#=============================================================================== # Action sequence definitions # NOTE: This is not supported: x,y: INTEGER # Do this instead: x: INTEGER; y: INTEGER #=============================================================================== birthday: what to do on a birthday; age: INTEGER; name: STRING sweet_sixteen = birthday ( = 16,?): what to do on a 16th birthday pointer_button: for mouse click events; x: INTEGER; y: INTEGER; button: INTEGER; x_tilt: REAL; y_tilt: REAL; pressure: REAL left_click = pointer_button (?,?, = 1,-,-, > 0.5): for mouse left click events right_click = pointer_button (?,?, = 2,-,-, > 0.5): for mouse left click events pointer_motion: for mouse movment events; x: INTEGER; y: INTEGER; x_tilt: REAL; y_tilt: REAL; pressure: REAL destroy: for widget destruction events; key_press: for keyboard press events; key: INTEGER; modifiers: EV_KEYBOARD_MODIFIERS return_press = key_press ( = Key_return,.none): for the Return/Enter key key_release: for keyboard release events; key: INTEGER; modifiers: EV_KEYBOARD_MODIFIERS focus_in: for obtaining focus events; focus_out: for leaving focus events;