Author: Emmanuel STAPF Date: "08/07/200" Sizing operation on Windows: ============================ There is a class EV_POS_INFO which stores all the positioning information about a EV_WIDGET: - x: horizontal position within parent - y: vertical position within parent - width - height - minimum_width - minimum_height - is_user_min_width_set - is_user_min_height_set This information is always valid and always in sync with the information given by WEL. A current limitation is that windows will always appear at position (0,0). We will try to remove this latter on. In EV_SIZEABLE_IMP you will find all features that update the `child_cell' field of type EV_POS_INFO such as: - ev_set_minimum_size - ev_set_minimum_width - ev_set_minimum_height - ev_move - ev_apply_new_size - ev_move_and_resize - ev_resize You can access the size information through: - minimum_width - minimum_height - width - height