note description: "[ This is the Barnes and Hut implementation for the n_body_force_solver of a particle system. The runtime is O (n log n) where n is the number of particles. The method was first proposed in: "A Hierarchical O(n log n) force calculation algorithm", J. Barnes and P. Hut, Nature, v. 324 (1986) To calculate the force on a_particle an EG_QUAD_TREE (node) is traversed where force is either traverse (node): 1. if node is a leaf force := n_body_force (a_particle, node.particle) 2. size of node region / distance between a_particle and center of mass of node < theta force := n_body_force (a_particle, node.center_of_mass_particle) 3. none of the above for all children c of node force := force + traverse (c) The larger theta the better the runtime but also the higher the error since center_of_mass_particle is only an approximation of all the particle in the children of node. ]" legal: "See notice at end of class." status: "See notice at end of class." author: "Benno Baumgartner" date: "$Date$" revision: "$Revision$" deferred class EG_PARTICLE_SIMULATION_BH [G -> NUMERIC] inherit EG_PARTICLE_SIMULATION [G] redefine default_create, set_particles end EV_MODEL_DOUBLE_MATH export {NONE} all undefine default_create end feature {NONE} -- Initialization default_create -- Set `theta' to 0.25. do theta := 0.25 ensure then set: theta = 0.25 end feature -- Element change. set_particles (a_particles: like particles) -- Set `particles' to `a_particles' and build `quad_tree'. do Precursor {EG_PARTICLE_SIMULATION} (a_particles) build_quad_tree ensure then quad_tree_exists: quad_tree /= Void end set_theta (a_theta: like theta) -- Set `theta' to `a_theta'. require a_theta_in_range: theta >= 0 and theta <= 1.0 do theta := a_theta ensure set: theta = a_theta end feature -- Access quad_tree: detachable EG_QUAD_TREE -- The quad tree to traverse. theta: DOUBLE -- The higher theta the more approximations are made (see comment in indexing) last_theta_average: DOUBLE -- The average theta value on last call to `force'. feature {NONE} -- Implementation theta_count: INTEGER -- Number of times theta was below 1.0 n_body_force_solver (a_particle: like particle_type): detachable G -- Solve n_nody_force O(log n) best case O(n) worste case do last_theta_average := 0.0 theta_count := 0 if attached quad_tree as l_quad_tree then Result := traverse_tree (l_quad_tree, a_particle) end if theta_count > 0 then last_theta_average := last_theta_average / theta_count end end traverse_tree (node: EG_QUAD_TREE; a_particle: like particle_type): detachable G -- Traverse `node' and calculate force with `a_particle'. require not_void: node /= Void local r: DOUBLE d: INTEGER prop: DOUBLE region: EV_RECTANGLE childe: detachable EG_QUAD_TREE -- l_result: detachable like traverse_tree l_particle: detachable EG_PARTICLE do if node.is_leaf then l_particle := node.particle if l_particle /= Void then Result := n_body_force (a_particle, l_particle) else check is_leaf: False end end elseif attached node.center_of_mass_particle as cmp then region := node.region -- Distance to center of mass r := distance (a_particle.x, a_particle.y, cmp.x, cmp.y) -- size of the cell d := region.width.max (region.height) -- proportion between distance and size prop := d/r if prop < 1.0 then last_theta_average := last_theta_average + prop theta_count := theta_count + 1 end if prop < theta then -- Approximate Result := n_body_force (a_particle, cmp) else -- Inspect children childe := node.childe_ne if attached childe as l_childe then Result := traverse_tree (l_childe, a_particle) end childe := node.childe_nw if attached childe as l_childe_2 and then attached traverse_tree (l_childe_2, a_particle) as num then if Result = Void then Result := num else Result := Result + num end end childe := node.childe_se if attached childe as l_childe_3 and then attached traverse_tree (l_childe_3, a_particle) as num then if Result = Void then Result := num else Result := Result + num end end childe := node.childe_sw if attached childe as l_childe_4 and then attached traverse_tree (l_childe_4, a_particle) as num then if Result = Void then Result := num else Result := Result + num end end end else check node_has_center_of_mass_particle: False end end -- ensure -- Result_exists: Result /= Void end build_quad_tree -- Build `quad_tree' from `particles'. O(n log n) local l_particles: like particles l_item: like particle_type world_size: EV_RECTANGLE maxx, minx, maxy, miny, x, y: INTEGER do from maxx := maxx.min_value maxy := maxx minx := minx.max_value miny := minx l_particles := particles l_particles.start until l_particles.after loop l_item := l_particles.item x := l_item.x maxx := maxx.max (x) minx := minx.min (x) y := l_item.y maxy := maxy.max (y) miny := miny.min (y) l_particles.forth end create world_size.make (minx, miny, maxx - minx, maxy - miny) from l_particles := particles l_particles.start until l_particles.after loop l_item := l_particles.item if attached quad_tree as l_quad_tree then if not l_quad_tree.has (l_item) then l_quad_tree.insert (l_item) end else create quad_tree.make (world_size, l_item) end l_particles.forth end if attached quad_tree as l_quad_tree_2 then l_quad_tree_2.build_center_of_mass else check False end -- Implied by previous loop end ensure build: quad_tree /= Void end invariant quad_tree_exists: quad_tree /= Void note copyright: "Copyright (c) 1984-2016, Eiffel Software and others" license: "Eiffel Forum License v2 (see" source: "[ Eiffel Software 5949 Hollister Ave., Goleta, CA 93117 USA Telephone 805-685-1006, Fax 805-685-6869 Website Customer support ]" end -- class EG_PARTICLE_SIMULATION_BH