note description: "Projection under a PNG format of a drawing" legal: "See notice at end of class." status: "See notice at end of class." author: "pascalf" date: "$Date$" revision: "$Revision$" class EV_PNG_AREA inherit EV_DRAWABLE redefine background_color, clear, clear_rect, draw_arc , draw_ellipse, draw_pixmap, draw_point, draw_polyline, draw_rectangle, draw_segment , draw_straight_line, draw_text, fill_arc, fill_ellipse, fill_polygon, fill_rectangle, foreground_color, set_background_color, set_font , set_foreground_color end GD_FONTS DISPOSABLE create make, make_from_file feature -- Initialization make(w,h: INTEGER) -- Initialize the image with -- 'w' as width and 'h' as height. require width_possible: w > 0 height_possible: h > 0 do image := GdImageCreate (w,h) ensure dimensions_set: height = h and width = w end make_from_file(fi: RAW_FILE) -- Retrieve PNG image, stored in -- file 'fi' require not_void: fi /= Void exists: fi.exists rights: fi.is_readable and fi.is_writable closed: fi.is_closed local fd_file: POINTER do fi.open_read fd_file := fi.file_pointer image := gdImageCreateFromPng(fd_file) fi.close end feature -- Actions save_to_file (file_name: FILE_NAME) -- Save Current to a file whose file_name is 'file_name'. require possible: file_name /= Void and then file_name.is_valid local file: RAW_FILE fd_file: POINTER do Create file.make_create_read_write(file_name) file.open_write fd_file := file.file_pointer GdImagePng(image, fd_file) file.close end feature -- Access background_color: EV_COLOR -- Background color of current image. require else has_background: has_background_color local r,g,b: INTEGER do Result := corresponding_color(1) ensure then not_void: Result /= Void end foreground_color: EV_COLOR -- Foreground color of current image. -- Return background color if no current foreground color (default). require else has_background: has_background_color do Result := corresponding_color(color_index) ensure then not_void: Result /= Void end feature -- Settings set_foreground_color (new_color: EV_COLOR) -- Set 'new_color' as current selected color. require else not_void: new_color /= Void background_allocated: has_background_color do color_index := color(,, ensure then color_index >0 and then color_index <= color_index_bound end set_background_color (col: EV_COLOR) -- Set 'col' as background color. require else background_not_allocated: not has_background_color not_void: col /= Void do color_index := color(,, ensure then color_index >=0 end feature -- Removal clear -- Clear the image. -- This also clear the color palette. require else has_background: has_background_color local w,h: INTEGER col: EV_COLOR do h := height w := width col := background_color c_destroy_image(image) image := gdImageCreate(w,h) set_background_color(col) ensure then has_background_color: has_background_color image_exists: image /= Void end feature -- Drawing operations. draw_ellipse (pt: EV_COORDINATES; r1: INTEGER; r2: INTEGER; orientation: EV_ANGLE) -- Draw an ellipse. require else not_void: pt /= Void and orientation /= Void -- rgb: r1<=255 and r2 <=255 and r1>=0 and r2 >=0 possible: is_inside(pt) do gdImageArc(image,pt.x,pt.y,r1,r2,0,360,color_index) end fill_ellipse (pt: EV_COORDINATES; r1: INTEGER; r2: INTEGER; orientation: EV_ANGLE) -- Fill an ellipse. require else not_void: pt /= Void and orientation /= Void possible: is_inside(pt) do draw_ellipse(pt,r1,r2,orientation) gdimagefilltoborder(image,pt.x,pt.y,color_index, color_index ) end draw_rectangle (pt: EV_COORDINATES; w: INTEGER; h: INTEGER; orientation: EV_ANGLE) -- Draw a rectangle. require else not_void: pt /= Void and orientation /= Void positive_lengths: w >0 and h>0 possible: is_inside(pt) do gdImageRectangle(image,pt.x,pt.y,pt.x+w,pt.y+h,color_index) end fill_rectangle (pt: EV_COORDINATES; w: INTEGER; h: INTEGER; orientation: EV_ANGLE) -- Fill a rectangle. require else not_void: pt /= Void and orientation /= Void positive_lengths: w >0 and h>0 do draw_rectangle(pt,w,h,orientation) gdimagefilltoborder(image,pt.x,pt.y,color_index, color_index ) end clear_rect (left: INTEGER; top: INTEGER; right: INTEGER; bottom: INTEGER) -- Clear rectangle require else meaningfull: left < right and top < bottom possible: right <= width and bottom <=height do gdImageRectangle(image,left,top,right,bottom,1) gdimagefilltoborder(image,(2*right-left)//2,(2*bottom-right)//2,color_index,1) end draw_polyline (pts: ARRAY [EV_COORDINATES]; is_closed: BOOLEAN) -- Draw a polyline figure. require else not_void: pts /= Void at_least_two_points: pts.count>1 local i: INTEGER gp1,gp2: EV_COORDINATES do from i := 2 until i > pts.count loop gp1 := pts.item (i-1) gp2 := pts.item (i) draw_line(gp1.x,gp1.y,gp2.x,gp2.y,color_index) i := i+1 end gp1 := pts.item (1) draw_line(gp2.x,gp2.y,gp1.x,gp1.y,color_index) end draw_line(x1,y1,x2,y2: INTEGER;color_ind: INTEGER) -- Draw a line require else color_index_possible: color_ind >=0 and color_ind <=255 and then color_ind <= color_index_bound point1_inside_the_image:coordinates_within_the_image(x1,y1) point2_inside_the_image:coordinates_within_the_image(x2,y2) do gdimageline (image, x1,y1,x2,y2,color_ind) end fill_polygon (pts: ARRAY [EV_COORDINATES]) -- Fill polygon defined by 'pts'. require else not_void: pts /= Void at_least_three_points: pts.count>2 local x,y: INTEGER do x := (pts.item(1).x + pts.item(2).x + pts.item(3).x)//3 y := (pts.item(1).y + pts.item(2).y + pts.item(3).y)//3 draw_polyline(pts, TRUE) gdimagefilltoborder(image,x,y,color_index, color_index ) end draw_arc (pt: EV_COORDINATES; r1: INTEGER; r2: INTEGER; start_angle: EV_ANGLE; aperture: EV_ANGLE; orientation: EV_ANGLE; style: INTEGER) -- Draw arc require else not_void: pt /= Void and start_angle /= Void and aperture /= Void possible: is_inside(pt) do gdImageArc(image,pt.x,pt.y,r1, r2,start_angle.degrees.rounded, aperture.degrees.rounded, color_index) end fill_arc (pt: EV_COORDINATES; r1: INTEGER; r2: INTEGER; start_angle: EV_ANGLE; aperture: EV_ANGLE; orientation: EV_ANGLE; style: INTEGER) -- Fill arc require else not_void: pt /= Void and start_angle /= Void and aperture /= Void and orientation /= Void possible: is_inside(pt) local pt1,pt2,pt3: EV_COORDINATES do draw_arc(pt,r1,r2,start_angle,aperture,orientation,style) Create pt1.make Create pt2.make Create pt3.make pt1.set(((r1*(start_angle+orientation).cosine)/2).ceiling, ((r1*(start_angle+orientation).sine)/2).ceiling) pt2.set(((r2*(start_angle+orientation+aperture).cosine)/2).ceiling, ((r2*(start_angle+orientation+aperture).sine)/2).ceiling) pt1.set(pt1.x+pt.x, pt1.y+pt.y) pt2.set(pt2.x+pt.x, pt2.y+pt.y) draw_segment(pt,pt1) draw_segment(pt,pt2) pt3.set((pt1.x+pt2.x)//2, (pt1.y+pt2.y)//2) gdimagefilltoborder(image,pt3.x,pt3.y,color_index, color_index ) end draw_segment (pt1: EV_COORDINATES; pt2: EV_COORDINATES) -- Draw segment. require else not_void: pt1 /= Void and pt2 /= Void meaningfull: pt1 /= pt2 and (pt1.x/=pt2.x or else pt2.y/=pt2.x) possible: is_inside(pt1) and is_inside(pt2) do gdimageline ( image, pt1.x,pt1.y,pt2.x,pt2.y,color_index ) end draw_pixmap (pt: EV_COORDINATES; pix: EV_PIXMAP) -- Draw pixmap require else not_void: pt /= Void and pix /= Void possible: is_inside(pt) do -- will be implemented as soon as a stable version of Vision -- is available. end draw_straight_line (pt1: EV_COORDINATES; pt2: EV_COORDINATES) -- Draw straight line. require else exist: pt1 /= Void and pt2 /= Void possible: is_inside(pt1) and is_inside(pt2) do -- Not yet supported end draw_text (pt: EV_COORDINATES; text: STRING) -- Draw text. require else not_void: pt /= Void and text /= Void possible: is_inside(pt) local a: any p: POINTER do a := text.to_c p := font(selected_font) c_image_string(image, p,pt.x,pt.y, $a , color_index) end draw_point (pt: EV_COORDINATES) -- Draw a pixel. require else not_void: pt /= Void possible: is_inside(pt) do gdImageSetPixel(image,pt.x,pt.y,color_index) end feature {NONE} -- Internal operations corresponding_color(i: like color_index): EV_COLOR -- Color corrsponding to index 'i'. require has_background: has_background_color index_possible: i>=0 and then i <= color_index_bound local r,g,b: INTEGER do r := c_red(image,i) g := c_green(image,i) b := c_blue(image,i) Create Result.make_rgb(r,g,b) ensure not_void: Result /= Void end feature {NONE} -- Implementation color_index: INTEGER -- Internal index corresponding to the current selected color. image: POINTER -- Current Image. feature -- Internal image information is_inside(pt: EV_COORDINATES): BOOLEAN -- Does point 'pt' within the image bounds ? require exists: pt /= Void do Result := (pt.x <=width ) and then (pt.y <=height) and then (pt.x>=0) and then (pt.y>=0) end color_index_bound: INTEGER -- Return the number of color indexes currently associated with the image. do Result := c_image_color_total(image) ensure possible: Result >=0 end coordinates_within_the_image(x,y: INTEGER): BOOLEAN -- Does a point (x,y ) within the boundaries ? do Result := (gdImageBoundsSafe(image,x,y)=1) end color(red,green,blue: INTEGER):INTEGER -- Index of Color obtained in rgb mode for Current Image. require red_possible: red >=0 and red <256 green_possible: green >=0 and green <256 blue_possible: blue >=0 and blue < 256 do Result := c_get_color_exact(image,red,green, blue) if Result <0 then Result := gdimagecolorallocate (image, red,green,blue ) end ensure result_possible: Result >= 0 end selected_font: INTEGER -- Current selected font. has_background_color: BOOLEAN -- Does Current have a background color ? do Result := (c_image_color_total(image) >0) end height: INTEGER do Result := c_get_height(image) end width: INTEGER do Result := c_get_width(image) end feature -- Settings set_font (ft: EV_FONT) do end feature {NONE} -- Memory dispose -- Remove C_struture associated with Current Image. do c_destroy_image(image) end feature {NONE} -- Externals (general) GdImageCreate (i,j: INTEGER):POINTER external "C" alias "gdImageCreate" end c_destroy_image (p: POINTER) external "C" alias "gdImageDestroy" end gdImageCreateFromPng (p: POINTER): POINTER external "C" alias "gdImageCreateFromPng" end gdImagePng(p: POINTER; f: POINTER) external "c" alias "gdImagePng" end gdImageBoundsSafe(p: POINTER; x,y: INTEGER):INTEGER external "c" alias "gdImageBoundsSafe" end c_get_width(p: POINTER):INTEGER external "c[macro <eiffel_png.h>]" end c_get_height(p: POINTER):INTEGER external "c[macro <eiffel_png.h>]" end feature {NONE} -- Externals (drawings) gdImageSetPixel(p: POINTER; x1,y1, color_ind: INTEGER) external "c" alias "gdImageSetPixel" end gdimagefilltoborder(p: POINTER; x1,y1, stopping_color, color_ind: INTEGER) external "c" alias "gdImageFillToBorder" end c_image_string (p,f: POINTER; i1,i2: INTEGER; s: POINTER; color_ind: INTEGER) external "c" alias "gdImageString" end gdImageArc(p: POINTER; x,y,ellipse_width,ellipse_height,starting_angle,ending_angle,col_index: INTEGER) external "c" alias "gdImageArc" end gdImageRectangle(p: POINTER; x1,y1,x2,y2: INTEGER; color_ind: INTEGER) external "c" alias "gdImageRectangle" end gdImageLine(p: POINTER; x1,y1,x2,y2: INTEGER; color_ind: INTEGER) external "c" alias "gdImageLine" end feature {NONE} -- Externals (colors) c_red(p: POINTER; i: INTEGER):INTEGER external "c" alias "c_get_red" end c_blue(p: POINTER; i: INTEGER): INTEGER external "c" alias "c_get_blue" end c_green(p: POINTER; i: INTEGER):INTEGER external "c" alias "c_get_green" end c_image_color_total (p: POINTER): INTEGER external "c[macro <eiffel_png.h>]" alias "c_get_colors_total" end gdImageColorAllocate(p: POINTER; red,green,blue: INTEGER): INTEGER external "c" alias "gdImageColorAllocate" end c_get_color_exact (p: POINTER; r,g,b: INTEGER):INTEGER external "c" alias "gdImageColorExact" end invariant color_index_possible: color_index >=0 and then color_index <= color_index_bound image_exists: image /= Void note copyright: "Copyright (c) 1984-2006, Eiffel Software and others" license: "Eiffel Forum License v2 (see" source: "[ Eiffel Software 356 Storke Road, Goleta, CA 93117 USA Telephone 805-685-1006, Fax 805-685-6869 Website Customer support ]" end -- class EV_PNG_AREA