note description: "A base argument parser for simple application command line argument configurations." legal: "See notice at end of class." status: "See notice at end of class." date: "$Date$" revision: "$Revision$" deferred class ARGUMENT_BASE_PARSER inherit LOCALIZED_PRINTER feature {NONE} -- Initialization make (a_cs: like is_case_sensitive; a_allow_non_switched: like is_allowing_non_switched_arguments; a_non_switch_required: like is_non_switch_argument_required) -- Initialize the base parser options. -- -- `a_cs': True if the switches are treated with case-sensitive; False otherwise. -- `a_allow_non_switched': True if non-switched arguments are accepted by the parser; False otherwise. -- `a_non_switch_required': True to require a non-switched argument; False otherwise. require not_a_non_switch_required: not a_allow_non_switched implies not a_non_switch_required do initialize_defaults is_case_sensitive := a_cs is_allowing_non_switched_arguments := a_allow_non_switched is_non_switch_argument_required := a_non_switch_required ensure is_case_sensitive_set: is_case_sensitive = a_cs is_allowing_non_switched_arguments_set: is_allowing_non_switched_arguments = a_allow_non_switched is_non_switch_argument_required_set: is_non_switch_argument_required = a_non_switch_required end initialize_defaults -- Initializes the default settings for the argument parser. do is_using_builtin_switches := True is_case_sensitive := True is_allowing_non_switched_arguments := True is_non_switch_argument_required := False is_showing_argument_usage_inline := True is_using_separated_switch_values := True is_usage_displayed_on_error := False create internal_option_values.make (0) create internal_values.make (0) create {ARGUMENT_DEFAULT_VALIDATOR} non_switched_argument_validator end feature -- Access frozen application_base: PATH -- The base location of application. do Result := argument_source.application_base ensure result_attached: Result /= Void not_result_is_empty: not Result.is_empty end frozen values: ARRAYED_LIST [IMMUTABLE_STRING_32] -- List of arguments values that were not qualified with a switch (aka loose arguments). do Result := internal_values ensure result_attached: Result /= Void result_contains_attached_valid_items: across Result as l_c all not l_c.item.is_empty end end frozen option_values: LIST [ARGUMENT_OPTION] -- Option values parsed via command line, these do not include the loose arguments. See `values'. do Result := internal_option_values ensure result_attached: Result /= Void end frozen error_messages: ARRAYED_LIST [READABLE_STRING_GENERAL] -- Any error messages generated during parse and validation, if any. once create Result.make (0) ensure result_attached: Result /= Void result_contains_attached_valid_items: across Result as l_c all not l_c.item.is_empty end end feature {NONE} -- Access frozen system_name: IMMUTABLE_STRING_32 -- Retrieves system executable name. do if attached argument_source.application.entry as l_entry then Result := else Result := default_system_name end ensure result_attached: Result /= Void not_result_is_empty: not Result.is_empty end sub_system_name: detachable IMMUTABLE_STRING_32 -- Sub system name. --| this can be used in relation with ARGUMENT_STRING_SOURCE for instance --| when the real usage is `system_name foobar' and the rest `...' --| and not only `system_name ...' then `sub_system_name' is `foobar' do end frozen arguments: ARRAYED_LIST [IMMUTABLE_STRING_32] -- The list of actual arguments, which takes into account compounded arguments when using -- Unix-style switches. -- Compunded switches are those single character switches, when `is_using_unix_switch_style' is True, -- that are joined, such as -abcde, where a, b, c, d and e are switches. local l_args: ARRAYED_LIST [IMMUTABLE_STRING_32] l_arg: IMMUTABLE_STRING_32 l_next_arg: detachable STRING_32 l_prefixes: like switch_prefixes l_use_separated_switched: BOOLEAN j, nb: INTEGER do if is_using_unix_switch_style then -- When using the Unix style switch we can uss l_args := argument_source.arguments create Result.make (l_args.count) l_prefixes := switch_prefixes l_use_separated_switched := is_using_separated_switch_values across l_args as a loop l_arg := a.item if l_arg.count > 2 then if l_prefixes.has (l_arg.item (1)) and not l_prefixes.has (l_arg.item (2)) then -- This means the argument is a single prefix switched (Unix style uses two (--) for full -- words and one (-) for shortcuts, which can be compounded.) if l_use_separated_switched then nb := l_arg.count else nb := l_arg.index_of (switch_value_qualifer, 2) if nb = 0 then nb := l_arg.count else nb := nb.min (l_arg.count) end end from j := 2 until j > nb loop l_next_arg := Void if not l_use_separated_switched and then -- We have to peek to ensure if switch value qualified that the last switch is associated -- with the value. j < nb and then -- Peek, because there is space. l_arg.item (j + 1) = switch_value_qualifer then create l_next_arg.make (1 + (nb - j)) l_next_arg.append_character (l_prefixes[1]) l_next_arg.append (l_arg.substring (j, l_arg.count)) -- Exit loop j := nb end if l_next_arg = Void and then -- There was no added argument. (l_use_separated_switched or else l_arg [j] /= switch_value_qualifer) then create l_next_arg.make (2) l_next_arg.append_character (l_prefixes [1]) l_next_arg.append_character (l_arg [j]) end if l_next_arg /= Void then Result.extend (l_next_arg) end j := j + 1 end else Result.extend (l_arg) end else Result.extend (l_arg) end end else Result := argument_source.arguments end ensure result_attached: Result /= Void end frozen argument_source: ARGUMENT_SOURCE assign set_argument_source -- Access to the arguments via a source object. do Result := internal_argument_source if not attached Result then Result := new_argument_source internal_argument_source := Result end ensure result_attached: Result /= Void result_consistent: Result = argument_source end non_switched_argument_validator: ARGUMENT_VALUE_VALIDATOR assign set_non_switched_argument_validator -- Validator used to validate any non-switched arguments. feature {NONE} -- Element change set_argument_source (a_source: like argument_source) -- Sets an alternative argument source object for fetching the arguments. -- -- `a_source': The source object to use to fetch the arguments for the application. require a_source_attached: a_source /= Void not_has_parsed: not has_parsed do internal_argument_source := a_source ensure argument_source_set: argument_source ~ a_source end set_non_switched_argument_validator (a_validator: like non_switched_argument_validator) -- Sets the non-switched argument validator. -- -- `a_validator': The validator to set for the non-switched argument. require a_validator_attached: a_validator /= Void accepts_non_switched_arguments: is_allowing_non_switched_arguments do non_switched_argument_validator := a_validator ensure non_switched_argument_validator_set: non_switched_argument_validator = a_validator end feature {NONE} -- Measurement max_columns: NATURAL -- Maximum columns to display in the terminal. once Result := {ARGUMENT_EXTERNALS}.c_get_term_columns.as_natural_32 if Result = 0 then Result := {INTEGER_32}.max_value.as_natural_32 else if {PLATFORM}.is_windows then -- Negate a single column because of Windows soft-wrapping behavior causes an extra line -- break when a line is the exact length of the terminal width. Result := Result - 1 end Result := Result.max (25) end ensure result_reasonable: Result >= 25 end feature -- Status report is_successful: BOOLEAN -- Indicates if parsing completed without errors. do Result := has_parsed and error_messages.is_empty ensure error_messages_is_empty: Result implies has_parsed and then error_messages.is_empty end is_using_separated_switch_values: BOOLEAN assign set_is_using_separated_switch_values -- Indicates if switch values are separated from their switch and not -- qualified using a ':' (by default). is_showing_argument_usage_inline: BOOLEAN assign set_is_showing_argument_usage_inline -- Indiciate if argument switch value descriptions should be shown inline -- with the argument description. is_usage_verbose: BOOLEAN assign set_is_usage_verbose -- Indicates if the usage information should be verbose. is_usage_displayed_on_error: BOOLEAN assign set_is_usage_displayed_on_error -- Indicates if usage should be shown on an error. has_executed: BOOLEAN -- Indiciate if execution has occurred (a call to `execute'). frozen has_non_switched_argument: BOOLEAN -- Determines if one or more non-switch qualified arguments were specified in the command-line arguments. do Result := has_parsed and then not values.is_empty ensure result_true: Result = (has_parsed and then not values.is_empty) end frozen has_option (a_name: READABLE_STRING_GENERAL): BOOLEAN -- Determines if switch option was specified in the command-line arguments. -- -- `a_name': The name of the switch to check existence for. -- `Result': True if the command line specified the given switch; False otherwise. require a_name_attached: a_name /= Void not_a_name_is_empty: not a_name.is_empty do Result := has_parsed and then internal_option_of_name (a_name) /= Void ensure result_true: Result = (has_parsed and then internal_option_of_name (a_name) /= Void) end is_character_printable (a_char: CHARACTER_32): BOOLEAN -- Is `a_char' printable? do Result := not a_char.is_character_8 or else a_char.to_character_8.is_printable end feature {NONE} -- Status report is_case_sensitive: BOOLEAN -- Indicates if parser is case sensitive and will match options by case. is_using_builtin_switches: BOOLEAN -- Indicates if built-in application switches should be added to the argument options. is_allowing_non_switched_arguments: BOOLEAN -- Indicates if arguments without switches prefixes are allowed by the parser. is_non_switch_argument_required: BOOLEAN -- Indicate if at least one non-switched argument is required. is_logo_information_suppressed: BOOLEAN -- Should logo be suppressed? is_help_usage_displayed: BOOLEAN -- Should usage message be displayed? is_using_unix_switch_style: BOOLEAN -- Indicates if the Unix command switch style is being used by the application switches. --| Note: Redefine to force use of Unix long name switches. once Result := across switches as s some s.item.has_short_name end end frozen has_available_options: BOOLEAN -- Indicates if there are options available. do Result := not available_switches.is_empty end frozen has_visible_available_options: BOOLEAN -- Indicates if there are options available. do Result := not available_visible_switches.is_empty end has_parsed: BOOLEAN -- Indicates of a parse has been performed. has_switch (a_name: READABLE_STRING_GENERAL): BOOLEAN -- Determines if a switch exists. -- -- `a_name': The name of the switch to determine existence for. -- `Result': True if the switch exists; False otherwise. require a_name_attached: a_name /= Void not_a_name_is_empty: not a_name.is_empty local l_cs: like is_case_sensitive do l_cs := is_case_sensitive Result := across available_switches as s some if l_cs then (a_name) else (a_name) end end ensure available_switches_unmoved: available_switches.cursor ~ old available_switches.cursor end feature -- Status Setting set_is_using_separated_switch_values (a_use: like is_using_separated_switch_values) -- Sets parser's state to indicate if the user's input should use whitespace to separate -- switches from their argument values. -- -- `a_use': True to use whitespace separators; False to use the default separated character. require not_has_executed: not has_executed do is_using_separated_switch_values := a_use ensure is_using_separated_switch_values_set: is_using_separated_switch_values = a_use end set_is_showing_argument_usage_inline (a_show: like is_showing_argument_usage_inline) -- Sets usage formatter to display the switch arguments inline with the switch usage description. -- -- `a_show': True show arguments in line; False to display the arguments after the usage. require not_has_executed: not has_executed do is_showing_argument_usage_inline := a_show ensure is_showing_argument_usage_inline_set: is_showing_argument_usage_inline = a_show end set_is_usage_verbose (a_verbose: like is_usage_verbose) -- Sets usage formatter to display a much information as possible. -- -- `a_verbose': True to display verbose usage; False otherwise. require not_has_executed: not has_executed do is_usage_verbose := a_verbose ensure is_usage_verbose_set: is_usage_verbose = a_verbose end set_is_usage_displayed_on_error (a_display: like is_usage_displayed_on_error) -- Sets usage formatter to display the help information when an error occurs in parsing or -- validation. -- -- `a_display': True to display the usage on error; False otherwise. require not_has_executed: not has_executed do is_usage_displayed_on_error := a_display ensure is_usage_displayed_on_error_set: is_usage_displayed_on_error = a_display end feature {NONE} -- Query option_of_name (a_name: READABLE_STRING_8): detachable ARGUMENT_OPTION -- Retrieves the first switch-qualified option, passed by user, by switch name. -- -- `a_name': The switch names to retrieve an options for. -- `Result': An option passed via the command line or Void if the switch option was not found. require a_name_attached: a_name /= Void not_a_name_is_empty: not a_name.is_empty has_parsed: has_parsed do Result := internal_option_of_name (a_name) end options_of_name (a_name: READABLE_STRING_GENERAL): LIST [ARGUMENT_OPTION] -- Retrieves a list of switch-qualified options, passed by user, by switch name. -- -- `a_name': The switch names to retrieve a list of options for. -- `Result': A list of options passed via the command line. require a_name_attached: a_name /= Void not_a_name_is_empty: not a_name.is_empty has_parsed: has_parsed local l_cs: like is_case_sensitive l_opt: ARGUMENT_OPTION do create {ARRAYED_LIST [ARGUMENT_OPTION]} Result.make (0) l_cs := is_case_sensitive across option_values as o loop l_opt := o.item if if l_cs then (a_name) else (a_name) end then Result.extend (l_opt) end end ensure result_attached: Result /= Void end options_values_of_name (a_name: READABLE_STRING_GENERAL): ARRAYED_LIST [IMMUTABLE_STRING_32] -- Retrieves a list of switch-qualified option values, passed by user, by switch name. -- -- `a_name': The switch names to retrieve a list of options for. -- `Result': A list of options values passed via the command line. require a_name_attached: a_name /= Void not_a_name_is_empty: not a_name.is_empty has_parsed: has_parsed local l_options: like options_of_name do if has_option (a_name) then l_options := options_of_name (a_name) create Result.make (l_options.count) Result.compare_objects across l_options as l_option loop if l_option.item.has_value then Result.extend (l_option.item.value) end end else create Result.make (0) Result.compare_objects end ensure result_attached: Result /= Void result_contains_attached_valid_items: across Result as l_c all not l_c.item.is_empty end end unique_options_values_of_name (a_name: READABLE_STRING_8; a_ignore_case: BOOLEAN): ARRAYED_LIST [IMMUTABLE_STRING_32] -- Retrieves a list of unique switch-qualified option values, passed by user, by switch name. -- -- `a_name': The switch names to retrieve a list of options for. -- `a_ignore_case': True to ignore cases differences when determining uniqueness; False otherwise. -- `Result': A list of options values passed via the command line. require a_name_attached: a_name /= Void not_a_name_is_empty: not a_name.is_empty has_parsed: has_parsed local l_options: like options_of_name l_option: ARGUMENT_OPTION l_value: IMMUTABLE_STRING_32 l_comp_list: ARRAYED_LIST [IMMUTABLE_STRING_32] l_comp_value: IMMUTABLE_STRING_32 do l_options := options_of_name (a_name) create Result.make (l_options.count) create l_comp_list.make (l_options.count) l_comp_list.compare_objects across l_options as o loop l_option := o.item if l_option.has_value then l_value := l_option.value if a_ignore_case then l_comp_value := l_value.as_lower else l_comp_value := l_value end if not l_comp_list.has (l_comp_value) then Result.extend (l_value) l_comp_list.extend (l_comp_value) end end end ensure result_attached: Result /= Void result_contains_valid_items: across Result as l_c all not l_c.item.is_empty end end switch_of_name (a_name: READABLE_STRING_GENERAL): ARGUMENT_SWITCH -- Retrieves a argument switch using its textual name. -- -- `a_name': The name of the switch to retrieve. -- `Result': The associated argument switch of Void if non could be found. require a_name_attached: a_name /= Void not_a_name_is_empty: not a_name.is_empty has_switch_a_name: has_switch (a_name) local l_cs: BOOLEAN do l_cs := is_case_sensitive across available_switches as s until attached Result loop if if l_cs then (a_name) else (a_name) end then Result := s.item end end check from_precondition_has_switch: attached Result then end ensure result_attached: Result /= Void available_switches_unmoved: available_switches.cursor ~ old available_switches.cursor result_is_requsted_switch: (a_name) end feature {NONE} -- Helpers frozen string_formatter: STRING_FORMATTER -- Access to a shared string formatter. once create Result ensure result_attached: Result /= Void end feature -- Basic Operations execute (a_action: PROCEDURE [detachable TUPLE]) -- Main entry point, which parses the supplied command line arguments and then executes the -- supplied action if parsing an argument validation was successful. -- -- `a_action': The action to call to start the application when the arguments have been parsed -- and validated. require a_action_attached: a_action /= Void not_has_executed: not has_executed do parse_arguments if is_successful then if {PLATFORM}.is_windows and then not is_logo_information_suppressed then display_logo end if is_help_usage_displayed then display_usage else if has_switch (version_switch) and then has_option (version_switch) then -- Version information has been requested. display_version else if option_values.is_empty and values.is_empty then execute_noop (a_action) else (Void) end end end else if has_switch (nologo_switch) and then not is_logo_information_suppressed then display_logo end if is_usage_displayed_on_error then display_usage end display_errors end has_executed := True ensure has_executed: has_executed end feature {NONE} -- Basic Operations execute_noop (a_action: PROCEDURE [detachable TUPLE]) -- Executes an action when no arguments of any worth are passed. -- -- `a_action': The action to call once the current parser has validated it can accept no -- arguments. require a_action_attached: a_action /= Void option_values_is_empty: option_values.is_empty and values.is_empty do if is_allowing_non_switched_arguments and is_non_switch_argument_required then display_usage else (Void) end end feature {NONE} -- Parsing frozen parse_arguments -- Parses command line arguments and sets `option_values' and `values'. -- Note: Upon and error `success' and `last_error_message' will be set. require not_has_parsed: not has_parsed local l_switches: like available_switches l_use_separated: like is_using_separated_switch_values l_last_switch: detachable ARGUMENT_SWITCH l_option: IMMUTABLE_STRING_32 l_value: detachable IMMUTABLE_STRING_32 l_switch: detachable ARGUMENT_SWITCH l_match_switch: detachable ARGUMENT_SWITCH l_prefixes: like switch_prefixes l_cs: like is_case_sensitive l_match: BOOLEAN l_err: BOOLEAN l_arg: IMMUTABLE_STRING_32 l_use_long_name: BOOLEAN l_stop_processing: BOOLEAN l_count: INTEGER j, k: INTEGER do internal_option_values.wipe_out internal_values.wipe_out -- Set parsed so we can access certain functions has_parsed := True l_switches := available_switches l_prefixes := switch_prefixes l_cs := is_case_sensitive l_use_separated := is_using_separated_switch_values across arguments as a loop check l_last_switch_unattached: not l_use_separated implies l_last_switch = Void end l_arg := a.item if not l_stop_processing and then not l_arg.is_empty and then l_arg.count > 1 and then l_prefixes.has (l_arg.item (1)) then if l_arg.count > 2 and then l_prefixes.has (l_arg.item (2)) then l_option := l_arg.shared_substring (3, l_arg.count) l_use_long_name := True else if l_arg.count = 2 and then l_arg.same_string_general ("--") then -- The user specified just a double switch qualifer (--), which means we ignore all future option processing. l_stop_processing := True l_option := l_arg else l_option := l_arg.shared_substring (2, l_arg.count) end l_use_long_name := False end -- Indicates a switch option if not l_stop_processing then l_last_switch := Void if not l_option.is_empty then l_err := False l_value := Void if not l_use_separated then j := l_option.index_of (switch_value_qualifer, 1) if j > 0 then if j = 1 then add_template_error (e_invalid_switch_error, [ellipse_text (l_arg)]) l_err := True else l_value := l_option.shared_substring (j + 1, l_option.count) l_option := l_option.shared_substring (1, j - 1) end end end if not l_err then if not l_cs then l_option := l_option.as_lower end -- Attempt to find a matching switch l_match_switch := Void l_match := False across l_switches as s until l_match loop l_switch := s.item if l_use_long_name then if l_cs then l_match := l_switch.long_name.same_string (l_option) else l_match := l_switch.long_name.is_case_insensitive_equal (l_option) end else if l_cs then l_match := (l_option) else l_match := (l_option) end end if l_match then l_match_switch := l_switch end end if not l_match and not l_use_long_name then -- Check if switch is actually a list of concatenated short switches from k := 1 l_count := l_option.count until k > l_count loop l_match := False across l_switches as s until l_match loop l_switch := s.item if l_switch.has_short_name then if l_cs then l_match := l_switch.short_name = l_option [k] else l_match := l_switch.short_name.as_lower = l_option [k] end if l_match and k < l_count then -- if matches and we are not processing the last item internal_option_values.extend (l_switch.new_option) end end end k := k + 1 end if l_match then -- Last item can be a value switch l_match_switch := l_switch end end if l_match then if l_switch /= Void then if l_value /= Void and then not l_value.is_empty and then attached {ARGUMENT_VALUE_SWITCH} l_match_switch as l_value_switch then internal_option_values.extend (l_value_switch.new_value_option (l_value)) else -- Create user option internal_option_values.extend (l_switch.new_option) end else check l_switch_attached: False end end if l_use_separated then l_last_switch := l_switch end else add_template_error (e_unrecognized_switch_error, [ellipse_text (l_arg)]) end end else add_template_error (e_invalid_switch_error, [ellipse_text (l_arg)]) end end else if attached {ARGUMENT_VALUE_SWITCH} l_last_switch as l_last_value_switch then check not_internal_option_values_is_empty: not internal_option_values.is_empty same_name: ( end internal_option_values.finish if l_arg /= Void and then not l_arg.is_empty then internal_option_values.replace (l_last_value_switch.new_value_option (l_arg)) end else if not l_arg.is_empty then -- Create non-switched option internal_values.extend (l_arg) else add_template_error (e_invalid_switch_error, [ellipse_text (l_arg)]) end end l_last_switch := Void end end if is_successful then if not has_option (help_switch) then validate_arguments if is_successful then post_process_arguments end else is_help_usage_displayed := True end end has_parsed := is_successful ensure has_parsed: is_successful implies has_parsed end feature {NONE} -- Post Processing post_process_arguments -- A chance to evaluate all set arguments for validity can conformance. -- Set an error if an switch or value does not adhear to any custom rules. require is_successful: is_successful has_parsed: has_parsed do is_logo_information_suppressed := (not has_switch (nologo_switch) or else has_option (nologo_switch)) or else has_option (version_switch) is_help_usage_displayed := has_option (help_switch) end feature {NONE} -- Validation validate_arguments -- Validates arguments to ensure they are configured correctly. require has_parsed: has_parsed local l_options: detachable like options_of_name l_switch_groups: like switch_groups l_switch_appurtenances: like switch_dependencies l_switch: ARGUMENT_SWITCH l_value: IMMUTABLE_STRING_32 l_validator: ARGUMENT_VALUE_VALIDATOR l_succ: BOOLEAN do l_switch_groups := switch_groups if not l_switch_groups.is_empty then l_switch_groups := valid_switch_groups if l_switch_groups.is_empty then add_error (e_switch_group_unrecognized_error) end end l_switch_appurtenances := switch_dependencies if not l_switch_appurtenances.is_empty and then not option_values.is_empty then validate_switch_appurtenances end if not l_switch_groups.is_empty then -- Validate applicable non-switched arguments validate_non_switched_arguments (l_switch_groups) end across available_switches as s loop l_succ := True l_switch := s.item if has_option ( then l_options := options_of_name ( else l_options := Void end -- Check optional if not l_switch.optional and then l_options = Void and then l_switch_groups.is_empty and l_switch_appurtenances.is_empty then add_template_error (e_missing_switch_error, []) elseif l_options /= Void and then not l_options.is_empty then -- Check multiple if not l_switch.allow_multiple and l_options.count > 1 then add_template_error (e_multiple_switch_error, []) end if not attached {ARGUMENT_VALUE_SWITCH} l_switch as l_val_switch then -- Check regular switches do not have values. across l_options as o loop if o.item.has_value then add_template_error (e_non_value_switch, []) end end elseif not l_val_switch.is_value_optional then -- Check argument exists. across l_options as o loop if not o.item.has_value then add_template_error (e_require_switch_value, [, l_val_switch.arg_name]) l_succ := False end end if l_succ then -- Check argument is valid l_validator := l_val_switch.value_validator across l_options as o loop l_value := o.item.value l_validator.validate (l_value) if not l_validator.is_option_valid then add_template_error (e_invalid_switch_value_with_reason, [ellipse_text (l_value),, l_validator.reason]) end end end end end end ensure switches_unmoved: available_switches.cursor ~ old available_switches.cursor option_values_unmoved: option_values.cursor ~ old option_values.cursor values_unmoved: values.cursor ~ old values.cursor end validate_non_switched_arguments (a_groups: LIST [ARGUMENT_GROUP]) -- Validates non-switched arguments for groups. -- -- `a_groups': The group of arguments to validate. require a_groups_attached: a_groups /= Void has_parsed: has_parsed local l_validator: like non_switched_argument_validator l_values: like values do l_values := values if not l_values.is_empty then if is_allowing_non_switched_arguments then l_validator := non_switched_argument_validator across l_values as v loop l_validator.validate (v.item) if not l_validator.is_option_valid then add_template_error (e_invalid_non_switched_value_with_reason, [v.item, l_validator.reason]) end end else add_error (e_non_switched_argument_specified_error) end end ensure values_unmoved: values.cursor ~ old values.cursor end validate_switch_appurtenances -- Validate all switch appurtenances to ensure a specified switch has all its dependencies. require has_parsed: has_parsed not_option_values_is_empty: not option_values.is_empty local l_dependencies: like switch_dependencies l_switch: ARGUMENT_SWITCH l_option: ARGUMENT_SWITCH l_upper, i: INTEGER do l_dependencies := switch_dependencies across option_values as o loop l_option := o.item.switch if l_dependencies.has (l_option) then if attached l_dependencies [l_option] as l_switches then from i := l_switches.lower l_upper := l_switches.upper until i > l_upper loop l_switch := l_switches [i] if not l_switch.optional and then not l_switch.is_special and then not has_option ( then add_template_error (e_missing_switch_dependency_error, [,]) end i := i + 1 end else check l_dependencies_has_l_option: True end end end end ensure switch_dependencies_unmoved: switch_dependencies.cursor ~ old switch_dependencies.cursor option_values_unmoved: option_values.cursor ~ old option_values.cursor end frozen valid_switch_groups: ARRAYED_LIST [ARGUMENT_GROUP] -- Validate all switch groups to ensure argument configuration is correct. -- Note: Only switches are checked. This is to ensure full errors can be reported -- regarding non-switched arguments. require has_parsed: has_parsed switch_groups_attached: switch_groups /= Void local l_switch: ARGUMENT_SWITCH do Result := expanded_switch_groups.twin -- Check specified switches for a valid group match. across option_values as o loop l_switch := o.item.switch from Result.start until Result.is_empty or Result.after loop if not l_switch.is_special and then not Result.item.switches.has (l_switch) then Result.remove else Result.forth end end end -- Check optional. from Result.start until Result.after loop if across Result.item.switches as s all s.item.optional or else has_option ( end then Result.forth else Result.remove end end ensure result_attached: Result /= Void end frozen expanded_switch_groups: ARRAYED_LIST [ARGUMENT_GROUP] -- Expanded set of switch groups based on `switch_groups' and `switch_appurtenances'. require has_parsed: has_parsed switch_groups_attached: switch_groups /= Void local l_groups: detachable like switch_groups do -- Create extend switch groups l_groups := switch_groups create Result.make (l_groups.count) across l_groups as g loop Result.extend (expand_switch_group (g.item)) end check matching_counts: Result.count = l_groups.count end ensure result_attached: Result /= Void result_count_equal: Result.count = switch_groups.count switch_groups_unmoved: switch_groups.cursor ~ old switch_groups.cursor end frozen expand_switch_group (a_group: ARGUMENT_GROUP): ARGUMENT_GROUP -- Expands a group of switch `a_group' to include any item associated appurtenance switches. -- -- `a_group': A group to expand. -- `Result': The expanded group of switches. require a_group_attached: a_group /= Void local l_group_switches: ARRAYED_LIST [ARGUMENT_SWITCH] l_switch_dependencies: like switch_dependencies l_switch: ARGUMENT_SWITCH do l_group_switches := a_group.switches.twin l_switch_dependencies := switch_dependencies if not l_switch_dependencies.is_empty then from l_group_switches.start until l_group_switches.after loop l_switch := l_group_switches.item if attached l_switch_dependencies [l_switch] as l_appurtenances then across l_appurtenances as a loop l_switch := a.item if not l_group_switches.has (l_switch) then l_group_switches.extend (l_switch) check not_l_group_switches_after: not l_group_switches.after end end end end l_group_switches.forth end end if a_group.is_hidden then create Result.make (l_group_switches, a_group.is_allowing_non_switched_arguments) else create Result.make_hidden (l_group_switches, a_group.is_allowing_non_switched_arguments) end ensure result_attached: Result /= Void result_is_allowing_non_switched_arguments: Result.is_allowing_non_switched_arguments = a_group.is_allowing_non_switched_arguments end feature {NONE} -- Error Handling add_error (a_msg: READABLE_STRING_GENERAL) -- Adds a parse error. -- -- `a_msg': The message to log as an error. require a_msg_attached: a_msg /= Void not_a_msg_is_empty: not a_msg.is_empty do error_messages.extend (a_msg) ensure error_messages_extended: error_messages.has (a_msg) end add_template_error (a_tmpl: READABLE_STRING_GENERAL; a_contexts: TUPLE) -- Adds a parse error base on a template specification. -- Note: See {STRING_FORMATTER}.`format'. -- -- `a_tmpl': A template message to log as an error. -- `a_contexts': A list of arguments to use to replace the token in the template. require a_tmpl_attached: a_tmpl /= Void not_a_tmpl_is_empty: not a_tmpl.is_empty a_contexts_attached: a_contexts /= Void not_a_contexts_is_empty: not a_contexts.is_empty do add_error ((create {STRING_FORMATTER}).format_unicode (a_tmpl, a_contexts)) ensure error_messages_extended: error_messages.count = old error_messages.count + 1 end feature {NONE} -- Output display_usage -- Displays usage information. local l_cfgs: like command_option_configurations l_ext: like extended_usage l_name: like system_name l_cfg: STRING_32 do if attached sub_system_name as l_sub_system_name and then not l_sub_system_name.is_empty then create l_name.make_from_string (system_name + " " + l_sub_system_name) else l_name := system_name end localized_print ("USAGE: %N") l_cfgs := command_option_configurations if not l_cfgs.is_empty then across l_cfgs as c loop localized_print (tab_string) localized_print (l_name) localized_print (" ") create l_cfg.make_from_string (c.item) l_cfg.replace_substring_all ({STRING_32} "%N", {STRING_32} "%N" + create {STRING_32}.make_filled (' ', l_name.count + 1)) localized_print (l_cfg) if not c.is_last then io.new_line end end else localized_print (tab_string) localized_print (l_name) end if has_visible_available_options then io.new_line display_options end -- List the extended usage. l_ext := extended_usage if not l_ext.is_empty then io.new_line localized_print (l_ext) end io.new_line end display_logo -- Displays copyright information. do localized_print (name) localized_print (" - Version: ") localized_print (version) if not copyright.is_empty then io.new_line localized_print (copyright) end io.new_line io.new_line end display_version -- Displays version information. do -- Only display the version information if it was not already displayed localized_print (name) localized_print (" version ") localized_print (version) if not copyright.is_empty then io.new_line localized_print (copyright) end io.new_line end display_errors -- Displays any parse/validation related error messages. require not_is_successful: not is_successful local l_errors: like error_messages l_error: STRING_32 do l_errors := error_messages localized_print_error (string_formatter.format_unicode ("{1} error(s) occurred.%N", [l_errors.count])) across l_errors as e loop localized_print_error (tab_string) localized_print_error ("> ") l_error := format_terminal_text (e.item, tab_string.count.as_natural_8 + 2) localized_print_error (l_error) io.error.new_line end io.error.new_line ensure error_messages_unmoved: error_messages.cursor ~ old error_messages.cursor end display_options -- Displays configurable options. require has_visible_available_options: has_visible_available_options local l_prefixes: like switch_prefixes l_prefix: STRING_32 l_def_prefix: STRING_32 l_switches: like available_switches l_switch: ARGUMENT_SWITCH l_value_switch: ARGUMENT_VALUE_SWITCH l_value_switches: ARRAYED_LIST [ARGUMENT_VALUE_SWITCH] l_padding: INTEGER l_max_len: INTEGER l_name: STRING_32 l_arg_name: STRING_32 l_desc: STRING_32 l_arg_desc: STRING_32 l_immutable: IMMUTABLE_STRING_32 l_added_args: STRING_TABLE [BOOLEAN] l_inline_args: like is_showing_argument_usage_inline l_count: INTEGER i: INTEGER do localized_print ("%NOPTIONS:%N") create l_value_switches.make (0) -- Output prefix option qualifiers l_prefixes := switch_prefixes create l_def_prefix.make (1) l_def_prefix.append_character (l_prefixes[1]) if l_prefixes.count > 1 then create l_prefix.make ((l_prefixes.count * 5) + 2) from i := l_prefixes.lower l_count := l_prefixes.upper until i > l_count loop if i > 1 then if i < l_count then l_prefix.append_string_general (", ") else l_prefix.append_string_general (" or ") end end l_prefix.append_character ('%'') l_prefix.append_character (l_prefixes[i]) l_prefix.append_character ('%'') i := i + 1 end localized_print (tab_string) localized_print("Options ") if is_case_sensitive then localized_print ("are case-sensitive and ") end localized_print ("should be prefixed with: ") localized_print (l_prefix) io.new_line io.new_line end l_switches := available_visible_switches -- Retrieve option max length for alignment across l_switches as s loop l_switch := s.item if not l_switch.is_hidden then if is_using_unix_switch_style or else l_switch.has_short_name then l_max_len := l_max_len.max (l_switch.long_name.count + 5) else l_max_len := l_max_len.max (l_switch.long_name.count + 1) end end end l_inline_args := is_showing_argument_usage_inline -- Output available options across l_switches as s loop l_switch := s.item if attached {ARGUMENT_VALUE_SWITCH} l_switch as l_value_switch_1 then l_value_switches.extend (l_value_switch_1) end if l_switch.has_short_name then create l_arg_name.make (20) l_arg_name.append (l_def_prefix) l_arg_name.append_character (l_switch.short_name) l_arg_name.append_string_general (" ") if is_using_unix_switch_style then l_arg_name.append (l_def_prefix) --| "--name" instead of "-name" end l_arg_name.append (l_def_prefix) l_arg_name.append (l_switch.long_name) elseif is_using_unix_switch_style then l_arg_name := {STRING_32} " " + l_def_prefix + l_def_prefix + l_switch.long_name else l_arg_name := l_def_prefix + l_switch.long_name end if l_max_len > l_arg_name.count then create l_name.make_filled (' ', l_max_len - l_arg_name.count) else create l_name.make_empty end l_name.insert_string (l_arg_name, 1) create l_desc.make (256) l_desc.append (l_switch.description) if l_switch.optional then l_desc.append_string_general (" (Optional)") end l_padding := l_name.count + tab_string.count + 2 l_desc := format_terminal_text (l_desc, l_padding.as_natural_8) if l_inline_args and then attached {ARGUMENT_VALUE_SWITCH} l_switch as l_value_switch_2 then l_desc.append_character ('%N') l_desc.append (create {STRING_32}.make_filled (' ', l_padding)) l_desc.append_character ('<') l_desc.append (l_value_switch_2.arg_name) l_desc.append_string_general (">: ") create l_arg_desc.make (32) if l_value_switch_2.is_value_optional then l_arg_desc.append_string_general ("(Optional) ") end l_arg_desc.append (l_value_switch_2.arg_description) l_arg_desc := format_terminal_text (l_arg_desc, (l_padding + l_value_switch_2.arg_name.count + 4).as_natural_8) l_desc.append (l_arg_desc) end localized_print (tab_string) localized_print (l_name) localized_print (": ") localized_print (l_desc) io.new_line end if not l_inline_args and then not l_value_switches.is_empty then localized_print ("%NARGUMENTS:%N") create l_added_args.make (l_value_switches.count) l_max_len := 0 across l_value_switches as s loop l_max_len := l_max_len.max (s.item.arg_name.count) end across l_value_switches as s loop l_value_switch := s.item l_immutable := l_value_switch.arg_name if not l_added_args.has (l_immutable) then if l_max_len > l_immutable.count then create l_name.make_filled (' ', l_max_len - l_immutable.count) else create l_name.make_empty end l_name.insert_character ('<', 1) l_name.insert_string (l_immutable, 2) l_name.insert_character ('>', l_immutable.count + 2) l_desc := format_terminal_text (l_value_switch.arg_description, (l_immutable.count + tab_string.count + 4).as_natural_8) localized_print (tab_string) localized_print (l_name) localized_print (": ") localized_print (l_desc) io.new_line l_added_args.put (True, l_immutable) end end end end feature {NONE} -- Usage name: READABLE_STRING_GENERAL -- Full name of application. deferred ensure result_attached: Result /= Void not_result_is_empty: not Result.is_empty end version: READABLE_STRING_GENERAL -- Version number of application. deferred ensure result_attached: Result /= Void not_result_is_empty: not Result.is_empty end copyright: READABLE_STRING_GENERAL -- Copyright information. -- Not used if empty. deferred ensure result_attached: Result /= Void end frozen command_option_configurations: ARRAYED_LIST [IMMUTABLE_STRING_32] -- Command line option configuration string (to display in usage). local l_groups: like switch_groups l_group: ARGUMENT_GROUP l_cfg: like command_option_group_configuration l_switches: ARRAYED_LIST [ARGUMENT_SWITCH] l_switch: ARGUMENT_SWITCH l_empty_groups: BOOLEAN once create Result.make (10) Result.compare_objects l_groups := switch_groups l_empty_groups := l_groups.is_empty if not l_empty_groups then l_empty_groups := l_groups.for_all (agent {ARGUMENT_GROUP}.is_hidden) end if l_empty_groups then l_switches := available_visible_switches l_cfg := command_option_group_configuration (l_switches, is_allowing_non_switched_arguments, is_non_switch_argument_required, True, l_switches) if not l_cfg.is_empty then Result.extend (l_cfg) end else Result.resize (1024) across l_groups as g loop l_group := g.item if not l_group.is_hidden then l_switches := l_group.switches -- Add nologo switch, if not already added if has_switch (nologo_switch) then -- Extend the nologo switch to all groups, for force validation when used l_switch := switch_of_name (nologo_switch) if not l_switches.has (l_switch) then l_switches.extend (l_switch) end end l_cfg := command_option_group_configuration (l_switches, is_allowing_non_switched_arguments and l_group.is_allowing_non_switched_arguments, True, True, l_switches) if not l_cfg.is_empty and then not Result.has (l_cfg) then -- With exclusion of hidden options command line groups may look the same. Result.extend (l_cfg) end end end end ensure result_attached: Result /= Void result_contains_valid_items: across Result as l_c all not l_c.item.is_empty end available_switches_unmoved: available_switches.cursor ~ old available_switches.cursor switch_groups_unmoved: switch_groups.cursor ~ old switch_groups.cursor end command_option_group_configuration (a_group: LIST [ARGUMENT_SWITCH]; a_show_non_switch: BOOLEAN; a_non_switch_required: BOOLEAN; a_add_appurtenances: BOOLEAN; a_src_group: LIST [ARGUMENT_SWITCH]): STRING_32 -- Command line option configuration string (to display in usage) for a specific group of options. require a_group_attached: a_group /= Void a_src_group_attached: a_src_group /= Void a_group_equals_a_src_group: a_add_appurtenances implies a_group = a_src_group local l_dependencies: like switch_dependencies l_dependent_list: ARRAYED_LIST [ARGUMENT_SWITCH] l_use_separated: like is_using_separated_switch_values l_verbose: BOOLEAN l_unix_style: BOOLEAN l_switch: ARGUMENT_SWITCH l_cfg: like command_option_group_configuration l_prefix: CHARACTER_32 l_opt: BOOLEAN l_opt_val: BOOLEAN l_add_switch: BOOLEAN i, l_upper: INTEGER do if not a_group.is_empty then l_dependencies := switch_dependencies l_prefix := switch_prefixes[1] l_use_separated := is_using_separated_switch_values l_verbose := is_usage_verbose l_unix_style := is_using_unix_switch_style create Result.make (a_group.count * 12) across a_group as g loop l_switch := g.item l_opt := l_switch.optional if not (help_switch) and not l_switch.is_hidden then l_add_switch := not a_add_appurtenances implies (not a_src_group.has (l_switch) or l_switch.optional) if l_add_switch then if l_opt then Result.append_character ('[') end Result.append_character (l_prefix) if l_verbose then if l_unix_style then Result.append_character (l_prefix) end Result.append (l_switch.long_name) else if l_unix_style and not l_switch.has_short_name then Result.append_character (l_prefix) end Result.append ( end if attached {ARGUMENT_VALUE_SWITCH} l_switch as l_val_switch then l_opt_val := l_val_switch.is_value_optional if l_opt_val then Result.append_character ('[') end if l_use_separated then Result.append_string_general (" <") else Result.append_character (switch_value_qualifer) Result.append_character ('<') end Result.append (l_val_switch.arg_name) Result.append_character ('>') if l_opt_val then Result.append_character (']') end end -- Add appurenances switches if l_dependencies /= Void and then l_dependencies.has (l_switch) then if attached l_dependencies [l_switch] as l_dependent_switches then if not l_dependent_switches.is_empty then create l_dependent_list.make (l_dependent_switches.count) from i := 1 l_upper := l_dependent_switches.upper until i > l_upper loop if attached l_dependent_switches.item (i) as l_dependency then l_dependent_list.extend (l_dependency) end i := i + 1 end l_cfg := command_option_group_configuration (l_dependent_list, False, False, False, a_src_group) if not l_cfg.is_empty then Result.append_character (' ') Result.append (l_cfg) end end else check l_dependencies_has_l_switch: False end end end if l_switch.allow_multiple then Result.append_string_general (" [") Result.append_character (l_prefix) Result.append ( Result.append_string_general ("...]") end if l_opt then Result.append_character (']') end if not g.is_last then Result.append_character (' ') end end end end else create Result.make_empty end ensure result_attached: Result /= Void a_group_unmoved: a_group.cursor ~ old a_group.cursor end frozen format_terminal_text (a_text: READABLE_STRING_GENERAL; a_left_padding: NATURAL_8): STRING_32 -- Formats the text for display on a terminal so that it is correctly wrapped.. -- -- `a_text': The text to format. -- `a_left_padding': Padding, in columns, the description will be indented by. -- `Result': A formatted text to fit the terminal. require a_text_attached: a_text /= Void not_a_text_is_empty: not a_text.is_empty local l_columns: INTEGER l_lines: LIST [STRING_32] l_padding: STRING_32 i: INTEGER do l_lines := a_text.as_string_32.split ('%N') l_columns := max_columns.as_integer_32 - a_left_padding -- The lines need to be justified. create l_padding.make_filled (' ', a_left_padding) create Result.make (a_text.count + (l_lines.count * (a_left_padding + 1))) from l_lines.start until l_lines.after loop if attached l_lines.item as l_line then if not Result.is_empty then Result.append_character ('%N') Result.append (l_padding) end if l_line.count > l_columns then -- The line is too long, trim it from i := l_line.count.min (l_columns) until i = 0 or else l_line.item (i).is_space or else l_line.item (i) = '-' loop i := i - 1 end if i = 0 then -- No whitespace found. i := l_columns end Result.append (l_line.substring (1, i)) l_line.keep_tail (l_line.count - i) l_line.left_adjust else -- The line is within the maximum bounds. Result.append (l_line) l_line.wipe_out end if l_line.is_empty then l_lines.forth end else l_lines.forth end end ensure result_attached: Result /= Void not_result_is_empty: not Result.is_empty end extended_usage: IMMUTABLE_STRING_32 -- Retrieces extended configuration information. --|Redefine in subclass. once create Result.make_empty ensure result_attached: Result /= Void end feature {NONE} -- Switches nologo_switch: IMMUTABLE_STRING_32 -- Supress copyright information switch. once create Result.make_from_string_general ("nologo") ensure result_attached: Result /= Void not_result_is_empty: not Result.is_empty result_consistent: Result.same_string (nologo_switch) end help_switch: IMMUTABLE_STRING_32 -- Display usage information switch. once if is_using_unix_switch_style then if {PLATFORM}.is_windows then create Result.make_from_string_general ("?|help") else create Result.make_from_string_general ("h|help") end else if {PLATFORM}.is_windows then create Result.make_from_string_8 ("?") else create Result.make_from_string_8 ("help") end end ensure result_attached: Result /= Void not_result_is_empty: not Result.is_empty result_consistent: Result.same_string (help_switch) end version_switch: IMMUTABLE_STRING_32 -- Version information switch. once if is_using_unix_switch_style then create Result.make_from_string_general ("v|version") else create Result.make_from_string_general ("version") end ensure result_attached: Result /= Void not_result_is_empty: not Result.is_empty result_consistent: Result.same_string (version_switch) end available_switches: ARRAYED_LIST [ARGUMENT_SWITCH] -- Retrieve a list of available switch. local l_switches: like switches l_switch: ARGUMENT_SWITCH once l_switches := switches if l_switches /= Void then create Result.make (3 + l_switches.count) Result.append (l_switches) else create Result.make (3) end create l_switch.make (help_switch, "Display usage information.", True, False) l_switch.set_is_special Result.extend (l_switch) if is_using_builtin_switches then create l_switch.make (version_switch, "Displays version information.", True, False) l_switch.set_is_special Result.extend (l_switch) create l_switch.make (nologo_switch, "Supresses copyright information.", True, False) l_switch.set_is_special Result.extend (l_switch) end ensure result_attached: Result /= Void result_consistent: Result = available_switches end frozen available_visible_switches: ARRAYED_LIST [ARGUMENT_SWITCH] -- Retrieve a list of available visible (not hidden) switch. local l_switches: like available_switches l_switch: ARGUMENT_SWITCH once l_switches := available_switches create Result.make (l_switches.count) across l_switches as s loop l_switch := s.item if not l_switch.is_hidden then Result.extend (l_switch) end end ensure result_attached: Result /= Void result_consistent: Result = available_visible_switches end switches: ARRAYED_LIST [ARGUMENT_SWITCH] -- Retrieve a set of switch used for a specific application. deferred ensure result_attached: Result /= Void result_consistent: Result = switches end switch_groups: ARRAYED_LIST [ARGUMENT_GROUP] -- Valid switch grouping. once create Result.make (0) ensure result_attached: Result /= Void result_consistent: Result = switch_groups end switch_dependencies: HASH_TABLE [ARRAY [ARGUMENT_SWITCH], ARGUMENT_SWITCH] -- Switch appurtenances (dependencies). -- Note: Switch appurtenances are implictly added to a group where a switch is present. once create Result.make (0) ensure result_attached: Result /= Void result_consistent: Result = switch_dependencies end feature {NONE} -- Formatting frozen ellipse_text (a_str: READABLE_STRING_GENERAL): STRING_32 -- Ellipses a string if it exceeds `ellipse_threshold' in length. -- -- `a_str': The original string to ellipse. -- `Result': The ellipses string. require a_str_attached: a_str /= Void do if not a_str.is_empty then Result := string_formatter.ellipse (a_str, ellipse_threshold) else create Result.make_empty end ensure result_attached: Result /= Void not_result_is_empty: not a_str.is_empty implies not Result.is_empty result_ellipsed: Result.count <= ellipse_threshold end ellipse_threshold: NATURAL_8 = 255 -- Maximum number of characters before ellipses (...) are used -- to trim a region of text. feature {NONE} -- Factory new_argument_source: ARGUMENT_SOURCE -- Creates a new default argument source object for the parser. do create {ARGUMENT_TERMINAL_SOURCE} Result ensure result_attached: Result /= Void end feature {NONE} -- Constants switch_prefixes: ARRAY [CHARACTER_32] -- Prefixes used to indicate a command line switch. once Result := if {PLATFORM}.is_windows then {ARRAY [CHARACTER_32]} <<'-', '/'>> else {ARRAY [CHARACTER_32]} <<'-'>> end ensure result_attached: Result /= Void not_result_is_empty: not Result.is_empty result_contains_printable_items: across Result as l_c all is_character_printable (l_c.item) end end switch_value_qualifer: CHARACTER_32 -- Character used to separate an switch from it's value. require not_is_using_separated_switch_values: not is_using_separated_switch_values once Result := ':' ensure result_is_printable: is_character_printable (Result) result_not_is_id_character: not Result.is_alpha_numeric and Result /= '_' end default_system_name: IMMUTABLE_STRING_32 -- Default application name. once create Result.make_from_string_general ("app") end tab_string: IMMUTABLE_STRING_32 -- Tab indent string. once create Result.make_from_string_general (" ") end feature {NONE} -- Internationalization e_invalid_switch_error: IMMUTABLE_STRING_32 once create Result.make_from_string_general ("The switch '{1}' is invalid.") end e_unrecognized_switch_error: IMMUTABLE_STRING_32 once create Result.make_from_string_general ("Unrecognized switch '{1}'.") end e_invalid_switch_value: IMMUTABLE_STRING_32 once create Result.make_from_string_general ("'{1}' is an invalid option for switch '{2}'.") end e_require_switch_value: IMMUTABLE_STRING_32 once create Result.make_from_string_general ("Switch '{1}' requires a paired value '{2}'.") end e_multiple_switch_error: IMMUTABLE_STRING_32 once create Result.make_from_string_general ("Switch '{1}' can only be used once.") end e_non_value_switch: IMMUTABLE_STRING_32 once create Result.make_from_string_general ("Switch '{1}' should not have any value paired with it.") end e_missing_switch_error: IMMUTABLE_STRING_32 once create Result.make_from_string_general ("Switch '{1}' was not specified.") end e_non_switched_argument_specified_error: IMMUTABLE_STRING_32 once create Result.make_from_string_general ("Arguments without a switch prefix are not valid arguments.") end e_multiple_non_switched_argument_specified_error: IMMUTABLE_STRING_32 once create Result.make_from_string_general ("Only one argument without a switch prefix can be passed.") end e_switch_group_unrecognized_error: IMMUTABLE_STRING_32 once create Result.make_from_string_general ("The specified switches are not in a valid configuration.") end e_missing_switch_dependency_error: IMMUTABLE_STRING_32 once create Result.make_from_string_general ("Switch '{1}' require the switch '{2}' be specified also.") end e_invalid_switch_value_with_reason: IMMUTABLE_STRING_32 once create Result.make_from_string_general ("'{1}' is an invalid option for switch '{2}'.%N{3}") end e_invalid_non_switched_value_with_reason: IMMUTABLE_STRING_32 once create Result.make_from_string_general ("'{1}' is an invalid option.%N{2}") end feature {NONE} -- Implementation: Query internal_option_of_name (a_name: READABLE_STRING_GENERAL): detachable ARGUMENT_OPTION -- Retrieves the first switch-qualified option, passed by user, by switch name. -- -- `a_name': The switch names to retrieve an options for. -- `Result': An option passed via the command line or Void if the switch option was not found. require a_name_attached: a_name /= Void not_a_name_is_empty: not a_name.is_empty has_parsed: has_parsed local l_cs: like is_case_sensitive l_opt: ARGUMENT_OPTION do l_cs := is_case_sensitive across option_values as o loop l_opt := o.item if if l_cs then a_name.same_string ( else a_name.is_case_insensitive_equal ( end then Result := l_opt end end end feature {NONE} -- Implementation: Internal cache internal_option_values: ARRAYED_LIST [ARGUMENT_OPTION] -- Mutable, unprotected verion of `option_values'. internal_values: ARRAYED_LIST [IMMUTABLE_STRING_32] -- Mutable, unprotected version of `values'. internal_argument_source: detachable like argument_source -- Cached version of `arugment_source'. -- Note: Do not use directly! invariant not_is_non_switch_argument_required: not is_allowing_non_switched_arguments implies not is_non_switch_argument_required is_successful_means_has_parsed: is_successful implies has_parsed note copyright: "Copyright (c) 1984-2018, Eiffel Software and others" license: "Eiffel Forum License v2 (see" licensing_options: "" copying: "[ This file is part of Eiffel Software's Eiffel Development Environment. Eiffel Software's Eiffel Development Environment is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by the Free Software Foundation, version 2 of the License (available at the URL listed under "license" above). Eiffel Software's Eiffel Development Environment is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the GNU General Public License for more details. You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License along with Eiffel Software's Eiffel Development Environment; if not, write to the Free Software Foundation, Inc., 51 Franklin St, Fifth Floor, Boston, MA 02110-1301 USA ]" source: "[ Eiffel Software 5949 Hollister Ave., Goleta, CA 93117 USA Telephone 805-685-1006, Fax 805-685-6869 Website Customer support ]" end