line_height editor_drawing_area.redraw_rectangle (0, editor_viewport.y_offset + y_pos, buffered_line.width, (last - first + 1) * l_line_height) if flush_screen then editor_drawing_area.flush end end draw_buffered_line_to_screen (start_pos, end_pos, x, y: INTEGER) -- Draw to the screen the data in `buffered_line' between `start_pos' x-coordinate and `end_pos' x-coordinate. -- Draw to y position `y' in the drawing area and x position `x'. require on_paint: on_paint do debug ("editor") draw_flash (x, y, end_pos - start_pos, line_height, True) end editor_drawing_area.draw_sub_pixmap (x, y, buffered_line, create {EV_RECTANGLE}.make (start_pos, 0, end_pos - start_pos, line_height)) draw_margin (y) end draw_line_to_screen (start_pos, end_pos, y: INTEGER; a_line: EDITOR_LINE) -- Draw to the screen the tokens in the line that are between `start_pos' and `end_pos'. -- Draw to y position `y' in the drawing area and draw from x position `start_pos + left_margin_width' in the -- drawing area. require on_paint: on_paint local curr_token: EDITOR_TOKEN da: EV_DRAWING_AREA redraw_token: BOOLEAN token_start_pos, token_end_position: INTEGER do from if offset < left_margin_width then draw_margin (y) end a_line.start da := editor_drawing_area curr_token := a_line.item da.set_background_color (editor_preferences.normal_background_color) until a_line.after or else curr_token = a_line.eol_token or else token_start_pos > editor_width loop token_start_pos := curr_token.position token_end_position := token_start_pos + curr_token.width redraw_token := not curr_token.is_margin_token and then ( (token_start_pos >= start_pos and token_start_pos <= end_pos) or (token_end_position >= start_pos and token_end_position <= end_pos) or (token_start_pos <= start_pos and token_end_position >= end_pos) ) if redraw_token then curr_token.display_with_offset (token_start_pos + left_margin_width, y, da, Current) end a_line.forth curr_token := a_line.item end if curr_token = a_line.eol_token and then view_invisible_symbols then check current_is_end_token: attached {EDITOR_TOKEN_EOL}curr_token end curr_token.display_with_offset (curr_token.position + left_margin_width, y, da, Current) end end draw_margin (y: INTEGER) -- Draw the left margin space (not the line margin) do debug ("editor") draw_flash (0, y, left_margin_width, line_height, False) end editor_drawing_area.set_background_color (editor_preferences.normal_background_color) editor_drawing_area.clear_rectangle (0, y, left_margin_width, line_height) end draw_flash (x, y, width, height: INTEGER; buffered: BOOLEAN) -- do if buffered then editor_drawing_area.set_background_color (create {EV_COLOR}.make_with_8_bit_rgb (200, 20, 20)) else editor_drawing_area.set_background_color (create {EV_COLOR}.make_with_8_bit_rgb (20, 20, 200)) end editor_drawing_area.clear_rectangle (x, y, 1000, height) ev_application.sleep (50) editor_drawing_area.set_background_color (editor_preferences.normal_background_color) end draw_line_to_buffered_line (xline: INTEGER; a_line: EDITOR_LINE) -- Draw onto the buffered line the tokens in `a_line'. require text_is_not_empty: not text_displayed.is_empty on_paint: on_paint local curr_token: EDITOR_TOKEN do from a_line.start curr_token := a_line.item buffered_line.clear until a_line.after or else curr_token = a_line.eol_token or else curr_token.position > editor_width loop -- Normally Display the token. if not curr_token.is_margin_token then curr_token.display (0, buffered_line, Current) end -- Prepare next iteration a_line.forth curr_token := a_line.item end end invalidate_line (line_number: INTEGER; draw_immediately: BOOLEAN) -- Set the line `line_number' to be redrawn. -- Redraw immediately if `flush' is set. local y_pos: INTEGER l_line_height: INTEGER do l_line_height := line_height y_pos := (line_number - first_line_displayed )* l_line_height editor_drawing_area.redraw_rectangle (0, editor_viewport.y_offset + y_pos, buffered_line.width, l_line_height) if draw_immediately then editor_drawing_area.flush end end feature {NONE} -- Text loading reload -- Reload the opened file from disk. do if attached file_path as l_name and then not l_name.is_empty then load_file_path (l_name) end end on_text_loaded -- Finish the panel setup as the entire text has been loaded. local l_text_displayed: like text_displayed do editor_width := 0 from l_text_displayed := text_displayed l_text_displayed.start until l_text_displayed.after loop if attached l_text_displayed.current_line as l_line then editor_width := editor_width.max (l_line.width) else check current_line_attached: False end -- Implied by not `after'. end l_text_displayed.forth end if attached margin as l_margin then editor_width := editor_width + left_margin_width + l_margin.width else check margin_always_attached: False end end set_editor_width (editor_width) vertical_scrollbar.enable_sensitive update_vertical_scrollbar update_horizontal_scrollbar editor_drawing_area.enable_sensitive refresh end on_text_block_loaded (was_first_block: BOOLEAN) -- Update scroll bar as a new block of text as been loaded. do update_vertical_scrollbar end on_text_fully_loaded -- Text has been fully loaded do if internal_focus_requested then set_focus internal_focus_requested := False end end file_loading_setup -- Setup before file loading do end feature {MARGIN} -- Implementation in_resize: BOOLEAN -- Are we a call to on_resize that was not triggered by the function itself. update_scroll_agent: PROCEDURE -- Agent for scrollbar display updates. platform_is_windows: BOOLEAN -- Is windows the current platform? once Result := (create {PLATFORM}).is_windows end updating_line: BOOLEAN -- Is buffered line currently being updated? default_left_margin_width: INTEGER = 10 -- Default width of left margin internal_reference_window: like reference_window -- Window which error dialogs will be shown relative to. right_buffer_width: INTEGER = 50 internal_left_margin_width: like left_margin_width -- Saved user set left margin width feature {EDITOR_TOKEN} -- User set data userset_data: TEXT_PANEL_BUFFERED_DATA -- Userset editor data local l_data: like internal_userset_data do l_data := internal_userset_data if l_data = Void then create l_data Result := l_data internal_userset_data := l_data else Result := l_data end ensure userset_data_not_void: Result /= Void end feature {NONE} -- Implementation refresh_line_number_agent: PROCEDURE -- Agent called when `show_line_numbers' preferences is changed. feature -- Memory management recycle -- Recycle `Current', but leave `Current' in an unstable state, -- so that we know whether we're still referenced or not. do -- Cannot use current anymore. is_initialized := False ev_application.remove_idle_action (update_scroll_agent) -- Remove `refresh_line_number_agent' from `change_actions' for `show_line_numbers'. editor_preferences.show_line_numbers_preference.change_actions.prune_all (refresh_line_number_agent) refresh_line_number_agent := agent do end -- Reset scrolling agent. update_scroll_agent := agent do end editor_drawing_area.destroy create editor_drawing_area -- Detach original instance to help memory management. if margin /= Void then margin.destroy end scroll_cell.destroy create scroll_cell horizontal_scrollbar.destroy create horizontal_scrollbar.make_with_value_range (create {INTEGER_INTERVAL}.make (1, 1)) vertical_scrollbar.destroy create vertical_scrollbar.make_with_value_range (create {INTEGER_INTERVAL}.make (1, 1)) text_displayed.recycle create text_displayed.make editor_viewport.destroy create editor_viewport panel_manager.remove_panel (Current) ensure not_initialized: not is_initialized end feature -- Implementation buffered_line: EV_PIXMAP -- Buffer large enough to hold line information. buffered_drawable_width: INTEGER = 15000 buffered_drawable_height: INTEGER = 15000 -- Default size of `drawable' used for scrolling purposes. --| This value used to be 32000 but on gtk post 2.10.6 there seems to be some sort of 'fix' that gives odd results --| with the line number code that means that they do not get displayed correctly last_vertical_scroll_bar_value: INTEGER -- Last value of `vertical_scroll_bar' used within `vertical_scroll_bar_changed'. See -- comment of `last_horizontal_scroll_bar_value' for details of it's use. viewable_width: INTEGER -- Width of `Current' available to view displayed items. Does -- not include width of any displayed scroll bars. do Result := editor_viewport.width end viewable_height: INTEGER -- Height of `Current' available to view displayed items. Does -- not include width of any displayed scroll bars and/or header if shown. do Result := editor_viewport.height end on_paint: BOOLEAN internal_focus_requested: BOOLEAN -- Should give focus after text has been fully loaded? common_line_count: INTEGER -- Number of lines in common when performing a page down/page up operation. do Result := editor_preferences.scrolling_common_line_count end file_date_ticks: INTEGER -- Retrieve file last modified date in the number of ticks require file_loaded: file_loaded file_exists: file_exists do if attached file_path as l_name then Result := (create {RAW_FILE}.make_with_path (l_name)).date end end file_size: INTEGER -- Retrieve file count require file_loaded: file_loaded file_exists: file_exists do if attached file_path as l_name then Result := (create {RAW_FILE}.make_with_path (l_name)).count end end file_exists: BOOLEAN -- Does file exist? require file_loaded: file_loaded do if attached file_path as l_name then Result := (create {RAW_FILE}.make_with_path (l_name)).exists end end continue_editing -- Continue editing document -- Note: Called from the reload request prompt require file_loaded: file_loaded file_exists: file_exists text_is_fully_loaded: text_is_fully_loaded do text_displayed.set_changed (True, False) date_of_file_when_loaded := file_date_ticks size_of_file_when_loaded := file_size end internal_userset_data: detachable like userset_data -- Buffered userset data update_line_and_token_info -- Update all tokens for correct width. local l_text: like text_displayed l_line: detachable EDITOR_LINE do l_text := text_displayed if not l_text.is_empty then from l_text.start until l_text.after loop l_line := l_text.current_line check l_line /= Void end -- Implied by not `after' if l_line.userset_data /= userset_data then l_line.set_userset_data (userset_data) l_line.update_token_information end l_text.forth end end end feature {NONE} -- Implementation line_type: EDITOR_LINE -- Type of a line. do check False end -- Not called. Result := line_type end cursor_type: TEXT_CURSOR -- Type of a cursor. do check False end -- Not called. Result := cursor_type end feature {NONE} -- Encoding conversion user_encoding: detachable ENCODING -- User set encoding of the text detected_encoding: detachable ENCODING -- Detected encoding of the text loaded -- `user_encoding' takes higher priority. evaluate_encoding_and_convert_to_utf8 (a_string: READABLE_STRING_GENERAL): STRING -- Convert `a_string' as `user_encoding' to UTF-8. -- If `user_encoding' is not set, -- evaluate encoding of `a_string', set `detected_encoding' and -- convert it to UTF-8. -- If conversion fails, `a_string' is simply convert to STRING_8 require a_string_not_void: a_string /= Void local l_str: detachable READABLE_STRING_GENERAL l_encoding: detachable ENCODING do if not attached user_encoding as l_encod then encoding_detector.detect (a_string) if encoding_detector.last_detection_successful then l_encoding := encoding_detector.detected_encoding if encoding_detector.last_detection_successful then detected_encoding := l_encoding end end else l_encoding := l_encod end if l_encoding /= Void then l_encoding.convert_to (utf8, a_string) if l_encoding.last_conversion_successful then l_str := l_encoding.last_converted_string end end if l_str = Void then Result := a_string.as_string_8 else Result := l_str.as_string_8 end ensure Result_not_void: Result /= Void end feature {NONE} -- Encoding detector encoding_detector: ENCODING_DETECTOR -- Encoding detector. -- Used to detect/decide what encoding should be used. do if current_class_set and then attached current_class.encoding_detector as l_detector then Result := l_detector else Result := Current end ensure encoding_detector_not_void: Result /= Void end default_encoding: ENCODING -- once Result := system_encoding end detect (a_string: READABLE_STRING_GENERAL) -- -- Current is used as a simple encoding detector -- that returns `system_encoding`. -- So, `last_detection_successful` is always true. do last_detection_successful := True end invariant offset_view: is_initialized implies is_offset_valid buffered_line_not_void: is_initialized implies buffered_line /= Void note copyright: "Copyright (c) 1984-2019, Eiffel Software and others" license: "Eiffel Forum License v2 (see" source: "[ Eiffel Software 5949 Hollister Ave., Goleta, CA 93117 USA Telephone 805-685-1006, Fax 805-685-6869 Website Customer support ]" end