note description: "Process/Thread iteration" status: "See notice at end of class." legal: "See notice at end of class." date: "$Date$" revision: "$Revision$" class WEL_TOOLHELP inherit WEL_PROCESS_TOOLHELP_CONSTANTS feature -- Access process_id_pair_list: detachable LINKED_LIST [WEL_PROCESS_ID_PAIR] -- List of process id pairs taken from a system snapshot. -- first item of a pair is parent process id, second item of a pair is process id. local ptr: POINTER entry: POINTER succ: BOOLEAN pid1, pid2: INTEGER do cwin_create_toolhelp32_snapshot (cwin_th32cs_snapprocess, 0, $ptr) if ptr /= default_pointer then create Result.make from cwin_process32_first (ptr, $entry, $succ) until not succ loop cwin_get_process_id_and_parent_id (entry, $pid1, $pid2) Result.extend (create {WEL_PROCESS_ID_PAIR}.make (pid2, pid1)) cwin_process32_next (ptr, $entry, $succ) end if entry /= default_pointer then cwin_free_pointer (entry) end cwin_close_handle (ptr) end end process_information: detachable ARRAYED_LIST [WEL_PROCESS_ENTRY_32] -- Information about all running processes local ptr: POINTER entry: POINTER succ: BOOLEAN pid, ppid, thr_count: INTEGER pri_base: INTEGER_64 exe: C_STRING exe_p: POINTER do cwin_create_toolhelp32_snapshot (cwin_th32cs_snapprocess, 0, $ptr) if ptr /= default_pointer then create Result.make (initial_list_capacity) from cwin_process32_first (ptr, $entry, $succ) until not succ loop read_process_entry (entry, $pid, $ppid, $thr_count, $pri_base, $exe_p) create exe.make_by_pointer (exe_p) Result.extend (create {WEL_PROCESS_ENTRY_32}.make (pid, ppid, thr_count, pri_base, exe.string)) cwin_process32_next (ptr, $entry, $succ) end if entry /= default_pointer then cwin_free_pointer (entry) end cwin_close_handle (ptr) end end feature{NONE} -- System snapshot cwin_create_toolhelp32_snapshot (flags: INTEGER; prc_id: INTEGER; handle: TYPED_POINTER [POINTER]) -- Get system information snapshot and store result in `handle'. -- After use, call `cwin_close_handle' to close `handle'. external "C inline use " alias "[ { *$handle = CreateToolhelp32Snapshot($flags, $prc_id); if(*$handle == INVALID_HANDLE_VALUE) { *$handle = 0; } } ]" end feature{NONE} -- Process Iteration cwin_process32_first (snapshot: POINTER; prc_entry: TYPED_POINTER [POINTER]; succ: TYPED_POINTER [BOOLEAN]) -- Get information of the first process in `snapshot' and store result in `prc_entry'. -- If successed, set `succ' to True, otherwise to False. -- This feature will create a POINTER object `prc_entry' if successful, -- so, after use, call `cwin_free_pointer' to destroy `prc_entry'. external "C inline use " alias "[ { PROCESSENTRY32 *pe32; pe32 = (PROCESSENTRY32 *)malloc (sizeof (PROCESSENTRY32)); pe32->dwSize = sizeof( PROCESSENTRY32 ); if( Process32First( $snapshot, pe32 ) ) { *$succ = 1; *$prc_entry = (EIF_POINTER)pe32; } else { *$prc_entry = 0; *$succ = 0; free (pe32); } } ]" end cwin_process32_next (snapshot: POINTER; prc_entry: TYPED_POINTER [POINTER]; succ: TYPED_POINTER [BOOLEAN]) -- Get information of the next process in `snapshot' and store result in `prc_entry'. -- If successed, set `succ' to True, otherwise to False. -- After use, call `cwin_free_pointer' to dispose `prc_entry'. external "C inline use " alias "[ { if( Process32Next( $snapshot, (PROCESSENTRY32 *)(*$prc_entry) ) ) { *$succ = 1; } else { *$succ = 0; } } ]" end cwin_get_process_id_and_parent_id (prc_entry: POINTER; pid: TYPED_POINTER [INTEGER]; parent_pid: TYPED_POINTER [INTEGER]) -- Get process id and its parent process id from `prc_entry'. external "C inline use " alias "[ { *$pid = ((PROCESSENTRY32 *)($prc_entry))->th32ProcessID; *$parent_pid = ((PROCESSENTRY32 *)($prc_entry))->th32ParentProcessID; } ]" end read_process_entry (prc_entry: POINTER; pid, ppid: TYPED_POINTER [INTEGER]; thr_count: TYPED_POINTER [INTEGER]; pri_base: TYPED_POINTER [INTEGER_64]; exe: TYPED_POINTER [POINTER]) -- Get process information from process entryp `prc_entry'. -- Store process id in `pid', parent process id in `ppid', thread count in `thr_count', -- priority class base in `pri_base' and executable file name in `exe'. external "C inline use " alias "[ { *$pid = ((PROCESSENTRY32 *)($prc_entry))->th32ProcessID; *$ppid = ((PROCESSENTRY32 *)($prc_entry))->th32ParentProcessID; *$thr_count = ((PROCESSENTRY32 *)($prc_entry))->cntThreads; *$pri_base = ((PROCESSENTRY32 *)($prc_entry))->pcPriClassBase; *$exe = ((PROCESSENTRY32 *)($prc_entry))->szExeFile; } ]" end feature{NONE} -- Thread iteration cwin_thread32_first (snapshot: POINTER; thread_entry: TYPED_POINTER [POINTER]; succ: TYPED_POINTER [BOOLEAN]) -- Retrieves information about the first thread in a system snapshot `snapshot'. -- If successful, set `succ' to True and store thread information in `thread_entry'. -- After use, call `cwin_free_pointer' to dispose `thread_entry'. external "C inline use " alias "[ { THREADENTRY32 *te32; te32 = (THREADENTRY32 *)malloc (sizeof (THREADENTRY32)); te32->dwSize = sizeof(THREADENTRY32 ); if( Thread32First($snapshot, te32 ) ) { *$succ = 1; *$thread_entry = (EIF_POINTER) te32; } else { *$succ = 0; *$thread_entry = 0; free (te32); } } ]" end cwin_thread32_next (snapshot: POINTER; thread_entry: TYPED_POINTER [POINTER]; succ: TYPED_POINTER [BOOLEAN]) -- Retrieves information about the next thread in a system snapshot `snapshot'. -- If successful, set `succ' to True and store thread information in `thread_entry'. -- After use, call `cwin_free_pointer' to dispose `thread_entry'. external "C inline use " alias "[ { if ( Thread32Next($snapshot, (THREADENTRY32 *)(*$thread_entry) ) ) { *$succ = 1; } else { *$succ = 0; } } ]" end cwin_read_thread_entry_32 (thread_entry: POINTER; owner_pid: TYPED_POINTER [INTEGER]; thread_id: TYPED_POINTER [INTEGER]; base_pri: TYPED_POINTER [INTEGER]) -- Read thread information stored in `thread_entry' into `owner_pid', `thread_id' and `base_pri'. external "C inline use " alias "[ { *$owner_pid = ((THREADENTRY32 *)($thread_entry))->th32OwnerProcessID; *$thread_id = ((THREADENTRY32 *)($thread_entry))->th32ThreadID; *$base_pri = ((THREADENTRY32 *)($thread_entry))->tpBasePri; } ]" end thread_information: detachable ARRAYED_LIST [WEL_THREAD_ENTRY_32] -- Information of all threads that are running local handle: POINTER entry: POINTER succ: BOOLEAN owner_pid, thread_id, base_pri: INTEGER do cwin_create_toolhelp32_snapshot (cwin_th32cs_snapthread, 0, $handle) if handle /= default_pointer then create Result.make (initial_list_capacity) from cwin_thread32_first (handle, $entry, $succ) until not succ loop cwin_read_thread_entry_32 (entry, $owner_pid, $thread_id, $base_pri) Result.extend (create {WEL_THREAD_ENTRY_32}.make (owner_pid, thread_id, base_pri)) cwin_thread32_next (handle, $entry, $succ) end if entry /= default_pointer then cwin_free_pointer (entry) end cwin_close_handle (handle) end end feature{NONE} -- Pointer and handle control cwin_free_pointer(ptr: POINTER) -- external "C inline" alias "[ { free ($ptr); } ]" end cwin_close_handle (a_handle: POINTER) -- SDK CloseHandle external "C [macro ] (HANDLE)" alias "CloseHandle" end feature{NONE} -- System Snapshot parameters cwin_th32cs_snapprocess: INTEGER -- external "C inline use " alias "TH32CS_SNAPPROCESS" end cwin_th32cs_inherit: INTEGER -- external "C inline use " alias "TH32CS_INHERIT" end cwin_th32cs_snapall: INTEGER -- external "C inline use " alias "TH32CS_SNAPALL" end cwin_th32cs_snapheaplist: INTEGER -- external "C inline use " alias "TH32CS_SNAPHEAPLIST" end cwin_th32cs_snapmodule: INTEGER -- external "C inline use " alias "TH32CS_SNAPMODULE" end cwin_th32cs_snapthread: INTEGER -- external "C inline use " alias "TH32CS_SNAPTHREAD" end feature -- Process operation cwin_open_process (desired_access: INTEGER; inheritable: BOOLEAN; prc_id: INTEGER): POINTER -- After use, call `cwin_close_handle' to close retrieved handle. external "C signature (DWORD, BOOL, DWORD): HANDLE use " alias "OpenProcess" end feature{NONE} -- Implementation initial_list_capacity: INTEGER = 100; -- Initial list capacity note copyright: "Copyright (c) 1984-2017, Eiffel Software and others" license: "Eiffel Forum License v2 (see" source: "[ Eiffel Software 5949 Hollister Ave., Goleta, CA 93117 USA Telephone 805-685-1006, Fax 805-685-6869 Website Customer support ]" end