note description: "An abstraction for anything which can be drawn on" legal: "See notice at end of class."; status: "See notice at end of class."; date: "$Date$"; revision: "$Revision$" deferred class DRAWABLE_DEVICE_WINDOWS inherit W_MAN_GEN BUTTONS_MANAGER_WINDOWS WEL_WINDOWS_ROUTINES export {NONE} all end WEL_COLOR_CONSTANTS export {NONE} all end WEL_PS_CONSTANTS export {NONE} all end WEL_BRUSH_STYLE_CONSTANTS export {NONE} all end WEL_HS_CONSTANTS export {NONE} all end WEL_DIB_COLORS_CONSTANTS export {NONE} all end WEL_ROP2_CONSTANTS export {NONE} all end WEL_TA_CONSTANTS export {NONE} all end DOUBLE_MATH export {NONE} all end MATH_CONST export {NONE} all end EXCEPTIONS rename raise as exception_raise, class_name as exception_class_name end feature -- Access draw_brush: WEL_BRUSH -- Brush details drawing_font: FONT -- Font used for drawing feature -- Status report height: INTEGER -- Height of the screen (in raster lines - would you believe it?) deferred end is_drawable: BOOLEAN -- Is the device drawable? do Result := drawing_dc /= Void and then drawing_dc.exists end max_count_for_draw_polyline : INTEGER -- Maximum value for `points.count' for `draw_polyline' do Result := 1000 end width: INTEGER -- Width of the screen (in pixels) deferred end x: INTEGER -- Current absolute horizontal coordinate of the mouse deferred end y: INTEGER -- Current absolute vertical coordinate of the mouse deferred end feature -- Status setting set_background_gc_color (background_color: COLOR) -- Set background value of GC. require color_not_void: background_color /= Void do gc_bg_color ?= background_color.implementation if drawing_dc /= Void then update_dc drawing_dc.set_background_color (gc_bg_color) end end set_cap_style (cap_style: INTEGER) -- Specifies the appearance of ends of line. require cap_style >= 0; cap_style <= 3 do -- Can't change cap style in Windows end set_clip (a_clip: CLIP) -- Set a clip area. require a_clip_exists: a_clip /= Void local x1, y1, x2, y2: INTEGER do if clip_list = Void then create clip_list.make end x1 := a_clip.upper_left.x y1 := a_clip.upper_left.y x2 := a_clip.width - a_clip.upper_left.x y2 := a_clip.height - a_clip.upper_left.y end set_dash_pattern (a_dash: DASH) -- Set pattern of dash lengths. -- Not implemented in Windows require a_dash_exists: a_dash /= Void a_dash_valid: not a_dash.is_empty do end set_drawing_font (a_font: FONT) -- Set a font. require font_exists: a_font /= Void do drawing_font := a_font if drawing_dc /= Void then update_font end end set_fill_style (a_fill_style: INTEGER) -- Set the style of fill. do fill_style := a_fill_style if is_drawable then update_brush end end set_foreground_gc_color (foreground_color: COLOR) -- Set foreground value of GC. require color_not_void: foreground_color /= Void do gc_fg_color ?= foreground_color.implementation if is_drawable then update_pen update_brush end end set_join_style (join_style: INTEGER) -- Specifies type appearance of joints between consecutive lines. -- Not implemented in Windows require join_style >= 0 join_style <= 2 do end set_line_style (a_line_style: INTEGER) -- Set line style. -- Only 0 and 2 (1 = 2) require a_line_style >= 0 a_line_style <= 2 do if a_line_style = 0 then -- Solid line_style := 0 else line_style := 2 -- Windows does not permit a dashed line -- when width > 1 if line_width > 1 then line_width := 1 end end if drawing_dc /= Void then update_pen end end set_line_width (new_width: INTEGER) -- Set line to be displayed with width of `new_width'. require width_large_enough: new_width >= 0 do line_width := new_width if drawing_dc /= Void then update_pen end end line_width: INTEGER -- Width of line for device. set_logical_mode (a_mode: INTEGER) -- Set drawing logical function to `a_mode'. require a_mode >= 0 a_mode <= 15 do logical_mode := a_mode if (drawing_dc /= Void) and then (drawing_dc.exists )then update_dc end end logical_mode: INTEGER -- Drawing mode set_no_clip -- Remove all clip area. local c: CURSOR do if clip_list /= Void then from c:= clip_list.cursor clip_list.start variant clip_list.count + 1 - clip_list.index until clip_list.after loop clip_list.forth end clip_list.go_to (c) end end set_stipple (a_stipple: PIXMAP) -- Set stipple used to fill figures require a_stipple_exists: a_stipple /= Void a_stipple_valid: a_stipple.is_valid local pw: PIXMAP_IMP dib: WEL_DIB bitmap: WEL_BITMAP do pw ?= a_stipple.implementation check pixmap_windows_exists: pw /= Void end dib := pw.dib if dib /= Void then create bitmap.make_by_dib (drawing_dc, dib, dib_rgb_colors) create draw_brush.make_by_pattern (bitmap) if drawing_dc /= Void then update_brush end end end set_subwindow_mode (mode: INTEGER) -- Set the subwindow mode. do -- Not implemented end set_tile (a_tile: PIXMAP) -- Set tile used to fill figures require a_tile_exists: a_tile /= Void a_tile_valid: a_tile.is_valid do set_stipple (a_tile) end feature -- Input copy_bitmap (a_point: COORD_XY; a_bitmap : PIXMAP) -- Copy `a_bitmap' to the drawing at `a_point'. -- If there is not enough space to create auxiliery bitmap (DDB) -- exception will be raised require a_point_exists: a_point /= Void a_bitmap_exists: a_bitmap /= Void a_bitmap_valid: a_bitmap.is_valid drawing_dc_not_void: drawing_dc /= Void drawing_dc_exists: drawing_dc.exists local pw: PIXMAP_IMP bitmap: WEL_BITMAP dib: WEL_DIB icon: WEL_ICON do pw ?= a_bitmap.implementation check pixmap_windows: pw /= Void end dib := pw.dib if dib /= Void then create bitmap.make_by_dib (drawing_dc, dib, dib_rgb_colors) if bitmap.item = bitmap.item.default then -- windows function "CreateDIBitmap" failed exception_raise("Cannot create windows bitmap"); end drawing_dc.draw_bitmap (bitmap, a_point.x, a_point.y, bitmap.width, bitmap.height) bitmap.delete else icon := pw.icon if icon /= Void then drawing_dc.draw_icon (icon, a_point.x, a_point.y) end end end copy_pixmap (a_point: COORD_XY; a_pixmap : PIXMAP) -- Copy `a_pixmap' to the drawing at `a_point'. require a_point_exists: a_point /= Void a_pixmap_exists: a_pixmap /= Void a_pixmap_valid: a_pixmap.is_valid drawing_dc_not_void: drawing_dc /= Void drawing_dc_exists: drawing_dc.exists do copy_bitmap (a_point, a_pixmap) end feature -- Output clear -- Clear the entire area. do clear_rect (0, 0, width, height) end clear_rect (a_left, a_top, a_right, a_bottom: INTEGER) -- Clear the rectangular area defined by -- `a_left', `a_top', `a_right', `a_bottom'. local color_ref: WEL_COLOR_REF background_brush, old_brush: WEL_BRUSH background_pen, old_pen: WEL_PEN a_rect: WEL_RECT old_rop2: INTEGER do if is_drawable then if bg_color /= Void then color_ref := bg_color else create color_ref.make_system (Color_window) end old_rop2 := drawing_dc.rop2 old_brush := drawing_dc.brush old_pen := drawing_dc.pen drawing_dc.set_rop2 (r2_copypen) create a_rect.make (0, 0, width, height) create background_brush.make_solid (color_ref) create background_pen.make (Ps_solid, 1, color_ref) drawing_dc.select_brush (background_brush) drawing_dc.select_pen (background_pen) drawing_dc.rectangle (a_left, a_top, a_right, a_bottom) drawing_dc.set_rop2 (old_rop2) if old_brush /= Void then drawing_dc.select_brush (old_brush) end if old_pen /= Void then drawing_dc.select_pen (old_pen) end end end draw_arc (center: COORD_XY; radius1, radius2: INTEGER; angle1, angle2, orientation: REAL; arc_style: INTEGER) -- Draw an arc centered in (`x', `y') with a great radius of -- `radius1' and a small radius of `radius2' -- beginnning at `angle1' and finishing at `angle1'+`angle2' -- and with an orientation of `orientation'. require center_exists: center /= Void positive_radius1: radius1 >= 0; positive_radius2: radius2 >= 0; positive_angle1: angle1 >= 0; positive_angle2: angle2 >= 0; valid_total_angle: angle1+angle2 <= 360; positive_orientation: orientation >= 0; orientation_small_enough: orientation < 360; valid_arc_style: arc_style >= -1 and arc_style <= 1 drawing_dc_not_void: drawing_dc /= Void do draw_any_arc (center, radius1, radius2, angle1, angle2, orientation, arc_style, false) end draw_image_text (base: COORD_XY; text: STRING) -- Draw text require text_exists: text /= Void base_exists: base /= Void drawing_dc_not_void: drawing_dc /= Void do drawing_dc.set_text_color (gc_fg_color) drawing_dc.set_background_color (gc_bg_color) drawing_dc.set_background_transparent set_text_alignment drawing_dc.text_out (base.x, base.y, text) end set_text_alignment -- Set the default text alignment. require drawing_dc_not_void: drawing_dc /= Void do drawing_dc.set_text_alignment (ta_baseline) end draw_inf_line (point1, point2: COORD_XY) -- Draw an infinite line traversing `point1' and `point2'. require point1_exists: point1 /= Void point2_exists: point2 /= Void not_same_point: not (point1.x = point2.x and point1.y = point2.y) drawing_dc_not_void: drawing_dc /= Void local x1, x2, y1, y2, dx, dy: INTEGER do drawing_dc.line (point1.x, point1.x, point2.x, point2.y) dx := (x2 - x1) dy := (y2 - y1) if point1.y /= point2.y then x1 := point1.x + ((dx / dy) * point1.y).rounded x2 := point1.x + ((dx / dy) * (point1.y - height)).rounded y1 := 0 y2 := height else y1 := point1.y + ((dy / dx) * point1.x).rounded y2 := point1.y + ((dy / dx) * (point1.x - width)).rounded x1 := 0 x2 := width end drawing_dc.line (x1, y1, x2, y2) end draw_point (a_point: COORD_XY) -- Draw `a_point'. require point_exists: a_point /= Void drawing_dc_not_void: drawing_dc /= Void do drawing_dc.set_pixel (a_point.x, a_point.y, gc_fg_color) end draw_polyline (points: LIST [COORD_XY]; is_closed: BOOLEAN) -- Draw a polyline, close it automatically if `is_closed'. require points_exists: points /= Void list_not_empty: not points.is_empty; drawing_dc_not_void: drawing_dc /= Void local p_array: ARRAY [INTEGER] i: INTEGER c: CURSOR do if is_closed then create p_array.make (1, 2 * points.count + 2) else create p_array.make (1, 2 * points.count) end i := 1 from c := points.cursor points.start variant points.count + 1 - points.index until points.after loop p_array.put (points.item.x, i) i := i + 1 p_array.put (points.item.y, i) points.forth i := i + 1 end if is_closed then points.start p_array.put (points.item.x, i) i := i + 1 p_array.put (points.item.y, i) end points.go_to (c) drawing_dc.polyline (p_array) end draw_rectangle (center: COORD_XY; rwidth, rheight: INTEGER; an_orientation: REAL) -- Draw a rectangle whose center is `center' and -- whose size is `rwidth' and `rheight'. require center_exists: center /= Void width_positive: rwidth >= 0; height_positive: rheight >= 0; an_orientation_positive: an_orientation >= 0; an_orientation_less_than_360: an_orientation < 360 drawing_dc_not_void: drawing_dc /= Void do draw_any_rectangle (center, rwidth, rheight, an_orientation, false) end draw_segment (point1, point2: COORD_XY) -- Draw a segment between `point1' and `point2'. require point1_exists: point1 /= Void point2_exists: point2 /= Void drawing_dc_not_void: drawing_dc /= Void do drawing_dc.move_to (point1.x, point1.y) drawing_dc.line_to (point2.x, point2.y) end draw_text (base: COORD_XY; text: STRING) -- Draw text require text_exists: text /= Void base_exists: base /= Void drawing_dc_not_void: drawing_dc /= Void do drawing_dc.set_text_color (gc_fg_color) drawing_dc.set_background_transparent drawing_dc.set_text_alignment (ta_baseline) drawing_dc.text_out (base.x, base.y, text) end fill_arc (center: COORD_XY; radius1, radius2 : INTEGER; angle1, angle2, orientation: REAL; arc_style: INTEGER) -- Fill an arc centered in (`x', `y') with a great radius of -- `radius1' and a small radius of `radius2' -- beginnning at `angle1' and finishing at `angle1'+`angle2' -- and with an orientation of `orientation'. require center_exits: center /= Void positive_radius1: radius1 >= 0; positive_radius2: radius2 >= 0; positive_angle1: angle1 >= 0; positive_angle2: angle2 >= 0; valid_total_angle: angle1 + angle2 <= 360; positive_orientation: orientation >= 0; orientation_small_enough: orientation < 360; valid_arc_style: arc_style >= 0 and arc_style <= 1 do draw_any_arc (center, radius1, radius2, angle1, angle2, orientation, arc_style, true) end fill_polygon (points: LIST [COORD_XY]) -- Fill a polygon. require points_exists: points /= Void list_with_two_points_at_least: points.count >= 3; list_not_too_large: points.count <= max_count_for_draw_polyline drawing_dc_not_void: drawing_dc /= Void local p_array: ARRAY [INTEGER] i: INTEGER c: CURSOR do if drawing_dc /= Void then create p_array.make (1, 2 * points.count) i := 1 from c := points.cursor points.start variant points.count + 1 - points.index until points.after loop p_array.put (points.item.x, i) i := i + 1 p_array.put (points.item.y, i) points.forth i := i + 1 end points.go_to (c) drawing_dc.polygon (p_array) end end fill_rectangle (center: COORD_XY; rwidth, rheight : INTEGER; an_orientation: REAL) -- Fill a rectangle whose center is `center' and -- whose size is `rwidth' and `rheight'. require center_exists: center /= Void width_positive: rwidth >= 0; height_positive: rheight >= 0; an_orientation_positive: an_orientation >= 0; an_orientation_less_than_360: an_orientation < 360 drawing_dc_not_void: drawing_dc /= Void do draw_any_rectangle (center, rwidth, rheight, an_orientation, true) end feature -- Implementation draw_any_arc (center: COORD_XY; radius1, radius2: INTEGER; angle1, angle2, orientation: REAL; arc_style: INTEGER; filled: BOOLEAN) -- Draw an arc centered in (`x', `y') with a great radius of -- `radius1' and a small radius of `radius2' -- beginnning at `angle1' and finishing at `angle1'+`angle2' -- and with an orientation of `orientation'. require center_exists: center /= Void positive_radius1: radius1 >= 0; positive_radius2: radius2 >= 0; positive_angle1: angle1 >= 0; positive_angle2: angle2 >= 0; valid_total_angle: angle1+angle2 <= 360; positive_orientation: orientation >= 0; orientation_small_enough: orientation < 360; valid_arc_style: arc_style >= -1 and arc_style <= 1 drawing_dc_not_void: drawing_dc /= Void drawing_dc_exists: drawing_dc.exists local left, top, right, bottom, x_start_arc, y_start_arc, x_end_arc, y_end_arc: INTEGER local_arc_points: ARRAY [INTEGER] do left := center.x - radius1 right := center.x + radius1 top := center.y - radius2 bottom := center.y + radius2 x_start_arc := center.x + (radius1 * cosine (angle1 * Pi / 180)).rounded y_start_arc := center.y - (radius2 * sine (angle1 * Pi / 180)).rounded x_end_arc := center.x + (radius1 * cosine ((angle1 + angle2) * Pi / 180)).rounded y_end_arc := center.y - (radius2 * sine ((angle1 + angle2) * Pi / 180)).rounded if orientation = 0.0 then if not filled then drawing_dc.arc (left, top, right, bottom, x_start_arc, y_start_arc, x_end_arc, y_end_arc) else if arc_style = 0 then drawing_dc.chord (left, top, right+1, bottom+1, x_start_arc, y_start_arc, x_end_arc, y_end_arc) elseif arc_style = 1 then drawing_dc.pie (left, top, right+1, bottom+1, x_start_arc, y_start_arc, x_end_arc, y_end_arc) end end else local_arc_points := arc_points (center, radius1, radius2, angle1, angle2, orientation); if arc_style = 0 then local_arc_points.force (local_arc_points @ 1, local_arc_points.upper + 1) local_arc_points.force (local_arc_points @ 2, local_arc_points.upper + 1) elseif arc_style = 1 then local_arc_points.force (center.x, local_arc_points.upper + 1) local_arc_points.force (center.y, local_arc_points.upper + 1) local_arc_points.force (local_arc_points @ 1, local_arc_points.upper + 1) local_arc_points.force (local_arc_points @ 2, local_arc_points.upper + 1) end; drawing_dc.polyline (local_arc_points) end end draw_any_rectangle (center: COORD_XY; rwidth, rheight: INTEGER; an_orientation: REAL; filled: BOOLEAN) -- Draw a rectangle whose center is `center' and -- whose size is `rwidth' and `rheight', it may be `filled'. require center_exists: center /= Void width_positive: rwidth >= 0; height_positive: rheight >= 0; an_orientation_positive: an_orientation >= 0; an_orientation_less_than_360: an_orientation < 360 drawing_dc_not_void: drawing_dc /= Void drawing_dc_exists: drawing_dc.exists local x1, x2, x3, x4, y1, y2, y3, y4, offset: INTEGER points: ARRAY [INTEGER] null_brush: WEL_NULL_BRUSH do if not filled then if drawing_dc.brush /= Void then drawing_dc.unselect_brush end create null_brush.make drawing_dc.select_brush (null_brush) else offset := 1 end if an_orientation = 0.0 or an_orientation = 180.0 then drawing_dc.rectangle (center.x - (rwidth // 2), center.y - (rheight // 2), center.x + (rwidth // 2)+offset, center.y + (rheight // 2)+offset) else x1 := center.x + (rwidth //2 * cosine (an_orientation * Pi / 180)).rounded y1 := center.y + (rheight //2 * sine (an_orientation * Pi / 180)).rounded x2 := center.x - (rwidth //2 * cosine (an_orientation * Pi / 180)).rounded y2 := center.y + (rheight //2 * sine (an_orientation * Pi / 180)).rounded x3 := center.x - (rwidth //2 * cosine (an_orientation * Pi / 180)).rounded y3 := center.y - (rheight //2 * sine (an_orientation * Pi / 180)).rounded x4 := center.x + (rwidth //2 * cosine (an_orientation * Pi / 180)).rounded y4 := center.y - (rheight //2 * sine (an_orientation * Pi / 180)).rounded create points.make (1, 8) points.put (x1, 1) points.put (y1, 2) points.put (x2, 3) points.put (y2, 4) points.put (x3, 5) points.put (y3, 6) points.put (x4, 7) points.put (y4, 8) drawing_dc.polyline (points) end if not filled and draw_brush /= Void then drawing_dc.select_brush (draw_brush) end end drawing_dc: WEL_DC -- DC for drawing set_drawing_dc (dc: WEL_DC) -- Set `drawing_dc' as necessary require no_drawing_dc: drawing_dc = Void or not drawing_dc.exists do drawing_dc := dc update_dc update_brush if drawing_font /= Void then update_font end update_pen end update_brush -- Update the `drawing_dc' due to brush details changing require drawing_dc: drawing_dc /= Void and drawing_dc.exists do inspect fill_style when 0 then create draw_brush.make_solid (gc_fg_color) when 1 then when 2 then drawing_dc.set_text_color (gc_fg_color) drawing_dc.set_background_color (gc_bg_color) when 3 then drawing_dc.set_text_color (gc_fg_color) end drawing_dc.select_brush (draw_brush) end update_dc -- Update the `drawing_dc' due to dc details changing require drawing_dc: drawing_dc /= Void and drawing_dc.exists do debug ("RASTER OPERATIONS") print ("update_dc") print (logical_mode) print ("%N") end inspect logical_mode when 0 then drawing_dc.set_rop2 (r2_black) when 1 then drawing_dc.set_rop2 (r2_maskpen) when 2 then drawing_dc.set_rop2 (r2_maskpennot) when 3 then drawing_dc.set_rop2 (r2_copypen) when 4 then drawing_dc.set_rop2 (r2_masknotpen) when 5 then drawing_dc.set_rop2 (r2_nop) when 6 then drawing_dc.set_rop2 (r2_xorpen) when 7 then drawing_dc.set_rop2 (r2_mergepen) when 8 then drawing_dc.set_rop2 (r2_notmergepen) when 9 then drawing_dc.set_rop2 (r2_notxorpen) when 10 then drawing_dc.set_rop2 (r2_not) when 11 then drawing_dc.set_rop2 (r2_mergepennot) when 12 then drawing_dc.set_rop2 (r2_notcopypen) when 13 then drawing_dc.set_rop2 (r2_mergenotpen) when 14 then drawing_dc.set_rop2 (r2_notmaskpen) when 15 then drawing_dc.set_rop2 (r2_white) end end update_font -- Update the `drawing_dc' due to font details changing require drawing_dc: drawing_dc /= Void and drawing_dc.exists drawing_font: drawing_font /= Void local fw: FONT_IMP do fw ?= drawing_font.implementation drawing_dc.select_font (fw.wel_font) end update_pen -- Update the `drawing_dc' due to pen details changing require drawing_dc: drawing_dc /= Void and drawing_dc.exists local pen: WEL_PEN do create pen.make (line_style, line_width, gc_fg_color) if drawing_dc.pen /= Void then drawing_dc.unselect_pen end drawing_dc.select_pen (pen) end unset_drawing_dc -- Return `drawing_dc' to original state require drawing_dc_exists: drawing_dc /= Void and drawing_dc.exists do drawing_dc.unselect_all drawing_dc := Void end feature {NONE} -- Implementation line_style: INTEGER -- Style of a line bg_color: WEL_COLOR_REF -- Background color gc_bg_color: WEL_COLOR_REF -- Background color for the GC gc_fg_color: WEL_COLOR_REF -- Foreground color fill_style: INTEGER -- Style to fill figures clip_list: LINKED_LIST [POINTER] -- List of clipping areas arc_points (center: COORD_XY; radius1, radius2: INTEGER; angle1, angle2, orientation: REAL): ARRAY [INTEGER] -- Returns the list of an arbitrary number of ordonated points composing the arc local nb_fracs, loop_angle, angle_inc, sino, coso, ell_x, ell_y, rot_x, rot_y: DOUBLE segment_count, i, center_x, center_y: INTEGER do coso := cosine (- orientation * deg_rad_rate) sino := sine (- orientation * deg_rad_rate) center_x := center.x center_y := center.y nb_fracs := 4 * radius1.max(radius2) * angle2 * deg_rad_rate segment_count := nb_fracs.rounded angle_inc := - angle2 * deg_rad_rate / segment_count loop_angle := angle1 if loop_angle < 180 then loop_angle := - loop_angle end create Result.make (1, 2 * (segment_count + 1)) from i := 0 until i > segment_count loop ell_x := radius1 * cosine (loop_angle) ell_y := radius2 * sine (loop_angle) rot_x := center_x + ell_x * coso - ell_y * sino rot_y := center_y + ell_x * sino + ell_y * coso Result.put (rot_x.rounded, 2 * i + 1) Result.put (rot_y.rounded, 2 * i + 2) loop_angle := loop_angle + angle_inc i := i + 1 end end deg_rad_rate: DOUBLE -- degrees into radians conversion constant once Result := Pi / 180 end note copyright: "Copyright (c) 1984-2006, Eiffel Software and others" license: "Eiffel Forum License v2 (see" source: "[ Eiffel Software 356 Storke Road, Goleta, CA 93117 USA Telephone 805-685-1006, Fax 805-685-6869 Website Customer support ]" end -- class DRAWABLE_DEVICE_WINDOWS