note description: "Resources require for EiffelNet." legal: "See notice at end of class."; status: "See notice at end of class."; date: "$Date$"; revision: "$Revision$" class SOCKET_RESOURCES feature -- Status report error: STRING -- Output a related error message. do if address_not_readable then Result := "Address not readable" elseif socket_ok then Result := "Socket Ok" elseif protected_address then Result := "Address protected" elseif already_bound then Result := "Address already bound" elseif address_in_use then Result := "Address in use" elseif invalid_address then Result := "Address not available" elseif invalid_socket_handle then Result := "Address is a file" elseif bad_socket_handle then Result := "Socket invalid" elseif socket_family_not_supported then Result := "family not supported" elseif no_permission then Result := "No permission" elseif no_buffers then Result := "No buffers" elseif dtable_full then Result := "Descriptor table full" elseif not_connected then Result := "Not connected" elseif protocol_not_supported then Result := "Protocol not supported" elseif socket_would_block then Result := "Socket would block" elseif socket_in_use then Result := "Socket in use" elseif expired_socket then Result := "Socket expired" elseif connection_refused then Result := "Connection refused" elseif network then Result := "No network" elseif zero_option then Result := "Not an option" elseif connect_in_progress then Result := "Connection in progress" else Result := "Unknown error : " + c_errorno.out end end; error_number: INTEGER -- Returned error number do Result := c_errorno end; socket_ok: BOOLEAN -- No error do Result := (error_number = 0) end; socket_family_not_supported: BOOLEAN -- Requested family is not supported. do Result := (error_number = family_no_support) end; address_not_readable: BOOLEAN -- Unreadable address do Result := (error_number = unreadable) end; protected_address: BOOLEAN -- No access to this address is allowed. do Result := (error_number = no_access) end; already_bound: BOOLEAN -- Socket has already been bound. do Result := (error_number = bound_address) end; address_in_use: BOOLEAN -- Address is in use by another socket. do Result := (error_number = busy_address) end; invalid_address: BOOLEAN -- Address is not valid. do Result := (error_number = error_address) end; invalid_socket_handle: BOOLEAN -- Socket descriptor is not valid. do Result := (error_number = no_socket) end; bad_socket_handle: BOOLEAN -- Socket descriptor is bad. do Result := (error_number = bad_socket) end; no_permission: BOOLEAN -- No permission is given to user for this socket. do Result := (error_number = c_permission) end; no_buffers: BOOLEAN -- No more buffers available do Result := (error_number = no_buffs) end; dtable_full: BOOLEAN -- Descriptor table is full do Result := (error_number = table_full) end; protocol_not_supported: BOOLEAN -- Protocol is not supported on this platform. do Result := (error_number = proto_no_support) end; not_connected: BOOLEAN -- Socket is not connect. do Result := (error_number = no_connect) end; socket_would_block: BOOLEAN -- Call to read, write, etc would have blocked. do Result := (error_number = would_block) end; connect_in_progress: BOOLEAN -- Call to connect returned on a non-blocking socket. do Result := (error_number = c_einprogress) end; socket_in_use: BOOLEAN -- Socket is already in use. do Result := (error_number = in_use) end; expired_socket: BOOLEAN -- Socket connection has expired. do Result := (error_number = socket_expire) end; connection_refused: BOOLEAN -- Connection is refused (possibly due to security). do Result := (error_number = connect_refused) end; network: BOOLEAN -- Socket failed due to network problems. do Result := (error_number = no_network) end; zero_option: BOOLEAN -- No options provided do Result := (error_number = no_option) end feature -- Externals: flags for send, sendto recv and recvfrom socket calls c_oobmsg: INTEGER -- Out of bound message external "C" end; c_peekmsg: INTEGER -- Peek message external "C" end; c_msgdontroute: INTEGER -- Do not route message external "C" end feature {NONE} -- Externals: socket option levels level_sol_socket: INTEGER -- SOL_SOCKET level of options external "C" end; level_nsproto_raw: INTEGER -- NS_PROTO_RAW level of options external "C" end; level_nsproto_pe: INTEGER -- NS_PROTO_PE level of options external "C" end; level_nsproto_spp: INTEGER -- NS_PROTO_SPP level of options external "C" end; level_iproto_tcp: INTEGER -- IP_PROTO_TCP level of options external "C" end; level_iproto_ip: INTEGER -- IPPROTO_IP level of options external "C" end; feature {NONE} -- Externals: socket option names ipoptions: INTEGER -- IP_OPTIONS option name external "C" end; tcpmax_seg: INTEGER -- TCP_MAXSEG option name external "C" end; tcpno_delay: INTEGER -- TCP_NODELAY option name external "C" end; so_headerson_input: INTEGER -- SO_HEADERS_ON_INPUT option name external "C" end; so_headerson_output: INTEGER -- SO_HEADERS_ON_OUTPUT option name external "C" end; so_defaultheaders: INTEGER -- SO_DEFAULT_HEADERS option name external "C" end; so_lastheader: INTEGER -- SO_LAST_HEADER option name external "C" end; somtu: INTEGER -- SO_MTU option name external "C" end; soseqno: INTEGER -- SO_SEQNO option name external "C" end; so_allpackets: INTEGER -- SO_ALL_PACKETS option name external "C" end; so_nsiproute: INTEGER -- SO_NSIP_ROUTE option name external "C" end; sobroadcast: INTEGER -- SO_BROADCAST option name external "C" end; sodebug: INTEGER -- SO_DEBUG option name external "C" end; so_dont_route: INTEGER -- SO_DONTROUTE option name external "C" end; soerror: INTEGER -- SO_ERROR option name external "C" end; so_keep_alive: INTEGER -- SO_KEEPALIVE option name external "C" end; solinger: INTEGER -- SO_LINGER option name external "C" end; so_oob_inline: INTEGER -- SO_OOBINLINE option name external "C" end; so_rcv_buf: INTEGER -- SO_RCVBUF option name external "C" end; so_snd_buf: INTEGER -- SO_SNDBUF option name external "C" end; so_rcv_lowat: INTEGER -- SO_RCVLOWAT option name external "C" end; so_snd_lowat: INTEGER -- SO_SNDLOWAT option name external "C" end; so_rcv_timeo: INTEGER -- SO_RCVTIMEO option name external "C" end; so_snd_timeo: INTEGER -- SO_SNDTIMEO option name external "C" end; so_reuse_addr: INTEGER -- SO_REUSEADDR option name external "C" end; sotype: INTEGER -- SO_TYPE option name external "C" end; so_use_loopback: INTEGER -- SO_USELOOPBACK option name external "C" end feature {NONE} -- Externals: error messages c_errorno: INTEGER -- C error number external "C" end; c_reset_error -- Reset C error number. external "C" end; family_no_support: INTEGER -- Family is not supported on this machine. external "C" end; proto_no_support: INTEGER -- Protocol is not supported on this machine. external "C" end; table_full: INTEGER -- Descriptor table is full. external "C" end; no_buffs: INTEGER -- No buffer is available. external "C" end; c_permission: INTEGER -- No permission is given to user for this socket. external "C" end; bad_socket: INTEGER -- Socket descriptor is bad. external "C" end; no_socket: INTEGER -- Socket descriptor is not valid. external "C" end; error_address: INTEGER -- Address is not valid. external "C" end; busy_address: INTEGER -- Address is in use by another socket. external "C" end; bound_address: INTEGER -- Socket has already been bound. external "C" end; no_access: INTEGER -- No access to this address is allowed. external "C" end; unreadable: INTEGER -- Unreadable address external "C" end; no_connect: INTEGER -- Socket is not connect. external "C" end; would_block: INTEGER -- Call to read, write, etc would have blocked. external "C" end; in_use: INTEGER -- Socket is already in use. external "C" end; socket_expire: INTEGER -- Socket connection has expired. external "C" end; connect_refused: INTEGER -- Connection is refused (possibly due to security). external "C" end; no_network: INTEGER -- Socket failed due to network problems. external "C" end; no_option: INTEGER -- No options provided external "C" end; c_einprogress: INTEGER -- Call to connect returned on a non-blocking socket. external "C" end feature {NONE} -- Externals: socket types sock_raw: INTEGER -- Raw socket external "C" end; sock_dgrm: INTEGER -- Datagram socket external "C" end; sock_stream: INTEGER -- Stream socket external "C" end feature {NONE} -- Externals: socket families af_ns: INTEGER -- Xerox Network System socket family. external "C" end; af_inet: INTEGER -- Network (internet) socket family external "C" end; af_inet6: INTEGER -- Network (internet) socket family external "C" end; af_unix: INTEGER -- Unix socket family external "C" end feature {NONE} -- Externals: constants for fcnlt calls c_fgetown: INTEGER -- C constant FGETOWN external "C" end; c_fsetown: INTEGER -- C constant FSETOWN external "C" end; c_fsetfl: INTEGER -- C constant FSETFL external "C" end; c_fgetfl: INTEGER -- C constant FGETFL external "C" end; c_fndelay: INTEGER -- C constant FNDELAY external "C" end; c_fasync: INTEGER -- C constant FASYNC external "C" end note copyright: "Copyright (c) 1984-2006, Eiffel Software and others" license: "Eiffel Forum License v2 (see" source: "[ Eiffel Software 356 Storke Road, Goleta, CA 93117 USA Telephone 805-685-1006, Fax 805-685-6869 Website Customer support ]" end -- class SOCKET_RESOURCES