note description: "ODBC specification" legal: "See notice at end of class." status: "See notice at end of class."; date: "$Date$"; revision: "$Revision$" class ODBC inherit DATABASE redefine sensitive_mixed, identifier_quoter, qualifier_separator, parse, bind_arguments, user_name_ok, hide_qualifier, pre_immediate, sql_adapt_db, sql_adapt_db_32, Max_char_size, support_proc, store_proc_not_supported, drop_proc_not_supported, text_not_supported, exec_proc_not_supported, is_convert_string_type_required, is_connection_string_supported, is_affected_row_count_supported, affected_row_count end DISPOSABLE STRING_HANDLER GLOBAL_SETTINGS LOCALIZED_PRINTER feature -- Access database_handle_name: STRING = "ODBC" is_convert_string_type_required: BOOLEAN = False -- feature -- For DATABASE_STATUS is_error_updated: BOOLEAN -- Has an ODBC function been called since last update which may have -- updated error code, error message? is_warning_updated: BOOLEAN -- Has an ODBC function been called since last update which may have -- updated warning message? found: BOOLEAN -- Is there any record matching the last -- selection condition used ? clear_error -- Reset database error status. do odbc_clear_error (con_context_pointer) end insert_auto_identity_column: BOOLEAN = False -- For INSERTs and UPDATEs should table auto-increment identity columns be explicitly included in the statement? feature -- For DATABASE_CHANGE descriptor_is_available: BOOLEAN do Result := odbc_available_descriptor (con_context_pointer) /= 0 end hide_qualifier (tmp_strg: STRING): POINTER local c_temp: ODBC_SQL_STRING do create c_temp.make (tmp_strg) Result := odbc_hide_qualifier (c_temp.item, c_temp.count) end pre_immediate (descriptor, i: INTEGER) do affected_row_count := 0 odbc_pre_immediate (con_context_pointer, descriptor, i) update_status end feature -- For DATABASE_FORMAT date_to_str (object: DATE_TIME): STRING -- String representation in SQL of `object' do -- Format shall be {ts 'yyyy-mm-dd hh:mm:ss'} create Result.make (30) Result.append ("{ts '") Result.append (object.formatted_out (once "yyyy-[0]mm-[0]dd [0]hh:[0]mi:[0]ss")) Result.append ("'}") end string_format (object: detachable STRING): STRING -- String representation in SQL of `object'. obsolete "Use `string_format_32' instead. [2017-11-30]" do Result := string_format_32 (object).as_string_8_conversion end string_format_32 (object: detachable READABLE_STRING_GENERAL): STRING_32 -- String representation in SQL of `object'. do if object /= Void and then not object.is_empty then if not is_binary (object) then create Result.make_from_string (object.as_string_32) Result.replace_substring_all ({STRING_32} "'", {STRING_32} "''") Result.prepend_character ('%'') Result.append_character ('%'') else -- FIXME: fool compiler and bug here Result := once {STRING_32} "NULL" end else Result := once {STRING_32} "NULL" end end True_representation: STRING = "1" False_representation: STRING = "0" feature -- For DATABASE_SELECTION, DATABASE_CHANGE normal_parse: BOOLEAN = False parse (descriptor: INTEGER; uht: detachable DB_STRING_HASH_TABLE [detachable ANY]; ht_order: detachable ARRAYED_LIST [READABLE_STRING_GENERAL]; uhandle: HANDLE; sql: READABLE_STRING_GENERAL; dynamic: BOOLEAN): BOOLEAN local tmp_str: STRING_32 c_temp: ODBC_SQL_STRING l_ptr: POINTER do create c_temp.make (sql) -- This routine manipulates buffer information but does not allocate memory. l_ptr := odbc_hide_qualifier (c_temp.item, c_temp.count) tmp_str := c_temp.string tmp_str.left_adjust -- '{' Indicates a procedure call excape sequence which requires argument binding. -- See if tmp_str.count > 1 and then (dynamic or else tmp_str.item (1) = {CHARACTER_32} '{') then if uht /= Void then if uhandle.execution_type.immediate_execution then odbc_pre_immediate (con_context_pointer, descriptor, uht.count) else odbc_init_order (con_context_pointer, descriptor, c_temp.item, c_temp.count, uht.count) end update_status bind_arguments (descriptor, uht, ht_order) end Result := True else Result := False end -- Clean up memory manually, -- in order to avoid big memory usage before GC kicks in. c_temp.set_count (0) tmp_str.wipe_out tmp_str.adapt_size end bind_arguments (descriptor: INTEGER; uht: DB_STRING_HASH_TABLE [detachable ANY]; ht_order: detachable ARRAYED_LIST [READABLE_STRING_GENERAL]) -- Bind arguments to current statement. local l_para: like para do if uht.count > 0 then l_para := para if l_para /= Void then l_para.release l_para.resize (uht.count) else create l_para.make (uht.count) para := l_para end bind_args_value (descriptor, uht, ht_order, l_para) end end natural_64_to_odbc_numeric_string (a_natural: NATURAL_64): MANAGED_POINTER -- Natural 64 to odbc numeric string -- Convert `a_natural' from four byte `0x00001234' into two byte 0x1234. local l_pointer: MANAGED_POINTER i: INTEGER l_c: NATURAL_8 l_found_d: BOOLEAN l_position: INTEGER do create l_pointer.make (9) l_pointer.put_natural_64_be (a_natural, 0) -- Remove leading 0x0. create Result.make (9) from i := 0 l_position := 0 until i > 7 loop l_c := l_pointer.read_natural_8 (i) if l_c /= 0 or l_found_d then Result.put_natural_8 (l_c, l_position) l_position := l_position + 1 l_found_d := True end i := i + 1 end Result.resize (l_position) end feature -- DATABASE_STRING sql_name_string: STRING once Result := "varchar (500)" ensure then Result.is_equal ("varchar (500)") end feature -- DATABASE_REAL sql_name_real: STRING once Result := "real" ensure then Result.is_equal ("real") end feature -- DATABASE_DATETIME sql_name_datetime: STRING local l_sql_string: ODBC_SQL_STRING l_string: STRING_32 once create l_sql_string.make_shared_from_pointer (odbc_driver_name) l_string := l_sql_string.string if l_string.has_substring ("Oracle") or l_string.has_substring ("INGRES") then Result := " date" elseif l_string.has_substring ("PostgreSQL") then Result := " timestamp" else Result := " datetime" end end feature -- DATABASE_DECIMAL sql_name_decimal: STRING -- SQL type name for decimal once Result := " decimal" end feature -- DATABASE_DOUBLE sql_name_double: STRING once Result := "float" ensure then Result.is_equal ("float") end feature -- DATABASE_CHARACTER sql_name_character: STRING once Result := "char (1)" ensure then Result.is_equal ("char (1)") end feature -- DATABASE_INTEGER sql_name_integer: STRING once Result := "integer" ensure then Result.is_equal ("integer") end sql_name_integer_16: STRING once Result := "smallint" ensure then Result.is_equal ("smallint") end sql_name_integer_64: STRING once Result := "bigint" ensure then Result.is_equal ("bigint") end feature -- DATABASE_BOOLEAN sql_name_boolean: STRING once Result := "bit" ensure then textual_outlook: Result.is_equal ("bit") end feature -- LOGIN and DATABASE_APPL only for password_ok and user_name_ok user_name_ok (uname: STRING): BOOLEAN do Result := True end password_ok (upasswd: STRING): BOOLEAN do Result := True end password_ensure (name, passwd, uname, upasswd: STRING): BOOLEAN do Result := True end is_connection_string_supported: BOOLEAN -- Support login by connect string? do Result := True end feature -- For DATABASE_PROC support_sql_of_proc: BOOLEAN = True text_not_supported: STRING_32 local driver_name: ODBC_SQL_STRING do create driver_name.make_shared_from_pointer (odbc_driver_name) Result := driver_name.string io.new_line io.put_string ("== Try to Get Text of Stored Procedure through EiffelStore on ODBC ==") io.new_line io.put_string ("Sorry, the ") localized_print (Result) io.put_string (" driver does not support such function at present.") io.new_line io.put_string ("=====================================================================") io.new_line end support_stored_proc: BOOLEAN do Result := support_drop_proc end sql_adapt_db (sql: STRING): STRING do sql.replace_substring_all (":", "@") Result := sql end sql_adapt_db_32 (sql: STRING_32): STRING_32 do sql.replace_substring_all ({STRING_32}":", {STRING_32}"@") Result := sql end store_proc_not_supported local driver_name: ODBC_SQL_STRING do create driver_name.make_shared_from_pointer (odbc_driver_name) io.new_line io.put_string ("===== Try to Create Stored Procedure through EiffelStore on ODBC =====") io.new_line io.put_string ("Sorry, the ") localized_print (driver_name.string) io.put_string (" driver does not support such function at present.") io.new_line io.put_string ("======================================================================") io.new_line end sql_as: STRING = " as " sql_end: STRING = "" sql_creation: STRING = "CREATE PROC " sql_execution: STRING = "{CALL " sql_after_exec: STRING = " }" exec_proc_not_supported local driver_name: ODBC_SQL_STRING do create driver_name.make_shared_from_pointer (odbc_driver_name) io.new_line io.put_string ("Sorry, the ") localized_print (driver_name.string) io.put_string (" driver does not support such function at present.") io.new_line end support_drop_proc: BOOLEAN local l_sql_string: ODBC_SQL_STRING l_string: STRING do create l_sql_string.make_by_pointer (odbc_procedure_term (con_context_pointer)) l_string := l_sql_string.string.as_string_8 Result := l_string.is_case_insensitive_equal (once "stored procedure") end drop_proc_not_supported local driver_name: ODBC_SQL_STRING do create driver_name.make_shared_from_pointer (odbc_driver_name) io.new_line io.put_string ("===== Try to Drop Stored Procedure through EiffelStore on ODBC =====") io.new_line io.put_string ("Sorry, the ") localized_print (driver_name.string) io.put_string (" driver does not support such function at present.") io.new_line io.put_string ("====================================================================") io.new_line end name_proc_lower: BOOLEAN do Result := not sensitive_mixed end map_var_between: STRING = "@" map_var_name_32 (par_name: READABLE_STRING_GENERAL): STRING_32 -- Map variable string for late bound stored procedure execution once Result := {STRING_32}"?" end Select_text_32 (proc_name: READABLE_STRING_GENERAL): STRING_32 -- do Result := {STRING_32}"SELECT ROUTINE_DEFINITION FROM INFORMATION_SCHEMA.ROUTINES WHERE ROUTINE_NAME = '" + proc_name.as_string_32 + {STRING_32}"' ORDER BY ROUTINE_NAME" end Select_exists_32 (name: READABLE_STRING_GENERAL): STRING_32 do create Result.make (10) Result.append ({STRING_32}"SQLProcedures (") Result.append (name.as_string_32) Result.extend ({CHARACTER_32}')') end feature -- For DATABASE_REPOSITORY sql_string: STRING = "varchar (" sql_string2 (int: INTEGER): STRING do Result := "varchar (" Result.append (int.out) Result.append (")") end sql_wstring: STRING = "nvarchar (" sql_wstring2 (int: INTEGER): STRING do Result := "nvarchar (" Result.append (int.out) Result.append (")") end selection_string (rep_qualifier, rep_owner, repository_name: STRING): STRING local c_tmp: ODBC_SQL_STRING do create c_tmp.make (rep_qualifier) odbc_set_qualifier (con_context_pointer, c_tmp.item, c_tmp.count) create c_tmp.make (rep_owner) odbc_set_owner (con_context_pointer, c_tmp.item, c_tmp.count) create Result.make (1) Result.append ("SQLColumns (") Result.append (repository_name) Result.extend (')') end Max_char_size: INTEGER = 254 feature -- External get_error_message: POINTER do Result := odbc_get_error_message (con_context_pointer) end get_error_message_string: STRING_32 local l_s: ODBC_SQL_STRING do create l_s.make_by_pointer_and_count ( odbc_get_error_message (con_context_pointer), odbc_get_error_message_count (con_context_pointer) * {ODBC_SQL_STRING}.character_size ) Result := l_s.string end get_error_code: INTEGER do Result := odbc_get_error_code (con_context_pointer) is_error_updated := True end get_warn_message: POINTER do Result := odbc_get_warn_message (con_context_pointer) end get_warn_message_string: STRING_32 local l_s: ODBC_SQL_STRING do create l_s.make_by_pointer_and_count ( odbc_get_warn_message (con_context_pointer), odbc_get_warn_message_count (con_context_pointer) * {ODBC_SQL_STRING}.character_size ) Result := l_s.string is_warning_updated := True end new_descriptor: INTEGER do Result := odbc_new_descriptor (con_context_pointer) end init_order (no_descriptor: INTEGER; command: READABLE_STRING_GENERAL) local c_temp: ODBC_SQL_STRING do create c_temp.make (command) affected_row_count := 0 odbc_init_order (con_context_pointer, no_descriptor, c_temp.item, c_temp.count, 0) update_status end start_order (no_descriptor: INTEGER) do odbc_set_decimal_presicion_and_scale (con_context_pointer, default_decimal_presicion, default_decimal_scale) odbc_start_order (con_context_pointer, no_descriptor) update_status end next_row (no_descriptor: INTEGER) do found := odbc_next_row (con_context_pointer, no_descriptor) = 0 update_status end close_cursor (no_descriptor: INTEGER) do odbc_close_cursor (con_context_pointer, no_descriptor) end terminate_order (no_descriptor: INTEGER) local l_para: like para do l_para := para if l_para /= Void then l_para.release end affected_row_count := odbc_row_count (con_context_pointer, no_descriptor) odbc_terminate_order (con_context_pointer, no_descriptor) update_status end exec_immediate (no_descriptor: INTEGER; command: READABLE_STRING_GENERAL) local c_temp: ODBC_SQL_STRING do create c_temp.make (command) odbc_exec_immediate (con_context_pointer, no_descriptor, c_temp.item, c_temp.count) update_status end put_col_name (no_descriptor: INTEGER; index: INTEGER; ar: STRING; max_len: INTEGER): INTEGER -- local l_str: ODBC_SQL_STRING do Result := odbc_col_name_len (con_context_pointer, no_descriptor, index) l_str := temporary_reusable_sql_string l_str.set_shared_from_pointer_and_count (odbc_col_name (con_context_pointer, no_descriptor, index), Result * {ODBC_SQL_STRING}.character_size) ar.grow (Result) ar.set_count (Result) l_str.read_substring_into (ar, 1, Result) end put_data (no_descriptor: INTEGER; index: INTEGER; ar: STRING; max_len: INTEGER): INTEGER -- local l_area: MANAGED_POINTER l_data, l_null: POINTER do Result := odbc_put_data (con_context_pointer, no_descriptor, index, $l_data) ar.grow (Result) ar.set_count (Result) if Result > 0 then l_area := temporary_reusable_managed_pointer l_area.set_from_pointer (l_data, Result) l_area.read_into_special_character_8 (ar.area, 0, 0, Result) end if l_data /= l_null then -- `odbc_put_data' allocate some memory, we need to free it. l_data.memory_free end end put_data_32 (no_descriptor: INTEGER; index: INTEGER; ar: STRING_32; max_len: INTEGER): INTEGER -- local l_sql_string: ODBC_SQL_STRING l_data, l_null: POINTER do Result := odbc_put_data (con_context_pointer, no_descriptor, index, $l_data) // {ODBC_SQL_STRING}.character_size ar.grow (Result) ar.set_count (Result) l_sql_string := temporary_reusable_sql_string l_sql_string.set_shared_from_pointer_and_count (l_data, Result * {ODBC_SQL_STRING}.character_size) l_sql_string.read_substring_into (ar, 1, Result) if l_data /= l_null then -- `odbc_put_data' allocate some memory, we need to free it. l_data.memory_free end end sensitive_mixed: BOOLEAN do Result := odbc_sensitive_mixed end identifier_quoter: STRING_32 -- Identifier quoter local l_sql_string: ODBC_SQL_STRING do create l_sql_string.make_shared_from_pointer (odbc_identifier_quoter) Result := l_sql_string.string end qualifier_separator: STRING_32 -- Qualifier separator local l_sql_string: ODBC_SQL_STRING do create l_sql_string.make_shared_from_pointer (odbc_qualifier_separator) Result := l_sql_string.string end conv_type (indicator: INTEGER; index: INTEGER): INTEGER do Result := odbc_conv_type (index) end get_count (no_descriptor: INTEGER): INTEGER do Result := odbc_get_count (con_context_pointer, no_descriptor) end get_data_len (no_descriptor: INTEGER; ind: INTEGER): INTEGER do Result := odbc_get_data_len (con_context_pointer, no_descriptor, ind) end get_col_len (no_descriptor: INTEGER; ind: INTEGER): INTEGER do Result := odbc_get_col_len (con_context_pointer, no_descriptor, ind) end get_col_type (no_descriptor: INTEGER; ind: INTEGER): INTEGER do Result := odbc_get_col_type (con_context_pointer, no_descriptor,ind) end get_integer_data (no_descriptor: INTEGER; ind: INTEGER): INTEGER do Result := odbc_get_integer_data (con_context_pointer, no_descriptor, ind) end get_integer_16_data (no_descriptor: INTEGER; ind: INTEGER): INTEGER_16 do Result := odbc_get_integer_16_data (con_context_pointer, no_descriptor, ind) end get_integer_64_data (no_descriptor: INTEGER; ind: INTEGER): INTEGER_64 do Result := odbc_get_integer_64_data (con_context_pointer, no_descriptor, ind) end get_float_data (no_descriptor: INTEGER; ind: INTEGER): DOUBLE do Result := odbc_get_float_data (con_context_pointer, no_descriptor, ind) end get_real_data (no_descriptor: INTEGER; ind: INTEGER): REAL do Result := odbc_get_real_data (con_context_pointer, no_descriptor, ind).truncated_to_real end get_boolean_data (no_descriptor: INTEGER; ind: INTEGER): BOOLEAN do Result := odbc_get_boolean_data (con_context_pointer, no_descriptor, ind) end is_null_data (no_descriptor: INTEGER; ind: INTEGER): BOOLEAN -- Is last retrieved data null? do Result := odbc_is_null_data (con_context_pointer, no_descriptor, ind) end get_date_data (no_descriptor: INTEGER; ind: INTEGER): INTEGER do Result := odbc_get_date_data (con_context_pointer, no_descriptor, ind) end get_hour (no_descriptor: INTEGER; ind: INTEGER): INTEGER do Result := odbc_get_hour (con_context_pointer) end get_sec (no_descriptor: INTEGER; ind: INTEGER): INTEGER do Result := odbc_get_sec (con_context_pointer) end get_min (no_descriptor: INTEGER; ind: INTEGER): INTEGER do Result := odbc_get_min (con_context_pointer) end get_year (no_descriptor: INTEGER; ind: INTEGER): INTEGER do Result := odbc_get_year (con_context_pointer) end get_day (no_descriptor: INTEGER; ind: INTEGER): INTEGER do Result := odbc_get_day (con_context_pointer) end get_month (no_descriptor: INTEGER; ind: INTEGER): INTEGER do Result := odbc_get_month (con_context_pointer) end get_decimal (no_descriptor: INTEGER; ind: INTEGER): detachable TUPLE [digits: STRING_8; sign, precision, scale: INTEGER] -- Function used to get decimal info local l_c_decimal: MANAGED_POINTER l_r: INTEGER do create l_c_decimal.make (c_numeric_struct_size) l_r := odbc_get_decimal (con_context_pointer, no_descriptor, ind, l_c_decimal.item) Result := [odbc_decimal_get_val (l_c_decimal.item).out, odbc_decimal_get_sign (l_c_decimal.item), odbc_decimal_get_precision (l_c_decimal.item), odbc_decimal_get_scale (l_c_decimal.item)] end database_make (i: INTEGER) do con_context_pointer := c_odbc_make (i) end connect (user_name, user_passwd, data_source, application, hostname, roleId, rolePassWd, groupId: STRING) require else data_source_set: data_source /= Void local c_temp1, c_temp2, c_temp3: ODBC_SQL_STRING do create c_temp1.make (user_name) create c_temp2.make (user_passwd) create c_temp3.make (data_source) odbc_connect (con_context_pointer, c_temp1.item, c_temp1.count, c_temp2.item, c_temp2.count, c_temp3.item, c_temp3.count) update_status -- initialize_date_type_values end connect_by_connection_string (a_connect_string: STRING) -- Connect to database by connection string local l_string: ODBC_SQL_STRING do create l_string.make (a_connect_string) odbc_connect_by_connection_string (con_context_pointer, l_string.item, l_string.count) update_status end disconnect do odbc_disconnect (con_context_pointer) update_status found := False end commit do odbc_commit (con_context_pointer) update_status end rollback do odbc_rollback (con_context_pointer) update_status end trancount: INTEGER do Result := odbc_trancount (con_context_pointer) end begin do odbc_begin (con_context_pointer) end support_proc: BOOLEAN do Result := odbc_support_proc = 1 end is_affected_row_count_supported: BOOLEAN -- Is `affected_row_count' supported? do Result := True end affected_row_count: INTEGER -- The number of rows changed, deleted, or inserted by the last statement. feature {NONE} -- Access con_context_pointer: POINTER -- Pointer to C structure of CON_CONTEXT feature {NONE} -- Implementation temporary_reusable_sql_string: ODBC_SQL_STRING -- Reusable sql string for temporary data manipulation. once create Result.make_empty (0) end temporary_reusable_managed_pointer: MANAGED_POINTER once create Result.share_from_pointer (default_pointer, 0) end update_status -- Update `is_error_updated' and `is_warning_updated' so -- that callers know that their last call to the database -- may have updated the error or warning. do is_error_updated := False is_warning_updated := False ensure is_error_updated_set: not is_error_updated is_warning_updated_set: not is_warning_updated end feature {NONE} -- Disposal dispose -- Free allocated memory. do if con_context_pointer /= default_pointer then odbc_free_connection (con_context_pointer) con_context_pointer := default_pointer end end feature {NONE} -- External features odbc_row_count (a_handle: POINTER; no_descriptor: INTEGER): INTEGER -- Number of affected rows external "C use %"odbc.h%"" end odbc_get_error_message (a_con: POINTER): POINTER -- C buffer which contains the error_message. external "C use %"odbc.h%"" end odbc_get_error_message_count (a_con: POINTER): INTEGER -- C buffer which contains the error_message. external "C use %"odbc.h%"" end odbc_get_error_code (a_con: POINTER): INTEGER -- C buffer which contains the error code. external "C use %"odbc.h%"" end odbc_get_warn_message (a_con: POINTER): POINTER external "C use %"odbc.h%"" end odbc_get_warn_message_count (a_con: POINTER): INTEGER -- C buffer which contains the error_message. external "C use %"odbc.h%"" end odbc_new_descriptor (a_con: POINTER): INTEGER external "C use %"odbc.h%"" end odbc_init_order (a_con: POINTER; no_descriptor: INTEGER; command: POINTER; char_count: INTEGER; argnum: INTEGER) external "C use %"odbc.h%"" end odbc_start_order (a_con: POINTER; no_descriptor: INTEGER) external "C blocking use %"odbc.h%"" end odbc_next_row (a_con: POINTER; no_descriptor: INTEGER): INTEGER external "C use %"odbc.h%"" end odbc_terminate_order (a_con: POINTER; no_descriptor: INTEGER) external "C blocking use %"odbc.h%"" end odbc_close_cursor (a_con: POINTER; no_descriptor: INTEGER) external "C use %"odbc.h%"" end odbc_exec_immediate (a_con: POINTER; no_descriptor: INTEGER; command: POINTER; char_count: INTEGER) external "C use %"odbc.h%"" end odbc_col_name (a_con: POINTER; no_descriptor: INTEGER; index: INTEGER): POINTER external "C use %"odbc.h%"" end odbc_col_name_len (a_con: POINTER; no_descriptor: INTEGER; index: INTEGER): INTEGER external "C use %"odbc.h%"" end odbc_put_data (a_con: POINTER; no_descriptor: INTEGER; index: INTEGER; ar: TYPED_POINTER [POINTER]): INTEGER external "C use %"odbc.h%"" end odbc_sensitive_mixed: BOOLEAN external "C use %"odbc.h%"" end odbc_identifier_quoter: POINTER external "C use %"odbc.h%"" end odbc_qualifier_separator: POINTER external "C use %"odbc.h%"" end odbc_conv_type (index: INTEGER): INTEGER external "C use %"odbc.h%"" end odbc_get_count (a_con: POINTER; no_descriptor: INTEGER): INTEGER external "C use %"odbc.h%"" end odbc_get_data_len (a_con: POINTER; no_descriptor: INTEGER ind: INTEGER): INTEGER external "C use %"odbc.h%"" end odbc_get_col_len (a_con: POINTER; no_descriptor: INTEGER ind: INTEGER): INTEGER external "C use %"odbc.h%"" end odbc_get_col_type (a_con: POINTER; no_descriptor: INTEGER ind: INTEGER): INTEGER external "C use %"odbc.h%"" end odbc_get_integer_data (a_con: POINTER; no_descriptor: INTEGER ind: INTEGER): INTEGER external "C use %"odbc.h%"" end odbc_get_integer_16_data (a_con: POINTER; no_descriptor: INTEGER ind: INTEGER): INTEGER_16 external "C use %"odbc.h%"" end odbc_get_integer_64_data (a_con: POINTER; no_descriptor: INTEGER ind: INTEGER): INTEGER_64 external "C use %"odbc.h%"" end odbc_get_float_data (a_con: POINTER; no_descriptor: INTEGER ind: INTEGER): DOUBLE external "C use %"odbc.h%"" end odbc_get_real_data (a_con: POINTER; no_descriptor: INTEGER ind: INTEGER): DOUBLE external "C use %"odbc.h%"" end odbc_get_boolean_data (a_con: POINTER; no_descriptor: INTEGER ind: INTEGER): BOOLEAN external "C use %"odbc.h%"" end odbc_is_null_data (a_con: POINTER; no_descriptor: INTEGER ind: INTEGER): BOOLEAN external "C use %"odbc.h%"" end odbc_get_date_data (a_con: POINTER; no_descriptor: INTEGER ind: INTEGER): INTEGER external "C use %"odbc.h%"" end odbc_get_hour (a_con: POINTER): INTEGER external "C use %"odbc.h%"" end odbc_get_sec (a_con: POINTER): INTEGER external "C use %"odbc.h%"" end odbc_get_min (a_con: POINTER): INTEGER external "C use %"odbc.h%"" end odbc_get_year (a_con: POINTER): INTEGER external "C use %"odbc.h%"" end odbc_get_day (a_con: POINTER): INTEGER external "C use %"odbc.h%"" end odbc_get_month (a_con: POINTER): INTEGER external "C use %"odbc.h%"" end odbc_get_decimal (a_con: POINTER; no_descriptor: INTEGER; ind: INTEGER; p: POINTER): INTEGER external "C use %"odbc.h%"" end c_odbc_make (i: INTEGER): POINTER external "C use %"odbc.h%"" end odbc_disconnect (a_con: POINTER) external "C blocking use %"odbc.h%"" end odbc_commit (a_con: POINTER) external "C blocking use %"odbc.h%"" end odbc_rollback (a_con: POINTER) external "C blocking use %"odbc.h%"" alias "odbc_rollback" end odbc_trancount (a_con: POINTER): INTEGER external "C use %"odbc.h%"" alias "odbc_trancount" end odbc_begin (a_con: POINTER) external "C blocking use %"odbc.h%"" alias "odbc_begin" end odbc_support_proc: INTEGER external "C use %"odbc.h%"" end odbc_connect (a_con, user_name: POINTER; name_count:INTEGER; user_passwd: POINTER; passwd_count: INTEGER; dbName: POINTER; dbname_count: INTEGER) external "C blocking use %"odbc.h%"" end odbc_connect_by_connection_string (a_con, a_string: POINTER; str_count: INTEGER) external "C blocking use %"odbc.h%"" end odbc_driver_name: POINTER external "C use %"odbc.h%"" end odbc_procedure_term (a_con: POINTER): POINTER external "C use %"odbc.h%"" end odbc_hide_qualifier (command: POINTER; char_count: INTEGER): POINTER external "C use %"odbc.h%"" end odbc_pre_immediate (a_con: POINTER; desc, argNum: INTEGER) external "C use %"odbc.h%"" end odbc_free_connection (a_con: POINTER) external "C blocking use %"odbc.h%"" end odbc_set_decimal_presicion_and_scale (a_con: POINTER; a_precision, a_scale: INTEGER) external "C use %"odbc.h%"" end is_binary (s: READABLE_STRING_GENERAL): BOOLEAN -- Is `s' a binary type? require s_not_void: s /= Void do Result := s.count > 2 and then s.code (1) = ('0').natural_32_code and then s.code (2) = ('x').natural_32_code ensure result_condition: Result implies (s.count > 2 and then s.code (1) = ('0').natural_32_code and then s.code (2) = ('x').natural_32_code) end para: detachable DB_PARA_ODBC bind_args_value (descriptor: INTEGER; uht: DB_STRING_HASH_TABLE [detachable ANY]; ht_order: detachable ARRAYED_LIST [READABLE_STRING_GENERAL]; a_para: DB_PARA_ODBC) -- Append map variables name from to `s'. -- Map variables are used for set input arguments. require uht_not_void: uht /= Void arguments_mapped: not uht.is_empty local i, type: INTEGER tmp_str: STRING_32 l_string: READABLE_STRING_GENERAL l_any: detachable ANY tmp_date: DATE_TIME l_managed_pointer: detachable MANAGED_POINTER l_sql_string: ODBC_SQL_STRING -- UCS-2, two byte l_c_string: C_STRING -- single byte l_platform: PLATFORM l_value_count: INTEGER l_decimal_t: like convert_to_decimal l_nat64: NATURAL_64 l_pointer: MANAGED_POINTER do create tmp_str.make (1) create l_platform i := 1 if ht_order /= Void then from ht_order.start pointers.wipe_out until loop l_string := ht_order.item l_any := uht.item (l_string) if l_any = Void then -- Value was not found, should we attempt to insert NULL? type := {DB_TYPES}.null_type l_managed_pointer := Void l_value_count := -1 elseif attached {READABLE_STRING_8} l_any as l_val_string then type := {DB_TYPES}.string_type create l_c_string.make (l_val_string) pointers.extend (l_c_string.item) l_value_count := l_c_string.bytes_count l_managed_pointer := l_c_string.managed_data elseif attached {READABLE_STRING_32} l_any as l_string_32 then type := {DB_TYPES}.string_32_type create l_sql_string.make (l_string_32) pointers.extend (l_sql_string.item) l_value_count := l_sql_string.bytes_count l_managed_pointer := l_sql_string.managed_data elseif attached {INTEGER_32_REF} l_any as l_val_int then type := {DB_TYPES}.integer_32_type create l_managed_pointer.make (l_platform.integer_32_bytes) l_managed_pointer.put_integer_32 (l_val_int.item, 0) pointers.extend (l_managed_pointer.item) l_value_count := l_platform.integer_32_bytes elseif attached {INTEGER_16_REF} l_any as l_val_int16 then type := {DB_TYPES}.integer_16_type create l_managed_pointer.make (l_platform.integer_16_bytes) l_managed_pointer.put_integer_16 (l_val_int16.item, 0) pointers.extend (l_managed_pointer.item) l_value_count := l_platform.integer_16_bytes elseif attached {INTEGER_64_REF} l_any as l_val_int64 then type := {DB_TYPES}.integer_64_type create l_managed_pointer.make (l_platform.integer_64_bytes) l_managed_pointer.put_integer_64 (l_val_int64.item, 0) pointers.extend (l_managed_pointer.item) l_value_count := l_platform.integer_64_bytes elseif attached {DATE_TIME} l_any as l_tmp_date then type := {DB_TYPES}.date_type tmp_date := l_tmp_date create l_managed_pointer.make (c_timestamp_struct_size) odbc_stru_of_date (l_managed_pointer.item, tmp_date.year, tmp_date.month,, tmp_date.hour, tmp_date.minute, tmp_date.second, tmp_date.fractional_second.truncated_to_integer) l_value_count := c_timestamp_struct_size elseif attached {REAL_64_REF} l_any as l_val_double then type := {DB_TYPES}.real_64_type create l_managed_pointer.make (l_platform.real_64_bytes) l_managed_pointer.put_real_64 (l_val_double.item, 0) pointers.extend (l_managed_pointer.item) l_value_count := l_platform.real_64_bytes elseif attached {REAL_32_REF} l_any as l_val_real then type := {DB_TYPES}.real_32_type create l_managed_pointer.make (l_platform.real_32_bytes) l_managed_pointer.put_real_32 (l_val_real.item, 0) pointers.extend (l_managed_pointer.item) l_value_count := l_platform.real_32_bytes elseif attached {CHARACTER_8_REF} l_any as l_val_char then type := {DB_TYPES}.character_type create l_managed_pointer.make (l_platform.character_8_bytes) l_managed_pointer.put_character (l_val_char.item, 0) pointers.extend (l_managed_pointer.item) l_value_count := l_platform.character_8_bytes elseif attached {BOOLEAN_REF} l_any as l_val_bool then type := {DB_TYPES}.boolean_type create l_managed_pointer.make (l_platform.boolean_bytes) l_managed_pointer.put_boolean (l_val_bool.item, 0) pointers.extend (l_managed_pointer.item) l_value_count := l_platform.boolean_bytes elseif is_decimal_used and then obj_is_decimal (l_any) then type := {DB_TYPES}.decimal_type l_decimal_t := convert_to_decimal (l_any) create l_managed_pointer.make (c_numeric_struct_size) if l_decimal_t.digits.is_natural_64 then l_nat64 := l_decimal_t.digits.to_natural_64 end l_pointer := natural_64_to_odbc_numeric_string (l_nat64) odbc_stru_of_numeric (l_managed_pointer.item, l_pointer.item, l_pointer.count, l_decimal_t.sign, l_decimal_t.precision, l_decimal_t.scale) l_value_count := c_numeric_struct_size else -- Should we attempt to insert NULL here since the type was not found and -- hence value was most likely Void? type := {DB_TYPES}.unknown_type l_managed_pointer := Void end a_para.set (l_managed_pointer, i) tmp_str.wipe_out if l_value_count = 0 then l_value_count := 1 end odbc_set_parameter (con_context_pointer, descriptor, i, 1, type, 100, l_value_count, a_para.get (i)) update_status i := i + 1 ht_order.forth end end end pointers: ARRAYED_LIST [POINTER] -- do create Result.make (10) end feature {NONE} -- External features odbc_set_parameter (a_con: POINTER; no_desc, seri, direction, type, collength, value_count: INTEGER; value: POINTER) external "C use %"odbc.h%"" end odbc_stru_of_date (a_date: POINTER; year, mon, day, hour, minute, sec, fraction: INTEGER) external "C inline use %"sql.h%"" alias "[ { ((TIMESTAMP_STRUCT *)$a_date)->year = $year; ((TIMESTAMP_STRUCT *)$a_date)->month = $mon; ((TIMESTAMP_STRUCT *)$a_date)->day = $day; ((TIMESTAMP_STRUCT *)$a_date)->hour = $hour; ((TIMESTAMP_STRUCT *)$a_date)->minute = $minute; ((TIMESTAMP_STRUCT *)$a_date)->second = $sec; ((TIMESTAMP_STRUCT *)$a_date)->fraction = $fraction; } ]" end odbc_stru_of_numeric (a_numeric: POINTER; digits: POINTER; digits_length: INTEGER; sign, precision, scale: INTEGER) -- `sign' /= 0, positive external "C inline use %"sql.h%"" alias "[ { memset (((SQL_NUMERIC_STRUCT *)$a_numeric)->val, 0, SQL_MAX_NUMERIC_LEN); memcpy (((SQL_NUMERIC_STRUCT *)$a_numeric)->val, (SQLCHAR *)$digits, $digits_length); ((SQL_NUMERIC_STRUCT *)$a_numeric)->precision = $precision; ((SQL_NUMERIC_STRUCT *)$a_numeric)->sign = (SQLCHAR)$sign; ((SQL_NUMERIC_STRUCT *)$a_numeric)->scale = $scale; } ]" end odbc_decimal_get_val (a_numeric: POINTER): NATURAL_64 external "C inline use %"sql.h%"" alias "[ return (strhextoval((SQL_NUMERIC_STRUCT *)$a_numeric)); ]" end odbc_decimal_get_sign (a_numeric: POINTER): INTEGER external "C inline use %"sql.h%"" alias "[ return ((SQL_NUMERIC_STRUCT *)$a_numeric)->sign; ]" end odbc_decimal_get_precision (a_numeric: POINTER): INTEGER external "C inline use %"sql.h%"" alias "[ return ((SQL_NUMERIC_STRUCT *)$a_numeric)->precision; ]" end odbc_decimal_get_scale (a_numeric: POINTER): INTEGER external "C inline use %"sql.h%"" alias "[ return ((SQL_NUMERIC_STRUCT *)$a_numeric)->scale; ]" end c_timestamp_struct_size: INTEGER external "C inline use %"sql.h%"" alias "sizeof(TIMESTAMP_STRUCT)" end c_numeric_struct_size: INTEGER external "C inline use %"sql.h%"" alias "sizeof(SQL_NUMERIC_STRUCT)" end obj_is_decimal (obj: ANY): BOOLEAN require argument_not_null: obj /= Void do Result := is_decimal_function.item ([obj]) end convert_to_decimal (obj: ANY): TUPLE [digits: STRING_8; sign, precision, scale: INTEGER] require is_decimal: obj_is_decimal (obj) do Result := decimal_factor_function.item ([obj]) end -- obj_is_pointer (obj : ANY) : BOOLEAN is -- require -- argument_not_null: obj /= Void -- local -- test : POINTER_REF -- do -- test ?= obj -- Result := test /= Void -- end odbc_set_qualifier (a_con: POINTER; qlf: POINTER; char_count: INTEGER) external "C use %"odbc.h%"" end odbc_set_owner (a_con: POINTER; owner: POINTER; char_count: INTEGER) external "C use %"odbc.h%"" end odbc_available_descriptor (a_con: POINTER) : INTEGER external "C use %"odbc.h%"" end odbc_clear_error (a_con: POINTER) external "C use %"odbc.h%"" end note copyright: "Copyright (c) 1984-2017, Eiffel Software and others" license: "Eiffel Forum License v2 (see" source: "[ Eiffel Software 5949 Hollister Ave., Goleta, CA 93117 USA Telephone 805-685-1006, Fax 805-685-6869 Website Customer support ]" end -- class ODBC