note description: "MySQL specification" legal: "See notice at end of class." status: "See notice at end of class." date: "$Date$" revision: "$Revision$" class MYSQL inherit DATABASE redefine default_create, parse, bind_arguments, convert_string_type, no_args, is_affected_row_count_supported, affected_row_count, result_order end STRING_HANDLER redefine default_create end GLOBAL_SETTINGS export {NONE} all redefine default_create end MYSQL_EXTERNALS export {NONE} all redefine default_create end DB_CONSTANT export {NONE} all redefine default_create end feature {NONE} -- Initialization default_create -- Initialize Current do create descriptors.make_filled (Void, 1, max_descriptor_number) create result_pointers.make_filled (default_pointer, 1, max_descriptor_number) create arguments.make_filled (Void, 1, max_descriptor_number) create results.make_filled (Void, 1, max_descriptor_number) create row_pointers.make_filled (default_pointer, 1, max_descriptor_number) create statement_pointers.make_filled (default_pointer, 1, max_descriptor_number) create last_date_data.make (0) create date_buffer.make (date_length) create string_buffer.make (selection_string_size) last_descriptor := 0 end feature -- Constants database_handle_name: STRING = "MYSQL" feature -- For DATABASE_STATUS is_error_updated: BOOLEAN -- Has a MySQL function been called since the last update which may -- have caused an update to error code, error message, or warning -- message? is_warning_updated: BOOLEAN -- Has a database function been called since last update which may have -- warnings? found: BOOLEAN -- Is there any record matching the last selection condition used? clear_error -- Reset database error status do -- Don't need to do anything in database is_error_updated := True is_warning_updated := True end insert_auto_identity_column: BOOLEAN = True -- For INSERTs and UPDATEs should record auto-increment identity -- columns be explicitly included in the statement? feature -- For DATABASE_CHANGE descriptor_is_available: BOOLEAN -- Is a descriptor available? For MySQL the answer is: Yes. local l_descriptor_index: INTEGER do from Result := False l_descriptor_index := 1 until Result or else l_descriptor_index > max_descriptor_number loop if descriptors.item (l_descriptor_index) = Void then Result := True else l_descriptor_index := l_descriptor_index + 1 end end end affected_row_count: INTEGER -- It returns the number of rows changed, deleted, or inserted by the last statement -- if it was an UPDATE, DELETE, or INSERT. For SELECT statements, number of rows in the result set. do Result := mysql_affected_rows (mysql_pointer) end max_descriptor_number: INTEGER = 20 -- Max number of descriptors is_affected_row_count_supported: BOOLEAN = True -- feature -- For DATABASE_FORMAT date_to_str (object: DATE_TIME): STRING -- String representation in MySQL of `object' do create Result.make (21) -- At most 21 chars. Result.append_character ('%'') Result.append (object.formatted_out ("yyyy-[0]mm-[0]dd [0]hh:[0]mi:[0]ss")) Result.append_character ('%'') end string_format (object: detachable STRING): STRING -- String representation in SQL of `object'. obsolete "Use `string_format_32' instead [2017-11-30]." do Result := string_format_32 (object).as_string_8_conversion end string_format_32 (object: detachable READABLE_STRING_GENERAL): STRING_32 -- String representation in MySQL of `object' -- WARNING: use "IS NULL" if object is empty instead of "= NULL" -- (which does not work) do if object = Void then Result := once {STRING_32} "IS NULL" else Result := escaped_sql_string (object) Result.prepend_character ({CHARACTER_32} '%'') Result.append_character ({CHARACTER_32} '%'') end end True_representation: STRING = "1" -- String representation in MySQL for the boolean 'true' value --| Boolean types are actually tinyint(1) or bit(1) so we need 1 here False_representation: STRING = "0" -- String representation in MySQL for the boolean 'false' value --| Boolean types are actually tinyint(1) or bit(1) so we need 0 here feature -- For DATABASE_SELECTION, DATABASE_CHANGE normal_parse: BOOLEAN -- Should the SQL string be parsed normally using SQL_SCAN? do Result := False end parse (descriptor: INTEGER; uht: detachable DB_STRING_HASH_TABLE [detachable ANY]; ht_order: detachable ARRAYED_LIST [READABLE_STRING_GENERAL]; uhandle: HANDLE; sql: READABLE_STRING_GENERAL; dynamic: BOOLEAN): BOOLEAN -- Parse and prepare a dynamic statement. local l_stmt: POINTER l_c_string: MYSQL_SQL_STRING do if dynamic then l_stmt := mysql_stmt_init (mysql_pointer) if l_stmt /= default_pointer then descriptors.put (sql, descriptor) statement_pointers.put (l_stmt, descriptor) create l_c_string.make (utf32_to_utf8 (sql.as_string_32)) if mysql_stmt_prepare (l_stmt, l_c_string.item, l_c_string.bytes_count) = 0 and then attached uht as l_ht then bind_arguments (descriptor, l_ht, ht_order) end is_error_updated := False Result := True end end end bind_arguments (descriptor: INTEGER_32; uht: DB_STRING_HASH_TABLE [detachable ANY]; ht_order: detachable ARRAYED_LIST [READABLE_STRING_GENERAL]) -- Bind arguments local l_args: DB_PARA_MYSQL i: INTEGER l_pointer: POINTER do if uht.count > 0 and then ht_order /= Void then if attached arguments.item (descriptor) as l_arg then l_args := l_arg else create l_args.make (uht.count) arguments.put (l_args, descriptor) end from ht_order.start i := 1 until ht_order.after loop if i <= l_args.count then l_args.replace_parameter (i, uht.item (ht_order.item)) end l_args.extend_parameter (uht.item (ht_order.item)) ht_order.forth i := i + 1 end l_args.set_parameter_count (i - 1) l_pointer := l_args.bound_parameter_pointer if l_pointer /= default_pointer then mysql_stmt_bind_param (statement_pointers.item (descriptor), l_pointer).do_nothing end is_error_updated := False end end feature -- DATABASE_STRING sql_name_string: STRING -- The name of the MySQL type that represents a string do Result := "VARCHAR (255)" end map_var_name_32 (a_para: READABLE_STRING_GENERAL): STRING_32 -- Map `a_para' to the MySQL statement parameter representation do create Result.make (a_para.count + 1) Result.append ({STRING_32}":") Result.append_string_general (a_para) end feature -- DECIMAL sql_name_decimal: STRING -- SQL type name for decimal once Result := " decimal" end feature -- DATABASE_REAL sql_name_real: STRING = "FLOAT" feature -- DATABASE_DATATIME sql_name_datetime: STRING = "DATETIME" feature -- DATABASE_DOUBLE sql_name_double: STRING = "DOUBLE" feature -- DATABASE_CHARACTER sql_name_character: STRING = "CHAR" feature -- DATABASE_INTEGER sql_name_integer: STRING = "INTEGER" sql_name_integer_16: STRING = "SMALLINT" sql_name_integer_64: STRING = "BIGINT" feature -- DATABASE_BOOLEAN sql_name_boolean: STRING = "TINYINT(1)" feature -- LOGIN and DATABASE_APPL only for password_ok password_ok (upassword: STRING): BOOLEAN -- Is the given `upassword' correct? do -- Password can be empty. Result := upassword /= Void end password_ensure (name, password, uname, upassword: STRING): BOOLEAN -- Make sure `name' equals `uname' and `password' equals `upassword' do Result := True end feature -- For database types convert_string_type (r_any: ANY; field_name, class_name: STRING): ANY -- Convert `r_any' to the expected object. -- By default, this routine returns `r_any', redefined in MySQL to -- return an INTEGER_REF when `field_name' is "data_type" local data_type: INTEGER_REF do if field_name.is_equal ("data_type") then if class_name.is_equal (("").generator) then create data_type if r_any.is_equal ("varchar") or else r_any.is_equal ("char") then data_type.set_item ({DB_TYPES}.string_type) elseif r_any.is_equal ("nvarchar") or else r_any.is_equal ("nchar") then data_type.set_item ({DB_TYPES}.string_32_type) elseif r_any.is_equal ("double") then data_type.set_item ({DB_TYPES}.real_64_type) elseif r_any.is_equal ("decimal") then data_type.set_item ({DB_TYPES}.decimal_type) elseif r_any.is_equal ("float") then data_type.set_item ({DB_TYPES}.real_32_type) elseif r_any.is_equal ("int") or else r_any.is_equal ("bit") or else r_any.is_equal ("tinyint") or else r_any.is_equal ("mediumint") then if not use_extended_types then data_type.set_item ({DB_TYPES}.integer_32_type) else if r_any.is_equal ("tinyint") then data_type.set_item ({DB_TYPES}.integer_16_type) else data_type.set_item ({DB_TYPES}.integer_32_type) end end elseif r_any.is_equal ("smallint") then data_type.set_item ({DB_TYPES}.integer_16_type) elseif r_any.is_equal ("bigint") then data_type.set_item ({DB_TYPES}.integer_64_type) elseif r_any.is_equal ("datetime") or else r_any.is_equal ("date") then data_type.set_item ({DB_TYPES}.date_type) else io.error.putstring ("Unknown data type '") print (r_any) io.error.putstring ("'%N") end Result := data_type else Result := r_any end else Result := r_any end end feature -- For DATABASE_PROC support_sql_of_proc: BOOLEAN = True support_stored_proc: BOOLEAN = True sql_as: STRING = " BEGIN " sql_end: STRING = "; END;" sql_execution: STRING = "CALL " sql_creation: STRING = "create procedure " sql_after_exec: STRING = "" support_drop_proc: BOOLEAN = True name_proc_lower: BOOLEAN = True map_var_between : STRING = "" no_args: STRING = " () " Select_text_32 (proc_name: READABLE_STRING_GENERAL): STRING_32 do Result := {STRING_32}"select ROUTINE_DEFINITION % %from information_schema.ROUTINES % %where ROUTINE_NAME = :name and % %ROUTINE_TYPE = 'PROCEDURE'" end Select_exists_32 (proc_name: READABLE_STRING_GENERAL): STRING_32 do Result := {STRING_32}"select count(*) from information_schema.ROUTINES % %where routine_type = 'PROCEDURE' and % %routine_name = :name" end feature -- For DATABASE_REPOSITORY Selection_string (rep_qualifier, rep_owner, rep_name: STRING): STRING do --| FIXME --| Do we need this side effect? repository_name := rep_name -- By default we should use this query. Result := "SELECT table_catalog, table_schema, table_name, % %column_name, ordinal_position as column_id, % %column_default as data_default, is_nullable as nullable, % %data_type, character_maximum_length as column_size, % %character_octet_length, numeric_precision as data_precision, % %numeric_scale as scale, character_set_name, collation_name, % %column_type, column_key, extra, privileges, column_comment % %FROM information_schema.columns WHERE table_name = :rep" end sql_string: STRING = "VARCHAR(" sql_string2 (int: INTEGER): STRING do Result := "VARCHAR(" Result.append (int.out) Result.append_character (')') end sql_wstring: STRING = "NVARCHAR (" sql_wstring2 (int: INTEGER): STRING do Result := "NVARCHAR (" Result.append (int.out) Result.append (")") end feature -- Multiple Statements enable_multiple_statements -- Enable multiple statements if possible do eif_mysql_enable_multi_statements (mysql_pointer) end disable_multiple_statements -- Disable multiple statements if possible do eif_mysql_disable_multi_statements (mysql_pointer) end feature -- External features get_error_message: POINTER -- The error message as returned by the RDBMS after the last -- action. -- This feature also sets is_error_updated to True do Result := eif_mysql_get_error_message (mysql_pointer) is_error_updated := True end get_error_message_string: STRING_32 -- The error message as returned by the RDBMS after the last -- action. -- This feature also sets is_error_updated to True local l_s: MYSQL_SQL_STRING do create l_s.make_by_pointer (get_error_message) Result := l_s.string end get_error_code: INTEGER -- The error code as returned by the RDBMS after the last action. -- This feature also sets is_error_updated to True do Result := eif_mysql_get_error_code (mysql_pointer) is_error_updated := True end get_warn_message: POINTER -- The warning message as returned by the RDBMS after the last -- action. -- This feature also sets is_warning_updated to True do Result := eif_mysql_get_warn_message (mysql_pointer) is_warning_updated := True end get_warn_message_string: STRING_32 -- The warning message as returned by the RDBMS after the last -- action. -- This feature also sets is_warning_updated to True local l_s: MYSQL_SQL_STRING do create l_s.make_by_pointer (get_warn_message) Result := l_s.string end new_descriptor: INTEGER -- Create a new descriptor under which queries can and will be -- executed local l_descriptor_index: INTEGER do from Result := 0 l_descriptor_index := 1 until Result > 0 or else l_descriptor_index = max_descriptor_number loop if descriptors.item (l_descriptor_index) = Void then Result := l_descriptor_index else l_descriptor_index := l_descriptor_index + 1 end end end init_order (no_descriptor: INTEGER; command: READABLE_STRING_GENERAL) do descriptors.put (command, no_descriptor) -- No statement prepared, we reset the pointer. statement_pointers.put (default_pointer, no_descriptor) end start_order (no_descriptor: INTEGER) local l_c_string: MYSQL_SQL_STRING l_p, l_db_result, l_meta: POINTER l_result_bind: DB_PARA_MYSQL l_num_field: INTEGER do l_p := statement_pointers.item (no_descriptor) if l_p = default_pointer then if attached descriptors.item (no_descriptor) as l_descriptor then create l_c_string.make (utf32_to_utf8 (l_descriptor.as_string_32)) l_db_result := eif_mysql_execute (mysql_pointer, l_c_string.item) result_pointers.put (l_db_result, no_descriptor) is_error_updated := False end else if mysql_stmt_execute (l_p) = 0 then -- Execution succeeded. l_meta := mysql_stmt_result_metadata (l_p) if l_meta /= default_pointer then l_num_field := mysql_num_fields (l_meta) if l_num_field > 0 and then (not attached results.item (no_descriptor) as l_results or else l_num_field /= l_results.count) then -- Might be another query, we create a new bind to receive results. create l_result_bind.make (l_num_field) results.put (l_result_bind, no_descriptor) end end end is_error_updated := False end end result_order (no_descriptor: INTEGER) -- Call MySQL API to store results local l_p: POINTER l_res: INTEGER do l_p := statement_pointers.item (no_descriptor) if l_p /= default_pointer and then attached results.item (no_descriptor) as l_results then retrieve_results_length_and_type (no_descriptor, l_results) l_results.prepare_result_buffers -- Bind again to make sure that new buffers are updated. mysql_stmt_bind_result (l_p, l_results.bound_parameter_pointer).do_nothing l_res := mysql_stmt_store_result (l_p) is_error_updated := False end end next_row (no_descriptor: INTEGER) -- Fetch the next row from the result set for `no_descriptor' and -- indicate in `found' whether a next row was retrieved local l_result_pointer, l_p: POINTER l_res: INTEGER do l_p := statement_pointers.item (no_descriptor) if l_p = default_pointer then l_result_pointer := eif_mysql_next_row (result_pointers.item (no_descriptor)) if l_result_pointer = default_pointer then found := False row_pointers.put (default_pointer, no_descriptor) else found := True row_pointers.put (l_result_pointer, no_descriptor) end else if attached results.item (no_descriptor) as l_results then l_res := mysql_stmt_fetch (l_p) if l_res = 0 or else l_res = mysql_data_truncated then -- fetch_result_columns (no_descriptor, l_results) found := True else found := False end else found := False end end end terminate_order (no_descriptor: INTEGER) do eif_mysql_free_result (mysql_pointer, result_pointers.item (no_descriptor)) result_pointers.put (default_pointer, no_descriptor) descriptors.put (Void, no_descriptor) is_error_updated := False is_warning_updated := False end close_cursor (no_descriptor: INTEGER) -- Do nothing, for ODBC prepared statement do end exec_immediate (no_descriptor: INTEGER; command: READABLE_STRING_GENERAL) do end put_col_name (no_descriptor: INTEGER; index: INTEGER; ar: STRING max_len: INTEGER): INTEGER -- Put the column name of field `index' from result set -- `no_descriptor' into `ar', with a maximum length of -- `max_len' and return the length of the column name local i: INTEGER l_area: MANAGED_POINTER do if statement_pointers.item (no_descriptor) /= default_pointer and then attached results.item (no_descriptor) as l_results then ar.wipe_out if attached l_results.i_th (index).column_name as l_name then ar.append (l_name) end Result := ar.count else l_area := string_buffer l_area.resize (max_len) Result := eif_mysql_column_name ( result_pointers.item (no_descriptor), index, l_area.item, max_len) check Result <= max_len end ar.set_count (Result) from i := 1 until i > Result loop ar.put (l_area.read_integer_8 (i - 1).to_character_8, i) i := i + 1 end end end put_data (no_descriptor: INTEGER; index: INTEGER; ar: STRING max_len: INTEGER): INTEGER -- Put the data of field `ind' from result set -- `no_descriptor' into `ar', with a maximum length of -- `max_len' and return the length of data in `ar' local i: INTEGER l_area: MANAGED_POINTER l_length: INTEGER do if statement_pointers.item (no_descriptor) /= default_pointer and then attached results.item (no_descriptor) as l_results then ar.wipe_out if attached l_results.i_th (index).read_string as l_s then ar.append (l_s) end Result := ar.count else l_area := string_buffer l_length := get_data_len (no_descriptor, index) if (l_length >= l_area.count) then l_area.resize (l_length) end Result := eif_mysql_column_data ( row_pointers.item (no_descriptor), index, l_area.item, l_length) check Result <= l_length end ar.set_count (Result) from i := 1 until i > Result loop ar.put (l_area.read_integer_8 (i - 1).to_character_8, i) i := i + 1 end end end put_data_32 (no_descriptor: INTEGER; index: INTEGER; ar: STRING_32 max_len: INTEGER): INTEGER -- Put the data of field `ind' from result set -- `no_descriptor' into `ar', with a maximum length of -- `max_len' and return the length of data in `ar' local i: INTEGER l_area: MANAGED_POINTER l_length: INTEGER l_str: STRING l_str32: STRING_32 do if statement_pointers.item (no_descriptor) /= default_pointer and then attached results.item (no_descriptor) as l_results then ar.wipe_out if attached l_results.i_th (index).read_string as l_s then ar.append (utf8_to_utf32 (l_s)) end Result := ar.count else l_area := string_buffer l_length := get_data_len (no_descriptor, index) if (l_length >= l_area.count) then l_area.resize (l_length) end Result := eif_mysql_column_data ( row_pointers.item (no_descriptor), index, l_area.item, l_length) check Result <= l_length end create l_str.make (Result) l_str.set_count (Result) from i := 1 until i > Result loop l_str.put (l_area.read_integer_8 (i - 1).to_character_8, i) i := i + 1 end l_str32 := utf8_to_utf32 (l_str) ar.wipe_out ar.append (l_str32) Result := l_str32.count end end conv_type (indicator: INTEGER; index: INTEGER): INTEGER do Result := index end get_count (no_descriptor: INTEGER): INTEGER -- The number of columns in a result for `no_descriptor' do if statement_pointers.item (no_descriptor) /= default_pointer and then attached results.item (no_descriptor) as l_results then Result := l_results.parameter_count else Result := eif_mysql_num_fields (result_pointers.item (no_descriptor)) end end get_data_len (no_descriptor: INTEGER; ind: INTEGER): INTEGER -- The length of the data in the result for `no_descriptor', field -- index `ind' do if statement_pointers.item (no_descriptor) /= default_pointer and then attached results.item (no_descriptor) as l_results then Result := l_results.i_th (ind).count else Result := eif_mysql_data_length (result_pointers.item (no_descriptor), ind) end end get_col_len (no_descriptor: INTEGER; ind: INTEGER): INTEGER -- The length of the column with index `ind' for the indicated -- `no_descriptor' as defined by the table definition do if statement_pointers.item (no_descriptor) /= default_pointer and then attached results.item (no_descriptor) as l_results then Result := l_results.i_th (ind).column_length else Result := eif_mysql_column_length (result_pointers.item (no_descriptor), ind) end end get_col_type (no_descriptor: INTEGER; ind: INTEGER): INTEGER -- The column type of column `ind' in result set `no_descriptor' do if statement_pointers.item (no_descriptor) /= default_pointer and then attached results.item (no_descriptor) as l_results then Result := l_results.i_th (ind).eiffel_type else Result := eif_mysql_column_type (result_pointers.item (no_descriptor), ind) end end get_integer_data (no_descriptor: INTEGER; ind: INTEGER): INTEGER -- Get the integer for field `ind' in row set `no_descriptor' do if statement_pointers.item (no_descriptor) /= default_pointer and then attached results.item (no_descriptor) as l_results then Result := l_results.i_th (ind).read_integer else Result := eif_mysql_integer_data (row_pointers.item (no_descriptor), ind) end end get_integer_16_data (no_descriptor: INTEGER; ind: INTEGER): INTEGER_16 -- Get the integer for field `ind' in row set `no_descriptor' do if statement_pointers.item (no_descriptor) /= default_pointer and then attached results.item (no_descriptor) as l_results then Result := l_results.i_th (ind).read_integer_16 else Result := eif_mysql_integer_16_data (row_pointers.item (no_descriptor), ind) end end get_integer_64_data (no_descriptor: INTEGER; ind: INTEGER): INTEGER_64 -- Get the integer for field `ind' in row set `no_descriptor' do if statement_pointers.item (no_descriptor) /= default_pointer and then attached results.item (no_descriptor) as l_results then Result := l_results.i_th (ind).read_integer_64 else Result := eif_mysql_integer_64_data (row_pointers.item (no_descriptor), ind) end end get_float_data (no_descriptor: INTEGER; ind: INTEGER): DOUBLE do if statement_pointers.item (no_descriptor) /= default_pointer and then attached results.item (no_descriptor) as l_results then Result := l_results.i_th (ind).read_float else Result := eif_mysql_float_data (row_pointers.item (no_descriptor), ind) end end get_real_data (no_descriptor: INTEGER; ind: INTEGER): REAL do if statement_pointers.item (no_descriptor) /= default_pointer and then attached results.item (no_descriptor) as l_results then Result := l_results.i_th (ind).read_real else Result := eif_mysql_real_data (row_pointers.item (no_descriptor), ind) end end get_boolean_data (no_descriptor: INTEGER; ind: INTEGER): BOOLEAN do end is_null_data (no_descriptor: INTEGER; ind: INTEGER): BOOLEAN -- Is the data in column `ind' of result set `no_descriptor' NULL? do if statement_pointers.item (no_descriptor) /= default_pointer and then attached results.item (no_descriptor) as l_results then Result := l_results.i_th (ind).is_null else Result := eif_mysql_is_null_data (row_pointers.item (no_descriptor), ind) end end get_date_data (no_descriptor: INTEGER; ind: INTEGER): INTEGER -- Retrieve the date in row `no_descriptor' for field `ind' and -- return 1 (as needed by DATABASE_DATA.fill_in) local i: INTEGER l_area: MANAGED_POINTER l_int_8: INTEGER_8 do if statement_pointers.item (no_descriptor) /= default_pointer and then attached results.item (no_descriptor) as l_results then Result := 1 else l_area := date_buffer Result := eif_mysql_date_data (row_pointers.item (no_descriptor), ind, l_area.item) if Result = 1 then from last_date_data_descriptor := no_descriptor last_date_data_ind := ind last_date_data.wipe_out i := 1 until i > 19 loop l_int_8 := l_area.read_integer_8 (i - 1) last_date_data.append_code (l_int_8.as_natural_32) i := i + 1 end end end end get_hour (no_descriptor: INTEGER; ind: INTEGER): INTEGER -- Return the integer hour for the date from row set `no_descriptor' -- and field `ind' do if statement_pointers.item (no_descriptor) /= default_pointer and then attached results.item (no_descriptor) as l_results then Result := l_results.i_th (ind).read_hour else if no_descriptor = last_date_data_descriptor and ind = last_date_data_ind then Result := last_date_data.substring (12, 13).to_integer else Result := get_date_data (no_descriptor, ind) Result := get_hour (no_descriptor, ind) end end end get_sec (no_descriptor: INTEGER; ind: INTEGER): INTEGER -- Return the integer second for the date from row set -- `no_descriptor' and field `ind' do if statement_pointers.item (no_descriptor) /= default_pointer and then attached results.item (no_descriptor) as l_results then Result := l_results.i_th (ind).read_second else if no_descriptor = last_date_data_descriptor and ind = last_date_data_ind then Result := last_date_data.substring (18, 19).to_integer else Result := get_date_data (no_descriptor, ind) Result := get_sec (no_descriptor, ind) end end end get_min (no_descriptor: INTEGER; ind: INTEGER): INTEGER -- Return the integer minute for the date from row set -- `no_descriptor' and field `ind' do if statement_pointers.item (no_descriptor) /= default_pointer and then attached results.item (no_descriptor) as l_results then Result := l_results.i_th (ind).read_minute else if no_descriptor = last_date_data_descriptor and ind = last_date_data_ind then Result := last_date_data.substring (15, 16).to_integer else Result := get_date_data (no_descriptor, ind) Result := get_min (no_descriptor, ind) end end end get_year (no_descriptor: INTEGER; ind: INTEGER): INTEGER -- Return the integer year for the date from row set -- `no_descriptor' and field `ind' do if statement_pointers.item (no_descriptor) /= default_pointer and then attached results.item (no_descriptor) as l_results then Result := l_results.i_th (ind).read_year else if no_descriptor = last_date_data_descriptor and ind = last_date_data_ind then Result := last_date_data.substring (1, 4).to_integer else Result := get_date_data (no_descriptor, ind) Result := get_year (no_descriptor, ind) end end end get_day (no_descriptor: INTEGER; ind: INTEGER): INTEGER -- Return the integer day for the date from row set -- `no_descriptor' and field `ind' do if statement_pointers.item (no_descriptor) /= default_pointer and then attached results.item (no_descriptor) as l_results then Result := l_results.i_th (ind).read_day if Result = 0 then Result := 1 end else if no_descriptor = last_date_data_descriptor and ind = last_date_data_ind then Result := last_date_data.substring (9, 10).to_integer if Result = 0 then Result := 1 end else Result := get_date_data (no_descriptor, ind) Result := get_day (no_descriptor, ind) end end end get_month (no_descriptor: INTEGER; ind: INTEGER): INTEGER -- Return the integer month for the date from row set -- `no_descriptor' and field `ind' do if statement_pointers.item (no_descriptor) /= default_pointer and then attached results.item (no_descriptor) as l_results then Result := l_results.i_th (ind).read_month if Result = 0 then Result := 1 end else if no_descriptor = last_date_data_descriptor and ind = last_date_data_ind then Result := last_date_data.substring (6, 7).to_integer if Result = 0 then Result := 1 end else Result := get_date_data (no_descriptor, ind) Result := get_month (no_descriptor, ind) end end end get_decimal (no_descriptor: INTEGER; ind: INTEGER): detachable TUPLE [digits: STRING_8; sign, precision, scale: INTEGER] -- Function used to get decimal info do Result := ["0", 1, 1, 0] end decimal_tuple_from_string (a_str: STRING_8): detachable TUPLE [digits: STRING_8; sign, precision, scale: INTEGER] -- Decimal tuple from string -- Simple implementation do Result := ["0", 1, 1, 0] end database_make (i: INTEGER) do end connect (user_name, user_passwd, data_source, application, hostname, a_role_id, a_role_passwd, a_group_id: STRING) local l_base: C_STRING l_colon_position: INTEGER l_host: C_STRING l_pass: C_STRING l_port: INTEGER l_user: C_STRING do create l_user.make (user_name) create l_pass.make (user_passwd) l_colon_position := hostname.index_of (':', 1) if l_colon_position > 0 then create l_host.make (hostname.substring (1, l_colon_position - 1)) l_port := hostname.substring (l_colon_position + 1, hostname.count).to_integer else create l_host.make (hostname) l_port := 3306 end create l_base.make (application) mysql_pointer := eif_mysql_connect (l_user.item, l_pass.item, l_host.item, l_port, l_base.item) -- Default to Disabled, otherwise procedure creation will probably fail, -- as normally there are more than one statements for procedure creation. disable_multiple_statements is_error_updated := False is_warning_updated := False end connect_by_connection_string (a_connect_string: STRING) -- Connect to database by connection string do --| To be implemented end disconnect do eif_mysql_disconnect (mysql_pointer) end commit -- Commit do is_error_updated := not mysql_commit (mysql_pointer) if eif_mysql_autocommit (mysql_pointer, True) then is_error_updated := False end -- We use error message as warning message in C code is_warning_updated := is_error_updated end rollback -- Rollback do is_error_updated := not mysql_rollback (mysql_pointer) if eif_mysql_autocommit (mysql_pointer, True) then is_error_updated := True end -- We use error message as warning message in C code is_warning_updated := is_error_updated end trancount: INTEGER --| MySQL does not have a way to retrieve number of transactions. do end begin -- Start transaction. -- In MySQL, disable auto commit mode to use transaction. -- It is not nessary to call begin, if one does not use transaction. -- do is_error_updated := not eif_mysql_autocommit (mysql_pointer, False) is_warning_updated := is_error_updated end last_insert_id: NATURAL_64 -- Last inserted id (For auto-incremental columns) do Result := mysql_insert_id (mysql_pointer) end escaped_sql_string (a_str: READABLE_STRING_GENERAL): STRING_32 -- Escaped SQL string from `a_str'. local l_to, l_from: C_STRING l_count: INTEGER do create l_from.make (utf32_to_utf8 (a_str.as_string_32)) create l_to.make_empty (l_from.count * 2) l_count := mysql_real_escape_string (mysql_pointer, l_to.item, l_from.item, l_from.count) l_to.set_count (l_count) Result := utf8_to_utf32 (l_to.string) end feature {NONE} -- Implementation retrieve_results_length_and_type (no_descriptor: INTEGER; a_results: DB_PARA_MYSQL) -- Retrieve length for results require statement_pointer_exists: statement_pointers.item (no_descriptor) /= default_pointer local l_bind: DB_BIND_MYSQL l_p, l_meta: POINTER l_c: INTEGER do l_p := statement_pointers.item (no_descriptor) l_meta := mysql_stmt_result_metadata (l_p) if a_results.is_empty then from until a_results.full loop create l_bind.make (0, Void, 0) a_results.extend (l_bind) end end from a_results.start until a_results.after loop l_bind := a_results.item l_bind.set_eiffel_type (eif_mysql_column_type (l_meta, a_results.index)) l_bind.set_meta_info (mysql_fetch_field_direct (l_meta, a_results.index - 1)) l_bind.set_type (c_mysql_column_type (l_bind.meta_info)) l_c := data_length_of_mysql_type (l_bind.type) if attached l_bind.buffer as l_buffer then l_buffer.resize (l_c) else l_bind.set_buffer (create {MANAGED_POINTER}.make (l_c)) end l_bind.set_count (l_c) a_results.forth end a_results.set_parameter_count (a_results.count) end fetch_result_columns (no_descriptor: INTEGER; a_results: DB_PARA_MYSQL) -- Fetch results from columns require statement_pointer_exists: statement_pointers.item (no_descriptor) /= default_pointer local l_p: POINTER do l_p := statement_pointers.item (no_descriptor) from a_results.start until a_results.after loop mysql_stmt_fetch_column (l_p, a_results.bound_parameter (a_results.index), a_results.index - 1, 0).do_nothing a_results.forth end end data_length_of_mysql_type (a_type: INTEGER): INTEGER -- Get buffer length for a mysql `a_type'. note EIS: "name=Length of MySQL types", "protocol=URI", "src=" do if a_type = mysql_type_tiny then Result := 1 elseif a_type = mysql_type_short then Result := 2 elseif a_type = mysql_type_long then Result := 4 elseif a_type = mysql_type_longlong then Result := 8 elseif a_type = mysql_type_float then Result := 4 elseif a_type = mysql_type_double then Result := 8 elseif a_type = mysql_type_time then Result := c_sizeof_mysql_time elseif a_type = mysql_type_date then Result := c_sizeof_mysql_time elseif a_type = mysql_type_datetime then Result := c_sizeof_mysql_time elseif a_type = mysql_type_string then -- Leave it zero, the length will be fetched. Result := 0 elseif a_type = mysql_type_string then -- Leave it zero, the length will be fetched. Result := 0 else end end feature {NONE} -- Attributes descriptors: ARRAY [detachable READABLE_STRING_GENERAL] -- Array of descriptors, so that we can keep track of requests -- made to the database --| This is done in Eiffel, so that we can guarantee that the Clib --| stub library is going to be thread safe. last_date_data: STRING -- The last date retrieved by `get_date_data' last_date_data_descriptor: INTEGER -- Descriptor used to retrieve `last_date_data' last_date_data_ind: INTEGER -- Column index used to retrieve `last_date_data' last_descriptor: INTEGER -- Last descriptor used mysql_pointer: POINTER -- Pointer to the C MYSQL structure returned by eif_mysql_connect repository_name: detachable STRING -- Name of the repository result_pointers: ARRAY [POINTER] -- Array of result pointers so that we can safely remember which -- MYSQL_RESULT belongs to which request row_pointers: ARRAY [POINTER] -- Array of row pointers so that we can safely remember which -- MYSQL_ROW belongs to which descriptor statement_pointers: ARRAY [POINTER] -- Array of pointers of MYSQL_STMT structure -- Indexed by descriptors arguments: ARRAY [detachable DB_PARA_MYSQL] -- Array of parameters to be bound for dynamic SQL. results: ARRAY [detachable DB_PARA_MYSQL] -- Array of bound results for dynamic SQL. date_buffer: MANAGED_POINTER -- Buffer of date string_buffer: MANAGED_POINTER -- Buffer of string date_length: INTEGER = 19 -- Date length defined by MYSQL feature {NONE} -- C Externals eif_mysql_column_data (row_ptr: POINTER; ind: INTEGER; ar: POINTER len: INTEGER): INTEGER external "C | %"eif_mysql.h%"" end eif_mysql_column_length (result_ptr: POINTER; ind: INTEGER): INTEGER external "C | %"eif_mysql.h%"" end eif_mysql_column_name (result_ptr: POINTER; ind: INTEGER; ar: POINTER; a_max_len: INTEGER): INTEGER external "C | %"eif_mysql.h%"" end eif_mysql_column_type (result_ptr: POINTER; ind: INTEGER): INTEGER external "C | %"eif_mysql.h%"" end eif_mysql_connect (user_name, user_passwd, hostname: POINTER; port: INTEGER; application: POINTER): POINTER external "C | %"eif_mysql.h%"" end eif_mysql_data_length (result_ptr: POINTER; ind: INTEGER): INTEGER external "C | %"eif_mysql.h%"" end eif_mysql_date_data (row_ptr: POINTER; ind: INTEGER; ar: POINTER): INTEGER external "C | %"eif_mysql.h%"" end eif_mysql_disconnect (mysql_ptr: POINTER) external "C | %"eif_mysql.h%"" end eif_mysql_execute (mysql_ptr: POINTER; command: POINTER): POINTER external "C | %"eif_mysql.h%"" end eif_mysql_float_data (row_ptr: POINTER; ind: INTEGER): DOUBLE external "C | %"eif_mysql.h%"" end eif_mysql_free_result (mysql_ptr: POINTER; result_ptr: POINTER) external "C | %"eif_mysql.h%"" end eif_mysql_get_error_code (mysql_ptr: POINTER): INTEGER external "C | %"eif_mysql.h%"" end eif_mysql_get_error_message (mysql_ptr: POINTER): POINTER external "C | %"eif_mysql.h%"" end eif_mysql_get_warn_message (mysql_ptr: POINTER): POINTER external "C | %"eif_mysql.h%"" end eif_mysql_integer_data (row_ptr: POINTER; ind: INTEGER): INTEGER external "C | %"eif_mysql.h%"" end eif_mysql_integer_16_data (row_ptr: POINTER; ind: INTEGER): INTEGER_16 external "C | %"eif_mysql.h%"" end eif_mysql_integer_64_data (row_ptr: POINTER; ind: INTEGER): INTEGER_64 external "C | %"eif_mysql.h%"" end eif_mysql_is_null_data (result_ptr: POINTER; ind: INTEGER): BOOLEAN external "C | %"eif_mysql.h%"" end eif_mysql_next_row (result_ptr: POINTER): POINTER external "C | %"eif_mysql.h%"" end eif_mysql_num_fields (result_ptr: POINTER): INTEGER external "C | %"eif_mysql.h%"" end eif_mysql_real_data (row_ptr: POINTER; ind: INTEGER): REAL external "C | %"eif_mysql.h%"" end mysql_insert_id (mysql_ptr: POINTER): NATURAL_64 external "C | %"eif_mysql.h%"" end eif_mysql_autocommit (mysql_ptr: POINTER; a_mode: BOOLEAN): BOOLEAN -- Return True, if there was error. external "C | %"eif_mysql.h%"" end eif_mysql_enable_multi_statements (mysql_ptr: POINTER) external "C | %"eif_mysql.h%"" end eif_mysql_disable_multi_statements (mysql_ptr: POINTER) external "C | %"eif_mysql.h%"" end note copyright: "Copyright (c) 1984-2018, Eiffel Software and others" license: "Eiffel Forum License v2 (see" source: "[ Eiffel Software 5949 Hollister Ave., Goleta, CA 93117 USA Telephone 805-685-1006, Fax 805-685-6869 Website Customer support ]" end