note status: "See notice at end of class."; Date: "$Date$"; Revision: "$Revision$"; Product: "Environment Converter" class EC_DESCRIPTOR inherit EC_TYPES; EXT_INTERNAL create -- Creation procedure make feature -- Initilization make do create ecd_fields.make (10); ecd_clear end; feature -- Status report ecd_error: BOOLEAN ecd_message: detachable STRING field_separator: CHARACTER ecd_fields: ARRAYED_LIST [EC_FIELD] ecd_index: INTEGER -- Index of the current field do Result := ecd_fields.index end ecd_min_index: INTEGER -- Index of the first field ecd_max_index: INTEGER -- Index of the last field ecd_reference_name: detachable STRING ecd_reference: detachable ANY feature -- Status setting set_field_separator (fs: CHARACTER) -- Set field separator with `fs'. do field_separator := fs ensure field_separator = fs end; ecd_clear do ecd_fields.wipe_out ecd_initialized := False ecd_max_index := 0 field_separator := ';' end; set_field (n: STRING; type: INTEGER) -- Set `ecd_index'-th field with type `type' and name `n'. local f: EC_FIELD do ecd_initialized := True; create f.make (type, n) ecd_fields.extend (f) if ecd_fields.count > ecd_max_index then ecd_max_index := ecd_fields.count end; end; set_delimiters (ld, rd: CHARACTER) -- Set field value delimiters with `ld' and `rd'. require current_field_exists: not ecd_fields.is_empty do ecd_fields.last.set_value_delimiters (ld, rd) end; set_label_separator (ls: CHARACTER) -- Set label separator with `ls'. require current_field_exists: not ecd_fields.is_empty do ecd_fields.last.set_label_separator (ls) end; set_use_label (b: BOOLEAN) -- Set `use_label' with `b'. require current_field_exists: not ecd_fields.is_empty do ecd_fields.last.set_use_label (b) end; check_conformity (ref: ANY) -- Check if current desciptor conforms to `ref'. -- The conformity is true if and only if for each -- field of the current descriptor, there is a -- corresponding field in the Eiffel object with -- the same field_name and the same field_type. require reference_exists: ref /= Void local i, j, nb_fields: INTEGER; tmps: STRING; ra, da: ARRAY [BOOLEAN] -- Referenced and Declared array l_field: EC_FIELD do ecd_error := False; create tmps.make(0); nb_fields := field_count (ref); if ecd_fields.is_empty then tmps.wipe_out; tmps.append ("Type conformity error, No field can be indexed with "); tmps.append_integer (nb_fields) tmps.append (".%N"); set_ecd_error (tmps) end; if not ecd_error and then ecd_fields.count /= nb_fields then tmps.wipe_out; tmps.append ("Type conformity error, Last field `"); tmps.append (ecd_fields.last.field_name); tmps.append("' cannot be indexed with "); tmps.append_integer (nb_fields); tmps.append (".%N"); set_ecd_error(tmps) end if not ecd_error then create ra.make_filled (False, 1, nb_fields); create da.make_filled (False, 1, nb_fields); from i:=1 until i > nb_fields or ecd_error loop from j:=1 until j > nb_fields or ecd_error loop l_field := ecd_fields.i_th (j) if field_conforms (i, ref, l_field) then if ra.item (i) then tmps.wipe_out; tmps.append("Type conformity error, Field "); tmps.append(j.out); tmps.append(":`"); tmps.append(l_field.field_name); tmps.append("' cannot be declared twice.%N"); set_ecd_error(tmps) elseif da.item(j) then tmps.wipe_out; tmps.append("Type conformity fatal error: Referenced object has two identical fields%N"); set_ecd_error(tmps) else ra.force(True,i); da.force(True,j); l_field.set_rank(i) end end j := j + 1 end; i := i + 1 end; if not ecd_error then from i := 1 until i > nb_fields loop if not da.item(i) then tmps.append("Type conformity error, Field "); tmps.append(i.out); tmps.append(":`"); tmps.append(ecd_fields.i_th (i).field_name) tmps.append("' does not match any reference field.%N"); set_ecd_error(tmps) end; i := i + 1 end end; if not ecd_error then ecd_reference_name := ref.generator; ecd_reference := ref end end end; make_conform (ref: ANY) -- Make current description conform to `ref'. -- (Using eiffel Standards). require reference_exists: ref /= Void local i, nb_fields: INTEGER; tmps:STRING l_f_name: like f_name do ecd_error := False; create tmps.make(5); nb_fields := field_count (ref); ecd_clear; from i:=1 until i > nb_fields or ecd_error loop f_type := field_type (i, ref); l_f_name := field_name (i, ref); f_name := l_f_name inspect f_type when BOOLEAN_TYPE then set_field (l_f_name, Boolean_ttype) when REAL_TYPE then set_field (l_f_name, Real_ttype) when INTEGER_TYPE then set_field (l_f_name, Integer_ttype) else set_field (l_f_name, String_ttype); end; ecd_fields.i_th (i).set_rank (i) i := i + 1 end; if not ecd_error then ecd_reference_name := ref.generator; ecd_reference := ref end end feature {NONE} -- Status report ecd_initialized: BOOLEAN; f_type: INTEGER; f_name: detachable STRING; feature {NONE} -- Status setting set_ecd_error (s: STRING) -- Set error flag and error message with `s'. require s_not_void: s /= Void do ecd_error := True; ecd_message := s.twin end; field_conforms (i: INTEGER; o: ANY; f: EC_FIELD): BOOLEAN -- Checks for fields confomity. -- (names and types) require reference_object_exists: o /= Void f_exists: f /= Void local tmps:STRING; tmpb:BOOLEAN do create tmps.make(5); f_type := field_type (i, o); f_name := field_name (i, o); if f.field_name ~ f_name then inspect f.field_type when Boolean_ttype then tmpb := (f_type = BOOLEAN_TYPE) when Integer_ttype then tmpb := (f_type = INTEGER_TYPE) when Real_ttype then tmpb := (f_type = REAL_TYPE) when String_ttype then tmpb := (f_type = REFERENCE_TYPE) else tmpb := False; tmps.append ("Type conformity error, Unknown declared type for field `"); tmps.append(f.field_name); tmps.append("'.%N"); set_ecd_error(tmps) end; if not tmpb and not ecd_error then tmps.append ("Type conformity error, Invalid declared type for field `"); tmps.append(f.field_name); tmps.append("'.%N"); set_ecd_error(tmps) end; Result := tmpb else Result := False end end note copyright: "Copyright (c) 1984-2014, Eiffel Software and others" license: "Eiffel Forum License v2 (see" source: "[ Eiffel Software 5949 Hollister Ave., Goleta, CA 93117 USA Telephone 805-685-1006, Fax 805-685-6869 Website Customer support ]" end -- class EC_DESCRIPTOR