note description: "Unix-specific operating system services for process." legal: "See notice at end of class." status: "See notice at end of class." date: "$Date$" revision: "$Revision$" class PROCESS_UNIX_OS inherit UNIX_SIGNALS rename meaning as signal_meaning end feature -- File descriptor status valid_file_descriptor (fd: INTEGER): BOOLEAN -- Is `fd' in the range of valid file descriptors? do Result := fd >= 0 ensure is_class: class end feature -- File descriptor operations duplicate_file_descriptor (old_fd, new_fd: INTEGER) -- Duplicate existing file descriptor `old_fd' and -- give the new file descriptor the value `new_fd'. -- If `new_fd' is in use, it is first deallocated -- as if it were closed require valid_old_descriptor: valid_file_descriptor (old_fd) valid_new_descriptor: valid_file_descriptor (new_fd) external "C inline use " alias "[ { int rc; rc = dup2($old_fd, $new_fd); if (rc < 0) { eraise(Strerror(errno), EN_SYS); } } ]" end; close_file_descriptor (fd: INTEGER) -- Close existing open file descriptor `fd' require valid_descriptor: valid_file_descriptor (fd) external "C inline use " alias "[ { int rc; rc = close($fd); if (rc != 0) { eraise(Strerror(errno), EN_SYS); } } ]" end feature -- Pipes new_pipe: PROCESS_UNIX_PIPE -- New pipe object for interprocess communication local read_fd, write_fd: INTEGER do unix_pipe ($read_fd, $write_fd) create Result.make (read_fd, write_fd) ensure result_exists: Result /= Void; end; feature -- Process operations fork_process: INTEGER -- Fork a new process. Return process id of new -- process to the parent process and 0 to the child do Result := unix_fork_process; end new_process_group -- Let the current process become a process group leader. external "C inline use " alias "[ { setpgid (0, 0); } ]" end exec_process (prog_file: READABLE_STRING_GENERAL; args: ARRAY [READABLE_STRING_GENERAL]; close_nonstd_files: BOOLEAN; env_ptr: POINTER) -- Overlay the process with a new process, -- which will execute program `prog_file' with -- arguments `args' and environment variables stored in `env_ptr'. -- If `close_nonstd_files' -- is true, then change all open file -- descriptors greater than 2 so that they are -- closed on a successful exec. If env_ptr is a `default_pointer', the new -- process has the same environment as the -- current one, otherwise, it will use the environment specified in `env_ptr'. -- This routine never returns to -- the caller normally, although it may raise -- an exception. require program_name_exists: prog_file /= Void arguments_exist: args /= Void local k, count, lower: INTEGER arguments: POINTER ns: NATIVE_STRING do count := args.count lower := args.lower arguments := unix_allocate_arg_memory (count + 1) from create ns.make_empty (0) k := 1 until k > count loop ns.set_string (args.item (lower + k - 1)) -- Memory is going to be freed by "execv"/"execve". -- Therefore there is no need to free memory allocated by "strdup". unix_set_arg_value (arguments, k - 1, str_dup (ns.item)) k := k + 1 end unix_set_arg_value (arguments, count, default_pointer) create ns.make (prog_file) unix_exec_process (ns.item, arguments, env_ptr, close_nonstd_files) end terminate_hard (pid: INTEGER) -- Send a kill signal (SIGKILL) to the process(es) -- identified by `pid' do send_signal (Sigkill, pid) end feature{NONE} -- Implementation send_signal (sig, pid: INTEGER) -- Send signal `sig' to the process(es) identified by -- `pid'. If signal is 0, error checking is done but -- no signal is actually sent. If `pid' > 0, send -- signal to the process with that id. If `pid' = 0, -- send signal to all processes with the same -- process group id as current process (except system -- processes and process 1). For `pid' = -1 or -- `pid' negative but not -1, see man page for -- kill(2). require valid_signal: is_defined(sig) do unix_kill (pid, sig) end unix_fork_process: INTEGER -- Create a new process. Return the process id -- to the parent and 0 to the child do c_unix_fork_process ($Result) end str_dup (area: POINTER): POINTER -- Return new copy of C string indicated by `area' do c_str_dup (area, $Result); end unix_allocate_arg_memory (count: INTEGER): POINTER -- Return pointer to newly allocated memory -- for `count' arguments which is not subject -- to garbage collection. `count' must -- include both argument 0 and the trailing -- null pointer that terminates the argument list do c_unix_allocate_arg_memory (count, $Result) end feature {NONE} -- Externals c_str_dup (area: POINTER; a_result: TYPED_POINTER [POINTER]) -- Duplicate data from `area' to `a_result'. external "C inline use " alias "[ { char *result; result = (char *) malloc((unsigned) (strlen((char *) $area) + 1)); if (result == NULL) { enomem(); } strcpy(result, $area); *$a_result = result; } ]" end unix_pipe (read_fd, write_fd: POINTER) -- Create a new pipe and put the read file descriptor -- in `read_fd' and the write file descriptor in -- `write_fd' external "C inline use " alias "[ { int rc; int fd[2]; EIF_INTEGER * read_ptr; EIF_INTEGER * write_ptr; rc = pipe(fd); if (rc != 0) { eraise(Strerror(errno), EN_SYS); } read_ptr = (EIF_INTEGER *) $read_fd; write_ptr = (EIF_INTEGER *) $write_fd; *read_ptr = fd[0]; *write_ptr = fd[1]; } ]" end unix_kill (pid, sig: INTEGER) -- Send signal `sig' to process(es) identified by `pid' external "C inline use , " alias "[ { int rc; rc = kill((pid_t) $pid, (int) $sig); if (rc != 0 && errno != ESRCH) { eraise(Strerror(errno), EN_SYS); } } ]" end unix_waitpid (pid: INTEGER; block: BOOLEAN; status_avail_addr: TYPED_POINTER [BOOLEAN]; a_status: TYPED_POINTER [INTEGER]; a_succ: TYPED_POINTER [BOOLEAN]) -- Wait for process specified by `pid'. Block if -- no process has status available if `block' is -- true. Set boolean at `status_avail_addr' to -- indicate whether status was available. -- Set reported process status in `a_status' if `status_avail_addr' is set with True. -- If succeeded, set `a_succ' to True, otherwise False. external "C blocking inline use , %"eif_process.h%"" alias "[ { pid_t rc; int status; rc = waitpid((pid_t) $pid, &status, ($block ? 0 : WNOHANG) | WUNTRACED); *(EIF_BOOLEAN *) $a_succ = (rc != -1); if (rc != -1) { if (rc == 0) { /* No process has status to report yet */ *(EIF_BOOLEAN *) $status_avail_addr = EIF_FALSE; } else { /* Process reported status */ *(EIF_BOOLEAN *) $status_avail_addr = EIF_TRUE; } *(EIF_INTEGER *) $a_status = (EIF_INTEGER) status; } } ]" end c_unix_fork_process (a_result : TYPED_POINTER [INTEGER]) -- Fork process, and set return value in `a_result'. external "C inline use , " alias "[ { pid_t pid; pid = fork(); *$a_result = (EIF_INTEGER)pid; } ]" end unix_exec_process (pname, args, env: POINTER; close_nonstd_files: BOOLEAN) -- Call execv or execve to overlay current process with -- new one. Does not return (raises exception -- if error doing the exec) external "C inline use " alias "[ { int max_descriptors; int k, rc; if ($close_nonstd_files == EIF_TRUE) { max_descriptors = getdtablesize(); for (k = 3; k < max_descriptors; k++) { rc = fcntl(k, F_SETFD, 1); if (rc == -1 && errno != EBADF) { eraise(Strerror(errno), EN_SYS); } } } if ($env == NULL) { (void) execv((char *) $pname, (char **) $args); } else { (void) execve((char *) $pname, (char **) $args, (char **) $env); } _exit(127); } ]" end c_unix_allocate_arg_memory (count: INTEGER; a_result: TYPED_POINTER [POINTER]) -- Allocate memory for a POINTER array of `count' items. external "C inline" alias "[ { EIF_POINTER result; result = (EIF_POINTER) malloc((size_t) ($count * sizeof(char *))); if (result == NULL) { enomem(); } *$a_result = result; } ]" end unix_set_arg_value (arg_array: POINTER; pos: INTEGER; arg: POINTER) -- Set the element of `arg_array' at position `pos' -- (relative to 0) to `arg' external "C inline" alias "[ { char ** arguments; arguments = (char **) $arg_array; arguments[$pos] = (char *) $arg; } ]" end attach_terminals (pid: INTEGER) -- Attach terminal control to process group to which process `pid' belongs. external "C inline use " alias "[ { pid_t pgid = getpgid ($pid); tcsetpgrp (1, pgid); tcsetpgrp (2, pgid); } ]" end note copyright: "Copyright (c) 1984-2018, Eiffel Software and others" license: "Eiffel Forum License v2 (see" source: "[ Eiffel Software 5949 Hollister Ave., Goleta, CA 93117 USA Telephone 805-685-1006, Fax 805-685-6869 Website Customer support ]" end