note description: "[ A EV_TITLED_WINDOW containing a tree view of application preferences. Provides a list to view preference information and ability to edit the preferences using popup floating widgets. Also allows to restore preferences to their defaults. ]" legal: "See notice at end of class." status: "See notice at end of class." date: "$Date$" revision: "$Revision$" class PREFERENCES_WINDOW obsolete "Use PREFERENCES_GRID_DIALOG or PREFERENCES_GRID_CONTROL to embed pref into existing UI [2017-05-31]" inherit PREFERENCES_WINDOW_IMP redefine destroy end PREFERENCE_VIEW rename make as view_make, make_with_hidden as view_make_with_hidden undefine copy, default_create end PREFERENCE_CONSTANTS undefine copy, default_create end create make, make_with_hidden feature {NONE} -- Initialization make (a_preferences: PREFERENCES; a_obs_parent_window: EV_WINDOW) -- New window. Redefined to register EiffelStudio specific preference widgets for -- special preference types. do make_with_hidden (a_preferences, a_obs_parent_window, False) end make_with_hidden (a_preferences: PREFERENCES; a_obs_parent_window: EV_WINDOW; a_show_hidden_flag: BOOLEAN) -- New window. Redefined to register EiffelStudio specific preference widgets for -- special preference types. do view_make_with_hidden (a_preferences, a_show_hidden_flag) create grid root_node_text := preferences_root display_update_agent := agent on_preference_changed_externally default_create parent_window := Current set_size (640, 460) set_title (preferences_title) fill_list default_row_height := grid.row_height grid.disable_row_height_fixed grid.enable_single_row_selection grid_container.extend (grid) grid.set_item (4, 1, Void) grid.column (1).set_title (l_name) grid.column (2).set_title (l_type) grid.column (3).set_title (l_status) grid.column (4).set_title (l_literal_value) grid.pointer_double_press_item_actions.extend (agent on_grid_item_double_pressed) grid.key_press_actions.extend (agent on_grid_key_pressed) close_button.select_actions.extend (agent on_close) close_request_actions.extend (agent on_close) set_default_cancel_button (close_button) restore_button.select_actions.extend (agent on_restore) split_area.enable_item_expand (grid_container) split_area.disable_item_expand (description_frame) description_text.key_press_actions.extend (agent on_description_key_pressed) resize_actions.force_extend (agent on_window_resize) grid.header.pointer_double_press_actions.force_extend (agent on_header_double_clicked) grid.header.item_resize_end_actions.force_extend (agent on_header_resize) end user_create_interface_objects -- do end user_initialization -- Called by `initialize'. -- Any custom user initialization that -- could not be performed in `initialize', -- (due to regeneration of implementation class) -- can be added here. do end feature -- Status Setting set_show_full_preference_name (a_flag: BOOLEAN) -- Set 'show_full_preference_name' do show_full_preference_name := a_flag end set_root_icon (a_icon: EV_PIXMAP) -- Set the root node icon require icon_not_void: a_icon /= Void do root_icon := a_icon end set_folder_icon (a_icon: EV_PIXMAP) -- Set the folder node icon require icon_not_void: a_icon /= Void do folder_icon := a_icon end feature {NONE} -- Events on_close -- Close button has been pushed: apply the changes then close -- the Preferences Window. do preferences.save_preferences hide end on_preference_changed (a_pref: PREFERENCE) -- Set the preference value to the newly entered value in the edit item. do if grid.has_selected_row then if attached {FONT_PREFERENCE} a_pref as l_font_pref then grid.selected_rows.first.set_height (l_font_pref.value.height.max (default_row_height)) end if attached {EV_GRID_LABEL_ITEM} grid.selected_rows.first.item (3) as l_default_item then if a_pref.is_default_value then l_default_item.set_text (p_default_value) l_default_item.set_font (default_font) else l_default_item.set_text (user_value) l_default_item.set_font (non_default_font) end if a_pref.is_auto then l_default_item.set_text (l_default_item.text + " (" + auto_value + ")") end else check has_default_item: False end end end end on_preference_changed_externally (a_pref: PREFERENCE) -- Set the preference value to the newly entered value NOT changed in the edit item. do if grid.row_count > 0 then rebuild_right_list end end set_preference_to_default (a_item: EV_GRID_LABEL_ITEM; a_pref: PREFERENCE) -- Set the preference value to the original default. local l_item: detachable EV_GRID_ITEM do a_pref.reset a_item.set_text (p_default_value) a_item.set_font (default_font) if a_pref.is_auto then a_item.set_text (a_item.text + " (" + auto_value + ")") end l_item := a_item.row.item (4) if l_item /= Void then if attached {EV_GRID_EDITABLE_ITEM} l_item as l_text_item then -- Editable text item l_text_item.set_text (a_pref.text_value) elseif attached {EV_GRID_CHOICE_ITEM} l_item as l_combo_item then -- Combo selectable item l_combo_item.set_text (a_pref.text_value) elseif attached {EV_GRID_DRAWABLE_ITEM} l_item as l_color_item then -- Color drawable item l_color_item.redraw elseif attached {EV_GRID_LABEL_ITEM} a_item.row.item (1) as l_label_item then if a_pref.generating_preference_type.is_equal ("FONT") then -- Font label item if attached {EV_GRID_LABEL_ITEM} l_item as l_font_item and attached {FONT_PREFERENCE} a_pref as l_font then l_font_item.set_text (l_font.text_value) l_font_item.set_font (l_font.value) end end else end end end on_restore -- Restore all preferences to their default values. local l_confirmation_dialog: EV_CONFIRMATION_DIALOG do create l_confirmation_dialog l_confirmation_dialog.set_text (restore_preference_string) if parent_window /= Void then l_confirmation_dialog.show_modal_to_window (parent_window) else end if l_confirmation_dialog.selected_button ~ ((create {EV_DIALOG_CONSTANTS}).ev_ok) then preferences.restore_defaults if attached selected_preference_name as s then fill_right_list (s) end end end on_default_item_selected (a_item: EV_GRID_LABEL_ITEM; a_pref: PREFERENCE; a_x: INTEGER; a_y: INTEGER; a_button: INTEGER; a_x_tilt: DOUBLE; a_y_tilt: DOUBLE; a_pressure: DOUBLE; a_screen_x: INTEGER; a_screen_y: INTEGER) -- The default cloumn was clicked. local l_popup_menu: EV_MENU l_menu_item: EV_MENU_ITEM do if not a_pref.is_default_value and then a_button = 3 then -- Extract preference from row data. -- Show the menu only if necessary (that is to say, the preference value is different from the default one) if = a_pref and then a_pref.has_default_value then -- Ensure that before showing the menu, the row gets selected. grid.remove_selection a_item.row.enable_select -- The right clicked preference matches the selection in the grid create l_popup_menu create l_menu_item.make_with_text (l_restore_default) l_menu_item.select_actions.extend (agent set_preference_to_default (a_item, a_pref)) l_popup_menu.extend (l_menu_item) end end end on_grid_item_double_pressed (a_x, a_y, a_button: INTEGER; a_item: EV_GRID_ITEM) -- An item was double pressed local l_col_index: INTEGER do if a_item /= Void then l_col_index := a_item.column.index if l_col_index = 1 or l_col_index = 2 or l_col_index = 3 then if attached {BOOLEAN_PREFERENCE} as l_bool_preference then if attached {EV_GRID_CHOICE_ITEM} a_item.row.item (4) as l_combo_widget then l_combo_widget.set_text ((not l_bool_preference.value).out) ([]) else check has_combo_widget: False end end end end end end on_grid_key_pressed (k: EV_KEY) -- An key was pressed require k_attached: k /= Void do if k /= Void then if k.code = {EV_KEY_CONSTANTS}.key_enter then if grid.has_selected_row then if attached grid.selected_rows.first.item (4) as l_item then if attached {PREFERENCE_WIDGET} as l_preference_widget then end end end end end end on_description_key_pressed (a_key: EV_KEY) -- Description text area was key pressed do if a_key.code = {EV_KEY_CONSTANTS}.key_tab then if attached application as l_app and then l_app.shift_pressed then grid.set_focus else restore_button.set_focus end end end on_window_resize -- Dialog was resized local l_width: INTEGER do l_width := grid.width - (grid.column (1).width + grid.column (2).width + grid.column (3).width) if not resized_columns_list.item (4) then grid.column (4).set_width (l_width) end end on_header_double_clicked -- Header was double-clicked. local div_index: INTEGER col: EV_GRID_COLUMN do div_index := grid.header.pointed_divider_index if div_index > 0 then col := grid.column (div_index) col.set_width (col.required_width_of_item_span (1, grid.row_count) + column_border_space) end end on_header_resize -- Header was double-clicked. local div_index: INTEGER col: EV_GRID_COLUMN do div_index := grid.header.pointed_divider_index if div_index > 0 then col := grid.column (div_index) resized_columns_list.put (True, col.index) end end feature {NONE} -- Implementation fill_list -- Fill left tree. local it, l_parent: EV_TREE_ITEM l_pref_hash: STRING_TABLE [EV_TREE_ITEM] l_known_pref_hash: STRING_TABLE [PREFERENCE] l_pref_name, l_pref_parent_full_name, l_prev_parent_name: detachable READABLE_STRING_GENERAL l_pref_parent_name: STRING_32 l_pref_parent_short_name: READABLE_STRING_GENERAL l_node_count, l_index: INTEGER l_sorted_preferences: SORTED_TWO_WAY_LIST [READABLE_STRING_GENERAL] l_split_string: LIST [READABLE_STRING_GENERAL] do -- Retrieve known preferences l_known_pref_hash := preferences.preferences if not l_known_pref_hash.is_empty then create l_pref_hash.make (l_known_pref_hash.count) -- Alphabetically sort the known preferences create l_sorted_preferences.make l_sorted_preferences.compare_objects l_sorted_preferences.append (create {ARRAYED_LIST [READABLE_STRING_GENERAL]}.make_from_array (l_known_pref_hash.current_keys)) l_sorted_preferences.sort -- Generate a root node create it.make_with_text (formatted_name (root_node_text)) if root_icon /= Void then it.set_pixmap (root_icon) end it.select_actions.extend (agent clear_edit_widget) it.select_actions.extend (agent fill_right_list (root_node_text)) l_pref_hash.put (it, root_node_text) left_list.extend (it) -- Traverse the preferences in the system from l_sorted_preferences.finish until l_sorted_preferences.before loop l_pref_name := l_sorted_preferences.item l_pref_hash.put (it, l_pref_name) if l_pref_name.has ('.') then -- Build parent nodes as this preference is of the form 'a.b.c' so we must build 'a' and 'b'. l_pref_parent_full_name := l_pref_name.substring (1, l_pref_name.last_index_of ('.', l_pref_name.count) - 1) if l_pref_parent_full_name.has ('.') then from l_split_string := l_pref_parent_full_name.split ('.') l_node_count := 0 l_index := 1 create l_pref_parent_name.make_empty until l_node_count = l_split_string.count loop l_pref_parent_short_name := l_split_string.i_th (l_index) if not l_pref_parent_name.is_empty then l_pref_parent_name.extend ('.') end l_pref_parent_name.append_string_general (l_pref_parent_short_name) l_index := l_index + 1 create l_parent.make_with_text (formatted_name (l_pref_parent_short_name)) if folder_icon /= Void then l_parent.set_pixmap (folder_icon) end l_parent.select_actions.extend (agent clear_edit_widget) l_parent.select_actions.extend (agent fill_right_list (l_pref_parent_name.twin)) if not l_pref_hash.has (l_pref_parent_name) then l_pref_hash.put (l_parent, l_pref_parent_name.twin) if l_prev_parent_name /= Void and then attached l_pref_hash.item (l_prev_parent_name) as l_prev_item then l_prev_item.put_front (l_parent) elseif attached l_pref_hash.item (root_node_text) as l_pref_item then l_pref_item.put_front (l_parent) end end l_prev_parent_name := l_pref_parent_name.twin l_node_count := l_node_count + 1 end else -- We reach the end of building parent, so here we build 'a'. if not l_pref_hash.has (l_pref_parent_full_name) then create l_parent.make_with_text (formatted_name (l_pref_parent_full_name)) if folder_icon /= Void then l_parent.set_pixmap (folder_icon) end l_parent.select_actions.extend (agent clear_edit_widget) l_parent.select_actions.extend (agent fill_right_list (l_pref_parent_full_name.twin)) l_pref_hash.put (l_parent, l_pref_parent_full_name.twin) if attached l_pref_hash.item (root_node_text) as l_pref_item then l_pref_item.put_front (l_parent) end l_prev_parent_name := Void end end elseif not l_pref_hash.has (l_pref_name) then -- Add as child to root node create it.make_with_text (formatted_name (l_pref_name)) if folder_icon /= Void then it.set_pixmap (folder_icon) end it.select_actions.extend (agent clear_edit_widget) it.select_actions.extend (agent fill_right_list (l_pref_name.twin)) if attached l_pref_hash.item (root_node_text) as l_pref_item then l_pref_item.put_front (it) end end l_sorted_preferences.back end end end fill_right_list (a_pref_name: READABLE_STRING_GENERAL) -- Fill right list. require pref_name_not_void: a_pref_name /= Void pref_name_not_empty: not a_pref_name.is_empty local l_names: SORTED_TWO_WAY_LIST [READABLE_STRING_GENERAL] l_pref_name: READABLE_STRING_GENERAL grid_name_item, grid_default_item, grid_type_item: detachable EV_GRID_LABEL_ITEM l_preference: detachable PREFERENCE curr_row: INTEGER l_column: EV_GRID_COLUMN do grid.enable_row_height_fixed grid.disable_row_height_fixed selected_preference_name := a_pref_name wipe_out_visible_preference_change_action visible_preferences.wipe_out -- Retrieve known preferences create l_names.make l_names.append (create {ARRAYED_LIST [READABLE_STRING_GENERAL]}.make_from_array (preferences.preferences.current_keys)) l_names.sort from l_names.start grid_remove_and_clear_all_rows (grid) description_text.set_text ("") curr_row := 1 until l_names.after loop l_pref_name := l_names.item if should_display_preference (l_pref_name, a_pref_name) and l_pref_name.count > a_pref_name.count then l_preference := preferences.preferences.item (l_pref_name) if l_preference /= Void and then (show_hidden_preferences or (not show_hidden_preferences and then not l_preference.is_hidden)) then if /= Void then create grid_name_item grid.set_item (1, curr_row, grid_name_item) if show_full_preference_name then grid_name_item.set_text ( else grid_name_item.set_text (formatted_name (short_preference_name ( end elseif grid_name_item /= Void then grid_name_item.set_text ("") end add_preference_change_item (l_preference, curr_row) l_preference.change_actions.extend (display_update_agent) grid.row (curr_row).set_data (l_preference) grid.row (curr_row).select_actions.extend (agent show_preference_description (l_preference)) create grid_default_item grid_default_item.pointer_button_press_actions.extend (agent on_default_item_selected (grid_default_item, l_preference, ?, ?, ?, ?, ?, ?, ?, ?)) grid.set_item (3, curr_row, grid_default_item) if l_preference.is_default_value then grid_default_item.set_text (p_default_value) grid_default_item.set_font (default_font) else grid_default_item.set_text (user_value) grid_default_item.set_font (non_default_font) end if l_preference.is_auto then grid_default_item.set_text (grid_default_item.text + " (" + auto_value + ")") end create grid_type_item grid_type_item.set_text (l_preference.string_type) grid.set_item (2, curr_row, grid_type_item) visible_preferences.extend (l_preference) curr_row := curr_row + 1 end end l_names.forth end if grid.row_count > 0 then grid.row (1).enable_select l_column := grid.column (1) if not resized_columns_list.item (1) then l_column.resize_to_content l_column.set_width (l_column.width + column_border_space) end l_column := grid.column (2) if not resized_columns_list.item (2) then l_column.resize_to_content l_column.set_width (l_column.width + column_border_space) end l_column := grid.column (3) if not resized_columns_list.item (3) then l_column.resize_to_content l_column.set_width (l_column.width + column_border_space) end on_window_resize if attached {PREFERENCE} grid.row (1).data as l_pref then show_preference_description (l_pref) end end end rebuild_right_list -- Rebuild right list. This is used to update the values shown for the currently visible preferences -- in case they have been changed external to this window. local l_preference: PREFERENCE curr_row: INTEGER l_grid_item: detachable EV_GRID_ITEM do from visible_preferences.start curr_row := 1 until visible_preferences.after loop l_preference := visible_preferences.item if attached {EV_GRID_LABEL_ITEM} grid.row (curr_row).item (3) as l_grid_default_item then if l_preference.is_default_value then l_grid_default_item.set_text (p_default_value) l_grid_default_item.set_font (default_font) else l_grid_default_item.set_text (user_value) l_grid_default_item.set_font (non_default_font) end if l_preference.is_auto then l_grid_default_item.set_text (l_grid_default_item.text + "(" + auto_value + ")") end else check has_grid_default_item: False end end l_grid_item := grid.row (curr_row).item (4) if attached {EV_GRID_LABEL_ITEM} l_grid_item as grid_value_label_item then grid_value_label_item.set_text (l_preference.text_value) elseif attached {EV_GRID_DRAWABLE_ITEM} l_grid_item as grid_value_drawable_item then grid_value_drawable_item.redraw end curr_row := curr_row + 1 visible_preferences.forth end end should_display_preference (a_pref_name, b_pref_name: READABLE_STRING_GENERAL): BOOLEAN -- Should we display the preference in the right list? do Result := a_pref_name.substring (1, b_pref_name.count).same_string (b_pref_name) if Result then Result := not (a_pref_name.substring (b_pref_name.count + 2, a_pref_name.count).has ('.')) end end wipe_out_visible_preference_change_action -- Wipe out the change action setup to notify Current about a change from outside do from visible_preferences.start until visible_preferences.after loop visible_preferences.item.change_actions.prune_all (display_update_agent) visible_preferences.forth end end feature {NONE} -- Implementation destroy -- Destroy. do Precursor end pixmap_file_contents (pn: STRING): EV_PIXMAP -- Load a pixmap in file named `pn'. require valid_file_name: pn /= Void local retried: BOOLEAN fullp: PATH do create Result if not retried then fullp := pixmaps_path_cell.item.extended (pn + {STRING_32} "." + pixmaps_extension_cell.item) Result.set_with_named_path (fullp) end rescue retried := True retry end show_preference_description (a_preference: PREFERENCE) -- Show selected list preference in edit widget. require preference_not_void: a_preference /= Void local l_text: STRING_32 do if attached a_preference.description as d then -- We know that descriptions of preference have been extacted out -- from the config file. l_text := try_to_translate (d) else l_text := no_description_text end if a_preference.restart_required then description_text.set_text (l_text.as_string_32 + l_request_restart) else description_text.set_text (l_text) end end add_preference_change_item (a_preference: PREFERENCE; row_index: INTEGER) -- Add the correct preference change widget item at `row_index' of `grid'. local l_bool_widget: BOOLEAN_PREFERENCE_WIDGET l_edit_widget: STRING_PREFERENCE_WIDGET l_choice_widget: CHOICE_PREFERENCE_WIDGET l_font_widget: FONT_PREFERENCE_WIDGET l_color_widget: COLOR_PREFERENCE_WIDGET l_shortcut_widget: SHORTCUT_PREFERENCE_WIDGET l_path_widget: PATH_PREFERENCE_WIDGET do if attached {BOOLEAN_PREFERENCE} a_preference as l_bool then -- Boolean create l_bool_widget.make_with_preference (l_bool) l_bool_widget.change_actions.extend (agent on_preference_changed) grid.set_item (4, row_index, l_bool_widget.change_item_widget) l_bool_widget.change_item_widget.set_data (l_bool_widget) else if a_preference.generating_preference_type.is_equal ("TEXT") then create l_path_widget.make_with_preference (a_preference) l_path_widget.change_actions.extend (agent on_preference_changed) grid.set_item (4, row_index, l_path_widget.change_item_widget) l_path_widget.change_item_widget.set_data (l_path_widget) elseif a_preference.generating_preference_type.is_equal ("PATH") then create l_edit_widget.make_with_preference (a_preference) l_edit_widget.change_actions.extend (agent on_preference_changed) grid.set_item (4, row_index, l_edit_widget.change_item_widget) l_edit_widget.change_item_widget.set_data (l_edit_widget) elseif a_preference.generating_preference_type.is_equal ("COMBO") then if attached {ARRAY_PREFERENCE} a_preference as l_array then -- Choice create l_choice_widget.make_with_preference (l_array) l_choice_widget.change_actions.extend (agent on_preference_changed) grid.set_item (4, row_index, l_choice_widget.change_item_widget) l_choice_widget.change_item_widget.set_data (l_choice_widget) end else if attached {FONT_PREFERENCE} a_preference as l_font then -- Font create l_font_widget.make_with_preference (l_font) l_font_widget.change_actions.extend (agent on_preference_changed) l_font_widget.set_caller (Current) grid.set_item (4, row_index, l_font_widget.change_item_widget) l_font_widget.change_item_widget.set_data (l_font_widget) grid.row (row_index).set_height (l_font.value.height.max (default_row_height)) else if attached {COLOR_PREFERENCE} a_preference as l_color then -- Color create l_color_widget.make_with_preference (l_color) l_color_widget.change_actions.extend (agent on_preference_changed) l_color_widget.set_caller (Current) grid.set_item (4, row_index, l_color_widget.change_item_widget) l_color_widget.change_item_widget.set_data (l_color_widget) else if attached {SHORTCUT_PREFERENCE} a_preference as l_shortcut then -- Shortcut create l_shortcut_widget.make_with_preference (l_shortcut) l_shortcut_widget.change_actions.extend (agent on_preference_changed) grid.set_item (4, row_index, l_shortcut_widget.change_item_widget) l_shortcut_widget.change_item_widget.set_data (l_shortcut_widget) end end end end end end clear_edit_widget -- Clear the edit widget do description_text.set_text ("") end short_preference_name (a_name: STRING): STRING -- The short, non-unique name of a preference require name_not_void: a_name /= Void do Result := a_name.substring (a_name.last_index_of ('.', a_name.count) + 1, a_name.count) end formatted_name (a_name: READABLE_STRING_GENERAL): STRING_32 -- Formatted name for display do create Result.make_from_string_general (a_name) Result.replace_substring_all ({STRING_32} "_", {STRING_32} " ") Result.put (Result.item (1).upper, 1) end grid_remove_and_clear_all_rows (g: EV_GRID) require g /= Void local rc: INTEGER do from rc := g.row_count until rc = 0 loop g.row (rc).set_data (Void) g.row (rc).clear g.remove_row (rc) rc := g.row_count end g.clear ensure g.row_count = 0 g.selected_rows.count = 0 end visible_preferences: ARRAYED_LIST [PREFERENCE] -- List of the preferences currently in view. once create Result.make (10) end try_to_translate (a_string: READABLE_STRING_GENERAL): STRING_32 -- Try to translate `a_string'. require a_string_not_void: a_string /= Void do Result := a_string.as_string_32 ensure result_not_void: Result /= Void end feature {NONE} -- Private attributes parent_window: detachable EV_WINDOW note option: stable attribute end -- Parent window. show_full_preference_name: BOOLEAN -- Show the full name of the preference in the list? root_node_text: STRING_32 -- Text for the top level node. selected_preference_name: detachable READABLE_STRING_GENERAL -- Name of preference selected in tree. Used to programatically to update the right-side list. root_icon: detachable EV_PIXMAP note option: stable attribute end -- Icon for root node folder_icon: detachable EV_PIXMAP note option: stable attribute end -- Folder icon default_font: EV_FONT -- Font for row when value is a default value once create Result end non_default_font: EV_FONT -- Font for row when value is not a default value once create Result Result.set_weight ((create {EV_FONT_CONSTANTS}).weight_bold) end grid: EV_GRID -- Grid column_border_space: INTEGER = 3 -- Padding space for column content default_row_height: INTEGER -- Default row height display_update_agent: PROCEDURE [PREFERENCE] -- Agent to be called when preference is changed outside resized_columns_list: ARRAY [BOOLEAN] -- List of boolean s for each column indicating if it has been user resizedat all. once Result := <> end application: detachable EV_APPLICATION -- Application do Result := (create {EV_ENVIRONMENT}).application end invariant has_preferences: preferences /= Void note copyright: "Copyright (c) 1984-2014, Eiffel Software and others" license: "Eiffel Forum License v2 (see" source: "[ Eiffel Software 5949 Hollister Ave., Goleta, CA 93117 USA Telephone 805-685-1006, Fax 805-685-6869 Website Customer support ]" end -- class PREFERENCES_GRID_WINDOW