note description: "Objects that represent a split area that will hold multiple items." legal: "See notice at end of class." status: "See notice at end of class." author: "" date: "$Date$" revision: "$Revision$" class MULTIPLE_SPLIT_AREA inherit EV_VERTICAL_SPLIT_AREA rename extend as cell_extend, count as cell_count, linear_representation as old_linear_representation, wipe_out as split_area_wipe_out export {MULTIPLE_SPLIT_AREA_TOOL_HOLDER, MULTIPLE_SPLIT_AREA} all {ANY} parent, width, height, resize_actions, set_minimum_height, is_show_requested, is_destroyed redefine initialize, create_interface_objects end EV_UTILITIES undefine default_create, is_equal, copy end EV_SHARED_APPLICATION undefine default_create, is_equal, copy end feature {NONE} -- Initialization create_interface_objects -- do create linear_representation.make (4) create external_representation.make (4) create all_holders.make (4) create all_split_areas.make (4) create stored_splitter_widths.make (4) create minimized_states.make (4) create pre_insertion_heights.make (0) create pre_insertion_holders.make (0) end initialize -- Initialize `Current'. do Precursor {EV_VERTICAL_SPLIT_AREA} all_split_areas.extend (Current) disabled_minimize_button_shown := True end feature -- Access disabled_minimize_button_shown: BOOLEAN -- Are disabled minimize buttons displayed? disabled_close_button_shown: BOOLEAN -- Are close buttons displayed (disabled) for widgets that may not be closed? show_disabled_close_button: BOOLEAN -- Ensure `disabled_close_button_shown' is `True'. do disabled_close_button_shown := True end hide_disabled_close_button: BOOLEAN -- Ensure `disable_close_button_shown' is `False'. do disabled_close_button_shown := False end show_disabled_minimize_button -- Ensure `disabled_minimize_button_shown' is `True'. do disabled_minimize_button_shown := True end hide_disabled_minimize_button -- Ensure `disabled_minimize_button_shown' is `False'. do disabled_minimize_button_shown := False end count: INTEGER -- Number of widgets actually within `Current', does not include any -- widgets that are currently docked out. Therefore, when a widget is -- docked out, `count' is reduced by one. do Result := linear_representation.count ensure result_valid: Result >= 0 end is_item_minimized (a_widget: EV_WIDGET): BOOLEAN -- Is `a_widget' minimized in `Current'? require widget_contained: linear_representation.has (a_widget) do Result := holder_of_widget (a_widget).is_minimized end is_item_maximized (a_widget: EV_WIDGET): BOOLEAN -- Is `a_widget' maximized in `Current'? do if attached maximized_tool as l_maximized_tool then Result := l_maximized_tool.tool = a_widget end ensure Result_consistent: Result implies maximized_tool /= Void end is_item_external (a_widget: EV_WIDGET): BOOLEAN -- Is `a_widget' currently external to `Current'? -- i.e. has been docked out. require widget_not_void: a_widget /= Void do Result := external_representation.has (a_widget) ensure Result_consistent: Result implies external_representation.has (a_widget) end original_index_of_external_item (a_widget: EV_WIDGET): INTEGER -- `Result' is original index of `a_widget' in `Current' before -- it was made external. require widget_not_void: a_widget /= Void item_is_external: is_item_external (a_widget) do Result := holder_of_widget (a_widget).position_docked_from ensure Result_positive: Result >= 1 end top_widget_resizing: BOOLEAN -- Does the top widget displayed in `Current' resize vertically as `Current' is resized? -- If False, the bottom widget will be resized vertically instead. linear_representation: ARRAYED_LIST [EV_WIDGET] -- All widgets held in `Current'. This only includes widgets that -- are not currently docked out of `Current'. See `external_widgets' -- for these. Ordered as displayed in `Current'. external_representation: ARRAYED_LIST [EV_WIDGET] -- All widgets that have been inerted into `Current' but are presently -- docked out of `Current'. No paticular order is guaranteed. docked_out_actions: EV_NEW_ITEM_ACTION_SEQUENCE -- Actions to be performed when a widget is docked out of `Current'. do if docked_out_actions_internal = Void then create docked_out_actions_internal end Result := docked_out_actions_internal ensure not_void: Result /= Void end docked_in_actions: EV_NEW_ITEM_ACTION_SEQUENCE -- Actions to be performed after a widget has been docked in to `Current'. do if docked_in_actions_internal = Void then create docked_in_actions_internal end Result := docked_in_actions_internal ensure not_void: Result /= Void end close_actions: EV_NEW_ITEM_ACTION_SEQUENCE -- Actions to be performed after close icon is selected. do if close_actions_internal = Void then create close_actions_internal end Result := close_actions_internal end minimize_actions: EV_NEW_ITEM_ACTION_SEQUENCE -- Actions to be performed after a minimize icon is selected. do if minimize_actions_internal = Void then create minimize_actions_internal end Result := minimize_actions_internal end maximize_actions: EV_NEW_ITEM_ACTION_SEQUENCE -- Actions to be performed after a maximize icon is selected. do if maximize_actions_internal = Void then create maximize_actions_internal end Result := maximize_actions_internal end restore_actions: EV_NEW_ITEM_ACTION_SEQUENCE -- Actions to be performed after an item has been restored. do if restore_actions_internal = Void then create restore_actions_internal end Result := restore_actions_internal end customizeable_area_of_widget (widget: EV_WIDGET): EV_HORIZONTAL_BOX -- `Result' is an EV_HORIZONTAL_BOX contained in the header of the tool -- surrounding `widget' which permits you to customize the tools appearence -- in `Current'. You should not unparent, `Result' or do anything dangerous -- to this widget, and it should be simply used to insert and remove -- widgets for customization as required. require widget_contained: linear_representation.has (widget) or external_representation.has (widget) do Result := holder_of_widget (widget).customizeable_area ensure Result_not_void: Result /= Void end feature -- Status setting enable_top_widget_resizing -- Ensure `top_widget' resizing is `True'. --| FIXME does not keep original positions. do top_widget_resizing := True rebuild ensure top_resizing: top_widget_resizing = True end disable_top_widget_resizing -- Ensure `top_widget' resizing is `False'. --| FIXME does not keep original positions. do top_widget_resizing := False rebuild ensure not_top_resizing: top_widget_resizing = False end enable_close_button_as_grayed (widget: EV_WIDGET) -- Display a grayed out close button for `widget'. require widget_not_void: widget /= Void may_enable_close_button: linear_representation.has (widget) or is_item_external (widget) local holder: MULTIPLE_SPLIT_AREA_TOOL_HOLDER do holder := holder_of_widget (widget) holder.enable_close_button_as_grayed end enable_close_button (widget: EV_WIDGET) -- Display a close button for `widget'. require widget_not_void: widget /= Void may_enable_close_button: linear_representation.has (widget) or is_item_external (widget) local holder: MULTIPLE_SPLIT_AREA_TOOL_HOLDER do holder := holder_of_widget (widget) holder.enable_close_button end disable_close_button (widget: EV_WIDGET) -- hide the close button for `widget'. require widget_not_void: widget /= Void may_disable_close_button: linear_representation.has (widget) or is_item_external (widget) local holder: MULTIPLE_SPLIT_AREA_TOOL_HOLDER do holder := holder_of_widget (widget) holder.disable_close_button end resize_widget_to (a_widget: EV_WIDGET; a_height: INTEGER) -- Resize `a_widget' to `a_height' pixels. require widget_not_void: a_widget /= Void has_widget: linear_representation.has (a_widget) or is_item_external (a_widget) height_positive: a_height >= 0 local holder: MULTIPLE_SPLIT_AREA_TOOL_HOLDER do holder := holder_of_widget (a_widget) -- from -- all_holders.start -- until -- -- loop -- if all_holders.item /= holder then -- max_size := max_size + all_holders.item.minimum_height -- end -- all_holders.forth -- end -- max_size := height - max_size holder.simulate_minimum_height (a_height + holder_tool_height)--.min (max_size)) if Platform_is_windows then holder.remove_simulated_height else ev_application.do_once_on_idle (agent holder.remove_simulated_height) end end is_blocked: BOOLEAN block -- do is_blocked := True end unblock do is_blocked := False end set_maximize_pixmap (pixmap: EV_PIXMAP) -- Use `pixmap' as image on maximize buttons. require pixmap_not_void: pixmap /= Void do maximize_pixmap := pixmap.twin end set_minimize_pixmap (pixmap: EV_PIXMAP) -- Use `pixmap' as image on minimize buttons. require pixmap_not_void: pixmap /= Void do minimize_pixmap := pixmap.twin end set_close_pixmap (pixmap: EV_PIXMAP) -- Use `pixmap' as image on close buttons. require pixmap_not_void: pixmap /= Void do close_pixmap := pixmap.twin end set_restore_pixmap (pixmap: EV_PIXMAP) -- Use `pixmap' as image on restore buttons. require pixmap_not_void: pixmap /= Void do restore_pixmap := pixmap.twin end extend (widget: EV_WIDGET; name: READABLE_STRING_GENERAL) -- Add `widget' to end with default height of 150 pixels. require widget_not_void: widget /= Void name_not_void: name /= Void do insert_widget (widget, name, count + 1, 150) ensure has_widget: linear_representation.has (widget) count_increased: linear_representation.count = old linear_representation.count + 1 end insert_widget (widget: EV_WIDGET; name: READABLE_STRING_GENERAL; position, desired_height: INTEGER) -- Insert `widget' into `Current' at position `position' with height `desired_height'. require widget_not_void: widget /= Void position_valid: position >= 1 and position <= count + 1 not_contained: not linear_representation.has (widget) name_not_void: name /= Void local holder: MULTIPLE_SPLIT_AREA_TOOL_HOLDER locked_in_here: BOOLEAN do locked_in_here := ev_application.locked_window = Void if locked_in_here and attached parent_window (Current) as l_parent_window then l_parent_window.lock_update end store_heights_pre_insertion create holder.make_with_tool (widget, name, Current) linear_representation.go_i_th (position) linear_representation.put_left (widget) all_holders.go_i_th (position) all_holders.put_left (holder) -- If there is a tool maximized in `Current', then -- add `widget' accordingly. if maximized_tool /= Void then holder.silent_set_minimized holder.disable_minimize_button -- We must updated the stored minimized states. if position = minimized_states.count + 1 then minimized_states.extend (False) else minimized_states.go_i_th (position) minimized_states.put_left (False) end end rebuild restore_heights_post_insertion (holder, desired_height) if locked_in_here and then attached parent_window (Current) as l_parent_window then l_parent_window.unlock_update end ensure contained: linear_representation.has (widget) count_increased: linear_representation.count = old linear_representation.count + 1 end add_external (widget: EV_WIDGET; window: EV_WINDOW; name: READABLE_STRING_GENERAL; position, an_x, a_y, a_width, a_height: INTEGER) -- Add `widget' to `Current' as an external tool with name `name', a restore position of `position' -- for when it is returned back to `Current', and a dialog screen size and position of `an_x', `a_y', -- `a_width' and `a_height'. This effectively restores a tool as if it had already been dragged -- out of `Current'. require widget_not_void: widget /= Void widget_not_parented: widget.parent = Void window_not_void: window /= Void name_not_void: name /= Void size_valid: a_width > 0 and a_height > 0 local holder: MULTIPLE_SPLIT_AREA_TOOL_HOLDER dialog: MULTIPLE_SPLIT_AREA_DOCKABLE_DIALOG do create holder.make_with_tool (widget, name, Current) holder.set_position_docked_from (position) all_holders.extend (holder) external_representation.extend (widget) holder.minimize_button.disable_sensitive holder.maximize_button.disable_sensitive create dialog if attached holder.main_box.parent as l_parent then l_parent.prune_all (holder.main_box) end dialog.extend (holder.main_box) dialog.enable_closeable dialog.close_request_actions.wipe_out dialog.close_request_actions.extend (agent holder.destroy_dialog_and_restore (dialog)) dialog.set_position (an_x, a_y) dialog.set_size (a_width, a_height) dialog.show_relative_to_window (window) ensure added_externally: external_representation.has (widget) not_in_linear_rep: not linear_representation.has (widget) end remove (a_widget: EV_WIDGET) -- Remove `a_widget' from `Current' require a_widget_not_void: a_widget /= Void contained: linear_representation.has (a_widget) or is_item_external (a_widget) local locked_in_here: BOOLEAN original_index: INTEGER do locked_in_here := ev_application.locked_window = Void if locked_in_here and attached parent_window (Current) as l_parent_window then l_parent_window.lock_update end store_positions -- Now update the stored positions so that on restoration, the removed -- widget position is added to the resizeable widget. This ensures that the size of -- only the adjustable widget is affected original_index := linear_representation.index_of (a_widget, 1) if not is_item_external (a_widget) then if not is_item_minimized (a_widget) then if stored_splitter_widths.count > 2 then stored_splitter_widths.put_i_th (stored_splitter_widths.first + stored_splitter_widths.i_th (original_index), 1) end end stored_splitter_widths.go_i_th (original_index) stored_splitter_widths.remove end if is_item_maximized (a_widget) and then parent_window (Current) /= Void then restore_item (a_widget) end remove_implementation (a_widget) rebuild if not is_blocked then restore_stored_positions end if locked_in_here and then attached parent_window (Current) as l_parent_window then l_parent_window.unlock_update end ensure remove: not linear_representation.has (a_widget) widget_not_parented: a_widget.parent = Void count_decreased: old linear_representation.has (a_widget) implies linear_representation.count = old linear_representation.count - 1 end wipe_out -- Remove all items from `Current'. -- We have to call `remove_implementation' instead of `remove', -- as do not want to call `rebuild' during the wipe out. This -- also means that we must explicitly wipe out `all_split_areas' -- ourself. local index: INTEGER tool: EV_WIDGET do rebuilding_locked := True stored_splitter_widths.wipe_out all_split_areas.wipe_out from linear_representation.start until loop index := linear_representation.index remove_implementation (linear_representation.item) end from external_representation.start until loop tool := external_representation.item if attached {EV_DOCKABLE_DIALOG} parent_window (tool) as dockable_dialog then dockable_dialog.wipe_out dockable_dialog.destroy else check parent_window_was_dialog: False end end if attached tool.parent as l_tool_parent then l_tool_parent.prune_all (tool) end external_representation.remove end rebuilding_locked := False ensure empty: count = 0 no_external_tools: external_representation.is_empty end maximize_item (a_widget: EV_WIDGET) -- maximize `a_widget'. require has_widget: linear_representation.has (a_widget) widget_not_maximized: not is_item_maximized (a_widget) local tool_holder: MULTIPLE_SPLIT_AREA_TOOL_HOLDER locked_in_here: BOOLEAN do locked_in_here := ev_application.locked_window = Void if locked_in_here and then attached parent_window (Current) as l_parent_window then l_parent_window.lock_update end tool_holder := holder_of_widget (a_widget) tool_holder.enable_maximized maximize_tool (tool_holder) if attached restore_pixmap as l_restore_pixmap then tool_holder.maximize_button.set_pixmap (l_restore_pixmap) end tool_holder.maximize_button.set_tooltip (restore_string) tool_holder.label.disable_dockable if locked_in_here and then attached parent_window (Current) as l_parent_window then l_parent_window.unlock_update end ([a_widget]) ensure is_maximized: is_item_maximized (a_widget) end minimize_item (a_widget: EV_WIDGET) -- Minimize `a_widget'. require has_widget: linear_representation.has (a_widget) widget_not_minimized: not is_item_minimized (a_widget) local tool_holder: MULTIPLE_SPLIT_AREA_TOOL_HOLDER locked_in_here: BOOLEAN do locked_in_here := ev_application.locked_window = Void if locked_in_here and then attached parent_window (Current) as l_par_wind then l_par_wind.lock_update end tool_holder := holder_of_widget (a_widget) tool_holder.enable_minimized tool_holder.set_restore_height (a_widget.height) minimize_tool (tool_holder) if attached restore_pixmap as l_restore_pixmap then tool_holder.minimize_button.set_pixmap (l_restore_pixmap) end tool_holder.minimize_button.set_tooltip (restore_string) if locked_in_here and then attached parent_window (Current) as l_par_wind then l_par_wind.unlock_update end ([a_widget]) ensure is_minimized: is_item_minimized (a_widget) end set_item_restore_height (a_widget: EV_WIDGET; a_height: INTEGER) -- Associate a restore height with item `a_widget'. -- This height will be used when `a_widget' is restored from -- a minimized of maximized state. require has_widget: linear_representation.has (a_widget) widget_maximized_or_minimized: is_item_maximized (a_widget) or is_item_minimized (a_widget) height_valid: a_height >= 0 local tool_holder: MULTIPLE_SPLIT_AREA_TOOL_HOLDER do tool_holder := holder_of_widget (a_widget) tool_holder.set_restore_height (a_height) end restore_item (a_widget: EV_WIDGET) -- Restore representation of `a_widget' within `Current'. require has_widget: linear_representation.has (a_widget) widget_maximized_or_minimized: is_item_maximized (a_widget) or is_item_minimized (a_widget) local tool_holder: MULTIPLE_SPLIT_AREA_TOOL_HOLDER locked_in_here: BOOLEAN do locked_in_here := ev_application.locked_window = Void if locked_in_here and then attached parent_window (Current) as l_parent_window then l_parent_window.lock_update end tool_holder := holder_of_widget (a_widget) if tool_holder.is_maximized then restore_maximized_tool (tool_holder, True) if attached maximize_pixmap as l_maximize_pixmap then tool_holder.maximize_button.set_pixmap (l_maximize_pixmap) end tool_holder.label.enable_dockable else restore_minimized_tool (tool_holder) if attached minimize_pixmap as l_minimize_pixmap then tool_holder.minimize_button.set_pixmap (l_minimize_pixmap) end tool_holder.minimize_button.set_tooltip ("Minimize") end ([a_widget]) if locked_in_here and then attached parent_window (Current) as l_parent_window then l_parent_window.unlock_update end ensure -- widget_normal_state: not is_item_maximized (a_widget) and not is_item_minimized (a_widget) -- Does not hold in all situations, as a widget may be maximized while minimized, and in this -- situation, must go back to minimized state. end set_heights_no_resize (heights: ARRAYED_LIST [INTEGER]) -- Adjust heights of contents based on `heights' as a guide, -- but ensure that `Current' is not resized unless the -- minimum sizes of each widget force it to be so. require heights_not_void: heights /= Void local desired_height: INTEGER excess_space: INTEGER diff_from_min: INTEGER widget: EV_WIDGET non_minimized_count: INTEGER do from all_holders.start until loop if all_holders.item.is_minimized then desired_height := desired_height + holder_tool_height elseif all_holders.item.is_external then else non_minimized_count := non_minimized_count + 1 desired_height := desired_height + holder_tool_height + heights.i_th (non_minimized_count) end all_holders.forth end desired_height := desired_height + (non_minimized_count - 1) * splitter_width excess_space := desired_height - height if top_widget_resizing then from heights.start until or excess_space <= 0 loop widget := linear_representation.i_th (heights.index) if not is_item_minimized (widget) then diff_from_min := (heights.item - widget.minimum_height).min (excess_space) excess_space := excess_space - diff_from_min heights.replace (heights.item - diff_from_min) end heights.forth end else -- from -- pre_insertion_holders.finish -- pre_insertion_heights.finish -- until -- or space_to_share <= 0 -- loop -- diff_from_min := (pre_insertion_heights.item - pre_insertion_holders.item.minimum_height).min (space_to_share) -- space_to_share := space_to_share - diff_from_min -- pre_insertion_heights.replace (pre_insertion_heights.item - diff_from_min) -- pre_insertion_holders.back -- pre_insertion_heights.back -- end end set_heights (heights) end set_heights (heights: ARRAYED_LIST [INTEGER]) -- Adjust heights of contents based on `heights'. require heights_not_void: heights /= Void local locked_in_here: BOOLEAN do locked_in_here := ev_application.locked_window = Void if locked_in_here and then attached parent_window (Current) as l_parent_window then l_parent_window.lock_update end if top_widget_resizing then from all_split_areas.start until loop if all_split_areas.item.full then all_split_areas.item.set_split_position (all_split_areas.item.maximum_split_position) end all_split_areas.forth end else from all_split_areas.finish until loop if all_split_areas.item.full then all_split_areas.item.set_split_position (all_split_areas.item.minimum_split_position) end all_split_areas.back end end from heights.start until loop if not is_item_minimized (linear_representation.i_th (heights.index)) then resize_widget_to (linear_representation.i_th (heights.index), heights.item) end heights.forth end if locked_in_here and then attached parent_window (Current) as l_parent_window then l_parent_window.unlock_update end end place_holder_inside_insert_structure (a_holder: MULTIPLE_SPLIT_AREA_TOOL_HOLDER): EV_VERTICAL_BOX -- `Result' is a vertical box containing a vertical box representing `upper_box' of `a_holder', -- `a_holder' itself and a vertical box representing `lower_box' of `a_holder'. require holder_not_void: a_holder /= Void do create Result Result.extend (create {EV_VERTICAL_BOX}) Result.extend (a_holder) Result.extend (create {EV_VERTICAL_BOX}) Result.disable_item_expand (Result.i_th (1)) Result.disable_item_expand (Result.i_th (3)) ensure Result_not_void: result /= Void result_filled_correctly: Result.count = 3 and result.i_th (2) = a_holder end feature {MULTIPLE_SPLIT_AREA_TOOL_HOLDER} -- Implementation rebuilding_locked: BOOLEAN -- Will calls to `rebuild' have no effect? rebuild -- Rebuild complete widget structure of `Current'. local split_area: EV_VERTICAL_SPLIT_AREA current_split_area: EV_SPLIT_AREA current_holder: MULTIPLE_SPLIT_AREA_TOOL_HOLDER cursor: CURSOR do if not rebuilding_locked then cursor := linear_representation.cursor split_area_wipe_out all_split_areas.wipe_out unparent_all_holders all_split_areas.extend (Current) if count = 1 then cell_extend (place_holder_inside_insert_structure (holder_of_widget (linear_representation.i_th (1)))) elseif count = 2 then cell_extend (place_holder_inside_insert_structure (holder_of_widget (linear_representation.i_th (1)))) cell_extend (place_holder_inside_insert_structure (holder_of_widget (linear_representation.i_th (2)))) if top_widget_resizing and then attached first as l_first and then attached second as l_second then enable_item_expand (l_first) disable_item_expand (l_second) end elseif count /= 0 then from linear_representation.start current_split_area := Current until loop if top_widget_resizing then current_holder := holder_of_widget (linear_representation.i_th (linear_representation.count - linear_representation.index + 1)) current_split_area.set_second (place_holder_inside_insert_structure (current_holder)) else current_holder := holder_of_widget (linear_representation.item) current_split_area.set_first (place_holder_inside_insert_structure (current_holder)) end if linear_representation.index = linear_representation.count - 1 then linear_representation.forth check at_last_position: linear_representation.index = linear_representation.count end if top_widget_resizing then current_holder := holder_of_widget (linear_representation.i_th (1)) current_split_area.set_first (place_holder_inside_insert_structure (current_holder)) else current_holder := holder_of_widget (linear_representation.item) current_split_area.set_second (place_holder_inside_insert_structure (current_holder)) end else create split_area all_split_areas.extend (split_area) if top_widget_resizing then current_split_area.set_first (split_area) else current_split_area.set_second (split_area) end current_split_area := split_area end linear_representation.forth end if top_widget_resizing then reverse_split_areas end end minimize_all_tools update_all_minimize_buttons linear_representation.go_to (cursor) end end reverse_split_areas -- Reverse disable item expand state of all split areas, -- so that the direction of `Current' is reversed. -- Only required in `top_resizing_mode'. require in_top_resizing_mode: top_widget_resizing local split_area: EV_SPLIT_AREA do from all_split_areas.start until or all_split_areas.count = 1 loop split_area := all_split_areas.item if attached split_area.first as l_first then split_area.enable_item_expand (l_first) end if attached split_area.second as l_second then split_area.disable_item_expand (l_second) end all_split_areas.forth end end split_area_index (holder_index: INTEGER): INTEGER -- Index of split area containing `holder_index'. require holder_index_valid: holder_index >= 1 and holder_index <= linear_representation.count do if top_widget_resizing then Result := all_split_areas.count - holder_index + 2 else Result := holder_index end end feature {MULTIPLE_SPLIT_AREA_TOOL_HOLDER} -- Implementation all_split_areas: ARRAYED_LIST [EV_SPLIT_AREA] -- All split areas constituting `Current'. all_holders: ARRAYED_LIST [MULTIPLE_SPLIT_AREA_TOOL_HOLDER] -- All holders within `Current', includes externally docked holders. maximize_pixmap: detachable EV_PIXMAP -- Pixmap associated with maximize buttons. minimize_pixmap: detachable EV_PIXMAP -- Pixmap associated with minimize buttons. close_pixmap: detachable EV_PIXMAP -- Pixmap associated with close buttons. restore_pixmap: detachable EV_PIXMAP -- Pixmap associated with restore buttons. initialize_docking_areas (a_holder: MULTIPLE_SPLIT_AREA_TOOL_HOLDER) -- Set up docking areas to allow the docking of `a_holder'. require a_holder_not_void: a_holder /= Void local index_of_tool: INTEGER vertical_box: EV_VERTICAL_BOX cell: detachable EV_CELL holder: MULTIPLE_SPLIT_AREA_TOOL_HOLDER counter: INTEGER do -- Only retrieve the index if `a_holder' is not external. -- otherwise, `index_of_tool' is initialized to 0. if not external_representation.has (a_holder.tool) then index_of_tool := index_of_holder (a_holder) end from counter := 1 until counter > count loop holder := holder_of_widget (linear_representation.i_th (counter)) if linear_representation.has (a_holder.tool) and (counter < index_of_tool or counter > index_of_tool + 1) or not linear_representation.has (a_holder.tool) then --|FIXME this is a temporary workaround/limitation when you try to move an undocked widget that -- has only minimized widgets between itself and the edge, to the edge. No longer allowed -- AS it caused an infinited loop. Julian. if not a_holder.has_recursive (holder.upper_box) then vertical_box := holder.upper_box create cell cell.set_data (counter) vertical_box.extend (cell) vertical_box.disable_item_expand (cell) cell.enable_docking holder.set_real_target (cell) end end if counter = count and index_of_tool /= count then -- As `holder' is the last holder, we must perform special processing, so -- that the final position may be docked to. if index_of_tool + 1 /= counter then -- If `a_holder' is immediately above `holder', then -- do not allow docking to the top, as it is already -- positioned there. check cell /= Void then end holder.label_box.set_real_target (cell) end create cell cell.set_data (counter + 1) vertical_box := holder.lower_box vertical_box.extend (cell) vertical_box.disable_item_expand (cell) cell.enable_docking holder.tool.set_real_target (cell) end counter := counter + 1 end end remove_docking_areas -- Remove all docking areas added as result of last call to -- `initialize_docking_areas'. local holder: MULTIPLE_SPLIT_AREA_TOOL_HOLDER box: EV_BOX do from all_holders.start until loop holder := all_holders.item holder.remove_real_target holder.tool.remove_real_target holder.label_box.remove_real_target if not holder.is_external then box := holder.upper_box from box.start until loop -- We do not wish to remove any minimized items contained in `upper_box', -- only the cells added during call to `initialize_docking_areas'. -- Therefore, we check that they are cells with data to qualify this. if attached {EV_CELL} box.item as cell and then /= Void then box.remove else box.forth end end box := holder.lower_box from box.start until loop -- We do not wish to remove any minimized items contained in `upper_box', -- only the cells added during call to `initialize_docking_areas'. -- Therefore, we check that they are cells with data to qualify this. if attached {EV_CELL} box.item as cell and then /= Void then box.remove else box.forth end end end all_holders.forth end end maximize_tool (a_tool: MULTIPLE_SPLIT_AREA_TOOL_HOLDER) -- Maximize `a_tool'. require a_tool_not_void: a_tool /= Void do if attached maximized_tool as l_maximized_tool then l_maximized_tool.silent_set_minimized l_maximized_tool.disable_minimize_button l_maximized_tool.remove_maximized_restore l_maximized_tool.silent_remove_maximized l_maximized_tool.label.enable_dockable l_maximized_tool.maximize_button.set_tooltip (Maximize_string) a_tool.silent_remove_minimized a_tool.enable_minimize_button else from all_holders.start minimized_states.wipe_out minimized_states.start until loop if all_holders.item.is_minimized then minimized_states.extend (True) else minimized_states.extend (False) end if not external_representation.has (all_holders.item.tool) then -- State must not change if external. if all_holders.item /= a_tool then all_holders.item.silent_set_minimized else all_holders.item.silent_remove_minimized end -- Must always disable the minimize button. all_holders.item.disable_minimize_button end all_holders.forth end store_positions end maximized_tool := a_tool rebuild ensure tool_maximized: maximized_tool = a_tool end restore_maximized_tool (tool_holder: MULTIPLE_SPLIT_AREA_TOOL_HOLDER; must_rebuild: BOOLEAN) -- Ensure maximized tool `tool_holder' is no longer maximized, -- and update state of `Current' to reflect this. -- Rebuild `Current' if `must_rebuild'. require tool_holder_not_void: tool_holder /= Void tool_holder_maximized: tool_holder.is_maximized local space_to_share, diff_from_min, index: INTEGER height_to_share: INTEGER do tool_holder.disable_maximized from all_holders.start until loop if all_holders.item /= tool_holder then all_holders.item.silent_remove_minimized if not external_representation.has (all_holders.item.tool) then all_holders.item.enable_minimize_button end if not (minimized_states @ all_holders.index) then end else all_holders.item.enable_minimize_button end if minimized_states @ all_holders.index then all_holders.item.silent_set_minimized end all_holders.forth end tool_holder.maximize_button.set_tooltip (maximize_string) maximized_tool := Void if must_rebuild then rebuild index := linear_representation.index_of (tool_holder.tool, 1) -- stored_splitter_widths.go_i_th (index) -- stored_splitter_widths.replace (tool_holder.restore_height) -- space_to_share := tool_holder.restore_height + splitter_width -- from linear_representation.start until loop if not is_item_minimized (linear_representation.item) then height_to_share := height_to_share + stored_splitter_widths.i_th (linear_representation.index) + holder_tool_height + splitter_width else height_to_share := height_to_share + holder_tool_height end linear_representation.forth end height_to_share := height_to_share - splitter_width space_to_share := height_to_share - height if top_widget_resizing then from linear_representation.start stored_splitter_widths.start until or space_to_share <= 0 loop if linear_representation.item /= tool_holder.tool and not is_item_minimized (linear_representation.item) then diff_from_min := (stored_splitter_widths.item - linear_representation.item.minimum_height).min (space_to_share) space_to_share := space_to_share - diff_from_min stored_splitter_widths.replace (stored_splitter_widths.item - diff_from_min) end linear_representation.forth stored_splitter_widths.forth end end if space_to_share > 0 then stored_splitter_widths.go_i_th (index) stored_splitter_widths.replace (stored_splitter_widths.item - space_to_share)-- + splitter_width) end restore_stored_positions end ensure not_maximized: not tool_holder.is_maximized no_maximized_tool: maximized_tool = Void end store_positions -- Store all positions of splitters. local widget: EV_WIDGET do stored_splitter_widths.wipe_out from linear_representation.start until loop widget := linear_representation.item -- if is_item_minimized (widget) then -- stored_splitter_widths.extend (0) -- else stored_splitter_widths.extend (linear_representation.item.height)--holder_of_widget (linear_representation.item).height) -- end linear_representation.forth end end restore_stored_positions -- Restore all positions of splitters from `store_positions'. do if top_widget_resizing then from all_split_areas.start until loop if all_split_areas.item.full then all_split_areas.item.set_split_position (all_split_areas.item.maximum_split_position) end all_split_areas.forth end else from all_split_areas.finish until loop if all_split_areas.item.full then all_split_areas.item.set_split_position (all_split_areas.item.minimum_split_position) end all_split_areas.back end end -- from -- linear_representation.start -- until -- -- loop -- if not is_item_minimized (linear_representation.item) then -- height_to_share := height_to_share + stored_splitter_widths.i_th (linear_representation.index) + holder_tool_height + splitter_width -- else -- height_to_share := height_to_share + holder_tool_height -- end -- linear_representation.forth -- end -- height_to_share := height_to_share - splitter_width -- print ("height : " + height.out + "%N") -- print ("height_to_share : " + height_to_share.out + "%N") -- from stored_splitter_widths.start until loop if not is_item_minimized (linear_representation.i_th (stored_splitter_widths.index)) then resize_widget_to (linear_representation.i_th (stored_splitter_widths.index), stored_splitter_widths.item) end stored_splitter_widths.forth end -- if top_widget_resizing then -- -- We now reverse all of the split area positions which is necessary -- -- when `top_widget_resizing'. -- from -- all_split_areas.start -- until -- -- loop -- split_area := all_split_areas.item -- if split_area.full then -- split_area.set_split_position ((split_area.maximum_split_position)) -- end -- all_split_areas.forth -- end -- end -- from -- stored_splitter_widths.start -- until -- -- loop -- split_area := all_split_areas.i_th (stored_splitter_widths.index) -- if split_area /= Void and then split_area.full then -- -- As `Current' may have been reduced smaller than it was when the tool was maximized, -- -- we must restrict the resetting of the spit position to the maximum now allowed. -- split_area.set_split_position ((stored_splitter_widths.item.min (split_area.maximum_split_position)).max (split_area.minimum_split_position)) -- end -- stored_splitter_widths.forth -- end -- Now remove all stored positions. stored_splitter_widths.wipe_out end stored_splitter_widths: ARRAYED_LIST [INTEGER] -- All splitter widths stored when minimized_states: ARRAYED_LIST [BOOLEAN] -- List of all minimized states while a tool is maximized. minimize_tool (a_tool: MULTIPLE_SPLIT_AREA_TOOL_HOLDER) -- Ensure that `a_tool' is displayed minimized in `Current'. require a_tool_not_void: a_tool /= Void local lower_holder: MULTIPLE_SPLIT_AREA_TOOL_HOLDER position_of_tool: INTEGER cursor: CURSOR l_parent: detachable EV_CONTAINER do cursor := all_holders.cursor -- Firstly hide the actual widget of the tool, so that its minimum size -- has no effect. a_tool.tool.hide position_of_tool := index_of_holder (a_tool) if position_of_tool = 1 or else all_minimized (1, position_of_tool - 1) then remove_tool_from_parent (a_tool) lower_holder := all_holders.i_th (next_non_minimized_down (position_of_tool)) transfer_box_contents (a_tool.upper_box, lower_holder.upper_box) l_parent := a_tool.parent check l_parent /= Void then end lower_holder.upper_box.extend (l_parent) -- Now transfer all contents of `a_tool' upper bar? -- This would keep all the minimized widgets together in the same box???? -- Not sure if it needs to be done. transfer_box_contents (a_tool.lower_box, lower_holder.upper_box) update_all_minimize_buttons else remove_tool_from_parent (a_tool) lower_holder := i_th_holder (position_of_tool - 1) l_parent := a_tool.parent check l_parent /= Void then end lower_holder.lower_box.extend (l_parent) update_all_minimize_buttons end all_holders.go_to (cursor) ensure index_of_holders_not_changed: all_holders.index = old all_holders.index end restore_minimized_tool (a_tool: MULTIPLE_SPLIT_AREA_TOOL_HOLDER) -- Ensure that `a_tool' is no longer displayed as minimized. require tool_not_void: a_tool /= Void tool_parented: a_tool.parent /= Void tool_minimized: a_tool.is_minimized local space_to_share, diff_from_min: INTEGER index: INTEGER height_to_share: INTEGER do store_positions -- original_parent ?= a_tool.parent -- remove_tool_from_parent (a_tool) -- index_of_tool := index_of_holder (a_tool) -- -- -- from -- linear_representation.go_i_th (index_of_tool - 1) -- until -- -- loop -- if is_item_minimized (linear_representation.item) then -- tool_holder := holder_of_widget (linear_representation.item) -- tool_holder.parent.prune (tool_holder) -- a_tool.upper_box.put_front (tool_holder) -- end -- linear_representation.back -- end -- from -- linear_representation.go_i_th (index_of_tool + 1) -- until -- -- loop -- if is_item_minimized (linear_representation.item) then -- tool_holder := holder_of_widget (linear_representation.item) -- tool_holder.parent.prune (tool_holder) -- a_tool.lower_box.extend (tool_holder) -- end -- linear_representation.forth -- end a_tool.disable_minimized -- if all_split_areas.valid_index (split_area_index (index_of_tool)) then -- parent_split_area := all_split_areas.i_th (split_area_index (index_of_tool)) -- end -- if parent_split_area = Void then -- parent_split_area := all_split_areas.i_th (all_split_areas.count) -- end -- restore_parent_split_areas (parent_split_area) -- -- -- The first two cases handle when we have two widgets inside a single split area. -- if all_holders.last = a_tool and then not top_widget_resizing then -- parent_split_area.set_second (a_tool) -- elseif index_of_holder (a_tool) = 2 and then top_widget_resizing then -- parent_split_area.set_second (a_tool) -- elseif parent_split_area.first = Void then -- parent_split_area.set_first (a_tool) -- else -- parent_split_area.set_second (a_tool) -- end -- update_expanded_state_of_all_split_areas -- -- update_all_minimize_buttons -- -- -- Now must update any minimized tools that were parented in the -- -- same box as `a_tool'. We now recalculate which box they should be -- -- held in. -- if original_parent /= void and not original_parent.is_empty then -- widgets := box_contents (original_parent) -- from -- widgets.start -- until -- -- loop -- current_holder ?= widgets.item -- check -- item_was_holder: current_holder /= Void -- end -- minimize_tool (current_holder) -- widgets.forth -- end -- end -- -- -- Calculate the maximum restore height that is permitted, based on `height' of `Current', -- -- and minimum sizes of all items contained. This may be used to prevent `Current' from -- -- resizing. -- maximum_insert_height := height -- tool_holder_height := a_tool.minimum_height - a_tool.tool.minimum_height -- from -- linear_representation.start -- until -- -- loop -- if linear_representation.item /= a_tool then -- -- As the tool of `holder' is already in `linear_representation' at this point, -- -- we must ignore it in the calculations. -- -- -- Must not forget to handle items that are minimized correctly. -- -- Those that are minimized are not displayed, only the holder. -- if linear_representation.item.is_displayed then -- maximum_insert_height := maximum_insert_height - linear_representation.item.minimum_height - tool_holder_height -- else -- maximum_insert_height := maximum_insert_height - tool_holder_height -- end -- end -- linear_representation.forth -- end -- -- insert_height := a_tool.restore_height.min (maximum_insert_height).max (0) -- -- resize_widget_to (a_tool.tool, insert_height) rebuild index := linear_representation.index_of (a_tool.tool, 1) -- stored_splitter_widths.go_i_th (index) -- stored_splitter_widths.replace (a_tool.restore_height) -- space_to_share := a_tool.restore_height + splitter_width from linear_representation.start until loop if not is_item_minimized (linear_representation.item) then height_to_share := height_to_share + stored_splitter_widths.i_th (linear_representation.index) + holder_tool_height + splitter_width else height_to_share := height_to_share + holder_tool_height end linear_representation.forth end height_to_share := height_to_share - splitter_width space_to_share := height_to_share - height if top_widget_resizing then from linear_representation.start stored_splitter_widths.start until or space_to_share <= 0 loop if linear_representation.item /= a_tool.tool and not is_item_minimized (linear_representation.item) then diff_from_min := (stored_splitter_widths.item - linear_representation.item.minimum_height).min (space_to_share) space_to_share := space_to_share - diff_from_min stored_splitter_widths.replace (stored_splitter_widths.item - diff_from_min) end linear_representation.forth stored_splitter_widths.forth end end if space_to_share > 0 then stored_splitter_widths.go_i_th (index) stored_splitter_widths.replace (stored_splitter_widths.item - space_to_share)-- + splitter_width) end -- -- from -- linear_representation.start -- until -- -- loop -- if linear_representation.item /= a_tool.tool and not is_item_minimized (linear_representation.item) then -- height_to_share := height_to_share + stored_splitter_widths.i_th (linear_representation.index) + holder_tool_height + splitter_width -- else -- height_to_share := height_to_share + holder_tool_height -- end -- linear_representation.forth -- end -- height_to_share := height_to_share - splitter_width -- print ("height : " + height.out + "%N") -- print ("height_to_share : " + height_to_share.out + "%N") restore_stored_positions -- Now show the widget of the tool, as it was -- hidden when minimized. ensure not_minimized: not a_tool.is_minimized end transfer_box_contents (original_box, new_box: EV_BOX) -- Transfer all contents of `original_box' to `new_box'. require original_box_not_void: original_box /= Void new_box_not_void: new_box /= Void local widget: EV_WIDGET do from original_box.start until original_box.is_empty loop widget := original_box.item original_box.remove new_box.extend (widget) end ensure count_increased: new_box.count = old new_box.count + old original_box.count end remove_tool_structure (a_tool: MULTIPLE_SPLIT_AREA_TOOL_HOLDER) -- `Remove' box containing `a_tool' and its upper and lower bars from -- the boxes parent. require immediate_tool_parent_not_void: a_tool.parent /= Void local l_parent: detachable EV_CONTAINER do l_parent := a_tool.parent check l_parent_not_void: l_parent /= Void then end if attached l_parent.parent as l_parent_parent then l_parent_parent.prune_all (l_parent) end ensure tool_unparented: attached a_tool.parent as l_par and then l_par.parent = Void end remove_tool_from_parent (a_tool: MULTIPLE_SPLIT_AREA_TOOL_HOLDER) -- Remove `a_tool' from its `parent', and if the parent is a -- split area, remove empty split areas. require tool_not_void: a_tool /= Void local split_area: detachable EV_SPLIT_AREA do if attached a_tool.parent as l_parent and then attached {EV_SPLIT_AREA} l_parent.parent as spa then split_area := spa end remove_tool_structure (a_tool) -- We must now unparent the split area if it is empty and -- is the last split area in the control. if split_area /= Void then remove_parent_split_areas_bottom (split_area) end ensure tool_not_parented: attached a_tool.parent as l_parent and then l_parent.parent = Void end remove_parent_split_areas_bottom (split_area: EV_SPLIT_AREA) -- Remove all split areas in `all_split_areas', from `split_area' -- to first, if empty. require split_area_not_void: split_area /= Void local counter: INTEGER current_split_area, parent_split_area: detachable EV_SPLIT_AREA do from counter := all_split_areas.index_of (split_area, 1) until counter <= 1 loop parent_split_area := all_split_areas.i_th (counter - 1) check parent_split_area /= Void then end current_split_area := all_split_areas.i_th (counter) check current_split_area /= Void then end if current_split_area.is_empty then parent_split_area.prune_all (current_split_area) else counter := 1 end counter := counter - 1 end end remove_parent_split_areas_top (split_area: EV_SPLIT_AREA) -- Remove all split areas in `all_split_areas', from `split_area' -- to last, if empty. require split_area_not_void: split_area /= Void local counter: INTEGER current_split_area, parent_split_area: detachable EV_SPLIT_AREA do from counter := all_split_areas.index_of (split_area, 1) until counter = all_split_areas.count + 1 or all_split_areas.last = split_area loop parent_split_area := all_split_areas.i_th (counter + 1) if parent_split_area /= Void then current_split_area := all_split_areas.i_th (counter) check current_split_area /= Void then end if current_split_area.is_empty then parent_split_area.prune_all (current_split_area) else counter := all_split_areas.count end else counter := all_split_areas.count end counter := counter + 1 end end restore_parent_split_areas (split_area: EV_SPLIT_AREA) -- Restore all unparented split areas from `split_area', -- until the parent split area is not Void. require split_area_not_void: split_area /= Void local parent_split_area: detachable EV_SPLIT_AREA new_parent_split_area: detachable EV_SPLIT_AREA do from parent_split_area := split_area check parent_split_area /= Void then end until parent_split_area.parent /= Void loop new_parent_split_area := all_split_areas.i_th (all_split_areas.index_of (parent_split_area, 1) - 1) check new_parent_split_area /= Void end if top_widget_resizing then new_parent_split_area.set_first (parent_split_area) else new_parent_split_area.set_second (parent_split_area) end parent_split_area := new_parent_split_area end end next_non_minimized_down (current_position: INTEGER): INTEGER -- `Result' is next index of tool in `Current' from index `current_position' -- that is not minimized or not external. require valid_position: current_position >= 1 and current_position <= count do from all_holders.go_i_th (current_position) until or Result /= 0 loop if not all_holders.item.is_minimized and not external_representation.has (all_holders.item.tool) then Result := all_holders.index end all_holders.forth end ensure index_valid: Result >= 1 and Result <= linear_representation.count + external_representation.count end minimize_all_tools -- Call `minimize_tool' for every tool in `Current'. -- This is used after we rebuild the complete contents of `Current'. local cursor: CURSOR do cursor := all_holders.cursor from all_holders.start until loop if all_holders.item.is_minimized then minimize_tool (all_holders.item) end all_holders.forth end all_holders.go_to (cursor) ensure index_not_changed: all_holders.index = old all_holders.index end update_all_minimize_buttons -- Ensure that the minimized buttons are updated to a valid state. -- Only the minimize buttons of non external holders are modified. -- If a tool is maximized in `Current', then ensure that all minimize -- buttons are disabled. -- If there is one less minimized tool than `count', we must disable the -- tools minimize button, as not all tools may be minimized at once. local minimized_count: INTEGER maximized_holder, non_minimized_holder: detachable MULTIPLE_SPLIT_AREA_TOOL_HOLDER cursor: CURSOR do cursor := all_holders.cursor maximized_holder := maximized_tool from all_holders.start until loop if not all_holders.item.is_external then if maximized_holder /= Void then all_holders.item.disable_minimize_button else all_holders.item.enable_minimize_button end if all_holders.item.is_minimized then minimized_count := minimized_count + 1 else non_minimized_holder := all_holders.item end end all_holders.forth end if minimized_count = count - 1 then check non_minimized_holder /= Void then end non_minimized_holder.disable_minimize_button end all_holders.go_to (cursor) ensure index_not_changed: all_holders.index = old all_holders.index end all_minimized (lower, upper: INTEGER): BOOLEAN -- Are all items from position `lower' inclusive to `position `upper' -- minimized? require lower_valid: lower >= 1 and lower <=upper upper_valid: upper <= count do Result := True from all_holders.go_i_th (lower) until all_holders.index > upper loop if not all_holders.item.is_minimized then Result := False end all_holders.forth end end all_maximized (lower, upper: INTEGER): BOOLEAN -- Are all items from position `lower' inclusive to `position `upper' -- maximized? require lower_valid: lower >= 1 and lower <=upper upper_valid: upper <= count do Result := True from all_holders.go_i_th (lower) until all_holders.index > upper loop if not all_holders.item.is_maximized then Result := False end all_holders.forth end end unparent_all_holders -- Ensure all items in `all_holders' are not parented. local current_parent: detachable EV_CONTAINER do from all_holders.start until loop current_parent := all_holders.item.parent if current_parent /= Void then current_parent.prune_all (all_holders.item) end all_holders.forth end end holder_of_widget (a_widget: EV_WIDGET): MULTIPLE_SPLIT_AREA_TOOL_HOLDER -- `Result' is tool holder containing `a_widget'. require a_widget_not_void: a_widget /= Void linear_representation.has (a_widget) or external_representation.has (a_widget) local cursor: CURSOR current_holder: detachable MULTIPLE_SPLIT_AREA_TOOL_HOLDER l_result: detachable MULTIPLE_SPLIT_AREA_TOOL_HOLDER do cursor := all_holders.cursor from all_holders.start until l_result /= Void loop current_holder := all_holders.item if current_holder /= Void and then current_holder.tool = a_widget then l_result := all_holders.item end all_holders.forth end all_holders.go_to (cursor) check l_result /= Void end Result := l_result ensure result_not_void: Result /= Void position_not_changed: all_holders.index = old all_holders.index end index_of_holder (a_holder: MULTIPLE_SPLIT_AREA_TOOL_HOLDER): INTEGER -- `Result' is index of `a_holder' within `Current'. -- Ignores any holders that are docked out, so will not correspond to -- `all_holders.i_th'. require a_holder_not_void: a_holder /= Void holder_not_external: not a_holder.is_external do Result := linear_representation.index_of (a_holder.tool, 1) ensure valid_result: Result >= 1 and Result <= count end i_th_holder (an_index: INTEGER): MULTIPLE_SPLIT_AREA_TOOL_HOLDER -- `Result' is i_th holder in current, not excluding any externally docked -- holders. Therefore, you may not simply query `all_holders.i_th', as this includes -- the external holders. require index_valid: an_index >= 1 and an_index <= count local widget_at_index: EV_WIDGET do widget_at_index := linear_representation.i_th (an_index) Result := holder_of_widget (widget_at_index) ensure Result_not_void: Result /= Void end update_for_holder_position_change (a_holder: MULTIPLE_SPLIT_AREA_TOOL_HOLDER; new_position: INTEGER) -- Update `linear_representation' and `all_holders' to reflect a change of -- position from `original_position' to `new_position'. -- Passing 0 as `original_position' means the holder was not contained in `Current', -- Hence in this case, no pruning is performed. require a_holder_not_void: a_holder /= Void new_position_positive: new_position >= 1 and new_position <= count + 1 local real_new_position: INTEGER widget: EV_WIDGET original_position: INTEGER do original_position := linear_representation.index_of (a_holder.tool, 1) if original_position < new_position and original_position /= 0 then real_new_position := new_position - 1 else real_new_position := new_position end widget := a_holder.tool if original_position /= 0 then linear_representation.go_i_th (original_position) linear_representation.remove end linear_representation.go_i_th (real_new_position) linear_representation.put_left (widget) -- Note that we cannot use the same original position for both -- `linear_representation' and `all_holders', as `all_holders' includes -- tools that may be docked externally whereas `linear_representation' does not. -- This was leading to problems where we ended up with the same holder -- container in `all_holders' twice, causing `Current' to crash. Julian. original_position := all_holders.index_of (a_holder, 1) check original_position_not_zero: original_position /= 0 end if original_position < new_position then real_new_position := new_position - 1 else real_new_position := new_position end all_holders.go_i_th (original_position) all_holders.remove all_holders.go_i_th (real_new_position) all_holders.put_left (a_holder) end set_holder_tool_height (a_height: INTEGER) -- Assign `a_height' to `holder_tool_height'. require a_height_positive: a_height > 0 do holder_tool_height := a_height end feature {NONE} -- Implementation docked_out_actions_internal: detachable EV_NEW_ITEM_ACTION_SEQUENCE note option: stable attribute end -- Internal docked out actions, fired when a widget has been -- docked out of `Current'. docked_in_actions_internal: detachable EV_NEW_ITEM_ACTION_SEQUENCE note option: stable attribute end -- Internal docked in actions, fired when a widget has been -- docked in to `Current'. close_actions_internal: detachable EV_NEW_ITEM_ACTION_SEQUENCE note option: stable attribute end restore_actions_internal: detachable EV_NEW_ITEM_ACTION_SEQUENCE note option: stable attribute end maximize_actions_internal: detachable EV_NEW_ITEM_ACTION_SEQUENCE note option: stable attribute end minimize_actions_internal: detachable EV_NEW_ITEM_ACTION_SEQUENCE note option: stable attribute end pre_insertion_heights: ARRAYED_LIST [INTEGER] -- All positions stored by last call to `store_heights_pre_insertion', used to -- restore by subsequent call to `restore_heights_post_insertion'. pre_insertion_holders: ARRAYED_LIST [MULTIPLE_SPLIT_AREA_TOOL_HOLDER] -- All holders of `Current'. One for each widget. maximized_tool: detachable MULTIPLE_SPLIT_AREA_TOOL_HOLDER -- Holder currently maximized in `Current', or `Void' if none. box_contents (box: EV_BOX): ARRAYED_LIST [EV_WIDGET] -- `Result' is contents of `box' as an ARRAYED_LIST. -- `box' remains unchanged. require box_not_void: box /= Void local cursor: EV_DYNAMIC_LIST_CURSOR [detachable EV_WIDGET] do cursor := box.cursor create Result.make (box.count) from box.start until loop Result.extend (box.item) box.forth end box.go_to (cursor) ensure Result_not_void: Result /= Void Result_count_consistent: Result.count = box.count box_count_unchanged: box.count = old box.count box_index_consistent: old box.index = box.index end remove_implementation (a_widget: EV_WIDGET) -- Implementation for removal, without a rebuilding step. This allows features -- such as `wipe_out' to remove all widgets without rebuilding the complete structure -- for each removal. require a_widget_not_void: a_widget /= Void contained: linear_representation.has (a_widget) or is_item_external (a_widget) local holder: MULTIPLE_SPLIT_AREA_TOOL_HOLDER first_minimized: detachable EV_WIDGET minimized_count: INTEGER dialog: detachable EV_DOCKABLE_DIALOG do holder := holder_of_widget (a_widget) if maximized_tool /= Void then -- Remove representation from `minimized_states'. minimized_states.go_i_th (all_holders.index_of (holder, 1)) minimized_states.remove end -- Must handle the case where an item is removed, and all remaining items are minimized. -- The first must be unminimized. from linear_representation.start until loop if linear_representation.item /= a_widget and is_item_minimized (linear_representation.item) then minimized_count := minimized_count + 1 if first_minimized = Void then -- Set `first_minimized' if `Void' so it may be used if all widgets are minimized. first_minimized := linear_representation.item end end linear_representation.forth end if count > 1 and minimized_count = count - 1 then check first_minimized /= Void then end restore_minimized_tool (holder_of_widget (first_minimized)) if attached minimize_pixmap as l_minimize_pixmap then holder_of_widget (first_minimized).minimize_button.set_pixmap (l_minimize_pixmap) end end all_holders.prune_all (holder) -- Must also unparent the holder, which must be -- parented for it to be contained in `Current'. -- Unless `wipe_out' is being called as part of the insertion -- process. if attached holder.parent as l_holder_parent then l_holder_parent.prune_all (holder) end -- Now actually remove `a_widget' from its holder. if attached a_widget.parent as l_widget_parent then if attached {EV_DOCKABLE_DIALOG} parent_window (a_widget) as dlg then dialog := dlg end l_widget_parent.prune_all (a_widget) if dialog /= Void then dialog.destroy end end -- If `holder' was the maximized tool, then update -- accordingly. if maximized_tool = holder then restore_maximized_tool (holder, False) maximized_tool := Void end if holder.is_minimized then -- If a holder is minimized when removed, the widget is hidden, -- hence the need to re-show it. end -- Remove corresponding item from `stored_splitter_widths'. --stored_splitter_widths.go_i_th (linear_representation.index_of (a_widget, 1)) --| FIXME what happens if you have multiple items minimized before the --| item you are removing? The stored splitter widths does not have enough items. --| FIXME, why is there no remove here? if is_item_external (a_widget) then external_representation.go_i_th (external_representation.index_of (a_widget, 1)) external_representation.remove else linear_representation.go_i_th (linear_representation.index_of (a_widget, 1)) linear_representation.remove end holder.destroy ensure remove: not linear_representation.has (a_widget) count_decreased: old linear_representation.has (a_widget) implies linear_representation.count = old linear_representation.count - 1 end store_heights_pre_insertion -- Store all heights of non external holders before insertion -- of a new widget. local holder: MULTIPLE_SPLIT_AREA_TOOL_HOLDER cursor: CURSOR do cursor := linear_representation.cursor create pre_insertion_heights.make (count) create pre_insertion_holders.make (count) from linear_representation.start until loop holder := holder_of_widget (linear_representation.item) -- -- Must not include minimized and maximized items, as they are placed in `upper_box' -- -- and `lower_box'. -- holder_height := holder.height - holder.lower_box.height - holder.upper_box.height pre_insertion_heights.extend (linear_representation.item.height) pre_insertion_holders.extend (holder) linear_representation.forth end linear_representation.go_to (cursor) ensure index_not_changed: linear_representation.index = old linear_representation.index end restore_heights_post_insertion (holder: MULTIPLE_SPLIT_AREA_TOOL_HOLDER; a_height: INTEGER) -- Restore `holder' into `Current' at height `a_height'. This will perform a -- "best fit" and attempt to leave other holds at same size, with minimal -- adjustment. require holder_not_void: holder /= Void height_valid: a_height > 0 local local_holder: MULTIPLE_SPLIT_AREA_TOOL_HOLDER stored_height: INTEGER space_to_share: INTEGER diff_from_min: INTEGER cursor: CURSOR tool_holder_height: INTEGER do if not is_blocked then cursor := linear_representation.cursor; -- Firstly, reduce all split areas to their minimums. This permits us to call -- `simulate_minimum_height' which will restore the widget back to its proper height. -- If we did not make all split areas as small as possible, then the hieght simulation -- would not be able to reduce the height of an item as necessary. if top_widget_resizing then from all_split_areas.start until loop if all_split_areas.item.full then all_split_areas.item.set_split_position (all_split_areas.item.maximum_split_position) end all_split_areas.forth end else from all_split_areas.finish until loop if all_split_areas.item.full then all_split_areas.item.set_split_position (all_split_areas.item.minimum_split_position) end all_split_areas.back end end -- Calculate the height of a tool holder. tool_holder_height := holder_tool_height space_to_share := a_height + holder_tool_height + splitter_width if space_to_share > 0 then -- If space must be shared, share between all holders, starting with "lowest priority" which is -- the holder that may be resized, based on `top_widget_resizing' and then work down each holder in turn -- until there is no more space to share. if top_widget_resizing then from pre_insertion_holders.start pre_insertion_heights.start until or space_to_share <= 0 loop if not pre_insertion_holders.item.is_minimized then diff_from_min := (pre_insertion_heights.item - pre_insertion_holders.item.tool.minimum_height).min (space_to_share) space_to_share := space_to_share - diff_from_min pre_insertion_heights.replace (pre_insertion_heights.item - diff_from_min) end pre_insertion_holders.forth pre_insertion_heights.forth end else from pre_insertion_holders.finish pre_insertion_heights.finish until or space_to_share <= 0 loop diff_from_min := (pre_insertion_heights.item - pre_insertion_holders.item.tool.minimum_height).min (space_to_share) space_to_share := space_to_share - diff_from_min pre_insertion_heights.replace (pre_insertion_heights.item - diff_from_min) pre_insertion_holders.back pre_insertion_heights.back end end end pre_insertion_holders.go_i_th (linear_representation.index_of (holder.tool, 1)) pre_insertion_holders.put_left (holder) pre_insertion_heights.go_i_th (linear_representation.index_of (holder.tool, 1)) if space_to_share = 0 then pre_insertion_heights.put_left (a_height) else pre_insertion_heights.put_left ((a_height - space_to_share - splitter_width - holder_tool_height).max (holder.tool.minimum_height)) end -- Now iterate through all `positions' and restore. We must handle the iteration in reverse, depending on -- the state of `top_resizing'. This ensures that no matter which way `Current' resizes, it will -- always reduce the holder that resizes first. if top_widget_resizing then from pre_insertion_holders.finish until loop local_holder := pre_insertion_holders.item if not local_holder.is_minimized then stored_height := pre_insertion_heights.i_th (pre_insertion_holders.index) resize_widget_to (local_holder.tool, stored_height) end pre_insertion_holders.back end else -- from -- linear_representation.start -- until -- linear_representation.index > linear_representation.count - 1 and holder_restored -- loop -- if holder_of_widget (linear_representation.item) = holder then -- holder.simulate_minimum_height (insert_height + tool_holder_height) -- holder.remove_simulated_height -- holder_restored := True -- else -- an_index := pre_insertion_holders.index_of (holder_of_widget (linear_representation.item), 1) -- local_holder := pre_insertion_holders.i_th (an_index) -- stored_height := pre_insertion_heights.i_th (an_index) -- local_holder.simulate_minimum_height (stored_height + tool_holder_height) -- local_holder.remove_simulated_height -- end -- linear_representation.forth -- end end linear_representation.go_to (cursor) end ensure index_not_changed: linear_representation.index = old linear_representation.index end update_expanded_state_of_all_split_areas -- Ensure that expanded state of all split areas is correct. local cursor: CURSOR split_area: EV_SPLIT_AREA do if top_widget_resizing then cursor := all_split_areas.cursor from all_split_areas.start until loop split_area := all_split_areas.item if attached split_area.first as l_first and then attached split_area.second as l_second then split_area.enable_item_expand (l_first) split_area.disable_item_expand (l_second) end all_split_areas.forth end all_split_areas.go_to (cursor) end ensure index_not_changed: old all_split_areas.index = all_split_areas.index end platform_is_windows: BOOLEAN -- Is `Current' executing on Windows platform? once Result := (create {PLATFORM}).is_windows end holder_tool_height: INTEGER -- Height of tools that surround each widget within `Current'. restore_string: STRING = "Restore" maximize_string: STRING = "Maximize" minimize_string: STRING = "Minimize" invariant linear_representation_not_void: linear_representation /= Void all_holders_not_void: all_holders /= Void all_split_areas_not_void: all_split_areas /= Void stored_splitter_widths_not_void: stored_splitter_widths /= Void external_representation_not_void: external_representation /= Void minimized_states_not_void: minimized_states /= Void note copyright: "Copyright (c) 1984-2015, Eiffel Software and others" license: "Eiffel Forum License v2 (see" source: "[ Eiffel Software 5949 Hollister Ave., Goleta, CA 93117 USA Telephone 805-685-1006, Fax 805-685-6869 Website Customer support ]" end -- class MULTIPLE_SPLIT_AREA