note description: "EiffelVision postscript drawing area implementation." legal: "See notice at end of class." status: "See notice at end of class." date: "$Date$" revision: "$Revision$" class EV_POSTSCRIPT_DRAWABLE_IMP inherit EV_DRAWABLE_I EV_POSTSCRIPT_PAGE_CONSTANTS REFACTORING_HELPER export {NONE} all end create make feature -- Initialize old_make (an_interface: EV_POSTSCRIPT_DRAWABLE) -- Create a EV_POSTSCRIPT_DRAWBALE_IMP with front end `an_interface'. do assign_interface (an_interface) end feature {EV_ANY} -- Initialization make -- Initialize `Current'. do set_default_font set_default_colors set_default_page_size line_width := 1 drawing_mode := drawing_mode_copy clip_area := Void tile := Void dashed_line_style := False set_is_initialized (True) create postscript_result.make (0) end feature -- Access width: INTEGER -- Horizontal size in pixels. height: INTEGER -- Vertical size in pixels. line_width: INTEGER -- Line thickness. drawing_mode: INTEGER -- Logical operation on pixels when drawing. clip_area: detachable EV_RECTANGLE -- Clip area used to clip drawing. -- If set to Void, no clipping is applied. tile: detachable EV_PIXMAP -- Pixmap that is used to instead of background_color. -- If set to Void, `background_color' is used to fill. dashed_line_style: BOOLEAN -- Are lines drawn dashed? foreground_color_internal: detachable EV_COLOR -- Color of foreground features like text. background_color_internal: detachable EV_COLOR -- Color displayed behind foregournd features. font: EV_FONT -- Typeface appearance for `Current'. left_margin: INTEGER -- size of left margin. bottom_margin: INTEGER -- size of bottom margin. landscape: BOOLEAN -- Is page shown in landscape mode? (other is portrait) feature -- Element change set_size (a_width, a_height: INTEGER) -- set `width' to `a_width' and `height' to `a_height'. require positive: a_width >= 0 and a_height >= 0 do width := a_width height := a_height ensure set: width = a_width and height = a_height end set_line_width (a_width: INTEGER) -- Assign `a_width' to `line_width'. do if a_width /= line_width then line_width := a_width add_ps (line_width.out + " setlinewidth") add_ps ("1 setlinecap") end end set_drawing_mode (a_mode: INTEGER) -- Set drawing mode to `a_logical_mode'. do drawing_mode := a_mode end set_clip_area (an_area: EV_RECTANGLE) -- Set area which will be refreshed. do clip_area := an_area end remove_clip_area -- Do not apply any clipping. do clip_area := Void end set_clip_region (a_region: EV_REGION) -- Assign a_region to the area which will be refreshed. do -- To be implemented end remove_clipping -- Do not apply any clipping. do -- To be implemented end set_tile (a_pixmap: EV_PIXMAP) -- Set tile used to fill figures. -- Set to Void to use `background_color' to fill. do tile := a_pixmap end remove_tile -- Do not apply a tile when filling. do tile := Void end enable_dashed_line_style -- Draw lines dashed. do if not dashed_line_style then dashed_line_style := True add_ps ("[3] 0 setdash") end end disable_dashed_line_style -- Draw lines solid. do if dashed_line_style then dashed_line_style := False add_ps ("[] 0 setdash") end end set_default_colors -- Set foreground and background color to their default values. do create foreground_color_internal.make_with_rgb (0, 0, 0) create background_color_internal.make_with_rgb (1, 1, 1) end set_default_font -- Set the `font' to the default font. do create font end set_foreground_color (a_color: like foreground_color) -- Assign `a_color' to `foreground_color'. do if /= or else /= or else /= then add_ps (a_color.out + " setrgbcolor") end foreground_color_internal := a_color end set_background_color (a_color: like background_color) -- Assign `a_color' to `foreground_color'. do background_color_internal := a_color end set_margins (a_left_margin, a_bottom_margin: INTEGER) -- Set `left' and `bottom' margins to `a_left_margin' -- and `a_bottom_margin'. require a_left_margin_not_negative: a_left_margin >= 0 a_bottom_margin_not_negative: a_bottom_margin >= 0 do left_margin := a_left_margin bottom_margin := a_bottom_margin ensure left_set: left_margin = a_left_margin bottom_set: bottom_margin = a_bottom_margin end set_page_size (a_size: INTEGER; a_landscape: BOOLEAN) -- Set horizontal and vertical dimensions of page. -- Values for `a_size' are defined in EV_POSTSCRIPT_PAGE_CONSTANTS. do real_page_width := page_width (a_size, a_landscape) - (left_margin*2) real_page_height := page_height (a_size, a_landscape) - (bottom_margin*2) landscape := a_landscape end set_default_page_size -- Set page size to default values. do set_page_size (Letter, False) width := real_page_width height := real_page_height end set_font (a_font: EV_FONT) -- Assign `a_font' to `font'. do font := a_font.twin end set_anti_aliasing (value: BOOLEAN) -- do -- No effect here. end feature -- Clearing and drawing operations redraw -- Force `Current' to redraw itself. do end clear -- Erase `Current' with `background_color'. do postscript_result.wipe_out clear_rectangle (0, 0, width, height) end clear_rectangle (x1, y1, a_width, a_height: INTEGER) -- Draw rectangle with upper-left corner on (`x', `y') -- with size `a_width' and `a_height' in `background_color'. do add_ps ("%%Drawing PS Figure fill Rectangle") add_ps ("gsave") translate_to (0, 0) add_ps ("newpath") append_color (background_color) add_ps (x1.out + " " + (- y1).out + " moveto") add_ps ((x1 + a_width).out + " " + (- y1).out + " lineto") add_ps ((x1 + a_width).out + " " + (- y1 - a_height).out + " lineto") add_ps (x1.out + " " + ( - y1 - a_height).out + " lineto") add_ps ("closepath") add_ps ("fill") add_ps ("stroke") add_ps ("grestore") end save_to_named_path (a_file_name: PATH) -- Save `Current' to the file with `a_file_name'. require a_file_name_not_void: a_file_name /= Void local file_with_header: STRING clip_rectangle, page_rectangle, page_clip_rectangle: EV_RECTANGLE file: PLAIN_TEXT_FILE nb_of_h_pages, nb_of_v_pages, h, v, cur_page: INTEGER do create file_with_header.make (0) -- header file_with_header.append ("%%!PS-Adobe-3.0%N") file_with_header.append ("%%%%Creator: N/A%N") file_with_header.append ("%%%%Title: N/A%N") file_with_header.append ("%%%%CreationDate: N/A%N") file_with_header.append ("%%%%DocumentData: N/A%N") file_with_header.append ("%%%%Origin: 0 0%N") file_with_header.append ("%%%%BoundingBox: 0 0 " + real_page_width.out + " " + real_page_height.out + "%N") file_with_header.append ("%%%%LanguageLevel: 2%N") if landscape then file_with_header.append ("%%%%PageOrientation: Landscape%N") else file_with_header.append ("%%%%PageOrientation: Portrait%N") end nb_of_v_pages := (height / real_page_height).ceiling nb_of_h_pages := (width / real_page_width).ceiling file_with_header.append ("%%%%Pages: " + (nb_of_v_pages * nb_of_h_pages).out + "%N") file_with_header.append_string (get_eiffel_header) -- draw page routine file_with_header.append ("/draw_page {%N") file_with_header.append (postscript_result) file_with_header.append ("} bind def%N") -- draw all pages if attached clip_area as l_clip_area then clip_rectangle := l_clip_area else create clip_rectangle.make (0, 0, width, height) end from v := 1 cur_page := 1 until v > nb_of_v_pages loop from h := 1 until h > nb_of_h_pages loop file_with_header.append ("%N%N%%%%Page: " + cur_page.out + " " + cur_page.out + "%N") file_with_header.append ("%%%%BeginPageSetup%N") file_with_header.append ("%%Setting Clip Path and Origin%N") file_with_header.append ("gsave%N") -- Translate to page file_with_header.append ((-real_page_width * (h - 1) + left_margin).out + " " + (real_page_height * v + bottom_margin).out + " translate%N") -- set page clip create page_rectangle.make (real_page_width * (h - 1), real_page_height * (v - 1), real_page_width, real_page_height) page_clip_rectangle := intersect (page_rectangle, clip_rectangle) file_with_header.append ("newpath%N") file_with_header.append ((page_clip_rectangle.left).out + " " + (- + " moveto%N") file_with_header.append ((page_clip_rectangle.width).out + " 0 rlineto%N") file_with_header.append ("0 " + (- page_clip_rectangle.height).out + " rlineto%N") file_with_header.append ((-page_clip_rectangle.width).out + " 0 rlineto%N") file_with_header.append ("closepath%N") file_with_header.append ("clip%Nclippath%N") -- draw everything file_with_header.append ("draw_page%N") file_with_header.append ("grestore%N") file_with_header.append ("%%%%EndPageSetup%N") file_with_header.append ("showpage%N") h := h + 1 cur_page := cur_page + 1 end v := v + 1 end file_with_header.append ("%%%%EOF%N") create file.make_with_path (a_file_name) file.open_write file.put_string (file_with_header) file.close end intersect (p, q: EV_RECTANGLE): EV_RECTANGLE -- Intersection of `q' and `p'. do if not p.intersects (q) then create Result else create Result.make (p.left.max (q.left), (, 0, 0) Result.include (p.right.min (q.right), p.bottom.min (q.bottom)) end ensure Result_exists: Result /= Void end feature -- Duplication sub_pixmap (area: EV_RECTANGLE): EV_PIXMAP -- Pixmap region of `Current' represented by rectangle `area'. do check do_not_call: False end create Result end feature -- Drawing operations draw_point (x, y: INTEGER) -- Draw point at (`x', 'y'). do translate_to (x, - y) add_ps ("newpath") draw_arc_ps (1, 0, 360) add_ps ("closepath") add_ps ("fill") add_ps ("stroke") translate_to (-x, y) end draw_text (x, y: INTEGER; a_text: READABLE_STRING_GENERAL) -- Draw `a_text' with left of baseline at (`x', `y') using `font. do draw_text_top_left (x, y - font.ascent, a_text) end draw_text_top_left (x, y: INTEGER; a_text: READABLE_STRING_GENERAL) -- Draw `a_text' with top left corner at (`x', `y') using `font'. local font_name, font_style, line: STRING_32 l_char_code: CHARACTER_32 nb, i, line_nr, font_height: INTEGER do add_ps ("gsave") translate_to (0, 0) font_name := -- White space is not allowed in a font name. font_name.prune_all (' ') font_name.put (font_name.item (1).as_upper, 1) create font_style.make (20) if font.weight = 8 then font_style.append_string_general ("Bold") end if font.shape = 11 then font_style.append_string_general (if font_name.same_string_general ("Times") then "Italic" else "Oblique" end) end if font_style.is_empty then font_style.append_string_general ("Roman") end add_ps ("/" + font_name + "-" + font_style + " findfont") add_ps (font.height.out + " scalefont") add_ps ("setfont") from i := 1 nb := a_text.count font_height := font.height line_nr := 0 create line.make (nb) until i > nb loop l_char_code := a_text.item (i) if l_char_code = '%N' or i = nb then if i = nb then line.append_character (l_char_code.to_character_32) end add_ps (x.out + " " + ( - y - font.ascent - line_nr * font_height).out + " moveto") line.prepend_character ('(') line.append_string_general (") show") add_ps (line) line_nr := line_nr + 1 line.wipe_out else line.append_character (l_char_code) end i := i + 1 end add_ps ("grestore") end draw_ellipsed_text (x, y: INTEGER; a_text: READABLE_STRING_GENERAL; clipping_width: INTEGER) -- Draw `a_text' with left of baseline at (`x', `y') using `font'. -- Text is clipped to `clipping_width' in pixels and ellipses are displayed -- to show truncated characters if any. do fixme ("draw_ellipsed_text: To be implemented") end draw_ellipsed_text_top_left (x, y: INTEGER; a_text: READABLE_STRING_GENERAL; clipping_width: INTEGER) -- Draw `a_text' with top left corner at (`x', `y') using `font'. -- Text is clipped to `clipping_width' in pixels and ellipses are displayed -- to show truncated characters if any. do fixme ("draw_ellipsed_text_top_left: To be implemented") end draw_rotated_text (x, y: INTEGER; angle: REAL; a_text: READABLE_STRING_GENERAL) -- Draw rotated text `a_text' with left of baseline at (`x', `y') using `font'. -- Rotation is number of radians counter-clockwise from horizontal plane. do fixme ("draw_rotated_text: To be implemented") end draw_segment (x1, y1, x2, y2: INTEGER) -- Draw line segment from (`x1', 'y1') to (`x2', 'y2'). do add_ps ("newpath") add_ps (x1.out + " " + ( - y1).out + " moveto") add_ps (x2.out + " " + ( - y2).out + " lineto") add_ps ("stroke") end draw_pixmap (x, y: INTEGER; a_pixmap: EV_PIXMAP) -- Draw `a_pixmap' with upper-left corner on (`x', 'y'). local pixmap_width, pixmap_height: INTEGER hex_string: STRING i: INTEGER do add_ps ("gsave") translate_to (x, - y - a_pixmap.height) pixmap_width := a_pixmap.width pixmap_height := a_pixmap.height add_ps (pixmap_width.out + " " + pixmap_height.out + " scale") hex_string := a_pixmap.implementation.raw_image_data.rgb_hex_representation add_ps (pixmap_width.out + " " + pixmap_height.out + " 8 [" + pixmap_width.out + " 0 0 " + (-pixmap_height).out + " 0 " + pixmap_height.out + "]") from i := 250 until i + 250 > hex_string.count loop hex_string.insert_string ("%N", i + 1) i := i + 250 end add_ps ("{<%N"+hex_string+"%N>}") add_ps ("false 3 colorimage") add_ps ("grestore") end draw_sub_pixmap (x, y: INTEGER; a_pixmap: EV_PIXMAP; area: EV_RECTANGLE) -- Draw `area' of `a_pixmap' with upper-left corner on (`x', `y'). local new_pixmap: EV_PIXMAP do create new_pixmap.make_with_size (area.width, area.height) new_pixmap.draw_sub_pixmap (0, 0, a_pixmap, area) draw_pixmap (x, y, new_pixmap) end draw_sub_pixel_buffer (a_x, a_y: INTEGER; a_pixel_buffer: EV_PIXEL_BUFFER; area: EV_RECTANGLE) -- Draw `area' of `a_pixel_buffer' with upper-left corner on (`a_x', `a_y'). do draw_sub_pixmap (a_x, a_y, a_pixel_buffer, area) end draw_arc (x, y, a_bounding_width, a_bounding_height: INTEGER; a_start_angle, an_aperture: REAL) -- Draw a part of an ellipse defined by a rectangular area with an -- upper left corner at `x',`y', width `a_bounding_width' and height -- `a_bounding_height'. -- Start at `a_start_angle' and stop at `a_start_angle' + `an_aperture'. -- Angles are measured in radians. do add_ps ("gsave") translate_to (x + a_bounding_width // 2, - (y + a_bounding_height // 2)) add_ps ("1 " + (a_bounding_height / a_bounding_width).out + " scale") draw_arc_ps (a_bounding_width // 2, ((a_start_angle * 180) / Pi).rounded, (((an_aperture + a_start_angle) * 180) / Pi).rounded) add_ps ("stroke") add_ps ("grestore") end draw_rectangle (x, y, a_width, a_height: INTEGER) -- Draw rectangle with upper-left corner on (`x', 'y') -- with size `a_width' and `a_height'. do add_ps ("newpath") add_ps (x.out + " " + ( - y).out + " moveto") add_ps ((x + a_width).out + " " + ( - y).out + " lineto") add_ps ((x + a_width).out + " " + ( - y - a_height).out + " lineto") add_ps (x.out + " " + ( - y - a_height).out + " lineto") add_ps ("closepath") add_ps ("stroke") end draw_ellipse (x, y, a_bounding_width, a_bounding_height: INTEGER) -- Draw an ellipse defined by a rectangular area with an -- upper left corner at `x',`y', width `a_bounding_width' and height -- `a_bounding_height'. do add_ps ("gsave") translate_to (x + a_bounding_width // 2, - (y + a_bounding_height //2)) add_ps ("newpath") add_ps ("1 " + (a_bounding_height / a_bounding_width).out + " scale") draw_arc_ps (a_bounding_width // 2, 0, 360) add_ps ("closepath") add_ps ("stroke") add_ps ("grestore") end draw_polyline (points: ARRAY [EV_COORDINATE]; is_closed: BOOLEAN) -- Draw line segments between subsequent points in -- `points'. If `is_closed' draw line segment between first -- and last point in `points'. local i, nb: INTEGER p: EV_COORDINATE do add_ps ("newpath") from i := points.lower nb := points.upper p := points.item (i) add_ps (p.x.out + " " + (- p.y).out + " moveto") i := i + 1 until i > nb loop p := points.item (i) add_ps (p.x.out + " " + (- p.y).out + " lineto") i := i + 1 end if is_closed then add_ps ("closepath") end add_ps ("stroke") end draw_pie_slice (x, y, a_bounding_width, a_bounding_height: INTEGER; a_start_angle, an_aperture: REAL) -- Draw part of an ellipse defined by a rectangular area with an -- upper left corner at `x',`y', width `a_bounding_width' and height -- `a_bounding_height'. -- Start at `a_start_angle' and stop at `a_start_angle' + `an_aperture'. -- The arc is then closed by two segments through (`x', 'y'). -- Angles are measured in radians. do add_ps ("gsave") translate_to (x + (a_bounding_width // 2), -(y + (a_bounding_height // 2))) draw_pie_slice_ps (a_bounding_height, a_bounding_width, line_width, ((a_start_angle * 180) / Pi).rounded, (((an_aperture + a_start_angle) * 180) / Pi).rounded, dashed_line_style, False) end feature -- Drawing operations (filled) fill_rectangle (x, y, a_width, a_height: INTEGER) -- Draw rectangle with upper-left corner on (`x', 'y') -- with size `a_width' and `a_height'. Fill with `background_color'. do add_ps ("gsave") translate_to (0, 0) add_ps ("newpath") add_ps (x.out + " " + ( - y).out + " moveto") add_ps ((x + a_width).out + " " + ( - y).out + " lineto") add_ps ((x + a_width).out + " " + (- y - a_height).out + " lineto") add_ps (x.out + " " + ( - y - a_height).out + " lineto") add_ps ("closepath") add_ps ("fill") add_ps ("stroke") add_ps ("grestore") end fill_ellipse (x, y, a_bounding_width, a_bounding_height: INTEGER) -- Fill an ellipse defined by a rectangular area with an -- upper left corner at `x',`y', width `a_bounding_width' and height -- `a_bounding_height'. do add_ps ("gsave") translate_to (x + a_bounding_width // 2, - (y + a_bounding_height //2)) add_ps ("newpath") add_ps ("1 " + (a_bounding_height / a_bounding_width).out + " scale") draw_arc_ps (a_bounding_width // 2, 0, 360) add_ps ("closepath") add_ps ("fill") add_ps ("stroke") add_ps ("grestore") end fill_polygon (points: ARRAY [EV_COORDINATE]) -- Draw line segments between subsequent points in `points'. -- Fill with `background_color'. local i, nb: INTEGER p: EV_COORDINATE do add_ps ("gsave") translate_to (0, 0) add_ps ("newpath") from i := points.lower p := points.item (i) add_ps (p.x.out + " " + ( - p.y).out + " moveto") i := i + 1 nb := points.upper until i > nb loop p := points.item (i) add_ps (p.x.out + " " + (- p.y).out + " lineto") i := i + 1 end add_ps ("closepath") add_ps ("eofill") add_ps ("grestore") end fill_pie_slice (x, y, a_bounding_width, a_bounding_height: INTEGER; a_start_angle, an_aperture: REAL) -- Fill part of an ellipse defined by a rectangular area with an -- upper left corner at `x',`y', width `a_bounding_width' and height -- `a_bounding_height'. -- Start at `a_start_angle' and stop at `a_start_angle' + `an_aperture'. -- The arc is then closed by two segments through (`x', 'y'). -- Angles are measured in radians. do add_ps ("gsave") translate_to (x + (a_bounding_width // 2), -(y + (a_bounding_height // 2))) draw_pie_slice_ps (a_bounding_height, a_bounding_width, line_width, ((a_start_angle * 180) / Pi).rounded, (((an_aperture + a_start_angle) * 180) / Pi).rounded, False, True) end feature {EV_ANY, EV_ANY_I} -- Command destroy -- Destroy underlying native toolkit objects. -- Render `Current' unusable. -- Any feature calls after a call to destroy are -- invalid. do set_is_destroyed (True) end feature {EV_POSTSCRIPT_DRAWABLE} -- Write line add_ps (a_code: READABLE_STRING_GENERAL) -- Add `a_code' to postscript data. require a_code_is_string_8: a_code.is_valid_as_string_8 do postscript_result.append (" ") postscript_result.append_string_general (a_code) postscript_result.append_character ('%N') end feature {NONE} -- Implementation draw_arc_ps (a_radius, start_angle, end_angle: INTEGER) do add_ps ("0 0 "+a_radius.out+" " + start_angle.out + " " + end_angle.out + " arc") end draw_pie_slice_ps (a_h, a_w, a_line_width, start_angle, end_angle: INTEGER; dashed, filled: BOOLEAN) do add_ps ("newpath") if a_w > a_h then add_ps ("1 " + (a_h / a_w).out + " scale") else add_ps ((a_w / a_h).out + " 1 scale") end add_ps ("0 0 moveto") draw_arc_ps (a_h // 2, start_angle, end_angle) add_ps ("closepath") if filled then add_ps ("fill") else add_ps ("stroke") end add_ps ("grestore") end append_color (a_color: EV_COLOR) -- require a_color_not_void: a_color /= Void do add_ps (a_color.out + " setrgbcolor") end get_eiffel_header: STRING -- Header dedicated to eiffel. do Result := "%N%%Generated by:%N% %%%EiffelVision2: library of reusable components for ISE Eiffel.%N% %%%Copyright (C) 1986-2003 Interactive Software Engineering Inc.%N% %%%All rights reserved. Duplication and distribution prohibited.%N% %%%May be used only with ISE Eiffel, under terms of user license.%N% %%%Contact ISE for any other use.%N%N% %%%Interactive Software Engineering Inc.%N% %%%ISE Building%N% %%%356 Storke Road, Goleta, CA 93117 USA%N% %%%Telephone 805-685-1006, Fax 805-685-6869%N% %%%Customer support: %%%For latest info see award-winning pages:" end postscript_result: STRING -- Everithing is drawn to this string. real_page_width: INTEGER -- page width without border. real_page_height: INTEGER -- page height without border. translate_to (a_x, a_y: INTEGER) do add_ps (a_x.out + " " + a_y.out + " " + "translate") end note copyright: "Copyright (c) 1984-2018, Eiffel Software and others" license: "Eiffel Forum License v2 (see" source: "[ Eiffel Software 5949 Hollister Ave., Goleta, CA 93117 USA Telephone 805-685-1006, Fax 805-685-6869 Website Customer support ]" end