note description: "Absolute times" legal: "See notice at end of class." status: "See notice at end of class." date: "$Date$" revision: "$Revision$" access: time EIS: "name=Obtaining a DATE from a DATE_TIME and vice versa", "src=$(ISE_DOC_UUID)/195849fc-1a9c-d734-2d2b-acae78133886#Obtaining_a_DATE_from_a_DATE_TIME_and_vice_versa", "tag=EiffelTime" class TIME inherit ABSOLUTE undefine out redefine is_less end TIME_VALUE undefine is_equal redefine out end TIME_VALIDITY_CHECKER undefine is_equal, out end DEBUG_OUTPUT export {NONE} all undefine is_equal, out end create make, make_fine, make_now, make_now_utc, make_by_seconds, make_by_fine_seconds, make_from_string, make_from_string_default, make_by_compact_time feature -- Initialization make (h, m, s: INTEGER) -- Set `hour, `minute' and `second' to `h', `m', `s' respectively. require correct_time: is_correct_time (h, m, s, False) do set_hour (h) set_minute (m) set_second (s) fractional_second := 0 ensure hour_set: hour = h minute_set: minute = m second_set: second = s fractional_second_set: fractional_second = 0 end make_fine (h, m: INTEGER; s: DOUBLE) -- Set `hour, `minute' and `second' to `h', `m' and truncated to -- integer part of `s' respectively. -- Set `fractional_second' to the fractional part of `s'. require correct_time: is_correct_time (h, m, s, False) local s_tmp: INTEGER do s_tmp := s.truncated_to_integer make (h, m, s_tmp) fractional_second := s - s_tmp ensure hour_set: hour = h minute_set: minute = m fine_second_set: fine_second = s end make_now -- Set current time according to timezone. local l_date: C_DATE do create l_date make (l_date.hour_now, l_date.minute_now, l_date.second_now) fractional_second := l_date.millisecond_now / 1000 end make_now_utc -- Set the current object to today's date in utc format. local l_date: C_DATE do create l_date.make_utc make (l_date.hour_now, l_date.minute_now, l_date.second_now) fractional_second := l_date.millisecond_now / 1000 end make_by_seconds (sec: INTEGER) -- Set the object by the number of seconds `sec' from midnight. require s_large_enough: sec >= 0 s_small_enough: sec < Seconds_in_day local h, m, s: INTEGER do s := sec h := s // Seconds_in_hour s := s - (h * Seconds_in_hour) m := s // Seconds_in_minute s := s - (m * Seconds_in_minute) make (h, m, s) ensure seconds_set: seconds = sec end make_by_fine_seconds (sec: DOUBLE) -- Set the object by the number of seconds `sec'. require s_large_enough: sec >= 0 s_small_enough: sec < Seconds_in_day local s: INTEGER do s := sec.truncated_to_integer make_by_seconds (s) fractional_second := sec - s end make_from_string_default (s: STRING) -- Initialize from a "standard" string of form -- `default_format_string'. require s_exists: s /= Void time_valid: time_valid (s, Default_format_string) do make_from_string (s, Default_format_string) end make_from_string (s: STRING; code: STRING) -- Initialize from a "standard" string of form -- `code'. require s_exists: s /= Void c_exists: code /= Void time_valid: time_valid (s, code) local time: TIME do time := (create {DATE_TIME_CODE_STRING}.make (code)).create_time (s) make_fine (time.hour, time.minute, time.fine_second) end make_by_compact_time (c_t: INTEGER) -- Initialize from `compact_time'. require c_t_valid: compact_time_valid (c_t) do compact_time := c_t ensure compact_time_set: compact_time = c_t end feature -- Access origin: TIME -- Origin time once create Result.make (0, 0, 0) end feature -- Comparison is_less alias "<" (other: like Current): BOOLEAN -- Is the current time before `other'? local l_current, l_other: like compact_time do l_current := compact_time l_other := other.compact_time Result := (l_current < l_other) or else ((l_current = l_other) and ( fractional_second < other.fractional_second and then (other.fractional_second - fractional_second) > 1.0E-10)) end feature -- Measurement duration: TIME_DURATION -- Duration elapsed from midnight do create Result.make_fine (hour, minute, fine_second) ensure then seconds_large_enough: Result.seconds_count >= 0 seconds_small_enough: Result.seconds_count < Seconds_in_day end seconds: INTEGER -- Number of seconds elapsed from midnight do Result := (hour * Seconds_in_hour) + (minute * Seconds_in_minute) + second ensure result_definition: Result = duration.seconds_count end fine_seconds: DOUBLE -- Number of seconds and fractions of seconds elapsed from midnight do Result := (hour * Seconds_in_hour) + (minute * Seconds_in_minute) + fine_second end feature -- Basic operations plus alias "+" (t: TIME_DURATION): TIME -- Sum of the current time and duration `t' require t_exists: t /= Void do Result := twin Result.fine_second_add (t.fine_second) Result.minute_add (t.minute) Result.hour_add (t.hour) ensure result_exists: Result /= Void end relative_duration (other: like Current): TIME_DURATION -- Duration elapsed from `other' to `Current' do create Result.make_by_fine_seconds (fine_seconds - other.fine_seconds) Result := Result.to_canonical end second_add (s: INTEGER) -- Add `s' seconds to the current time. local total_second: INTEGER do total_second := second + s if total_second < 0 or else total_second >= Seconds_in_minute then set_fine_second (mod (total_second, Seconds_in_minute) + fractional_second) minute_add (div (total_second, Seconds_in_minute)) else set_fine_second (total_second + fractional_second) end end fine_second_add (f: DOUBLE) -- Add `f' seconds to the current time. -- if `f' has decimals, `fractional_second' is modified. local total_second: DOUBLE do total_second:= fine_second + f if total_second < 0 or else total_second >= Seconds_in_minute then set_fine_second (total_second - div (total_second.floor, Seconds_in_minute) * Seconds_in_minute) minute_add (div (total_second.floor, Seconds_in_minute)) else set_fine_second (total_second) end end; minute_add (m: INTEGER) -- Add `m' minutes to the current object. local total_minute: INTEGER do total_minute := minute + m if total_minute < 0 or else total_minute >= minutes_in_hour then set_minute (mod (total_minute, minutes_in_hour)) hour_add (div (total_minute, minutes_in_hour)) else set_minute (total_minute) end end hour_add (h: INTEGER) -- Add `h' hours to the current object. do set_hour (mod (hour + h, Hours_in_day)) end second_forth -- Move to next second. do if fine_second < Seconds_in_minute - 1 then set_fine_second (fine_second + 1) else set_fine_second (0) minute_forth end end second_back -- Move to previous second. do if fine_second > 0 then set_fine_second (fine_second - 1) else set_fine_second (Seconds_in_minute - 1) minute_back end end; minute_forth -- Move to next minute. do if minute < Minutes_in_hour - 1 then set_minute (minute + 1) else set_minute (0) hour_forth end end minute_back -- Move to evious minute. do if minute > 0 then set_minute (minute - 1) else set_minute (Minutes_in_hour - 1) hour_back end end hour_forth -- Move to next hour. do if hour < Hours_in_day - 1 then set_hour (hour + 1) else set_hour (0) end end hour_back -- Move to evious hour. do if hour > 0 then set_hour (hour - 1) else set_hour (Hours_in_day - 1) end end feature -- Output debug_output, out: STRING -- Printable representation of time with "standard" -- Form: `time_default_format_string' do Result := formatted_out (time_default_format_string) end formatted_out (s: STRING): STRING -- Printable representation of time with "standard" -- Form: `s' require s_exists: s /= Void do Result := (create {DATE_TIME_CODE_STRING}.make (s)).create_time_string (Current) end invariant second_large_enough: second >= 0 second_small_enough: second < seconds_in_minute fractionals_large_enough: fractional_second >= 0 fractionals_small_enough: fractional_second < 1 minute_large_enough: minute >= 0; minute_small_enough: minute < minutes_in_hour hour_large_enough: hour >= 0 hour_small_enough: hour < hours_in_day note copyright: "Copyright (c) 1984-2017, Eiffel Software and others" license: "Eiffel Forum License v2 (see" source: "[ Eiffel Software 5949 Hollister Ave., Goleta, CA 93117 USA Telephone 805-685-1006, Fax 805-685-6869 Website Customer support ]" end