note description: "[ Eiffel tests that can be executed by testing tool. ]" author: "EiffelStudio test wizard" date: "$Date$" revision: "$Revision$" testing: "type/manual" class TEST_DYNAMIC_SQL inherit TEST_BASIC_DATABASE feature -- Test routines test_dynamic_sql -- Test select using non extended type. do reset_database establish_connection if attached session_control as l_control and then not l_control.is_connected then assert ("Could not connect to database", False) else basic_select_load_data -- Dynamic select can be used as normal selection basic_select_make_selection -- Test dynamic SQL selection. basic_select_make_dynamic_selection if not is_oracle then basic_select_make_dynamic_selection_with_question_mark end -- Test dynamic SQL Modification basic_select_make_dynamic_change end disconnect end feature {NONE} -- Implementation data_objects: HASH_TABLE [ANY, STRING] -- Data objects once create Result.make (1) Result.force (create {BOOK2}.make, basic_select_table_name) end db_dyn_selection: DB_DYN_SELECTION once create Result.make end feature {NONE} -- Basic select basic_select_create_data: BOOK2 -- Filled book to put into database do create Result.make Result.set_author ("Paul") Result.set_price (4.0) Result.set_quantity (50) Result.set_title ("%"Yangzi River\'") Result.set_double_value (2.3) Result.set_year (1980) end basic_select_load_data -- Create table in database with same structure as 'book' local l_book: like basic_select_create_data l_table_name: STRING do prepare_repository (basic_select_table_name) if attached base_stores.item (basic_select_table_name) as l_db_store then l_book := basic_select_create_data l_db_store.put (l_book) end -- Put more data using direct SQL if is_mysql then execute_query ("insert into DB_DYNAMIC_SQL (title, author, quantity, price, year, double_value) values ('Simula Begin', 'Birtwistle et al.', 12, 4, str_to_date('1973', '%%Y'), 3.5)") execute_query ("insert into DB_DYNAMIC_SQL (title, author, quantity, price, year, double_value) values ('Eiffel The Libraries ', 'Bertrand Meyer', 11, 20, str_to_date('1994', '%%Y'), 435.6)") execute_query ("insert into DB_DYNAMIC_SQL (title, author, quantity, price, year, double_value) values ('Eiffel The Language', 'Bertrand Meyer', 9, 51, str_to_date('1992', '%%Y'), 3254.6767)") execute_query ("insert into DB_DYNAMIC_SQL (title, author, quantity, price, year, double_value) values ('ObjectOriented Development', 'Grady Booch', 5, 40.50, str_to_date('1986', '%%Y'), 345.665)") execute_query ("insert into DB_DYNAMIC_SQL (title, author, quantity, price, year, double_value) values ('ObjectOriented Programming', 'Brad J. Cox', 2, 38.25, str_to_date('1984', '%%Y'), 3443.65)") execute_query ("insert into DB_DYNAMIC_SQL (title, author, quantity, price, year, double_value) values ('The C++ Programming Language', 'Bjarne Stroustrup', 19, 60.50, str_to_date('1984', '%%Y'), 5.65)") execute_query ("insert into DB_DYNAMIC_SQL (title, author, quantity, price, year, double_value) values ('Special issue on Smalltalk-80', 'Adele Golberg et al.', 2, 0.0, str_to_date('1981', '%%Y'), 343.6)") execute_query ("insert into DB_DYNAMIC_SQL (title, author, quantity, price, year, double_value) values ('Data Models for Object-Oriented Applications', 'Banergie et al.', 2, 0.0, str_to_date('1987', '%%Y'), 34.65)") execute_query ("insert into DB_DYNAMIC_SQL (title, author, quantity, price, year, double_value) values ('Programming in Modula-2', 'N. Wirth', 2, 6.34, str_to_date('1982', '%%Y'), 344.6)") execute_query ("insert into DB_DYNAMIC_SQL (title, author, quantity, price, year, double_value) values ('Common Objects an overview', 'A. Snyder', 17, 33.95, str_to_date('1986', '%%Y'), 346.5)") execute_query ("insert into DB_DYNAMIC_SQL (title, author, quantity, price, year, double_value) values ('Smalltalk-80 Bits of history', 'G. Krasner', 2, 0.0, str_to_date('1983', '%%Y'), 34543)") execute_query ("insert into DB_DYNAMIC_SQL (title, author, quantity, price, year, double_value) values ('OO programming with Flavors', 'D.A. Moon', 4, 17.45, str_to_date('1986', '%%Y'), 7898.3423)") end if is_odbc then l_table_name := sql_table_name (basic_select_table_name) execute_query ("insert into " + l_table_name + " (title, author, quantity, price, year, double_value) values ('Simula Begin', 'Birtwistle et al.', 12, 4, " + sql_from_datetime (create {DATE_TIME}.make (1973, 1, 1, 0, 0, 0)) + ", 23.767)") execute_query ("insert into " + l_table_name + " (title, author, quantity, price, year, double_value) values ('Eiffel The Libraries ', 'Bertrand Meyer', 11, 20, " + sql_from_datetime (create {DATE_TIME}.make (1994, 1, 2, 0, 0, 0)) + ", 435.6)") execute_query ("insert into " + l_table_name + " (title, author, quantity, price, year, double_value) values ('Eiffel The Language', 'Bertrand Meyer', 9, 51, " + sql_from_datetime (create {DATE_TIME}.make (1992, 2, 3, 0, 0, 0)) + ", 3254.6767)") execute_query ("insert into " + l_table_name + " (title, author, quantity, price, year, double_value) values ('ObjectOriented Development', 'Grady Booch', 5, 40.50, " + sql_from_datetime (create {DATE_TIME}.make (1986, 8, 9, 0, 0, 0)) + ", 345.665)") execute_query ("insert into " + l_table_name + " (title, author, quantity, price, year, double_value) values ('ObjectOriented Programming', 'Brad J. Cox', 2, 38.25, " + sql_from_datetime (create {DATE_TIME}.make (1984, 4, 5, 0, 0, 0)) + ", 3443.65)") execute_query ("insert into " + l_table_name + " (title, author, quantity, price, year, double_value) values ('The C++ Programming Language', 'Bjarne Stroustrup', 19, 60.50, " + sql_from_datetime (create {DATE_TIME}.make (1984, 4, 5, 0, 0, 0)) + ", 5.65)") execute_query ("insert into " + l_table_name + " (title, author, quantity, price, year, double_value) values ('Special issue on Smalltalk-80', 'Adele Golberg et al.', 2, 0.0, " + sql_from_datetime (create {DATE_TIME}.make (1981, 1, 2, 0, 0, 0)) + ", 343.6)") execute_query ("insert into " + l_table_name + " (title, author, quantity, price, year, double_value) values ('Data Models for Object-Oriented Applications', 'Banergie et al.', 2, 0.0, " + sql_from_datetime (create {DATE_TIME}.make (1987, 7, 8, 0, 0, 0)) + ", 34.65)") execute_query ("insert into " + l_table_name + " (title, author, quantity, price, year, double_value) values ('Programming in Modula-2', 'N. Wirth', 2, 6.34, " + sql_from_datetime (create {DATE_TIME}.make (1982, 2, 3, 0, 0, 0)) + ", 344.6)") execute_query ("insert into " + l_table_name + " (title, author, quantity, price, year, double_value) values ('Common Objects an overview', 'A. Snyder', 17, 33.95, " + sql_from_datetime (create {DATE_TIME}.make (1986, 6, 7, 0, 0, 0)) + ", 346.5)") execute_query ("insert into " + l_table_name + " (title, author, quantity, price, year, double_value) values ('Smalltalk-80 Bits of history', 'G. Krasner', 2, 0.0, " + sql_from_datetime (create {DATE_TIME}.make (1983, 3, 4, 0, 0, 0)) + ", 34543)") execute_query ("insert into " + l_table_name + " (title, author, quantity, price, year, double_value) values ('OO programming with Flavors', 'D.A. Moon', 4, 17.45, " + sql_from_datetime (create {DATE_TIME}.make (1986, 8, 7, 0, 0, 0)) + ", 7898.3423)") end if is_oracle then execute_query ("insert into DB_DYNAMIC_SQL (title, author, quantity, price, year, double_value) values ('Simula Begin', 'Birtwistle et al.', 12, 4, to_date('1973', 'YYYY'), 3.5)") execute_query ("insert into DB_DYNAMIC_SQL (title, author, quantity, price, year, double_value) values ('Eiffel The Libraries ', 'Bertrand Meyer', 11, 20, to_date('1994', 'YYYY'), 435.6)") execute_query ("insert into DB_DYNAMIC_SQL (title, author, quantity, price, year, double_value) values ('Eiffel The Language', 'Bertrand Meyer', 9, 51, to_date('1992', 'YYYY'), 3254.6767)") execute_query ("insert into DB_DYNAMIC_SQL (title, author, quantity, price, year, double_value) values ('ObjectOriented Development', 'Grady Booch', 5, 40.50, to_date('1986', 'YYYY'), 345.665)") execute_query ("insert into DB_DYNAMIC_SQL (title, author, quantity, price, year, double_value) values ('ObjectOriented Programming', 'Brad J. Cox', 2, 38.25, to_date('1984', 'YYYY'), 3443.65)") execute_query ("insert into DB_DYNAMIC_SQL (title, author, quantity, price, year, double_value) values ('The C++ Programming Language', 'Bjarne Stroustrup', 19, 60.50, to_date('1984', 'YYYY'), 5.65)") execute_query ("insert into DB_DYNAMIC_SQL (title, author, quantity, price, year, double_value) values ('Special issue on Smalltalk-80', 'Adele Golberg et al.', 2, 0.0, to_date('1981', 'YYYY'), 343.6)") execute_query ("insert into DB_DYNAMIC_SQL (title, author, quantity, price, year, double_value) values ('Data Models for Object-Oriented Applications', 'Banergie et al.', 2, 0.0, to_date('1987', 'YYYY'), 34.65)") execute_query ("insert into DB_DYNAMIC_SQL (title, author, quantity, price, year, double_value) values ('Programming in Modula-2', 'N. Wirth', 2, 6.34, to_date('1982', 'YYYY'), 344.6)") execute_query ("insert into DB_DYNAMIC_SQL (title, author, quantity, price, year, double_value) values ('Common Objects an overview', 'A. Snyder', 17, 33.95, to_date('1986', 'YYYY'), 346.5)") execute_query ("insert into DB_DYNAMIC_SQL (title, author, quantity, price, year, double_value) values ('Smalltalk-80 Bits of history', 'G. Krasner', 2, 0.0, to_date('1983', 'YYYY'), 34543)") execute_query ("insert into DB_DYNAMIC_SQL (title, author, quantity, price, year, double_value) values ('OO programming with Flavors', 'D.A. Moon', 4, 17.45, to_date('1986', 'YYYY'), 7898.3423)") end if is_sybase then execute_query ("insert into DB_DYNAMIC_SQL (title, author, quantity, price, year, double_value) values ('Simula Begin', 'Birtwistle et al.', 12, 4, '01/01/1973', 23.767)") execute_query ("insert into DB_DYNAMIC_SQL (title, author, quantity, price, year, double_value) values ('Eiffel The Libraries ', 'Bertrand Meyer', 11, 20, '01/01/1994', 435.6)") execute_query ("insert into DB_DYNAMIC_SQL (title, author, quantity, price, year, double_value) values ('Eiffel The Language', 'Bertrand Meyer', 9, 51, '01/01/1992', 3254.6767)") execute_query ("insert into DB_DYNAMIC_SQL (title, author, quantity, price, year, double_value) values ('ObjectOriented Development', 'Grady Booch', 5, 40.50, '01/01/1986', 345.665)") execute_query ("insert into DB_DYNAMIC_SQL (title, author, quantity, price, year, double_value) values ('ObjectOriented Programming', 'Brad J. Cox', 2, 38.25, '01/01/1984', 3443.65)") execute_query ("insert into DB_DYNAMIC_SQL (title, author, quantity, price, year, double_value) values ('The C++ Programming Language', 'Bjarne Stroustrup', 19, 60.50, '01/01/1984', 5.65)") execute_query ("insert into DB_DYNAMIC_SQL (title, author, quantity, price, year, double_value) values ('Special issue on Smalltalk-80', 'Adele Golberg et al.', 2, 0.0, '01/01/1981', 343.6)") execute_query ("insert into DB_DYNAMIC_SQL (title, author, quantity, price, year, double_value) values ('Data Models for Object-Oriented Applications', 'Banergie et al.', 2, 0.0, '01/01/1987', 34.65)") execute_query ("insert into DB_DYNAMIC_SQL (title, author, quantity, price, year, double_value) values ('Programming in Modula-2', 'N. Wirth', 2, 6.34, '01/01/1982', 344.6)") execute_query ("insert into DB_DYNAMIC_SQL (title, author, quantity, price, year, double_value) values ('Common Objects an overview', 'A. Snyder', 17, 33.95, '01/01/1986', 346.5)") execute_query ("insert into DB_DYNAMIC_SQL (title, author, quantity, price, year, double_value) values ('Smalltalk-80 Bits of history', 'G. Krasner', 2, 0.0, '01/01/1983', 34543)") execute_query ("insert into DB_DYNAMIC_SQL (title, author, quantity, price, year, double_value) values ('OO programming with Flavors', 'D.A. Moon', 4, 17.45, '01/01/1986', 7898.3423)") end end basic_select_make_selection -- Select books local l_list: detachable ARRAYED_LIST [like basic_select_create_data] l_selection: like db_dyn_selection do l_selection := db_dyn_selection l_selection.set_map_name ("Bertrand Meyer", "author_name") l_list := load_list_from_selection (l_selection, basic_select_select_data, basic_select_create_data) l_selection.unset_map_name ("author_name") if l_list = Void then create l_list.make (0) end if l_list.count = 2 then assert ("Result is not expected", l_list.i_th (1).title ~ "Eiffel The Language" and then l_list.i_th (1).author ~ "Bertrand Meyer" and then l_list.i_th (1).quantity = 9 and then l_list.i_th (1).price = 51 and then l_list.i_th (1) = 1992 and then l_list.i_th (1).double_value = 3254.6767 ) assert ("Result is not expected", l_list.i_th (2).title ~ "Eiffel The Libraries " and then l_list.i_th (2).author ~ "Bertrand Meyer" and then l_list.i_th (2).quantity = 11 and then l_list.i_th (2).price = 20 and then l_list.i_th (2) = 1994 and then l_list.i_th (2).double_value = 435.6 ) else assert ("Number of results is not expected", False) end end basic_select_make_dynamic_selection -- Select books local l_list: detachable ARRAYED_LIST [like basic_select_create_data] l_selection: like db_dyn_selection do l_selection := db_dyn_selection l_selection.reset l_selection.set_map_name ("Bertrand Meyer", "author_name") l_selection.object_convert (basic_select_create_data) l_selection.prepare_32 (basic_select_select_data) l_selection.execute l_list := load_list_from_executed_selection (l_selection, basic_select_create_data) l_selection.unset_map_name ("author_name") if l_list = Void then create l_list.make (0) end if l_list.count = 2 then assert ("Result is not expected", l_list.i_th (1).title ~ "Eiffel The Language" and then l_list.i_th (1).author ~ "Bertrand Meyer" and then l_list.i_th (1).quantity = 9 and then l_list.i_th (1).price = 51 and then l_list.i_th (1) = 1992 and then l_list.i_th (1).double_value = 3254.6767 ) assert ("Result is not expected", l_list.i_th (2).title ~ "Eiffel The Libraries " and then l_list.i_th (2).author ~ "Bertrand Meyer" and then l_list.i_th (2).quantity = 11 and then l_list.i_th (2).price = 20 and then l_list.i_th (2) = 1994 and then l_list.i_th (2).double_value = 435.6 ) else assert ("Number of results is not expected", False) end l_selection.set_map_name ("Grady Booch", "author_name") l_selection.rebind_arguments l_selection.execute l_list := load_list_from_executed_selection (l_selection, basic_select_create_data) l_selection.unset_map_name ("author_name") if l_list.count = 1 then assert ("Result is not expected", l_list.i_th (1).title ~ "ObjectOriented Development" and then l_list.i_th (1).author ~ "Grady Booch" and then l_list.i_th (1).quantity = 5 and then l_list.i_th (1).price = 40.5 and then l_list.i_th (1) = 1986 and then l_list.i_th (1).double_value = 345.665 ) else assert ("Number of results is not expected", False) end l_selection.terminate end basic_select_make_dynamic_selection_with_question_mark -- Select books local l_list: detachable ARRAYED_LIST [like basic_select_create_data] l_selection: like db_dyn_selection do l_selection := db_dyn_selection -- For dynamic SQL, the key of the mapping can be anything if the question mark -- style of SQL is used. -- The order of arguments is the order of the mappings are prepared. l_selection.set_map_name ("Bertrand Meyer", "1") l_selection.set_map_name (1, "2") l_selection.object_convert (basic_select_create_data) l_selection.prepare_32 (basic_select_select_data_with_question_mark) l_selection.execute l_list := load_list_from_executed_selection (l_selection, basic_select_create_data) l_selection.unset_map_name ("1") l_selection.unset_map_name ("2") if l_list = Void then create l_list.make (0) end if l_list.count = 2 then assert ("Result is not expected", l_list.i_th (1).title ~ "Eiffel The Language" and then l_list.i_th (1).author ~ "Bertrand Meyer" and then l_list.i_th (1).quantity = 9 and then l_list.i_th (1).price = 51 and then l_list.i_th (1) = 1992 and then l_list.i_th (1).double_value = 3254.6767 ) assert ("Result is not expected", l_list.i_th (2).title ~ "Eiffel The Libraries " and then l_list.i_th (2).author ~ "Bertrand Meyer" and then l_list.i_th (2).quantity = 11 and then l_list.i_th (2).price = 20 and then l_list.i_th (2) = 1994 and then l_list.i_th (2).double_value = 435.6 ) else assert ("Number of results is not expected", False) end l_selection.set_map_name ("Grady Booch", "1") l_selection.set_map_name (1, "2") l_selection.rebind_arguments l_selection.execute l_list := load_list_from_executed_selection (l_selection, basic_select_create_data) l_selection.unset_map_name ("1") l_selection.unset_map_name ("2") if l_list.count = 1 then assert ("Result is not expected", l_list.i_th (1).title ~ "ObjectOriented Development" and then l_list.i_th (1).author ~ "Grady Booch" and then l_list.i_th (1).quantity = 5 and then l_list.i_th (1).price = 40.5 and then l_list.i_th (1) = 1986 and then l_list.i_th (1).double_value = 345.665 ) else assert ("Number of results is not expected", False) end l_selection.terminate end basic_select_make_dynamic_change -- Select books local l_list: detachable ARRAYED_LIST [like basic_select_create_data] l_selection: like db_dyn_selection l_change: DB_DYN_CHANGE do create l_change.make l_change.set_map_name ("Bertrand Meyer", "author_name") l_change.prepare_32 (basic_select_change_data) l_change.unset_map_name ("author_name") l_change.execute l_selection := db_dyn_selection l_selection.set_map_name ("Bertrand Meyer", "author_name") l_selection.object_convert (basic_select_create_data) l_selection.prepare_32 (basic_select_select_data) l_selection.execute l_list := load_list_from_executed_selection (l_selection, basic_select_create_data) l_selection.unset_map_name ("author_name") if l_list = Void then create l_list.make (0) end if l_list.count = 2 then assert ("Result is not expected", l_list.i_th (1).title ~ "new title" and then l_list.i_th (1).author ~ "Bertrand Meyer" and then l_list.i_th (1).quantity = 9 and then l_list.i_th (1).price = 51 and then l_list.i_th (1) = 1992 and then l_list.i_th (1).double_value = 3254.6767 ) assert ("Result is not expected", l_list.i_th (2).title ~ "new title" and then l_list.i_th (2).author ~ "Bertrand Meyer" and then l_list.i_th (2).quantity = 11 and then l_list.i_th (2).price = 20 and then l_list.i_th (2) = 1994 and then l_list.i_th (2).double_value = 435.6 ) else assert ("Number of results is not expected", False) end l_change.set_map_name ("Grady Booch", "author_name") l_change.rebind_arguments l_change.execute l_change.unset_map_name ("author_name") l_selection.set_map_name ("Grady Booch", "author_name") l_selection.rebind_arguments l_selection.execute l_list := load_list_from_executed_selection (l_selection, basic_select_create_data) l_selection.unset_map_name ("author_name") if l_list.count = 1 then assert ("Result is not expected", l_list.i_th (1).title ~ "new title" and then l_list.i_th (1).author ~ "Grady Booch" and then l_list.i_th (1).quantity = 5 and then l_list.i_th (1).price = 40.5 and then l_list.i_th (1) = 1986 and then l_list.i_th (1).double_value = 345.665 ) else assert ("Number of results is not expected", False) end l_change.terminate l_selection.terminate end basic_select_select_data: STRING do Result := "select * from " + sql_table_name (basic_select_table_name) + " where author=:author_name order by quantity" end basic_select_select_data_with_question_mark: STRING do Result := "select * from " + sql_table_name (basic_select_table_name) + " where author=? and price>? order by quantity" end basic_select_change_data: STRING do Result := "update " + sql_table_name (basic_select_table_name) + " set title = 'new title' where author=:author_name" end basic_select_table_name: STRING = "DB_DYNAMIC_SQL" end