note description: "Widget to controll the scrolling of the viewing area in another widget." legal: "See notice at end of class."; status: "See notice at end of class."; date: "$Date$"; revision: "$Revision$" class MEL_SCROLL_BAR inherit MEL_SCROLL_BAR_RESOURCES export {NONE} all end; MEL_PRIMITIVE redefine create_callback_struct end create make, make_from_existing feature -- Initialization make (a_name: STRING; a_parent: MEL_COMPOSITE; do_manage: BOOLEAN) -- Create a motif scrollbar. require name_exists: a_name /= Void parent_exists: a_parent /= Void and then not a_parent.is_destroyed local widget_name: ANY do parent := a_parent; widget_name := a_name.to_c; screen_object := xm_create_scroll_bar (a_parent.screen_object, $widget_name, default_pointer, 0); Mel_widgets.add (Current); set_default; if do_manage then manage end ensure exists: not is_destroyed; parent_set: parent = a_parent; name_set: name.is_equal (a_name) end; feature -- Access drag_command: MEL_COMMAND_EXEC -- Command set for the drag callback do Result := motif_command (XmNdragCallback) end; value_changed_command: MEL_COMMAND_EXEC -- Command set for the value changed callback do Result := motif_command (XmNvalueChangedCallback) end; increment_command: MEL_COMMAND_EXEC -- Command set for the increment callback do Result := motif_command (XmNincrementCallback) end; decrement_command: MEL_COMMAND_EXEC -- Command set for the decrement callback do Result := motif_command (XmNdecrementCallback) end; page_decrement_command: MEL_COMMAND_EXEC -- Command set for the page decrement callback do Result := motif_command (XmNpageDecrementCallback) end; page_increment_command: MEL_COMMAND_EXEC -- Command set for the page increment callback do Result := motif_command (XmNvalueChangedCallback) end; to_bottom_command: MEL_COMMAND_EXEC -- Command set for the to bottom callback do Result := motif_command (XmNtoBottomCallback) end; to_top_command: MEL_COMMAND_EXEC -- Command set for the to top callback do Result := motif_command (XmNtoTopCallback) end; feature -- Status report value: INTEGER -- Value of the current slider position require exists: not is_destroyed do Result := get_xt_int (screen_object, XmNvalue) ensure value_large_enough: Result >= minimum; value_small_enough: Result <= maximum end; increment: INTEGER -- Amount `value' changes when a move action occurs require exists: not is_destroyed do Result := get_xt_int (screen_object, XmNincrement) ensure granularity_large_enough: Result >= 1; granularity_small_enough: Result <= (maximum - minimum) end; initial_delay: INTEGER -- Number of milliseconds to wait before triggering continuous slider movement require exists: not is_destroyed do Result := get_xt_int (screen_object, XmNinitialDelay) ensure initial_delay_large_enough: Result > 0 end; is_horizontal: BOOLEAN -- Is scrollbar orientation horizontal? require exists: not is_destroyed do Result := orientation = XmHORIZONTAL end; is_vertical: BOOLEAN -- Is scale orientation vertical? require exists: not is_destroyed do Result := orientation = XmVERTICAL end; is_maximum_on_top: BOOLEAN -- Is `maximum' placed at the top? require exists: not is_destroyed vertical: not is_horizontal do Result := processing_direction = XmMAX_ON_TOP end; is_maximum_on_bottom: BOOLEAN -- Is processing direction bottom? require exists: not is_destroyed; vertical: not is_horizontal do Result := processing_direction = XmMAX_ON_BOTTOM end; is_maximum_on_right: BOOLEAN -- Is processing direction right? require exists: not is_destroyed; is_horizontal: is_horizontal do Result := processing_direction = XmMAX_ON_RIGHT end; is_maximum_on_left: BOOLEAN -- Is `maximum' placed at the left? require exists: not is_destroyed is_horizontal: is_horizontal do Result := processing_direction = XmMAX_ON_LEFT end; maximum: INTEGER -- Maximum value require exists: not is_destroyed do Result := get_xt_int (screen_object, XmNmaximum) ensure maximum_greater_than_minimum: Result >= minimum end; minimum: INTEGER -- Minimum value require exists: not is_destroyed do Result := get_xt_int (screen_object, XmNminimum) ensure minimum_smaller_than_maximum: Result <= maximum end; page_increment: INTEGER -- Amount `value' changes when a page move action occurs require exists: not is_destroyed do Result := get_xt_int (screen_object, XmNpageIncrement) ensure page_increment_large_enough: Result >= 1; page_increment_small_enough: Result <= (maximum - minimum) end; repeat_delay: INTEGER -- Number of milliseconds to wait between subsequent -- slider movements after the initial delay require exists: not is_destroyed do Result := get_xt_int (screen_object, XmNrepeatDelay) ensure positive_delay: Result > 0 end; are_arrows_shown: BOOLEAN -- Are arrows shown? require exists: not is_destroyed do Result := get_xt_boolean (screen_object, XmNshowArrows) end; slider_size: INTEGER -- Size of slider require exists: not is_destroyed do Result := get_xt_int (screen_object, XmNsliderSize) ensure slider_size_small_enough: Result <= (maximum - minimum); slider_size_large_enough: Result >= 0 end; trough_color: MEL_PIXEL -- Color of the slider's trough. require exists: not is_destroyed do Result := get_xt_pixel (Current, XmNtroughColor) ensure valid_Result: Result /= Void and then Result.is_valid; Result_has_same_display: Result.same_display (display); Result_is_shared: Result.is_shared end; feature -- Status setting set_value (a_value: INTEGER) -- Set `value' to `a_value'. require exists: not is_destroyed; value_small_enough: a_value <= maximum; value_large_enough: a_value >= minimum do set_xt_int (screen_object, XmNvalue, a_value) ensure value_set: value = a_value end; set_increment (new_granularity: INTEGER) -- Set `increment' to `new_granularity'. require exist: not is_destroyed; increment_large_enough: new_granularity >= 1; increment_small_enough: new_granularity <= (maximum - minimum) do set_xt_int (screen_object, XmNincrement, new_granularity) ensure increment_set: increment = new_granularity end; set_initial_delay (new_delay: INTEGER) -- Set `initial_delay' to `new_delay'. require exists: not is_destroyed; positive_delay: new_delay > 0 do set_xt_int (screen_object, XmNinitialDelay, new_delay) ensure delay_set: initial_delay = new_delay end; set_horizontal -- Set `is_horizontal' to True. require exists: not is_destroyed do set_xt_unsigned_char (screen_object, XmNorientation, XmHORIZONTAL) ensure is_horizontal: is_horizontal end; set_vertical -- Set `is_horizontal' to False. require exists: not is_destroyed do set_xt_unsigned_char (screen_object, XmNorientation, XmVERTICAL) ensure is_vertical: is_vertical end; set_maximum_on_top -- Set `is_maximum_on_top' to True. require exists: not is_destroyed; vertical: not is_horizontal do set_xt_unsigned_char (screen_object, XmNprocessingDirection, XmMAX_ON_TOP) ensure is_maximum_on_top: is_maximum_on_top end set_maximum_on_bottom -- Set `is_maximum_on_bottom' to True. require exists: not is_destroyed; vertical: not is_horizontal do set_xt_unsigned_char (screen_object, XmNprocessingDirection, XmMAX_ON_BOTTOM) ensure is_maximum_on_bottom: is_maximum_on_bottom end set_maximum_on_left -- Set `is_maximum_on_left' to True. require exists: not is_destroyed; is_horizontal: is_horizontal do set_xt_unsigned_char (screen_object, XmNprocessingDirection, XmMAX_ON_LEFT) ensure is_maximum_on_left: is_maximum_on_left end set_maximum_on_right -- Set `is_maximum_on_right' to True. require exists: not is_destroyed; is_horizontal: is_horizontal do set_xt_unsigned_char (screen_object, XmNprocessingDirection, XmMAX_ON_RIGHT) ensure is_maximum_on_right: is_maximum_on_right end set_maximum (a_maximum: INTEGER) -- Set `maximum' to `a_maximum'. require exists: not is_destroyed; a_maximum_greater_than_minimum: a_maximum > minimum do set_xt_int (screen_object, XmNmaximum, a_maximum) ensure maximum_set: maximum = a_maximum end; set_minimum (a_minimum: INTEGER) -- Set `minimum' to `a_minimum'. require exists: not is_destroyed; a_minimum_smaller_than_maximum: a_minimum < maximum do set_xt_int (screen_object, XmNminimum, a_minimum) ensure minimum_set: minimum = a_minimum end; set_page_increment (a_value: INTEGER) -- Set `page_increment' to `a_value'. require exists: not is_destroyed; page_increment_large_enough: a_value >= 1; page_increment_small_enough: a_value <= (maximum - minimum) do set_xt_int (screen_object, XmNpageIncrement, a_value) ensure page_increment_set: page_increment = a_value end; set_repeat_delay (a_delay: INTEGER) -- Set `repeat_delay' to `a_delay'. require exists: not is_destroyed; positive_delay: a_delay > 0 do set_xt_int (screen_object, XmNrepeatDelay, a_delay) ensure delay_set: repeat_delay = a_delay end; show_arrows -- Set `are_arrows_shown' to True. require exists: not is_destroyed do set_xt_boolean (screen_object, XmNshowArrows, True) ensure arrows_displayed: are_arrows_shown end; hide_arrows -- Set `are_arrows_shown' to False. require exists: not is_destroyed do set_xt_boolean (screen_object, XmNshowArrows, False) ensure arrows_hidden: not are_arrows_shown end; set_slider_size (a_size: INTEGER) -- Set `slider_size' to `a_size'. require exists: not is_destroyed; a_size_small_enough: a_size <= (maximum - minimum); a_size_large_enough: a_size >= 1 do set_xt_int (screen_object, XmNsliderSize, a_size) ensure slider_size_set: slider_size = a_size end; set_trough_color (a_color: MEL_PIXEL) -- Set `trough_color' to `a_color'. require exists: not is_destroyed; valid_color: a_color /= Void and then a_color.is_valid; same_display: a_color.same_display (display) do set_xt_pixel (screen_object, XmNtroughColor, a_color) ensure trough_color_set: trough_color.is_equal (a_color) end; feature -- Element change set_drag_callback (a_command: MEL_COMMAND; an_argument: ANY) -- Set `a_command' to be executed when the slider is -- being dragged. -- `argument' will be passed to `a_command' whenever it is -- invoked as a callback. require command_not_void: a_command /= Void do set_callback (XmNdragCallback, a_command, an_argument) ensure command_set: command_set (drag_command, a_command, an_argument) end; set_value_changed_callback (a_command: MEL_COMMAND; an_argument: ANY) -- Set `a_command' to be executed when the slider value changes. -- `argument' will be passed to `a_command' whenever it is -- invoked as a callback. require command_not_void: a_command /= Void do set_callback (XmNvalueChangedCallback, a_command, an_argument); ensure command_set: command_set (value_changed_command, a_command, an_argument) end; set_decrement_callback (a_command: MEL_COMMAND; an_argument: ANY) -- Set `a_command' to be executed when the slider value -- descreases by one increment. -- `argument' will be passed to `a_command' whenever it is -- invoked as a callback. require command_not_void: a_command /= Void do set_callback (XmNdecrementCallback, a_command, an_argument) ensure command_set: command_set (decrement_command, a_command, an_argument) end; set_increment_callback (a_command: MEL_COMMAND; an_argument: ANY) -- Set `a_command' to be executed when the slider value -- increases by one increment. -- `argument' will be passed to `a_command' whenever it is -- invoked as a callback. require command_not_void: a_command /= Void do set_callback (XmNincrementCallback, a_command, an_argument) ensure command_set: command_set (increment_command, a_command, an_argument) end; set_page_decrement_callback (a_command: MEL_COMMAND; an_argument: ANY) -- Set `a_command' to be executed when the slider value -- decreases by one page increment. -- `argument' will be passed to `a_command' whenever it is -- invoked as a callback. require command_not_void: a_command /= Void do set_callback (XmNpageDecrementCallback, a_command, an_argument) ensure command_set: command_set (page_decrement_command, a_command, an_argument) end; set_page_increment_callback (a_command: MEL_COMMAND; an_argument: ANY) -- Set `a_command' to be executed when the slider value -- increases by one page increment. -- `argument' will be passed to `a_command' whenever it is -- invoked as a callback. require command_not_void: a_command /= Void do set_callback (XmNpageIncrementCallback, a_command, an_argument) ensure command_set: command_set (page_increment_command, a_command, an_argument) end; set_to_bottom_callback (a_command: MEL_COMMAND; an_argument: ANY) -- Set `a_command' to be executed when the slider is moved -- to the maximum value of the scrollbar. -- `argument' will be passed to `a_command' whenever it is -- invoked as a callback. require command_not_void: a_command /= Void do set_callback (XmNtoBottomCallback, a_command, an_argument) ensure command_set: command_set (to_bottom_command, a_command, an_argument) end; set_to_top_callback (a_command: MEL_COMMAND; an_argument: ANY) -- Set `a_command' to be executed when the slider is moved -- to the minimum value of the scrollbar. -- `argument' will be passed to `a_command' whenever it is -- invoked as a callback. require command_not_void: a_command /= Void do set_callback (XmNtoTopCallback, a_command, an_argument) ensure command_set: command_set (to_top_command, a_command, an_argument) end; feature -- Removal remove_drag_callback -- Remove the command for the drag callback. do remove_callback (XmNdragCallback) ensure removed: drag_command = Void end; remove_value_changed_callback -- Remove the command for the value changed callback. do remove_callback (XmNvalueChangedCallback) ensure removed: value_changed_command = Void end; remove_increment_callback -- Remove the command for the increment callback. do remove_callback (XmNincrementCallback) ensure removed: increment_command = Void end; remove_decrement_callback -- Remove the command for the decrement callback. do remove_callback (XmNdecrementCallback) ensure removed: decrement_command = Void end; remove_page_decrement_callback -- Remove the command for the page decrement callback. do remove_callback (XmNpageDecrementCallback) ensure removed: page_decrement_command = Void end; remove_page_increment_callback -- Remove the command for the page increment callback. do remove_callback (XmNpageIncrementCallback) ensure removed: page_increment_command = Void end; remove_to_bottom_callback -- Remove the command for the to bottom callback. do remove_callback (XmNtoBottomCallback) ensure removed: to_bottom_command = Void end; remove_to_top_callback -- Remove the command for the to top callback. do remove_callback (XmNtoTopCallback) ensure removed: to_top_command = Void end; feature {MEL_DISPATCHER} -- Basic operations create_callback_struct (a_callback_struct_ptr, resource_name: POINTER): MEL_SCROLL_BAR_CALLBACK_STRUCT -- Create the callback structure specific to this widget -- according to `a_callback_struct_ptr'. do create Result.make (Current, a_callback_struct_ptr) end; feature {NONE} -- Implementation processing_direction: INTEGER -- Position at which to display Current's maximum and minimum values require exists: not is_destroyed do Result := get_xt_unsigned_char (screen_object, XmNprocessingDirection) end; orientation: INTEGER -- Direction in which the widget is displayed require exists: not is_destroyed do Result := get_xt_unsigned_char (screen_object, XmNorientation) end; xm_create_scroll_bar (a_parent, a_name, arglist: POINTER; argcount: INTEGER): POINTER external "C (Widget, String, ArgList, Cardinal): EIF_POINTER | " alias "XmCreateScrollBar" end invariant value_small_enough: not is_destroyed implies value <= maximum; value_large_enough: not is_destroyed implies value >= minimum; valid_range: not is_destroyed implies minimum <= maximum note copyright: "Copyright (c) 1984-2006, Eiffel Software and others" license: "Eiffel Forum License v2 (see" source: "[ Eiffel Software 356 Storke Road, Goleta, CA 93117 USA Telephone 805-685-1006, Fax 805-685-6869 Website Customer support ]" end -- class MEL_SCROLL_BAR