note description: "General definitions for drawable elements." legal: "See notice at end of class."; status: "See notice at end of class."; date: "$Date$"; revision: "$Revision$" deferred class DRAWING_IMP inherit DOUBLE_MATH export {NONE} all undefine is_equal end; DRAWING_I undefine is_equal end; G_CONTEXT_X rename is_destroyed as gc_destroyed, gc_logical_mode as logical_mode, destroy as gc_destroy end; MEL_DRAWING rename draw_arc as mel_draw_arc, draw_point as mel_draw_point, draw_rectangle as mel_draw_rectangle, fill_arc as mel_fill_arc, fill_polygon as mel_fill_polygon, fill_rectangle as mel_fill_rectangle undefine is_equal end; feature -- Access max_count_for_draw_polyline: INTEGER -- Maximum value for `points.count' for `draw_polyline' do Result := (display.max_request_size-3) // 2 end; feature -- Output clear -- Clear the entire area. do if is_drawable then clear_window; end end; copy_bitmap (a_point: COORD_XY; a_bitmap: PIXMAP) -- Copy `a_bitmap' to the drawing at `a_point'. local bitmap_implementation: PIXMAP_IMP do bitmap_implementation ?= a_bitmap.implementation; bitmap_implementation.allocate_bitmap; copy_plane (bitmap_implementation.bitmap, Current, 0, 0, bitmap_implementation.width, bitmap_implementation.height, a_point.x, a_point.y, 1) end; copy_pixmap (a_point: COORD_XY; a_pixmap: PIXMAP) -- Copy `a_pixmap' to the drawing at `a_point'. local bitmap_implementation: PIXMAP_IMP do bitmap_implementation ?= a_pixmap.implementation; x_copy_area (display_handle, bitmap_implementation.identifier, window, graphic_context, 0, 0, bitmap_implementation.width, bitmap_implementation.height, a_point.x, a_point.y) end; draw_arc (center: COORD_XY; radius1, radius2: INTEGER; angle1, angle2, orientation: REAL; arc_style: INTEGER) -- Draw an arc centered in (`x', `y') with a great radius of -- `radius1' and a small radius of `radius2' -- beginnning at `angle1' and finishing at `angle1'+`angle2' -- and with an orientation of `orientation'. local x0, y0, x1, y1: INTEGER; double_x0, double_y0, double_x1, double_y1: DOUBLE; loc_arc_points: ARRAYED_LIST [MEL_POINT]; mel_center: MEL_POINT do if radius1 = radius2 then if arc_style /= -1 then double_x0 := center.x + radius1 * cosine ((angle1 + orientation) * deg_rad_rate); double_y0 := center.y - radius1 * sine ((angle1 + orientation) * deg_rad_rate); double_x1 := center.x + radius1 * cosine ((angle1 + orientation + angle2) * deg_rad_rate); double_y1 := center.y - radius1 * sine ((angle1 + orientation + angle2) * deg_rad_rate); x0 := double_x0.truncated_to_integer; y0 := double_y0.truncated_to_integer; x1 := double_x1.truncated_to_integer; y1 := double_y1.truncated_to_integer; join_lines (center, x0, y0, x1, y1, arc_style) end; mel_draw_arc (Current, center.x-radius1, center.y-radius1, 2*radius1, 2*radius1, angle_x (angle1+orientation), angle_x (angle2)) elseif orientation = 0.0 then if arc_style /= -1 then double_x0 := center.x + radius1 * cosine (angle1 * deg_rad_rate); double_y0 := center.y - radius2 * sine (angle1 * deg_rad_rate); double_x1 := center.x + radius1 * cosine ((angle1 + angle2) * deg_rad_rate); double_y1 := center.y - radius2 * sine ((angle1 + angle2) * deg_rad_rate); x0 := double_x0.truncated_to_integer; y0 := double_y0.truncated_to_integer; x1 := double_x1.truncated_to_integer; y1 := double_y1.truncated_to_integer; join_lines (center, x0, y0, x1, y1, arc_style) end; mel_draw_arc (Current, center.x-radius1, center.y-radius2, 2*radius1, 2*radius2, angle_x (angle1), angle_x (angle2)) else loc_arc_points := arc_points (center, radius1, radius2, angle1, angle2, orientation); if arc_style = 0 then loc_arc_points.extend (loc_arc_points.first) elseif arc_style = 1 then create mel_center.make (center.x, center.y); loc_arc_points.extend (mel_center); loc_arc_points.extend (loc_arc_points.first) end; draw_lines (Current, loc_arc_points, True) end end; draw_image_text (base: COORD_XY; text: STRING) -- Draw text do draw_image_string (Current, base.x, base.y, text) end; draw_inf_line (point1, point2: COORD_XY) -- Draw an infinite line traversing `point1' and `point2'. local x1, y1, x2, y2: INTEGER; coord1, coord2: INTEGER do x1 := point1.x; y1 := point1.y; x2 := point2.x; y2 := point2.y; if abs (y2 - y1) > abs (x2 - x1) then coord1 := x1 - (y1 * (x2 - x1)) // (y2 - y1); coord2 := x1 + ((height - y1) * (x2 - x1)) // (y2 - y1); draw_line (Current, coord1, 0, coord2, height) else coord1 := y1 - (x1 * (y2 - y1)) // (x2 - x1); coord2 := y1 + ((width - x1) * (y2 - y1)) // (x2 - x1); draw_line (Current, 0, coord1, width, coord2) end end; draw_point (a_point: COORD_XY) -- Draw `a_point'. do mel_draw_point (Current, a_point.x, a_point.y) end; draw_polyline (points: LIST [COORD_XY]; is_closed: BOOLEAN) -- Draw a polyline, close it automatically if `is_closed'. local cur: CURSOR; mp: MEL_POINT; p: COORD_XY; points_count: INTEGER; list: FIXED_LIST [MEL_POINT] do if is_closed and ((points.first.x /= points.last.x) or (points.first.y /= points.last.y)) then points_count := points.count + 1 else points_count := points.count end; cur := points.cursor; from create list.make_filled (points_count); list.start; points.start until points.after loop p := points.item create mp.make (p.x, p.y); list.replace (mp); list.forth; points.forth end; if not list.after then p := points.first; create mp.make (p.x, p.y); list.replace (mp) end; check valid_list: not list.has (Void) end; points.go_to (cur); draw_lines (Current, list, True); end; draw_rectangle (center: COORD_XY; r_width, r_height: INTEGER; orientation: REAL) -- Draw a rectangle whose center is `center' and -- whose size is `r_width' and `r_height'. local r_points: ARRAYED_LIST [MEL_POINT]; do if (orientation = 0.0) or (orientation = 180.0) then mel_draw_rectangle (Current, center.x - (r_width // 2), center.y - (r_height // 2), r_width - 1, r_height - 1); elseif (orientation = 90.0) or (orientation = 270.0) then mel_draw_rectangle (Current, center.x - (r_height // 2), center.y - (r_width // 2), r_height - 1, r_width - 1) else r_points := rectangle_points (center, r_width, r_height, orientation); r_points.extend (r_points.first); draw_lines (Current, r_points, True) end end; draw_segment (point1, point2: COORD_XY) -- Draw a segment between `point1' and `point2'. do draw_line (Current, point1.x, point1.y, point2.x, point2.y) end; draw_text (base: COORD_XY; text: STRING) -- Draw text do draw_string (Current, base.x, base.y, text) end; fill_arc (center: COORD_XY; radius1, radius2: INTEGER; angle1, angle2, orientation: REAL; arc_style: INTEGER) -- Fill an arc centered in (`x', `y') with a great radius of -- `radius1' and a small radius of `radius2' -- beginnning at `angle1' and finishing at `angle1'+`angle2' -- and with an orientation of `orientation'. local loc_arc_points: ARRAYED_LIST [MEL_POINT]; mel_center: MEL_POINT do if radius1 = radius2 then set_arc_style (arc_style); mel_fill_arc (Current, center.x - radius1, center.y - radius1, 2 * radius1, 2 * radius1, angle_x (angle1 + orientation), angle_x (angle2)) elseif orientation = 0.0 then set_arc_style (arc_style); mel_fill_arc (Current, center.x - radius1, center.y - radius2, 2 * radius1, 2 * radius2, angle_x (angle1), angle_x (angle2)) else loc_arc_points := arc_points (center, radius1, radius2, angle1, angle2, orientation); if arc_style = 1 then create mel_center.make (center.x, center.y); loc_arc_points.extend (mel_center); loc_arc_points.extend (loc_arc_points.first) end mel_fill_polygon (Current, loc_arc_points, Complex,True) end end; fill_polygon (points: LIST [COORD_XY]) -- Fill a polygon. local cur: CURSOR; mp: MEL_POINT; p: COORD_XY; list: FIXED_LIST [MEL_POINT] do cur := points.cursor; from create list.make_filled (points.count); list.start; points.start until points.after loop p := points.item create mp.make (p.x, p.y); list.replace (mp); list.forth; points.forth end; mel_fill_polygon (Current, list, Complex, True); end; fill_rectangle (center: COORD_XY; r_width, r_height: INTEGER; orientation: REAL) -- Fill a rectangle whose center is `center' and -- whose size is `r_width' and `r_height'. local half_width, half_height: INTEGER do half_width := r_width // 2; half_height := r_height // 2; if (orientation = 0.0) or (orientation = 180.0) then mel_fill_rectangle (Current, center.x - half_width, center.y - half_height, r_width, r_height) elseif (orientation = 90.0) or (orientation = 270.0) then mel_fill_rectangle (Current, center.x - half_height, center.y - half_width, r_height, r_width) else mel_fill_polygon (Current, rectangle_points (center, r_width, r_height, orientation), Complex, True) end end; feature {NONE} -- Implementation n_64_units: INTEGER = 64; -- 64 units n_360_degrees: INTEGER = 23040; -- 360 degrees in 64ths of a degree (64 * 360) height: INTEGER -- Height of drawing area deferred end; width: INTEGER -- Width of drawing deferred end; angle_x (angle: REAL): INTEGER -- Convert `angle' in an integer in 64th of degree -- (angle_x (360) = 360 * 64) do Result := (n_64_units*angle).truncated_to_integer; if Result > n_360_degrees then Result := Result \\ n_360_degrees end ensure result_greater_than: Result >= - n_360_degrees; result_less_than: Result <= n_360_degrees end; join_lines (center: COORD_XY; x0, y0, x1, y1: INTEGER; arc_style: INTEGER) -- Join (x0, y0) and (x1, y1) if `arc_style' = 0, -- or join ((x0, y0), center and (x1, y1) if `arc_style' = 1. require center_not_void: center /= Void; valid_arc_style: arc_style >= 0 and then arc_style <= 1 do if (arc_style = 0) then draw_line (Current, x0, y0, x1, y1) else draw_line (Current, x0, y0, center.x, center.y); draw_line (Current, center.x, center.y, x1, y1) end end; arc_points (center: COORD_XY; radius1, radius2: INTEGER; angle1, angle2, orientation: REAL): ARRAYED_LIST [MEL_POINT] -- Returns the list of an arbitrary number of ordonated points composing the arc local seg_count, loop_angle, angle_inc, sino, coso, ell_x, ell_y, rot_x, rot_y: DOUBLE; point_count, i, loop_upper_bound, center_x, center_y: INTEGER; a_point: MEL_POINT; points_area: SPECIAL [MEL_POINT]; array: ARRAY [MEL_POINT] do coso := cosine (- orientation * deg_rad_rate); sino := sine (- orientation * deg_rad_rate); center_x := center.x; center_y := center.y; seg_count:= 4 * radius1.max(radius2) * angle2 * deg_rad_rate; point_count := seg_count.rounded + 1; angle_inc := - angle2 * deg_rad_rate / (point_count - 1); create Result.make_filled (point_count); array := Result; points_area := array.area; loop_upper_bound := point_count - 1; from i := 0 until i > loop_upper_bound loop ell_x := radius1 * cosine (loop_angle); ell_y := radius2 * sine (loop_angle); rot_x := center_x + ell_x * coso - ell_y * sino; rot_y := center_y + ell_x * sino + ell_y * coso; create a_point.make (rot_x.rounded, rot_y.rounded); points_area.put (a_point, i); loop_angle := loop_angle + angle_inc; i := i + 1 end end; deg_rad_rate: DOUBLE -- degrees into radians conversion constant once Result := Pi / 180 end rectangle_points (center: COORD_XY; r_width, r_height: INTEGER; orientation: REAL): ARRAYED_LIST [MEL_POINT] -- Returns the 4 points composing the rectangle local coso, sino, point_x, point_y, half_r_width_coso, half_r_width_sino, half_r_height_coso, half_r_height_sino: DOUBLE a_point: MEL_POINT do create Result.make (4); coso := cosine (- orientation * Pi / 180); -- Ys are downward under Motif sino := sine (- orientation * Pi / 180); half_r_width_coso := r_width * coso / 2; half_r_width_sino := r_width * sino / 2; half_r_height_coso := r_height * coso / 2; half_r_height_sino := r_height * sino / 2; point_x := center.x + half_r_width_coso - half_r_height_sino; point_y := center.y + half_r_width_sino + half_r_height_coso; create a_point.make (point_x.rounded, point_y.rounded); Result.extend (a_point); point_x := center.x - half_r_width_coso - half_r_height_sino; point_y := center.y - half_r_width_sino + half_r_height_coso; create a_point.make (point_x.rounded, point_y.rounded); Result.extend (a_point); point_x := center.x - half_r_width_coso + half_r_height_sino; point_y := center.y - half_r_width_sino - half_r_height_coso; create a_point.make (point_x.rounded, point_y.rounded); Result.extend (a_point); point_x := center.x + half_r_width_coso + half_r_height_sino; point_y := center.y + half_r_width_sino - half_r_height_coso; create a_point.make (point_x.rounded, point_y.rounded); Result.extend (a_point) end; note copyright: "Copyright (c) 1984-2006, Eiffel Software and others" license: "Eiffel Forum License v2 (see" source: "[ Eiffel Software 356 Storke Road, Goleta, CA 93117 USA Telephone 805-685-1006, Fax 805-685-6869 Website Customer support ]" end -- class DRAWING_IMP