note description: "Process utilities to go through all processes running on current system." status: "See notice at end of class." legal: "See notice at end of class." date: "$Date$" revision: "$Revision$" class PROCESS_UTILITY inherit WEL_PROCESS_TOOLHELP_CONSTANTS feature -- Access process_id_pair_list: LINKED_LIST [TUPLE [parent_id: INTEGER; process_id: INTEGER]] -- List of process id pairs taken from a system snapshot. -- first item of a pair is parent process id, second item of a pair is process id. local ptr: POINTER entry: POINTER succ: BOOLEAN pid1, pid2: INTEGER l_count: INTEGER l_size: INTEGER l_list: MANAGED_POINTER i: INTEGER l_is_nt: BOOLEAN do create Result.make check_nt_platform ($l_is_nt, $succ) if not succ or not l_is_nt then cwin_create_toolhelp32_snapshot (toolhelp_handle, 0, $ptr) if ptr /= default_pointer then from cwin_process32_first (toolhelp_handle, ptr, $entry, $succ) until not succ loop cwin_get_process_id_and_parent_id (entry, $pid1, $pid2) Result.extend ([pid2, pid1]) cwin_process32_next (toolhelp_handle, ptr, $entry, $succ) end if entry /= default_pointer then entry.memory_free end if {WEL_API}.close_handle (ptr) = 0 then check close_handle_success: False end end end else cwin_nt_get_process_list (ntps_handle, $ptr, $l_count, $l_size, $succ) if succ and ptr /= default_pointer then create l_list.share_from_pointer (ptr, l_count * l_size) from i := 0 until i >= l_count loop pid1 := l_list.read_integer_32 (i * l_size) cwin_nt_get_parent_id (ntdll_handle, pid1, $pid2, $succ) if succ then Result.extend ([pid2, pid1]) end i := i + 1 end ptr.memory_free end end ensure result_attached: Result /= Void end check_nt_platform (a_result, a_succ: TYPED_POINTER [BOOLEAN]) -- If current system is Microsoft NT system, set `a_result' to True, otherwise False. -- If succeeded, set `a_succ' to True. external "C inline use " alias "[ { OSVERSIONINFOEX osvi; BOOL bOsVersionInfoEx; BOOL ok = TRUE; ZeroMemory(&osvi, sizeof(OSVERSIONINFOEX)); osvi.dwOSVersionInfoSize = sizeof(OSVERSIONINFOEX); if( !(bOsVersionInfoEx = GetVersionEx ((OSVERSIONINFO *) &osvi)) ) { osvi.dwOSVersionInfoSize = sizeof (OSVERSIONINFO); if (! GetVersionEx ( (OSVERSIONINFO *) &osvi) ) ok = FALSE; } if(ok) { if(osvi.dwPlatformId = VER_PLATFORM_WIN32_NT && osvi.dwMajorVersion <= 4 ) { *$a_result = 1; } else { *$a_result = 0; } *$a_succ = 1; } else { *$a_succ = 0; } } ]" end feature{NONE} -- Initialization toolhelp_handle: POINTER -- Handle using toolhelp API once Result := (create {WEL_DLL}.make ("Kernel32.dll")).item end ntps_handle: POINTER -- PSAPI handle used in NT platform once Result := (create {WEL_DLL}.make ("psapi.dll")).item end ntdll_handle: POINTER -- NTDLL Handle used in NT platform once Result := (create {WEL_DLL}.make ("ntdll.dll")).item end feature{NONE} -- Toolhelp API cwin_create_toolhelp32_snapshot (a_toolhelp_handle: POINTER; a_prc_id: INTEGER; a_handle: TYPED_POINTER [POINTER]) -- Get system information snapshot and store result in `a_handle'. -- After use, call `cwin_close_handle' to close `a_handle'. require a_toolhelp_handle_valid: a_toolhelp_handle /= default_pointer external "C inline use " alias "[ { FARPROC snapshotCreator = NULL; HMODULE toolhelpModule = (HMODULE) $a_toolhelp_handle; snapshotCreator = GetProcAddress (toolhelpModule, "CreateToolhelp32Snapshot"); if(snapshotCreator) { *$a_handle = (FUNCTION_CAST_TYPE (HANDLE, WINAPI, (DWORD, DWORD)) snapshotCreator) (TH32CS_SNAPPROCESS, $a_prc_id); if(*$a_handle == INVALID_HANDLE_VALUE) { *$a_handle = 0; } } } ]" end cwin_process32_first (a_toolhelp_handle: POINTER; a_snapshot: POINTER; a_prc_entry: TYPED_POINTER [POINTER]; a_succ: TYPED_POINTER [BOOLEAN]) -- Get information of the first process in `a_snapshot' and store result in `a_prc_entry'. -- If successed, set `a_succ' to True, otherwise to False. -- This feature will create a POINTER object `a_prc_entry' if successful, -- so, after use, call `cwin_free_pointer' to destroy `a_prc_entry'. require a_toolhelp_handle_valid: a_toolhelp_handle /= default_pointer external "C inline use " alias "[ { FARPROC process32First = NULL; HMODULE toolhelpModule = (HMODULE) $a_toolhelp_handle; PROCESSENTRY32 *pe32; BOOL ok = FALSE; pe32 = (PROCESSENTRY32 *)malloc (sizeof (PROCESSENTRY32)); pe32->dwSize = sizeof( PROCESSENTRY32 ); process32First = GetProcAddress (toolhelpModule, "Process32First"); if(process32First) { if ((FUNCTION_CAST_TYPE (BOOL, WINAPI, (HANDLE, LPPROCESSENTRY32)) process32First) ($a_snapshot, pe32)) { *$a_succ = 1; *$a_prc_entry = (EIF_POINTER)pe32; ok = TRUE; } } if(!ok) { *$a_prc_entry = 0; *$a_succ = 0; free (pe32); } } ]" end cwin_process32_next (a_toolhelp_handle: POINTER; a_snapshot: POINTER; a_prc_entry: TYPED_POINTER [POINTER]; a_succ: TYPED_POINTER [BOOLEAN]) -- Get information of the next process in `a_snapshot' and store result in `a_prc_entry'. -- If successed, set `a_succ' to True, otherwise to False. -- After use, call `cwin_free_pointer' to dispose `a_prc_entry'. require a_toolhelp_handle_valid: a_toolhelp_handle /= default_pointer external "C inline use " alias "[ { FARPROC process32Next = NULL; HMODULE toolhelpModule = (HMODULE) $a_toolhelp_handle; process32Next = GetProcAddress (toolhelpModule, "Process32Next"); if(process32Next) { if ((FUNCTION_CAST_TYPE (BOOL, WINAPI, (HANDLE, LPPROCESSENTRY32)) process32Next) ($a_snapshot, (PROCESSENTRY32 *)(*$a_prc_entry))) { *$a_succ = 1; } else { *$a_succ = 0; } } else { *$a_succ = 0; } } ]" end cwin_get_process_id_and_parent_id (a_prc_entry: POINTER; a_pid: TYPED_POINTER [INTEGER]; a_parent_pid: TYPED_POINTER [INTEGER]) -- Get process id and its parent process id from `prc_entry'. external "C inline use " alias "[ { *$a_pid = ((PROCESSENTRY32 *)($a_prc_entry))->th32ProcessID; *$a_parent_pid = ((PROCESSENTRY32 *)($a_prc_entry))->th32ParentProcessID; } ]" end feature{NONE} -- NT API cwin_nt_get_parent_id (a_ntdll_handle: POINTER; a_pid: INTEGER; a_parent_id: TYPED_POINTER [INTEGER]; a_succ: TYPED_POINTER [BOOLEAN]) -- Store parent process id of process whose id is `a_pid' in `a_parent_id'. -- If succeeded, set `a_a_succ' to True. require a_ntdll_handle_attached: a_ntdll_handle /= default_pointer external "C inline use %"eif_process.h%"" alias "[ { FARPROC queryProcess = NULL; HMODULE ntdllModule = (HMODULE) $a_ntdll_handle; BOOL ok = FALSE; EIF_PROCESS_BASIC_INFORMATION pbi; LONG ntStatus; ULONG ulRetLen; HANDLE hProcess = OpenProcess (PROCESS_QUERY_INFORMATION, FALSE, $a_pid); if (hProcess) { queryProcess = GetProcAddress (ntdllModule, "NtQueryInformationProcess"); if (queryProcess) { ntStatus = ((FUNCTION_CAST_TYPE (LONG, WINAPI, (HANDLE, EIF_PROCESSINFOCLASS, PVOID, ULONG, PULONG)) queryProcess) (hProcess, eif_ProcessBasicInformation, (PVOID *)&pbi, sizeof(EIF_PROCESS_BASIC_INFORMATION), &ulRetLen )); if (!ntStatus) { *$a_parent_id = pbi.InheritedFromUniqueProcessId; ok = TRUE; } } CloseHandle (hProcess); } if (ok) { *$a_succ = 1; } else { *$a_succ = 0; } } ]" end cwin_nt_get_process_list (a_ntps_handle: POINTER; a_list: TYPED_POINTER [POINTER]; a_count: TYPED_POINTER [INTEGER]; a_size: TYPED_POINTER [INTEGER]; a_succ: TYPED_POINTER [BOOLEAN]) -- Store list of running process ids in `a_list'. -- Length of `a_list' is stored in `a_count' and size of every item is stored in `a_size'. -- If succeed, set `a_succ' to True. -- After use, call `cwin_free_pointer' to dispose `a_list'. require a_ntps_handle_attached: a_ntps_handle /= default_pointer external "C inline" alias "[ { DWORD *prc_list; DWORD size = 1024; DWORD bytesReturned; BOOL ok = FALSE; FARPROC enumProcesses = NULL; HMODULE ntpsModule = (HMODULE) $a_ntps_handle; DWORD rlt; enumProcesses = GetProcAddress (ntpsModule, "EnumProcesses"); if(enumProcesses) { /* Return list of running processes. */ for(;;) { prc_list = (DWORD*)malloc (size); rlt = (FUNCTION_CAST_TYPE (BOOL, WINAPI, (DWORD*, DWORD, DWORD*))enumProcesses) (prc_list, size, &bytesReturned); if(rlt) { if(bytesReturned < size) { ok = TRUE; break; } else { free (prc_list); size*=2; } } else { free (prc_list); break; } } } if(ok) { *$a_list = prc_list; *$a_count = bytesReturned / sizeof(DWORD); *$a_size = sizeof(DWORD); *$a_succ = TRUE; } else { *$a_list = NULL; *$a_count = 0; *$a_succ = FALSE; } } ]" end feature{NONE} -- Implementation cwin_open_process (desired_access: INTEGER; inheritable: BOOLEAN; prc_id: INTEGER): POINTER -- After use, call `cwin_close_handle' to close retrieved handle. external "C signature (DWORD, BOOL, DWORD): HANDLE use " alias "OpenProcess" end note copyright: "Copyright (c) 1984-2017, Eiffel Software and others" license: "Eiffel Forum License v2 (see" source: "[ Eiffel Software 5949 Hollister Ave., Goleta, CA 93117 USA Telephone 805-685-1006, Fax 805-685-6869 Website Customer support ]" end