note description: "[ Log Writer that writes to the system log, using syslog on Unix and the Event. Log on Windows. ]" legal: "See note at the end of this class" status: "See notice at the end of this class" date: "$Date$" revision: "$Revision$" class LOG_WRITER_SYSTEM inherit DISPOSABLE undefine default_create end LOG_FACILITY_CONSTANTS undefine default_create end LOG_OPTION_CONSTANTS undefine default_create end LOG_WRITER redefine default_create end PLATFORM undefine default_create end feature {NONE} -- Creation default_create -- Create system logger. do log_level := Log_error -- This is the default name for logging. application_name := "EiffelSyslog" options := Log_ndelay + Log_pid if is_windows then facility := Log_application_event_log else facility := Log_local6 end ensure then default_log_level_set: log_level = Log_error end feature {LOG_LOGGING_FACILITY} -- Initialization initialize -- Initialize this LOG_WRITER_SYSTEM instance. require else valid_application_name: application_name /= Void and then not application_name.is_empty valid_options: is_windows or else options > 0 valid_facility: facility > 0 local l_application_name: C_STRING l_data: POINTER do create l_application_name.make (application_name) is_initialized := c_logging_open_log (l_application_name.item, options, facility, $l_data) logger_data := l_data has_errors := not is_initialized end feature {NONE} -- Garbage Collector dispose -- The Garbage Collector is claiming this instance. do c_logging_close_log (logger_data) end feature -- Access set_application_name (an_application_name: STRING) -- Set `application_name' to `an_application_name'. require valid_an_application_name: an_application_name /= Void and then not an_application_name.is_empty not_is_initialized: not is_initialized do if not is_initialized then application_name := an_application_name.twin end ensure application_name_set: attached application_name as l and then l ~ an_application_name end set_facility (a_facility: INTEGER) -- Set `facility' to `a_facility'. require valid_a_facility: a_facility > 0 not_is_initialized: not is_initialized do if not is_initialized then facility := a_facility end ensure facility_set: facility = a_facility end set_options (some_options: INTEGER) -- Set `options' to `some_options'. require valid_some_options: some_options > 0 not_is_initialized: not is_initialized do if not is_initialized then options := some_options end ensure options_set: options = some_options end feature -- Status Report application_name: STRING -- Name of the application under which the system's log will record messages. facility: INTEGER -- The logging facility to be used. See LOG_FACILITY_CONST. options: INTEGER -- Logging options. See LOG_OPTION_CONST. feature {LOG_LOGGING_FACILITY} -- Output do_write (priority: INTEGER; msg: STRING) -- Write `msg' under `priority' to `io.error' also noting the -- current date and time, and adding a newline character if needed. do c_message.set_string (msg) c_logging_write_log (priority, c_message.item, logger_data) end feature {NONE} -- Attributes c_message: C_STRING -- A C_STRING used to interact with the C Library. once create Result.make_empty (0) end logger_data: POINTER -- Handle for logger reference if needed. feature {NONE} -- Externals c_logging_close_log (l_data: POINTER) -- External C call to `eif_logging_close_log'. external "C inline use %"eif_logging.h%"" alias "[ #if EIF_OS == EIF_OS_WINNT DeregisterEventSource($l_data); #elif EIF_OS == EIF_OS_LINUX closelog(); #else /* Nothing to be done here. */ #endif ]" end c_logging_open_log (identifier: POINTER; option: INTEGER; log_fac: INTEGER; l_data: TYPED_POINTER [POINTER]): BOOLEAN -- External C call to `eif_logging_open_log'. external "C inline use %"eif_logging.h%"" alias "[ #if EIF_OS == EIF_OS_WINNT const char *event_log; if($log_fac == EIF_LOGGING_APP_EVENT_LOG) { event_log = "Application"; } else if($log_fac == EIF_LOGGING_SEC_EVENT_LOG) { event_log = "Security"; } else if($log_fac == EIF_LOGGING_SYS_EVENT_LOG) { event_log = "System"; } else { event_log = "Unknown"; } /* We use the ASCII version since we are given a C string. */ *($l_data) = RegisterEventSourceA(NULL, $identifier); if ($l_data) { return EIF_TRUE; } else { return EIF_FALSE; } #elif EIF_OS == EIF_OS_LINUX openlog($identifier, $option, $log_fac); return EIF_TRUE; #else /* Not supported platform. */ return EIF_FALSE; #endif ]" end c_logging_write_log (priority: INTEGER; msg: POINTER; l_data: POINTER) -- External C call to `eif_logging_write_log'. external "C inline use %"eif_logging.h%"" alias "[ #if EIF_OS == EIF_OS_WINNT LPCSTR lpStrings[2] = {NULL, NULL}; WORD wType = 0; DWORD dwEventId = 0; lpStrings[0] = $msg; if($priority == EIF_LOGGING_DEBUG || $priority == EIF_LOGGING_INFORMATION) { wType = EVENTLOG_INFORMATION_TYPE; dwEventId = EIF_LOGGING_INFO_MESSAGE; } else if ($priority == EIF_LOGGING_NOTICE || $priority == EIF_LOGGING_WARNING) { wType = EVENTLOG_WARNING_TYPE; dwEventId = EIF_LOGGING_WARN_MESSAGE; } else { wType = EVENTLOG_ERROR_TYPE; dwEventId = EIF_LOGGING_ERRO_MESSAGE; } /* We use the ASCII version since we are given a C string. */ ReportEventA($l_data, wType, (WORD) $priority, dwEventId, NULL, 1, 0, lpStrings, NULL); #elif EIF_OS == EIF_OS_LINUX syslog($priority, "%s", (char *) $msg); #else /* Nothing to be done here. */ #endif ]" end note copyright: "Copyright (c) 1984-2018, Eiffel Software and others" license: "Eiffel Forum License v2 (see" source: "[ Eiffel Software 5949 Hollister Ave., Goleta, CA 93117 USA Telephone 805-685-1006, Fax 805-685-6869 Website Customer support ]" end