note description: "[ A polyline connecting source and target. The user can add new points by clicking on the line and can move points on the line around. ]" legal: "See notice at end of class." status: "See notice at end of class." date: "$Date$" revision: "$Revision$" class EG_POLYLINE_LINK_FIGURE inherit EG_LINK_FIGURE redefine default_create, initialize, xml_element, xml_node_name, set_with_xml_element, recycle end create {EG_POLYLINE_LINK_FIGURE} make_filled feature {NONE} -- Initialization default_create -- Create a EG_POLYLINE_LINK_FIGURE without dimension. do create edge_move_handlers.make (0) create line Precursor {EG_LINK_FIGURE} line.extend_point (create {EV_COORDINATE}) line.extend_point (create {EV_COORDINATE}) extend (line) disable_moving disable_rotating disable_scaling reflexive_radius := 50 end initialize -- Initialize. do Precursor {EG_LINK_FIGURE} if attached model as l_model and then l_model.is_reflexive then line.set_point_count (4) else line.pointer_button_press_actions.extend (agent pointer_button_pressed_on_a_line) line.set_pointer_style (new_edge_cursor) end if attached model as l_model and then l_model.is_directed then line.enable_end_arrow end end feature -- Access start_point_x: INTEGER -- do Result := line.point_array.item (0).x end start_point_y: INTEGER -- do Result := line.point_array.item (0).y end end_point_x: INTEGER -- do Result := line.point_array.item (line.point_array.count - 1).x end end_point_y: INTEGER -- do Result := line.point_array.item (line.point_array.count - 1).y end i_th_point_x (i: INTEGER): INTEGER -- x position of `i'-th point. do Result := line.i_th_point_x (i) --point_array.item (i).x end i_th_point_y (i: INTEGER): INTEGER -- y position of `i'-th point. do Result := line.i_th_point_y (i) --point_array.item (i).y end line_width: INTEGER -- do Result := line.line_width end edges_count: INTEGER -- do Result := edge_move_handlers.count end foreground_color: EV_COLOR -- do Result := line.foreground_color end xml_element (node: like xml_element): XML_ELEMENT -- Xml node representing `Current's state. local edge_xml_element, edges: like xml_element l_points: like point_array i, nb: INTEGER l_item: EV_COORDINATE l_x_pos_string: STRING l_y_pos_string: STRING l_xml_routines: like xml_routines l_xml_namespace: like xml_namespace l_foreground_color: like foreground_color do l_foreground_color := foreground_color l_x_pos_string := x_pos_string l_y_pos_string := y_pos_string l_xml_routines := xml_routines l_xml_namespace := xml_namespace Result := Precursor {EG_LINK_FIGURE} (node) create edges.make (Result, once "EDGES", xml_namespace) from l_points := line.point_array i := 1 nb := l_points.count - 1 until i >= nb loop l_item := l_points.item (i) create edge_xml_element.make (edges, edge_string, l_xml_namespace) edge_xml_element.put_last (l_xml_routines.xml_node (edge_xml_element, l_x_pos_string, l_item.x.out)) edge_xml_element.put_last (l_xml_routines.xml_node (edge_xml_element, l_y_pos_string, l_item.y.out)) edges.put_last (edge_xml_element) i := i + 1 end Result.put_last (edges) Result.put_last (l_xml_routines.xml_node (Result, line_width_string, line_width.out)) Result.put_last (l_xml_routines.xml_node (Result, line_color_string, l_foreground_color.red_8_bit.out + ";" + l_foreground_color.green_8_bit.out + ";" + l_foreground_color.blue_8_bit.out)) end edge_string: STRING = "EDGE" x_pos_string: STRING = "X_POS" y_pos_string: STRING = "Y_POS" line_width_string: STRING = "LINE_WIDTH" line_color_string: STRING = "LINE_COLOR" set_with_xml_element (node: like xml_element) -- Retrive state from `node'. local l_cursor: XML_COMPOSITE_CURSOR ax, ay: INTEGER l_x_pos_string, l_y_pos_string: STRING l_xml_routines: like xml_routines l_edges_count: INTEGER do Precursor {EG_LINK_FIGURE} (node) l_x_pos_string := x_pos_string l_y_pos_string := y_pos_string l_xml_routines := xml_routines reset if attached {like xml_element} node.item_for_iteration as edges and then attached source as l_source and then attached target as l_target then node.forth l_cursor := edges.new_cursor l_cursor.start line.point_array.item (0).set (l_source.port_x, l_source.port_y) if is_reflexive then if not l_cursor.after then if attached {like xml_element} l_cursor.item as l_item then l_item.start ax := l_xml_routines.xml_integer (l_item, l_x_pos_string) ay := l_xml_routines.xml_integer (l_item, l_y_pos_string) line.point_array.item (1).set (ax, ay) end l_cursor.forth if attached {like xml_element} l_cursor.item as l_item then l_item.start ax := l_xml_routines.xml_integer (l_item, l_x_pos_string) ay := l_xml_routines.xml_integer (l_item, l_y_pos_string) line.point_array.item (2).set (ax, ay) end end else from until l_cursor.after loop if attached {like xml_element} l_cursor.item as l_item then l_item.start l_edges_count := edges_count add_point_between (l_edges_count + 1, l_edges_count + 2) ax := l_xml_routines.xml_integer (l_item, l_x_pos_string) ay := l_xml_routines.xml_integer (l_item, l_y_pos_string) l_edges_count := edges_count set_i_th_point_position (l_edges_count + 1, ax, ay) end l_cursor.forth end end line.point_array.item (line.point_array.count - 1).set (l_target.port_x, l_target.port_y) set_line_width (l_xml_routines.xml_integer (node, once "LINE_WIDTH")) set_foreground_color (l_xml_routines.xml_color (node, once "LINE_COLOR")) end end xml_node_name: STRING -- Name of the node returned by `xml_element'. do Result := "EG_POLYLINE_LINK_FIGURE" end feature -- Status report is_start_arrow: BOOLEAN -- do Result := line.is_start_arrow end is_end_arrow: BOOLEAN -- do Result := line.is_end_arrow end feature -- Status settings enable_end_arrow -- Set `is_end_arrow' `True'. do line.enable_end_arrow request_update end enable_start_arrow -- Set `is_start_arrow' `True'. do line.enable_start_arrow request_update end feature -- Element change recycle -- Free `Current's recources. do Precursor {EG_LINK_FIGURE} line.pointer_button_press_actions.prune_all (agent pointer_button_pressed_on_a_line) end set_line_width (a_line_width: like line_width) -- Set `line_width' to `a_line_width'. require a_line_width_positive: a_line_width > 0 do line.set_line_width (a_line_width) request_update ensure set: line_width = a_line_width end set_foreground_color (a_color: EV_COLOR) -- Set `foreground_color' to `a_color'. require a_color_not_void: a_color /= Void do line.set_foreground_color (a_color) request_update ensure set: foreground_color = a_color end set_i_th_point_position (i: INTEGER; ax, ay: INTEGER) -- Set position of `i'-th point to (`ax', `ay'). require valid_index: i > 1 and i < edges_count + 2 do line.set_i_th_point_position (i, ax, ay) edge_move_handlers.i_th (i - 1).set_point_position (ax, ay) request_update ensure set: i_th_point_x (i) = ax and i_th_point_y (i) = ay end add_point_between (i, j: INTEGER) -- Add a point between `i'-th and `j'-th point. require j_equals_i_plus_one: j = i + 1 in_range: i >= 1 and j <= edges_count + 2 local l_point_array: like point_array n: INTEGER mh: EG_EDGE new_x, new_y: INTEGER new_point: EV_COORDINATE do line.set_point_count (line.point_count + 1) l_point_array := line.point_array from n := l_point_array.count - 1 until n < j loop l_point_array.put (l_point_array.item (n - 1), n) n := n - 1 end check j_th_equals_j_plus_one_th: l_point_array.item (j) = l_point_array.item (j - 1) end new_x := as_integer (line.i_th_point_x (i) / 2 + line.i_th_point_x (j) / 2) new_y := as_integer (line.i_th_point_y (i) / 2 + line.i_th_point_y (j) / 2) create new_point.make (new_x, new_y) l_point_array.put (new_point , j - 1) create mh.make (Current) mh.set_point_position (new_x, new_y) mh.set_corresponding_point (new_point) if edge_move_handlers.count = 0 then edge_move_handlers.extend (mh) elseif i = 1 then edge_move_handlers.put_front (mh) else edge_move_handlers.go_i_th (i - 1) edge_move_handlers.put_right (mh) end mh.move_actions.extend (agent edge_moved (new_point, ?, ?, ?, ?, ?, ?, ?)) mh.start_actions.extend (agent edge_start (mh)) mh.end_actions.extend (agent edge_end (mh)) extend (mh) invalidate request_update ensure one_added: old line.point_count + 1 = line.point_count j_now_j_plus_one: old (line).i_th_point_x (j) = line.i_th_point_x (j + 1) and old (line).i_th_point_y (j) = line.i_th_point_y (j + 1) j_th_edge_move_handler_at_j_th_x_position: edge_move_handlers.i_th (i).point_x = i_th_point_x (i + 1) j_th_edge_move_handler_at_j_th_y_position: edge_move_handlers.i_th (i).point_y = i_th_point_y (i + 1) end remove_i_th_point (i: INTEGER) -- Remove `i'-th point. require valid_index: i > 1 and i < edges_count + 2 local l_point_array: like point_array n, m, nb: INTEGER l_item: EG_EDGE do l_point_array := line.point_array from n := 0 m := 0 nb := l_point_array.count until n >= nb loop if n /= i - 1 then l_point_array.put (l_point_array.item (n), m) m := m + 1 end n := n + 1 end line.set_point_count (line.point_count - 1) -- remove the handle edge_move_handlers.go_i_th (i - 1) l_item := edge_move_handlers.item edge_move_handlers.remove prune_all (l_item) request_update ensure one_point_less: old (line).point_count = line.point_count + 1 one_edge_move_hadler_less: old (edge_move_handlers).count = edge_move_handlers.count + 1 end reset -- Remove all edges. local last_point: EV_COORDINATE do if not is_reflexive then from edge_move_handlers.start until edge_move_handlers.after loop start search (edge_move_handlers.item) if not exhausted then remove end edge_move_handlers.forth end edge_move_handlers.wipe_out last_point := line.point_array.item (line.point_array.count - 1) line.set_point_count (1) line.extend_point (last_point) line.point_array.put (last_point, line.point_array.count - 1) request_update end end feature {EG_FIGURE, EG_FIGURE_WORLD} -- Update update -- Some properties may have changed. local nx, ny: INTEGER do if attached source as l_source and then attached target as l_target then if attached model as l_model and then not l_model.is_reflexive then if edge_move_handlers.count = 0 then set_end_and_start_point_to_edge else set_start_point_to_edge set_end_point_to_edge end else nx := l_source.port_x ny := l_source.port_y if nx /= line.i_th_point_x (1) or else ny /= line.i_th_point_y (1) then line.set_i_th_point_position (1, nx, ny) line.set_i_th_point_position (line.point_count, nx, ny) line.set_i_th_point_position (2, nx + 150, ny - 50) line.set_i_th_point_position (3, nx + 150, ny + 50) set_start_point_to_edge set_end_point_to_edge line.set_i_th_point_position (2, line.i_th_point_x (1) + reflexive_radius, line.i_th_point_y (1) - as_integer (reflexive_radius / 3)) line.set_i_th_point_position (3, line.i_th_point_x (4) + reflexive_radius, line.i_th_point_y (4) + as_integer (reflexive_radius / 3)) end end invalidate center_invalidate end is_update_required := False end reflexive_radius: INTEGER -- Radius of reflexive link. feature {NONE} -- Implementation set_is_selected (an_is_selected: like is_selected) -- Set `is_selected' to `an_is_selected'. do if is_selected /= an_is_selected then is_selected := an_is_selected if is_selected then line.set_line_width (line.line_width * 2) else line.set_line_width (line.line_width // 2) end end end edge_moved (a_point: EV_COORDINATE; ax, ay: INTEGER; x_tilt, y_tilt, pressure: DOUBLE; screen_x, screen_y: INTEGER) -- `a_point' was moved for `ax', `ay'. do a_point.set_precise (a_point.x_precise + ax, a_point.y_precise + ay) request_update end edge_start (an_edge: EG_EDGE) -- User starts to move `an_edge'. require an_edge_not_void: an_edge /= Void do end edge_end (an_edge: EG_EDGE) -- User ends to move `an_edge'. require an_edge_not_void: an_edge /= Void do end set_start_point_to_edge -- Set the start point such that it is element of the edge of the source figure. local an_angle: DOUBLE l_pa: like point_array p1: EV_COORDINATE do if attached source as l_source then l_pa := line.point_array p1 := l_pa.item (1) an_angle := line_angle (l_source.port_x, l_source.port_y, p1.x_precise, p1.y_precise) l_source.update_edge_point (l_pa.item (0), an_angle) else check has_source: False end end end set_end_point_to_edge -- Set the end point such that it is element of the edge of the target figure. local an_angle: DOUBLE l_count: INTEGER l_pa: like point_array p: EV_COORDINATE do if attached target as l_target then l_pa := line.point_array l_count := l_pa.count p := l_pa.item (l_count - 2) an_angle := line_angle (l_target.port_x, l_target.port_y, p.x_precise, p.y_precise) l_target.update_edge_point (l_pa.item (l_count - 1), an_angle) else check has_target: False end end end set_end_and_start_point_to_edge -- Set end and start point on the edge of source and target. require no_edges: edges_count = 0 local an_angle: DOUBLE l_point_array: like point_array do l_point_array := line.point_array if attached source as l_source and attached target as l_target then an_angle := line_angle (l_source.port_x, l_source.port_y, l_target.port_x, l_target.port_y) l_source.update_edge_point (l_point_array.item (0), an_angle) an_angle := pi + an_angle l_target.update_edge_point (l_point_array.item (1), an_angle) else check has_source: source /= Void end check has_target: target /= Void end end end pointer_button_pressed_on_a_line (ax, ay, button: INTEGER; x_tilt, y_tilt, pressure: DOUBLE; screen_x, screen_y: INTEGER) -- User pressed on `line'. local i, nb: INTEGER l_point_array: like point_array point_found: BOOLEAN lw: INTEGER p, q: EV_COORDINATE new_handler: EG_EDGE do if button = 1 and then not is_on_edge (ax, ay) and then source /= target then from l_point_array := line.point_array point_found := False i := 0 nb := l_point_array.count - 2 lw := line_width.max (6) until point_found or else i > nb loop p := l_point_array.item (i) q := l_point_array.item (i + 1) point_found := point_on_segment (ax, ay, p.x_precise, p.y_precise, q.x_precise, q.y_precise, lw) i := i + 1 end if point_found then add_point_between (i, i + 1) new_handler := edge_move_handlers.i_th (i) set_i_th_point_position (i + 1, ax, ay) new_handler.on_start_resizing (ax, ay, button, x_tilt, y_tilt, pressure, screen_x, screen_y) check new_handle_at_ax_ay: edge_move_handlers.i_th (i).point_x = ax and edge_move_handlers.i_th (i).point_y = ay end end end end new_edge_cursor: EV_POINTER_STYLE -- Cursor displayed when pointer over a line (white dot). local pix_map: EV_PIXMAP once create pix_map.make_with_size (10, 10) pix_map.set_foreground_color (create {EV_COLOR}.make_with_rgb (1, 1, 1)) pix_map.fill_ellipse (0, 0, pix_map.width, pix_map.height) pix_map.set_foreground_color (create {EV_COLOR}.make_with_rgb (0, 0, 0)) pix_map.draw_ellipse (0, 0, pix_map.width, pix_map.height) create Result.make_with_pixmap (pix_map, pix_map.width // 2, pix_map.height // 2) end is_on_edge (ax, ay: INTEGER): BOOLEAN -- is position `ax', `ay' on an edge? local l_edge_move_handlers: like edge_move_handlers do Result := False from l_edge_move_handlers := edge_move_handlers l_edge_move_handlers.start until Result or l_edge_move_handlers.after loop Result := l_edge_move_handlers.item.first.position_on_figure (ax, ay) l_edge_move_handlers.forth end end on_is_directed_change -- `model'.`is_directed' changed. do if attached model as l_model and then l_model.is_directed then line.enable_end_arrow else line.disable_end_arrow end request_update end line: EV_MODEL_POLYLINE -- The polyline visualizing the link. -- -- reflexive_distance: INTEGER -- -- Distance from the border of the linkable figure if `is_reflexive'. feature {EG_FIGURE_WORLD} -- Implementation edge_move_handlers: ARRAYED_LIST [EG_EDGE] -- Move handlers for the edges of the polyline. -- start_point and end_point have no move_handlers. feature {NONE} -- Implementation new_filled_list (n: INTEGER): like Current -- New list with `n' elements. do create Result.make_filled (n) end invariant edge_move_handlers_exists: edge_move_handlers /= Void line_not_void: line /= Void note copyright: "Copyright (c) 1984-2016, Eiffel Software and others" license: "Eiffel Forum License v2 (see" source: "[ Eiffel Software 5949 Hollister Ave., Goleta, CA 93117 USA Telephone 805-685-1006, Fax 805-685-6869 Website Customer support ]" end -- class EG_POLYLINE_LINK_FIGURE