note description: "[ The `label_group' is attached to the polyline defined through the `polyline_points' from 0 to count - 1. The `label_group' can be moved allong the polyline. ]" legal: "See notice at end of class." status: "See notice at end of class." date: "$Date$" revision: "$Revision$" deferred class EG_POLYLINE_LABEL inherit EV_MODEL_DOUBLE_MATH redefine default_create end EG_XML_STORABLE undefine default_create end feature {NONE} -- Initialization default_create -- Create a EG_POLYLINE_LABEL. do create label_move_handle create label_group label_move_handle.extend (label_group) label_move_handle.move_actions.extend (agent on_label_move) label_move_handle.scale_x_actions.extend (agent on_scale) label_move_handle.scale_y_actions.extend (label_move_handle.scale_x_actions.last) set_label_line_start_and_end end feature -- Status report is_left: BOOLEAN -- Is `label_group' left from line? -- The line "flows" from `source' to `target'. Left is therfore -- on the left side of the line if you look to the direction -- of the flow. feature -- Access label_group: EV_MODEL_GROUP -- The label group moved allong the line. -- Fill it with your labels. line_width: INTEGER -- The with of the polyline. deferred end xml_element (node: like xml_element): XML_ELEMENT -- Xml node representing `Current's state. do Result := node Result.put_last (xml_routines.xml_node (Result, once "LABEL_POSITION", (position_on_line * 100).rounded.out)) Result.put_last (xml_routines.xml_node (Result, once "LABEL_START_NB", point_number (label_line_start_point).out)) Result.put_last (xml_routines.xml_node (Result, once "LABEL_END_NB", point_number (label_line_end_point).out)) Result.put_last (xml_routines.xml_node (Result, once "IS_LEFT", boolean_representation (is_left))) end set_with_xml_element (node: like xml_element) -- Retrive state from `node'. local p, q: EV_COORDINATE do position_on_line := xml_routines.xml_integer (node, once "LABEL_POSITION") / 100 p := polyline_points.item (xml_routines.xml_integer (node, once "LABEL_START_NB")) q := polyline_points.item (xml_routines.xml_integer (node, once "LABEL_END_NB")) label_line_start_point := p label_line_end_point := q is_left := xml_routines.xml_boolean (node, once "IS_LEFT") end feature -- Element change recycle -- Free `Current's resources. do label_move_handle.move_actions.prune_all (agent on_label_move) label_move_handle.scale_x_actions.prune_all (agent on_scale) label_move_handle.scale_y_actions.prune_all (agent on_scale) end set_left (a_left: BOOLEAN) -- Set `is_left' to `a_left'. do if a_left /= is_left then is_left := a_left set_label_position_on_line (label_line_start_point, label_line_end_point) end ensure set: is_left = a_left end feature {NONE} -- Implementation label_move_handle: EV_MODEL_MOVE_HANDLE -- The move handle used to move the `label_group'. label_line_start_point, label_line_end_point: EV_COORDINATE -- The point of `label_move_handler' is situated on the segment -- from `label_line_start_point' to `label_line_end_point'. position_on_line: DOUBLE -- Position of `label_move_handle' between `label_line_start_point' -- and `label_line_end_point'. 0.0 is closest to `label_line_start_point' -- 1.0 is closest to `label_line_end_point'. set_label_line_start_and_end -- Set `label_line_start_point' and `label_line_end_point' such that the line -- (`label_line_start_point',`label_line_end_point') is closest to `label_move_handle'. local l_polyline_points: like polyline_points cur_dist, min_dist: DOUBLE i, nb: INTEGER p, q, nearest_start, nearest_end: EV_COORDINATE lx, ly: INTEGER do -- find the nearest line. l_polyline_points := polyline_points from lx := label_move_handle.point_x ly := label_move_handle.point_y p := l_polyline_points.item (0) q := l_polyline_points.item (1) min_dist := distance_from_segment (lx, ly, p.x_precise, p.y_precise, q.x_precise, q.y_precise) nearest_start := p nearest_end := q p := q i := 2 nb := l_polyline_points.count - 1 until i > nb loop q := l_polyline_points.item (i) cur_dist := distance_from_segment (lx, ly, p.x_precise, p.y_precise, q.x_precise, q.y_precise) if cur_dist < min_dist then min_dist := cur_dist nearest_start := p nearest_end := q end p := q i := i + 1 end label_line_start_point := nearest_start label_line_end_point := nearest_end position_on_line := -1.0 end set_label_position_on_line (nearest_start, nearest_end: EV_COORDINATE) -- Set the `label_move_handle' position such that its point is -- on the segment from `nearest_start' to `nearest_end'. local new_x, new_y: INTEGER lx, ly: INTEGER d_x, d_y: DOUBLE m1, m2: DOUBLE x1, y1, x2, y2, nx, ny: DOUBLE a, b, c, d, g, h: DOUBLE do lx := label_move_handle.point_x ly := label_move_handle.point_y x1 := nearest_start.x_precise y1 := nearest_start.y_precise x2 := nearest_end.x_precise y2 := nearest_end.y_precise if position_on_line < 0.0 then -- nearest line is from nearest_start to nearest_end -- project to this line d_x := x2 - x1 d_y := y2 - y1 if d_x = 0 then nx := x1 ny := ly elseif d_y = 0 then nx := lx ny := y1 else m1 := d_y / d_x m2 := - (1 / m1) nx := (ly - y1 + m1 * x1 - m2 * lx) / (m1 - m2) ny := m1 * nx - m1 * x1 + y1 end check -- For speed reasons I do not call project_to_line and has_projection. same_as_project: nx = project_to_line (lx, ly, nearest_start.x_precise, nearest_start.y_precise, nearest_end.x_precise, nearest_end.y_precise).double_item (1) and ny = project_to_line (lx, ly, nearest_start.x_precise, nearest_start.y_precise, nearest_end.x_precise, nearest_end.y_precise).double_item (2) end if between (nx, x1, x2) and between (ny, y1, y2) then check has_projection: has_projection (lx, ly, nearest_start.x_precise, nearest_start.y_precise, nearest_end.x_precise, nearest_end.y_precise) end new_x := as_integer (nx) new_y := as_integer (ny) else -- go to nearest point if distance (lx, ly, x1, y1) < distance (lx, ly, x2, y2) then new_x := as_integer (x1) new_y := as_integer (y1) else new_x := as_integer (x2) new_y := as_integer (y2) end end b := distance (x1, y1, x2, y2) if b = 0.0 then position_on_line := 0.0 else position_on_line := distance (x1, y1, new_x, new_y) / b end else b := distance (x1, y1, x2, y2) if b = 0.0 or else position_on_line <= 0.0 then new_x := as_integer (x1) new_y := as_integer (y1) elseif position_on_line >= 1.0 then new_x := as_integer (x2) new_y := as_integer (y2) else a := b * position_on_line h := x2 - x1 g := a * h / b d := y2 - y1 c := a * d / b new_x := as_integer (x1 + g) new_y := as_integer (y1 + c) end end -- the label_move_handles point goes to new_x new_y label_move_handle.set_point_position (new_x, new_y) -- set the label_group to the correct side of the line set_label_group_position_on_line (new_x, new_y, nearest_start, nearest_end) end set_label_group_position_on_line (new_x, new_y: DOUBLE; p, q: EV_COORDINATE) -- Set `label_group' position to left or right of line from `p' to `q' depending on `is_left'. -- such that `label_group' does not intersect with the line. require p_not_void: p /= Void q_not_void: q /= Void local bbox: EV_RECTANGLE shift_x, shift_y: INTEGER w, h: INTEGER theta: DOUBLE pival: DOUBLE do theta := line_angle (p.x_precise, p.y_precise, q.x_precise, q.y_precise) bbox := label_group.bounding_box w := bbox.width + line_width h := bbox.height if is_left then theta := modulo (theta + pi, pi_times_two) end if theta >= 0 and theta <= pi / 4 then -- octant 1 shift_x := w elseif theta > pi / 4 and theta <= pi_half then -- octant 2 shift_x := w pival := (7/16) * pi if theta >= pival then shift_y := transition (0, h, (theta - pival) * (16/pi)) end elseif theta > pi_half and theta <= 3*pi/4 then -- octant 3 shift_x := w shift_y := h elseif theta > 3*pi/4 and theta <= pi then -- octant 4 pival := (15/16) * pi if theta > pival then shift_x := transition (w, 0, (theta - pival) * (16/pi)) else shift_x := w end shift_y := h - as_integer ((w - shift_x) * (p.y_precise - label_move_handle.point_y) / (p.x_precise - label_move_handle.point_x)) elseif theta > pi and theta <= 5/4 * pi then -- octant 5 shift_y := h elseif theta > 5/4 * pi and theta <= pi_half_times_three then -- octant 6 pival := (23/16) * pi if theta >= pival then shift_y := transition (h, 0, (theta - pival) * (16/pi)) else shift_y := h end elseif theta > pi_half_times_three and theta <= (7/4) * pi then -- octant 7 else -- octant 8 pival := (31/16) * pi if theta >= pival then shift_x := transition (0, w, (theta - pival) * (16/pi)) shift_y := as_integer (shift_x * (p.y_precise - label_move_handle.point_y) / (p.x_precise - label_move_handle.point_x)) end end label_group.set_point_position (label_move_handle.point_x - shift_x, label_move_handle.point_y - shift_y) end transition (start_value, end_value: INTEGER; progress: DOUBLE): INTEGER -- Value between `start_value' and `end_value'. do Result := start_value + as_integer ((end_value - start_value) * progress) end project_to_line (ax, ay, x1, y1, x2, y2: DOUBLE): TUPLE [DOUBLE, DOUBLE] -- Project point `ax' `ay' to the line [(`x1', `y1'), (`x2', `y2')]. local d_x, d_y: DOUBLE m1, m2: DOUBLE nx, ny: DOUBLE do d_x := x2 - x1 d_y := y2 - y1 if d_x = 0 then Result := [x1, ay] elseif d_y = 0 then Result := [ax, y1] else m1 := d_y / d_x m2 := - (1 / m1) nx := (ay - y1 + m1 * x1 - m2 * ax) / (m1 - m2) ny := m1 * nx - m1 * x1 + y1 Result := [nx, ny] end end has_projection (ax, ay, x1, y1, x2, y2: DOUBLE): BOOLEAN -- Does a line perpendicular to line [(`x1', `y1), (`x2', `y2')] exist -- that goes through point (`ax', `ay') and intersects with the segment [(`x1', `y1), (`x2', `y2')]? local t: TUPLE [DOUBLE, DOUBLE] nx, ny: DOUBLE do t := project_to_line (ax, ay, x1, y1, x2, y2) nx := t.double_item (1) ny := t.double_item (2) Result := between (nx, x1, x2) and between (ny, y1, y2) end distance_from_segment (ax, ay, x1, y1, x2, y2: DOUBLE): DOUBLE -- Calculate distance between (`x', `y') and (`x1', `y1')-(`x2', `y2'). -- The line is NOT considered to be infinite. local t: TUPLE [DOUBLE, DOUBLE] nx, ny: DOUBLE do t := project_to_line (ax, ay, x1, y1, x2, y2) nx := t.double_item (1) ny := t.double_item (2) if between (nx, x1, x2) and between (ny, y1, y2) then Result := distance (nx, ny, ax, ay) else Result := distance (ax, ay, x1, y1).min (distance (ax, ay, x2, y2)) end end on_label_move (ax, ay: INTEGER; x_tilt, y_tilt, pressure: DOUBLE; screen_x, screen_y: INTEGER) -- `label_move_handler' was moved for `ax' `ay'. do is_left := left_from_segment (screen_x, screen_y, label_line_start_point.x_precise, label_line_start_point.y_precise, label_line_end_point.x_precise, label_line_end_point.y_precise) set_label_line_start_and_end set_label_position_on_line (label_line_start_point, label_line_end_point) end left_from_segment (ax, ay, x1, y1, x2, y2: DOUBLE): BOOLEAN -- Is (`ax', `ay') on the left side of segment from (`x1', `y1') to (`x2', `y2')? -- (See `is_left' for a definition of left). local d_x, d_y: DOUBLE eq: DOUBLE do d_x := x2 - x1 if d_x = 0 then if y1 < y2 then Result := ax >= x1 else Result := ax < x1 end else d_y := y2 - y1 if d_y = 0 then if x1 > x2 then Result := ay > y1 else Result := ay <= y1 end else eq := y1 + (ax - x1) * d_y / d_x if x1 < x2 and y1 > y2 then Result := ay <= eq elseif x1 < x2 and y1 < y2 then Result := ay <= eq elseif x1 > x2 and y1 < y2 then Result := ay >= eq else Result := ay >= eq end end end end update -- A point in `polyline_points' has changed its position. do set_label_position_on_line (label_line_start_point, label_line_end_point) end on_scale (scale: DOUBLE) -- `label_move_handle' was scaled by user. do set_label_position_on_line (label_line_start_point, label_line_end_point) end point_with_position (ax, ay: INTEGER): detachable EV_COORDINATE -- Point at position `ax' `ay' or Void if none. local l_points: like polyline_points i, nb: INTEGER l_item: EV_COORDINATE do from l_points := polyline_points i := 0 nb := l_points.count until i >= nb or else Result /= Void loop l_item := l_points.item (i) if l_item.x = ax and then l_item.y = ay then Result := l_item end i := i + 1 end end point_number (a_point: EV_COORDINATE): INTEGER -- Position in `polyline_points' of `a_point'. require a_point_not_void: a_point /= Void local l_points: like polyline_points i, nb: INTEGER l_item: EV_COORDINATE do from l_points := polyline_points i := 0 nb := l_points.count until i >= nb or else Result /= 0 loop l_item := l_points.item (i) if l_item = a_point then Result := i end i := i + 1 end end feature {EV_MODEL, EV_MODEL_DRAWER} -- Access polyline_points: SPECIAL [EV_COORDINATE] -- All points of the Figure. deferred end note copyright: "Copyright (c) 1984-2012, Eiffel Software and others" license: "Eiffel Forum License v2 (see" source: "[ Eiffel Software 5949 Hollister Ave., Goleta, CA 93117 USA Telephone 805-685-1006, Fax 805-685-6869 Website Customer support ]" end -- class EG_POLYLINE_LABEL