note description: "Eiffel Vision font. Implementation interface." legal: "See notice at end of class." status: "See notice at end of class." keywords: "character, face, height, family, weight, shape, bold, italic" date: "$Date$" revision: "$Revision$" deferred class EV_FONT_I inherit EV_ANY_I redefine interface end EV_FONT_CONSTANTS undefine default_create end feature -- Access family: INTEGER -- Preferred font category. deferred end char_set: INTEGER -- Charset deferred end weight: INTEGER -- Preferred font thickness. deferred end shape: INTEGER -- Preferred font slant. deferred end height: INTEGER -- Preferred font height measured in screen pixels. deferred end height_in_points: INTEGER -- Preferred font height in pixels. deferred end line_height: INTEGER -- Preferred text editor line height in pixels for `Current'. do Result := ascent + descent + 1 end preferred_families: EV_ACTIVE_LIST [STRING_32] -- Preferred user fonts. -- `family' will be ignored when not Void. feature -- Element change set_values (a_family, a_weight, a_shape, a_height: INTEGER; a_preferred_families: like preferred_families) -- Set `a_family', `a_weight', `a_shape' `a_height' and -- `a_preferred_faces' at the same time for speed. require a_family_valid: valid_family (a_family) a_weight_valid: valid_weight (a_weight) a_shape_valid: valid_shape (a_shape) a_height_bigger_than_zero: a_height > 0 a_preferred_families_not_void: a_preferred_families /= Void do if preferred_families /= a_preferred_families then copy_preferred_families (a_preferred_families) update_font_face end if family /= a_family then set_family (a_family) end if weight /= a_weight then set_weight (a_weight) end if shape /= a_shape then set_shape (a_shape) end if height /= a_height then set_height (a_height) end end set_family (a_family: INTEGER) -- Set `a_family' as preferred font category. require a_family_valid: valid_family (a_family) deferred ensure family_assigned: family = a_family end set_weight (a_weight: INTEGER) -- Set `a_weight' as preferred font thickness. require a_weight_valid: valid_weight (a_weight) deferred ensure weight_assigned: weight = a_weight end set_shape (a_shape: INTEGER) -- Set `a_shape' as preferred font slant. require a_shape_valid: valid_shape (a_shape) deferred ensure shape_assigned: shape = a_shape end set_height (a_height: INTEGER) -- Set `a_height' as preferred font size. require a_height_bigger_than_zero: a_height > 0 deferred ensure height_assigned: height = a_height end set_height_in_points (a_height: INTEGER) -- Set `a_height_in_points' to `a_height'. require a_height_bigger_than_zero: a_height > 0 deferred ensure height_assigned: height_in_points = a_height end feature -- Status report name: STRING_32 -- Face name chosen by toolkit. deferred end ascent: INTEGER -- Vertical distance from the origin of the drawing -- operation to the top of the drawn character. deferred end descent: INTEGER -- Vertical distance from the origin of the drawing -- operation to the bottom of the drawn character. deferred end width: INTEGER -- Character width of current fixed-width font. deferred end minimum_width: INTEGER -- Width of the smallest character in the font. deferred end maximum_width: INTEGER -- Width of the biggest character in the font. deferred end string_width (a_string: READABLE_STRING_GENERAL): INTEGER -- Width in pixels of `a_string' in the current font. require a_string_not_void: a_string /= Void deferred ensure positive: Result >= 0 end horizontal_resolution: INTEGER -- Horizontal resolution of screen for which the font is designed. deferred end vertical_resolution: INTEGER -- Vertical resolution of screen for which the font is designed. deferred end is_proportional: BOOLEAN -- Can characters in the font have different sizes? deferred end string_size (a_string: READABLE_STRING_GENERAL): TUPLE [width: INTEGER; height: INTEGER; left_offset: INTEGER; right_offset: INTEGER] -- [width, height, left_offset, right_offset] in pixels of `a_string' in the current font, -- taking into account line breaks ('%N'). -- `width' and `height' correspond to the rectange used to bound `a_string', and -- should be used when placing strings next to each as part of a text. -- On some fonts, characters may extend outside of the bounds given by `width' and `height', -- for example certain italic letters may overhang other letters. Use `left_offset' and -- `right_offset' to determine if there is any overhang for `a_string'. a negative `left_offset' -- indicates overhang to the left, while a positive `right_offset' indicates an overhang to the right. -- To determine the complete bounding rectangle for `a_string' add negative `left_offset' -- and positive `right_offset' to `width'. require a_string_not_void: a_string /= Void local cur_width, cur_height: INTEGER index, n: INTEGER s: READABLE_STRING_GENERAL l_height: INTEGER do -- Assign to local, avoiding multiple computations. l_height := height from n := 1 until n > a_string.count loop index := a_string.index_of_code (('%N').natural_32_code, n) if index > 0 then s := a_string.substring (n, index - 1) n := index + 1 else s := a_string.substring (n, a_string.count) n := a_string.count + 1 end cur_width := cur_width.max (string_width (s)) cur_height := cur_height + l_height end Result := [cur_width, cur_height, 0, 0] end feature {EV_FONT, EV_ANY_I} -- Implementation copy_font (other: attached like interface) -- Update `Current' with all attributes of `other'. require other_not_void: other /= Void type_identity: same_type (other) do set_values (, other.weight, other.shape, other.height, other.preferred_families ) end feature {EV_ANY, EV_ANY_I} -- Implementation interface: detachable EV_FONT note option: stable attribute end feature {EV_ANY_I} -- Implementation update_font_face -- Update the font face according to `preferred_faces' and `family'. deferred ensure name_not_void: name /= Void end update_preferred_faces (a_face: STRING_32) -- `preferred_faces' has changed, so update `Current' to reflect this, -- possibly selecting a new face name. deferred end feature {NONE} -- Implementation copy_preferred_families (a_preferred_families: like preferred_families) -- Updated `a_preferred_families' with `preferred_families'. require a_preferred_families_not_preferred_families: a_preferred_families /= preferred_families local l_preferred_families: like preferred_families do l_preferred_families := preferred_families l_preferred_families.internal_add_actions.block l_preferred_families.internal_remove_actions.block l_preferred_families.wipe_out l_preferred_families.append (a_preferred_families) l_preferred_families.internal_add_actions.resume l_preferred_families.internal_remove_actions.resume end invariant family_valid: is_initialized implies valid_family (family) weight_valid: is_initialized implies valid_weight (weight) shape_valid: is_initialized implies valid_shape (shape) height_bigger_than_zero: is_initialized implies height > 0 ascent_not_negative: is_initialized implies ascent >= 0 descent_not_negative: is_initialized implies descent >= 0 width_of_empty_string_equals_zero: is_initialized implies string_width("") = 0 --| FIXME IEK Does not hold true in gtk for all fonts. --horizontal_resolution_bigger_than_zero: horizontal_resolution > 0 --vertical_resolution_bigger_than_zero: vertical_resolution > 0 note copyright: "Copyright (c) 1984-2017, Eiffel Software and others" license: "Eiffel Forum License v2 (see" source: "[ Eiffel Software 5949 Hollister Ave., Goleta, CA 93117 USA Telephone 805-685-1006, Fax 805-685-6869 Website Customer support ]" end -- class EV_FONT_I