note description: "[ Widget which is a combination of an EV_TREE and an EV_MULTI_COLUMN_LIST. Implementation Interface. ]" legal: "See notice at end of class." status: "See notice at end of class." date: "$Date$" revision: "$Revision$" deferred class EV_GRID_I inherit EV_CELL_I rename item as cell_item redefine interface, drop_actions, set_default_key_processing_handler, set_pebble, set_pebble_function, conforming_pick_actions, pick_actions, pick_ended_actions, set_accept_cursor, set_deny_cursor, set_pick_and_drop_mode, set_drag_and_drop_mode, set_target_menu_mode, set_configurable_target_menu_mode, set_configurable_target_menu_handler end EV_TOOLTIPABLE_I redefine interface end EV_GRID_ACTION_SEQUENCES_I REFACTORING_HELPER export {NONE} all end EV_SHARED_APPLICATION export {NONE} all end feature -- Access drop_actions: EV_PND_ACTION_SEQUENCE -- Actions to be performed when a pebble is dropped here. do if drop_actions_internal = Void then create drop_actions_internal end Result := drop_actions_internal end conforming_pick_actions: EV_NOTIFY_ACTION_SEQUENCE -- Actions to be performed when a pebble that fits here is picked. do Result := drawable.conforming_pick_actions end pick_actions: EV_PND_START_ACTION_SEQUENCE -- Actions to be performed when `pebble' is picked up. do Result := drawable.pick_actions end pick_ended_actions: EV_PND_FINISHED_ACTION_SEQUENCE -- Actions to be performed when a transport from `Current' ends. -- If transport completed successfully, then event data -- is target. If cancelled, then event data is Void. do Result := drawable.pick_ended_actions end row (a_row: INTEGER): EV_GRID_ROW -- Row at index `a_row'. require a_row_positive: a_row > 0 a_row_not_greater_than_row_count: a_row <= row_count do Result := row_internal (a_row).attached_interface ensure row_not_void: Result /= Void end column (a_column: INTEGER): EV_GRID_COLUMN -- Column at index `a_column'. require a_column_positive: a_column > 0 a_column_not_greater_than_column_count: a_column <= column_count do Result := column_internal (a_column).attached_interface ensure column_not_void: Result /= Void end displayed_column (i: INTEGER): EV_GRID_COLUMN -- `i'-th displayed column. May not correspond -- to `column' if one or more columns have been --- hidden via `hide'. require i_positive: i > 0 i_column_not_greater_than_displayed_column_count: i <= displayed_column_count local visible_counter, counter: INTEGER a_col_i: detachable EV_GRID_COLUMN_I l_columns: like columns do from l_columns := columns counter := 1 until visible_counter = i loop a_col_i := l_columns [counter] check a_col_i /= Void then end if a_col_i.is_show_requested then visible_counter := visible_counter + 1 end counter := counter + 1 end check a_col_i /= Void then end Result := a_col_i.attached_interface ensure column_not_void: Result /= Void end item (a_column: INTEGER; a_row: INTEGER): detachable EV_GRID_ITEM -- Cell at `a_column' and `a_row' position, Void if none. require a_column_positive: a_column > 0 a_column_not_greater_than_column_count: a_column <= column_count a_row_positive: a_row > 0 a_row_not_greater_than_row_count: a_row <= row_count local item_i: detachable EV_GRID_ITEM_I do item_i := item_internal (a_column, a_row) if item_i /= Void then Result := item_i.interface end end item_at_virtual_position (a_virtual_x, a_virtual_y: INTEGER): detachable EV_GRID_ITEM -- Cell at virtual position `a_virtual_x', `a_virtual_y' or -- `Void' if none. local item_i: detachable EV_GRID_ITEM_I do item_i := drawer.item_at_virtual_position (a_virtual_x, a_virtual_y) if item_i /= Void then Result := item_i.interface end end row_at_virtual_position (a_virtual_y: INTEGER; ignore_locked_rows: BOOLEAN): detachable EV_GRID_ROW -- Row at virtual y position `a_virtual_y'. local row_i: detachable EV_GRID_ROW_I do row_i := drawer.row_at_virtual_position (a_virtual_y, ignore_locked_rows) if row_i /= Void then Result := row_i.interface end end column_at_virtual_position (a_virtual_x: INTEGER): detachable EV_GRID_COLUMN -- Column at virtual x position `a_virtual_x'. local column_i: detachable EV_GRID_COLUMN_I do column_i := drawer.column_at_virtual_position (a_virtual_x) if column_i /= Void then Result := column_i.interface end end selected_columns: ARRAYED_LIST [EV_GRID_COLUMN] -- All columns selected in `Current'. local temp_columns: like columns i: INTEGER a_column: detachable EV_GRID_COLUMN_I do from create Result.make (10) temp_columns := columns i := 1 until i > temp_columns.count loop a_column := temp_columns @ i check a_column /= Void then end if a_column.is_selected then Result.extend (a_column.attached_interface) end i := i + 1 end ensure result_not_void: Result /= Void end selected_rows: ARRAYED_LIST [EV_GRID_ROW] -- All rows selected in `Current'. local i: INTEGER a_count: INTEGER a_row: detachable EV_GRID_ROW_I do if is_row_selection_enabled then Result := internal_selected_rows.linear_representation else create Result.make (10) from i := 1 a_count := row_count until i > a_count loop a_row := rows @ i if a_row /= Void and then a_row.is_selected then Result.extend (a_row.attached_interface) end i := i + 1 end end ensure result_not_void: Result /= Void end selected_items: ARRAYED_LIST [EV_GRID_ITEM] -- All items selected in `Current'. local i: INTEGER sel_rows: like selected_rows a_count: INTEGER do if is_row_selection_enabled then create Result.make (10) from sel_rows := selected_rows a_count := sel_rows.count i := 1 until i > a_count loop Result.append (sel_rows.i_th (i).selected_items) i := i + 1 end else Result := internal_selected_items.linear_representation end ensure result_not_void: Result /= Void end remove_selection -- Ensure that `selected_rows' and `selected_items' are empty. local sel_rows: like selected_rows sel_items: like selected_items sel_columns: like selected_columns do sel_rows := internal_selected_rows.linear_representation from sel_rows.start until sel_rows.after loop sel_rows.item.disable_select sel_rows.forth end sel_items := selected_items from sel_items.start until sel_items.after loop sel_items.item.disable_select sel_items.forth end -- Columns need to be cleared in case selection has occurred and all of the items in the column are Void. sel_columns := selected_columns from sel_columns.start until sel_columns.after loop -- Remove selection flag sel_columns.item.implementation.set_internal_is_selected (False) sel_columns.forth end shift_key_start_item := Void ensure selected_items_empty: selected_items.is_empty selected_rows_empty: selected_rows.is_empty selected_columns_empty: selected_columns.is_empty end is_header_displayed: BOOLEAN -- Is the header displayed in `Current'. is_resizing_divider_enabled: BOOLEAN -- Is a vertical divider displayed during column resizing? is_resizing_divider_solid: BOOLEAN -- Is resizing divider displayed during column resizing drawn as a solid line? -- If `False', a dashed line style is used. is_horizontal_scrolling_per_item: BOOLEAN -- Is horizontal scrolling performed on a per-item basis? -- If `True', each change of the horizontal scroll bar increments the horizontal -- offset by the current column width. -- If `False', the scrolling is smooth on a per-pixel basis. is_vertical_scrolling_per_item: BOOLEAN -- Is vertical scrolling performed on a per-item basis? -- If `True', each change of the vertical scroll bar increments the vertical -- offset by the current row height. -- If `False', the scrolling is smooth on a per-pixel basis. is_vertical_overscroll_enabled: BOOLEAN -- Does the virtual height of `Current' include the -- position of the final row plus the `viewable_height'. -- If `True', this enables vertical scrolling until the last row -- is at the very top of the viewable area. If `False', scrolling -- may be performed until the last row is at the bottom of the viewable -- area. is_horizontal_overscroll_enabled: BOOLEAN -- Does the virtual width of `Current' include the -- position of the final column plus the `viewable_width'. -- If `True', this enables horizontal scrolling until the last column -- is at the very left of the viewable area. If `False', scrolling -- may be performed until the last column is at the left of the viewable -- area. is_content_partially_dynamic: BOOLEAN -- Is the content of `Current' partially dynamic? If `True' then -- whenever an item must be re-drawn and it is not already set within `Current', -- then it is queried via `content_requested_actions'. The returned item is added -- to `Current' so the query only occurs once. is_row_height_fixed: BOOLEAN -- Must all rows in `Current' have the same height? is_column_resize_immediate: BOOLEAN -- Is the user resizing of a reflected immediately in `Current'? -- If `False', the column width is only updated upon completion of the resize. row_height: INTEGER -- Height of all rows within `Current'. Only has an effect on `Current' -- while `is_row_height_fixed', otherwise the individual height of each -- row is used directly. dynamic_content_function: detachable FUNCTION [INTEGER, INTEGER, EV_GRID_ITEM] -- Function which computes the item that resides in a particular position of the -- grid while `is_content_partially_dynamic' or `is_content_completely_dynamic. subrow_indent: INTEGER -- Number of pixels horizontally by which each subrow is indented -- from its `parent_row'. are_tree_node_connectors_shown: BOOLEAN -- Are connectors between tree nodes shown in `Current'? virtual_x_position: INTEGER -- Horizontal offset of viewable area in relation to the left edge of -- the virtual area in pixels. do Result := internal_client_x ensure valid_result: Result >= 0 and Result <= maximum_virtual_x_position end virtual_y_position: INTEGER -- Vertical offset of viewable area in relation to the top edge of -- the virtual area in pixels. do Result := internal_client_y ensure valid_result: Result >= 0 and Result <= maximum_virtual_y_position end maximum_virtual_x_position: INTEGER -- Maximum permitted virtual x position based on current dimensions and properties. -- Properties that affect this value are `is_vertical_scrolling_per_item' and -- `is_vertical_overscroll_enabled'. do Result := (virtual_width - viewable_width).max (0) ensure result_non_negative: Result >= 0 end maximum_virtual_y_position: INTEGER -- Maximum permitted virtual y position based on current properties. -- Properties that affect this value are `is_horizontal_scrolling_per_item' and -- `is_horizontal_overscroll_enabled'. do Result := (virtual_height - viewable_height).max (0) ensure result_non_negative: Result >= 0 end pixels_displayed_after_final_column: INTEGER -- Width in pixels displayed after the final column of `Current'. -- If `is_horizontal_overdraw_enabled' this is `viewable_width' less the final column width. -- If not `is_horizontal_overdraw_enabled' and `is_horizontal_scrolling_per_item' this is -- the number of pixels required to ensure the first visible column is flush to the left of the -- viewable area of `Current'. local virtual_x_position_of_last_column: INTEGER l_column_i: detachable EV_GRID_COLUMN_I do if is_horizontal_overscroll_enabled then l_column_i := columns.i_th (column_count) check l_column_i /= Void then end -- We perform `max' as if the viewable width is less than the -- final column width then there are no extra pixels to be displayed. Result := (viewable_width - l_column_i.width).max (0) elseif is_horizontal_scrolling_per_item then l_column_i := columns.i_th (last_first_column_in_per_item_scrolling) check l_column_i /= Void then end virtual_x_position_of_last_column := l_column_i.virtual_x_position Result := (viewable_width - (virtual_width - virtual_x_position_of_last_column)).max (0) end end pixels_displayed_after_final_row: INTEGER -- Height in pixels displayed after the final row of `Current'. -- If `is_vertical_overdraw_enabled' this is `viewable_height' less the final row height. -- If not `is_vertical_overdraw_enabled' and `is_vertical_scrolling_per_item' this is -- the number of pixels required to ensure the first visible row is flush to the top of the -- viewable area of `Current'. local final_row_height: INTEGER virtual_y_position_of_last_row: INTEGER row_index: INTEGER l_calculation: INTEGER do if is_vertical_overscroll_enabled then if is_row_height_fixed then final_row_height := row_height elseif attached rows.i_th (row_count) as l_row_i then final_row_height := l_row_i.height end l_calculation := final_row_height elseif is_vertical_scrolling_per_item then row_index := last_first_row_in_per_item_scrolling if row_index <= row_count and row_index > 0 then virtual_y_position_of_last_row := row_internal (row_index).virtual_y_position_unlocked l_calculation := total_row_height - virtual_y_position_of_last_row end elseif not is_vertical_scrolling_per_item then l_calculation := viewable_height end -- We perform `max' as if the viewable height is less than the -- final row height then there are no extra pixels to be displayed. Result := (viewable_height - l_calculation).max (0) ensure result_non_negative: Result >= 0 result_no_more_than_viewable_height: Result <= viewable_height no_rows_contained_implies_result_is_viewable_height: row_count = 0 implies Result = viewable_height valid_result_with_rows_with_overdraw_with_fixed_row_height: row_count > 0 and is_row_height_fixed and is_vertical_overscroll_enabled implies Result = viewable_height - row_height -- valid_result_with_rows_with_overdraw_with_variable_row_height: row_count > 0 and not is_row_height_fixed and is_vertical_overscroll_enabled implies -- Result = viewable_height - row (row_count).height valid_result_with_rows_when_per_pixel_scrolling_with_no_overdraw: row_count > 0 and not is_vertical_scrolling_per_item and not is_vertical_overscroll_enabled implies Result = 0 valid_result_with_fixed_height_rows_when_per_item_scrolling_and_no_overdraw: row_count > 0 and is_row_height_fixed and is_vertical_scrolling_per_item and is_vertical_scrolling_per_item and row (row_count).virtual_y_position + row_height > viewable_height and not is_vertical_overscroll_enabled implies Result <= row_height end virtual_width: INTEGER -- Width of virtual area in pixels. do if columns.count > 0 then perform_horizontal_computation Result := column_offsets.last + pixels_displayed_after_final_column end Result := Result.max (viewable_width) ensure result_non_negative: Result >= 0 end virtual_height: INTEGER -- Height of virtual area in pixels. do if row_count > 0 then perform_vertical_computation Result := total_row_height + pixels_displayed_after_final_row end Result := Result.max (viewable_height) ensure result_non_negative: Result >= 0 end viewable_width: INTEGER -- Width of `Current' available to view displayed items. Does -- not include width of any displayed scroll bars. Is equivalent to `viewport.width' and -- by storing this, multiple queries are far quicker as the grid is only resized periodically -- and we no longer have to call EiffelVision for the value. viewable_height: INTEGER -- Height of `Current' available to view displayed items. Does -- not include width of any displayed scroll bars and/or header if shown. -- Is equivalent to `viewport.height' and by storing this, multiple queries are far quicker -- as the grid is only resized periodically and we no longer have to call EiffelVision for the value. viewable_x_offset: INTEGER -- Horizontal distance in pixels from the left edge of `Current' to -- the left edge of the viewable area (defined by `viewable_width', `viewable_height') -- in which all content is displayed. do -- Always 0 at the moment as nothing affects this value. Result := 0 ensure viewable_x_offset_valid: Result >=0 and Result <= width end viewable_y_offset: INTEGER -- Vertical distance in pixels from the top edge of `Current' to -- the top edge of the viewable area (defined by `viewable_width', `viewable_height') -- in which all content is displayed. do if is_header_displayed then Result := header.height end ensure viewable_y_offset_valid: Result >=0 and Result <= height end has_focus: BOOLEAN -- Does `Current' have focus? do Result := drawable.has_focus end tooltip: STRING_32 -- Tooltip displayed on `Current'. do if attached internal_tooltip as l_internal_tooltip then Result := l_internal_tooltip.twin else create Result.make_empty end end set_default_key_processing_handler (a_handler: like default_key_processing_handler) -- Assign `default_key_processing_handler' to `a_handler'. do default_key_processing_handler := a_handler end has_capture: BOOLEAN -- Does `Current' have capture? do Result := drawable.has_capture end unlock_column (a_column: EV_GRID_COLUMN_I) -- Ensure column `a_column' is unlocked. local l_locked_column: detachable EV_GRID_LOCKED_COLUMN_I l_locked_indexes: like locked_indexes l_cursor: CURSOR do l_locked_column ?= a_column.locked_column check l_locked_column /= Void then end static_fixed.prune (l_locked_column.widget) l_locked_indexes := locked_indexes l_cursor := l_locked_indexes.cursor l_locked_indexes.go_i_th (l_locked_column.locked_index) l_locked_indexes.remove if not then from until loop l_locked_indexes.item.set_locked_index (l_locked_indexes.item.locked_index - 1) l_locked_indexes.forth end end redraw_column (a_column) if l_locked_indexes.valid_cursor (l_cursor) then l_locked_indexes.go_to (l_cursor) end ensure column_not_locked: not a_column.is_locked end unlock_row (a_row: EV_GRID_ROW_I) -- Ensure row `a_row' is unlocked. local l_locked_row: detachable EV_GRID_LOCKED_ROW_I l_locked_indexes: like locked_indexes l_cursor: CURSOR do l_locked_row ?= a_row.locked_row check l_locked_row /= Void then end static_fixed.prune (l_locked_row.widget) l_locked_indexes := locked_indexes l_cursor := l_locked_indexes.cursor l_locked_indexes.go_i_th (l_locked_row.locked_index) l_locked_indexes.remove if not then from until loop l_locked_indexes.item.set_locked_index (l_locked_indexes.item.locked_index - 1) l_locked_indexes.forth end end redraw_row (a_row) if l_locked_indexes.valid_cursor (l_cursor) then l_locked_indexes.go_to (l_cursor) end ensure a_row_not_locked: not a_row.is_locked end locked_indexes: ARRAYED_LIST [EV_GRID_LOCKED_I] -- Sorted array of all columns and rows currently locked. feature -- Pick and Drop item_accepts_pebble (a_item: detachable EV_GRID_ITEM; a_pebble: ANY): BOOLEAN -- Do any actions accept `a_pebble' for `a_item'. require a_pebble_not_void: a_pebble /= Void local cur: CURSOR a_tuple: TUPLE [EV_GRID_ITEM, ANY] a_action: like item_drop_actions do if a_item /= Void and then item_drop_actions_internal /= Void then from a_action := item_drop_actions_internal cur := a_action.cursor a_tuple := [a_item, a_pebble] a_action.start until Result or else a_action.after loop Result := a_action.item.valid_operands (a_tuple) if Result and then attached item_veto_pebble_function as l_item_veto_pebble_function and then l_item_veto_pebble_function.valid_operands (a_tuple) then Result := l_item_veto_pebble_function.item (a_tuple) end a_action.forth end a_action.go_to (cur) end end item_veto_pebble_function: detachable FUNCTION [EV_GRID_ITEM, ANY, BOOLEAN] -- User item veto function. set_item_veto_pebble_function (a_function: like item_veto_pebble_function) -- Assign `a_function' to `item_veto_pebble_function'. do item_veto_pebble_function := a_function ensure item_veto_pebble_function_set: item_veto_pebble_function = a_function end set_item_accept_cursor_function (a_function: like item_accept_cursor_function) -- Assign `a_function' to `item_accept_cursor_function'. do item_accept_cursor_function := a_function ensure item_accept_cursor_function_set: item_accept_cursor_function = a_function end item_accept_cursor_function: detachable FUNCTION [EV_GRID_ITEM, EV_POINTER_STYLE] -- Function used to retrieve the PND accept cursor for a particular item. set_item_deny_cursor_function (a_function: like item_deny_cursor_function) -- Assign `a_function' to `item_deny_cursor_function'. do item_deny_cursor_function := a_function ensure item_deny_cursor_function_set: item_deny_cursor_function = a_function end item_deny_cursor_function: detachable FUNCTION [EV_GRID_ITEM, EV_POINTER_STYLE] -- Function used to retrieve the PND deny cursor for a particular item. drop_action_intermediary (a_pebble: ANY) -- A PND drop has occurred on a grid item. local a_item: detachable EV_GRID_ITEM l_drop_actions_internal: detachable EV_PND_ACTION_SEQUENCE l_ignore_drop_actions: BOOLEAN do a_item := item_target -- Call appropriate drop actions for grid and item. if item_accepts_pebble (a_item, a_pebble) and then a_item /= Void then ([a_item, a_pebble]) l_ignore_drop_actions := True end if a_item /= Void then l_drop_actions_internal := a_item.implementation.drop_actions_internal if l_drop_actions_internal /= Void and then l_drop_actions_internal.accepts_pebble (a_pebble) then l_ignore_drop_actions := True ([a_pebble]) end end if not l_ignore_drop_actions and then drop_actions_internal /= Void and then drop_actions_internal.accepts_pebble (a_pebble) then ([a_pebble]) end end item_target: detachable EV_GRID_ITEM -- Item currently at pointer position. local a_pointer_position: EV_COORDINATE a_x, a_y: INTEGER a_item: detachable EV_GRID_ITEM_I do a_pointer_position := application_implementation.pnd_screen.pointer_position a_x := a_pointer_position.x - drawable.screen_x a_y := a_pointer_position.y - drawable.screen_y if a_x > 0 and then a_y > 0 then a_item := drawer.item_at_position_strict (a_x, a_y) if a_item /= Void then Result := a_item.interface end end end veto_pebble_function_intermediary (a_pebble: ANY): BOOLEAN -- Intermediary function used for pebble vetoing. local a_item_target: like item_target do -- Check to see if any of the drop actions accept `a_pebble', first starting with the grid actions. Result := drop_actions_internal /= Void and then drop_actions_internal.accepts_pebble (a_pebble) if not Result then -- Check the actions on the individual item target if available. a_item_target := item_target if a_item_target /= Void then Result := (a_item_target.implementation.drop_actions_internal /= Void and then a_item_target.drop_actions.accepts_pebble (a_pebble)) or else item_accepts_pebble (a_item_target, a_pebble) end end end set_accept_cursor (a_cursor: like accept_cursor) -- Set `a_cursor' to be displayed when the screen pointer is over a -- target that accepts `pebble' during pick and drop. local l_locked_indexes: like locked_indexes do -- Call Precursor so that post-condiition passes even though the cursor itself is never used. Precursor {EV_CELL_I} (a_cursor) if a_cursor /= Void then -- Set actual cursor on the drawable as this is the widget used for PND. drawable.set_accept_cursor (a_cursor) -- Set cursor on the locked rows and columns. l_locked_indexes := locked_indexes from l_locked_indexes.start until loop l_locked_indexes.item.drawing_area.set_accept_cursor (a_cursor) l_locked_indexes.forth end end end set_deny_cursor (a_cursor: like deny_cursor) -- Set `a_cursor' to be displayed when the screen pointer is over a -- target that doesn't accept `pebble' during pick and drop. local l_locked_indexes: like locked_indexes do -- Call Precursor so that post-condiition passes even though the cursor itself is never used. Precursor {EV_CELL_I} (a_cursor) if a_cursor /= Void then -- Set actual cursor on the drawable as this is the widget used for PND. drawable.set_deny_cursor (a_cursor) -- Set cursor on the locked rows and columns. l_locked_indexes := locked_indexes from l_locked_indexes.start until loop l_locked_indexes.item.drawing_area.set_deny_cursor (a_cursor) l_locked_indexes.forth end end end set_item_pebble_function (a_function: FUNCTION [detachable EV_GRID_ITEM, detachable ANY]) -- Set `a_function' to compute `pebble'. -- It will be called once each time a pick on the item area of the grid occurs, the result -- will be assigned to `pebble' for the duration of transport. -- When a pick occurs on an item, the item itself is passed. -- If a pick occurs and no item is present, then Void is passed. -- To handle this data use `a_function' of type -- FUNCTION [ANY, TUPLE [EV_GRID_ITEM], ANY] and return the -- pebble as a function of EV_GRID_ITEM. local l_locked_indexes: like locked_indexes do if item_pebble_function = Void then -- Intermediary only needs to be set once drawable.set_pebble_function (agent user_pebble_function_intermediary) l_locked_indexes := locked_indexes from l_locked_indexes.start until loop l_locked_indexes.item.drawing_area.set_pebble_function (agent user_pebble_function_intermediary_locked (?, ?, l_locked_indexes.item)) l_locked_indexes.forth end end item_pebble_function := a_function end user_pebble_function_intermediary_locked (a_x, a_y: INTEGER; locked: EV_GRID_LOCKED_I): detachable ANY -- Intermediary function used for grid item pick and drop on the widgets comprising the locked columns and rows. do Result := user_pebble_function_intermediary (locked.x_to_drawable_x (a_x), locked.y_to_drawable_y (a_y)) end user_pebble_function_intermediary (a_x, a_y: INTEGER): detachable ANY -- Intermediary function used for grid item pick and drop. local item_imp: detachable EV_GRID_ITEM_I item_int: detachable EV_GRID_ITEM a_cursor: detachable EV_POINTER_STYLE l_locked_indexes: like locked_indexes do -- Find item if any at (a_x, a_y) then call user pebble function. if a_x >= 0 and then a_y >= 0 then item_imp := drawer.item_at_position_strict (a_x, a_y) if item_imp /= Void then item_int := item_imp.attached_interface end end -- Call user pebble agent passing in grid item if found if attached item_pebble_function as l_item_pebble_function and then item_int /= Void then Result := l_item_pebble_function.item ([item_int]) end if Result /= Void then if attached item_accept_cursor_function as l_item_accept_cursor_function and then item_int /= Void then a_cursor := l_item_accept_cursor_function (item_int) drawable.set_accept_cursor (a_cursor) l_locked_indexes := locked_indexes from l_locked_indexes.start until loop l_locked_indexes.item.drawing_area.set_accept_cursor (a_cursor) l_locked_indexes.forth end end if attached item_deny_cursor_function as l_item_deny_cursor_function and then item_int /= Void then a_cursor := l_item_deny_cursor_function (item_int) drawable.set_deny_cursor (a_cursor) l_locked_indexes := locked_indexes from l_locked_indexes.start until loop l_locked_indexes.item.drawing_area.set_deny_cursor (a_cursor) l_locked_indexes.forth end end end end are_column_separators_enabled: BOOLEAN -- Is a vertical separator displayed in color `separator_color' after each column? are_row_separators_enabled: BOOLEAN -- Is a horizontal separator displayed in color `separator_color' after each row? separator_color: EV_COLOR -- Color used to display column and row separators. feature -- Status setting item_pebble_function: detachable FUNCTION [detachable EV_GRID_ITEM, detachable ANY] -- User pebble function activate_window: detachable EV_POPUP_WINDOW -- Window used to edit grid item contents on `activate'. currently_active_item: detachable EV_GRID_ITEM -- Item that is currently active. activate_item (a_item: EV_GRID_ITEM) -- Setup `a_item' for user interactive editing. require a_item_not_void: a_item /= Void local x_coord, y_coord: INTEGER a_screen_x, a_screen_y: INTEGER boundary_x, item_width, item_height: INTEGER x_delta: INTEGER l_activate_window: like activate_window do -- Make sure that the grid first has focus before activating an item. if not has_focus then set_focus end if attached currently_active_item as l_currently_active_item and then l_currently_active_item.parent = interface then -- If an item is currently active and present in the grid then deactivate it. l_currently_active_item.deactivate end currently_active_item := a_item create l_activate_window activate_window := l_activate_window a_screen_x := screen_x a_screen_y := screen_y x_coord := a_screen_x - virtual_x_position + a_item.virtual_x_position if x_coord < a_screen_x then x_delta := a_screen_x - x_coord x_coord := a_screen_x end y_coord := a_screen_y - virtual_y_position + a_item.virtual_y_position + viewable_y_offset boundary_x := a_screen_x + width if internal_vertical_scroll_bar.is_displayed then boundary_x := boundary_x - internal_vertical_scroll_bar.width end if is_row_height_fixed then item_height := row_height else item_height := a_item.row.height end -- Set default size and position. l_activate_window.set_position (x_coord, y_coord) item_width := a_item.column.width - a_item.horizontal_indent - x_delta if x_coord + item_width > boundary_x then -- If column extends beyond the visible part of the grid, the size of the activate_window is clipped. item_width := boundary_x - x_coord end l_activate_window.set_size (item_width, item_height) -- Call the `activate_action' on the grid and item to initialize `activate_action' a_item.activate_action (l_activate_window) if item_activate_actions_internal /= Void and then not item_activate_actions_internal.is_empty then -- The user has requested to override the default `activate' behavior for `a_item'. ([a_item, l_activate_window]) end if a_item.implementation.activate_actions_internal /= Void then ([l_activate_window]) end if not l_activate_window.is_destroyed and then not l_activate_window.is_empty and then not l_activate_window.is_show_requested then -- If some processing has been performed on `activate_window' then show it. end end deactivate_item (a_item: EV_GRID_ITEM) -- Cleanup from previous call to `activate'. require a_item_not_void: a_item /= Void do -- Call deactivation events. if item_deactivate_actions_internal /= Void then ([a_item]) end if a_item.implementation.deactivate_actions_internal /= Void then (Void) end -- Destroy `activate_window' if attached activate_window as l_activate_window and then not l_activate_window.is_destroyed then l_activate_window.destroy end activate_window := Void currently_active_item := Void if a_item.parent = interface then -- Redraw item if still existent in Current a_item.redraw end end enable_selection_on_click -- Enable selection handling of items when clicked upon. do is_selection_on_click_enabled := True ensure selection_on_click_enabled: is_selection_on_click_enabled end enable_selection_on_single_button_click -- Enable selection handling of items when clicked upon via mouse button `1'. -- This is useful for implementing Contextual Menus where the selection may need -- to remain unchanged when using mouse button `3' for instance. do enable_selection_on_click is_selection_on_single_button_click_enabled := True ensure selection_on_single_click_enabled: is_selection_on_single_button_click_enabled and then is_selection_on_click_enabled end disable_selection_on_click -- Disable selection handling when items are clicked upon. do is_selection_on_single_button_click_enabled := False is_selection_on_click_enabled := False ensure selection_on_click_disabled: not is_selection_on_click_enabled end enable_selection_keyboard_handling -- Enable selection handling of items via the keyboard. do is_selection_keyboard_handling_enabled := True ensure selection_keyboard_handling_enabled: is_selection_keyboard_handling_enabled end disable_selection_keyboard_handling -- Disable selection handling of items via the keyboard. do is_selection_keyboard_handling_enabled := False ensure selection_keyboard_handling_disabled: not is_selection_keyboard_handling_enabled end enable_tree -- Enable tree functionality for `Current'. -- Must be `True' to perform any tree structure functions on `Current'. -- Use `enable_tree' and `disable_tree' to set this state. do if not is_tree_enabled then is_tree_enabled := True -- The row offsets must always be computed when -- in tree mode so when enabling it, recompute. set_vertical_computation_required (1) redraw_client_area end ensure tree_enabled: is_tree_enabled end disable_tree -- Disable tree functionality for `Current'. -- All subrows of rows contained are unparented, -- which flattens the tree structure. local current_row: detachable EV_GRID_ROW_I cursor: CURSOR do if is_tree_enabled then is_tree_enabled := False set_vertical_computation_required (1) redraw_client_area -- Now reset all rows. from rows.start cursor := rows.cursor until loop current_row := rows.item if current_row /= Void then current_row.reset_tree_structure end rows.forth end rows.go_to (cursor) end ensure tree_disabled: not is_tree_enabled end show_column (a_column: INTEGER) -- Ensure column `a_column' is visible in `Current'. require a_column_within_bounds: a_column > 0 and a_column <= column_count local a_col_i: detachable EV_GRID_COLUMN_I do a_col_i := columns [a_column] check a_col_i /= Void then end if not a_col_i.is_show_requested then if a_col_i.is_locked and then attached a_col_i.locked_column as l_locked_column then end a_col_i.set_is_show_requested (True) displayed_column_count := displayed_column_count + 1 -- Now show the header. header.go_i_th (previous_header_item_index_from_column_index (a_col_i.index)) header.put_right (a_col_i.header_item) set_horizontal_computation_required (a_column) redraw_client_area end ensure column_displayed: column_displayed (a_column) end hide_column (a_column: INTEGER) -- Ensure column `a_column' is not visible in `Current'. require a_column_within_bounds: a_column > 0 and a_column <= column_count local a_col_i: detachable EV_GRID_COLUMN_I do a_col_i := columns [a_column] check a_col_i /= Void then end if a_col_i.is_show_requested then if a_col_i.is_locked and then attached a_col_i.locked_column as l_locked_column then l_locked_column.widget.hide end a_col_i.set_is_show_requested (False) displayed_column_count := displayed_column_count - 1 -- Now hide the header header.prune (a_col_i.header_item) set_horizontal_computation_required (a_column) redraw_client_area end ensure column_not_displayed: not column_displayed (a_column) end select_column (a_column: INTEGER) -- Ensure all items in `a_column' are selected. require a_column_within_bounds: a_column > 0 and a_column <= column_count column_displayed: column_displayed (a_column) local l_column: detachable EV_GRID_COLUMN_I do l_column := columns [a_column] check l_column /= Void then end l_column.enable_select ensure column_selected: column (a_column).is_selected end select_row (a_row: INTEGER) -- Ensure all items in `a_row' are selected. require a_row_within_bounds: a_row > 0 and a_row <= row_count do row_internal (a_row).enable_select ensure row_selected: row (a_row).is_selected end enable_single_row_selection -- Allow the user to select a single row via clicking or navigating using the keyboard arrow keys. local a_row: detachable EV_GRID_ROW_I sel_rows: like selected_rows a_item: detachable EV_GRID_ITEM sel_items: like selected_items do if is_multiple_row_selection_enabled or is_single_row_selection_enabled then sel_rows := selected_rows if not sel_rows.is_empty then a_row := selected_rows.first.implementation end else sel_items := selected_items if not sel_items.is_empty then a_item := sel_items.first end end remove_selection is_single_item_selection_enabled := False is_multiple_item_selection_enabled := False is_multiple_row_selection_enabled := False is_single_row_selection_enabled := True if a_row /= Void then a_row.enable_select elseif a_item /= Void then a_item.enable_select end ensure single_row_selection_enabled: is_single_row_selection_enabled end enable_multiple_row_selection -- Allow the user to select more than one row via clicking or navigating using the keyboard arrow keys. -- Multiple rows may be selected via Ctrl and Shift keys. local sel_items: like selected_items do sel_items := selected_items remove_selection is_single_item_selection_enabled := False is_multiple_item_selection_enabled := False is_multiple_row_selection_enabled := True is_single_row_selection_enabled := False from sel_items.start until sel_items.after loop if not sel_items.item.row.is_selected then sel_items.item.row.enable_select end sel_items.forth end ensure multiple_row_selection_enabled: is_multiple_row_selection_enabled end enable_single_item_selection -- Allow the user to select a single item via clicking or navigating using the keyboard arrow keys. local sel_items: like selected_items do -- Store the existing selected items if any so that the selection state may be partially restored. sel_items := selected_items remove_selection is_single_item_selection_enabled := True is_multiple_item_selection_enabled := False is_multiple_row_selection_enabled := False is_single_row_selection_enabled := False if not sel_items.is_empty then sel_items.first.enable_select end ensure single_item_selection_enabled: is_single_item_selection_enabled end enable_multiple_item_selection -- Allow the user to select more than one item via clicking or navigating using the keyboard arrow keys. -- Multiple items may be selected via Ctrl and Shift keys. local sel_items: like selected_items do sel_items := selected_items remove_selection is_single_item_selection_enabled := False is_multiple_item_selection_enabled := True is_multiple_row_selection_enabled := False is_single_row_selection_enabled := False from sel_items.start until sel_items.after loop sel_items.item.enable_select sel_items.forth end ensure multiple_item_selection_enabled: is_multiple_item_selection_enabled end enable_always_selected -- Ensure that the user may not completely remove the selection from `Current'. do is_always_selected := True end disable_always_selected -- Allow the user to completely remove the selection from the grid by clicking on an item, -- clicking on a Void area or by Ctrl clicking the selected item itself. do is_always_selected := False end enable_item_tab_navigation -- Ensure that tab navigation occurs for each navigatable item. do is_item_tab_navigation_enabled := True end disable_item_tab_navigation -- Disable tabbed item navigation so that tabbing loses focus from the grid by default. do is_item_tab_navigation_enabled := False end is_always_selected: BOOLEAN -- Ensure that the user may not completely remove the selection from `Current'. is_item_tab_navigation_enabled: BOOLEAN -- Is item navigation enabled for tabbing between items? show_header -- Ensure header displayed. do is_header_displayed := True ensure header_displayed: is_header_displayed end hide_header -- Ensure header is hidden. do is_header_displayed := False header_viewport.hide ensure header_not_displayed: not is_header_displayed end set_first_visible_row (a_row: INTEGER) -- Set `a_row' as the first row visible in `Current' as long -- as there are enough rows after `a_row' to fill the remainder of `Current'. require valid_row_index: a_row >= 1 and a_row <= row_count do set_virtual_position (virtual_x_position, (row (a_row).virtual_y_position).min (maximum_virtual_y_position)) redraw_client_area ensure -- Enough following rows implies `first_visible_row' = a_row. -- Can be calculated from `height' of `Current' and row heights. end enable_resizing_divider -- Ensure a vertical divider is displayed during column resizing. do is_resizing_divider_enabled := True ensure resizing_divider_enabled: is_resizing_divider_enabled end disable_resizing_divider -- Ensure no vertical divider is displayed during column resizing. do is_resizing_divider_enabled := False ensure resizing_divider_disabled: not is_resizing_divider_enabled end enable_solid_resizing_divider -- Ensure resizing divider displayed during column resizing -- is displayed as a solid line. do is_resizing_divider_solid := True ensure solid_resizing_divider: is_resizing_divider_solid end disable_solid_resizing_divider -- Ensure resizing divider displayed during column resizing -- is displayed as a dashed line. do is_resizing_divider_solid := False ensure dashed_resizing_divider: not is_resizing_divider_solid end enable_horizontal_scrolling_per_item -- Ensure horizontal scrolling is performed on a per-item basis. do is_horizontal_scrolling_per_item := True has_horizontal_scrolling_per_item_just_changed := True recompute_horizontal_scroll_bar has_horizontal_scrolling_per_item_just_changed := False ensure horizontal_scrolling_performed_per_item: is_horizontal_scrolling_per_item end disable_horizontal_scrolling_per_item -- Ensure horizontal scrolling is performed on a per-pixel basis. do is_horizontal_scrolling_per_item := False has_horizontal_scrolling_per_item_just_changed := True recompute_horizontal_scroll_bar has_horizontal_scrolling_per_item_just_changed := False ensure horizontal_scrolling_performed_per_pixel: not is_horizontal_scrolling_per_item end has_horizontal_scrolling_per_item_just_changed: BOOLEAN -- Has the horizontal scrolling method just been changed between -- per item and per pixel? This is used to adjust the scroll bar's position -- to approximate it's original position during the recomputation of it's -- settings in `recompute_horizontal_scroll_bar'. has_vertical_scrolling_per_item_just_changed: BOOLEAN -- Has the vertical scrolling method just been changed between -- per item and per pixel? This is used to adjust the scroll bar's position -- to approximate it's original position during the recomputation of it's -- settings in `recompute_vertical_scroll_bar'. is_item_height_changing: BOOLEAN -- Is height of items in `Current' changing? enable_vertical_scrolling_per_item -- Ensure vertical scrolling is performed on a per-item basis. do is_vertical_scrolling_per_item := True has_vertical_scrolling_per_item_just_changed := True recompute_vertical_scroll_bar has_vertical_scrolling_per_item_just_changed := False ensure vertical_scrolling_performed_per_item: is_vertical_scrolling_per_item end disable_vertical_scrolling_per_item -- Ensure vertical scrolling is performed on a per-pixel basis. do is_vertical_scrolling_per_item := False has_vertical_scrolling_per_item_just_changed := True recompute_vertical_scroll_bar has_vertical_scrolling_per_item_just_changed := False ensure vertical_scrolling_performed_per_pixel: not is_vertical_scrolling_per_item end enable_vertical_overscroll -- Ensure `is_vertical_overscroll_enabled' is `True'. do is_vertical_overscroll_enabled := True recompute_vertical_scroll_bar redraw_client_area ensure is_vertical_overscroll_enabled: is_vertical_overscroll_enabled end disable_vertical_overscroll -- Ensure `is_vertical_overscroll_enabled' is `False'. require dynamic_content_not_enabled_with_variable_row_heights: not (is_content_partially_dynamic and not is_row_height_fixed) do is_vertical_overscroll_enabled := False recompute_vertical_scroll_bar restrict_virtual_y_position_to_maximum redraw_client_area ensure not_is_vertical_overscroll_enabled: not is_vertical_overscroll_enabled end enable_horizontal_overscroll -- Ensure `is_horizontal_overscroll_enabled' is `True'. do is_horizontal_overscroll_enabled := True recompute_horizontal_scroll_bar redraw_client_area ensure is_horizontal_overscroll_enabled: is_horizontal_overscroll_enabled end disable_horizontal_overscroll -- Ensure `is_horizontal_overscroll_enabled' is `False'. do is_horizontal_overscroll_enabled := False recompute_horizontal_scroll_bar restrict_virtual_x_position_to_maximum redraw_client_area ensure not_is_horizontal_overscroll_enabled: not is_horizontal_overscroll_enabled end set_row_height (a_row_height: INTEGER) -- Set height of all rows within `Current' to `a_row_height -- If not `is_row_height_fixed' then use the height individually per row instead. require a_row_height_positive: a_row_height >= 1 do if row_height /= a_row_height then row_height := a_row_height if is_row_height_fixed or is_tree_enabled then -- Note that if we are not using fixed row heights then -- there is no need to perform anything here. This is because the -- size is dependent on the rows and `row_height' is currently ignored. set_vertical_computation_required (1) restrict_virtual_y_position_to_maximum redraw_client_area end end ensure row_height_set: row_height = a_row_height end enable_partial_dynamic_content -- Ensure contents of `Current' must be retrieved when required via -- `content_requested_actions' only if the item is not already set -- in `Current'. require not_row_height_variable_and_vertical_overscroll_enabled: not (not is_row_height_fixed and is_vertical_overscroll_enabled) not_row_height_variable_and_vertical_scrolling_per_pixel: not (not is_row_height_fixed and not is_vertical_scrolling_per_item) do is_content_partially_dynamic := True ensure content_partially_dynamic: is_content_partially_dynamic end disable_dynamic_content -- Ensure contents of `Current' are not dynamic and are no longer retrieved as such. do is_content_partially_dynamic := False ensure content_not_dynamic: not is_content_partially_dynamic end enable_row_height_fixed -- Ensure all rows have the same height. do is_row_height_fixed := True set_vertical_computation_required (1) redraw_client_area end disable_row_height_fixed -- Permit rows to have varying heights. require not_dynamic_content_enabled_with_height_not_bounded: not (is_content_partially_dynamic and not is_vertical_overscroll_enabled) do is_row_height_fixed := False set_vertical_computation_required (1) redraw_client_area end set_column_count_to (a_column_count: INTEGER) -- Resize `Current' to have `a_column_count' columns. require a_column_count_not_negative: a_column_count >= 0 local add_columns: BOOLEAN temp_column_count: INTEGER do from temp_column_count := columns.count add_columns := a_column_count > temp_column_count until temp_column_count = a_column_count loop if add_columns then add_column_at (temp_column_count + 1, True) temp_column_count := temp_column_count + 1 else remove_column (temp_column_count) temp_column_count := temp_column_count - 1 end end ensure column_count_set: column_count = a_column_count end set_row_count_to (a_row_count: INTEGER) -- Resize `Current' to have `a_row_count' columns. require a_row_count_non_negative: a_row_count >= 0 do if a_row_count > row_count then set_vertical_computation_required (internal_row_data.count + 1) resize_row_lists (a_row_count) redraw_client_area elseif a_row_count < row_count then remove_rows (a_row_count + 1, row_count) end ensure row_count_set: row_count = a_row_count end set_dynamic_content_function (a_function: FUNCTION [INTEGER, INTEGER, EV_GRID_ITEM]) -- Function which computes the item that resides in a particular position of the -- grid while `is_content_partially_dynamic' or `is_content_completely_dynamic. require a_function_not_void: a_function /= Void do dynamic_content_function := a_function ensure dynamic_content_function_set: dynamic_content_function = a_function end set_subrow_indent (a_subrow_indent: INTEGER) -- Set `subrow_indent' to `a_subrow_indent'. require a_subrow_indent_non_negtive: a_subrow_indent >= 0 do subrow_indent := a_subrow_indent redraw_client_area ensure subrow_indent_set: subrow_indent = a_subrow_indent end set_node_pixmaps (an_expand_node_pixmap, a_collapse_node_pixmap: EV_PIXMAP) -- Assign `an_expand_node_pixmap' to `expand_node_pixmap' and `a_collapse_node_pixmap' -- to `collapse_node_pixmap'. These pixmaps are used in rows containing subrows for -- expanding/collapsing the row. require pixmaps_not_void: an_expand_node_pixmap /= Void and a_collapse_node_pixmap /= Void pixmaps_dimensions_identical: an_expand_node_pixmap.width = a_collapse_node_pixmap.width and an_expand_node_pixmap.height = a_collapse_node_pixmap.height do expand_node_pixmap := an_expand_node_pixmap collapse_node_pixmap := a_collapse_node_pixmap redraw_client_area node_pixmap_width := expand_node_pixmap.width total_tree_node_width := node_pixmap_width + 2 * tree_node_spacing first_tree_node_indent := total_tree_node_width + 2 * tree_node_spacing tree_subrow_indent := (tree_node_spacing * 2) + node_pixmap_width + subrow_indent ensure pixmaps_set: expand_node_pixmap = an_expand_node_pixmap and collapse_node_pixmap = a_collapse_node_pixmap end show_tree_node_connectors -- Ensure connectors are displayed between nodes of tree structure in `Current'. do are_tree_node_connectors_shown := True redraw_client_area ensure tree_node_connectors_shown: are_tree_node_connectors_shown end hide_tree_node_connectors -- Ensure no connectors are displayed between nodes of tree structure in `Current'. do are_tree_node_connectors_shown := False redraw_client_area ensure tree_node_connectors_hidden: not are_tree_node_connectors_shown end set_virtual_position (virtual_x, virtual_y: INTEGER) -- Move `Current' to virtual position `virtual_x', `virtual_y'. require virtual_x_valid: virtual_x >= 0 and virtual_x <= maximum_virtual_x_position virtual_y_valid: virtual_y >= 0 and virtual_y <= maximum_virtual_y_position local row_index: INTEGER visible_row_index: INTEGER items: ARRAYED_LIST [INTEGER] virtual_x_changed: BOOLEAN virtual_y_changed: BOOLEAN do virtual_x_changed := virtual_x /= internal_client_x virtual_y_changed := virtual_y /= internal_client_y if virtual_x_changed then recompute_horizontal_scroll_bar internal_set_virtual_x_position (virtual_x) end if virtual_y_changed then recompute_vertical_scroll_bar internal_set_virtual_y_position (virtual_y) end if virtual_y_changed then if is_vertical_scrolling_per_item then internal_vertical_scroll_bar.change_actions.block items := drawer.items_spanning_vertical_span (internal_client_y, viewable_height) if items.count > 0 then row_index := items.first if uses_row_offsets and then attached row_indexes_to_visible_indexes as l_row_indexes_to_visible_indexes then visible_row_index := l_row_indexes_to_visible_indexes @ row_index else visible_row_index := row_index - 1 end internal_vertical_scroll_bar.set_value (visible_row_index) else -- There are no rows in `Current', so we set the -- value of `vertical_scroll_bar' to 0. internal_vertical_scroll_bar.set_value (0) end internal_vertical_scroll_bar.change_actions.resume else internal_vertical_scroll_bar.change_actions.block internal_vertical_scroll_bar.set_value (virtual_y) internal_vertical_scroll_bar.change_actions.resume end end if virtual_x_changed then if is_horizontal_scrolling_per_item then -- TODO: Provide implementation. fixme (Once "Implement") else internal_horizontal_scroll_bar.change_actions.block internal_horizontal_scroll_bar.set_value (virtual_x) internal_horizontal_scroll_bar.change_actions.resume end end if (virtual_x_changed or virtual_y_changed) and then attached virtual_position_changed_actions_internal as v then (virtual_x_position, virtual_y_position) end ensure virtual_position_set: virtual_x_position = virtual_x and virtual_y_position = virtual_y end set_tree_node_connector_color (a_color: EV_COLOR) -- Set `a_color' as `tree_node_connector_color'. require a_color_not_void: a_color /= Void do tree_node_connector_color := a_color if is_tree_enabled then redraw_client_area end ensure tree_node_connector_color_set: tree_node_connector_color = a_color end enable_columns_drawn_above_rows -- Ensure `are_columns_drawn_above_rows' is `True'. do are_columns_drawn_above_rows := True redraw_client_area ensure columns_drawn_above_rows: are_columns_drawn_above_rows end disable_columns_drawn_above_rows -- Ensure `are_columns_drawn_above_rows' is `False'. do are_columns_drawn_above_rows := False redraw_client_area ensure columns_drawn_below_rows: not are_columns_drawn_above_rows end enable_column_resize_immediate -- Ensure `is_column_resize_immediate' is `True'. do is_column_resize_immediate := True ensure is_column_resize_immediate: is_column_resize_immediate end disable_column_resize_immediate -- Ensure `is_column_resize_immediate' is `False'. do is_column_resize_immediate := False ensure not_is_column_resize_immediate: not is_column_resize_immediate end enable_column_separators -- Ensure `are_column_separators_enabled' is `True'. do are_column_separators_enabled := True redraw_client_area ensure column_separators_enabled: are_column_separators_enabled end disable_column_separators -- Ensure `are_column_separators_enabled' is `False'. do are_column_separators_enabled := False redraw_client_area ensure column_separators_disabled: not are_column_separators_enabled end enable_row_separators -- Ensure `are_row_separators_enabled' is `True'. do are_row_separators_enabled := True redraw_client_area ensure row_separators_enabled: are_row_separators_enabled end disable_row_separators -- Ensure `are_row_separators_enabled' is `False'. do are_row_separators_enabled := False redraw_client_area ensure row_separators_disabled: not are_row_separators_enabled end set_separator_color (a_color: EV_COLOR) -- Set `a_color' as `separator_color'. require a_color_not_void: a_color /= Void do separator_color := a_color redraw_client_area ensure separator_color_set: separator_color = a_color end set_focus -- Grab keyboard focus. do drawable.set_focus end set_pebble (a_pebble: ANY) -- Assign `a_pebble' to `pebble'. do Precursor {EV_CELL_I} (a_pebble) drawable.set_pebble (a_pebble) end set_pebble_function (a_function: FUNCTION [detachable ANY]) -- Assign `a_function' to `pebble_function'. do Precursor {EV_CELL_I} (a_function) drawable.set_pebble_function (a_function) end set_focused_selection_color (a_color: EV_COLOR) -- Assign `a_color' to `focused_selection_color'. require a_color_not_void: a_color /= Void do focused_selection_color := a_color ensure focused_selection_color_set: focused_selection_color = a_color end set_non_focused_selection_color (a_color: EV_COLOR) -- Assign `a_color' to `non_focused_selection_color'. require a_color_not_void: a_color /= Void do non_focused_selection_color := a_color ensure non_focused_selection_color_set: non_focused_selection_color = a_color end set_focused_selection_text_color (a_color: EV_COLOR) -- Assign `a_color' to `focused_selection_text_color'. require a_color_not_void: a_color /= Void do focused_selection_text_color := a_color ensure focused_selection_text_color_set: focused_selection_text_color = a_color end set_non_focused_selection_text_color (a_color: EV_COLOR) -- Assign `a_color' to `non_focused_selection_text_color'. require a_color_not_void: a_color /= Void do non_focused_selection_text_color := a_color ensure non_focused_selection_text_color_set: non_focused_selection_text_color = a_color end redraw -- Force `Current' to be re-drawn when next idle. do redraw_client_area end enable_full_redraw_on_virtual_position_change -- Ensure `is_full_redraw_on_virtual_position_change_enabled' is `True'. do is_full_redraw_on_virtual_position_change_enabled := True ensure is_full_redraw_on_virtual_position_change_enabled: is_full_redraw_on_virtual_position_change_enabled end disable_full_redraw_on_virtual_position_change -- Ensure `is_full_redraw_on_virtual_position_change_enabled' is `False'. do is_full_redraw_on_virtual_position_change_enabled := False ensure not_is_full_redraw_on_virtual_position_change_enabled: not is_full_redraw_on_virtual_position_change_enabled end lock_update -- Ensure `is_locked' is `True', thereby preventing graphical -- updates until `unlock_update' is called. do is_locked := True ensure is_locked: is_locked end unlock_update -- Ensure `is_locked' is `False', thereby ensuring graphical -- updates occur as normal. The complete client area -- is refreshed to synchronize the display with the contents. do is_locked := False redraw_client_area ensure not_is_locked: not is_locked end set_default_colors -- Set foreground and background color to their default values. do set_background_color ((create {EV_STOCK_COLORS}).white.twin) set_foreground_color ((create {EV_STOCK_COLORS}).black.twin) end hide_vertical_scroll_bar -- Ensure no vertical scroll bar is displayed in `Current' -- at any time. do is_vertical_scroll_bar_show_requested := False if internal_vertical_scroll_bar.is_show_requested then internal_vertical_scroll_bar.hide end ensure not_is_vertical_scroll_bar_show_requested: not is_vertical_scroll_bar_show_requested end show_vertical_scroll_bar -- Ensure a vertical scroll bar is displayed in `Current' -- when required. Note that this does not force the vertical -- scroll bar to be visible, simply ensures that when `virtual_height' -- is greater than `viewable_height', the scroll bar is displayed. do is_vertical_scroll_bar_show_requested := True ensure is_vertical_scroll_bar_show_requested: is_vertical_scroll_bar_show_requested end is_vertical_scroll_bar_show_requested: BOOLEAN -- Will a vertical scroll bar be displayed in `Current' when -- `virtual_height' exceeds `viewable_height'? hide_horizontal_scroll_bar -- Ensure no horizontal scroll bar is displayed in `Current' -- at any time. do is_horizontal_scroll_bar_show_requested := False if internal_horizontal_scroll_bar.is_show_requested then internal_horizontal_scroll_bar.hide end ensure not_is_horizontal_scroll_bar_show_requested: not is_horizontal_scroll_bar_show_requested end show_horizontal_scroll_bar -- Ensure a horizontal scroll bar is displayed in `Current' -- when required. Note that this does not force the horizontal -- scroll bar to be visible, simply ensures that when `virtual_width' -- is greater than `viewable_width', the scroll bar is displayed. do is_horizontal_scroll_bar_show_requested := True ensure is_horizontal_scroll_bar_show_requested: is_horizontal_scroll_bar_show_requested end is_horizontal_scroll_bar_show_requested: BOOLEAN -- Will a horizontal scroll bar be displayed in `Current' when -- `virtual_width' exceeds `viewable_width'? set_pick_and_drop_mode -- Set transport mechanism to pick and drop, do Precursor {EV_CELL_I} drawable.set_pick_and_drop_mode end set_drag_and_drop_mode -- Set transport mechanism to drag and drop, do Precursor {EV_CELL_I} drawable.set_drag_and_drop_mode end set_target_menu_mode -- Set transport mechanism to a target_menu. do Precursor {EV_CELL_I} drawable.set_target_menu_mode end set_configurable_target_menu_mode -- Set transport mechanism to a configurable target_menu. do Precursor {EV_CELL_I} drawable.set_configurable_target_menu_mode end set_configurable_target_menu_handler (a_handler: like configurable_target_menu_handler) -- Set Configurable Target Menu Handler to `a_handler'. do Precursor {EV_CELL_I}(a_handler) drawable.set_configurable_target_menu_handler (a_handler) end feature -- Status report is_selection_on_click_enabled: BOOLEAN -- Will an item be selected if clicked upon by the user? is_selection_on_single_button_click_enabled: BOOLEAN -- Will an item be selected if clicked upon via mouse button `1' only. -- Mouse buttons `1' and `2' will leave selection unchanged. is_selection_keyboard_handling_enabled: BOOLEAN -- May an item be selected via the keyboard? is_tree_enabled: BOOLEAN -- Is tree functionality enabled? column_displayed (a_column: INTEGER): BOOLEAN -- May column `a_column' be displayed when `Current' is? -- Will return False if `hide' has been called on column `a_column'. -- A value of True does not signify that column `a_column' is visible on screen at that particular time. require a_column_within_bounds: a_column > 0 and a_column <= column_count local a_col_i: detachable EV_GRID_COLUMN_I do a_col_i := columns [a_column] check a_col_i /= Void then end Result := a_col_i.is_show_requested end is_row_selection_enabled: BOOLEAN -- Is `Current' in either single or multiple row selection mode? do Result := is_single_row_selection_enabled or else is_multiple_row_selection_enabled end is_multiple_selection_enabled: BOOLEAN -- Is `Current' in either multiple item or row selection mode? do Result := is_multiple_item_selection_enabled or else is_multiple_row_selection_enabled end is_single_row_selection_enabled: BOOLEAN -- Does clicking or keyboard navigating via arrow keys select a row, unselecting -- any previously selected row? is_multiple_row_selection_enabled: BOOLEAN -- Does clicking or keyboard navigating via arrow keys select a row, with multiple -- row selection permitted via the use of Ctrl and Shift keys? is_single_item_selection_enabled: BOOLEAN -- Does clicking or keyboard navigating via arrow keys select an item, unselecting -- any previously selected items? is_multiple_item_selection_enabled: BOOLEAN -- Does clicking or keyboard navigating via arrow keys select an item, with multiple -- item selection permitted via the use of Ctrl and Shift keys? first_visible_row: detachable EV_GRID_ROW -- First row visible in `Current' or Void if `visible_row_count' = 0 -- If `is_vertical_scrolling_per_item', the first visible row may be only partially visible. require is_displayed: is_displayed local l_visible_row_indexes: ARRAYED_LIST [INTEGER] do l_visible_row_indexes := visible_row_indexes if l_visible_row_indexes /= Void and then l_visible_row_indexes.count > 0 and then attached rows.i_th (l_visible_row_indexes.first) as l_row_i then Result := l_row_i.interface end ensure has_rows_implies_result_not_void: visible_row_count > 0 implies result /= Void no_rows_implies_result_void: visible_row_count = 0 implies result = Void end first_visible_column: detachable EV_GRID_COLUMN -- First column visible in `Current' or Void if `column_count' = 0 -- If `is_horizontal_scrolling_per_item', the first visible column may be only partially visible. require is_displayed: is_displayed local l_visible_column_indexes: ARRAYED_LIST [INTEGER] do l_visible_column_indexes := visible_column_indexes if l_visible_column_indexes /= Void and then l_visible_column_indexes.count > 0 and then attached (columns @ (visible_column_indexes.first)) as l_column_imp then Result := l_column_imp.interface end ensure has_columns_implies_result_not_void: column_count > 0 implies result /= Void no_columns_implies_result_void: column_count = 0 implies result = Void end last_visible_row: detachable EV_GRID_ROW -- Last row visible in `Current' or Void if `visible_row_count' = 0 -- The last visible row may be only partially visible. require is_displayed: is_displayed local l_visible_row_indexes: ARRAYED_LIST [INTEGER] do l_visible_row_indexes := visible_row_indexes if l_visible_row_indexes /= Void and then l_visible_row_indexes.count > 0 and then attached rows.i_th (l_visible_row_indexes.last) as l_row_i then Result := l_row_i.interface end ensure has_rows_implies_result_not_void: visible_row_count > 0 implies result /= Void no_rows_implies_result_void: visible_row_count = 0 implies result = Void end last_visible_column: detachable EV_GRID_COLUMN -- Last column visible in `Current' or Void if `column_count' = 0 -- The last visible column may be only partially visible. require is_displayed: is_displayed local l_visible_column_indexes: ARRAYED_LIST [INTEGER] do l_visible_column_indexes := visible_column_indexes if l_visible_column_indexes /= Void and then l_visible_column_indexes.count > 0 and then attached (columns @ (visible_column_indexes.last)) as l_column_i then Result := l_column_i.interface end ensure has_columns_implies_result_not_void: column_count > 0 implies result /= Void no_columns_implies_result_void: column_count = 0 implies result = Void end visible_row_indexes: ARRAYED_LIST [INTEGER] -- All rows that are currently visible in `Current'. require is_displayed: is_displayed do perform_vertical_computation Result := drawer.items_spanning_vertical_span (virtual_y_position, viewable_height) ensure result_not_void: Result /= Void end viewable_row_indexes: ARRAYED_LIST [INTEGER] -- Row indexes that are currently viewable in the grid in its present state. -- For example, if the first node is a non expanded tree that has 10 subrows, the contents -- would be 1, 11, 12, 13, 14, ... -- This list only returns valid values if variable row heights, tree functionality or -- hidden nodes are enabled in the grid, otherwise the returned list is empty. local l_visible_row_count: INTEGER do perform_vertical_computation l_visible_row_count := visible_row_count if uses_row_offsets and then l_visible_row_count > 0 and then attached visible_indexes_to_row_indexes as l_visible_indexes_to_row_indexes then create Result.make (l_visible_row_count) Result.area.copy_data (l_visible_indexes_to_row_indexes.area, 0, 0, l_visible_row_count) else create Result.make (0) end ensure result_not_void: Result /= Void end visible_column_indexes: ARRAYED_LIST [INTEGER] -- All columns that are currently visible in `Current'. require is_displayed: is_displayed do perform_horizontal_computation Result := drawer.items_spanning_horizontal_span (virtual_x_position, viewable_width) ensure result_not_void: Result /= Void end tree_node_connector_color: EV_COLOR -- Color of connectors drawn between tree nodes within `Current'. focused_selection_color: EV_COLOR -- Color used to show selection within items while focused. non_focused_selection_color: EV_COLOR -- Color used to show selection within items while not focused. focused_selection_text_color: EV_COLOR -- Color used to show selection within items while focused. non_focused_selection_text_color: EV_COLOR -- Color used for text of selected items while not focused. displayed_background_color (a_column, a_row: INTEGER): EV_COLOR -- `Result' is background color to be displayed for item at position `a_column', `a_row' -- on parts of the cell space in which the item is not displayed. i.e. for the background -- area of a tree structure. require valid_column: a_column >= 1 and a_column <= column_count valid_row: a_row >= 1 and a_row <= row_count local l_row_i: EV_GRID_ROW_I do if are_columns_drawn_above_rows then check attached columns [a_column] as l_column_i then Result := l_column_i.background_color end end if not attached Result then l_row_i := row_internal (a_row) Result := l_row_i.background_color if attached Result and then is_tree_enabled and then (l_row_i.parent_row_i /= Void or l_row_i.subrow_count > 0) and then -- We are a tree row so we discard the row color if less than the first item index. a_column < l_row_i.index_of_first_item then Result := Void end if not attached Result then if not are_columns_drawn_above_rows then check attached columns [a_column] as l_column_i then Result := l_column_i.background_color end end if not attached Result then Result := background_color end end end ensure result_not_void: Result /= Void end are_columns_drawn_above_rows: BOOLEAN -- For drawing purposes, are columns drawn above rows? -- If `True', for all cells within `Current' whose `column' and `row' have non-Void -- foreground or background colors, the column colors are given priority. -- If `False', the colors of the row are given priority. enable_capture -- Grab the user input. do drawable.enable_capture end disable_capture -- Release the user input. do drawable.disable_capture end drawables_have_focus: BOOLEAN -- Does `drawable' or any of the drawables representing locked rows currently -- have the focus? If `False' then selection should be grayed. depth_in_tree (a_row_index: INTEGER): INTEGER -- Depth in tree for `a_row_index' require valid_index: 0 < a_row_index and a_row_index <= row_count do if attached row (a_row_index) as r then Result := r.implementation.depth_in_tree end end find_next_item (a_row_index, a_column_index: INTEGER; look_left, a_is_tab_navigatable: BOOLEAN): detachable EV_GRID_ITEM -- Find the next item horizontally in `grid_row' starting at index `starting_index', -- if `look_left' then the the item to the left/up is found, else it looks right/down. -- If `a_is_tab_navigatable' then Result must have 'is_tab_navigatable' set. -- Result is Void if no item is found. require a_row_index_valid: a_row_index > 0 and then a_row_index <= row_count a_column_index_valid: a_column_index > 0 and then a_column_index <= column_count local l_current_row_index, l_current_column_index, l_row_offset, l_column_offset: INTEGER l_first_row_index, l_row_index_boundary, l_column_index_boundary: INTEGER l_dynamic_content_function: like dynamic_content_function do if look_left then l_row_offset := -1 l_first_row_index := column_count l_row_index_boundary := 0 l_column_offset := -1 l_column_index_boundary := 0 else l_row_offset := 1 l_first_row_index := 1 l_row_index_boundary := column_count + 1 l_column_offset := 1 l_column_index_boundary := row_count + 1 end if is_content_partially_dynamic then l_dynamic_content_function := dynamic_content_function end from l_current_column_index := a_row_index l_current_row_index := a_column_index + l_row_offset until Result /= Void or else l_current_column_index = l_column_index_boundary loop from until Result /= Void or else l_current_row_index = l_row_index_boundary loop Result := item (l_current_row_index, l_current_column_index) if Result = Void and then l_dynamic_content_function /= Void then Result := l_dynamic_content_function (l_current_row_index, l_current_column_index) internal_set_item (l_current_row_index, l_current_column_index, Result) end if a_is_tab_navigatable and then Result /= Void and then not Result.is_tab_navigatable then Result := Void end if Result /= Void and then not is_item_navigatable_to (Result) then Result := Void end l_current_row_index := l_current_row_index + l_row_offset end -- Increase column and row values to the next valid index. l_current_column_index := l_current_column_index + l_column_offset l_current_row_index := l_first_row_index end end has_selected_row: BOOLEAN -- Has selected row? local i: INTEGER l_count: INTEGER l_row: detachable EV_GRID_ROW_I do if is_row_selection_enabled then Result := not internal_selected_rows.is_empty else from i := 1 l_count := row_count until i > l_count or else Result loop l_row := rows @ i if l_row /= Void and then l_row.is_selected then Result := True end i := i + 1 end end end has_selected_column: BOOLEAN -- Has selected column? local temp_columns: like columns i: INTEGER a_column: detachable EV_GRID_COLUMN_I do from temp_columns := columns i := 1 until i > temp_columns.count loop a_column := temp_columns @ i check a_column /= Void end if a_column /= Void and then a_column.is_selected then Result := True -- Exit the loop. i := temp_columns.count end i := i + 1 end end has_selected_item: BOOLEAN -- Has selected items? do if is_row_selection_enabled then Result := has_selected_row else Result := not internal_selected_items.is_empty end end feature -- Element change enable_drawables_have_focus -- Ensure `drawables_have_focus' is set to `True'. do drawables_have_focus := True ensure drawables_have_focus: drawables_have_focus end disable_drawables_have_focus -- Ensure `drawables_have_focus' is set to `False'. do drawables_have_focus := False ensure drawables_have_focus: not drawables_have_focus end insert_new_rows (rows_to_insert, i: INTEGER) -- Insert `rows_to_insert' rows at index `i'. require i_within_range: i > 0 and i <= row_count + 1 rows_to_insert_positive: rows_to_insert >= 1 not_inserting_within_existing_subrow_structure: i <= row_count implies row (i).parent_row = Void do insert_rows_at (rows_to_insert, i) ensure row_count_set: row_count = old row_count + rows_to_insert end insert_new_rows_parented (rows_to_insert, i: INTEGER; a_parent_row: EV_GRID_ROW) -- Insert `rows_to_insert' new rows at index `i' and make those rows subnodes of `a_parent_row'. require i_positive: i > 0 tree_enabled: is_tree_enabled rows_to_insert_positive: row_count >= 1 i_less_than_row_count: i <= row_count + 1 a_parent_row_not_void: a_parent_row /= Void i_valid_for_parent: i > a_parent_row.index and i <= a_parent_row.index + a_parent_row.subrow_count_recursive + 1 not_inserting_within_existing_subrow_structure: i < a_parent_row.index + a_parent_row.subrow_count_recursive implies row (i).parent_row = a_parent_row local l_subrow_index: INTEGER do insert_rows_at (rows_to_insert, i) if i = a_parent_row.index + a_parent_row.subrow_count_recursive + 1 then l_subrow_index := a_parent_row.subrow_count + 1 else -- Set the subrow index based on that of the next subrow. l_subrow_index := row_internal (i + rows_to_insert).subrow_index end a_parent_row.implementation.add_subrows_internal (rows_to_insert, i, l_subrow_index, True) ensure row_count_set: row_count = old row_count + rows_to_insert subrow_count_set: a_parent_row.subrow_count = old a_parent_row.subrow_count + rows_to_insert end insert_new_column (a_index: INTEGER) -- Insert a new column at index `a_index'. require a_index_within_range: a_index > 0 and a_index <= column_count + 1 do add_column_at (a_index, False) ensure column_count_set: column_count = old column_count + 1 end move_rows_to_parent (i, j, n: INTEGER; a_parent_row: detachable EV_GRID_ROW) -- All purpose row moving routine. -- Move `n' rows starting at index `i' immediately before row at index `j'. -- If `j' = `row_count + 1' the rows are moved to the very bottom of the grid. -- If `is_tree_enabled', all rows moved that share the same tree structure depth -- as row `i' are reparented as a subrow of `a_parent_row'. -- If `a_parent_row' is Void then they are set as root nodes of the grid tree. -- All parent rows within the rows moved that have a tree structure depth -- greater than that of row `i' are left parented. require -- The preconditions here are a combination of those from `move_rows' and `move_rows_to_parent' so that both -- may be implemented directly using this feature. First the common ones: i_valid: i > 0 and then i <= row_count j_valid: j > 0 and then j <= row_count + 1 n_valid: n > 0 and then i + n <= row_count + 1 move_not_overlapping: n > 1 implies (j <= i or else j >= i + n) -- Then those from `move_rows' which require `a_parent_row' to be `Void' not_breaking_existing_subrow_structure: j = row_count + 1 or else (a_parent_row = Void and j <= row_count and i + n <= row_count and ((j = i or j = i + 1) implies row (i + n).parent_row = Void)) or else ((a_parent_row = Void and j <= row_count) implies row (j).parent_row = Void) -- Finally those from `move_rows_to_parent' which require `a_parent_row' to be non-Void. j_valid_for_move_to_a_parent_row: a_parent_row /= Void implies ((j = i + n and then (i > a_parent_row.index and i <= a_parent_row.index + a_parent_row.subrow_count_recursive + 1)) or (j > a_parent_row.index and j <= a_parent_row.index + a_parent_row.subrow_count_recursive + 1)) not_inserting_within_existing_subrow_structure: (a_parent_row /= Void and then j <= a_parent_row.index + a_parent_row.subrow_count_recursive) implies row (j).parent_row = a_parent_row local counter: INTEGER parent_of_first: detachable EV_GRID_ROW_I rows_moved: INTEGER expanded_rows_moved: INTEGER current_row: EV_GRID_ROW_I a_parent_row_i: detachable EV_GRID_ROW_I current_subrow_index: INTEGER do parent_of_first := row_internal (i).parent_row_i if a_parent_row /= Void then a_parent_row_i := a_parent_row.implementation if j <= a_parent_row_i.index + a_parent_row_i.subrow_count_recursive then -- Inserting within `a_parent_row'. current_subrow_index := row_internal (j).subrow_index else -- Appending to the end of `a_parent_row' if row_internal (i).parent_row_i = a_parent_row_i then -- We are moving an item to the end of its current parent node -- therefore its new index must be the subrow count of the parent. current_subrow_index := a_parent_row_i.subrow_count else -- We are moving an item to the end of a new parent current_subrow_index := a_parent_row_i.subrow_count + 1 end end end from counter := i until counter = i + n loop current_row := row_internal (counter) if current_row.parent_row_i = parent_of_first then if attached current_row.parent_row_i as l_parent_row_i then -- We only re-parent the top level rows that are being moved. All subrows of these -- rows remain parented, so the tree structure remains consistent. l_parent_row_i.update_for_subrow_removal (current_row) current_row.internal_set_parent_row (Void) end if a_parent_row_i /= Void then current_row.internal_set_parent_row (a_parent_row_i) a_parent_row_i.update_parent_node_counts_recursively (1) if a_parent_row_i.is_expanded then a_parent_row_i.update_parent_expanded_node_counts_recursively (1) end a_parent_row_i.subrows.go_i_th (current_subrow_index) a_parent_row_i.subrows.put_left (current_row) a_parent_row_i.update_subrow_indices (current_subrow_index) end rows_moved := rows_moved + current_row.subrow_count_recursive expanded_rows_moved := expanded_rows_moved + current_row.expanded_subrow_count_recursive else -- As the parent of this row has been moved, we must update the -- depth of this row so that it is set based on the new depth of the parent row. current_row.update_depths_in_tree end counter := counter + 1 end if parent_of_first /= Void then -- Now update attributes of `parent_of_first' to reflect the fact that the rows -- have been removed. if rows_moved /= 0 then parent_of_first.update_parent_node_counts_recursively (-rows_moved) end if expanded_rows_moved /= 0 then parent_of_first.update_parent_expanded_node_counts_recursively (-expanded_rows_moved) end end if a_parent_row_i /= Void then if rows_moved /= 0 then a_parent_row_i.update_parent_node_counts_recursively (rows_moved) end if expanded_rows_moved /= 0 then a_parent_row_i.update_parent_expanded_node_counts_recursively (expanded_rows_moved) end end rows.move_items (i, j, n) internal_row_data.move_items (i, j, n) -- Update the changed indexes. update_grid_row_indices (i.min (j)) set_vertical_computation_required (i.min (j)) redraw_client_area ensure rows_moved: (j <= i implies row (j) = old row (i) and then row (j + n - 1) = old row (i + n - 1)) and (j > i + n implies row (j - n) = old row (i) and then row (j - 1) = old row (i + n - 1)) row_count_unchanged: row_count = old row_count end move_columns (i, j, n: INTEGER) -- Move `n' columns at index `i' to index `j'. require i_valid: i > 0 and then i <= column_count j_valid: j > 0 and then j <= column_count + 1 n_valid: n > 0 and then i + n <= column_count + 1 move_not_overlapping: n > 1 implies (j <= i or else j >= i + n) local min_index: INTEGER a_duplicate: ARRAYED_LIST [EV_HEADER_ITEM] a_counter: INTEGER a_insertion_index: INTEGER do columns.move_items (i, j, n) -- Move items within header control. from create a_duplicate.make (n) a_counter := 1 header.go_i_th (i) until a_counter > n loop a_duplicate.put_front (header.item) header.remove a_counter := a_counter + 1 end from if j > (i + n - 1) then a_insertion_index := j - n - 1 else a_insertion_index := j - 1 end header.go_i_th (a_insertion_index) a_duplicate.start until a_duplicate.after loop header.put_right (a_duplicate.item) a_duplicate.forth end min_index := i.min (j) update_grid_column_indices (min_index) -- Flag `physical_column_indexes' for recalculation physical_column_indexes_dirty := True update_index_of_first_item_dirty_row_flags (min_index) set_horizontal_computation_required (min_index) redraw_client_area ensure columns_moved: (j < i implies column (j) = old column (i) and then column (j + n - 1) = old column (i + n - 1)) and (j > i + n implies column (j - n) = old column (i) and then column (j - 1) = old column (i + n - 1)) column_count_unchanged: column_count = old column_count end set_item (a_column, a_row: INTEGER; a_item: detachable EV_GRID_ITEM) -- Set grid item at position (`a_column', `a_row') to `a_item'. -- If `a_item' is `Void', the current item (if any) is removed. require a_column_positive: a_column > 0 a_row_positive: a_row > 0 a_item_not_parented: a_item /= Void implies a_item.parent = Void valid_tree_structure_on_item_insertion: a_item /= Void and is_tree_enabled and then a_row <= row_count and then attached row (a_row).parent_row as l_parent_row implies a_column >= l_parent_row.index_of_first_item item_may_be_added_if_row_is_a_subrow: a_item /= Void and then a_row <= row_count and then row (a_row).is_part_of_tree_structure implies row (a_row).is_index_valid_for_item_setting_if_tree_node (a_column) item_may_be_removed_if_row_is_a_subrow: a_item = Void and then a_row <= row_count and then row (a_row).is_part_of_tree_structure implies row (a_row).is_index_valid_for_item_removal_if_tree_node (a_column) do internal_set_item (a_column, a_row, a_item) ensure item_set: item (a_column, a_row) = a_item end set_tooltip (a_tooltip: READABLE_STRING_GENERAL) -- Assign `a_tooltip' to `Current'. do internal_tooltip := a_tooltip.as_string_32 end feature -- Removal remove_column (a_column: INTEGER) -- Remove column `a_column'. require a_column_positive: a_column > 0 a_column_less_than_column_count: a_column <= column_count local a_col_i: detachable EV_GRID_COLUMN_I do hide_column (a_column) a_col_i := columns @ a_column check a_col_i /= Void then end -- Remove association of column with `Current' a_col_i.update_for_removal columns.go_i_th (a_column) columns.remove update_grid_column_indices (a_column) update_index_of_first_item_dirty_row_flags (a_column) -- Flag `physical_column_indexes' for recalculation physical_column_indexes_dirty := True ensure column_count_updated: column_count = old column_count - 1 old_column_removed: (old column (a_column)).parent = Void end remove_row (a_row: INTEGER) -- Remove row `a_row' and all subrows recursively. -- If `row (a_row).subrow_count_recursive' is greater than 0 then -- all subrows of the row are also removed from `Current'. require a_row_positive: a_row > 0 a_row_less_than_row_count: a_row <= row_count do -- Retrieve row from the grid and remove it and its subrows. remove_rows (a_row, a_row + row_internal (a_row).subrow_count_recursive) ensure row_count_updated: row_count = old row_count - (old row (a_row).subrow_count_recursive + 1) old_row_removed: (old row (a_row)).parent = Void node_counts_correct_in_parent: attached (old row_internal (a_row).parent_row_i) as l_parent_row_i implies l_parent_row_i.node_counts_correct to_implement_assertion ("EV_GRID.remove_row All old recursive subrows removed.") end remove_rows (lower_index, upper_index: INTEGER) -- Remove all rows from `lower_index' to `upper_index' inclusive. require valid_lower_index: lower_index >= 1 and lower_index <= row_count valid_upper_index: upper_index >= lower_index and upper_index <= row_count local current_item: EV_GRID_ITEM current_row: EV_GRID_ROW i: INTEGER l_selected_rows: ARRAYED_LIST [EV_GRID_ROW] l_selected_items: ARRAYED_LIST [EV_GRID_ITEM] l_row_index: INTEGER l_rows: like rows do if is_row_selection_enabled then -- In this case, it is possible that an empty row is selected -- so just by iterating the items, the row is not unselected -- correctly. l_selected_rows := selected_rows from l_selected_rows.start until l_selected_rows.after loop current_row := l_selected_rows.item l_row_index := current_row.index if l_row_index >= lower_index and l_row_index <= upper_index then current_row.disable_select end l_selected_rows.forth end else l_selected_items := selected_items from l_selected_items.start until loop current_item := l_selected_items.item l_row_index := current_item.row.index if l_row_index >= lower_index and l_row_index <= upper_index then current_item.disable_select end l_selected_items.forth end end lock_update l_rows := rows from i := upper_index until i < lower_index loop if attached l_rows.i_th (i) as l_row then -- Row may void if Current is using partial_dynamic_content_function l_row.update_for_removal end i := i - 1 end if upper_index < internal_row_data.count then internal_row_data.move_items (upper_index + 1, lower_index, internal_row_data.count - upper_index) end internal_row_data.resize (internal_row_data.count - upper_index + lower_index - 1) if upper_index < l_rows.count then l_rows.shift_items (upper_index + 1, lower_index, l_rows.count - upper_index) end l_rows.resize (l_rows.count - upper_index + lower_index - 1) update_grid_row_indices (lower_index) -- Note that the recomputation is performed from the row before `lower_index'. -- This is to handle the case where you remove all of the subrows of a row that -- is collapsed. If you do not start the recompute from the parent row, `row_offsets' -- may not be computed correctly and the grid drawing will be incorrect. set_vertical_computation_required ((lower_index - 1).max (1)) unlock_update reset_internal_grid_attributes -- Recompute vertical scroll bar on idle. if not vertical_computation_added_to_once_idle_actions then -- Do nothing if `Current' is empty or the agent is already contained -- in the do once on idle actions. shared_environment.implementation.application_i.do_once_on_idle (agent recompute_vertical_scroll_bar_from_once_idle_actions) vertical_computation_added_to_once_idle_actions := True end ensure row_count_consistent: row_count = (old row_count) - (upper_index - lower_index + 1) lower_row_removed: (old row (lower_index)).parent = Void upper_row_removed: (old row (upper_index)).parent = Void to_implement_assertion (once "middle_rows_removed from lower to upper all old rows parent = Void") end clear -- Remove all items from `Current'. local i, a_row_count: INTEGER temp_rows: like rows current_row: detachable EV_GRID_ROW_I do from i := 1 a_row_count := row_count temp_rows := rows until i > a_row_count loop current_row := temp_rows.i_th (i) if current_row /= Void then current_row.clear end i := i + 1 end ensure to_implement_assertion ("EV_GRID_I.clear - All items positions return `Void'.") end wipe_out -- Remove all columns and rows from `Current'. local current_row_data: detachable SPECIAL [detachable EV_GRID_ITEM_I] current_item: detachable EV_GRID_ITEM_I current_column: detachable EV_GRID_COLUMN_I i, j: INTEGER l_row_count, l_column_count: INTEGER current_column_count: INTEGER l_selected_rows: ARRAYED_LIST [EV_GRID_ROW] l_rows: like rows do -- Set 'displayed_column_count' immediately to zero to satisfy invariant. displayed_column_count := 0 if attached currently_active_item as l_currently_active_item and then l_currently_active_item.parent = interface then l_currently_active_item.deactivate end if is_row_selection_enabled then -- In this case, it is possible that an empty row is selected -- so just by iterating the items, the row is not unselected -- correctly. l_selected_rows := selected_rows from l_selected_rows.start until l_selected_rows.after loop l_selected_rows.item.disable_select l_selected_rows.forth end end from i := 1 l_row_count := row_count l_column_count := columns.count until i > l_row_count loop current_row_data := internal_row_data.i_th (i) if current_row_data /= Void then from j := 0 current_column_count := current_row_data.count until j = current_column_count loop current_item := current_row_data.item (j) if current_item /= Void then if current_item.internal_is_selected then current_item.disable_select_internal end current_item.update_for_removal end j := j + 1 end end i := i + 1 end l_rows := rows from i := 1 until i > l_row_count loop if attached l_rows.i_th (i) as l_row then if l_row.is_locked then -- Make sure that row is unlocked before removal. l_row.unlock end l_row.unparent end i := i + 1 end from i := 1 until i > l_column_count loop current_column := columns.i_th (i) check current_column /= Void then end if current_column.is_locked then -- Make sure that column is unlocked before removal. current_column.unlock end if current_column.is_show_requested then -- Now remove associated header item. header.go_i_th (1) header.remove end current_column.unparent i := i + 1 end internal_row_data.wipe_out l_rows.wipe_out columns.wipe_out non_displayed_row_count := 0 set_vertical_computation_required (1) set_horizontal_computation_required (1) recompute_vertical_scroll_bar recompute_horizontal_scroll_bar redraw_client_area create physical_column_indexes_internal.make_empty (0) last_vertical_scroll_bar_value := 0 last_horizontal_scroll_bar_value := 0 last_selected_item := Void last_selected_row := Void shift_key_start_item := Void ensure columns_removed: column_count = 0 rows_removed: row_count = 0 end feature -- Measurements displayed_column_count: INTEGER -- Number of non-hidden columns displayed in Current. -- Equal to `column_count' if no columns have been -- hidden via `hide'. column_count: INTEGER -- Number of columns in Current. do Result := columns.count end row_count: INTEGER -- Number of rows in Current. do Result := internal_row_data.count end visible_row_count: INTEGER -- Number of visible rows in `Current'. When `is_tree_enabled', -- a number of rows may be within a collapsed parent row, so these -- are ignored. do if uses_row_offsets then perform_vertical_computation Result := computed_visible_row_count else Result := row_count end end feature {EV_GRID_DRAWER_I, EV_GRID_ROW_I, EV_GRID_COLUMN_I} -- Implementation internal_row_data: EV_GRID_ARRAYED_LIST [detachable SPECIAL [detachable EV_GRID_ITEM_I]] -- Array of individual row's data, row by row -- The row data returned from `row_list' @ i may be Void for optimization purposes -- If the row data returned is not Void, some of the contents of this returned row data may be Void -- The row data stored in `row_list' @ i may not necessarily be in the order of logical columns -- The actual ordering is queried from `visible_physical_column_indexes'. -- IMPORTANT: When an individual row's data is resized, the SPECIAL object corresponding to the data may be changed -- and so locals to the special should always reset themselves to the new object should any operations be -- performed on to the row that could trigger a resize. feature {EV_GRID_COLUMN_I, EV_GRID_I, EV_GRID_DRAWER_I, EV_GRID_ROW_I, EV_GRID_ITEM_I} -- Implementation physical_column_indexes: SPECIAL [INTEGER] -- Zero-based physical data indexes of the columns needed for `row_data' lookup whilst rendering cells -- A call to insert_new_column (2) on an empty grid will result in a `physical_index' of 0 as this is the first column added (zero-based indexing for `row_list') -- A following call to `insert_new_column (1) will result in a `physical_index' of 1 as this is the second column added -- If both columns were visible this query returns <<0, 1>>, so to draw the data for the appropriate columns to the screen, the indexes 0 and 1 need to be -- used to query the value returned from `row_list' @ i -- (`row_list' @ (i - 1)) @ (physical_column_indexes @ (j - 1)) returns the 'j'-th column value for the `i'-th row in the grid. local a_col: detachable EV_GRID_COLUMN_I i, col_count: INTEGER l_columns: like columns do if physical_column_indexes_dirty then -- `Result' needs to be recalculated l_columns := columns col_count := l_columns.count create Result.make_empty (col_count) from i := 1 until i > col_count loop a_col := l_columns @ i if a_col /= Void then Result.extend (a_col.physical_index) end i := i + 1 end physical_column_indexes_internal := Result physical_column_indexes_dirty := False else Result := physical_column_indexes_internal end ensure result_not_void: Result /= Void result_count_equals_column_count: Result.count = column_count end previous_header_item_index_from_column_index (a_index: INTEGER): INTEGER -- Return the header item index of the previous visible column from column index `a_index'. require a_index_valid: a_index > 0 and then a_index <= column_count local i: INTEGER l_columns: like columns do from l_columns := columns i := a_index - 1 Result := i until i = 0 loop if attached l_columns [i] as l_column_i and then not l_column_i.is_show_requested then -- If the column is not visible then neither is its associating header item. Result := Result - 1 end i := i - 1 end ensure index_valid: Result >= 0 and then Result < column_count end rows: EV_GRID_ARRAYED_LIST [detachable EV_GRID_ROW_I] -- Arrayed list returning the appropriate EV_GRID_ROW. columns: EV_GRID_ARRAYED_LIST [detachable EV_GRID_COLUMN_I] -- Arrayed list returning the appropriate EV_GRID_COLUMN. physical_column_count: INTEGER -- Number of physical columns stored in `row_list'. vertical_computation_required: BOOLEAN -- Do the row offsets and vertical scroll bar position need to -- be re-computed before the next drawing cycle? horizontal_computation_required: BOOLEAN -- Do the column offsets and horizontal scroll bar position need to be -- re-computed before the next drawing cycle? invalid_row_index: INTEGER -- Index of invalid row from which vertical row computation -- must begin. This is used by `perform_vertical_computation' to ensure -- that we only recompute those rows that are strictly necessary. invalid_column_index: INTEGER -- Index of invalid column from which horizontal column computation -- must begin. This is used by `perform_horizontal_computation' to ensure -- that we only recompute those columns that are strictly necessary. set_vertical_computation_required (an_invalid_row_index: INTEGER) -- Assign `True' to `vertical_computation_required'. -- `an_invalid_row_index' specifies the index from which the computation -- is to be performed when actually performed. It may be `row_count' + 1 to -- handle the case where the grid is empty and an operation is performed -- that requires a later recompute. require valid_row_index: an_invalid_row_index >= 1 and an_invalid_row_index <= row_count + 1 do vertical_computation_required := True invalid_row_index := invalid_row_index.min (an_invalid_row_index) ensure vertical_computation_required: vertical_computation_required invalid_row_index_set: invalid_row_index = invalid_row_index.min (old invalid_row_index) end set_horizontal_computation_required (an_invalid_column_index: INTEGER) -- Assign `True' to `horizontal_computation_required'. -- `an_invalid_row_index' specifies the index from which the computation -- is to be performed when actually performed. It may be `column_count' + 1 to -- handle the case where the grid is empty and an operation is performed -- that requires a later recompute. require valid_column_index: an_invalid_column_index >= 1 and an_invalid_column_index <= column_count + 1 do horizontal_computation_required := True invalid_column_index := invalid_column_index.min (an_invalid_column_index) ensure horizontal_computation_required: horizontal_computation_required invalid_column_index_set: invalid_column_index = invalid_column_index.min (old invalid_column_index) end perform_vertical_computation -- Re-compute vertical row offsets and other such values -- required before drawing may be performed, only if required. do if not is_destroyed and then vertical_computation_required then vertical_computation_required := False recompute_row_offsets (invalid_row_index.min (row_count).max (1)) -- Restore to an arbitarily large index. invalid_row_index := {like invalid_row_index}.max_value if vertical_redraw_triggered_by_viewport_resize then recompute_vertical_scroll_bar end if not vertical_computation_added_to_once_idle_actions then -- Do nothing if `Current' is empty or the agent is already contained -- in the do once on idle actions. shared_environment.implementation.application_i.do_once_on_idle (agent recompute_vertical_scroll_bar_from_once_idle_actions) vertical_computation_added_to_once_idle_actions := True end vertical_redraw_triggered_by_viewport_resize := False end end perform_horizontal_computation -- Recompute horizontal column offsets and other -- such values required before drawing may be performed, only if required. do if not is_destroyed and then horizontal_computation_required then horizontal_computation_required := False -- Do nothing if `Current' is empty. if not is_header_item_resizing or is_column_resize_immediate then recompute_column_offsets (invalid_column_index.min (column_count).max (1)) end -- Restore to an arbitarily large index. invalid_column_index := {like invalid_row_index}.max_value if horizontal_redraw_triggered_by_viewport_resize then recompute_horizontal_scroll_bar end if not horizontal_computation_added_to_once_idle_actions then -- Do nothing if `Current' is empty or the agent is already contained -- in the do once on idle actions. shared_environment.implementation.application_i.do_once_on_idle (agent recompute_horizontal_scroll_bar_from_once_idle_actions) horizontal_computation_added_to_once_idle_actions := True end horizontal_redraw_triggered_by_viewport_resize := False end end horizontal_computation_added_to_once_idle_actions: BOOLEAN -- Is an agent contained in the idle actions which recomputes the horizontal scroll bar? vertical_computation_added_to_once_idle_actions: BOOLEAN -- Is an agent contained in the idle actions which recomputes the vertical scroll bar? recompute_vertical_scroll_bar_from_once_idle_actions -- A wrapper for the idle actions to call `recompute_vertical_scroll_bar' -- and reset `vertical_computation_added_to_once_idle_actions'. do if not is_destroyed then recompute_vertical_scroll_bar -- The grid may be destroyed whilst the agent for `Current' is still referenced -- in EV_APPLICATION do_once_idle_actions. end vertical_computation_added_to_once_idle_actions := False ensure reset: not vertical_computation_added_to_once_idle_actions end recompute_horizontal_scroll_bar_from_once_idle_actions -- A wrapper for the idle actions to call `recompute_horizontal_scroll_bar' -- and reset `horizontal_computation_added_to_once_idle_actions'. do if not is_destroyed then recompute_horizontal_scroll_bar -- The grid may be destroyed whilst the agent for `Current' is still referenced -- in EV_APPLICATION do_once_idle_actions. end horizontal_computation_added_to_once_idle_actions := False ensure reset: not horizontal_computation_added_to_once_idle_actions end recompute_column_offsets (an_index: INTEGER) -- Recompute contents of `column_offsets' from column index -- `an_index' to `column_count'. require an_index_valid_when_columns_contained: column_count > 0 implies an_index >= 1 and an_index <= column_count an_index_valid_when_no_columns_contained: column_count = 0 implies an_index = 1 local i: INTEGER temp_columns: like columns column_index: INTEGER l_column_count: INTEGER l_column_offsets: like column_offsets do temp_columns := columns create l_column_offsets column_offsets := l_column_offsets l_column_offsets.extend (0) l_column_count := temp_columns.count from column_index := 1 until column_index > l_column_count loop if column_displayed (column_index) and then attached temp_columns.i_th (column_index) as l_column_i then i := i + l_column_i.width end l_column_offsets.extend (i) column_index := column_index + 1 end -- Now move the virtual position so that it is restricted to the maximum -- column position. This is used so that when removing columns, `virtual_y_position' remains valid. restrict_virtual_x_position_to_maximum if virtual_size_changed_actions_internal /= Void then ([virtual_width, virtual_height]) end ensure counts_equal: column_offsets.count = column_count + 1 end recompute_row_offsets (an_index: INTEGER) -- Recompute contents of `row_offsets' from row index -- `an_index' to `row_count'. require an_index_valid_when_rows_contained: row_count > 0 implies an_index >= 1 and an_index <= row_count an_index_valid_when_no_rows_contained: row_count = 0 implies an_index = 1 local current_row_offset, j, k: INTEGER current_item: detachable EV_GRID_ROW_I index: INTEGER visible_count: INTEGER row_index: INTEGER l_row_count: INTEGER original_row_index: INTEGER l_row_indexes_to_visible_indexes: detachable EV_GRID_ARRAYED_LIST [INTEGER] l_visible_indexes_to_row_indexes: detachable EV_GRID_ARRAYED_LIST [INTEGER] l_row_offsets: detachable EV_GRID_ARRAYED_LIST [INTEGER] l_rows: like rows l_is_row_height_fixed: BOOLEAN l_row_height: INTEGER l_original_computed_visible_row_count: INTEGER l_visible_row_count: INTEGER do l_original_computed_visible_row_count := computed_visible_row_count original_row_index := rows.index if row_count > 0 and then is_tree_enabled and then attached row_internal (an_index).parent_row_root as l_parent_row_root then -- We only find the parent row when `Current' is not empty and we have the tree enabled. index := l_parent_row_root.index else -- `Current' is empty, so simply keep the same index. index := an_index end if uses_row_offsets then -- Only perform recomputation if the rows do not all have the same height -- or there is tree functionality enabled. Otherwise, we do not need to -- use `row_offsets' and we can perform a shortcut. l_row_offsets := row_offsets if l_row_offsets = Void then create l_row_offsets row_offsets := l_row_offsets create l_row_indexes_to_visible_indexes row_indexes_to_visible_indexes := l_row_indexes_to_visible_indexes create l_visible_indexes_to_row_indexes visible_indexes_to_row_indexes := l_visible_indexes_to_row_indexes else l_visible_indexes_to_row_indexes := visible_indexes_to_row_indexes l_row_indexes_to_visible_indexes := row_indexes_to_visible_indexes check l_row_indexes_to_visible_indexes /= Void then end check l_visible_indexes_to_row_indexes /= Void then end -- Retrieve the count of visible rows calculated last time this feature was called. l_visible_row_count := visible_row_count if index > 1 then -- Check that `index' is within the previous range of computed visible row indexes. Note that -- this does not check it is was previously displayed, but just between the lowest and the highest that were -- previously displayed. if l_visible_row_count > 0 and then index <= l_visible_indexes_to_row_indexes.i_th (l_visible_row_count) then -- Now we check that the row index we are trying to compute from was previously visible in `Current'. -- If it was not visible, then we are unable to assertain the visible row count at this index, which we need -- in order to continue computing from this index. -- If the row at this index was not displayed, then we start a re-compute from the row at index 1. We could -- find the next visible row before the one we wanted, but there is no way to determine this without iterating -- so we simply start from the top. if l_row_indexes_to_visible_indexes.i_th (index) > 0 and then l_row_indexes_to_visible_indexes.i_th (index) <= l_visible_row_count and then l_visible_indexes_to_row_indexes.i_th (l_row_indexes_to_visible_indexes.i_th (index)) + 1 = index then visible_count := l_row_indexes_to_visible_indexes [index] else index := 1 visible_count := 0 end else -- In this situation, we are adding a row that has not already been computed. -- Therefore, `visible_count' is set to the number of rows that was previously -- computed during the last call to this feature. visible_count := l_visible_row_count end else -- In this case, the feature has already been called when there are -- no rows in the grid. So, we reset these attributes to the start. visible_count := 0 end current_row_offset := l_row_offsets [index] end -- Ensure we enlarge our data structures to accommodate the total number of rows. -- We do not reduce the size of these lists to avoid the performance overhead. if l_row_offsets.count < rows.count + 1 then l_row_offsets.resize (rows.count + 1) l_row_indexes_to_visible_indexes.resize (rows.count + 1) l_visible_indexes_to_row_indexes.resize (rows.count + 1) end from row_index := index -- We assign these attributes of the class to locals as this -- provides a speed improvement. It appears that this code is -- 20% faster when this is performed. It was tested with 1,000,000 -- rows, expanding and collapsing the first. Julian l_row_count := rows.count l_row_indexes_to_visible_indexes := row_indexes_to_visible_indexes check l_row_indexes_to_visible_indexes /= Void then end l_visible_indexes_to_row_indexes := visible_indexes_to_row_indexes check l_visible_indexes_to_row_indexes /= Void then end l_rows := rows l_row_offsets := row_offsets check l_row_offsets /= Void then end l_is_row_height_fixed := is_row_height_fixed l_row_height := row_height until row_index > l_row_count loop current_item := l_rows.i_th (row_index) if current_item /= Void and then ((current_item.subrow_count > 0 and not current_item.is_expanded) or not current_item.is_show_requested) then from j := row_index k := j + current_item.subrow_count_recursive + 1 until j = k loop l_row_offsets.put_i_th (current_row_offset, j) j := j + 1 end if current_item.is_show_requested then l_row_indexes_to_visible_indexes.put_i_th (visible_count, row_index) l_visible_indexes_to_row_indexes.put_i_th (row_index, visible_count + 1) end row_index := k else l_row_offsets.put_i_th (current_row_offset, row_index) l_row_indexes_to_visible_indexes.put_i_th (visible_count, row_index) l_visible_indexes_to_row_indexes.put_i_th (row_index, visible_count + 1) row_index := row_index + 1 end if current_item = Void or else current_item.is_show_requested then visible_count := visible_count + 1 if current_item /= Void and not l_is_row_height_fixed then current_row_offset := current_row_offset + current_item.height else -- Use the default height here. current_row_offset := current_row_offset + l_row_height end end end if visible_count /= l_original_computed_visible_row_count then -- It is essential that we only modify `computed_visible_row_count' -- if it has actually changed. Otherwise, we may not have a correct value. computed_visible_row_count := visible_count end -- A final position is always stored in `row_offsets' which may be -- queried to determine the total height of all rows. l_row_offsets.put_i_th (current_row_offset, row_index) else row_offsets := Void end -- Now move the virtual position so that it is restricted to the maximum -- row position. This is used so that when removing rows, `virtual_x_position' remains valid. restrict_virtual_y_position_to_maximum if virtual_size_changed_actions_internal /= Void then ([virtual_width, virtual_height]) end rows.go_i_th (original_row_index) ensure offsets_consistent_when_not_fixed: not is_row_height_fixed implies attached row_offsets as l_row_offs and then l_row_offs.count >= rows.count + 1 row_index_not_changed: old rows.index = rows.index end restrict_virtual_y_position_to_maximum -- Ensure `virtual_y_position' is within the maximum permitted. -- Useful for situations where rows are removed. do if internal_client_y > maximum_virtual_y_position then set_virtual_position (virtual_x_position, maximum_virtual_y_position) end ensure virtual_y_position_valid: virtual_y_position <= maximum_virtual_y_position end restrict_virtual_x_position_to_maximum -- Ensure `virtual_x_position' is within the maximum permitted. -- Useful for situations where columns are removed. do if internal_client_x > maximum_virtual_x_position then set_virtual_position (maximum_virtual_x_position, virtual_y_position) end ensure virtual_x_position_valid: virtual_x_position <= maximum_virtual_x_position end total_column_width: INTEGER -- `Result' is total width of all columns contained in `Current'. do if columns.count > 0 then Result := column_offsets.i_th (columns.count + 1) end ensure result_positive: Result >= 0 end total_row_height: INTEGER -- `Result' is total height of all rows contained in `Current'. do if row_count > 0 then if not uses_row_offsets then Result := row_count * row_height elseif attached row_offsets as l_row_offsets then Result := l_row_offsets.i_th (row_count + 1) end end ensure result_positive: result >= 0 end item_indent (an_item: EV_GRID_ITEM_I): INTEGER -- `Result' is indent of `an_item' in pixels. -- May be 0 for items that are not tree nodes. require an_item_not_void: an_item /= Void an_item_parented_in_current: an_item.parent_i = Current do Result := item_cell_indent (an_item.column.index, an_item.row.index) end item_cell_indent (column_index, row_index: INTEGER): INTEGER -- `Result' is indent for cell item at position `column_index', `row_index'. -- May be 0 for items that are not tree nodes. require valid_column_index: column_index >= 0 and column_index <= column_count valid_row_index: row_index >= 1 and row_index <= row_count local node_index: INTEGER pointed_row_i: EV_GRID_ROW_I index_of_first_item: INTEGER current_row: detachable EV_GRID_ROW_I found_row: EV_GRID_ROW_I current_index_of_first_item: INTEGER current_row_index_of_first_item: INTEGER last_current_row: detachable EV_GRID_ROW_I do if is_tree_enabled then pointed_row_i := row_internal (row_index) index_of_first_item := pointed_row_i.index_of_first_item node_index := column_index.min (index_of_first_item) if index_of_first_item /= column_index and index_of_first_item /= 0 then Result := 0 elseif index_of_first_item = 1 then -- As we are in the first column, we know the indent must always be the depth of this item in the tree -- so we can avoid iterating upwards to find the index of the row which switches columns. Result := (pointed_row_i.indent_depth_in_tree - 1) * tree_subrow_indent + first_tree_node_indent else -- We must calculate where the column switch occurs. from current_row := pointed_row_i current_row_index_of_first_item := current_row.index_of_first_item found_row := pointed_row_i current_index_of_first_item := pointed_row_i.index_of_first_item until current_row = Void or else (current_row_index_of_first_item /= 0 and current_row_index_of_first_item < current_index_of_first_item) loop last_current_row := current_row current_row := current_row.parent_row_i if current_row /= Void then current_row_index_of_first_item := current_row.index_of_first_item if (current_row_index_of_first_item /= 0 and current_row_index_of_first_item >= current_index_of_first_item) or (current_row_index_of_first_item = 0 and current_index_of_first_item = 0) then found_row := current_row current_index_of_first_item := found_row.index_of_first_item end end end if current_row = Void and node_index = 1 then -- In this case we have iterated to the top level in the tree and the top row is empty. -- We must set `found_row' to `last_current_row' which is the top level row in the tree structure. -- We only perform this code if `node_index' is 1 as otherwise the original item started in a column -- greater than 1 and no rows with non-Void items were found, so the indent must not be calculated from -- the top row as the item is at the first indent position in its column. check last_current_row_not_void: last_current_row /= Void then end found_row := last_current_row end check correct: found_row /= current_row and current_row /= Void implies found_row.index_of_first_item >= 1 end if pointed_row_i = found_row then if node_index = 1 or node_index = 0 then Result := first_tree_node_indent elseif pointed_row_i.subrow_count > 0 then Result := tree_subrow_indent end else if found_row.index_of_first_item <= 1 then Result := (pointed_row_i.indent_depth_in_tree - found_row.indent_depth_in_tree) * tree_subrow_indent + first_tree_node_indent else Result := (pointed_row_i.indent_depth_in_tree - found_row.indent_depth_in_tree + 1) * tree_subrow_indent end end end end end feature {EV_GRID_COLUMN_I, EV_GRID_I, EV_GRID_DRAWER_I, EV_GRID_ROW_I, EV_GRID_ITEM_I, EV_GRID_ITEM} -- Implementation redraw_item (an_item: EV_GRID_ITEM_I) -- Redraw area of `an_item' if visible and not `is_locked'. require an_item_not_void: an_item /= Void local item_height: INTEGER row_i: detachable EV_GRID_ROW_I column_i: detachable EV_GRID_COLUMN_I l_indent: INTEGER do if is_displayed then if not is_locked then -- Only perform the redraw if the grid is not locked. -- Increase the number of times that `redraw_item' has been called -- since the last refresh. redraw_object_counter := redraw_object_counter + 1 if redraw_object_counter < maximum_objects_redrawn_between_refresh then -- Only perform the exact item calculation if our threshold -- for individual item redrawing has not been met. row_i := an_item.row_i check row_i /= Void then end column_i := an_item.column_i check column_i /= Void then end if row_i.parent_row_i /= Void then l_indent := item_cell_indent (column_i.index, row_i.index) end if is_row_height_fixed then item_height := row_height else item_height := an_item.row.height end -- Note that we calculate the virtual x offset of the item ourselves, which -- prevents `item_indent' being called twice, once in the virtual x offset calculation -- and once for calculating the width of the item to draw. drawable.redraw_rectangle (column_i.virtual_x_position + l_indent - (internal_client_x - viewport_x_offset), an_item.virtual_y_position - (internal_client_y - viewport_y_offset), column_i.width - l_indent, item_height) elseif redraw_object_counter = maximum_objects_redrawn_between_refresh then -- The threshold has been met, so invalidate the complete client area. redraw_client_area end end redraw_locked end end maximum_objects_redrawn_between_refresh: INTEGER = 250 -- The maximum number of grid objects for which a combination `redraw_item/row/column' -- may be called before the complete client area is invalidated. By performing this, the -- calculation of the objects exact position may be by-passed, ensuring large performance -- gains while adding many grud objects. redraw_object_counter: INTEGER -- A counter to hold the number of times `redraw_item/row/column' has been called -- since the last redraw. reset_redraw_object_counter -- Reset `redraw_item_counter' to 0. do redraw_object_counter := 0 ensure redraw_object_counter_zero: redraw_object_counter = 0 end redraw_client_area -- Redraw complete visible client area of `Current'. do if is_displayed and then not is_locked then drawable.redraw redraw_locked end end redraw_column (a_column: EV_GRID_COLUMN_I) -- Redraw area of `a_column' if visible. require a_column_not_void: a_column /= Void local col_x1: INTEGER do if not is_locked and then is_displayed then redraw_object_counter := redraw_object_counter + 1 if redraw_object_counter < maximum_objects_redrawn_between_refresh then col_x1 := a_column.virtual_x_position drawable.redraw_rectangle (col_x1, viewport_y_offset, a_column.width, viewable_height) elseif redraw_object_counter = maximum_objects_redrawn_between_refresh then redraw_client_area end redraw_locked end end redraw_from_column_to_end (a_column: EV_GRID_COLUMN_I) -- Redraw client area from `virtual_x_position' of `a_column' to the right -- of the client area. Complete height of client area is invalidated. require a_column_not_void: a_column /= Void local l_virtual_x_position: INTEGER l_locked_indexes: ARRAYED_LIST [EV_GRID_LOCKED_I] l_locked_row: detachable EV_GRID_LOCKED_ROW_I l_cursor: CURSOR do if not is_locked and then is_displayed then l_virtual_x_position := a_column.virtual_x_position drawable.redraw_rectangle (l_virtual_x_position - (internal_client_x - viewport_x_offset), viewport_y_offset, viewable_width + internal_client_x - l_virtual_x_position, viewable_height) from l_locked_indexes := locked_indexes l_cursor := l_locked_indexes.cursor l_locked_indexes.start until loop l_locked_row ?= l_locked_indexes.item if l_locked_row /= Void then l_locked_row.redraw_client_area end l_locked_indexes.forth end l_locked_indexes.go_to (l_cursor) end end redraw_row (a_row: EV_GRID_ROW_I) -- Redraw area of `a_row' if visible. require a_row_not_void: a_row /= Void local row_y1: INTEGER do if not is_locked and then is_displayed then redraw_object_counter := redraw_object_counter + 1 if redraw_object_counter < maximum_objects_redrawn_between_refresh then row_y1 := a_row.virtual_y_position - (internal_client_y - viewport_y_offset) if is_row_height_fixed then drawable.redraw_rectangle (viewport_x_offset, row_y1, viewable_width, row_height) else drawable.redraw_rectangle (viewport_x_offset, row_y1, viewable_width, a_row.height) end elseif redraw_object_counter = maximum_objects_redrawn_between_refresh then redraw_client_area end redraw_locked end end redraw_locked -- Redraw content of all locked rows and columns. -- This is brute force, and all callers should be checked -- to prevent large amounts of overdraw in cases where the entire area -- does not need to be refreshed. local l_locked_indexes: like locked_indexes l_cursor: CURSOR do l_locked_indexes := locked_indexes if l_locked_indexes /= Void then from l_cursor := l_locked_indexes.cursor l_locked_indexes.start until loop l_locked_indexes.item.redraw_client_area l_locked_indexes.forth end l_locked_indexes.go_to (l_cursor) end end feature {EV_GRID_DRAWER_I, EV_GRID_COLUMN_I, EV_GRID_ROW_I, EV_GRID_ITEM_I, EV_GRID, EV_GRID_LOCKED_I} -- Implementation column_offsets: EV_GRID_ARRAYED_LIST [INTEGER] -- Cumulative offset of each column in pixels. -- For example, if there are 5 columns, each with a width of 80 pixels, -- `column_offsets' contains 0, 80, 160, 240, 320, 400 (Note this is 6 items). row_offsets: detachable EV_GRID_ARRAYED_LIST [INTEGER] -- Cumulative offset of each row in pixels. -- For example, if there are 5 rows, each with a height of 16 pixels, -- `row_offsets' contains 0, 16, 32, 48, 64, 80 (Note this is 6 items) -- For non-expanded tree node rows (which are therefore hidden), the offset is the same as the parent offset. -- Note that we do not reduce `row_offsets' so you should always use `row_count' + 1 to access the final -- current element, instead of `row_offsets.count'. row_indexes_to_visible_indexes: detachable EV_GRID_ARRAYED_LIST [INTEGER] -- Visible index of a row, based on its row index. -- For example, if the first node is a non expanded tree that has 10 subrows, the contents -- would be 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0 ,0, 0, 1, 2, 3... -- Note that the visible index is 0 based. visible_indexes_to_row_indexes: detachable EV_GRID_ARRAYED_LIST [INTEGER] -- Row index of each visible row in `Current' in order. -- For example, if the first node is a non exapnded tree that has 10 subrows, the contents -- would be 1, 11, 12, 13, 14, ... -- Note that the row indexes are 1 based. drawable: EV_DRAWING_AREA -- Drawing area for `Current' on which all drawing operations are performed. internal_client_x: INTEGER -- X coordinate of client area relative to the left edge of the virtual -- area which `Current' comprises. internal_client_y: INTEGER -- Y coordinate of client area relative to the top edge of the virtual -- area which `Current' comprises. viewport_x_offset: INTEGER -- `x_offset' of `viewport', used to prevent the need to always query the viewport. viewport_y_offset: INTEGER -- `x_offset' of `viewport', used to prevent the need to always query the viewport. viewport: EV_VIEWPORT -- Viewport containing `header' and `drawable', permitting the header to be offset -- correctly in relation to the horizontal scroll bar. -- Note that when querying the current position, use `viewport_x_offset' and `viewport_y_offset' -- for speed. header: EV_GRID_HEADER -- Header displayed at top of `Current'. computed_visible_row_count: INTEGER -- Total number of rows that are actually visible in `Current'. vertical_scroll_bar: EV_VERTICAL_SCROLL_BAR -- Vertical scroll bar of `Current'. do recompute_vertical_scroll_bar Result := internal_vertical_scroll_bar end horizontal_scroll_bar: EV_HORIZONTAL_SCROLL_BAR -- Horizontal scroll bar of `Current'. do recompute_horizontal_scroll_bar Result := internal_horizontal_scroll_bar end tree_node_spacing: INTEGER = 3 -- Spacing value used around the expand/collapse node of a -- subrow. For example, to determine the height available for the node image -- within a subrow, subtract 2 * tree_node_spacing from the `row_height'. expand_node_pixmap: EV_PIXMAP -- Pixmap used within `Current' to indicate that a tree node may be expanded. collapse_node_pixmap: EV_PIXMAP -- Pixmap used within `Current' to indicate that a tree node may be collapsed. initial_expand_node_pixmap: EV_PIXMAP -- Construct the default `expand_node_pixmap'. local start_offset, end_offset, middle_offset: INTEGER once start_offset := 2 end_offset := tree_node_button_dimension - start_offset - 1 middle_offset := tree_node_button_dimension // 2 create Result Result.set_size (tree_node_button_dimension, tree_node_button_dimension) Result.set_foreground_color (white) Result.clear Result.set_foreground_color (tree_node_connector_color) Result.draw_rectangle (0, 0, tree_node_button_dimension, tree_node_button_dimension) Result.set_foreground_color (black) Result.draw_segment (start_offset, middle_offset, end_offset, middle_offset) Result.draw_segment (middle_offset, start_offset, middle_offset, end_offset) ensure result_not_void: Result /= Void end initial_collapse_node_pixmap: EV_PIXMAP -- Construct the default `collapse_node_pixmap'. local start_offset, end_offset, middle_offset: INTEGER once start_offset := 2 end_offset := tree_node_button_dimension - start_offset - 1 middle_offset := tree_node_button_dimension // 2 create Result Result.set_size (tree_node_button_dimension, tree_node_button_dimension) Result.set_foreground_color (white) Result.clear Result.set_foreground_color (tree_node_connector_color) Result.draw_rectangle (0, 0, tree_node_button_dimension, tree_node_button_dimension) Result.set_foreground_color (black) Result.draw_segment (start_offset, middle_offset, end_offset, middle_offset) ensure result_not_void: Result /= Void end tree_node_button_dimension: INTEGER = 9 -- Dimension of the expand/collapse node used in the tree. white: EV_COLOR -- Once access to the color white. once Result := (create {EV_STOCK_COLORS}).white.twin end black: EV_COLOR -- Once acces to the color black. once Result := (create {EV_STOCK_COLORS}).black.twin end screen: EV_SCREEN -- Once access to EV_SCREEN object. once create Result end node_pixmap_width: INTEGER -- Width of node pixmaps. total_tree_node_width: INTEGER -- Total width of each tree node within `Current'. first_tree_node_indent: INTEGER -- Indent applied to first indent in first column of `Current'. tree_subrow_indent: INTEGER -- Indent used for all indents except the first indent in the first column of `Current'. feature {EV_GRID_ITEM_I, EV_GRID, EV_GRID_DRAWER_I, EV_GRID_LOCKED_I} -- Implementation is_full_redraw_on_virtual_position_change_enabled: BOOLEAN -- Is complete client area invalidated as a result of virtual position changing? -- Note that enabling this causes a large performance penalty in redrawing during -- scrolling, but may be used to achieve effects not otherwise possible unless the -- entire client area is invalidated. is_locked: BOOLEAN -- Are all graphical updates to `Current' suppressed until -- `unlock_update' is called. locked_rows: ARRAYED_LIST [EV_GRID_ROW] -- All rows locked within `Current' in order of locking. local l_cursor: CURSOR l_locked_row: detachable EV_GRID_LOCKED_ROW_I l_locked_indexes: like locked_indexes do create Result.make (4) from l_locked_indexes := locked_indexes l_cursor := l_locked_indexes.cursor l_locked_indexes.start until loop l_locked_row ?= l_locked_indexes.item if l_locked_row /= Void and then attached l_locked_row.row_i as l_locked_row_i then Result.extend (l_locked_row_i.attached_interface) end l_locked_indexes.forth end l_locked_indexes.go_to (l_cursor) ensure Result_not_void: Result /= Void end locked_columns: ARRAYED_LIST [EV_GRID_COLUMN] -- All columns locked within `Current' in order of locking. local l_cursor: CURSOR l_locked_column: detachable EV_GRID_LOCKED_COLUMN_I l_locked_indexes: like locked_indexes do create Result.make (4) from l_locked_indexes := locked_indexes l_cursor := l_locked_indexes.cursor l_locked_indexes.start until loop l_locked_column ?= l_locked_indexes.item if l_locked_column /= Void and then attached l_locked_column.column_i as l_locked_column_i then Result.extend (l_locked_column_i.attached_interface) end l_locked_indexes.forth end l_locked_indexes.go_to (l_cursor) ensure Result_not_void: Result /= Void end feature {EV_GRID_ROW_I, EV_GRID_COLUMN_I, EV_GRID_ITEM_I} -- Implementation recompute_vertical_scroll_bar -- Recompute dimensions of `vertical_scroll_bar'. local l_total_row_height: INTEGER l_client_height: INTEGER previous_scroll_bar_value: INTEGER row_index: INTEGER do perform_vertical_computation -- Retrieve the final row offset as this is the virtual height required for all rows. if row_offsets = Void and not is_row_height_fixed then l_total_row_height := 0 else l_total_row_height := total_row_height end l_client_height := viewable_height -- Note that `height' was not used as we want it to represent only the height of -- the "client area" which is `viewport'. if l_total_row_height > l_client_height then -- The rows are higher than the visible client area. if not internal_vertical_scroll_bar.is_show_requested and is_vertical_scroll_bar_show_requested then -- Show `vertical_scroll_bar' if not already shown. update_scroll_bar_spacer end -- Update the range and leap of `vertical_scroll_bar' to reflect the relationship between -- `l_total_row_height' and `l_client_height'. Note that the behavior depends on the state of -- `is_vertical_scrolling_per_item'. if has_vertical_scrolling_per_item_just_changed or is_item_height_changing then previous_scroll_bar_value := internal_vertical_scroll_bar.value end if is_vertical_scrolling_per_item then if is_vertical_overscroll_enabled then internal_vertical_scroll_bar.value_range.resize_exactly (0, visible_row_count - 1) else -- We must now calculate the index of the row that ensures the final row that is visible in `Current' -- at the bottom of the viewable area. if uses_row_offsets and then attached row_indexes_to_visible_indexes as l_row_indexes_to_visible_indexes then row_index := l_row_indexes_to_visible_indexes.i_th (last_first_row_in_per_item_scrolling) + 1 else row_index := last_first_row_in_per_item_scrolling end internal_vertical_scroll_bar.value_range.resize_exactly (0, row_index - 1) end internal_vertical_scroll_bar.set_leap ((l_client_height * visible_row_count // l_total_row_height).max (1)) if has_vertical_scrolling_per_item_just_changed then -- If we are just switching from per pixel to per item vertical -- scrolling, we must approximate the previous position of the scroll bar. internal_vertical_scroll_bar.set_value (previous_scroll_bar_value * visible_row_count // l_total_row_height) end if is_item_height_changing then -- The `value' of the scroll bar should not have changed. check scroll_bar_not_moved: internal_vertical_scroll_bar.value = previous_scroll_bar_value end -- We call the change actions explicitly, so that it behaves as if the value had just -- changed, which ensures that the currently scrolled to item is still displayed at the top. ([previous_scroll_bar_value]) end else internal_vertical_scroll_bar.value_range.resize_exactly (0, maximum_virtual_y_position) internal_vertical_scroll_bar.set_leap (height) if has_vertical_scrolling_per_item_just_changed then -- If we are just switching from per item to per pixel vertical -- scrolling, we can set the position of the scroll bar exactly to match it's -- previous position. if uses_row_offsets and then attached row_offsets as l_row_offsets then internal_vertical_scroll_bar.set_value ((l_row_offsets @ (previous_scroll_bar_value + 1)).min (internal_vertical_scroll_bar.value_range.upper)) else -- Must restrict to the maximum permitted value, as the virtual area -- is smaller when per pixel scrolling is set as you cannot scroll past the final item. internal_vertical_scroll_bar.set_value ((previous_scroll_bar_value * row_height).min (internal_vertical_scroll_bar.value_range.upper)) end end end else -- The rows are not as high as the visible client area. if internal_vertical_scroll_bar.is_show_requested then -- Hide `vertical_scroll_bar' as it is not required. internal_vertical_scroll_bar.hide update_scroll_bar_spacer end end end last_first_row_in_per_item_scrolling: INTEGER -- Return the index of the row which should be displayed -- as the first row of the grid to ensure we do not scroll past -- the final row. local row_index, l_viewable_height: INTEGER l_row_height: INTEGER cursor: CURSOR l_visible_indexes_to_row_indexes: like visible_indexes_to_row_indexes do if not uses_row_offsets then -- In this situation, we can simply calculate the -- final row as they all have the same height. row_index := visible_row_count - (viewable_height - (viewable_height \\ row_height)) // row_height + 1 else -- Must now iterate backwards to find the first row as each has -- a different height. l_visible_indexes_to_row_indexes := visible_indexes_to_row_indexes check l_visible_indexes_to_row_indexes /= Void then end from l_viewable_height := viewable_height l_visible_indexes_to_row_indexes.go_i_th (visible_row_count) cursor := l_visible_indexes_to_row_indexes.cursor until or l_viewable_height <= 0 loop if is_row_height_fixed then l_row_height := row_height else l_row_height := row (l_visible_indexes_to_row_indexes.item).height end l_viewable_height := l_viewable_height - l_row_height if l_viewable_height > 0 then l_visible_indexes_to_row_indexes.back end end if then row_index := 1 else l_visible_indexes_to_row_indexes.forth row_index := l_visible_indexes_to_row_indexes.item end l_visible_indexes_to_row_indexes.go_to (cursor) end Result := row_index.max (1).min (row_count) ensure valid_result: Result >= 1 and Result <= row_count end last_first_column_in_per_item_scrolling: INTEGER -- Return the index of the column which should be displayed -- as the first column of the grid to ensure we do not scroll past -- the final column. local l_viewable_width: INTEGER l_column: detachable EV_GRID_COLUMN_I do -- Must now iterate backwards to find the first column from l_viewable_width := viewable_width columns.go_i_th (column_count) until or l_viewable_width <= 0 loop l_column := columns.item check l_column /= Void then end if l_column.is_show_requested then l_viewable_width := l_viewable_width - l_column.width end if l_viewable_width > 0 then columns.back end end if then Result := 1 else Result := columns.index + 1 end ensure valid_result: Result >= 1 and Result <= column_count end feature {ANY} recompute_horizontal_scroll_bar -- Recompute horizontal scroll bar positioning. local l_total_column_width: INTEGER l_client_width: INTEGER previous_scroll_bar_value: INTEGER column_index: INTEGER do perform_horizontal_computation -- Retrieve the column width l_total_column_width := total_column_width l_client_width := viewable_width -- Note that `width' was not used as we want it to represent only the width of -- the "client area" which is `viewport'. if l_total_column_width > l_client_width then -- The headers are wider than the visible client area. if not internal_horizontal_scroll_bar.is_show_requested and is_horizontal_scroll_bar_show_requested then -- Show `horizontal_scroll_bar' if not already shown. update_scroll_bar_spacer end -- Update the range and leap of `horizontal_scroll_bar' to reflect the relationship between -- `l_total_column_width' and `l_client_width'. Note that the behavior depends on the state of -- `is_horizontal_scrolling_per_item'. if has_horizontal_scrolling_per_item_just_changed then previous_scroll_bar_value := internal_horizontal_scroll_bar.value end if is_horizontal_scrolling_per_item then if is_horizontal_overscroll_enabled then internal_horizontal_scroll_bar.value_range.resize_exactly (0, column_count - 1) else -- We must now calculate the index of the row that ensures the final row that is visible in `Current' -- at the bottom of the viewable area. column_index := last_first_column_in_per_item_scrolling internal_horizontal_scroll_bar.value_range.resize_exactly (0, column_index - 1) end internal_horizontal_scroll_bar.set_leap (l_client_width * columns.count // l_total_column_width) if has_horizontal_scrolling_per_item_just_changed then -- If we are just switching from per pixel to per item horizontal -- scrolling, we must approximate the previous position of the scroll bar. internal_horizontal_scroll_bar.set_value (previous_scroll_bar_value * columns.count // l_total_column_width) end else internal_horizontal_scroll_bar.value_range.resize_exactly (0, maximum_virtual_x_position) internal_horizontal_scroll_bar.set_leap (width.max (1)) if has_horizontal_scrolling_per_item_just_changed then -- If we are just switching from per item to per pixel horizontal -- scrolling, we can set the position of the scroll bar exactly to match it's -- previous position. -- Must restrict to the maximum permitted value, as the virtual area -- is smaller when per pixel scrolling is set as you cannot scroll past the final item. internal_horizontal_scroll_bar.set_value (column_offsets [previous_scroll_bar_value + 1].min (internal_horizontal_scroll_bar.value_range.upper)) end end elseif internal_horizontal_scroll_bar.is_show_requested then -- The headers are not as wide as the visible client area. internal_horizontal_scroll_bar.hide update_scroll_bar_spacer end if is_horizontal_offset_set_to_zero_when_items_smaller_than_viewable_width and then viewport_x_offset > 0 and l_total_column_width - viewport_x_offset < viewable_width then -- If `header' and `drawable' currently have a position that starts before the client area of -- `viewport' and the total header width is small enough so that at the current position, `header' and -- `drawable' do not reach to the very left-hand edge of the `viewport', update the horizontal offset -- so that they do reach the very left-hand edge of `viewport' viewport_x_offset := (l_total_column_width - viewable_width).max (0) viewport.set_x_offset (viewport_x_offset) header_viewport.set_x_offset ((l_total_column_width - viewable_width).max (0)) end end is_horizontal_offset_set_to_zero_when_items_smaller_than_viewable_width: BOOLEAN -- This is required for cases where you have two grids, one acting as a header for another. -- If the vertical scroll bar of one is displayed, and the simulated header does not have -- scroll bars displayed, then the virtual positions permitted are not in synch and we wish -- to turn off the automatic scrolling of the header grid as it should always change in synch -- with the main grid. This should probably be moved into the interface of EV_GRID at some point. disable_horizontal_offset_set_to_zero_when_items_smaller_than_viewable_width -- Ensure `is_horizontal_offset_set_to_zero_when_items_smaller_than_viewable_width' is `False' do is_horizontal_offset_set_to_zero_when_items_smaller_than_viewable_width := False ensure set: not is_horizontal_offset_set_to_zero_when_items_smaller_than_viewable_width end feature {EV_GRID_DRAWER_I} -- Drawing implementation redraw_resizing_line -- Redraw resizing line drawn on `Current' at last drawn position. -- This must be called at the end of a redraw from EV_GRID_DRAWER_I -- as after the contents have been re-drawn the resizing line must still -- be displayed as otherwise when we move and invert the old position -- we will be effectively drawing a line which remains persistently in the client area. do if is_resizing_divider_solid then drawable.disable_dashed_line_style else drawable.enable_dashed_line_style end drawable.set_invert_mode drawable.draw_segment (last_dashed_line_position, resizing_line_border, last_dashed_line_position, viewable_height - resizing_line_border) drawable.set_copy_mode end feature {EV_GRID_LOCKED_I} -- Drawing implementation create_implementation_objects -- Create objects internal to grid implementation. do create locked_indexes.make (1) create column_offsets create physical_column_indexes_internal.make_empty (0) create tree_node_connector_color.make_with_8_bit_rgb (150, 150, 150) create internal_row_data create columns create rows create internal_selected_rows.make (0) create internal_selected_items.make (0) create drawable create internal_vertical_scroll_bar create internal_horizontal_scroll_bar create scroll_bar_spacer create header_viewport create viewport create static_fixed create static_fixed_viewport create header create fixed set_default_colors set_separator_color (black.twin) set_node_pixmaps (initial_expand_node_pixmap, initial_collapse_node_pixmap) end initialize_grid -- Initialize `Current'. To be called during `initialize' of -- the implementation classes. local vertical_box, l_vertical_box: EV_VERTICAL_BOX horizontal_box: EV_HORIZONTAL_BOX do -- We need to set interface.is_initialized to True to satisfy invariants -- when calling back through the interface, it needs to be unset at the end. set_state_flag (interface_is_initialized_flag, True) is_horizontal_offset_set_to_zero_when_items_smaller_than_viewable_width := True is_horizontal_scrolling_per_item := False is_vertical_scrolling_per_item := True is_column_resize_immediate := True is_header_displayed := True row_height := default_row_height is_row_height_fixed := True subrow_indent := 0 viewport_x_offset := 0 viewport_y_offset := 0 are_tree_node_connectors_shown := True are_columns_drawn_above_rows := True is_horizontal_overscroll_enabled := False is_vertical_overscroll_enabled := False is_vertical_scroll_bar_show_requested := True is_horizontal_scroll_bar_show_requested := True invalid_row_index := {like invalid_row_index}.max_value -- Flag `physical_column_indexes' for recalculation physical_column_indexes_dirty := True drawable.set_minimum_size (buffered_drawable_size, buffered_drawable_size) drawable.enable_tabable_to internal_vertical_scroll_bar.hide internal_vertical_scroll_bar.set_leap (default_scroll_bar_leap) internal_vertical_scroll_bar.set_step (default_scroll_bar_step) internal_horizontal_scroll_bar.set_step (default_scroll_bar_step) internal_horizontal_scroll_bar.set_leap (default_scroll_bar_leap) create horizontal_box create vertical_box horizontal_box.extend (vertical_box) create l_vertical_box horizontal_box.extend (l_vertical_box) l_vertical_box.extend (internal_vertical_scroll_bar) horizontal_box.disable_item_expand (l_vertical_box) l_vertical_box.extend (scroll_bar_spacer) l_vertical_box.disable_item_expand (scroll_bar_spacer) vertical_box.extend (header_viewport) vertical_box.disable_item_expand (header_viewport) viewport.resize_actions.extend (agent viewport_resized) viewport.dpi_changed_actions.extend (agent viewport_dpi_change_resized) static_fixed.set_minimum_size (static_fixed_x_offset * 2, static_fixed_y_offset * 2) static_fixed_viewport.resize_actions.extend (agent resize_viewport_in_static_fixed) vertical_box.extend (static_fixed_viewport) static_fixed_viewport.extend (static_fixed) static_fixed_viewport.set_offset (static_fixed_x_offset, static_fixed_y_offset) static_fixed.extend (viewport) static_fixed.set_item_position (viewport, static_fixed_x_offset, static_fixed_y_offset) vertical_box.extend (internal_horizontal_scroll_bar) vertical_box.disable_item_expand (internal_horizontal_scroll_bar) internal_horizontal_scroll_bar.hide -- Now connect events to `header' which are used to update the "physical size" of -- Current in response to their re-sizing. header_viewport.extend (header) header_viewport.set_minimum_height (header.height) header.set_minimum_width (maximum_header_width) header_viewport.set_item_size (maximum_header_width, header.height) if {PLATFORM}.is_windows then -- Needed for custom widget insertion implementation. fixed.set_minimum_size (buffered_drawable_size, buffered_drawable_size) viewport.extend (fixed) fixed.extend (drawable) else viewport.extend (drawable) end -- Now connect all of the events to `drawable' which will be used to propagate events to the `interface'. drawable.pointer_motion_actions.extend (agent pointer_motion_received (?, ?, ?, ?, ?, ?, ?)) drawable.pointer_button_press_actions.extend (agent pointer_button_press_received (?, ?, ?, ?, ?, ?, ?, ?)) drawable.pointer_double_press_actions.extend (agent pointer_double_press_received (?, ?, ?, ?, ?, ?, ?, ?)) drawable.pointer_button_release_actions.extend (agent pointer_button_release_received (?, ?, ?, ?, ?, ?, ?, ?)) drawable.pointer_enter_actions.extend (agent pointer_enter_received_on_drawable) drawable.pointer_leave_actions.extend (agent pointer_leave_received_on_drawable) drawable.key_press_actions.extend (agent key_press_received (?)) drawable.key_press_string_actions.extend (agent key_press_string_received (?)) drawable.key_release_actions.extend (agent key_release_received (?)) drawable.focus_in_actions.extend (agent focus_in_received) drawable.focus_out_actions.extend (agent focus_out_received) drawable.mouse_wheel_actions.extend (agent mouse_wheel_received) -- Events must be connected to all widgets that comprise `Current' in order to propagate the events correctly. -- Note that not all events must be connected, only those that are not dependent on the widget having the -- focus, such as mouse events. For those that rely on the focus, only `drawable' will be able to receive the -- focus so is the only widget to which they must be connected. initialize_header_events (header) initialize_vertical_scroll_bar_events (internal_vertical_scroll_bar) initialize_horizontal_scroll_bar_events (internal_horizontal_scroll_bar) initialize_scroll_bar_spacer_events (scroll_bar_spacer) -- Now ensure grid can be tabbed to as any other standard widget. drawable.enable_tabable_to drawable.enable_tabable_from update_scroll_bar_spacer enable_selection_on_click enable_single_item_selection enable_selection_keyboard_handling -- Enable PND drawable.drop_actions.set_veto_pebble_function (agent veto_pebble_function_intermediary) drawable.drop_actions.extend (agent drop_action_intermediary) item_counter := 1 row_counter := 1 set_minimum_size (default_minimum_size, default_minimum_size) create drawer_internal.make_with_grid (Current) drawable.expose_actions.extend (agent drawer.redraw_area_in_drawable_coordinates_wrapper) header.set_grid (Current) extend (horizontal_box) -- Handle default key processing. drawable.set_default_key_processing_handler ( agent (a_key: EV_KEY): BOOLEAN do Result := True if attached default_key_processing_handler as l_handler then Result := l_handler.item ([a_key]) end if Result then Result := not a_key.is_arrow and then (is_item_tab_navigation_enabled implies ( ev_application.ctrl_pressed or -- Ctrl+Tab performs regular tab navigation from within the grid. attached selected_items as l_sel_items and then (l_sel_items.count > 0 implies -- If row selection is enabled override default behavior if an item is activated. (is_row_selection_enabled and then currently_active_item = Void) or else (next_navigatable_activatable_item (l_sel_items.first, a_key) = l_sel_items.first)))) -- If `is_item_tab_navigation_enabled' then we prevent default tab navigation to/from the next widget -- and propagate to the next available item if not at the first (unless shift is pressed) or last (unless shift not pressed). end end ) set_state_flag (interface_is_initialized_flag, False) end initialize_header_events (a_header: like header) -- Initialize events for `a_header'. do a_header.item_resize_start_actions.extend (agent header_item_resize_started) a_header.item_resize_actions.extend (agent header_item_resizing) a_header.item_resize_end_actions.extend (agent header_item_resize_ended) a_header.pointer_motion_actions.extend (agent pointer_motion_received_header (?, ?, ?, ?, ?, ?, ?)) a_header.pointer_button_press_actions.extend (agent pointer_button_press_received_header (?, ?, ?, ?, ?, ?, ?, ?)) a_header.pointer_double_press_actions.extend (agent pointer_double_press_received_header (?, ?, ?, ?, ?, ?, ?, ?)) a_header.pointer_button_release_actions.extend (agent pointer_button_release_received_header (?, ?, ?, ?, ?, ?, ?, ?)) a_header.pointer_enter_actions.extend (agent pointer_enter_received) a_header.pointer_leave_actions.extend (agent pointer_leave_received) end initialize_vertical_scroll_bar_events (a_vertical_scroll_bar: like internal_vertical_scroll_bar) -- Initialize events for `a_vertical_scroll_bar'. do a_vertical_scroll_bar.change_actions.extend (agent vertical_scroll_bar_changed) a_vertical_scroll_bar.pointer_motion_actions.extend (agent pointer_motion_received_vertical_scroll_bar (?, ?, ?, ?, ?, ?, ?)) a_vertical_scroll_bar.pointer_enter_actions.extend (agent pointer_enter_received) a_vertical_scroll_bar.pointer_leave_actions.extend (agent pointer_leave_received) end initialize_horizontal_scroll_bar_events (a_horizontal_scroll_bar: like internal_horizontal_scroll_bar) -- Initialize events for `a_horizontal_scroll_bar'. do a_horizontal_scroll_bar.change_actions.extend (agent horizontal_scroll_bar_changed) a_horizontal_scroll_bar.pointer_motion_actions.extend (agent pointer_motion_received_horizontal_scroll_bar (?, ?, ?, ?, ?, ?, ?)) a_horizontal_scroll_bar.pointer_enter_actions.extend (agent pointer_enter_received) a_horizontal_scroll_bar.pointer_leave_actions.extend (agent pointer_leave_received) end initialize_scroll_bar_spacer_events (a_scroll_bar_spacer: like scroll_bar_spacer) -- Initialize events for `a_scroll_bar_spacer'. do a_scroll_bar_spacer.pointer_motion_actions.extend (agent pointer_motion_received_scroll_bar_spacer (?, ?, ?, ?, ?, ?, ?)) a_scroll_bar_spacer.pointer_enter_actions.extend (agent pointer_enter_received) a_scroll_bar_spacer.pointer_leave_actions.extend (agent pointer_leave_received) end resize_viewport_in_static_fixed (an_x, a_y, a_width, a_height: INTEGER) -- Resize `viewport' within `static_fixed' as the viewable -- area of `Current' has changed. do static_fixed.set_item_size (viewport, a_width, a_height) end static_fixed_viewport: EV_VIEWPORT -- A viewport within `static_fixed'. static_fixed: EV_FIXED -- A static fixed, which is used to hold widgets that are contained in locked rows or columns. -- The contents are not moved relative to the viewable area as the virtual position of `Current' changed. static_fixed_x_offset: INTEGER -- Default X offset of viewport contained within static fixed. do Result := 15000 end static_fixed_y_offset: INTEGER -- Default Y offset of viewport container within static fixed. do Result := 15000 end header_item_resizing (header_item: EV_HEADER_ITEM) -- Respond to `header_item' being resized. require header_item_not_void: header_item /= Void is_header_item_resizing: is_header_item_resizing local header_index: INTEGER l_column_i: detachable EV_GRID_COLUMN_I l_columns: like columns do -- Update horizontal scroll bar size and position. recompute_horizontal_scroll_bar -- Now perform appropriate redrawing as required. if is_column_resize_immediate then header_index := header.index_of (header_item, 1) set_horizontal_computation_required (header_index) l_columns := columns l_column_i := l_columns [header_index] check l_column_i /= Void then end if are_column_separators_enabled and (last_width_of_header_during_resize = 0 and header_item.width > 0) or last_width_of_header_during_resize_internal > 0 and header_item.width = 0 then -- In this situation, we must draw the first column to the left of the one being -- resized that has a width greater than 0 as the column border must be updated -- in this column. if header_index > 1 then from header_index := header_index - 1 until header_index = 1 or else attached (l_columns @ (header_index)) as l_col_i and then l_col_i.width > 0 loop header_index := header_index - 1 end end redraw_from_column_to_end (l_column_i) else redraw_from_column_to_end (l_column_i) end if l_column_i.is_locked then reposition_locked_column (l_column_i) end else if is_resizing_divider_enabled then -- Draw a resizing line if enabled. draw_resizing_line (header.item_x_offset (header_item) + header_item.width) end end last_width_of_header_during_resize_internal := header_item.width end last_width_of_header_during_resize: INTEGER -- The last width of the header item that is currently being -- resized. Used to determine if we must refresh the column to -- the left of the current one as it could cause the border to -- need to be drawn on the previous column if it is the final -- column that current has a width greater than 0. require is_header_item_resizing: is_header_item_resizing do Result := last_width_of_header_during_resize_internal ensure result_non_negative: Result >= 0 end last_width_of_header_during_resize_internal: INTEGER -- Storage for `last_width_of_header_during_resize'. header_item_resize_started (header_item: EV_HEADER_ITEM) -- Resizing has started on `header_item'. require header_item_not_void: header_item /= Void do is_header_item_resizing := True end header_item_resize_ended (header_item: EV_HEADER_ITEM) -- Resizing has completed on `header_item'. require header_item_not_void: header_item /= Void local header_index: INTEGER l_column_i: detachable EV_GRID_COLUMN_I do header_index := header.index_of (header_item, 1) -- If `header_index' is `0' then the header item must be hidden and an explicit call -- to {EV_GRID_COLUMN}.set_width has been made, therefore there is no effect on the grid. if header_index > 0 then is_header_item_resizing := False if is_resizing_divider_enabled then remove_resizing_line end l_column_i := columns @ header_index check l_column_i /= Void then end if l_column_i.is_locked then reposition_locked_column (l_column_i) end set_horizontal_computation_required (header_index) l_column_i := columns @ header_index check l_column_i /= Void then end redraw_from_column_to_end (l_column_i) end end draw_resizing_line (position: INTEGER) -- Draw a resizing line at horizontal position relative to `drawable'. -- Clip line to drawable width. do if (position - viewport_x_offset > viewable_width) or (position - viewport_x_offset < 0) then remove_resizing_line else -- Draw line representing position in current divider style. if is_resizing_divider_solid then drawable.disable_dashed_line_style else drawable.enable_dashed_line_style end drawable.set_invert_mode drawable.draw_segment (position, resizing_line_border, position, viewable_height - resizing_line_border) if last_dashed_line_position > 0 then drawable.draw_segment (last_dashed_line_position, resizing_line_border, last_dashed_line_position, viewable_height - resizing_line_border) end last_dashed_line_position := position drawable.set_copy_mode end end remove_resizing_line -- Remove resizing line drawn on `drawable'. do -- Remove line representing position in current divider style. if is_resizing_divider_solid then drawable.disable_dashed_line_style else drawable.enable_dashed_line_style end drawable.set_invert_mode drawable.draw_segment (last_dashed_line_position, resizing_line_border, last_dashed_line_position, viewable_height - resizing_line_border) last_dashed_line_position := - 1 drawable.set_copy_mode ensure last_position_negative: last_dashed_line_position = -1 end last_dashed_line_position: INTEGER -- Last horizontal coordinate of dashed line drawn when slider is moved. vertical_scroll_bar_changed (a_value: INTEGER) -- Respond to a change in value from `vertical_scroll_bar'. require a_value_non_negative: a_value >= 0 local l_y_position: INTEGER do if is_vertical_scrolling_per_item then if is_row_height_fixed then l_y_position := row_height * a_value elseif attached row_offsets as l_row_offsets and then attached visible_indexes_to_row_indexes as l_visible_indexes_to_row_indexes then l_y_position := l_row_offsets.i_th (l_visible_indexes_to_row_indexes @ (a_value + 1)) end else l_y_position := a_value end internal_set_virtual_y_position (l_y_position) if virtual_position_changed_actions_internal /= Void then ([virtual_x_position, virtual_y_position]) end end horizontal_scroll_bar_changed (a_value: INTEGER) -- Respond to a change in value from `horizontal_scroll_bar'. require a_value_non_negative: a_value >= 0 local l_x_position: INTEGER do if is_horizontal_scrolling_per_item then l_x_position := column_offsets.i_th (a_value + 1) else l_x_position := a_value end internal_set_virtual_x_position (l_x_position) if virtual_position_changed_actions_internal /= Void then ([virtual_x_position, virtual_y_position]) end end internal_set_virtual_y_position (a_y_position: INTEGER) -- Set virtual y position of `Current' to `a_y_position'. require a_y_position_non_negative: a_y_position >= 0 local buffer_space: INTEGER current_buffer_position: INTEGER locked_column: detachable EV_GRID_LOCKED_COLUMN_I l_locked_indexes: like locked_indexes l_cursor: CURSOR do if is_full_redraw_on_virtual_position_change_enabled then redraw_client_area end internal_client_y := a_y_position -- Store the virtual client y position internally. buffer_space := buffered_drawable_size - viewable_height current_buffer_position := viewport_y_offset -- Calculate if the buffer must be flipped. If so, redraw the complete client area, -- otherwise, simply move the position in `viewport'. if internal_client_y > last_vertical_scroll_bar_value and internal_client_y - last_vertical_scroll_bar_value + current_buffer_position >= buffer_space then viewport_y_offset := 0 viewport.set_y_offset (viewport_y_offset) redraw_client_area elseif internal_client_y < last_vertical_scroll_bar_value and internal_client_y - last_vertical_scroll_bar_value + current_buffer_position < 0 then viewport_y_offset := buffer_space viewport.set_y_offset (viewport_y_offset) redraw_client_area else viewport_y_offset := current_buffer_position + internal_client_y - last_vertical_scroll_bar_value viewport.set_y_offset (viewport_y_offset) end -- Store the last scrolled to position. last_vertical_scroll_bar_value := internal_client_y -- Now propagate to all locked columns. from l_locked_indexes := locked_indexes l_cursor := l_locked_indexes.cursor l_locked_indexes.start until loop locked_column ?= l_locked_indexes.item if locked_column /= Void then locked_column.internal_set_virtual_y_position (a_y_position) end l_locked_indexes.forth end l_locked_indexes.go_to (l_cursor) ensure internal_position_set: internal_client_y = a_y_position end internal_set_virtual_x_position (a_x_position: INTEGER) -- Set virtual x position of `Current' to `a_x_position'. require a_x_position_non_negative: a_x_position >= 0 local buffer_space: INTEGER current_buffer_position: INTEGER locked_row: detachable EV_GRID_LOCKED_ROW_I l_locked_indexes: like locked_indexes l_cursor: CURSOR do if is_full_redraw_on_virtual_position_change_enabled then redraw_client_area end internal_client_x := a_x_position -- Store the virtual client x position internally. buffer_space := buffered_drawable_size - viewable_width current_buffer_position := viewport_x_offset -- Calculate if the buffer must be flipped. If so, redraw the complete client area, -- otherwise, simply move the position in `viewport'. if internal_client_x > last_horizontal_scroll_bar_value and internal_client_x - last_horizontal_scroll_bar_value + current_buffer_position >= buffer_space then viewport_x_offset := 0 viewport.set_x_offset (viewport_x_offset) redraw_client_area elseif internal_client_x < last_horizontal_scroll_bar_value and internal_client_x - last_horizontal_scroll_bar_value + current_buffer_position < 0 then viewport_x_offset := buffer_space viewport.set_x_offset (viewport_x_offset) redraw_client_area else viewport_x_offset := current_buffer_position + internal_client_x - last_horizontal_scroll_bar_value viewport.set_x_offset (viewport_x_offset) end header_viewport.set_x_offset (internal_client_x) -- Store the last scrolled to position. last_horizontal_scroll_bar_value := internal_client_x -- Now update all locked rows. from l_locked_indexes := locked_indexes l_cursor := l_locked_indexes.cursor l_locked_indexes.start until loop locked_row ?= l_locked_indexes.item if locked_row /= Void then locked_row.internal_set_virtual_x_position (a_x_position) end l_locked_indexes.forth end l_locked_indexes.go_to (l_cursor) ensure internal_position_set: internal_client_x = a_x_position end last_horizontal_scroll_bar_value: INTEGER -- Last value of `horizontal_scroll_bar' used within `horizontal_scroll_bar_changed' -- to determine how far the scroll bar has moved and whether or not the position of the virtual drawable -- needs to be "flipped". Although removing this computation may initially appear to work, there are -- drawing issues in the case that two consecutive scroll bar positions are greater than the excess space for -- virtual drawing. last_vertical_scroll_bar_value: INTEGER -- Last value of `vertical_scroll_bar' used within `vertical_scroll_bar_changed'. See -- comment of `last_horizontal_scroll_bar_value' for details of it's use. update_scroll_bar_spacer -- Update `scroll_bar_spacer' so that it has the appropriate minimum dimensions -- given the visible state of `horizontal_scroll_bar' and `vertical_scroll_bar -- which results in the two scroll bars being positioned correctly in relation -- to each other. do if internal_horizontal_scroll_bar.is_show_requested and internal_vertical_scroll_bar.is_show_requested then scroll_bar_spacer.set_minimum_size (internal_vertical_scroll_bar.width, internal_horizontal_scroll_bar.height) else scroll_bar_spacer.set_minimum_size (0, 0) end end viewport_resized (an_x, a_y, a_width, a_height: INTEGER) -- Respond to resizing of `Viewport' to width and height `a_width', `a_height'. require a_width_non_negative: a_width >= 0 a_height_non_negative: a_height >= 0 do -- Set the internal client dimensions for -- quick retrieval later. This reduces the dependencies on -- `viewport' within other code. viewable_width := a_width viewable_height := a_height -- We set the computation required to the final column and row as this -- triggers re-computation of the scroll bars, with the minimal recompute performed. -- Update horizontal scroll bar size and position. set_horizontal_computation_required (columns.count + 1) set_vertical_computation_required (row_count + 1) -- Flag that we have triggered a recompute/redraw as the result of -- the viewport resizing. In this situation, extra procssing is performed -- to ensure that the scroll bars update correctly. horizontal_redraw_triggered_by_viewport_resize := True vertical_redraw_triggered_by_viewport_resize := True -- Now flag to redraw the complete client area. -- On Windows, the complete client area is redrawn each time a move occurs -- and on Gtk this does not happen. By calling `redraw_client_area', we ensure the -- behavior is the same on both platforms. redraw_client_area reposition_locked_items ensure viewable_dimensions_set: viewable_width = a_width and viewable_height = a_height viewport_item_at_least_as_big_as_viewport: viewport.readable implies (viewport.item.width >= viewable_width and viewport.item.height >= viewable_height) end viewport_dpi_change_resized (a_dpi,an_x, a_y, a_width, a_height: INTEGER) -- Respond to resizing of `Viewport' to width and height `a_width', `a_height'. require a_width_non_negative: a_width >= 0 a_height_non_negative: a_height >= 0 do viewport_resized (an_x, a_y, a_width, a_height) end reposition_locked_items -- Reposition all items locked within `Current'. local cursor: CURSOR locked_row: detachable EV_GRID_LOCKED_ROW_I locked_column: detachable EV_GRID_LOCKED_COLUMN_I l_locked_indexes: like locked_indexes do from l_locked_indexes := locked_indexes cursor := l_locked_indexes.cursor l_locked_indexes.start until loop locked_column ?= l_locked_indexes.item if locked_column /= Void then reposition_locked_column (locked_column.column_i) else locked_row ?= l_locked_indexes.item check locked_row /= Void then end reposition_locked_row (locked_row.row_i) end l_locked_indexes.forth end locked_indexes.go_to (cursor) end header_viewport: EV_VIEWPORT scroll_bar_spacer: EV_CELL -- A spacer to separate the corners of the scroll bars. fixed: EV_FIXED -- Main widget contained in `Current' used for custom widget insertion for descendent implementations. -- Currently MSWin only. default_header_height: INTEGER = 16 -- Default height applied to `header'. default_minimum_size: INTEGER = 50 -- Default minimum size dimensions for `Current'. resizing_line_border: INTEGER = 4 -- Distance that resizing line is displayed from top and bottom edges of `drawable'. buffered_drawable_size: INTEGER = 30000 -- Default size of `drawable' used for scrolling purposes. horizontal_redraw_triggered_by_viewport_resize: BOOLEAN vertical_redraw_triggered_by_viewport_resize: BOOLEAN feature {EV_GRID_DRAWABLE_ITEM_I, EV_GRID_LOCKED_I} -- Implementation drawer: EV_GRID_DRAWER_I do check drawer_internal /= Void then end Result := drawer_internal end drawer_internal: detachable EV_GRID_DRAWER_I note option: stable attribute end -- Drawer which is able to redraw `Current'. feature {EV_GRID_ROW_I, EV_GRID_COLUMN_I} -- Implementation reposition_locked_column (a_column: EV_GRID_COLUMN_I) -- Reposition locked column `a_column_i'. require column_locked: a_column.is_locked local l_locked_column: detachable EV_GRID_LOCKED_COLUMN_I l_widget: EV_WIDGET do l_locked_column := a_column.locked_column check l_locked_column /= Void then end l_widget := l_locked_column.widget if l_widget.parent = Void then static_fixed.extend (l_widget) end static_fixed.set_item_position (l_widget, 15000 + l_locked_column.offset, 15000) static_fixed.set_item_size (l_widget, a_column.width, viewport.height) l_locked_column.internal_set_virtual_y_position (virtual_y_position) end reposition_locked_row (a_row: EV_GRID_ROW_I) -- Reposition locked row `a_row'. require a_row_locked: a_row.is_locked local l_locked_row: detachable EV_GRID_LOCKED_ROW_I l_widget: EV_WIDGET do l_locked_row := a_row.locked_row check l_locked_row /= Void then end l_widget := l_locked_row.widget if l_widget.parent = Void then static_fixed.extend (l_widget) end static_fixed.set_item_position (l_widget, 15000, 15000 + l_locked_row.offset) static_fixed.set_item_size (l_widget, viewport.width, a_row.height) l_locked_row.internal_set_virtual_x_position (virtual_x_position) end feature {EV_GRID_COLUMN_I, EV_GRID_DRAWER_I, EV_GRID_LOCKED_I, EV_GRID} -- Implementation is_header_item_resizing: BOOLEAN -- Is a header item currently in the process of resizing? feature {EV_GRID_LOCKED_I} -- Event handling -- First we define a number of functions for conversion of coordinates. client_x_to_virtual_x (client_x: INTEGER): INTEGER -- Convert `client_x' in client coordinates of `drawable' to a virtual grid coordinate. do Result := client_x + internal_client_x - viewport_x_offset end client_y_to_virtual_y (client_y: INTEGER): INTEGER -- Convert `client_y' in client coordinates of `drawable' to a virtual grid coordinate. do Result := client_y + internal_client_y - viewport_y_offset end client_x_to_x (client_x: INTEGER): INTEGER -- Convert `client_x' in client coordinates of `drawable' to an absolute grid coordinate. do Result := client_x + viewable_x_offset - viewport_x_offset end client_y_to_y (client_y: INTEGER): INTEGER -- Convert `client_y' in client coordinates of `drawable' to an absolute grid coordinate. do Result := client_y + viewable_y_offset - viewport_y_offset end pointer_button_press_received (a_x: INTEGER; a_y: INTEGER; a_button: INTEGER; a_x_tilt: DOUBLE; a_y_tilt: DOUBLE; a_pressure: DOUBLE; a_screen_x: INTEGER; a_screen_y: INTEGER) -- A pointer button press has been received by `drawable' so propagate to the interface. local pointed_item: detachable EV_GRID_ITEM_I current_item_x_position: INTEGER current_subrow_indent: INTEGER node_x_position_click_edge: INTEGER pointed_row_i: EV_GRID_ROW_I pointed_item_interface: detachable EV_GRID_ITEM ignore_selection_handling: BOOLEAN selected_item: detachable EV_GRID_ITEM selected_item_i: detachable EV_GRID_ITEM_I item_coordinates: detachable EV_COORDINATE do -- If there is a currently activated item then we must deactivate it and exit. if attached currently_active_item as l_currently_active_item and then l_currently_active_item.parent = interface then l_currently_active_item.deactivate end pointed_item := drawer.item_at_position_strict (a_x, a_y) -- We fire the pointer button press actions before the node or selection actions which may occur -- as a result of this press. if pointer_button_press_actions_internal /= Void and then not pointer_button_press_actions_internal.is_empty then ([client_x_to_x (a_x), client_y_to_y (a_y), a_button, a_x_tilt, a_y_tilt, a_pressure, client_x_to_x (a_screen_x), client_y_to_y (a_screen_y)]) end if pointer_button_press_item_actions_internal /= Void and then not pointer_button_press_item_actions_internal.is_empty then if pointed_item /= Void then pointed_item_interface := pointed_item.interface end ([client_x_to_virtual_x (a_x), client_y_to_virtual_y (a_y), a_button, pointed_item_interface]) end if pointed_item /= Void and then not pointed_item.is_destroyed and then pointed_item.parent_i = Current and then pointed_item.pointer_button_press_actions_internal /= Void and then not pointed_item.pointer_button_press_actions.is_empty then ([client_x_to_virtual_x(a_x) - pointed_item.virtual_x_position, client_y_to_virtual_y (a_y) - pointed_item.virtual_y_position, a_button, 0.0, 0.0, 0.0, a_screen_x, a_screen_y]) end item_coordinates := drawer.item_coordinates_at_position (a_x, a_y) if item_coordinates /= Void then pointed_row_i := row_internal (item_coordinates.y) current_subrow_indent := item_cell_indent (item_coordinates.x, item_coordinates.y) --item_indent (pointed_item) current_item_x_position := column (item_coordinates.x).virtual_x_position - (internal_client_x - viewport_x_offset) node_x_position_click_edge := current_subrow_indent + current_item_x_position if pointed_row_i.subrow_count /= 0 or pointed_row_i.is_ensured_expandable then -- We only include the dimensions of the node pixmap for our calculations if -- one is displayed. node_x_position_click_edge := current_subrow_indent + current_item_x_position - (node_pixmap_width + (3 * tree_node_spacing)) end if a_x >= node_x_position_click_edge then if a_button = 1 and then (pointed_row_i.subrow_count > 0 or pointed_row_i.is_ensured_expandable) and then current_subrow_indent > 0 and a_x < current_subrow_indent + current_item_x_position then ignore_selection_handling := True if pointed_row_i.is_expanded then pointed_row_i.collapse else pointed_row_i.expand end elseif is_selection_on_click_enabled then selected_item_i := item_internal (item_coordinates.x, item_coordinates.y) if selected_item_i /= Void then selected_item := selected_item_i.interface end end end end if not ignore_selection_handling and then is_selection_on_click_enabled and then (not is_selection_on_single_button_click_enabled or else (is_selection_on_single_button_click_enabled and a_button = 1)) then if selected_item /= Void and then not selected_item.is_destroyed and then selected_item.is_selected and then ((is_always_selected and then (internal_selected_items.count > 1 or else internal_selected_rows.count > 1)) or not is_always_selected) and then attached ev_application as l_app and then l_app.ctrl_pressed and then not l_app.shift_pressed then -- Handle Ctrl-clicking to deselect items selected_item.disable_select last_selected_item := selected_item.implementation shift_key_start_item := Void else if selected_item = Void or else not selected_item.is_destroyed then handle_newly_selected_item (selected_item, a_button, False) end end end end pointer_button_press_received_header (a_x: INTEGER; a_y: INTEGER; a_button: INTEGER; a_x_tilt: DOUBLE; a_y_tilt: DOUBLE; a_pressure: DOUBLE; a_screen_x: INTEGER; a_screen_y: INTEGER) -- A pointer button press has been received by `header' so propagate to the interface. do if pointer_button_press_actions_internal /= Void and then not pointer_button_press_actions_internal.is_empty then ([a_x, a_y, a_button, a_x_tilt, a_y_tilt, a_pressure, a_screen_x, a_screen_y]) end if pointer_button_press_item_actions_internal /= Void and then not pointer_button_press_item_actions_internal.is_empty then ([a_x, a_y, a_button, Void]) end end pointer_motion_received (a_x, a_y: INTEGER; a_x_tilt, a_y_tilt, a_pressure: DOUBLE; a_screen_x, a_screen_y: INTEGER) -- Called by `pointer_motion_actions' of `drawable'. local pointed_item: detachable EV_GRID_ITEM_I pointed_item_interface: detachable EV_GRID_ITEM tooltip_drawable: EV_DRAWING_AREA l_item: detachable EV_GRID_ITEM_I l_tooltip: detachable STRING_32 do if a_x >= 0 and then a_y >= 0 then pointed_item := drawer.item_at_position_strict (a_x, a_y) end -- Calculate which drawable is the one to which we should apply the tooltip. if pointed_item /= Void then l_item := pointed_item else if attached last_pointed_item as l_last_pointed_item and then l_last_pointed_item.parent_i = Current then l_item := l_last_pointed_item else last_pointed_item := Void end end if l_item /= Void and then l_item.is_parented then if attached l_item.column_i as l_column_i and then attached l_column_i.locked_column as l_locked_column and then l_column_i.is_locked then tooltip_drawable := l_locked_column.drawing_area elseif attached l_item.row_i as l_row_i and then attached l_row_i.locked_row as l_locked_row and then l_row_i.is_locked then tooltip_drawable := l_locked_row.drawing_area else tooltip_drawable := drawable end else tooltip_drawable := drawable end --check tooltip_drawable /= Void end -- Now handle the tooltips for items. if pointed_item /= Void then -- We have an item. If the item has a tooltip we use that tooltip. -- Otherwise, we use the tooltip from the grid. l_tooltip := pointed_item.tooltip if l_tooltip = Void or else l_tooltip.is_empty then l_tooltip := internal_tooltip end else -- Use the grid tooltip if any. l_tooltip := internal_tooltip end if l_tooltip = Void or else l_tooltip.is_empty then tooltip_drawable.remove_tooltip elseif not tooltip_drawable.tooltip.is_equal (l_tooltip) then tooltip_drawable.set_tooltip (l_tooltip) end -- Now handle the enter and leave actions. Note that these are fired before the motion events. if not pointer_enter_called and then attached pointer_enter_actions_internal as p and then not p.is_empty then (Void) end if pointed_item /= Void then if pointed_item /= last_pointed_item then if attached last_pointed_item as l_last_pointed_item then if pointer_leave_item_actions_internal /= Void then ([False, l_last_pointed_item.attached_interface]) end if l_last_pointed_item.pointer_leave_actions_internal /= Void then (Void) end end if not pointer_enter_called and then attached pointer_enter_item_actions_internal as p and then not p.is_empty then (not pointer_enter_called, pointed_item.attached_interface) end if pointed_item.pointer_enter_actions_internal /= Void then (Void) end last_pointed_item := pointed_item end if pointed_item.pointer_motion_actions_internal /= Void then ([client_x_to_virtual_x(a_x) - pointed_item.virtual_x_position, client_y_to_virtual_y (a_y) - pointed_item.virtual_y_position, 0.0, 0.0, 0.0, a_screen_x, a_screen_y]) end else if not pointer_enter_called and then attached pointer_enter_item_actions_internal as p then (True, Void) end if attached last_pointed_item as l_last_pointed_item then if pointer_leave_item_actions_internal /= Void and then not pointer_leave_item_actions_internal.is_empty then ([False, l_last_pointed_item.attached_interface]) end if l_last_pointed_item.pointer_leave_actions_internal /= Void then (Void) end last_pointed_item := Void end end if pointer_motion_actions_internal /= Void and then not pointer_motion_actions_internal.is_empty then ([client_x_to_x (a_x), client_y_to_y (a_y) , a_x_tilt, a_y_tilt, a_pressure, client_x_to_x (a_screen_x), client_y_to_y (a_screen_y)]) end if pointer_motion_item_actions_internal /= Void then if pointed_item /= Void then pointed_item_interface := pointed_item.attached_interface end ([client_x_to_virtual_x(a_x), client_y_to_virtual_y (a_y), pointed_item_interface]) end pointer_enter_called := True end last_pointed_item: detachable EV_GRID_ITEM_I -- The last item that was pointed to in `pointer_motion_received', which may be `Void'. -- This is used to implement the pointer enter and pointer leave actions at the item level. pointer_motion_received_header (a_x, a_y: INTEGER; a_x_tilt, a_y_tilt, a_pressure: DOUBLE; a_screen_x, a_screen_y: INTEGER) -- Called by `pointer_motion_actions' of `header'. do if pointer_motion_actions_internal /= Void and then not pointer_motion_actions_internal.is_empty then ([a_x, a_y, a_x_tilt, a_y_tilt, a_pressure, a_screen_x, a_screen_y]) end if pointer_motion_item_actions_internal /= Void and then not pointer_motion_item_actions_internal.is_empty then ([a_x, a_y, Void]) end end pointer_motion_received_vertical_scroll_bar (a_x, a_y: INTEGER; a_x_tilt, a_y_tilt, a_pressure: DOUBLE; a_screen_x, a_screen_y: INTEGER) -- Called by `pointer_motion_actions' of `vertical_scroll_bar'. do if pointer_motion_actions_internal /= Void and then not pointer_motion_actions_internal.is_empty then ([a_x + viewable_x_offset + viewable_width, a_y, a_x_tilt, a_y_tilt, a_pressure, a_screen_x, a_screen_y]) end if pointer_motion_item_actions_internal /= Void and then not pointer_motion_item_actions_internal.is_empty then ([a_x + viewable_x_offset + viewable_width, a_y, Void]) end end pointer_motion_received_horizontal_scroll_bar (a_x, a_y: INTEGER; a_x_tilt, a_y_tilt, a_pressure: DOUBLE; a_screen_x, a_screen_y: INTEGER) -- Called by `pointer_motion_actions' of `horizontal_scroll_bar'. do if pointer_motion_actions_internal /= Void and then not pointer_motion_actions_internal.is_empty then ([a_x + viewable_x_offset, a_y + viewable_y_offset + viewable_height, a_x_tilt, a_y_tilt, a_pressure, a_screen_x, a_screen_y]) end if pointer_motion_item_actions_internal /= Void and then not pointer_motion_item_actions_internal.is_empty then ([a_x + viewable_x_offset, a_y + viewable_y_offset + viewable_height, Void]) end end pointer_motion_received_scroll_bar_spacer (a_x, a_y: INTEGER; a_x_tilt, a_y_tilt, a_pressure: DOUBLE; a_screen_x, a_screen_y: INTEGER) -- Called by `pointer_motion_actions' of `scroll_bar_spacer'. do if pointer_motion_actions_internal /= Void then ([a_x + viewable_x_offset + viewable_width, a_y + viewable_y_offset + viewable_height, a_x_tilt, a_y_tilt, a_pressure, a_screen_x, a_screen_y]) end end pointer_double_press_received (a_x, a_y, a_button: INTEGER; a_x_tilt, a_y_tilt, a_pressure: DOUBLE; a_screen_x, a_screen_y: INTEGER) -- Called by `pointer_double_press_actions' of `drawable'. local pointed_item: detachable EV_GRID_ITEM_I pointed_item_interface: detachable EV_GRID_ITEM do if pointer_double_press_actions_internal /= Void then ([client_x_to_x (a_x), client_y_to_y (a_y), a_button, a_x_tilt, a_y_tilt, a_pressure, client_x_to_x (a_screen_x), client_y_to_y (a_screen_y)]) end pointed_item := drawer.item_at_position_strict (a_x, a_y) if pointer_double_press_item_actions_internal /= Void and then not pointer_double_press_item_actions.is_empty then if pointed_item /= Void then pointed_item_interface := pointed_item.interface end ([client_x_to_virtual_x(a_x), client_y_to_virtual_y (a_y), a_button, pointed_item_interface]) end if pointed_item /= Void and then pointed_item.pointer_double_press_actions_internal /= Void and then not pointed_item.pointer_double_press_actions.is_empty then ([client_x_to_virtual_x(a_x) - pointed_item.virtual_x_position, client_y_to_virtual_y (a_y) - pointed_item.virtual_y_position, a_button, 0.0, 0.0, 0.0, a_screen_x, a_screen_y]) end end pointer_double_press_received_header (a_x: INTEGER; a_y: INTEGER; a_button: INTEGER; a_x_tilt: DOUBLE; a_y_tilt: DOUBLE; a_pressure: DOUBLE; a_screen_x: INTEGER; a_screen_y: INTEGER) -- A pointer button double press has been received by `header' so propagate to the interface. do if pointer_double_press_actions_internal /= Void and then not pointer_double_press_actions_internal.is_empty then ([a_x, a_y, a_button, a_x_tilt, a_y_tilt, a_pressure, a_screen_x, a_screen_y]) end if pointer_double_press_item_actions_internal /= Void and then not pointer_double_press_item_actions_internal.is_empty then ([a_x, a_y, a_button, Void]) end end pointer_double_press_received_scroll_bar_spacer (a_x, a_y, a_button: INTEGER; a_x_tilt, a_y_tilt, a_pressure: DOUBLE; a_screen_x, a_screen_y: INTEGER) -- Called by `pointer_double_press_actions' of `scroll_bar_spacer'. do if pointer_double_press_actions_internal /= Void then ([a_x + viewable_x_offset + viewable_width, a_y + viewable_y_offset + viewable_height, a_button, a_x_tilt, a_y_tilt, a_pressure, a_screen_x, a_screen_y]) end if pointer_double_press_item_actions_internal /= Void then ([a_x + viewable_x_offset + viewable_width, a_y + viewable_y_offset + viewable_height, a_button, Void]) end end pointer_button_release_received (a_x, a_y, a_button: INTEGER; a_x_tilt, a_y_tilt, a_pressure: DOUBLE; a_screen_x, a_screen_y: INTEGER) -- Called by `pointer_button_release_actions' of `drawable'. local pointed_item: detachable EV_GRID_ITEM_I pointed_item_interface: detachable EV_GRID_ITEM do if pointer_button_release_actions_internal /= Void and then not pointer_button_release_actions_internal.is_empty then ([client_x_to_x (a_x) , client_y_to_y (a_y), a_button, a_x_tilt, a_y_tilt, a_pressure, client_x_to_x (a_screen_x), client_y_to_y (a_screen_y)]) end pointed_item := drawer.item_at_position_strict (a_x, a_y) if pointer_button_release_item_actions_internal /= Void and then not pointer_button_release_item_actions.is_empty then if pointed_item /= Void then pointed_item_interface := pointed_item.interface end ([client_x_to_virtual_x(a_x), client_y_to_virtual_y (a_y), a_button, pointed_item_interface]) end if pointed_item /= Void and then pointed_item.pointer_button_release_actions_internal /= Void and then not pointed_item.pointer_button_release_actions.is_empty then ([client_x_to_virtual_x(a_x) - pointed_item.virtual_x_position, client_y_to_virtual_y (a_y) - pointed_item.virtual_y_position, a_button, 0.0, 0.0, 0.0, a_screen_x, a_screen_y]) end end pointer_button_release_received_header (a_x: INTEGER; a_y: INTEGER; a_button: INTEGER; a_x_tilt: DOUBLE; a_y_tilt: DOUBLE; a_pressure: DOUBLE; a_screen_x: INTEGER; a_screen_y: INTEGER) -- A pointer button double press has been received by `header' so propagate to the interface. do if pointer_button_release_actions_internal /= Void and then not pointer_button_release_actions_internal.is_empty then ([a_x, a_y, a_button, a_x_tilt, a_y_tilt, a_pressure, a_screen_x, a_screen_y]) end if pointer_button_release_item_actions_internal /= Void and then not pointer_button_release_item_actions_internal.is_empty then ([a_x, a_y, a_button, Void]) end end pointer_enter_called: BOOLEAN -- Have the pointer enter actions already been called for the grid? pointer_enter_received -- Called by `pointer_enter_actions' of widgets comprising `Current'. do if not pointer_enter_called then if pointer_enter_actions_internal /= Void and then not pointer_enter_actions_internal.is_empty then (Void) end if pointer_enter_item_actions_internal /= Void and then not pointer_enter_item_actions_internal.is_empty then ([True, Void]) end pointer_enter_called := True end end pointer_enter_received_on_drawable -- Called by `pointer_enter_actions' of `drawable'. do -- The handling you may expect here is performed within the motion event on `drawable' -- as we have retreived the item there, and this saves us from retreiving it twice. end pointer_leave_received -- Called by `pointer_leave_actions' of widgets comprising `Current'. local pointed_widget: detachable EV_WIDGET pointed_item: detachable EV_GRID_ITEM do pointed_widget := screen.widget_at_mouse_pointer if pointed_widget /= drawable and then (is_horizontal_scroll_bar_show_requested implies pointed_widget /= internal_horizontal_scroll_bar) and then (is_vertical_scroll_bar_show_requested implies pointed_widget /= internal_vertical_scroll_bar) and then (is_header_displayed implies pointed_widget /= header) then if pointer_leave_actions_internal /= Void then (Void) end if pointer_leave_item_actions_internal /= Void then if attached last_pointed_item as l_last_pointed_item then pointed_item := l_last_pointed_item.interface end ([True, pointed_item]) end -- Reset `pointer_enter_called' as we are no longer within `Current'. pointer_enter_called := False end end pointer_leave_received_on_drawable -- Called by `pointer_leave_actions' of `drawable'. local pointed_widget: detachable EV_WIDGET pointed_item: detachable EV_GRID_ITEM l_last_pointed_item: like last_pointed_item do l_last_pointed_item := last_pointed_item pointed_widget := screen.widget_at_mouse_pointer if (is_horizontal_scroll_bar_show_requested implies pointed_widget /= internal_horizontal_scroll_bar) and then (is_vertical_scroll_bar_show_requested implies pointed_widget /= internal_vertical_scroll_bar) and then (is_header_displayed implies pointed_widget /= header) then if pointer_leave_actions_internal /= Void then (Void) end if l_last_pointed_item /= Void then pointed_item := l_last_pointed_item.attached_interface end if pointer_leave_item_actions_internal /= Void then ([True, pointed_item]) end if l_last_pointed_item /= Void and then l_last_pointed_item.pointer_leave_actions_internal /= Void then (Void) end -- Reset `pointer_enter_called' as we are no longer within `Current'. pointer_enter_called := False elseif l_last_pointed_item /= Void then -- If there was a pointed item, fire its leave actions. if pointer_leave_item_actions_internal /= Void and then not pointer_leave_item_actions_internal.is_empty then ([False, l_last_pointed_item.interface]) end if l_last_pointed_item.pointer_leave_actions_internal /= Void then (Void) end end last_pointed_item := Void end find_next_item_in_row (grid_row: EV_GRID_ROW; starting_index: INTEGER; look_right, a_is_tab_navigatable: BOOLEAN): detachable EV_GRID_ITEM -- Find the next item horizontally in `grid_row' starting at index `starting_index', if 'look_right' then the the item to the right is found, else it looks to the left. -- If `a_is_tab_navigatable' then Result must have 'is_tab_navigatable' set. -- Result is Void if no item is found. require grid_row_not_void: grid_row /= Void starting_index_valid: starting_index > 0 and then starting_index <= grid_row.count local item_offset: INTEGER item_index: INTEGER last_index: INTEGER l_dynamic_content_function: like dynamic_content_function do if look_right then item_offset := 1 last_index := grid_row.count + 1 else item_offset := -1 last_index := 0 end if is_content_partially_dynamic then l_dynamic_content_function := dynamic_content_function end from item_index := starting_index + item_offset until Result /= Void or else item_index = last_index loop Result := grid_row.item (item_index) if Result = Void and then l_dynamic_content_function /= Void then check is_content_partially_dynamic: is_content_partially_dynamic end Result := l_dynamic_content_function.item ([item_index, grid_row.index]) -- We now check that the set item is the same as the one returned. If you both -- set an item and return a different item from the dynamic function, this is invalid -- so the following check prevents this: check item_set_implies_set_item_is_returned_item: item (item_index, grid_row.index) /= Void implies item (item_index, grid_row.index) = Result end if item_internal (item_index, grid_row.index) = Void then internal_set_item (item_index, grid_row.index, Result) end end if a_is_tab_navigatable and then Result /= Void and then not Result.is_tab_navigatable then -- If `is_tab_navigatable' then Result must also be 'is_tab_navigatable' Result := Void end -- Check to make sure that `Result' is navigatable to, if not then we continue to the next item. if Result /= Void and then not Result.column.is_show_requested then Result := Void end item_index := item_index + item_offset end end find_next_item_in_column (grid_column: EV_GRID_COLUMN; starting_index: INTEGER; look_down: BOOLEAN; look_left_right_if_void: BOOLEAN): detachable EV_GRID_ITEM -- Find the next item vertically in `grid_column' starting a index `starting_index' if 'look_down' then the the item below is found, else it looks above. -- If `look_left_right_if_void', if a Void item is found it will search along the current row starting to the left of `starting_index', then to the right if none found. -- Result is Void if no item is found. require column_not_void: grid_column /= Void starting_index_valid_lower: (starting_index >= 0 and then look_down) or (starting_index > 0) starting_index_valid_upper: starting_index <= grid_column.count local item_offset: INTEGER item_index: INTEGER last_index: INTEGER l_dynamic_content_function: like dynamic_content_function do if look_down then item_offset := 1 last_index := grid_column.count + 1 else item_offset := -1 last_index := 0 end if is_content_partially_dynamic then l_dynamic_content_function := dynamic_content_function end from item_index := starting_index + item_offset until Result /= Void or else item_index = last_index loop Result := grid_column.item (item_index) if Result = Void and then l_dynamic_content_function /= Void then check is_content_partially_dynamic: is_content_partially_dynamic end Result := l_dynamic_content_function.item ([grid_column.index, item_index]) -- We now check that the set item is the same as the one returned. If you both -- set an item and return a different item from the dynamic function, this is invalid -- so the following check prevents this: check item_set_implies_set_item_is_returned_item: item (grid_column.index, item_index) /= Void implies item (grid_column.index, item_index) = Result end if item_internal (grid_column.index, item_index) = Void then internal_set_item (grid_column.index, item_index, Result) end end if Result = Void and then look_left_right_if_void then -- There is no item in the column so we first look left, then right Result := find_next_item_in_row (row (item_index), grid_column.index, False, False) if Result = Void then Result := find_next_item_in_row (row (item_index), grid_column.index, True, False) end end if Result /= Void and then not is_item_navigatable_to (Result) then Result := Void end item_index := item_index + item_offset end end is_item_navigatable_to (a_item: EV_GRID_ITEM): BOOLEAN -- Is `a_item' currently navigatable via the keyboard? local l_parent_row_i: detachable EV_GRID_ROW_I do -- Only visible rows/columns may be navigated to. Result := a_item.row.height > 0 and then a_item.row.is_show_requested and then a_item.column.is_show_requested if Result and then is_tree_enabled then from l_parent_row_i := a_item.row.implementation.parent_row_i until l_parent_row_i = Void or else not Result loop if not l_parent_row_i.is_expanded or not l_parent_row_i.is_show_requested then Result := False end l_parent_row_i := l_parent_row_i.parent_row_i end end end shift_key_start_item: detachable EV_GRID_ITEM -- Item where initial selection began from. next_navigatable_activatable_item (a_starting_item: EV_GRID_ITEM; a_key: EV_KEY): EV_GRID_ITEM -- Return the next activatable item from `a_starting_item' for `a_key', if none is available then return `a_starting_item'. local l_look_left: BOOLEAN do l_look_left := (a_key.code = {EV_KEY_CONSTANTS}.key_tab and ev_application.shift_pressed) or a_key.code = {EV_KEY_CONSTANTS}.key_home Result := find_next_item (a_starting_item.row.index, a_starting_item.column.index, l_look_left, True) if not attached Result then Result := a_starting_item end end handle_newly_selected_item (a_item: detachable EV_GRID_ITEM; a_button: INTEGER; from_key_press: BOOLEAN) -- Handle selection for newly selected `a_item' as a result of pressing -- mouse button `a_button'. If no mouse button was pressed to trigger the -- change of selection, `a_button' should be 0. require a_item_valid: a_item = Void or else not a_item.is_destroyed a_button_non_negative: a_button >= 0 local start_row_index, end_row_index, start_column_index, end_column_index: INTEGER a_col_counter, a_row_counter: INTEGER current_item: detachable EV_GRID_ITEM_I l_remove_selection: BOOLEAN is_ctrl_pressed, is_shift_pressed: BOOLEAN l_index_of_first_item: INTEGER previous_selected_item_column_index, previous_selected_item_row_index: INTEGER shift_key_start_item_column_index, shift_key_start_item_row_index: INTEGER navigation_item_column_index, navigation_item_row_index: INTEGER selection_boundary_left, selection_boundary_right, selection_boundary_top, selection_boundary_bottom: INTEGER l_last_selected_item: like last_selected_item l_last_selected_row: like last_selected_row l_shift_key_start_item: like shift_key_start_item l_dynamic_content_function: like dynamic_content_function do is_ctrl_pressed := ev_application.ctrl_pressed is_shift_pressed := ev_application.shift_pressed l_last_selected_item := last_selected_item l_last_selected_row := last_selected_row l_shift_key_start_item := shift_key_start_item -- Clear up previous values in case they have been removed from the grid. if l_last_selected_item /= Void and then l_last_selected_item.parent_i /= Current then last_selected_item := Void l_last_selected_item := Void end if l_last_selected_row /= Void and then l_last_selected_row.parent_i /= Current then last_selected_row := Void l_last_selected_row := Void end if l_shift_key_start_item /= Void and then l_shift_key_start_item.implementation.parent_i /= Current then shift_key_start_item := Void l_shift_key_start_item := Void end if not (a_item = Void and is_always_selected) then -- If we are `is_item_always_selected' mode then clicking on Void items should have no effect l_remove_selection := True end if is_multiple_selection_enabled then if is_shift_pressed then -- Find the item to begin the Shift multiple selection from. if l_shift_key_start_item = Void then if l_last_selected_row /= Void then l_index_of_first_item := l_last_selected_row.index_of_first_item if l_index_of_first_item /= 0 then l_shift_key_start_item := l_last_selected_row.item (l_index_of_first_item) shift_key_start_item := l_shift_key_start_item end else if l_last_selected_item /= Void then l_shift_key_start_item := l_last_selected_item.interface shift_key_start_item := l_shift_key_start_item end end l_shift_key_start_item := shift_key_start_item if l_shift_key_start_item /= Void and then not l_shift_key_start_item.is_selected then -- If start of multiple Shift selection is not selected then we cancel the selection. shift_key_start_item := Void l_shift_key_start_item := Void end elseif l_shift_key_start_item.parent /= interface then -- The previous shift selection key has been removed from the grid so set existing one to Void. shift_key_start_item := Void l_shift_key_start_item := Void end -- Clear previous multiple selection if a_item /= Void and then l_shift_key_start_item /= Void then shift_key_start_item_column_index := l_shift_key_start_item.column.index shift_key_start_item_row_index := l_shift_key_start_item.row.index if l_last_selected_item /= Void then previous_selected_item_column_index := l_last_selected_item.column.index previous_selected_item_row_index := l_last_selected_item.row.index else previous_selected_item_column_index := shift_key_start_item_column_index previous_selected_item_row_index := shift_key_start_item_row_index end navigation_item_column_index := a_item.column.index navigation_item_row_index := a_item.row.index if is_content_partially_dynamic then l_dynamic_content_function := dynamic_content_function end from selection_boundary_left := shift_key_start_item_column_index.min (navigation_item_column_index) selection_boundary_right := shift_key_start_item_column_index.max (navigation_item_column_index) selection_boundary_top := shift_key_start_item_row_index.min (navigation_item_row_index) selection_boundary_bottom := shift_key_start_item_row_index.max (navigation_item_row_index) start_column_index := shift_key_start_item_column_index.min (previous_selected_item_column_index.min (navigation_item_column_index)) start_row_index := shift_key_start_item_row_index.min (previous_selected_item_row_index.min (navigation_item_row_index)) end_column_index := shift_key_start_item_column_index.max (previous_selected_item_column_index.max (navigation_item_column_index)) end_row_index := shift_key_start_item_row_index.max (previous_selected_item_row_index.max (navigation_item_row_index)) a_col_counter := start_column_index until a_col_counter > end_column_index loop from a_row_counter := start_row_index until a_row_counter > end_row_index loop current_item := item_internal (a_col_counter, a_row_counter) if current_item = Void and then l_dynamic_content_function /= Void then check is_content_partially_dynamic: is_content_partially_dynamic end current_item := l_dynamic_content_function (a_col_counter, a_row_counter).implementation -- We now check that the set item is the same as the one returned. If you both -- set an item and return a different item from the dynamic function, this is invalid -- so the following check prevents this: check item_set_implies_set_item_is_returned_item: item (a_col_counter, a_row_counter) /= Void implies item (a_col_counter, a_row_counter) = current_item.attached_interface end if item_internal (a_col_counter, a_row_counter) = Void then internal_set_item (a_col_counter, a_row_counter, current_item.attached_interface) end end if current_item /= Void then -- See if this item needs either selecting or deselecting by checking the bounds of the selection. if a_col_counter >= selection_boundary_left and then a_col_counter <= selection_boundary_right and then a_row_counter >= selection_boundary_top and then a_row_counter <= selection_boundary_bottom then if not current_item.is_selected and then is_item_navigatable_to (current_item.attached_interface) then -- The item must be user navigatable inorder to select it. current_item.enable_select end else if current_item.is_selected and then is_item_navigatable_to (current_item.attached_interface) then current_item.disable_select end end end a_row_counter := a_row_counter + 1 end a_col_counter := a_col_counter + 1 end last_selected_item := a_item.implementation end l_remove_selection := False elseif is_ctrl_pressed or else (a_button = 3 and then a_item /= Void and then a_item.is_selected) then -- If the ctrl key is pressed and we are in a multiple selection mode then we do nothing. shift_key_start_item := Void l_remove_selection := False else shift_key_start_item := Void end else shift_key_start_item := Void end if l_remove_selection and then (a_item = Void or (a_item /= Void and then not a_item.is_selected) or (not is_row_selection_enabled and then selected_items.count > 1) or (is_row_selection_enabled and then selected_rows.count > 1)) then remove_selection end if a_item /= Void then a_item.enable_select -- Reset the last selected item so that multiple selection works from previous position. if last_selected_row /= Void then last_selected_row := a_item.row.implementation end last_selected_item := a_item.implementation else last_selected_row := Void last_selected_item := Void end end key_press_string_received (a_keystring: STRING_32) -- Called by `key_press_string_actions' of `drawable'. local l_prev_sel_item: detachable EV_GRID_ITEM l_index_of_first_item: INTEGER do if not is_destroyed then -- Handle the selection events if is_row_selection_enabled then if attached last_selected_row as l_last_selected_row and then l_last_selected_row.parent_i /= Void then l_index_of_first_item := l_last_selected_row.index_of_first_item if l_index_of_first_item /= 0 then l_prev_sel_item := l_last_selected_row.item (l_index_of_first_item) end end elseif attached last_selected_item as l_last_selected_item and then l_last_selected_item.parent_i /= Void then l_prev_sel_item := l_last_selected_item.interface end if key_press_string_actions_internal /= Void and then not key_press_string_actions_internal.is_empty then ([a_keystring]) end -- Call key actions on items. if l_prev_sel_item /= Void and then attached l_prev_sel_item.implementation.key_press_string_actions_internal as l_actions then ([a_keystring]) end end end key_release_received (a_key: EV_KEY) -- Called by `key_release_actions' of `drawable'. local l_prev_sel_item: detachable EV_GRID_ITEM l_index_of_first_item: INTEGER do if not is_destroyed then -- Handle the selection events if is_row_selection_enabled then if attached last_selected_row as l_last_selected_row and then l_last_selected_row.parent_i /= Void then l_index_of_first_item := l_last_selected_row.index_of_first_item if l_index_of_first_item /= 0 then l_prev_sel_item := l_last_selected_row.item (l_index_of_first_item) end end elseif attached last_selected_item as l_last_selected_item and then l_last_selected_item.parent_i /= Void then l_prev_sel_item := l_last_selected_item.interface end if key_release_actions_internal /= Void and then not key_release_actions_internal.is_empty then ([a_key]) end -- Call key actions on items. if l_prev_sel_item /= Void and then attached l_prev_sel_item.implementation.key_release_actions_internal as l_actions then ([a_key]) end end end focus_in_received -- Called by `focus_in_actions' of `drawable'. local l_item: detachable EV_GRID_ITEM l_row_index, l_column_index: INTEGER l_look_left: BOOLEAN do enable_drawables_have_focus if is_item_tab_navigation_enabled and then row_count > 0 and column_count > 0 and then not is_row_selection_enabled and then application_implementation.tab_navigation_state /= {EV_APPLICATION_I}.tab_state_none then if application_implementation.tab_navigation_state = {EV_APPLICATION_I}.tab_state_from_previous then l_column_index := 1 l_row_index := 1 l_item := item (l_column_index, l_row_index) else l_column_index := column_count l_row_index := row_count l_look_left := True l_item := item (l_column_index, l_row_index) end if l_item = Void or else not l_item.is_tab_navigatable or else not l_item.is_displayed then l_item := find_next_item (l_row_index, l_column_index, l_look_left, True) end if l_item /= Void and then l_item.is_displayed then -- Make sure that a visible item is available before selecting. l_item.enable_select l_item.ensure_visible end end redraw_client_area if focus_in_actions_internal /= Void and then not focus_in_actions_internal.is_empty then end end focus_out_received -- Called by `focus_out_actions' of `drawable'. do if is_item_tab_navigation_enabled and then not is_row_selection_enabled and then not is_always_selected and then application_implementation.tab_navigation_state /= {EV_APPLICATION_I}.tab_state_none then remove_selection end disable_drawables_have_focus redraw_client_area if focus_out_actions_internal /= Void and then not focus_out_actions_internal.is_empty then (Void) end end mouse_wheel_received (a_value: INTEGER) -- Called by `mouse_wheel_actions' of `drawable'. do if mouse_wheel_actions_internal /= Void and then not mouse_wheel_actions_internal.is_empty then ([a_value]) end end feature {EV_GRID_ROW_I, EV_GRID_COLUMN_I, EV_GRID_DRAWER_I} -- Implementation add_row_at (a_index: INTEGER) -- Add a new row at index `a_index', replacing existing row -- if any. require i_positive: a_index > 0 local row_i, replaced_row: detachable EV_GRID_ROW_I a_row_data: SPECIAL [detachable EV_GRID_ITEM_I] do row_i := attached_interface.new_row.implementation create a_row_data.make_empty (0) if a_index > row_count then resize_row_lists (a_index) end rows.go_i_th (a_index) internal_row_data.go_i_th (a_index) -- Set grid of `grid_row' to `Current' row_i.set_parent_i (Current, row_counter) row_counter := row_counter + 1 internal_row_data.replace (a_row_data) replaced_row := rows.item if replaced_row /= Void then replaced_row.update_for_removal end rows.replace (row_i) row_i.set_index (a_index) set_vertical_computation_required (a_index) end insert_rows_at (rows_to_insert, a_index: INTEGER) -- Insert `rows_to_insert' rows at index `a_index'. require i_positive: a_index > 0 local row_i: detachable EV_GRID_ROW_I old_count: INTEGER i, j: INTEGER l_internal_row_data: like internal_row_data l_attached_interface: like attached_interface do l_internal_row_data := internal_row_data old_count := l_internal_row_data.count resize_row_lists ((l_internal_row_data.count).max (a_index - 1) + rows_to_insert) l_internal_row_data.area.move_data (a_index - 1, a_index - 1 + rows_to_insert, old_count - a_index + 1) rows.area.move_data (a_index - 1, a_index - 1 + rows_to_insert, old_count - a_index + 1) from l_attached_interface := attached_interface i := 1 j := a_index - 1 until i > rows_to_insert loop l_internal_row_data.put_i_th (create {SPECIAL [detachable EV_GRID_ITEM_I]}.make_empty (0), i + j) row_i := l_attached_interface.new_row.implementation row_i.set_parent_i (Current, row_counter) row_counter := row_counter + 1 rows.put_i_th (row_i, i + j) i := i + 1 end -- Update the index of `row_i' and subsequent rows in `rows' update_grid_row_indices (a_index) set_vertical_computation_required (a_index) -- Redraw if inserting within static content or else if content is dynamic. if a_index <= old_count or else is_content_partially_dynamic then redraw_client_area end end row_internal (a_row: INTEGER): EV_GRID_ROW_I -- Row `a_row', creates a new one if it doesn't exist. require a_row_positive: a_row > 0 local temp_rows: like rows do temp_rows := rows if a_row <= temp_rows.count then Result := temp_rows [a_row] end if Result = Void then add_row_at (a_row) Result := temp_rows [a_row] end check Result /= Void then end ensure row_not_void: Result /= Void end column_internal (a_column: INTEGER): EV_GRID_COLUMN_I -- Column `a_column'. require a_column_positive: a_column > 0 do Result := columns [a_column] check Result /= Void then end ensure column_not_void: Result /= Void end feature -- Implementation key_press_received (a_key: EV_KEY) -- Called by `key_press_actions' of `drawable'. local l_prev_sel_item, a_sel_item: detachable EV_GRID_ITEM a_sel_row: detachable EV_GRID_ROW items_spanning_horz, items_spanning_vert: ARRAYED_LIST [INTEGER] l_index_of_first_item: INTEGER l_previously_expanded, l_expansion_status_changed: BOOLEAN l_make_item_visible: BOOLEAN l_key_code: INTEGER do if not is_destroyed and then (row_count > 0 and column_count > 0) then -- Handle the selection events for non empty grids if is_row_selection_enabled then if attached last_selected_row as l_last_selected_row and then l_last_selected_row.parent_i /= Void then l_index_of_first_item := l_last_selected_row.index_of_first_item if l_index_of_first_item /= 0 then l_prev_sel_item := l_last_selected_row.item (l_index_of_first_item) end end elseif attached last_selected_item as l_last_selected_item and then l_last_selected_item.parent_i /= Void then l_prev_sel_item := l_last_selected_item.interface end if l_prev_sel_item /= Void then l_previously_expanded := l_prev_sel_item.row.is_expanded end if is_selection_keyboard_handling_enabled and then (attached default_key_processing_handler as l_handler implies l_handler.item ([a_key])) then l_key_code := a_key.code -- Call key actions. if key_press_actions_internal /= Void and then not key_press_actions_internal.is_empty then ([a_key]) end -- Call key actions on items. if l_prev_sel_item /= Void and then attached l_prev_sel_item.implementation.key_press_actions_internal as l_actions then (a_key) end -- Check to see if column navigation should be ignored if selected row expansion status has changed during the key actions. if l_prev_sel_item /= Void and then not l_prev_sel_item.is_destroyed and then l_prev_sel_item.is_parented then if l_previously_expanded then l_expansion_status_changed := not l_prev_sel_item.row.is_expanded else l_expansion_status_changed := l_prev_sel_item.row.is_expanded end else l_prev_sel_item := Void end -- We always want to find an item above or below for row selection if not l_expansion_status_changed and then attached l_prev_sel_item then a_sel_row := l_prev_sel_item.row inspect l_key_code when {EV_KEY_CONSTANTS}.Key_down then a_sel_item := find_next_item_in_column (l_prev_sel_item.column, l_prev_sel_item.row.index, True, is_row_selection_enabled or else ((a_sel_row.subrow_count > 0 or else a_sel_row.parent_row /= Void) and then a_sel_row.index_of_first_item = l_prev_sel_item.column.index)) l_make_item_visible := is_vertical_scroll_bar_show_requested and then internal_vertical_scroll_bar.is_displayed when {EV_KEY_CONSTANTS}.Key_up then a_sel_item := find_next_item_in_column (l_prev_sel_item.column, l_prev_sel_item.row.index, False, is_row_selection_enabled or else ((a_sel_row.subrow_count > 0 or else a_sel_row.parent_row /= Void) and then a_sel_row.index_of_first_item = l_prev_sel_item.column.index)) l_make_item_visible := is_vertical_scroll_bar_show_requested and then internal_vertical_scroll_bar.is_displayed when {EV_KEY_CONSTANTS}.Key_right then l_make_item_visible := is_horizontal_scroll_bar_show_requested and then internal_horizontal_scroll_bar.is_displayed if not is_row_selection_enabled then -- Key right shouldn't affect row selection if not is_item_navigatable_to (l_prev_sel_item) then a_sel_item := find_next_item_in_column (l_prev_sel_item.column, l_prev_sel_item.row.index, False, True) else a_sel_item := find_next_item_in_row (l_prev_sel_item.row, l_prev_sel_item.column.index, True, False) if a_sel_item = Void and then is_tree_enabled and then -- We may have a tree item so we should perform tree key handling -- If node is collapsed then we expand it. l_prev_sel_item.row.subrow_count > 0 then -- We have a subrow(s) so we select the first one if expanded if not l_prev_sel_item.row.is_expanded then l_prev_sel_item.row.expand else a_sel_item := find_next_item_in_row (l_prev_sel_item.row.subrow (1), l_prev_sel_item.column.index - 1, True, False) end end end elseif l_make_item_visible then items_spanning_horz := drawer.items_spanning_horizontal_span (virtual_x_position + width, 0) if not items_spanning_horz.is_empty and then attached (columns @ (items_spanning_horz @ 1)) as l_column_i then l_column_i.ensure_visible end end when {EV_KEY_CONSTANTS}.key_back_space then if not is_row_selection_enabled and then is_tree_enabled and then is_item_navigatable_to (l_prev_sel_item) and then find_next_item_in_row (l_prev_sel_item.row, l_prev_sel_item.column.index, False, False) = Void and then attached l_prev_sel_item.row.parent_row as l_parent_row then a_sel_item := find_next_item_in_row (l_parent_row, l_prev_sel_item.column.index.min (l_parent_row.count) + 1, False, False) if a_sel_item /= Void then a_sel_item.ensure_visible end end when {EV_KEY_CONSTANTS}.Key_left then l_make_item_visible := internal_horizontal_scroll_bar.is_displayed if not is_row_selection_enabled then -- Key left shouldn't affect row selection if not is_item_navigatable_to (l_prev_sel_item) then a_sel_item := find_next_item_in_column (l_prev_sel_item.column, l_prev_sel_item.row.index, False, True) else a_sel_item := find_next_item_in_row (l_prev_sel_item.row, l_prev_sel_item.column.index, False, False) if a_sel_item = Void then if is_tree_enabled then -- We may have a tree item so we should perform tree key handling -- If node is expanded then we collapse it. if l_prev_sel_item.row.is_expanded then l_prev_sel_item.row.collapse else if attached l_prev_sel_item.row.parent_row as l_parent_row then a_sel_item := find_next_item_in_row (l_parent_row, l_prev_sel_item.column.index.min (l_parent_row.count) + 1, False, False) if a_sel_item /= Void then a_sel_item.ensure_visible end end end end else a_sel_item.ensure_visible end end elseif l_make_item_visible then -- If the row has children then if virtual_x_position > 0 then items_spanning_vert := drawer.items_spanning_horizontal_span (virtual_x_position - 1, 0) if not items_spanning_vert.is_empty and then attached (columns @ (items_spanning_vert @ 1)) as l_column_i then l_column_i.ensure_visible end end end when {EV_KEY_CONSTANTS}.Key_tab, {EV_KEY_CONSTANTS}.Key_home, {EV_KEY_CONSTANTS}.Key_end then if not application_implementation.ctrl_pressed and then (column_count >= 1 and not is_row_selection_enabled) and then (column_count = 1 implies l_key_code = {EV_KEY_CONSTANTS}.Key_tab) and then -- Home / End handling for multi-column grids is handled further down. is_item_tab_navigation_enabled -- Handle navigation for grid with item tab navigation. then -- We need to handle tab, home and end navigation correctly. a_sel_item := find_next_item (l_prev_sel_item.row.index, l_prev_sel_item.column.index, (a_key.code = {EV_KEY_CONSTANTS}.key_tab and ev_application.shift_pressed) or a_key.code = {EV_KEY_CONSTANTS}.key_home, True) if a_sel_item = l_prev_sel_item then -- If the same item is returned then there no selection can take place. a_sel_item := Void end l_make_item_visible := internal_horizontal_scroll_bar.is_displayed or else internal_vertical_scroll_bar.is_displayed end else -- Do nothing end elseif l_key_code = {EV_KEY_CONSTANTS}.Key_down then l_make_item_visible := internal_vertical_scroll_bar.is_displayed if column_count >= 1 then a_sel_item := find_next_item_in_column (column (1), 0, True, True) end end -- Home / End navigation handling if column_count = 1 or is_row_selection_enabled or application_implementation.ctrl_pressed then -- Page Up / Down inspect l_key_code when {EV_KEY_CONSTANTS}.key_home then set_virtual_position (0, 0) when {EV_KEY_CONSTANTS}.key_end then set_virtual_position (maximum_virtual_x_position, maximum_virtual_y_position) else -- Do nothing end end inspect l_key_code when {EV_KEY_CONSTANTS}.key_page_up then if application_implementation.ctrl_pressed then set_virtual_position (virtual_x_position, 0) else items_spanning_vert := drawer.items_spanning_vertical_span ((virtual_y_position - viewable_height + 1).max (0), 0) if items_spanning_vert.count > 0 and then attached row (items_spanning_vert.first) as l_row then set_virtual_position (virtual_x_position, l_row.virtual_y_position) end end when {EV_KEY_CONSTANTS}.key_page_down then if application_implementation.ctrl_pressed then set_virtual_position (virtual_x_position, maximum_virtual_y_position) else items_spanning_vert := drawer.items_spanning_vertical_span (virtual_y_position + viewable_height + 1, viewable_height) if items_spanning_vert.count > 0 and then attached row (items_spanning_vert.last) as l_row then set_virtual_position (virtual_x_position, (l_row.virtual_y_position - viewable_height + l_row.height).max (0)) end end else -- Do nothing end if a_sel_item /= Void and then not ev_application.alt_pressed then -- 'Alt' should have no effect on selection handling. if a_sel_item.is_selected and then attached last_selected_item as l_last_selected_item and then not ev_application.shift_pressed and then l_last_selected_item /= a_sel_item.implementation then l_last_selected_item.disable_select end handle_newly_selected_item (a_sel_item, 0, True) if a_sel_item /= currently_active_item and then l_make_item_visible then -- We don't want to scroll the grid if an item is being activated. if is_row_selection_enabled then a_sel_item.row.ensure_visible else -- We must be careful to only scroll the grid in a single direction if the column -- or row of an item is locked if a_sel_item.row.is_locked and then attached a_sel_item.column.implementation.locked_column as l_locked_column and then attached a_sel_item.row.implementation.locked_row as l_locked_row then if a_sel_item.column.is_locked and then l_locked_column.locked_index > l_locked_row.locked_index then a_sel_item.row.ensure_visible else a_sel_item.column.ensure_visible end elseif a_sel_item.column.is_locked and then attached a_sel_item.column.implementation.locked_column as l_locked_column and then attached a_sel_item.row.implementation.locked_row as l_locked_row then if a_sel_item.row.is_locked and l_locked_row.locked_index > l_locked_column.locked_index then a_sel_item.column.ensure_visible else a_sel_item.row.ensure_visible end else -- Here, the column or row is not locked, so scroll in both directions a_sel_item.ensure_visible end end end if is_row_selection_enabled then last_selected_row := a_sel_item.row.implementation end last_selected_item := a_sel_item.implementation end else if key_press_actions_internal /= Void and then not key_press_actions_internal.is_empty then ([a_key]) end -- Call key actions on items. if l_prev_sel_item /= Void and then attached l_prev_sel_item.implementation.key_press_actions_internal as l_actions then ([a_key]) end end end end feature {NONE} -- Implementation add_column_at (a_index: INTEGER; replace_existing_item: BOOLEAN) -- Add a new column at index `a_index'. -- If `replace_existing_item' then replace value at `a_index', else insert at `a_index'. require i_positive: a_index > 0 local a_column_i, replaced_column: detachable EV_GRID_COLUMN_I do if interface /= Void then a_column_i := attached_interface.new_column.implementation else a_column_i := (create {EV_GRID_COLUMN}).implementation end if a_index > columns.count then if replace_existing_item then columns.resize (a_index) else -- Resize to new count minus 1 as we are inserting a new item, when item is inserted then count will be increased columns.resize (a_index - 1) end end -- Set column's internal data a_column_i.set_physical_index (physical_column_count) physical_column_count := physical_column_count + 1 a_column_i.set_parent_i (Current) columns.go_i_th (a_index) if replace_existing_item then replaced_column := columns.item if replaced_column /= Void then replaced_column.update_for_removal end columns.replace (a_column_i) a_column_i.set_index (a_index) else columns.put_left (a_column_i) update_grid_column_indices (a_index) end -- Flag `physical_column_indexes' for recalculation physical_column_indexes_dirty := True update_index_of_first_item_dirty_row_flags (a_index) show_column (a_index) header_item_resize_ended (header.last) ensure column_count_set: (a_index < old column_count implies (column_count = old column_count + 1)) or column_count = a_index end update_index_of_first_item_dirty_row_flags (a_index: INTEGER) -- Update the `index_of_first_item_dirty' flags for each row in the list. require a_index_valid: a_index > 0 and then a_index <= column_count + 1 local i: INTEGER a_row_count: INTEGER row_i: detachable EV_GRID_ROW_I do from i := 1 a_row_count := row_count until i > a_row_count loop row_i := rows @ i if row_i /= Void then row_i.flag_index_of_first_item_dirty_if_needed (a_index) end i := i + 1 end end update_grid_row_indices (a_index: INTEGER) -- Recalculate subsequent row indexes starting from `a_index'. require valid_index: a_index > 0 and then a_index <= row_count + 1 local i, a_row_count: INTEGER row_i: detachable EV_GRID_ROW_I temp_rows: like rows do -- Set subsequent indexes to their new values temp_rows := rows from i := a_index a_row_count := temp_rows.count until i > a_row_count loop row_i := temp_rows @ i if row_i /= Void then row_i.set_index (i) end i := i + 1 end end update_grid_column_indices (a_index: INTEGER) -- Recalculate subsequent column indexes starting from `a_index'. require valid_index: a_index > 0 and then a_index <= column_count + 1 local i, a_column_count: INTEGER column_i: detachable EV_GRID_COLUMN_I temp_columns: like columns do -- Set subsequent indexes to their new values temp_columns := columns from i := a_index a_column_count := temp_columns.count until i > a_column_count loop column_i := temp_columns @ i if column_i /= Void then column_i.set_index (i) end i := i + 1 end end resize_row_lists (new_count: INTEGER) -- Resize the row lists so count equals `new_count'. require valid_new_count: new_count >= 0 do internal_row_data.resize (new_count) rows.resize (new_count) ensure rows_count_resized: rows.count = new_count internal_row_data_count_resized: internal_row_data.count = new_count counts_equal: rows.count = internal_row_data.count end maximum_header_width: INTEGER = 30000 -- Maximium width of `header'. default_scroll_bar_leap: INTEGER = 16 default_scroll_bar_step: INTEGER = 1 -- Default scrolling values for scrollbars. enlarge_row (a_index, new_count: INTEGER) -- Enlarge the row at index `a_index' to `new_count'. require row_exists: attached (internal_row_data @ (a_index)) as l_row row_can_expand: l_row.count < new_count local a_row: detachable SPECIAL [detachable EV_GRID_ITEM_I] do a_row := internal_row_data @ a_index check a_row /= Void then end a_row := a_row.aliased_resized_area_with_default (Void, new_count) internal_row_data.put_i_th (a_row, a_index) end physical_column_indexes_dirty: BOOLEAN -- Does `physical_column_indexes' need recalculating? physical_column_indexes_internal: SPECIAL [INTEGER] -- Internal storage for `physical_column_indexes' to avoid unnecessary recalculation on each query. default_row_height: INTEGER -- Default height of a row, based on the height of the default font. once Result := (create {EV_FONT}).line_height.max (18) -- Make sure that the default row height is large enough to display a 16 pixel high icon with 2 pixel spacing (18) ensure result_positive: Result > 0 end reset_internal_grid_attributes -- Set all temporary attributes used internally by the -- grid to `Void' if they are no longer contained in the grid. -- This prevents memory leaks as otherwise references may be kept -- to objects no longer in the grid. do if attached last_selected_item as l_last_selected_item and then l_last_selected_item.parent_i = Void then last_selected_item := Void end if attached last_selected_row as l_last_selected_row and then l_last_selected_row.parent_i = Void then last_selected_row := Void end if attached shift_key_start_item as l_shift_key_start_item and then l_shift_key_start_item.parent = Void then shift_key_start_item := Void end if attached last_pointed_item as l_last_pointed_item and then l_last_pointed_item.parent_i = Void then last_pointed_item := Void end end internal_tooltip: detachable like tooltip -- Storage for tooltip. internal_vertical_scroll_bar: EV_VERTICAL_SCROLL_BAR -- Storage for `vertical_scroll_bar'. internal_horizontal_scroll_bar: EV_HORIZONTAL_SCROLL_BAR -- Storage for `horizontal_scroll_bar'. feature {EV_GRID_ROW_I, EV_GRID_ITEM_I} -- Implementation internal_selected_rows: HASH_TABLE [EV_GRID_ROW, EV_GRID_ROW_I] -- Hash table of selected rows. internal_selected_items: HASH_TABLE [EV_GRID_ITEM, EV_GRID_ITEM_I] -- Hash table of selected items. feature {EV_GRID_ROW_I} -- Implementation add_row_to_selected_rows (a_row: EV_GRID_ROW_I) -- Add `a_row' to `internal_selected_rows'. require a_row_not_void: a_row /= Void not_has_a_row: not internal_selected_rows.has (a_row) row_selected: a_row.internal_is_selected do internal_selected_rows.put (a_row.attached_interface, a_row) last_selected_row := a_row ensure row_added: internal_selected_rows.has (a_row) end last_selected_row: detachable EV_GRID_ROW_I -- Row that was selected previously. remove_row_from_selected_rows (a_row: EV_GRID_ROW_I) -- Remove`a_row' from `internal_selected_rows'. require a_row_not_void: a_row /= Void has_a_row: internal_selected_rows.has (a_row) row_deselected: not a_row.internal_is_selected do internal_selected_rows.remove (a_row) if a_row = last_selected_row then last_selected_row := Void end ensure row_removed: not internal_selected_rows.has (a_row) end feature {EV_GRID_ITEM_I} -- Implementation add_item_to_selected_items (a_item: EV_GRID_ITEM_I) -- Add `a_item' to `internal_selected_items'. require a_item_not_void: a_item /= Void not_has_a_item: not internal_selected_items.has (a_item) item_selected: a_item.internal_is_selected do internal_selected_items.put (a_item.attached_interface, a_item) last_selected_item := a_item ensure item_added: internal_selected_items.has (a_item) end last_selected_item: detachable EV_GRID_ITEM_I -- Item that was previously selected by the user, used from Ctrl-Shift selection handling. remove_item_from_selected_items (a_item: EV_GRID_ITEM_I) -- Remove `a_item' from `internal_selected_items'. require a_item_not_void: a_item /= Void has_a_item: internal_selected_items.has (a_item) item_deselected: not a_item.internal_is_selected do internal_selected_items.remove (a_item) if a_item = last_selected_item then last_selected_item := Void end ensure item_removed: not internal_selected_items.has (a_item) end string_size (s: READABLE_STRING_GENERAL; f: EV_FONT; tuple: TUPLE [INTEGER, INTEGER]) -- `Result' contains width and height required to -- fully display string `s' in font `f'. -- This should be used instead of `string_size' from EV_FONT -- as we can perform an optimized implementation which does -- not include the horizontal overhang or underhang. This can -- make quite a difference on certain platforms. require s_not_void: s /= Void f_not_void: f /= Void deferred end feature {EV_GRID_ROW_I, EV_GRID_COLUMN_I, EV_GRID_ITEM_I, EV_GRID_DRAWER_I} -- Implementation internal_set_item (a_column, a_row: INTEGER; a_item: detachable EV_GRID_ITEM) -- Set grid item at position (`a_column', `a_row') to `a_item'. -- If `a_item' is `Void', the current item (if any) is removed. local a_grid_col_i: detachable EV_GRID_COLUMN_I a_grid_row_i: detachable EV_GRID_ROW_I a_row_data: detachable SPECIAL [detachable EV_GRID_ITEM_I] a_existing_item: detachable EV_GRID_ITEM_I column_physical_index: INTEGER item_implementation: detachable EV_GRID_ITEM_I grid_row_parent_i: detachable EV_GRID_ROW_I l_call_col_deselection_actions, l_call_row_deselection_actions: BOOLEAN do if a_column > columns.count then -- Create new columns needed. set_column_count_to (a_column) end a_grid_col_i := columns [a_column] check a_grid_col_i /= Void then end column_physical_index := a_grid_col_i.physical_index if a_row > row_count then -- Create new rows needed. set_row_count_to (a_row) end a_grid_row_i := row_internal (a_row) a_row_data := internal_row_data [a_row] check a_row_data /= Void then end if a_row_data.count < column_physical_index + 1 then enlarge_row (a_row, column_physical_index + 1) else -- There is an item already present, if non void then mark it as removed from grid a_existing_item := a_row_data [column_physical_index] if a_existing_item /= Void then redraw_item (a_existing_item) a_existing_item.disable_select_internal a_existing_item.update_for_removal else -- A row or column may have been deselected, so events must be fired if deselection occurs. if (column_deselect_actions_internal /= Void and then not column_deselect_actions_internal.is_empty) or else (a_grid_col_i.deselect_actions_internal /= Void and then not a_grid_col_i.deselect_actions.is_empty) then l_call_col_deselection_actions := a_grid_col_i.is_selected end if (row_deselect_actions_internal /= Void and then not row_deselect_actions_internal.is_empty) or else (a_grid_row_i.deselect_actions_internal /= Void and then not a_grid_row_i.deselect_actions.is_empty) then l_call_row_deselection_actions := not is_row_selection_enabled and then a_grid_row_i.is_selected end end end if a_item /= Void then item_implementation := a_item.implementation item_implementation.set_parents (Current, a_grid_col_i, a_grid_row_i, item_counter) -- Increase item counter item_counter := item_counter + 1 a_row_data := internal_row_data.i_th (a_row) check a_row_data /= Void then end a_row_data.put (item_implementation, column_physical_index) a_grid_row_i.flag_index_of_first_item_dirty_if_needed (a_column) grid_row_parent_i := a_grid_row_i.parent_row_i if grid_row_parent_i /= Void then -- The row in which we are setting an item is already a subrow of another -- row, so we must update the internal settings for the tree. a_grid_row_i.update_depths_in_tree end if l_call_col_deselection_actions then -- Make sure that the column and row deselection events are called. a_grid_col_i.call_selection_events (False) end if l_call_row_deselection_actions then if a_grid_row_i.deselect_actions_internal /= Void and then not a_grid_row_i.deselect_actions.is_empty then (Void) end if row_deselect_actions_internal /= Void and then not row_deselect_actions.is_empty then ([a_grid_row_i.attached_interface]) end end redraw_item (item_implementation) else -- Set `last_pointed_item' to `Void' if it is being removed from `Current' -- to prevent memory leaks. if last_pointed_item /= Void and then last_pointed_item = item_internal (a_column, a_row) then last_pointed_item := Void end a_row_data := internal_row_data.i_th (a_row) check a_row_data /= Void then end a_row_data.put (Void, column_physical_index) a_grid_row_i.flag_index_of_first_item_dirty_if_needed (a_column) -- Update the row for the removal. a_grid_row_i.update_for_item_removal (a_column) end fixme (Once "EV_GRID_I.internal_set_item Adding or removing items may require the complete row to be redrawn if the row is a subrow.") end item_counter: INTEGER -- Item counter used to identify individual items for hashing. row_counter: INTEGER -- Row counter used to identify individual rows for hashing. item_internal (a_column: INTEGER; a_row: INTEGER): detachable EV_GRID_ITEM_I -- Cell at `a_row' and `a_column' position. require a_row_positive: a_row > 0 a_row_less_than_row_count: a_row <= row_count a_column_positive: a_column > 0 a_column_less_than_column_count: a_column <= column_count local grid_row_i: detachable EV_GRID_ROW_I row_data: detachable SPECIAL [detachable EV_GRID_ITEM_I] a_grid_column_i: detachable EV_GRID_COLUMN_I col_index: INTEGER do -- Retrieve column from grid a_grid_column_i := columns [a_column] check a_grid_column_i /= Void then end col_index := a_grid_column_i.physical_index -- Retrieve row to ensure that the row exists. grid_row_i := row_internal (a_row) -- Gain access to the internal row data -- for retrieval of item. row_data := internal_row_data [a_row] check row_data /= Void then end -- `row_data' may not have a count less than -- `column_count' if items are Void in this row. if col_index < row_data.count then Result := row_data [col_index] end end uses_row_offsets: BOOLEAN -- Does `Current' rely on `row_offsets' to calculate the current position of a row? -- If not, then it is possible to calculate a rows' position based on the row heights -- and it's index. `row_offsets' are only required when variable row heights, tree functionality or -- hidden nodes are enabled in the grid. do Result := not is_row_height_fixed or is_tree_enabled or non_displayed_row_count > 0 end non_displayed_row_count: INTEGER -- Number of rows hidden in `Current'. Note that this is simply those that are flagged -- as not `is_show_requested'. The actual visibility which is also based on expanded tree -- information has no effect on this value. Use `computed_visible_row_count' to determine -- the true number of rows that are actually displayed. adjust_non_displayed_row_count (an_adjustment: INTEGER) -- Adjust `non_displayed_row_count' by `an_adjustment'. require valid_adjustment: non_displayed_row_count + an_adjustment >= 0 do non_displayed_row_count := non_displayed_row_count + an_adjustment ensure non_displayed_row_count_adjusted: non_displayed_row_count = old non_displayed_row_count + an_adjustment non_displayed_row_count_not_negative: non_displayed_row_count >= 0 end feature {EV_ANY, EV_ANY_I} -- Implementation interface: detachable EV_GRID note option: stable attribute end -- Provides a common user interface to possibly dependent -- functionality implemented by `Current'. invariant drawer_not_void: is_initialized implies drawer /= Void drawable_not_void: is_initialized implies drawable /= Void header_positioned_corrently: is_initialized implies header_viewport.x_offset >= 0 and header_viewport.y_offset = 0 internal_client_y_valid_while_vertical_scrollbar_hidden: is_initialized and then is_vertical_scroll_bar_show_requested and then not internal_vertical_scroll_bar.is_show_requested implies internal_client_y = 0 internal_client_y_valid_while_vertical_scrollbar_shown: is_initialized and then internal_vertical_scroll_bar.is_show_requested implies internal_client_y >= 0 internal_client_x_valid_while_horizontal_scrollbar_hidden: is_initialized and then is_horizontal_scroll_bar_show_requested and then not internal_horizontal_scroll_bar.is_show_requested implies internal_client_x = 0 internal_client_x_valid_while_horizontal_scrollbar_shown: is_initialized and then internal_horizontal_scroll_bar.is_show_requested implies internal_client_x >= 0 row_heights_fixed_implies_row_offsets_void: is_initialized and then not uses_row_offsets implies row_offsets = Void row_lists_count_equal: is_initialized implies internal_row_data.count = rows.count displayed_column_count_not_greater_than_column_count: is_initialized implies displayed_column_count <= column_count computed_visible_row_count_equals_row_when_not_users_row_offsets: is_initialized and then not uses_row_offsets implies visible_row_count = row_count computed_visible_row_count_no_greater_than_rows: is_initialized implies visible_row_count <= row_count tree_disabled_implies_visible_rows_equal_hidden_rows: (is_initialized and then not is_tree_enabled and not vertical_computation_required) implies row_count - non_displayed_row_count = visible_row_count internal_viewport_positions_equal_to_viewports: is_initialized implies (viewport.x_offset = viewport_x_offset and viewport.y_offset = viewport_y_offset) tree_node_connector_color_not_void: is_initialized implies tree_node_connector_color /= Void note copyright: "Copyright (c) 1984-2019, Eiffel Software and others" license: "Eiffel Forum License v2 (see" source: "[ Eiffel Software 5949 Hollister Ave., Goleta, CA 93117 USA Telephone 805-685-1006, Fax 805-685-6869 Website Customer support ]" end