note description: "Manipulate Windows handle to file" status: "See notice at end of class." legal: "See notice at end of class." date: "$Date$" revision: "$Revision$" class FILE_HANDLE feature -- Factory open_file_inheritable (a_filename: READABLE_STRING_GENERAL): POINTER -- Open a file `a_filename' and made returned handle inheritable by child -- process if any, so that it can be read from by child. require a_filename_not_void: a_filename /= Void a_filename_not_empty: not a_filename.is_empty local l_sec: WEL_SECURITY_ATTRIBUTES l_str: WEL_STRING do create l_sec.make l_sec.set_inherit_handle (True) create l_str.make (a_filename) Result := cwin_create_file (l_str.item, {WEL_FILE_CONSTANTS}.generic_read, {WEL_FILE_CONSTANTS}.file_share_read | {WEL_FILE_CONSTANTS}.file_share_write, l_sec.item, {WEL_FILE_CONSTANTS}.open_existing, {WEL_FILE_CONSTANTS}.file_attribute_normal, default_pointer) end create_file_inheritable (a_filename: READABLE_STRING_GENERAL; is_append: BOOLEAN): POINTER -- If not `is_append' create a file `a_filename' and overwrite if it exists. -- Otherwise append to existing file. require a_filename_not_void: a_filename /= Void a_filename_not_empty: not a_filename.is_empty local l_sec: WEL_SECURITY_ATTRIBUTES l_str: WEL_STRING l_mode: INTEGER l_null: TYPED_POINTER [INTEGER] do create l_sec.make l_sec.set_inherit_handle (True) create l_str.make (a_filename) if is_append then l_mode := {WEL_FILE_CONSTANTS}.open_always else l_mode := {WEL_FILE_CONSTANTS}.create_always end Result := cwin_create_file (l_str.item, {WEL_FILE_CONSTANTS}.generic_write, {WEL_FILE_CONSTANTS}.file_share_read, l_sec.item, l_mode, {WEL_FILE_CONSTANTS}.file_flag_write_through, default_pointer) if is_append then cwin_set_file_pointer (Result, 0, l_null, {WEL_FILE_CONSTANTS}.file_end) end end create_pipe_write_inheritable: detachable TUPLE [read_pipe, write_pipe: POINTER] -- Create pipe where `write' part of pipe can be written to. -- Actual type is TUPLE [read, write: POINTER] local l_read, l_write, l_temp: POINTER do if cwin_create_pipe ($l_read, $l_temp, default_pointer, 0) then if duplicate_handle (l_temp, $l_write) then if {WEL_API}.close_handle (l_temp) = 0 then display_error else Result := [l_read, l_write] end else display_error end else display_error end end create_pipe_read_inheritable: detachable TUPLE [read_pipe, write_pipe: POINTER] -- Create pipe where `write' part of pipe can be written to. -- Actual type is TUPLE [read, write: POINTER] local l_read, l_write, l_temp: POINTER do if cwin_create_pipe ($l_temp, $l_write, default_pointer, 0) then if duplicate_handle (l_temp, $l_read) then if {WEL_API}.close_handle (l_temp) = 0 then display_error else Result := [l_read, l_write] end else display_error end else display_error end end feature -- Status report last_write_successful: BOOLEAN -- Was last write operation successful? last_read_successful: BOOLEAN -- Was last read operation successful? last_string: detachable STRING -- Last read string last_written_bytes: INTEGER -- Last amount of bytes written to pipe last_read_bytes: INTEGER -- Last amount of bytes read from pipe feature -- Input read_stream (a_handle: POINTER; a_count: INTEGER) -- Read a string of at most `count' bound characters -- or until end of pipe is encountered. -- Put number of read bytes in `last_read_bytes'. -- Make result available in `last_string'. require valid_count: a_count > 0 local l_str: C_STRING l_success: BOOLEAN l_bytes: like last_read_bytes do create l_str.make_empty (a_count) from l_success := cwin_read_file (a_handle, l_str.item, a_count, $l_bytes, default_pointer) until not l_success or else l_bytes > 0 loop -- Per MSDN documentation, when we are here if the call to `ReadFile' read `0' bytes -- on a successful read, which means we are beyond the current end of the file at -- the time of the read operation. So we have to repeat the call until we get something. l_success := cwin_read_file (a_handle, l_str.item, a_count, $l_bytes, default_pointer) end if l_success then check l_bytes > 0 end last_read_successful := True l_str.set_count (l_bytes) last_string := l_str.substring (1, l_bytes) else last_read_successful := False last_string := Void end last_read_bytes := l_bytes end read_line (a_handle: POINTER) -- Read a line or until end of pipe is encountered. -- Put number of read bytes in `last_read_bytes'. -- Make result available in `last_string'. local l_str: C_STRING l_done, l_success: BOOLEAN l_bytes: like last_read_bytes l_last_string: like last_string do from create l_last_string.make (10) last_string := l_last_string create l_str.make_empty (1) last_read_successful := True until not last_read_successful or l_done loop from l_success := cwin_read_file (a_handle, l_str.item, 1, $l_bytes, default_pointer) until not l_success or else l_bytes > 0 loop -- Per MSDN documentation, when we are here if the call to `ReadFile' read `0' bytes -- on a successful read, which means we are beyond the current end of the file at -- the time of the read operation. So we have to repeat the call until we get something. l_success := cwin_read_file (a_handle, l_str.item, 1, $l_bytes, default_pointer) end if l_success then check l_bytes > 0 end last_read_successful := True l_str.set_count (l_bytes) l_last_string.append (l_str.substring (1, l_bytes)) l_done := l_last_string.item (l_last_string.count) = '%N' else last_read_successful := False last_string := Void end end last_read_bytes := l_bytes end feature -- Element change duplicate_handle (a_handle: POINTER; a_duplicated_handle: TYPED_POINTER [POINTER]): BOOLEAN -- Duplicate `a_handle', mostly used for: -- We've set the SA so the pipe handles are inheritable. However, -- we only want the write end of the pipe inheritable, so we use -- DuplicateHandle to change the Inheritability of the read -- handle. external "C inline use " alias "[ return EIF_TEST(DuplicateHandle ( GetCurrentProcess(), (HANDLE) $a_handle, GetCurrentProcess(), (HANDLE *) $a_duplicated_handle, 0, TRUE, DUPLICATE_SAME_ACCESS)); ]" end put_string (a_handle: POINTER; a_string: READABLE_STRING_8) -- Write `a_string' to `a_handle'. -- Put number of written bytes in `last_written_bytes'. require non_void_string: a_string /= Void local l_str: C_STRING l_bytes: like last_written_bytes do create l_str.make (a_string) last_write_successful := cwin_write_file (a_handle, l_str.item, a_string.count, $l_bytes, default_pointer) last_written_bytes := l_bytes end feature -- Error reporting display_error do -- By default do nothing, it can be used for debugging -- Most likely it will use {WEL_ERROR}.display_last_error end feature {NONE} -- Implementation cwin_create_pipe (a_output_handle_pointer, a_input_handle_pointer, a_pointer: POINTER; a_size: INTEGER): BOOLEAN -- SDK CreatePipe external "C [macro ] (PHANDLE, PHANDLE, LPSECURITY_ATTRIBUTES, DWORD): BOOL" alias "CreatePipe" end cwin_create_file (a_name: POINTER; an_integer, an_integer2: INTEGER; a_pointer: POINTER; an_integer3, an_integer4: INTEGER; a_handle: POINTER): POINTER -- SDK CreateFile external "C macro signature (LPCTSTR, DWORD, DWORD, LPSECURITY_ATTRIBUTES, DWORD, DWORD, HANDLE): HANDLE use " alias "CreateFile" end cwin_read_file (a_handle: POINTER; a_buffer: POINTER; an_integer:INTEGER; a_pointer1, a_pointer2: POINTER): BOOLEAN -- SDK ReadFile external "C blocking macro signature (HANDLE, LPVOID, DWORD, LPDWORD, LPOVERLAPPED): BOOL use " alias "ReadFile" end cwin_write_file (a_handle: POINTER; a_buffer: POINTER; an_integer:INTEGER; a_pointer1, a_pointer2: POINTER): BOOLEAN -- SDK WriteFile external "C blocking macro signature (HANDLE, LPCVOID, DWORD, LPDWORD, LPOVERLAPPED): BOOL use " alias "WriteFile" end cwin_set_file_pointer (a_handle: POINTER; a_dist_to_move: INTEGER; a_dist_to_move_high: TYPED_POINTER [INTEGER]; a_method: INTEGER) -- Move File pointer to given location external "C macro signature (HANDLE, LONG, PLONG, DWORD) use " alias "SetFilePointer" end note copyright: "Copyright (c) 1984-2017, Eiffel Software and others" license: "Eiffel Forum License v2 (see" source: "[ Eiffel Software 5949 Hollister Ave., Goleta, CA 93117 USA Telephone 805-685-1006, Fax 805-685-6869 Website Customer support ]" end