note status: "See notice at end of class."; Date: "$Date$"; Revision: "$Revision$"; Product: "Environment Converter" class EC_LEX inherit EC_TYPES undefine is_equal, copy end; METALEX rename make as metalex_make end create -- Creation procedure make feature -- Initialization make -- Make object. do metalex_make create ecl_message.make(5) create descriptor.make end; feature -- Status report descriptor: EC_DESCRIPTOR ecl_error: BOOLEAN -- Did lexical analysis succeeded? ecl_message: STRING ecl_nb_token: INTEGER feature -- Status setting set_descriptor (e: EC_DESCRIPTOR) -- Set `ecl_descriptor' with `e'. require descriptor_exits: e /= Void do descriptor := e end; ecl_analyze (input_string: STRING) -- Perform lexical analysis on `input_string'. -- Fill the token list. require input_string_exists: input_string /= Void; descriptor_exists: descriptor /= Void; descriptor_is_ok: not descriptor.ecd_error; analyzer_is_built: analyzer /= Void local t:TOKEN do if attached analyzer as l_analyzer then ecl_error := False; ecl_message.wipe_out; if input_string.count=0 then ecl_error := True; ecl_message.append("Empty line%N") end; from l_analyzer.set_string(input_string); ecl_token_array.wipe_out ecl_nb_token:=0 until l_analyzer.end_of_text or ecl_error loop l_analyzer.get_any_token; if not l_analyzer.end_of_text and then not ecl_error then create t; t.copy(l_analyzer.last_token); if not t.string_value.is_equal(l_analyzer.last_string_read) then ecl_error := True; ecl_message.append("Lexical item `"); ecl_message.append(l_analyzer.last_string_read); ecl_message.append("' is unknown.%N") end; if t.type /= Space_ttype then if t.type = Boolean_ttype then t.string_value.to_upper end; ecl_token_array.extend (t); ecl_nb_token := ecl_nb_token + 1 end end end; end end; ecl_token_array: ARRAYED_LIST [TOKEN] -- Array of tokens require descriptor_exists: descriptor /= Void; descriptor_is_ok: not descriptor.ecd_error once create Result.make (descriptor.ecd_fields.count) end; ecl_build (s: READABLE_STRING_GENERAL) -- Retrieve analyzer associated with current object description -- if it exists, else build a new one according to current description -- and store it. require descriptor_exists: descriptor /= Void; descriptor_is_ok: not descriptor.ecd_error argument_exists: s /= Void local tmp_file: RAW_FILE tmpsl,tmpsr,tmpss: STRING file_name: STRING_32; i:INTEGER; already_done: BOOLEAN; l_field: detachable EC_FIELD do if analyzer = Void then metalex_make end; create tmpsl.make(0); create tmpsr.make(0); create tmpss.make(0); create file_name.make(0); -- file_name.append("/tmp/ec_"); file_name.append_string_general (s); file_name.append(".lex"); file_name.to_lower; create tmp_file.make_with_name (file_name); if tmp_file.exists then retrieve_analyzer (file_name) else error_list.do_not_display_message; ignore_case; keywords_ignore_case; put_nameless_expression("+(' ' | '%T')",Space_ttype); put_nameless_expression("$R",Real_ttype); put_nameless_expression("$Z",Integer_ttype); put_nameless_expression ("~('a'..'z')*(~('a'..'z') | '_' | ('0'..'9'))",Identifier_ttype); put_nameless_expression("%"\%"%"->%"\%"%"",String_ttype); put_nameless_expression ("('t''r''u''e') | ('f''a''l''s''e')",Boolean_ttype); tmpsl.wipe_out; tmpsl.append (char2string(descriptor.field_separator)); put_expression(tmpsl.twin, Field_sep_ttype, "FieldSepT"); tmpsl.wipe_out; from i := 1 until i > descriptor.ecd_fields.count loop l_field := descriptor.ecd_fields.i_th (i) if i > 1 then tmpss.append(" | ") end; tmpss.append (char2string(l_field.label_separator)); if l_field.use_value_delimiters then if not already_done then already_done := True else tmpsl.append(" | "); tmpsr.append(" | ") end; tmpsl.append (char2string(l_field.left_delimiter)); tmpsr.append (char2string(l_field.right_delimiter)) end i := i + 1 end; if not tmpsl.is_empty then put_nameless_expression(tmpsl.twin, Left_del_ttype); put_nameless_expression(tmpsr.twin, Right_del_ttype) end; put_nameless_expression(tmpss.twin, Label_sep_ttype); make_analyzer; store_analyzer(file_name); error_list.display_message end ensure analyzer_built: analyzer /= Void end feature {NONE} -- Conversion char2string (c: CHARACTER): STRING -- Returns the string "'c'" do create Result.make(3); Result.append ("'"); Result.append (c.out); Result.append ("'") end note copyright: "Copyright (c) 1984-2014, Eiffel Software and others" license: "Eiffel Forum License v2 (see" source: "[ Eiffel Software 5949 Hollister Ave., Goleta, CA 93117 USA Telephone 805-685-1006, Fax 805-685-6869 Website Customer support ]" end -- class EC_LEX