This directory contains the upper level classes of EiffelStore 1. DB_CONTROL ------------- This class provides session control and management primivites: connect, disconnect, commit, rollback, and database status flags. It uses classes from the $ISE_EIFFEL/library/store/support directory. 2. DB_CHANGE ------------ This class allows an Eiffel user to modify persistent objects (made persistent in DB repository from Eiffel or from any other source). Objects can be referred to directly, or through a mapping table. 3. DB_STORE ----------- This class performs standard store operations on Eiffel objects. The way objects are stored varies according to EiffelStore layer used. 4. DB_SELECTION --------------- This class performs standard retrieve operations on Eiffel objects. The way objects are stored varies according to the EiffelStore layer used. 5. DB_REPOSITORY ---------------- This class captures the notion of data repository implemented in different ways according to the selected data base handle. 6. DB_RESULT ------------ This class represents the notion of query result, in different formats depending on the data base handle used. 7. DB_BYN_CHANGE ---------------- This class is quite the same class as DB_CHANGE but with dynamic sql. 8. DB_DYN_STORE --------------- This class is quite the same class as DB_STORE but with dynamic sql.