note description: "[ This class is the main window of MEMORY ANALYZER. May the memory analyzer communicate with other program which can surround the target debugged application and send the MEMORY's memory map to a pipe? It should be nice, because it will only analyze the objects which we care. ]" legal: "See notice at end of class." status: "See notice at end of class." date: "$Date$" revision: "$Revision$" class MA_WINDOW inherit MA_WINDOW_IMP redefine create_interface_objects, destroy end MA_SINGLETON_FACTORY export {NONE} all undefine copy, default_create end create make feature {NONE} -- Initialization make (a_dir: READABLE_STRING_GENERAL) -- Initialize current main memory analyzer window. require a_dir_not_void: a_dir /= Void do icons.set_pixmap_directory (a_dir) default_create end create_interface_objects do create_all_widgets create_object_routes_panel_objects create timer -- note: `analyze_gc` and `analyze_object_gra` are built on demand. create analyze_object_snap.make_with_grid (object_grid) create analyze_route_searcher.make (analyze_object_snap, route_results_panel) Precursor end user_initialization -- Called by `initialize'. -- Any custom user initialization that -- could not be performed in `initialize', -- (due to regeneration of implementation class) -- can be added here. do timer.actions.extend (agent timer_event) timer.set_interval (refresh_interval) main_book.drop_actions.extend (agent main_book_drop_pebble) main_book.drop_actions.set_veto_pebble_function (agent main_book_dropable) refresh_interval := refresh_interval_normal auto_refresh.enable_select filter_setting.drop_actions.extend (agent handle_filter_button_drop) init_icons show_actions.extend (agent analyze_gc.redraw_for_resize) -- Small hack to ensure that first time `split_incre' is shown it -- is shown with the right proportion as `resize_actions' are called -- when notebook tab shows its content. split_incre.resize_actions.extend (agent update_splitter_proportion_once (split_incre, {REAL_32} 0.5, ?, ?, ?, ?)) split_incre.dpi_changed_actions.extend (agent update_splitter_proportion_once_dpi_change (split_incre, {REAL_32} 0.5, ?, ?, ?, ?, ?)) gc_graphs.resize_actions.extend (agent (x, y, w, h: INTEGER_32) do analyze_gc.redraw_for_resize end) gc_graphs.dpi_changed_actions.extend (agent (a_dpi, x, y, w, h: INTEGER_32) do analyze_gc.redraw_for_resize end) search_route_button.select_actions.extend (agent search_route) ensure then timer_action_set: attached timer as t and then t.actions.count > 0 notebook_drop_action_set: main_book.drop_actions.count > 0 update_interval_set_normal: refresh_interval = refresh_interval_normal auto_refresh_button_selected: auto_refresh.is_selected end init_icons -- Initialize the icons in the system. require refresh_button_not_void: not refresh.is_destroyed gc_now_button_not_void: not gc_now.is_destroyed save_datas_button_not_void: not save_datas.is_destroyed auto_refresh_button_not_void: not auto_refresh.is_destroyed refresh_speed_button_not_void: not refresh_speed.is_destroyed gc_enable_button_not_void: not gc_enable.is_destroyed filter_setting_button_not_void: not filter_setting.is_destroyed retreive_button_not_void: not retreive.is_destroyed do main_book.item_tab (tab_garbage_collector_info).set_pixmap (icons.gabage_collector_info_icon) main_book.item_tab (tab_object_grid).set_pixmap (icons.object_grid_icon) main_book.item_tab (object_routes_panel).set_pixmap (icons.collect_statics_icon) main_book.item_tab (tab_object_graph).set_pixmap (icons.object_graph_icon) main_book.item_tab (tab_states_compare).set_pixmap (icons.state_change_icon) refresh.set_pixmap (icons.refresh_info_icon) gc_now.set_pixmap (icons.gabage_clean_now_icon) save_datas.set_pixmap (icons.save_current_state_icon) auto_refresh.set_pixmap (icons.auto_refresh_icon) refresh_speed.set_pixmap (icons.auto_refresh_speed_icon) gc_enable.set_pixmap (icons.gabage_clean_enable_icon) filter_setting.set_pixmap (icons.filter_icon) retreive.set_pixmap (icons.open_system_states_icon) collect_statics.set_pixmap (icons.collect_statics_icon) ensure tab_garbage_collector_info_pixmap_set: main_book.item_tab (tab_garbage_collector_info).pixmap /= Void tab_object_grid_pixmap_set: main_book.item_tab (tab_object_grid).pixmap /= Void tab_object_graph_pixmap_set: main_book.item_tab (tab_object_graph).pixmap /= Void tab_states_compare_pixmap_set: main_book.item_tab (tab_states_compare).pixmap /= Void refresh_pixmap_set: refresh.pixmap /= Void gc_now_pixmap_set: gc_now.pixmap /= Void save_datas_pixmap_set: save_datas.pixmap /= Void auto_refresh_pixmap_set: auto_refresh.pixmap /= Void refresh_speed_pixmap_set: refresh_speed.pixmap /= Void gc_enable_pixmap_set: gc_enable.pixmap /= Void filter_setting_pixmap_set: filter_setting.pixmap /= Void retreive_pixmap_set: retreive.pixmap /= Void end feature -- Redefine destroy -- Destroy window, clear singleton. do timer.set_interval (0) timer.actions.wipe_out main_book.drop_actions.wipe_out filter_setting.drop_actions.wipe_out show_actions.wipe_out split_incre.resize_actions.wipe_out gc_graphs.resize_actions.wipe_out split_incre.dpi_changed_actions.wipe_out gc_graphs.dpi_changed_actions.wipe_out if not filter_window.is_destroyed then filter_window.destroy end Precursor {MA_WINDOW_IMP} end feature {NONE} -- Implementation for agents update_splitter_proportion_once (a_splitter: EV_SPLIT_AREA; a_proportion: REAL; x, y, w, h: INTEGER_32) -- Set `a_splitter' with `a_proportion'. -- Wipe out `a_splitter' `resize_actions' when `a_splitter' is shown. require a_splitter_not_void: a_splitter /= Void a_splitter_not_destroyed: not a_splitter.is_destroyed a_splitter_full: a_splitter.full a_proportion_valid: a_proportion >= 0 and a_proportion <= 1 do if a_splitter.is_displayed then a_splitter.resize_actions.wipe_out end a_splitter.set_proportion (a_proportion) ensure a_splitter_resize_actions_empty: a_splitter.is_displayed implies a_splitter.resize_actions.is_empty end update_splitter_proportion_once_dpi_change (a_splitter: EV_SPLIT_AREA; a_proportion: REAL; a_dpi,x, y, w, h: INTEGER_32) -- Set `a_splitter' with `a_proportion'. -- Wipe out `a_splitter' `resize_actions' when `a_splitter' is shown. do update_splitter_proportion_once (a_splitter, a_proportion, x, y, w, h) end eiffel_view_frame_size_change (a_x, a_y, a_width, a_height: INTEGER) -- Handle frame change. do end retreive_states -- Retreive object states from a file. do increase_detector.states_open_from_file end save_data_clicked -- Save current system datas to a file. do increase_detector.states_save_to_file end filter_clicked -- When the user click the filter button. do end auto_refresh_enable -- Enable or disable auto refresh memory graph. do if auto_refresh.is_selected then timer.set_interval (refresh_interval) auto_refresh.set_tooltip ("Auto refresh enabled") else timer.set_interval (0) auto_refresh.set_tooltip ("Auto refresh disabled") end ensure then timer_state_changed: old (timer.interval) /= timer.interval auto_refresh_tooltip_changed: old auto_refresh.tooltip /= auto_refresh.tooltip end collect_statics_enable -- Enable or disable collect static memory object references. do if collect_statics.is_selected then collect_statics.set_tooltip ("Statics Collection enabled") analyze_object_snap.set_finding_route_to_once (True) else collect_statics.set_tooltip ("Statics Collection disabled") analyze_object_snap.set_finding_route_to_once (False) end ensure then -- timer_state_changed: old attached_timer.interval /= attached_timer.interval auto_refresh_tooltip_changed: old auto_refresh.tooltip /= auto_refresh.tooltip end auto_refresh_change_speed -- Change the refresh speed. do if timer.interval /= 0 then inspect refresh_interval when refresh_interval_low then refresh_interval := refresh_interval_normal timer.set_interval (refresh_interval) refresh_speed.set_tooltip ("Refresh speed is normal") when refresh_interval_normal then refresh_interval := refresh_interval_hi timer.set_interval (refresh_interval) refresh_speed.set_tooltip ("Refresh speed is hi") when refresh_interval_hi then refresh_interval := refresh_interval_low timer.set_interval (refresh_interval) refresh_speed.set_tooltip ("Refresh speed is low") else end end ensure then refresh_speed_toollip_changed: timer.interval /= 0 implies old refresh_speed.tooltip /= refresh_speed.tooltip timer_interval_changed: timer.interval /= 0 implies old (timer.interval) /= timer.interval end arrange_circle_clicked -- Arrage the nodes in a circle. do analyze_object_gra.arrange_in_grid end main_book_drop_pebble (a_item: MA_OBJECT_STONE) -- Things to do when user drop a pebble on the main_boon's tab. require a_item_not_void: a_item /= Void do analyze_object_gra.drop_a_object (a_item.object) main_book.select_item (tab_object_graph) end main_book_dropable (a_item: MA_OBJECT_STONE): BOOLEAN -- If the tab where user pointer is at dropable? do if a_item /= Void then Result := main_book.pointed_tab_index = main_book.index_of (tab_object_graph, 1) end end handle_filter_button_drop (a_stone: MA_CLASS_STONE) -- Handle when user drop a class item from object grid to filter button. require a_stone_not_void: a_stone /= Void do filter_window.add_class_name (a_stone.class_name) end -- from_object_grid_to_object_graph (x, y: INTEGER): EV_NOTEBOOK is -- -- Drop pebbel on object graph. -- do -- -- end split_incre_hori_double_clicked (a_x, a_y, a_button: INTEGER; a_x_tilt, a_y_tilt, a_pressure: DOUBLE; a_screen_x, a_screen_y: INTEGER) -- When user double click the horizontal split in the memory increase dector window. do increase_detector.adjust_split_horizontal end split_info_double_clicked (a_x, a_y, a_button: INTEGER; a_x_tilt, a_y_tilt, a_pressure: DOUBLE; a_screen_x, a_screen_y: INTEGER) -- When user double click the split in the memory statistics window. do tab_garbage_collector_info.set_split_position (tab_garbage_collector_info.maximum_split_position) end split_area_incre_double_clicked (a_x, a_y, a_button: INTEGER; a_x_tilt, a_y_tilt, a_pressure: DOUBLE; a_screen_x, a_screen_y: INTEGER) -- When user double click the vertical split in the memory increase dector window. do increase_detector.adjust_split_vertical end show_diff_in_grid -- When button "show_diff_grid" clicked, to show the difference in grid. do increase_detector.show_object_count_changed end add_current_state -- When button "add_current" clicked, to add current memory state. do increase_detector.add_current_state end resize_histogram (a_x, a_y, a_width, a_height: INTEGER) -- Do things when the eiffel_histogram size change. require else a_height_valid: a_height >= 0 and a_height <= 800 do analyze_gc.resize (a_x, a_y, a_width, a_height) end resize_history (a_x, a_y, a_width, a_height: INTEGER) -- Do things when the eiffel_histogram size change. do analyze_gc.resize_history (a_x, a_y, a_width, a_height) end timer_event -- The event request by the timer. do analyze_gc.update_gc_info end clear_graph_clicked -- Clear the object graph. do analyze_object_gra.clear_graph end find_refers_clicked -- Find the refers to current selected node (which represent a object), then put the refers to the graph. do analyze_object_gra.find_refers end zoom_changed (a_value: INTEGER) -- Scale the object graph. do zoom.set_tooltip (zoom.value.out) analyze_object_gra.zoom_changed (a_value) end find_by_type_name -- Find all the objects which belong to the same type name. local l_item: EV_LIST_ITEM do create l_item.make_with_text (type_name.text) analyze_object_gra.find_object_by_type_name (type_name.text) type_name.extend (l_item) ensure then type_name_recorded: type_name.count = old type_name.count + 1 end refresh_info_clicked -- Clients want to refresh all the infomation . do analyze_gc.redraw -- Disconnect object references. clear_graph_clicked analyze_route_searcher.reset analyze_object_snap.show_memory_map end gc_now_clicked -- Clients want to gc now. do system_util.collect end redraw_histogram (a_x, a_y, a_width, a_height: INTEGER) -- Redraw histogram (left side graph) in the gc statistics notebook tab. do analyze_gc.redraw_histogram end redraw_history (a_x, a_y, a_width, a_height: INTEGER) -- Redraw history (right side graph) in the gc statistics notebook tab. do analyze_gc.redraw_history end find_object_by_instance_name -- Find a object by its field name. local l_item : EV_LIST_ITEM do create l_item.make_with_text (object_name_1.text) object_name_1.extend (l_item) analyze_object_gra.find_object_by_instance_name (object_name_1.text) ensure then object_name_recorded: object_name_1.count = old object_name_1.count + 1 end gc_enable_click -- Enable or disable gc. do system_util.toggle_gc (gc_enable) end search_route -- Start search a route do analyze_route_searcher.build_next_route end feature {NONE} -- Implementation increase_detector: MA_MEMORY_CHANGE_MEDIATOR -- The mediator response for detect, save systems states. do Result := internal_increase_detector if Result = Void then create Result.make (memory_spot_1, memory_spot_2, increased_object_result, Current) internal_increase_detector := Result end end internal_increase_detector: detachable like increase_detector -- Cached `increase_detector`. analyze_gc: MA_GC_INFO_MEDIATOR -- The mediator response for show histogram, history. do Result := internal_analyze_gc if Result = Void then create Result.make (Current) internal_analyze_gc := Result end end internal_analyze_gc: detachable like analyze_gc -- cached version of `analyze_gc`. analyze_object_gra: MA_OBJECT_GRAPH_MEDIATOR -- The mediator response for show, modify object graphs. do Result := internal_analyze_object_gra if Result = Void then create Result.make_with_drawable (object_drawing, Current) internal_analyze_object_gra := Result end end internal_analyze_object_gra: detachable like analyze_object_gra -- cached version of `analyze_object_gra`. analyze_object_snap: MA_OBJECT_SNAPSHOT_MEDIATOR -- The mediator repsonse for show all the objects in the MEMORY's objects map. analyze_route_searcher: MA_ROUTE_TO_ONCE_SEARCHER -- Searcher for routes to once object. timer: EV_TIMEOUT -- The timer used to update histogram and history. refresh_interval: INTEGER -- The time of interval between refersh. refresh_interval_hi: INTEGER = 300 -- The hi speed value of refresh interval. refresh_interval_normal: INTEGER = 2000 -- The normal speed value of refresh interval. refresh_interval_low: INTEGER = 5000 -- The low speed value of refresh interval. invariant analyze_object_gra_not_void: analyze_object_gra /= Void increase_detector_not_void: increase_detector /= Void analyze_gc_not_void: analyze_gc /= Void analyze_object_snap_not_void: analyze_object_snap /= Void timer_not_void: timer /= Void auto_refresh_not_void: auto_refresh /= Void refresh_speed_not_void: refresh_speed /= Void main_book_not_destroyed: not main_book.is_destroyed main_book_has_tab_garbage_collector_info: main_book.has (tab_garbage_collector_info) main_book_has_tab_object_grid: main_book.has (tab_object_grid) main_book_has_tab_object_graph: main_book.has (tab_object_graph) main_book_has_tab_states_compare: main_book.has (tab_states_compare) note copyright: "Copyright (c) 1984-2019, Eiffel Software and others" license: "Eiffel Forum License v2 (see" source: "[ Eiffel Software 5949 Hollister Ave., Goleta, CA 93117 USA Telephone 805-685-1006, Fax 805-685-6869 Website Customer support ]" end