note description: "Description of a regular polygon (square, pentagon,...)" legal: "See notice at end of class."; status: "See notice at end of class."; date: "$Date$"; revision: "$Revision$" class REG_POLYGON inherit CLOSED_FIG redefine conf_recompute end; JOINABLE; ANGLE_ROUT export {NONE} all end create make feature -- Initialization make -- Create a reg_polygon. do init_fig (Void); create center; create path.make ; create interior.make ; interior.set_no_op_mode; radius := 1; number_of_sides := 3; orientation := 0; end; feature -- Access center: COORD_XY_FIG; -- Center of the reg_polygon. number_of_sides: INTEGER; -- Number of sides orientation: REAL; -- Orientation in degree of the reg_polygon origin: COORD_XY_FIG -- Origin of reg_polygon do inspect origin_user_type when 0 then when 1 then Result := origin_user when 2 then Result := center end end; radius: INTEGER; -- Radius of the circle who contains all the point of the polygon size_of_side: INTEGER -- Size of a side do Result := (2*radius/(cos (180.0/number_of_sides))).truncated_to_integer end; feature -- Element change set_center (a_point: like center) -- Set `center' to `a_point'. require a_point_exits: a_point /= Void do center := a_point; set_conf_modified ensure center = a_point end; set_number_of_sides (new_number_of_sides: like number_of_sides) -- Set `number_of_sides' to `new_number_of_sides'. require at_least_three_sides: new_number_of_sides >= 3 do number_of_sides := new_number_of_sides; set_conf_modified ensure number_of_sides = new_number_of_sides end; set_orientation (new_orientation: like orientation) -- Set `orientation' to `new_orientation'. require orientation_positive: new_orientation >= 0; orientation_smaller_than_360: new_orientation < 360 do orientation := new_orientation; set_conf_modified ensure orientation = new_orientation end; set_origin_to_center -- Set origin to `center'. do origin_user_type := 2; ensure then origin.is_superimposable (center) end; set_radius (new_radius: like radius) -- Set `radius' to `new_radius', change `size_of_side'. require size_positive: new_radius >= 0 do radius := new_radius; set_conf_modified ensure radius = new_radius end; set_size_of_side (a_size: INTEGER) -- Set `size_of_side' to `a_size', change `radius'. require a_size_positive: a_size >= 0 do radius := (a_size*cos (180.0/number_of_sides)/2).truncated_to_integer; set_conf_modified --io.putint (a_size) --io.putstring ("<- a_size size_of_side ->") --io.putint (size_of_side) --io.new_line ensure --rounding_error_allowance: a_size - 1 <= size_of_side and size_of_side <= a_size + 1 end; xyrotate (a: REAL; px, py: INTEGER) -- Rotate figure by `a' relative to (`px', `py'). -- Angle `a' is measured in degrees. do orientation := mod360 (orientation+a); center.xyrotate (a, px, py); set_conf_modified end; xyscale (f: REAL; px,py: INTEGER) -- Scale figure by `f' relative to (`px', `py'). require else scale_factor_positive: f > 0.0 do radius := (f*radius).truncated_to_integer; center.xyscale (f, px, py); set_conf_modified end; xytranslate (vx, vy: INTEGER) -- Translate by `vx' horizontally and `vy' vertically. do center.xytranslate (vx, vy); set_conf_modified end feature -- Output draw -- Draw the reg_polygon. local polygon: POLYGON; a_point: COORD_XY_FIG; i: INTEGER; angle: INTEGER; do if drawing.is_drawable then create polygon.make ; polygon.set_conf_not_notify; from i := 0 until i >= number_of_sides loop create a_point; angle := i*(360//number_of_sides)+(orientation).truncated_to_integer; a_point.set ( center.x+ (radius*cosine ((Pi*angle/180.0).truncated_to_real)).truncated_to_integer, center.y+ (radius*sine ((Pi*angle/180.0).truncated_to_real)).truncated_to_integer); if then polygon.add (a_point) else polygon.put_left (a_point); end; i := i+1 end; polygon.attach_drawing_imp (drawing); drawing.set_join_style (join_style); if interior /= Void then interior.set_drawing_attributes (drawing); drawing.fill_polygon (polygon) end; if path /= Void then path.set_drawing_attributes (drawing); drawing.draw_polyline (polygon, true) end; --polygon.draw end end; feature -- Status report is_superimposable (other: like Current): BOOLEAN -- Is the current reg_polygon superimposable to `other' ? --| not finished require else other_exists: other /= Void do Result := center.is_superimposable ( and (number_of_sides = other.number_of_sides) and (radius = other.radius) and (orientation = other.orientation) end; feature {CONFIGURE_NOTIFY} -- Updating conf_recompute local diameter: INTEGER; do diameter := radius + radius; surround_box.set (center.x -radius, center.y -radius, diameter, diameter); unset_conf_modified end; invariant origin_user_type_constraint: origin_user_type <= 2; non_negative_radius: radius >= 0; side_size_meaningful: size_of_side >= 0; side_count_constraint: number_of_sides >= 3; orientation_small_enough: orientation < 360; orientation_large_enough: orientation >= 0; center_exists: center /= Void note copyright: "Copyright (c) 1984-2006, Eiffel Software and others" license: "Eiffel Forum License v2 (see" source: "[ Eiffel Software 356 Storke Road, Goleta, CA 93117 USA Telephone 805-685-1006, Fax 805-685-6869 Website Customer support ]" end -- class REG_POLYGON