note description: "Simple geometry-managing widget." legal: "See notice at end of class."; status: "See notice at end of class."; date: "$Date$"; revision: "$Revision$" class MEL_BULLETIN_BOARD inherit MEL_BULLETIN_BOARD_RESOURCES export {NONE} all end; MEL_MANAGER redefine create_callback_struct end create make, make_no_auto_unmanage, make_from_existing feature -- Initialization make (a_name: STRING; a_parent: MEL_COMPOSITE; do_manage: BOOLEAN) -- Create a motif bulletin board. require name_exists: a_name /= Void parent_exists: a_parent /= Void and then not a_parent.is_destroyed local widget_name: ANY do parent := a_parent; widget_name := a_name.to_c; create_widget (a_parent.screen_object, widget_name, True); Mel_widgets.add (Current); set_default; if do_manage then manage end ensure exists: not is_destroyed; parent_set: parent = a_parent; name_set: name.is_equal (a_name) end; make_no_auto_unmanage (a_name: STRING; a_parent: MEL_COMPOSITE; do_manage: BOOLEAN) -- Create a motif bulletin board and set `auto_unmanage' to False. require name_exists: a_name /= Void parent_exists: a_parent /= Void and then not a_parent.is_destroyed local widget_name: ANY do parent := a_parent; widget_name := a_name.to_c; create_widget (a_parent.screen_object, widget_name, False); Mel_widgets.add (Current); set_default; if do_manage then manage end ensure exists: not is_destroyed; auto_unmanage: not auto_unmanage; parent_set: parent = a_parent; name_set: name.is_equal (a_name) end; feature {NONE} -- Initialization create_widget (p_so: POINTER; w_name: ANY; auto_manage_flag: BOOLEAN) -- Create bulletin with name `w_name' and manage it according to -- `auto_manage_flag'. require non_void_args: p_so /= default_pointer and w_name /= Void do if auto_manage_flag then screen_object := xm_create_bulletin_board (p_so, $w_name, default_pointer, 0); else screen_object := xm_create_bulletin_board (p_so, $w_name, auto_unmanage_arg, 1); end end; feature -- Access focus_command: MEL_COMMAND_EXEC -- Command set for the focus callback do Result := motif_command (XmNfocusCallback) end; map_command: MEL_COMMAND_EXEC -- Command set for the map callback do Result := motif_command (XmNmapCallback) end; unmap_command: MEL_COMMAND_EXEC -- Command set for the unmap callback do Result := motif_command (XmNunmapCallback) end feature -- Status report overlap_allowed: BOOLEAN -- Are the children allowed to overlap Current? require exists: not is_destroyed do Result := get_xt_boolean (screen_object, XmNallowOverlap) end; auto_unmanage: BOOLEAN -- Is the bulletin board automatically unmanaged after a button is activated -- unless the button is an Apply or Help button? require exists: not is_destroyed do Result := get_xt_boolean (screen_object, XmNautoUnmanage) end; button_font_list: MEL_FONT_LIST -- Font list of the button children require exists: not is_destroyed do Result := get_xm_font_list (screen_object, XmNbuttonFontList) ensure Result_is_valid: Result /= Void and then Result.is_valid; Result_is_shared: Result.is_shared end; label_font_list: MEL_FONT_LIST -- Font list of the label children require exists: not is_destroyed do Result := get_xm_font_list (screen_object, XmNlabelFontList) ensure Result_is_valid: Result /= Void and then Result.is_valid; Result_is_shared: Result.is_shared end; text_font_list: MEL_FONT_LIST -- Font list of the text children require exists: not is_destroyed do Result := get_xm_font_list (screen_object, XmNtextFontList) ensure Result_is_valid: Result /= Void and then Result.is_valid; Result_is_shared: Result.is_shared end; cancel_button: MEL_RECT_OBJ -- Widget of the Cancel button require exists: not is_destroyed do Result ?= get_xt_widget (screen_object, XmNcancelButton) end; default_button: MEL_RECT_OBJ -- The widget of the default button require exists: not is_destroyed do Result ?= get_xt_widget (screen_object, XmNdefaultButton) end; is_default_position: BOOLEAN -- Is Current centered relative to `parent'. require exists: not is_destroyed do Result := get_xt_boolean (screen_object, XmNdefaultPosition) end; dialog_work_area: BOOLEAN -- Is the dialog style a work area? require exists: not is_destroyed do Result := get_xt_unsigned_char (screen_object, XmNdialogStyle) = XmDIALOG_WORK_AREA end; dialog_modeless: BOOLEAN -- Is the dialog style modeless? require exists: not is_destroyed do Result := get_xt_unsigned_char (screen_object, XmNdialogStyle) = XmDIALOG_MODELESS end; dialog_full_application_modal: BOOLEAN -- Is the dialog style full application modal? require exists: not is_destroyed do Result := get_xt_unsigned_char (screen_object, XmNdialogStyle) = XmDIALOG_FULL_APPLICATION_MODAL end; dialog_application_modal: BOOLEAN -- Is the dialog style application modal? require exists: not is_destroyed do Result := get_xt_unsigned_char (screen_object, XmNdialogStyle) = XmDIALOG_APPLICATION_MODAL end; dialog_primary_application_modal: BOOLEAN -- Is the dialog style primary application modal? require exists: not is_destroyed do Result := get_xt_unsigned_char (screen_object, XmNdialogStyle) = XmDIALOG_PRIMARY_APPLICATION_MODAL end; dialog_system_modal: BOOLEAN -- Is the dialog style system modal? require exists: not is_destroyed do Result := get_xt_unsigned_char (screen_object, XmNdialogStyle) = XmDIALOG_SYSTEM_MODAL end; dialog_title: MEL_STRING -- Title require exists: not is_destroyed do Result := get_xm_string (screen_object, XmNdialogTitle) end; margin_height: INTEGER -- The minimun spacing between a bulletin board's top -- or bottom edge of any child widget require exists: not is_destroyed do Result := get_xt_dimension (screen_object, XmNmarginHeight) ensure not_margin_height_negative: Result >= 0 end; margin_width: INTEGER -- The minimun spacing between a bulletin board's left -- or right edge of any child widget require exists: not is_destroyed do Result := get_xt_dimension (screen_object, XmNmarginWidth) ensure not_margin_width_negative: Result >= 0 end; has_resize_control: BOOLEAN -- Does MWM include resize controls in the window manager frame of `parent'? require exists: not is_destroyed do Result := not get_xt_boolean (screen_object, XmNnoResize) end; resize_none: BOOLEAN -- Will the widget remain at fixed size? require exists: not is_destroyed do Result := get_xt_unsigned_char (screen_object, XmNresizePolicy) = XmRESIZE_NONE end; resize_grow: BOOLEAN -- Can the widget expand only? require exists: not is_destroyed do Result := get_xt_unsigned_char (screen_object, XmNresizePolicy) = XmRESIZE_GROW end; resize_any: BOOLEAN -- Can the widget shrink or expand as needed? require exists: not is_destroyed do Result := get_xt_unsigned_char (screen_object, XmNresizePolicy) = XmRESIZE_ANY end; is_shadow_in: BOOLEAN -- Is Current widget appear inset? require exists: not is_destroyed do Result := (get_xt_unsigned_char (screen_object, XmNshadowType) = XmSHADOW_IN) end; is_shadow_out: BOOLEAN -- Is Current widget appear raised? require exists: not is_destroyed do Result := (get_xt_unsigned_char (screen_object, XmNshadowType) = XmSHADOW_OUT) end; is_shadow_etched_in: BOOLEAN -- Does Current appear with a double line shadow inset? require exists: not is_destroyed do Result := (get_xt_unsigned_char (screen_object, XmNshadowType) = XmSHADOW_ETCHED_IN) end; is_shadow_etched_out: BOOLEAN -- Does Current appear with a double line shadow raised? require exists: not is_destroyed do Result := (get_xt_unsigned_char (screen_object, XmNshadowType) = XmSHADOW_ETCHED_OUT) end; feature -- Status setting enable_overlap -- Set `overlap_allowed' to True. require exists: not is_destroyed do set_xt_boolean (screen_object, XmNallowOverlap, True) ensure overlap_is_allowed: overlap_allowed end; forbid_overlap -- Set `overlap_allowed' to False. require exists: not is_destroyed do set_xt_boolean (screen_object, XmNallowOverlap, False) ensure overlap_is_not_allowed: not overlap_allowed end; set_button_font_list (a_font_list: MEL_FONT_LIST) -- Set `button_font_list' to a `a_font_list'. require exists: not is_destroyed a_font_list_is_valid: a_font_list /= Void and then a_font_list.is_valid do set_xm_font_list (screen_object, XmNbuttonFontList, a_font_list) end; set_label_font_list (a_font_list: MEL_FONT_LIST) -- Set `label_font_list' to a `a_font_list'. require exists: not is_destroyed a_font_list_is_valid: a_font_list /= Void and then a_font_list.is_valid do set_xm_font_list (screen_object, XmNlabelFontList, a_font_list) end; set_text_font_list (a_font_list: MEL_FONT_LIST) -- Set `text_font_list' to `a_font_list'. require exists: not is_destroyed a_font_list_is_valid: a_font_list /= Void and then a_font_list.is_valid do set_xm_font_list (screen_object, XmNtextFontList, a_font_list) end; set_cancel_button (a_button: like cancel_button) -- Set `cancel_button' to `a_button'. require exists: not is_destroyed; a_button_exists: not a_button.is_destroyed do set_xt_widget (screen_object, XmNcancelButton, a_button.screen_object) ensure cancel_button_set: cancel_button.is_equal (a_button) end; set_default_button (a_button: like default_button) -- Set `default_button' to `a_button'. require exists: not is_destroyed; a_button_exists: not a_button.is_destroyed do set_xt_widget (screen_object, XmNdefaultButton, a_button.screen_object) ensure default_button_set: default_button.is_equal (a_button) end; enable_default_positioning -- Set `is_default_position' to True. require exists: not is_destroyed do set_xt_boolean (screen_object, XmNdefaultPosition, True) ensure default_position_enabled: is_default_position end; disable_default_positioning -- Set `is_default_position' to False. require exists: not is_destroyed do set_xt_boolean (screen_object, XmNdefaultPosition, False) ensure default_position_disabled: not is_default_position end; set_dialog_work_area -- Set the dialog style to work area. require exists: not is_destroyed do set_xt_unsigned_char (screen_object, XmNdialogStyle, XmDIALOG_WORK_AREA) ensure dialog_work_area_set: dialog_work_area end; set_dialog_modeless -- Set the dialog style modeless. require exists: not is_destroyed do set_xt_unsigned_char (screen_object, XmNdialogStyle, XmDIALOG_MODELESS) ensure dialog_modeless_set: dialog_modeless end; set_dialog_full_application_modal -- Set the dialog style full application modal. require exists: not is_destroyed do set_xt_unsigned_char (screen_object, XmNdialogStyle, XmDIALOG_FULL_APPLICATION_MODAL) ensure dialog_full_application_modal_set: dialog_full_application_modal end; set_dialog_application_modal -- Set the dialog style application modal. require exists: not is_destroyed do set_xt_unsigned_char (screen_object, XmNdialogStyle, XmDIALOG_APPLICATION_MODAL) ensure dialog_application_modal_set: dialog_application_modal end; set_dialog_primary_application_modal -- Set the dialog style primary application modal. require exists: not is_destroyed do set_xt_unsigned_char (screen_object, XmNdialogStyle, XmDIALOG_PRIMARY_APPLICATION_MODAL) ensure dialog_primary_application_modal_set: dialog_primary_application_modal end; set_dialog_system_modal -- Set the dialog style system modal. require exists: not is_destroyed do set_xt_unsigned_char (screen_object, XmNdialogStyle, XmDIALOG_SYSTEM_MODAL) ensure dialog_system_modal_set: dialog_system_modal end; set_dialog_title (a_compound_string: MEL_STRING) -- Set `dialog_title' to `a_compound_string'. require exists: not is_destroyed; a_compound_string_exists: a_compound_string /= Void and then not a_compound_string.is_destroyed do set_xm_string (screen_object, XmNdialogTitle, a_compound_string) ensure dialog_title_set: dialog_title.is_equal (a_compound_string) end; set_margin_height (a_height: INTEGER) -- Set `margin_height' to `a_height'. require exists: not is_destroyed; not_margin_height_negative: a_height >= 0 do set_xt_dimension (screen_object, XmNmarginHeight, a_height) ensure margin_height_set: margin_height = a_height end; set_margin_width (a_width: INTEGER) -- Set `margin_width' to `a_width'. require exists: not is_destroyed; not_margin_width_negative: a_width >= 0 do set_xt_dimension (screen_object, XmNmarginWidth, a_width) ensure margin_width_set: margin_width = a_width end; allow_resize_control -- Set `has_resize_control' to True. require exists: not is_destroyed do set_xt_boolean (screen_object, XmNnoResize, False) ensure resize_allowed: has_resize_control end; forbid_resize_control -- Set `has_resize_control' to False. require exists: not is_destroyed do set_xt_boolean (screen_object, XmNnoResize, True) ensure resize_not_allowed: not has_resize_control end; set_resize_none -- The widget remains at fixed size. require exists: not is_destroyed do set_xt_unsigned_char (screen_object, XmNresizePolicy, XmRESIZE_NONE) ensure resize_none_set: resize_none end; set_resize_grow -- Allow the widget to expand only. require exists: not is_destroyed do set_xt_unsigned_char (screen_object, XmNresizePolicy, XmRESIZE_GROW) ensure resize_grow_set: resize_grow end; set_resize_any -- Allow the widget to shrink or expand as needed. require exists: not is_destroyed do set_xt_unsigned_char (screen_object, XmNresizePolicy, XmRESIZE_ANY) ensure resize_any_set: resize_any end; set_shadow_in -- Set `is_shadow_in' to True. require exists: not is_destroyed do set_xt_unsigned_char (screen_object, XmNshadowType, XmSHADOW_IN) ensure is_shadow_in: is_shadow_in end; set_shadow_out -- Set `is_shadow_in' to False. require exists: not is_destroyed do set_xt_unsigned_char (screen_object, XmNshadowType, XmSHADOW_OUT) ensure is_shadow_out: is_shadow_out end; set_shadow_etched_in -- Set `is_shadow_etched_in' to True. require exists: not is_destroyed do set_xt_unsigned_char (screen_object, XmNshadowType, XmSHADOW_ETCHED_IN) ensure is_shadow_etched_in: is_shadow_etched_in end; set_shadow_etched_out -- Set `is_shadow_etched_out' to True. require exists: not is_destroyed do set_xt_unsigned_char (screen_object, XmNshadowType, XmSHADOW_ETCHED_OUT) ensure is_shadow_etched_out: is_shadow_etched_out end; feature -- Element change set_focus_callback (a_command: MEL_COMMAND; an_argument: ANY) -- Set `a_command' to be executed when the widget or one of -- its descendants receives the input focus. -- `argument' will be passed to `a_command' whenever it is -- invoked as a callback. require command_not_void: a_command /= Void do set_callback (XmNfocusCallback, a_command, an_argument) ensure command_set: command_set (focus_command, a_command, an_argument) end; set_map_callback (a_command: MEL_COMMAND; an_argument: ANY) -- Set `a_command' to be executed when the widget is mapped, -- if the widget is a child of a dialog shell. -- `argument' will be passed to `a_command' whenever it is -- invoked as a callback. require command_not_void: a_command /= Void do set_callback (XmNmapCallback, a_command, an_argument) ensure command_set: command_set (map_command, a_command, an_argument) end; set_unmap_callback (a_command: MEL_COMMAND; an_argument: ANY) -- Set `a_command' to be executed when the widget is unmapped, -- if the widget is a child of a dialog shell. -- `argument' will be passed to `a_command' whenever it is -- invoked as a callback. require command_not_void: a_command /= Void do set_callback (XmNunmapCallback, a_command, an_argument) ensure command_set: command_set (unmap_command, a_command, an_argument) end; feature -- Removal remove_focus_callback -- Remove the command for the focus callback. do remove_callback (XmNfocusCallback) ensure removed: focus_command = Void end; remove_map_callback -- Remove the command for the map callback. do remove_callback (XmNmapCallback) ensure removed: map_command = Void end; remove_unmap_callback -- Remove the command for the unmap callback. do remove_callback (XmNunmapCallback) ensure removed: unmap_command = Void end; feature {MEL_DISPATCHER} -- Implementation create_callback_struct (a_callback_struct_ptr, resource_name: POINTER): MEL_ANY_CALLBACK_STRUCT -- Create the callback structure specific to this widget -- according to `a_callback_struct_ptr'. do create Result.make (Current, a_callback_struct_ptr); end; feature {NONE} -- Implementation auto_unmanage_arg: POINTER -- C pointer value of Arg value of -- XmNautoUnmanage which is set to False once Result := c_auto_unmanage_arg end; feature {NONE} -- External features c_auto_unmanage_arg: POINTER -- Set the `XmNautoUnmanage' arg to False. external "C" end; xm_create_bulletin_board (a_parent, a_name, arglist: POINTER; argcount: INTEGER): POINTER external "C (Widget, String, ArgList, Cardinal): EIF_POINTER | " alias "XmCreateBulletinBoard" end; note copyright: "Copyright (c) 1984-2006, Eiffel Software and others" license: "Eiffel Forum License v2 (see" source: "[ Eiffel Software 356 Storke Road, Goleta, CA 93117 USA Telephone 805-685-1006, Fax 805-685-6869 Website Customer support ]" end -- class MEL_BULLETIN_BOARD