note description: "Tree Node for a 2-3-4 balanced tree" legal: "See notice at end of class." status: "See notice at end of class." author: "Christophe Bonnard" date: "$Date$" revision: "$Revision$" class TREE_NODE [G] create make, make_with_child feature -- Initialization make -- Initialize as a blank tree. do create children.make_filled (Void, 1, Child_number +1) create keys.make_filled (Void, 1, Child_number) children.put (Void, 1) arity := 1 keys_plus_one := 1 end make_with_child (first_child: detachable like Current) -- Initialize Current with a `first_child'. -- `first_child''s parent is changed as a side effect. do make children.put (first_child, 1) if first_child /= Void then keys_plus_one := first_child.keys_plus_one first_child.set_parent (Current) end end feature -- Access parent: detachable like Current -- parent of Current -- Void if Current is a root. children: ARRAY [detachable like Current] -- children of Current keys: ARRAY [detachable like item] -- keys contained by Current item (i: INTEGER): TREE_KEY [G] -- `i'th key of the tree, if Current was the root node. require i_big_enough: i >= 1 i_small_enough: i < keys_plus_one local pos : INTEGER -- Number of keys until the one we seek. aux, k: INTEGER bool: BOOLEAN l_key: detachable like item l_child: detachable like Current do if is_leaf then l_key := keys @ i check l_key /= Void end -- Key in the range should not be void. else from k := 1 pos := i invariant non_overflow: k <= arity until bool loop l_child := children @ k check l_child /= Void end -- Controlled by `bool' aux := pos - l_child.keys_plus_one if aux > 0 then --| The key isn't in child `k'. pos := aux k := k + 1 bool := (k > arity) check research_always_successful: not (bool) end elseif aux < 0 then --| The key is in child `k'. bool := True l_child := children @ k check l_child /= Void end -- Controlled by `bool' l_key := l_child.item (pos) else --| We found the key. bool := True l_key := keys @ k end end check l_key /= Void end -- Implied by `bool' end Result := l_key ensure final_Result_good: is_root implies (Result.number = i) end first_item: detachable like item -- first key of a tree -- goes much faster than "item (1)" require has_children: not is_leaf implies children @ 1 /= Void local l_fisrt: detachable like Current do if is_leaf then Result := keys @ 1 else l_fisrt := children @ 1 check l_fisrt /= Void end -- Implied by precondition. Result := l_fisrt.first_item end end last_item: detachable like item -- last key of a tree -- goes much faster than "item (keys_plus_one - 1)" local l_last: detachable like Current do if is_leaf then Result := keys @ (arity - 1) else l_last := children @ arity check l_last_not_void: l_last /= Void end -- Implied by not `is_leaf'. Result := l_last.last_item end end feature -- Measurement arity: INTEGER -- Number of children keys_plus_one: INTEGER -- Total number of keys of the node and its children, plus one. feature -- Status report is_root: BOOLEAN -- Is Current the root node of the tree? do Result := (parent = Void) end is_leaf: BOOLEAN -- Is Current a leaf? do Result := (children @ 1 = Void) end pos_in_parent: INTEGER -- position of node in parent. require has_a_parent: not is_root local ch: like children l_parent: like parent do l_parent := parent check l_parent /= Void end -- Implied by not `is_root' from ch := l_parent.children Result := 1 until ch @ Result = Current loop Result := Result + 1 check no_overflow: Result <= l_parent.arity end variant l_parent.arity - Result end end --| FIXME --| Christophe, 14 jan 2000 --| Should we implement it as an attribute or as a function? keys_before_child (i: INTEGER): INTEGER -- Number of keys in the tree before child number `i' require i_valid: i >= 1 and then i <= children.upper local j: INTEGER l_parent: like parent l_child: detachable like Current do if is_root then Result := 0 else l_parent := parent check l_parent /= Void end -- Implied by not `is_root' Result := l_parent.keys_before_child (pos_in_parent) end if is_leaf then Result := Result + i - 1 else from j:= 1 until j >= i loop l_child := children @ j check l_child /= Void end Result := Result + l_child.keys_plus_one j := j + 1 variant i - j end end end feature -- Status report valid_key (a_key: like item): BOOLEAN -- Is `a_key' valid as in current node? do Result := keys.has (a_key) end feature {TREE_NODE} -- Status report -- key_number_not_to_be_updated: BOOLEAN -- Do we have to update the `keys_plus_one' -- by using `rec_update_key_number', or is -- it a waste of time as it has to be done -- later on the algorithm? --| False by default. feature {TREE_NODE} -- Status setting -- set_key_number_update_flag (b: BOOLEAN) is -- make `b' the value of -- `key_number_not_to_be_updated' -- do -- key_number_not_to_be_updated := b -- end feature -- Element change set_parent (par: detachable like Current) -- make `par' the parent of Current do parent := par end insert_key_and_right_child (key : like item; node: detachable like Current; pos: INTEGER) -- insert `key' at position `pos', and `node' at right of `key' -- (so `node' will be @`pos'+1) require key_not_void: key /= Void local i: INTEGER do --| moving records located after `pos' from i := arity until i <= pos loop children.put (children @ i, i+1) keys.put (keys @ (i-1), i) i := i - 1 variant i - pos end children.put (node, pos +1) keys.put (key, pos) key.set_parent (Current) --| we use `pos'+1 and not `i' because --| `i' is not necessary equal to `pos'+1 --| at the end of the loop. --| (if `pos' = `arity', `i' = `pos') arity := arity + 1 if node /= Void then keys_plus_one := keys_plus_one + node.keys_plus_one node.set_parent (Current) end if arity > Child_number then balance_heavy_node else rec_update_key_number end end insert_key_and_left_child (key : like item; node: detachable like Current; pos: INTEGER) -- insert `key' at position `pos', and `node' at left of `key' -- (so `node' will be @`pos') local i: INTEGER do --| moving records located after `pos' from i := arity until i <= pos loop children.put (children @ i, i+1) keys.put (keys @ (i-1), i) i := i - 1 variant i - pos end children.put (children @ pos, pos +1) children.put (node, pos) keys.put (key, pos) key.set_parent (Current) --| we use `pos'+1 and not `i' because --| `i' is not necessary equal to `pos'+1 --| at the end of the loop. --| (if `pos' = `arity', `i' = `pos') arity := arity + 1 if node /= Void then keys_plus_one := keys_plus_one + node.keys_plus_one node.set_parent (Current) end if arity > Child_number then balance_heavy_node else rec_update_key_number end end insert_first (key: like item) -- Insert `key' in first position of the tree. require has_children: not is_leaf implies children @ 1 /= Void local l_fisrt: detachable like Current do if is_leaf then insert_key_and_left_child (key, Void, 1) else l_fisrt := children @ 1 check l_fisrt /= Void end -- Implied by precondition. l_fisrt.insert_first (key) end end insert_last (key: like item) -- Insert `key' in last position of the tree. require has_last_item: not is_leaf implies children @ arity /= Void local l_last: detachable like Current do if is_leaf then insert_key_and_right_child (key, Void, arity) else l_last := children @ arity check l_last_not_void: l_last /= Void end -- Implied by not `is_leaf'. l_last.insert_last (key) end end feature -- Removal delete (pos: INTEGER) -- delete key in position `pos' in the node. local i: INTEGER previous_key: detachable like item parent_pk: detachable like Current l_child: detachable like Current do if is_leaf then --| Children are Void, so they do not ned to be changed: --| We move only the keys located after `pos'. from i := pos until i >= arity --| there are `arity'-1 keys in Current loop keys.put (keys @ (i+1), i) i := i + 1 variant arity - i end arity := arity -1 keys_plus_one := keys_plus_one - 1 if (arity <3) and (not is_root) then balance_light_node else rec_update_key_number end else --| We cannot move this key directly, so we put the previous key --| in his place,and free the previous key's room. l_child := children @ pos check l_child /= Void end previous_key := l_child.last_item check previous_key /= Void end parent_pk := previous_key.parent keys.put (previous_key, pos) previous_key.set_parent (Current) check parent_pk /= Void end parent_pk.delete_key_and_right_child (parent_pk.arity -1) end end feature -- Resizing Child_number: INTEGER = 5 -- Maximum number of children --| FIXME --| Christophe, 14 jan 2000 --| To incrase efficiency, values calculated from this constant --| have been hard-coded. So or we "softcode" the algorithms and --| slow execution (especially for the value 5), or we forget --| about generalisation. feature -- Transformation balance_heavy_node -- rebalance a heavy node (splitting it) --| Changes in this feature implementation --| may change "merge_left(right)" feature --| behaviour. be careful while changing it. local node2, aux_node: like Current parent_key, l_key1, l_key2, l_key4, l_key5: detachable like item l_child_1, l_child_2, l_child_3: detachable like Current l_parent: like parent do --| Create the other node and fill it create node2.make_with_child (children @ 4) l_key4 := keys @ 4 l_key5 := keys @ 5 check l_key4 /= Void end check l_key5 /= Void end node2.insert_key_and_right_child (l_key4, children @ 5, 1) node2.insert_key_and_right_child (l_key5, children @ 6, 2) parent_key := keys @ 3 check parent_key /= Void end if is_root then --| Current is root, so we have to create a third node. --| Current must remain root, because other objects may --| be referencing it. create aux_node.make_with_child (children @ 1) l_key1 := keys @ 1 l_key2 := keys @ 2 check l_key1 /= Void end check l_key2 /= Void end aux_node.insert_key_and_right_child (l_key1, children @ 2, 1) aux_node.insert_key_and_right_child (l_key2, children @ 3, 2) make_with_child (aux_node) insert_key_and_right_child (parent_key, node2, 1) else --| Erase entries in surplus. keys.put (Void, 3) keys.put (Void, 4) keys.put (Void, 5) children.put (Void, 4) children.put (Void, 5) children.put (Void, 6) arity := 3 if is_leaf then keys_plus_one := 3 else l_child_1 := children @ 1 l_child_2 := children @ 2 l_child_3 := children @ 3 check l_child_1 /= Void and then l_child_2 /= Void and then l_child_3 /= Void end keys_plus_one := l_child_1.keys_plus_one + l_child_2.keys_plus_one + l_child_3.keys_plus_one end l_parent := parent check l_parent /= Void end -- Implied by not `is_root'. l_parent.insert_key_and_right_child (parent_key, node2, pos_in_parent) end end balance_light_root -- Rebalance the root node by merging it with its children. require Current_is_root: is_root several_level_tree: not is_leaf node_and_children_can_merge: (arity < 3) and then (attached children.item (1) as l_chi_1 and then attached children.item (2) as l_chi_2 and then (l_chi_1.arity + l_chi_2.arity < 6)) local parent_key: detachable like item key1, key2: detachable like item do --| Copy old root contents. --| Root has two children only, otherwise --| no merging would have been compulsory. parent_key := keys @ 1 check parent_key /= Void end check attached children.item (1) as node1 and attached children.item (2) as node2 then --| Write first child contents. make_with_child (node1.children @ 1) key1 := node1.keys @ 1 check key1 /= Void end insert_key_and_right_child (key1, node1.children @ 2, arity) if node1.arity > 2 then key2 := node1.keys @ 2 check key2 /= Void end insert_key_and_right_child (key2, node1.children @ 3, arity) end --| Write second child contents. insert_key_and_right_child (parent_key, node2.children @ 1, arity) key1 := node2.keys @ 1 check key1 /= Void end insert_key_and_right_child (key1, node2.children @ 2, arity) if node2.arity > 2 then key2 := node2.keys @ 2 check key2 /= Void end insert_key_and_right_child (key2, node2.children @ 3, arity) end end end balance_light_node -- rebalance a light node (by key migration or merging) local parent_key, aux_key: detachable like item aux_node: detachable like Current i: INTEGER l_parent: like parent l_key1: detachable like item do if is_root then check one_level_tree: is_leaf end else l_parent := parent check l_parent /= Void end -- Implied by not `is_root' i := pos_in_parent if i > 1 then --| Get previous node (at same level), --| and key in parent between it and Current. aux_node := l_parent.children @ (i - 1) check aux_node /= Void end -- Implied by "i > 1" parent_key := l_parent.keys @ (i - 1) check parent_key /= Void end -- Implied by "i > 1" if aux_node.arity > 3 then --| Many childs? Take one of them. insert_key_and_left_child (parent_key, aux_node.children @ (aux_node.arity), 1) aux_key := aux_node.keys @ (aux_node.arity - 1) check aux_key /= Void end -- Implied by `aux_node.arity > 3' l_parent.keys.put (aux_key, i - 1) aux_key.set_parent (parent) aux_node.delete_key_and_right_child (aux_node.arity - 1) else --| Few childs? Merge the nodes. if l_parent.is_root and l_parent.arity = 2 then l_parent.balance_light_root else l_key1 := keys @ 1 check l_key1 /= Void end aux_node.insert_key_and_right_child (parent_key, children @ 1, aux_node.arity) aux_node.insert_key_and_right_child (l_key1, children @ 2, aux_node.arity) l_parent.delete_key_and_right_child (i - 1) end end elseif i < l_parent.arity then --| Get next node (at same level). --| and key in parent between it and Current. aux_node := l_parent.children @ (i+1) check aux_node /= Void end -- The algerithm implies there must be the next node. parent_key := l_parent.keys @ (i) check parent_key /= Void end -- The algerithm implies there must be a corresponding key. if aux_node.arity > 3 then --| Many childs? Take one of them. insert_key_and_right_child (parent_key, aux_node.children @ 1, arity) aux_key := aux_node.keys @ 1 check aux_key /= Void end -- Implied by `aux_node.arity > 3' l_parent.keys.put (aux_key, i) aux_key.set_parent (l_parent) aux_node.delete_key_and_left_child (1) else --| Few childs? Merge the nodes. if l_parent.is_root and l_parent.arity = 2 then l_parent.balance_light_root else l_key1 := keys @ 1 check l_key1 /= Void end aux_node.insert_key_and_left_child (parent_key, children @ 2, 1) aux_node.insert_key_and_left_child (l_key1, children @ 1, 1) l_parent.delete_key_and_left_child (i) end end else check never_reach: false end end end end feature -- Conversion --| FIXME --| christophe, 25 jan 2000 --| This features cannot work, because of changes during rebalancing nodes. merge_right (other: like Current) -- Add `other' at the right of Current. require other_not_void: other /= Void other_has_children: children.valid_index (1) local dummy : like item current_node: detachable like Current child : detachable like Current pos : INTEGER i : INTEGER l_key : detachable like item do create dummy.make (({G}).default) child := other.children @ 1 check child /= Void end -- Implied by precondition insert_key_and_right_child (dummy, child, arity) from i := 1 current_node := child.parent check current_node /= Void end -- Children are never a root. pos := child.pos_in_parent until i = other.arity loop child := other.children @ (i + 1) check child /= Void end -- Children in range should never be void l_key := other.keys @ i check l_key /= Void end -- keys in range should never be void. check current_node /= Void end -- Should never reach a root, otherwise implies a bug. current_node.insert_key_and_right_child (l_key, child, pos) --| Node organisation may have changed if `current_node' --| has been split due to rebalancing. We are looking for the --| place the last child inserted is, to attach others after it. current_node := child.parent pos := child.pos_in_parent i := i + 1 variant other.arity - i end dummy.delete end merge_left (other: like Current) -- Add `other' at the left of Current. local dummy : like item current_node: detachable like Current child : detachable like Current pos : INTEGER i : INTEGER l_key : detachable like item do create dummy.make (({G}).default) child := other.children @ arity check child /= Void end insert_key_and_left_child (dummy, child, 1) from i := other.arity - 1 current_node := child.parent pos := child.pos_in_parent until i = 0 loop child := other.children @ i check child /= Void end l_key := other.keys @ i check l_key /= Void end insert_key_and_left_child (l_key, child, pos) current_node := child.parent pos := child.pos_in_parent i := i - 1 variant i end dummy.delete end feature {TREE_NODE} -- Implementation delete_key_and_right_child (pos: INTEGER) -- delete key in position `pos', and its -- right child (position `pos'+1) local i: INTEGER do --| Relocate children and keys after `pos' from i := pos until i >= arity --| there are `arity'-1 keys in Current loop keys.put (keys @ (i+1), i) children.put (children @ (i+2), i+1) i := i + 1 variant arity - i end arity := arity -1 keys_plus_one := keys_plus_one - 2 --| Works because deleted child has 1 key. if (arity < 3) and (not is_root) then balance_light_node else rec_update_key_number end end delete_key_and_left_child (pos: INTEGER) -- delete key in position `pos', and its -- left child (position `pos') do children.put (children @ (pos + 1), pos) delete_key_and_right_child (pos) end rec_update_key_number -- update `key_number_plus_one' and -- propagate update to `parent', if not root. local i : INTEGER l_child: detachable like Current l_parent: like parent do if is_leaf then keys_plus_one := arity else from i := 2 l_child := children @ 1 check l_child /= Void end keys_plus_one := l_child.keys_plus_one until i > arity loop l_child := children @ i check l_child /= Void end keys_plus_one := keys_plus_one + l_child.keys_plus_one i := i + 1 variant arity - i + 1 end end if (not is_root) then l_parent := parent check l_parent /= Void end -- Implied by not `is_root' l_parent.rec_update_key_number end end invariant --| FIXME --| Christophe, 14 jan 2000 --| Invariants to declare are "for all x in children and keys, x.parent = Current" --| It is possible they cause a failure due to current implementation. --| It is not sure this can be fixed easily. --| Anyway, it would slow down execution note copyright: "Copyright (c) 1984-2017, Eiffel Software and others" license: "Eiffel Forum License v2 (see" source: "[ Eiffel Software 5949 Hollister Ave., Goleta, CA 93117 USA Telephone 805-685-1006, Fax 805-685-6869 Website Customer support ]" end -- class TREE_NODE