note description: "Object is a view for an EG_LINKABLE" legal: "See notice at end of class." status: "See notice at end of class." date: "$Date$" revision: "$Revision$" deferred class EG_LINKABLE_FIGURE inherit EG_FIGURE undefine is_equal redefine default_create, recursive_transform, model, request_update, xml_element, xml_node_name, set_with_xml_element, recycle, process end EG_PARTICLE rename x as port_x, y as port_y undefine default_create, port_x, port_y end feature {NONE} -- Initialisation default_create -- Create a EG_LINKABLE_FIGURE. do create internal_links.make (0) Precursor {EG_FIGURE} start_actions.extend (agent on_handle_start) end_actions.extend (agent on_handle_end) set_dt (1) mass := 1.0 end feature -- Status report is_fixed: BOOLEAN -- Does the layouter not move `Current'? has_visible_link: BOOLEAN -- Has `Current' at least one visible link? local l_internal_links: like internal_links i, nb: INTEGER do l_internal_links := internal_links if not l_internal_links.is_empty then from i := 1 nb := l_internal_links.count until i > nb or else Result loop if l_internal_links.i_th (i).is_show_requested then Result := True end i := i + 1 end end end is_cluster_above: BOOLEAN -- Is a cluster above `Current'? local p, q: detachable EG_CLUSTER_FIGURE l_bbox: like size i, nb: INTEGER do from l_bbox := size p := cluster until Result or p = Void loop from i := p.number_of_figures nb := p.count until i > nb or Result loop if attached {EG_CLUSTER_FIGURE} p.i_th (i) as c and then q /= c and then c.size.intersects (l_bbox) then Result := True end i := i + 1 end q := p p := p.cluster end end feature -- Access cluster: detachable EG_CLUSTER_FIGURE -- Cluster figure `Current' is part of. model: detachable EG_LINKABLE -- The model for `Current'. port_x: INTEGER -- x position where links are starting. deferred end port_y: INTEGER -- y position where links are starting. deferred end xml_node_name: STRING -- Name of the xml node returned by `xml_element'. do Result := once "EG_LINKABLE_FIGURE" end is_fixed_string: STRING = "IS_FIXED" port_x_string: STRING = "PORT_X" port_y_string: STRING = "PORT_Y" xml_element (node: like xml_element): XML_ELEMENT -- Xml element representing `Current's state. local l_xml_routines: like xml_routines do l_xml_routines := xml_routines Result := Precursor {EG_FIGURE} (node) Result.put_last (l_xml_routines.xml_node (Result, is_fixed_string, boolean_representation (is_fixed))) Result.put_last (l_xml_routines.xml_node (Result, port_x_string, port_x.out)) Result.put_last (l_xml_routines.xml_node (Result, port_y_string, port_y.out)) end set_with_xml_element (node: like xml_element) -- Retrive state from `node'. local ax, ay: INTEGER l_xml_routines: like xml_routines do Precursor {EG_FIGURE} (node) l_xml_routines := xml_routines set_is_fixed (l_xml_routines.xml_boolean (node, is_fixed_string)) ax := l_xml_routines.xml_integer (node, port_x_string) ay := l_xml_routines.xml_integer (node, port_y_string) set_port_position (ax, ay) end size: EV_RECTANGLE -- Size of `Current'. deferred ensure result_not_void: Result /= Void end height: INTEGER -- Height in pixels. deferred ensure result_not_negative: Result >= 0 end width: INTEGER -- Width in pixels. deferred ensure result_not_negative: Result >= 0 end minimum_size: EV_RECTANGLE -- `Current' has to be of `Result' size -- to include all visible elements starting from `number_of_figures' + 1. do create Result update_rectangle_to_minimum_size (Result) ensure result_not_void: Result /= Void end number_of_figures: INTEGER -- number of figures used to visialize `Current'. deferred ensure result_greater_equal_zero: Result >= 0 end links: like internal_links -- Links to other linkables do Result := internal_links.twin end feature -- Status settings request_update -- local l_internal_links: like internal_links do Precursor {EG_FIGURE} if attached cluster as l_cluster then l_cluster.request_update end from l_internal_links := internal_links l_internal_links.start until l_internal_links.after loop l_internal_links.item.request_update l_internal_links.forth end end feature -- Element change recycle -- Free resources of `Current' such that GC can collect it. -- Leave it in an unstable state. do Precursor {EG_FIGURE} start_actions.prune_all (agent on_handle_start) end_actions.prune_all (agent on_handle_end) end set_port_position (ax, ay: INTEGER) -- Set `port_x' to `ax' and `port_y' to `ay'. local d_x, d_y: INTEGER do d_x := ax - port_x d_y := ay - port_y set_x_y (x + d_x, y + d_y) end update_edge_point (p: EV_COORDINATE; an_angle: DOUBLE) -- Move `p' to a point on the edge of `Current' -- where the outline intersects a line from the -- center point in direction `an_angle'. require p_not_void: p /= Void deferred ensure p_not_void: p /= Void end feature -- Status settings set_is_fixed (b: BOOLEAN) -- Set `is_fixed' to `b'. do is_fixed := b ensure set: is_fixed = b end feature {EG_FIGURE_WORLD} -- Element change add_link (a_link: EG_LINK_FIGURE) -- add `a_link' to `links'. require a_link_not_void: a_link /= Void do if not internal_links.has (a_link) then internal_links.extend (a_link) end ensure links_has_a_link: links.has (a_link) end remove_link (a_link: EG_LINK_FIGURE) -- Remove `a_link' from `links'. require a_link_not_void: a_link /= Void do internal_links.prune_all (a_link) ensure links_not_has_a_link: not links.has (a_link) end feature {EG_CLUSTER_FIGURE, EG_FIGURE_WORLD} -- Element change set_cluster (a_cluster: detachable EG_CLUSTER_FIGURE) -- set `cluster' to `a_cluster' without adding `Current' to `a_cluster'. require ready: attached world do if attached world as l_world then if a_cluster = Void then l_world.root_cluster.extend (Current) l_world.extend (Current) else l_world.root_cluster.prune_all (Current) end else check ready: False end -- Implied by precondition `ready' end if attached cluster as l_cluster then l_cluster.prune_all (Current) end cluster := a_cluster ensure set: cluster = a_cluster end feature {EV_MODEL_GROUP} -- Figure group recursive_transform (a_transformation: EV_MODEL_TRANSFORMATION) -- Same as transform but without precondition -- is_transformable and without invalidating -- groups center do Precursor {EG_FIGURE} (a_transformation) request_update end feature {EG_LAYOUT, EG_FIGURE, EG_FIGURE_WORLD} -- Implementation internal_links: ARRAYED_LIST [EG_LINK_FIGURE] -- links to other figures. feature -- Visitor process (v: EG_FIGURE_VISITOR) -- Visitor feature. do v.process_linkable_figure (Current) end feature {NONE} -- Implementation on_handle_start -- User started to move `Current'. do was_fixed := is_fixed set_is_fixed (True) end on_handle_end -- User ended to move `Current'. do set_is_fixed (was_fixed) end was_fixed: BOOLEAN update_rectangle_to_minimum_size (a_rect: EV_RECTANGLE) -- `Current' has to be of `Result' size -- to include all visible elements starting from `number_of_figures' + 1. local l_area: like area i, nb: INTEGER l_bbox: like bounding_box do -- Reset `a_bbox' to zero dimension. a_rect.move_and_resize (0, 0, 0, 0) if count > number_of_figures then from l_area := area i := number_of_figures nb := count - 1 until i > nb loop if l_area [i].is_show_requested then l_bbox := temp_minimum_size_bounding_box l_area [i].update_rectangle_to_bounding_box (l_bbox) if l_bbox.height > 0 and then l_bbox.width > 0 then a_rect.merge (l_bbox) end end i := i + 1 end end end temp_minimum_size_bounding_box: EV_RECTANGLE -- Temporary box used for calculating minimum size. once create Result end invariant links_not_void: links /= Void note copyright: "Copyright (c) 1984-2016, Eiffel Software and others" license: "Eiffel Forum License v2 (see" source: "[ Eiffel Software 5949 Hollister Ave., Goleta, CA 93117 USA Telephone 805-685-1006, Fax 805-685-6869 Website Customer support ]" end -- class EG_LINKABLE_FIGURE