note description: "EiffelVision application, GTK+ implementation." legal: "See notice at end of class." status: "See notice at end of class." keywords: "application" date: "$Date$" revision: "$Revision$" deferred class EV_GTK_DEPENDENT_APPLICATION_IMP inherit EV_GTK_ENVIRONMENT IDENTIFIED undefine is_equal, copy end EXECUTION_ENVIRONMENT rename launch as ee_launch end PLATFORM EV_ANY_HANDLER feature -- Initialize gtk_dependent_initialize -- Gtk dependent code for `initialize' do -- Initialize custom styles for gtk. initialize_window_style initialize_combo_box_style initialize_tool_bar_style end gtk_dependent_launch_initialize -- Gtk dependent code for `launch' do if {GTK}.gtk_maj_ver = 1 and then {GTK}.gtk_min_ver <= 2 and then {GTK}.gtk_mic_ver < 8 then print ("This application is designed for Gtk 1.2.8 and above, your current version is 1.2." + {GTK}.gtk_mic_ver.out + " and may cause some unexpected behavior%N") end end feature -- Implementation pixel_value_from_point_value (a_point_value: INTEGER): INTEGER -- Returns the number of screen pixels represented by `a_point_value' do Result := ((a_point_value / 3 * 4) + 0.5).truncated_to_integer end point_value_from_pixel_value (a_pixel_value: INTEGER): INTEGER -- Returns the number of points represented by `a_pixel_value' screen pixels value do Result := ((a_pixel_value / 4 * 3) + 0.5).truncated_to_integer end pango_layout: POINTER -- PangoLayout structure used for rendering fonts once Result := {GTK2}.gtk_widget_create_pango_layout (default_gtk_window, default_pointer) end pango_iter: POINTER -- Retrieve PangoLayoutIter from our default layout object, Result must be freed when not needed do Result := {GTK2}.pango_layout_get_iter (pango_layout) end initialize_default_font_values -- Initialize values use for creating our default font local font_desc: STRING_32 font_names, font_names_as_lower: ARRAYED_LIST [STRING_32] exit_loop: BOOLEAN split_values: LIST [STRING_32] i, l_font_names_count: INTEGER l_font_item: STRING_32 l_sans: STRING_32 do from font_desc := default_font_description.as_lower font_names_as_lower := font_names_on_system_as_lower font_names := font_names_on_system i := 1 l_font_names_count := font_names.count -- A default is needed should no enumerable fonts be found on the system. l_sans := once {STRING_32} "Sans" default_font_name_internal := l_sans until exit_loop or else i > l_font_names_count loop l_font_item := font_names_as_lower [i] if font_desc.substring_index (l_font_item, 1) = 1 then if default_font_name_internal = l_sans or else l_font_item.count > default_font_name_internal.count then default_font_name_internal := font_names [i] end exit_loop := default_font_name_internal.count = font_desc.count -- If the match is perfect then we exit, otherwise we keep looping for the best match. end i := i + 1 end split_values := font_desc.split (' ') split_values.compare_objects default_font_point_height_internal := split_values.last.to_integer if split_values.has (once {STRING_32} "italic") or else split_values.has (once {STRING_32} "oblique") then default_font_style_internal := {EV_FONT_CONSTANTS}.shape_italic else default_font_style_internal := {EV_FONT_CONSTANTS}.shape_regular end if split_values.has (once {STRING_32} "bold") then default_font_weight_internal := {EV_FONT_CONSTANTS}.weight_bold elseif split_values.has (once {STRING_32} "light") then default_font_weight_internal := {EV_FONT_CONSTANTS}.weight_thin elseif split_values.has (once {STRING_32} "superbold") then default_font_weight_internal := {EV_FONT_CONSTANTS}.weight_black else default_font_weight_internal := {EV_FONT_CONSTANTS}.weight_regular end end default_font_name: STRING_32 -- Face name of the default font do if font_settings_changed then initialize_default_font_values end Result := default_font_name_internal end default_font_name_internal: STRING_32 default_font_point_height: INTEGER -- Size of the default font in points do if font_settings_changed then initialize_default_font_values end Result := default_font_point_height_internal end default_font_point_height_internal: INTEGER default_font_style: INTEGER -- Style of the default font do if font_settings_changed then initialize_default_font_values end Result := default_font_style_internal end default_font_style_internal: INTEGER default_font_weight: INTEGER -- Weight of the default font do if font_settings_changed then initialize_default_font_values end Result := default_font_weight_internal end default_font_weight_internal: INTEGER font_settings_changed: BOOLEAN -- Have the default font settings been changed by the user local font_name_ptr: POINTER do {GTK2}.g_object_get_string (default_gtk_settings, gtk_font_name_setting.item, $font_name_ptr) if font_name_ptr /= default_pointer then if previous_font_settings /= default_pointer then Result := c_strcmp (previous_font_settings, font_name_ptr) /= 0 if Result then -- Font settings have changed {GTK}.g_free (previous_font_settings) previous_font_settings := font_name_ptr else -- Font settings have not changed so we free font_name_ptr. {GTK}.g_free (font_name_ptr) end else Result := True previous_font_settings := font_name_ptr end else Result := True end end previous_font_settings: POINTER -- Pointer to the previous gtk-settings font value. c_strcmp (ptr1, ptr2: POINTER): INTEGER external "C inline use " alias "return strcmp ((const char*) $ptr1, (const char*) $ptr2);" end default_gtk_settings: POINTER -- Default GtkSettings once Result := {GTK}.gtk_settings_get_default end default_font_description: STRING_32 -- Description string of the current font used local font_name_ptr: POINTER a_cs: EV_GTK_C_STRING l_result: detachable STRING_32 do {GTK2}.g_object_get_string (default_gtk_settings, gtk_font_name_setting.item, $font_name_ptr) if font_name_ptr /= default_pointer then create a_cs.make_from_pointer (font_name_ptr) l_result := a_cs.string end -- Sometimes when gtk isn't setup correctly the 'gtk-font-name' setting cannot be found, so the default is used instead. if l_result = Void or else l_result.is_empty then Result := once {STRING_32} "Sans 10" else Result := l_result end end gtk_font_name_setting: EV_GTK_C_STRING -- String optimization for gtk-font-name property string once Result := "gtk-font-name" end font_names_on_system: ARRAYED_LIST [STRING_32] -- Retrieve a list of all the font names available on the system local a_name_array: POINTER i, n_array_elements: INTEGER utf8_string: EV_GTK_C_STRING once retrieve_available_fonts (default_gtk_window, $a_name_array, $n_array_elements) create Result.make (n_array_elements) from i := 1 -- Create an initialize our reusable pointer. create utf8_string.set_with_eiffel_string ("") until i > n_array_elements loop utf8_string.share_from_pointer (gchar_array_i_th (a_name_array, i)) Result.extend (utf8_string.string) i := i + 1 end Result.compare_objects a_name_array.memory_free end font_names_on_system_as_lower: ARRAYED_LIST [STRING_32] -- Retrieve a list of all the font names available on the system in lower case -- This is needed for easy case insensitive lookup in EV_FONT_IMP. local i, l_font_count: INTEGER l_font_names: like font_names_on_system once from i := 1 l_font_names := font_names_on_system l_font_count := l_font_names.count create Result.make (l_font_count) until i > l_font_count loop Result.extend ((l_font_names [i]).as_lower) i := i + 1 end Result.compare_objects end default_gtk_window: POINTER deferred end window_manager_name: STRING -- Name of Window Manager currently running. local l_display, l_screen, l_wm_name: POINTER do l_display := {GTK2}.gdk_display_get_default l_screen := {GTK2}.gdk_display_get_default_screen (l_display) l_wm_name := gdk_x11_screen_get_window_manager_name (l_screen) create Result.make_from_c (l_wm_name) end feature {NONE} -- Externals frozen gdk_x11_screen_get_window_manager_name (a_screen: POINTER): POINTER external "C inline use %"ev_c_util.h%"" alias "[ #ifdef GDK_WINDOWING_X11 return (EIF_POINTER) gdk_x11_screen_get_window_manager_name ((GdkScreen*) $a_screen); #else return "unknown"; #endif ]" end initialize_window_style -- Set the window style to remove any resize grip. external "C inline use " alias "[ { gtk_rc_parse_string ("style \"default-style\" {\n GtkWindow::resize-grip-height = 0\n GtkWindow::resize-grip-width = 0\n}\n class \"GtkWidget\" style \"default-style\" "); } ]" end initialize_combo_box_style -- Set the combo box style so that they appear as lists and not menus. external "C inline use " alias "[ { gtk_rc_parse_string ("style \"v2-combo-style\" {\n GtkComboBox::appears-as-list = 1\n }\n widget \"*.v2combobox\" style : highest \"v2-combo-style\" " ); } ]" end initialize_tool_bar_style -- Remove the default shadow from the toolbar. external "C inline use " alias "[ { gtk_rc_parse_string ("style \"v2-toolbar-style\" {\n GtkToolbar::shadow-type = none\n }\n widget \"*.v2toolbar\" style : highest \"v2-toolbar-style\" " ); } ]" end retrieve_available_fonts (a_widget: POINTER; name_array: TYPED_POINTER [POINTER]; number_elements: TYPED_POINTER [INTEGER]) -- Retrieve all available fonts present on the system external "C inline use " alias "[ { PangoFontFamily **families; gchar **l_name_array = NULL; gint i; pango_context_list_families (gtk_widget_get_pango_context ((GtkWidget*) $a_widget), &families, $number_elements); l_name_array = malloc (*$number_elements * sizeof (gchar*)); for (i=0; i < *$number_elements; i++) { l_name_array [i] = (gchar *) pango_font_family_get_name (families[i]); } g_free (families); *(EIF_POINTER *) $name_array = (EIF_POINTER *) l_name_array; } ]" end gchar_array_i_th (a_gchar_array: POINTER; an_index: INTEGER): POINTER -- Returns `an_index' i_th value from gchar** `a_gchar_array' require an_index_valid: an_index > 0 array_valid: a_gchar_array /= default_pointer external "C inline use " alias "(EIF_POINTER) *((gchar**) $a_gchar_array + (int) ($an_index - 1))" end note copyright: "Copyright (c) 1984-2016, Eiffel Software and others" license: "Eiffel Forum License v2 (see" source: "[ Eiffel Software 5949 Hollister Ave., Goleta, CA 93117 USA Telephone 805-685-1006, Fax 805-685-6869 Website Customer support ]" end -- class EV_GTK_DEPENDENT_APPLICATION_IMP