note description: "Fundamental shell widget that interacts with an % %ICCCM-compliant window manager." legal: "See notice at end of class."; status: "See notice at end of class."; date: "$Date$"; revision: "$Revision$" class MEL_WM_SHELL inherit MEL_WM_SHELL_RESOURCES export {NONE} all end; MEL_SHELL feature -- Status report base_height: INTEGER -- Base for a progression of preferred heights for current -- window manager to use in sizing widgets. -- The preferred heights are base_heights plus integral multiples -- of height_inc. require exists: not is_destroyed do Result := get_xt_int (screen_object, XmNbaseHeight) ensure base_height_large_enough: Result >= 0 end; base_width: INTEGER -- Base for a progression of preferred widths for current -- window manager to use in sizing widgets. -- The preferred widths are base_heights plus integral multiples -- of width_inc. require exists: not is_destroyed do Result := get_xt_int (screen_object, XmNbaseWidth) ensure base_width_large_enough: Result >= 0 end; height_inc: INTEGER -- Increment for a progression of preferred heights for the -- window manager tu use in sizing widgets require exists: not is_destroyed do Result := get_xt_int (screen_object, XmNheightInc) ensure height_inc_large_enough: Result >= 0 end; width_inc: INTEGER -- Increment for a progression of preferred widths for the -- window manager tu use in sizing widgets require exists: not is_destroyed do Result := get_xt_int (screen_object, XmNwidthInc) ensure width_inc_large_enough: Result >= 0 end; icon_mask: MEL_PIXMAP -- Bitmap that could be used by window manager to clip icon_pixmap -- bitmap to make the icon non rectangular require exists: not is_destroyed do Result := get_xt_pixmap (Current, XmNiconMask) ensure valid_Result: Result /= Void and then Result.is_valid; Result_has_same_display: Result.same_display (display); Result_is_shared: Result.is_shared end; icon_pixmap: MEL_PIXMAP -- Bitmap that could be used by the window manager as the application's icon require exists: not is_destroyed do Result := get_xt_pixmap (Current, XmNiconPixmap) ensure valid_Result: Result /= Void and then Result.is_valid; Result_has_same_display: Result.same_display (display); Result_is_shared: Result.is_shared end; icon_window: POINTER -- The ID of a window that serves as the application's icon. require exists: not is_destroyed do ensure end; icon_x: INTEGER -- Place to put application's icon -- (Since the window manager controls icon placement policy, this may be ignored.) require exists: not is_destroyed do Result := get_xt_int (screen_object, XmNiconX) end; icon_y: INTEGER -- Place to put application's icon -- (Since the window manager controls icon placement policy, this may be ignored.) require exists: not is_destroyed do Result := get_xt_int (screen_object, XmNiconY) end; is_initial_state_normal: BOOLEAN -- Does the application start as a window? require exists: not is_destroyed do Result := get_xt_int (screen_object, XmNinitialState) = NormalState end; is_initial_state_iconic: BOOLEAN -- Does the application start as an icon? require exists: not is_destroyed do Result := get_xt_int (screen_object, XmNinitialState) = IconicState end; input: BOOLEAN -- Is input allowed? -- (`input' is only useful in conjunction with the `WM_TAKE_FOCUS' atom, -- with which it determines the keyboard focus model: -- If `input' is False and the atom exists, then the focus is globally active. -- If `input' is False and the atom does not exist, then no input is allowed. -- If `input' is True and the atom exists, then the focus is locally active. -- If `input' is True and the atom does not exist, then the focus is passive.) require exists: not is_destroyed do Result := get_xt_boolean (screen_object, XmNinput) end; max_aspect_x: INTEGER -- Numerator of maximum aspect ratio requested for Current require exists: not is_destroyed do Result := get_xt_int (screen_object, XmNmaxAspectX) end; max_aspect_y: INTEGER -- Denominator of maximum aspect ratio requested for Current require exists: not is_destroyed do Result := get_xt_int (screen_object, XmNmaxAspectY) end; min_aspect_x: INTEGER -- Numerator of minimum aspect ratio requested for Current require exists: not is_destroyed do Result := get_xt_int (screen_object, XmNminAspectX) end; min_aspect_y: INTEGER -- Denominator of minimum ratio requested for Current require exists: not is_destroyed do Result := get_xt_int (screen_object, XmNminAspectY) end; max_height: INTEGER -- Maximum height require exists: not is_destroyed do Result := get_xt_int (screen_object, XmNmaxHeight) ensure max_height_large_enough: Result >= min_height end; max_width: INTEGER -- Maximum width require exists: not is_destroyed do Result := get_xt_int (screen_object, XmNmaxWidth) ensure max_width_large_enough: Result >= min_width end; min_height: INTEGER -- Minimum height require exists: not is_destroyed do Result := get_xt_int (screen_object, XmNminHeight) ensure min_height_large_enough: Result > 0; min_height_small_enough: Result <= max_height end; min_width: INTEGER -- Minimum width require exists: not is_destroyed do Result := get_xt_int (screen_object, XmNminWidth) ensure min_width_large_enough: Result > 0; min_width_small_enough: Result <= max_width end; title: STRING -- Application name to be displayed by the window manager require exists: not is_destroyed do Result := get_xt_string_no_free (screen_object, XmNtitle) ensure title_not_void: Result /= Void end; title_encoding -- Property type for encoding `title' require exists: not is_destroyed do ensure end; is_transient: BOOLEAN -- Is Current transient? require exists: not is_destroyed do Result := get_xt_boolean (screen_object, XmNtransient) end; wait_for_wm: BOOLEAN -- Does the X Toolkit wait for a response -- from the window manager before acting as if no window -- manager exists? require exists: not is_destroyed do Result := get_xt_boolean (screen_object, XmNwaitForWm) end; window_group -- Window assciated with Current require exists: not is_destroyed do ensure end; window_gravity: INTEGER -- Window gravity is used in positioning Current require exists: not is_destroyed do Result := get_xt_int (screen_object, XmNwinGravity) end; wm_timeout: INTEGER -- Number of milliseconds that the X Toolkit waits -- for a response from the window manager require exists: not is_destroyed do Result := get_xt_int (screen_object, XmNwmTimeout) ensure wm_timeout_large_enough: wm_timeout > 0 end; feature -- Status setting set_base_height (a_height: INTEGER) -- Set `base_height' to `a_height'. require exists: not is_destroyed; a_height_large_enough: a_height > 0 do set_xt_int (screen_object, XmNbaseHeight, a_height) ensure base_height_set: base_height = a_height end; set_base_width (a_width: INTEGER) -- Set `base_width' to `a_width'. require exists: not is_destroyed; a_width_large_enough: a_width > 0 do set_xt_int (screen_object, XmNbaseWidth, a_width) ensure base_width_set: base_width = a_width end; set_height_inc (a_height: INTEGER) -- Set `height_inc' to `a_height'. require exists: not is_destroyed; a_height_large_enough: a_height > 0 do set_xt_int (screen_object, XmNheightInc, a_height) ensure height_inc_set: height_inc = a_height end; set_width_inc (a_width: INTEGER) -- Set `width_inc' to `a_width'. require exists: not is_destroyed; a_width_large_enough: a_width > 0 do set_xt_int (screen_object, XmNwidthInc, a_width) ensure width_inc_set: width_inc = a_width end; set_icon_mask (a_mask: MEL_PIXMAP) -- Set `icon_mask' to `a_mask'. require exists: not is_destroyed; valid_mask: a_mask /= Void and then a_mask.is_valid; same_display: a_mask.same_display (display) do set_xt_pixmap (screen_object, XmNiconMask, a_mask) ensure set: icon_mask.is_equal (a_mask) end; set_icon_pixmap (a_pixmap: MEL_PIXMAP) -- Set `icon_pixmap' to `a_pixmap'. require exists: not is_destroyed; valid_pixmap: a_pixmap /= Void and then a_pixmap.is_valid; same_display: a_pixmap.same_display (display) do set_xt_pixmap (screen_object, XmNiconPixmap, a_pixmap) ensure set: icon_pixmap.is_equal (a_pixmap) end; set_icon_window -- Set `icon_window'. require exists: not is_destroyed do ensure end; set_icon_x (a_x: INTEGER) -- Set `icon_x' to `a_x'. require exists: not is_destroyed do set_xt_int (screen_object, XmNiconX, a_x) ensure icon_x_set: icon_x = a_x; end; set_icon_y (a_y: INTEGER) -- Set `icon_y' to `a_y'. require exists: not is_destroyed do set_xt_int (screen_object, XmNiconY, a_y) ensure icon_y_set: icon_y = a_y end; set_initial_state_to_normal -- Set `is_initial_state_normal' to True. require exists: not is_destroyed do set_xt_int (screen_object, XmNinitialState, NormalState) ensure initial_state_is_normal: is_initial_state_normal end; set_initial_state_to_iconic -- Set `is_initial_state_iconic' to True. require exists: not is_destroyed do set_xt_int (screen_object, XmNinitialState, IconicState) ensure initial_state_is_iconic: is_initial_state_iconic end; enable_input -- Set `input' to True. require exists: not is_destroyed do set_xt_boolean (screen_object, XmNinput, True) ensure input_enabled: input end; disable_input -- Set `input' to False. require exists: not is_destroyed do set_xt_boolean (screen_object, XmNinput, False) ensure input_disabled: not input end; set_max_aspect_x (a_value: INTEGER) -- Set `max_aspect_x' to `a_value'. require exists: not is_destroyed; a_value_large_enough: a_value > 0 do set_xt_int (screen_object, XmNmaxAspectX, a_value) ensure max_aspect_x_set: max_aspect_x = a_value end; set_max_aspect_y (a_value: INTEGER) -- Set `max_aspect_y' to `a_value'. require exists: not is_destroyed; a_value_large_enough: a_value > 0 do set_xt_int (screen_object, XmNmaxAspectY, a_value) ensure max_aspect_y_set: max_aspect_y = a_value end; set_min_aspect_x (a_value: INTEGER) -- Set `min_aspect_x' to `a_value'. require exists: not is_destroyed; a_value_large_enough: a_value > 0 do set_xt_int (screen_object, XmNminAspectX, a_value) ensure min_aspect_x_set: min_aspect_x = a_value end; set_min_aspect_y (a_value: INTEGER) -- Set `min_aspect_y' to `a_value'. require exists: not is_destroyed; a_value_large_enough: a_value > 0 do set_xt_int (screen_object, XmNminAspectY, a_value) ensure min_aspect_y_set: min_aspect_y = a_value end; set_max_height (a_height: INTEGER) -- Set `max_height' to `a_height'. require exists: not is_destroyed; a_height_large_enough: a_height >= min_height do set_xt_int (screen_object, XmNmaxHeight, a_height) ensure max_height_set: max_height = a_height end; set_max_width (a_width: INTEGER) -- Set `max_width' to `a_width'. require exists: not is_destroyed; a_width_large_enough: a_width >= min_width do set_xt_int (screen_object, XmNmaxWidth, a_width) ensure max_width_set: max_width = a_width end; set_min_height (a_height: INTEGER) -- Set `min_height' to `a_height'. require exists: not is_destroyed; a_height_large_enough: a_height >= 0; a_height_small_enough: a_height <= max_height do set_xt_int (screen_object, XmNminHeight, a_height) ensure min_height_set: min_height = a_height end; set_min_width (a_width: INTEGER) -- Set `min_width' to `a_width'. require exists: not is_destroyed; a_width_large_enough: a_width >= 0; a_width_small_enough: a_width <= max_width do set_xt_int (screen_object, XmNminWidth, a_width) ensure min_width_set: min_width = a_width end; set_title (a_string: STRING) -- Set `title' to `a_string'. require exists: not is_destroyed; a_string_not_void: a_string /= Void do set_xt_string (screen_object, XmNtitle, a_string) ensure title_set: title.is_equal (a_string) end; enable_transient -- Set `is_transient' to True. require exists: not is_destroyed do set_xt_boolean (screen_object, XmNtransient, True) ensure shell_is_transient: is_transient end; disable_transient -- Set `is_transient' to False. require exists: not is_destroyed do set_xt_boolean (screen_object, XmNtransient, False) ensure shell_is_not_transient: not is_transient end; enable_wait_for_wm -- Set `wait_for_wm' to True. require exists: not is_destroyed do set_xt_boolean (screen_object, XmNwaitForWm, True) ensure wait_for_wm_enabled: wait_for_wm end; disable_wait_for_wm -- Set `wait_for_wm' to False. require exists: not is_destroyed do set_xt_boolean (screen_object, XmNwaitForWm, False) ensure wait_for_wm_disabled: not wait_for_wm end; set_window_gravity (a_value: INTEGER) -- Set `window_gravity' to `a_value'. require exists: not is_destroyed do set_xt_int (screen_object, XmNwinGravity, a_value) ensure window_gravity_set: window_gravity = a_value end; set_wm_timeout (a_value: INTEGER) -- Set `wm_timeout' as `a_value'. require exists: not is_destroyed; a_value_large_enough: a_value > 0 do set_xt_int (screen_object, XmNwmTimeout, a_value) ensure wm_timeout_set: wm_timeout = a_value end; invariant -- max_aspect_greater_than_min_aspect: -- (max_aspect_x / max_aspect_y) >= (min_aspect_x / min_aspect_y) note copyright: "Copyright (c) 1984-2006, Eiffel Software and others" license: "Eiffel Forum License v2 (see" source: "[ Eiffel Software 356 Storke Road, Goleta, CA 93117 USA Telephone 805-685-1006, Fax 805-685-6869 Website Customer support ]" end -- class MEL_WM_SHELL